Last indexation completed on 2024-07-21 05:20:54 UTC

  Name Size Date (UTC) Last indexed Description
  Name Size Date (UTC) Last indexed Description
folder Parent directory - 2024-02-11 02:07:50  
folder activities/ - 2024-02-11 01:40:16  
folder afc/ - 2024-02-11 01:40:16  
folder archive/ - 2024-02-11 01:40:16  
folder cmake/ - 2024-02-11 01:40:16  
folder doc/ - 2024-02-11 01:40:16  
folder docfilter/ - 2024-02-11 01:40:16  
folder filenamesearch/ - 2024-02-11 01:40:16  
folder filter/ - 2024-02-11 01:40:16  
folder fish/ - 2024-02-11 01:40:16

Overview of kio_fish
FISH is a protocol to get filesystem access without special server software, only using a remote shell. (Hence the name: FIles transferred over SHell protocol). It was first devised by Pavel Machek <">> and implemented as a Midnight Commander vfs module in 1998.


folder info/ - 2024-02-11 01:40:16  
folder kcms/ - 2024-02-11 01:40:16  
folder kfileaudiopreview/ - 2024-02-11 01:40:16

KFileAudioPreview is a plugin for the KFileMetaPreview class in KIO to allow audio files to be previewed in places like the file open dialog.

folder LICENSES/ - 2024-02-11 01:40:16  
folder man/ - 2024-02-11 01:40:16  
folder mtp/ - 2024-02-11 01:40:16

kio-mtp: KIO worker to access MTP devices
This KIO worker enables KDE applications to access files stored on devices that provide access to them via the MTP protocol.


folder nfs/ - 2024-02-11 01:40:16

README for the NFS ioslave
This ioslave provides read and write access to exported filesystems on NFS servers. Any KDE file manager or application that uses KIO can access them using an URL of the form
The server name is required.


folder recentlyused/ - 2024-02-11 01:40:16  
folder sftp/ - 2024-02-11 01:40:16  
folder smb/ - 2024-02-11 01:40:16  
folder smoketest/ - 2024-02-11 01:40:16  
folder thumbnail/ - 2024-02-11 01:40:16  
file CMakeLists.txt 7008 bytes 2024-02-11 01:40:16 -  
file config-runtime.h.cmake 266 bytes 2024-02-11 01:40:16 -  
file DEBUG.howto 124 bytes 2024-02-11 01:40:16 -  
file DESIGN 1295 bytes 2024-02-11 01:40:16 -