File indexing completed on 2024-05-05 10:11:15

0001 /**
0002  * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: (C) 2003 Sébastien Laoût <>
0003  *
0004  * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0005  */
0007 #ifndef NOTEEDIT_H
0008 #define NOTEEDIT_H
0010 #include <QClipboard>
0011 #include <QDialog>
0012 #include <QLineEdit>
0014 #include "notecontent.h"
0016 class QGraphicsProxyWidget;
0017 class QWidget;
0018 class QPushButton;
0019 class QKeyEvent;
0020 class QFontComboBox;
0021 class QTextCharFormat;
0022 class QAction;
0024 class KIconButton;
0025 class KUrlRequester;
0026 class KTextEdit;
0027 class KToggleAction;
0028 class KToolBar;
0029 class KActionCollection;
0030 class KComboBox;
0031 class KColorCombo;
0033 class FontSizeCombo;
0034 class Note;
0035 class RunCommandRequester;
0036 class FocusWidgetFilter;
0037 class BasketListViewItem;
0039 /** The base class for every note editor.
0040  * Scenario:
0041  *  The Basket class calls NoteEditor::editNoteContent() with the NoteContent to edit.
0042  *  This method create the good child NoteEditor depending
0043  *  on the note content type and return it to the Basket.
0044  *  This custom NoteEditor have two choices regarding what to do in its constructor:
0045  *   - Display a dialog and then call cancel() if the user canceled the dialog;
0046  *   - Create an inline editor and call setInlineEditor() with that editor as parameter.
0047  *     When the user exit the edition, validate() is called by the Basket.
0048  *     You should then call setEmpty() is the user cleared the content.
0049  *  The custom editor SHOULD call the NoteEditor constructor.
0050  *  If the user cleared the content OR if the user canceled the dialog whereas he/she
0051  *  JUST ADDED the note, then the note will be deleted by the Basket.
0052  */
0053 class NoteEditor : public QObject
0054 {
0055     Q_OBJECT
0056 public:
0057     explicit NoteEditor(NoteContent *noteContent);
0058     ~NoteEditor() override;
0060     bool isEmpty()
0061     {
0062         return m_isEmpty;
0063     }
0064     bool canceled()
0065     {
0066         return m_canceled;
0067     }
0068     bool isInline()
0069     {
0070         return m_widget != nullptr;
0071     }
0072     QGraphicsProxyWidget *graphicsWidget()
0073     {
0074         return m_widget;
0075     }
0076     KTextEdit *textEdit()
0077     {
0078         return m_textEdit;
0079     }
0080     QLineEdit *lineEdit()
0081     {
0082         return m_lineEdit;
0083     }
0085     void setCursorTo(const QPointF &pos);
0086     void connectActions(BasketScene *scene);
0087     void startSelection(const QPointF &pos);
0088     void updateSelection(const QPointF &pos);
0089     void endSelection(const QPointF &pos);
0090     void paste(const QPointF &pos, QClipboard::Mode mode);
0092 private:
0093     bool m_isEmpty;
0094     bool m_canceled;
0095     QGraphicsProxyWidget *m_widget;
0096     KTextEdit *m_textEdit;
0097     QLineEdit *m_lineEdit;
0098     NoteContent *m_noteContent;
0100 public:
0101     NoteContent *noteContent()
0102     {
0103         return m_noteContent;
0104     }
0105     Note *note();
0107 protected:
0108     void setEmpty()
0109     {
0110         m_isEmpty = true;
0111     }
0112     void cancel()
0113     {
0114         m_canceled = true;
0115     }
0116     void setInlineEditor(QWidget *inlineEditor);
0118 public:
0119     virtual void validate()
0120     {
0121     }
0122     virtual void autoSave(bool /*toFileToo*/)
0123     {
0124     } // Same as validate(), but does not precede editor close and is triggered either while the editor widget changed size or after 3 seconds of inactivity.
0127     void askValidation();
0128     void mouseEnteredEditorWidget();
0130 public:
0131     static NoteEditor *editNoteContent(NoteContent *noteContent, QWidget *parent);
0132 };
0134 class TextEditor : public NoteEditor
0135 {
0136     Q_OBJECT
0137 public:
0138     TextEditor(TextContent *textContent, QWidget *parent);
0139     ~TextEditor() override;
0140     void validate() override;
0141     void autoSave(bool toFileToo) override;
0143 protected:
0144     TextContent *m_textContent;
0145 };
0147 class HtmlEditor : public NoteEditor
0148 {
0149     Q_OBJECT
0150 public:
0151     HtmlEditor(HtmlContent *htmlContent, QWidget *parent);
0152     ~HtmlEditor() override;
0153     void validate() override;
0154     void autoSave(bool toFileToo) override;
0156 protected:
0157     HtmlContent *m_htmlContent;
0158 public Q_SLOTS:
0159     void cursorPositionChanged();
0160     void editTextChanged();
0161     void charFormatChanged(const QTextCharFormat &format);
0162 protected Q_SLOTS:
0163     void setBold(bool isChecked);
0164     void setLeft();
0165     void setCentered();
0166     void setRight();
0167     void setBlock();
0168     void onFontSelectionChanged(const QFont &font); //!< When a font is selected from combo box
0169     void detectTags();
0170 };
0172 class ImageEditor : public NoteEditor
0173 {
0174     Q_OBJECT
0175 public:
0176     ImageEditor(ImageContent *imageContent, QWidget *parent);
0177 };
0179 class AnimationEditor : public NoteEditor
0180 {
0181     Q_OBJECT
0182 public:
0183     AnimationEditor(AnimationContent *animationContent, QWidget *parent);
0184 };
0186 class FileEditor : public NoteEditor
0187 {
0188     Q_OBJECT
0189 public:
0190     FileEditor(FileContent *fileContent, QWidget *parent);
0191     ~FileEditor() override;
0192     void validate() override;
0193     void autoSave(bool toFileToo) override;
0195 protected:
0196     FileContent *m_fileContent;
0197 };
0199 class LinkEditor : public NoteEditor
0200 {
0201     Q_OBJECT
0202 public:
0203     LinkEditor(LinkContent *linkContent, QWidget *parent);
0204 };
0206 class CrossReferenceEditor : public NoteEditor
0207 {
0208     Q_OBJECT
0209 public:
0210     CrossReferenceEditor(CrossReferenceContent *crossReferenceContent, QWidget *parent);
0211 };
0213 class LauncherEditor : public NoteEditor
0214 {
0215     Q_OBJECT
0216 public:
0217     LauncherEditor(LauncherContent *launcherContent, QWidget *parent);
0218 };
0220 class ColorEditor : public NoteEditor
0221 {
0222     Q_OBJECT
0223 public:
0224     ColorEditor(ColorContent *colorContent, QWidget *parent);
0225 };
0227 class UnknownEditor : public NoteEditor
0228 {
0229     Q_OBJECT
0230 public:
0231     UnknownEditor(UnknownContent *unknownContent, QWidget *parent);
0232 };
0234 /** The dialog to edit Link Note content.
0235  * @author Sébastien Laoût
0236  */
0237 class LinkEditDialog : public QDialog
0238 {
0239     Q_OBJECT
0240 public:
0241     explicit LinkEditDialog(LinkContent *contentNote, QWidget *parent = nullptr);
0242     ~LinkEditDialog() override;
0243     void ensurePolished();
0245 protected Q_SLOTS:
0246     void slotOk();
0247     void urlChanged(const QString &);
0248     void doNotAutoTitle(const QString &);
0249     void doNotAutoIcon(QString);
0250     void guessTitle();
0251     void guessIcon();
0253 private:
0254     LinkContent *m_noteContent;
0255     bool m_isAutoModified;
0256     KUrlRequester *m_url;
0257     QLineEdit *m_title;
0258     KIconButton *m_icon;
0259     QPushButton *m_autoTitle;
0260     QPushButton *m_autoIcon;
0261 };
0263 /** The dialog to edit cross reference content.
0264  * @author Brian C. Milco
0265  */
0266 class CrossReferenceEditDialog : public QDialog
0267 {
0268     Q_OBJECT
0269 public:
0270     explicit CrossReferenceEditDialog(CrossReferenceContent *contentNote, QWidget *parent = nullptr);
0271     ~CrossReferenceEditDialog() override;
0273 protected Q_SLOTS:
0274     void slotOk();
0275     void urlChanged(const int index);
0277 protected:
0278     void generateBasketList(KComboBox *targetList, BasketListViewItem *item = nullptr, int indent = 0);
0280 private:
0281     CrossReferenceContent *m_noteContent;
0282     KComboBox *m_targetBasket;
0283 };
0285 /** The dialog to edit Launcher Note content.
0286  * @author Sébastien Laoût
0287  */
0288 class LauncherEditDialog : public QDialog
0289 {
0290     Q_OBJECT
0291 public:
0292     explicit LauncherEditDialog(LauncherContent *contentNote, QWidget *parent = nullptr);
0293     ~LauncherEditDialog() override;
0294     void ensurePolished();
0295 protected Q_SLOTS:
0296     void slotOk();
0297     void guessIcon();
0299 private:
0300     LauncherContent *m_noteContent;
0301     RunCommandRequester *m_command;
0302     QLineEdit *m_name;
0303     KIconButton *m_icon;
0304 };
0306 /** This class manage toolbars for the inline editors.
0307  * The toolbars should be created once at the application startup,
0308  * then KXMLGUI can manage them and save their state and position...
0309  * @author Sébastien Laoût
0310  */
0311 class InlineEditors : public QObject
0312 {
0313     Q_OBJECT
0314 public:
0315     InlineEditors();
0316     ~InlineEditors() override;
0317     void initToolBars(KActionCollection *ac);
0318     static InlineEditors *instance();
0320 public:
0321     // Rich Text ToolBar:
0322     KToolBar *richTextToolBar();
0323     void enableRichTextToolBar();
0324     void disableRichTextToolBar();
0325     QPalette palette() const;
0326     QFontComboBox *richTextFont;
0327     FontSizeCombo *richTextFontSize;
0328     KColorCombo *richTextColor;
0329     KToggleAction *richTextBold;
0330     KToggleAction *richTextItalic;
0331     KToggleAction *richTextUnderline;
0332     //  KToggleAction     *richTextSuper;
0333     //  KToggleAction     *richTextSub;
0334     KToggleAction *richTextLeft;
0335     KToggleAction *richTextCenter;
0336     KToggleAction *richTextRight;
0337     KToggleAction *richTextJustified;
0338     QAction *richTextUndo;
0339     QAction *richTextRedo;
0340     FocusWidgetFilter *focusWidgetFilter;
0341 };
0343 #endif // NOTEEDIT_H