File indexing completed on 2024-04-21 09:39:20

0001 /**
0002  * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: (C) 2003 Sébastien Laoût <>
0003  *
0004  * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0005  */
0007 #ifndef NOTECONTENT_H
0008 #define NOTECONTENT_H
0010 #include <QMap>
0011 #include <QGraphicsItem>
0012 #include <QUrl>
0013 #include <QNetworkAccessManager>
0014 #include <QXmlStreamWriter>
0015 #include <QtCore/QObject>
0017 #include <phonon/phononnamespace.h>
0019 #include "basket_export.h"
0020 #include "linklabel.h"
0022 class QDomElement;
0024 class QBuffer;
0025 class QColor;
0026 class QMimeData;
0027 class QMovie;
0028 class QPainter;
0029 class QPixmap;
0030 class QPoint;
0031 class QRect;
0032 class QString;
0033 class QStringList;
0034 class QTextDocument;
0035 class QWidget;
0037 class KFileItem;
0038 class QUrl;
0040 namespace KIO
0041 {
0042 class PreviewJob;
0043 }
0045 namespace Phonon
0046 {
0047 class MediaObject;
0048 }
0050 class BasketScene;
0051 struct FilterData;
0052 class Note;
0054 /**
0055  * LinkDisplayItem is a QGraphicsItem using a LinkDisplay
0056  */
0057 class LinkDisplayItem : public QGraphicsItem
0058 {
0059 public:
0060     explicit LinkDisplayItem(Note *parent)
0061         : m_note(parent)
0062     {
0063     }
0064     ~LinkDisplayItem() override
0065     {
0066     }
0067     QRectF boundingRect() const override;
0068     void paint(QPainter *, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *, QWidget *) override;
0070     LinkDisplay &linkDisplay()
0071     {
0072         return m_linkDisplay;
0073     }
0075 private:
0076     LinkDisplay m_linkDisplay;
0077     Note *m_note;
0078 };
0080 /** A list of numeric identifier for each note type.
0081  * Declare a variable with the type NoteType::Id and assign a value like NoteType::Text...
0082  * @author Sébastien Laoût
0083  */
0084 namespace NoteType
0085 {
0086 enum Id { Group = 255, Text = 1, Html, Image, Animation, Sound, File, Link, CrossReference, Launcher, Color, Unknown }; // Always positive
0088 QString typeToName(const NoteType::Id noteType);
0089 QString typeToLowerName(const NoteType::Id noteType);
0090 NoteType::Id typeFromLowerName(const QString &lowerTypeName);
0092 }
0094 /** Abstract base class for every content type of basket note.
0095  * It's a base class to represent those types: Text, Html, Image, Animation, Sound, File, Link, Launcher, Color, Unknown.
0096  * @author Sébastien Laoût
0097  */
0098 class BASKET_EXPORT NoteContent
0099 {
0100 public:
0101     // Constructor and destructor:
0102     explicit NoteContent(Note *parent, const NoteType::Id type, const QString &fileName = QString());
0103     virtual ~NoteContent() {}
0104     // Note Type Information
0105     NoteType::Id type() const { return m_type; }                                         /// << @return the internal number that identify that note type.
0106     QString typeName() const { return NoteType::typeToName(type()); }                    /// << @return the translated type name to display in the user interface.
0107     QString lowerTypeName() const { return NoteType::typeToLowerName(type()); }          /// << @return the type name in lowercase without space, for eg. saving.
0108     // Simple Abstract Generic Methods:
0109     virtual QString toText(const QString &cuttedFullPath);                               /// << @return a plain text equivalent of the content.
0110     virtual QString toHtml(const QString &imageName, const QString &cuttedFullPath) = 0; /// << @return an HTML text equivalent of the content. @param imageName Save image in this Qt resource.
0111     virtual QPixmap toPixmap()
0112     {
0113         return QPixmap();
0114     }                                                                              /// << @return an image equivalent of the content.
0115     virtual void toLink(QUrl *url, QString *title, const QString &cuttedFullPath); /// << Set the link to the content. By default, it set them to fullPath() if useFile().
0116     virtual bool useFile() const = 0;                                              /// << @return true if it use a file to store the content.
0117     virtual bool canBeSavedAs() const = 0;                                         /// << @return true if the content can be saved as a file by the user.
0118     virtual QString saveAsFilters() const = 0;                                     /// << @return the filters for the user to choose a file destination to save the note as.
0119     virtual bool match(const FilterData &data) = 0;                                /// << @return true if the content match the filter criteria.
0120     // Complex Abstract Generic Methods:
0121     virtual void exportToHTML(HTMLExporter *exporter, int indent) = 0; /// << Export the note in an HTML file.
0122     virtual QString cssClass() const = 0;                              /// << @return the CSS class of the note when exported to HTML
0123     virtual qreal setWidthAndGetHeight(qreal width) = 0;               /// << Relayout content with @p width (never less than minWidth()). @return its new height.
0124     virtual bool loadFromFile(bool /*lazyLoad*/)
0125     {
0126         return false;
0127     } /// << Load the content from the file. The default implementation does nothing. @see fileName().
0128     virtual bool finishLazyLoad()
0129     {
0130         return false;
0131     } /// << Load what was not loaded by loadFromFile() if it was lazy-loaded
0132     virtual bool saveToFile()
0133     {
0134         return false;
0135     } /// << Save the content to the file. The default implementation does nothing. @see fileName().
0136     virtual QString linkAt(const QPointF & /*pos*/)
0137     {
0138         return QString();
0139     }                                                  /// << @return the link anchor at position @p pos or QString() if there is no link.
0140     virtual void saveToNode(QXmlStreamWriter &stream); /// << Save the note in the basket XML file. By default it store the filename if a file is used.
0141     virtual void fontChanged() = 0;                    /// << If your content display textual data, called when the font have changed (from tags or basket font)
0142     virtual void linkLookChanged()
0143     {
0144     }                                            /// << If your content use LinkDisplay with preview enabled, reload the preview (can have changed size)
0145     virtual QString editToolTipText() const = 0; /// << @return "Edit this [text|image|...]" to put in the tooltip for the note's content zone.
0146     virtual QMap<QString, QString> toolTipInfos()
0147     {
0148         return {};
0149     } /// << Return "key: value" map to put in the tooltip for the note's content zone.
0150     // Custom Zones:                                                      ///    Implement this if you want to store custom data.
0151     virtual int zoneAt(const QPointF & /*pos*/)
0152     {
0153         return 0;
0154     }                                                               /// << If your note-type have custom zones, @return the zone at @p pos or 0 if it's not a custom zone!
0155     virtual QRectF zoneRect(int /*zone*/, const QPointF & /*pos*/); /// << Idem, @return the rect of the custom zone
0156     virtual QString zoneTip(int /*zone*/)
0157     {
0158         return QString();
0159     } /// << Idem, @return the toolTip of the custom zone
0160     virtual Qt::CursorShape cursorFromZone(int /*zone*/) const
0161     {
0162         return Qt::ArrowCursor;
0163     } /// << Idem, @return the mouse cursor when it is over zone @p zone!
0164     virtual void setHoveredZone(int /*oldZone*/, int /*newZone*/)
0165     {
0166     } /// << If your note type need some feedback, you get notified of hovering changes here.
0167     virtual QString statusBarMessage(int /*zone*/)
0168     {
0169         return QString();
0170     } /// << @return the statusBar message to show for zone @p zone, or QString() if nothing special have to be said.
0171     // Drag and Drop Content:
0172     virtual void serialize(QDataStream & /*stream*/)
0173     {
0174     } /// << Serialize the content in a QDragObject. If it consists of a file, it can be serialized for you.
0175     virtual bool shouldSerializeFile()
0176     {
0177         return useFile();
0178     } /// << @return true if the dragging process should serialize the filename (and move the file if cutting).
0179     virtual void addAlternateDragObjects(QMimeData * /*dragObj*/)
0180     {
0181     }                                                              /// << If you offer more than toText/Html/Image/Link(), this will be called if this is the only selected.
0182     virtual QPixmap feedbackPixmap(qreal width, qreal height) = 0; /// << @return the pixmap to put under the cursor while dragging this object.
0183     virtual bool needSpaceForFeedbackPixmap()
0184     {
0185         return false;
0186     } /// << @return true if a space must be inserted before and after the DND feedback pixmap.
0187     // Content Edition:
0188     virtual int xEditorIndent()
0189     {
0190         return 0;
0191     } /// << If the editor should be indented (eg. to not cover an icon), return the number of pixels.
0192     // Open Content or File:
0193     virtual QUrl urlToOpen(bool /*with*/); /// << @return the URL to open the note, or an invalid QUrl if it's not openable. If @p with if false, it's a normal "Open". If it's true, it's for an "Open with..." action. The default
0194                                            /// implementation return the fullPath() if the note useFile() and nothing if not.
0195     enum OpenMessage {
0196         OpenOne,              /// << Message to send to the statusbar when opening this note.
0197         OpenSeveral,          /// << Message to send to the statusbar when opening several notes of this type.
0198         OpenOneWith,          /// << Message to send to the statusbar when doing "Open With..." on this note.
0199         OpenSeveralWith,      /// << Message to send to the statusbar when doing "Open With..." several notes of this type.
0200         OpenOneWithDialog,    /// << Prompt-message of the "Open With..." dialog for this note.
0201         OpenSeveralWithDialog /// << Prompt-message of the "Open With..." dialog for several notes of this type.
0202     };
0203     virtual QString messageWhenOpening(OpenMessage /*where*/)
0204     {
0205         return QString();
0206     } /// << @return the message to display according to @p where or nothing if it can't be done. @see OpenMessage describing the nature of the message that should be returned... The default implementation return an empty string. NOTE: If
0207       /// urlToOpen() is invalid and messageWhenOpening() is not empty, then the user will be prompted to edit the note (with the message returned by messageWhenOpening()) for eg. being able to edit URL of a link if it's empty when opening
0208       /// it...
0209     virtual QString customOpenCommand()
0210     {
0211         return QString();
0212     } /// << Reimplement this if your urlToOpen() should be opened with another application instead of the default KDE one. This choice should be left to the users in the setting (choice to use a custom app or not, and which app).
0213     // Common File Management:                                            ///    (and do save changes) and optionally hide the toolbar.
0214     virtual void setFileName(const QString &fileName); /// << Set the filename. Reimplement it if you eg. want to update the view when the filename is changed.
0215     bool trySetFileName(const QString &fileName);      /// << Set the new filename and return true. Can fail and return false if a file with this fileName already exists.
0216     QString fullPath();                                /// << Get the absolute path of the file where this content is stored on disk.
0217     QUrl fullPathUrl();                                /// << Get the absolute path of the file where this content is stored on disk as QUrl
0218     QString fileName() const
0219     {
0220         return m_fileName;
0221     } /// << Get the file name where this content is stored (relative to the basket folder). @see fullPath().
0222     qreal minWidth() const
0223     {
0224         return m_minWidth;
0225     } /// << Get the minimum width for this content.
0226     Note *note()
0227     {
0228         return m_note;
0229     }                      /// << Get the note managing this content.
0230     BasketScene *basket(); /// << Get the basket containing the note managing this content.
0231     virtual QGraphicsItem *graphicsItem() = 0;
0233 public:
0234     void setEdited(); /// << Mark the note as edited NOW: change the "last modification time and time" AND save the basket to XML file.
0235 protected:
0236     void contentChanged(qreal newMinWidth); /// << When the content has changed, inherited classes should call this to specify its new minimum size and trigger a basket relayout.
0237     NoteType::Id m_type = NoteType::Unknown;
0238 private:
0239     Note *m_note;
0240     QString m_fileName;
0241     qreal m_minWidth;
0243 public:
0244     static const int FEEDBACK_DARKING;
0245 };
0247 /** Real implementation of plain text notes:
0248  * @author Sébastien Laoût
0249  */
0250 class BASKET_EXPORT TextContent : public NoteContent
0251 {
0252 public:
0253     // Constructor and destructor:
0254     TextContent(Note *parent, const QString &fileName, bool lazyLoad = false);
0255     ~TextContent() override;
0256     // Simple Generic Methods:
0257     QString toText(const QString & /*cuttedFullPath*/) override;
0258     QString toHtml(const QString &imageName, const QString &cuttedFullPath) override;
0259     bool useFile() const override;
0260     bool canBeSavedAs() const override;
0261     QString saveAsFilters() const override;
0262     bool match(const FilterData &data) override;
0263     // Complex Generic Methods:
0264     void exportToHTML(HTMLExporter *exporter, int indent) override;
0265     QString cssClass() const override;
0266     qreal setWidthAndGetHeight(qreal width) override;
0267     bool loadFromFile(bool lazyLoad) override;
0268     bool finishLazyLoad() override;
0269     bool saveToFile() override;
0270     QString linkAt(const QPointF &pos) override;
0271     void fontChanged() override;
0272     QString editToolTipText() const override;
0273     // Drag and Drop Content:
0274     QPixmap feedbackPixmap(qreal width, qreal height) override;
0275     // Open Content or File:
0276     QString messageWhenOpening(OpenMessage where) override;
0277     //  QString customOpenCommand();
0278     // Content-Specific Methods:
0279     void setText(const QString &text, bool lazyLoad = false); /// << Change the text note-content and relayout the note.
0280     QString text()
0281     {
0282         return m_graphicsTextItem.text();
0283     } /// << @return the text note-content.
0284     QGraphicsItem *graphicsItem() override
0285     {
0286         return &m_graphicsTextItem;
0287     }
0289 protected:
0290     //     QString          m_text;
0291     // QTextDocument *m_simpleRichText;
0292     QGraphicsSimpleTextItem m_graphicsTextItem;
0293 };
0295 #include <QGraphicsTextItem>
0296 /** Real implementation of rich text (HTML) notes:
0297  * @author Sébastien Laoût
0298  */
0299 class BASKET_EXPORT HtmlContent : public NoteContent
0300 {
0301 public:
0302     // Constructor and destructor:
0303     HtmlContent(Note *parent, const QString &fileName, bool lazyLoad = false);
0304     ~HtmlContent() override;
0305     // Simple Generic Methods:
0306     QString toText(const QString & /*cuttedFullPath*/) override;
0307     QString toHtml(const QString &imageName, const QString &cuttedFullPath) override;
0308     bool useFile() const override;
0309     bool canBeSavedAs() const override;
0310     QString saveAsFilters() const override;
0311     bool match(const FilterData &data) override;
0312     // Complex Generic Methods:
0313     void exportToHTML(HTMLExporter *exporter, int indent) override;
0314     QString cssClass() const override;
0315     qreal setWidthAndGetHeight(qreal width) override;
0316     bool loadFromFile(bool lazyLoad) override;
0317     bool finishLazyLoad() override;
0318     bool saveToFile() override;
0319     QString linkAt(const QPointF &pos) override;
0320     void fontChanged() override;
0321     QString editToolTipText() const override;
0322     // Drag and Drop Content:
0323     QPixmap feedbackPixmap(qreal width, qreal height) override;
0324     // Open Content or File:
0325     QString messageWhenOpening(OpenMessage where) override;
0326     QString customOpenCommand() override;
0327     // Content-Specific Methods:
0328     void setHtml(const QString &html, bool lazyLoad = false); /// << Change the HTML note-content and relayout the note.
0329     QString html()
0330     {
0331         return m_html;
0332     } /// << @return the HTML note-content.
0333     QGraphicsItem *graphicsItem() override
0334     {
0335         return &m_graphicsTextItem;
0336     }
0338 protected:
0339     QString m_html;
0340     QString m_textEquivalent; // OPTIM_FILTER
0341     QGraphicsTextItem m_graphicsTextItem;
0342 };
0344 /** Real implementation of image notes:
0345  * @author Sébastien Laoût
0346  */
0347 class BASKET_EXPORT ImageContent : public NoteContent
0348 {
0349 public:
0350     // Constructor and destructor:
0351     ImageContent(Note *parent, const QString &fileName, bool lazyLoad = false);
0352     ~ImageContent() override;
0353     // Simple Generic Methods:
0354     QString toHtml(const QString &imageName, const QString &cuttedFullPath) override;
0355     QPixmap toPixmap() override;
0356     bool useFile() const override;
0357     bool canBeSavedAs() const override;
0358     QString saveAsFilters() const override;
0359     bool match(const FilterData &data) override;
0360     // Complex Generic Methods:
0361     void exportToHTML(HTMLExporter *exporter, int indent) override;
0362     QString cssClass() const override;
0363     qreal setWidthAndGetHeight(qreal width) override;
0364     bool loadFromFile(bool lazyLoad) override;
0365     bool finishLazyLoad() override;
0366     bool saveToFile() override;
0367     void fontChanged() override;
0368     QString editToolTipText() const override;
0369     QMap<QString, QString> toolTipInfos() override;
0370     // Drag and Drop Content:
0371     QPixmap feedbackPixmap(qreal width, qreal height) override;
0372     bool needSpaceForFeedbackPixmap() override
0373     {
0374         return true;
0375     }
0376     // Open Content or File:
0377     QString messageWhenOpening(OpenMessage where) override;
0378     QString customOpenCommand() override;
0379     // Content-Specific Methods:
0380     void setPixmap(const QPixmap &pixmap); /// << Change the pixmap note-content and relayout the note.
0381     QPixmap pixmap()
0382     {
0383         return m_pixmapItem.pixmap();
0384     } /// << @return the pixmap note-content.
0385     QByteArray data();
0386     QGraphicsItem *graphicsItem() override
0387     {
0388         return &m_pixmapItem;
0389     }
0391 protected:
0392     QGraphicsPixmapItem m_pixmapItem;
0393     QByteArray m_format;
0394 };
0396 /** Real implementation of animated image (GIF, MNG) notes:
0397  * @author Sébastien Laoût
0398  */
0399 class BASKET_EXPORT AnimationContent : public QObject, public NoteContent // QObject to be able to receive QMovie signals
0400 {
0401     Q_OBJECT
0402 public:
0403     // Constructor and destructor:
0404     AnimationContent(Note *parent, const QString &fileName, bool lazyLoad = false);
0405     ~AnimationContent() override;
0406     // Simple Generic Methods:
0407     QString toHtml(const QString &imageName, const QString &cuttedFullPath) override;
0408     QPixmap toPixmap() override;
0409     bool useFile() const override;
0410     bool canBeSavedAs() const override;
0411     QString saveAsFilters() const override;
0412     bool match(const FilterData &data) override;
0413     void fontChanged() override;
0414     QString editToolTipText() const override;
0415     // Drag and Drop Content:
0416     QPixmap feedbackPixmap(qreal width, qreal height) override;
0417     bool needSpaceForFeedbackPixmap() override
0418     {
0419         return true;
0420     }
0421     // Complex Generic Methods:
0422     void exportToHTML(HTMLExporter *exporter, int indent) override;
0423     QString cssClass() const override;
0424     qreal setWidthAndGetHeight(qreal width) override;
0425     bool loadFromFile(bool lazyLoad) override;
0426     bool finishLazyLoad() override;
0427     bool saveToFile() override;
0428     // Open Content or File:
0429     QString messageWhenOpening(OpenMessage where) override;
0430     QString customOpenCommand() override;
0431     QGraphicsItem *graphicsItem() override
0432     {
0433         return &m_graphicsPixmap;
0434     }
0436     // Content-Specific Methods:
0437     bool startMovie();
0439 protected Q_SLOTS:
0440     void movieUpdated();
0441     void movieResized();
0442     void movieFrameChanged();
0444 protected:
0445     QBuffer *m_buffer;
0446     QMovie *m_movie;
0447     qreal m_currentWidth;
0448     QGraphicsPixmapItem m_graphicsPixmap;
0449 };
0451 /** Real implementation of file notes:
0452  * @author Sébastien Laoût
0453  */
0454 class BASKET_EXPORT FileContent : public QObject, public NoteContent
0455 {
0456     Q_OBJECT
0457 public:
0458     // Constructor and destructor:
0459     FileContent(Note *parent, const QString &fileName);
0460     ~FileContent() override;
0461     // Simple Generic Methods:
0462     QString toHtml(const QString &imageName, const QString &cuttedFullPath) override;
0463     bool useFile() const override;
0464     bool canBeSavedAs() const override;
0465     QString saveAsFilters() const override;
0466     bool match(const FilterData &data) override;
0467     // Complex Generic Methods:
0468     void exportToHTML(HTMLExporter *exporter, int indent) override;
0469     QString cssClass() const override;
0470     qreal setWidthAndGetHeight(qreal width) override;
0471     bool loadFromFile(bool /*lazyLoad*/) override;
0472     void fontChanged() override;
0473     void linkLookChanged() override;
0474     QString editToolTipText() const override;
0475     QMap<QString, QString> toolTipInfos() override;
0476     // Drag and Drop Content:
0477     QPixmap feedbackPixmap(qreal width, qreal height) override;
0478     // Custom Zones:
0479     int zoneAt(const QPointF &pos) override;
0480     QRectF zoneRect(int zone, const QPointF & /*pos*/) override;
0481     QString zoneTip(int zone) override;
0482     Qt::CursorShape cursorFromZone(int zone) const override;
0483     // Content Edition:
0484     int xEditorIndent() override;
0485     // Open Content or File:
0486     QString messageWhenOpening(OpenMessage where) override;
0487     // Content-Specific Methods:
0488     void setFileName(const QString &fileName) override; /// << Reimplemented to be able to relayout the note.
0489     virtual LinkLook *linkLook()
0490     {
0491         return LinkLook::fileLook;
0492     }
0493     QGraphicsItem *graphicsItem() override
0494     {
0495         return &m_linkDisplayItem;
0496     }
0498 protected:
0499     LinkDisplayItem m_linkDisplayItem;
0500     // File Preview Management:
0501 protected Q_SLOTS:
0502     void newPreview(const KFileItem &, const QPixmap &preview);
0503     void removePreview(const KFileItem &);
0504     void startFetchingUrlPreview();
0506 protected:
0507     KIO::PreviewJob *m_previewJob;
0508 };
0510 /** Real implementation of sound notes:
0511  * @author Sébastien Laoût
0512  */
0513 class BASKET_EXPORT SoundContent : public FileContent // A sound is a file with just a bit different user interaction
0514 {
0515     Q_OBJECT
0516 public:
0517     // Constructor and destructor:
0518     SoundContent(Note *parent, const QString &fileName);
0519     // Simple Generic Methods:
0520     QString toHtml(const QString &imageName, const QString &cuttedFullPath) override;
0521     bool useFile() const override;
0522     bool canBeSavedAs() const override;
0523     QString saveAsFilters() const override;
0524     bool match(const FilterData &data) override;
0525     QString editToolTipText() const override;
0526     // Complex Generic Methods:
0527     QString cssClass() const override;
0528     // Custom Zones:
0529     QString zoneTip(int zone) override;
0530     void setHoveredZone(int oldZone, int newZone) override;
0531     // Open Content or File:
0532     QString messageWhenOpening(OpenMessage where) override;
0533     QString customOpenCommand() override;
0534     // Content-Specific Methods:
0535     void setFileName(const QString &fileName) override;
0536     LinkLook *linkLook() override
0537     {
0538         return LinkLook::soundLook;
0539     }
0540     Phonon::MediaObject *music;
0541 private Q_SLOTS:
0542     void stateChanged(Phonon::State, Phonon::State);
0543 };
0545 /** Real implementation of link notes:
0546  * @author Sébastien Laoût
0547  */
0548 class BASKET_EXPORT LinkContent : public QObject, public NoteContent
0549 {
0550     Q_OBJECT
0551 public:
0552     // Constructor and destructor:
0553     LinkContent(Note *parent, const QUrl &url, const QString &title, const QString &icon, bool autoTitle, bool autoIcon);
0554     ~LinkContent() override;
0555     // Simple Generic Methods:
0556     QString toText(const QString & /*cuttedFullPath*/) override;
0557     QString toHtml(const QString &imageName, const QString &cuttedFullPath) override;
0558     void toLink(QUrl *url, QString *title, const QString &cuttedFullPath) override;
0559     bool useFile() const override;
0560     bool canBeSavedAs() const override;
0561     QString saveAsFilters() const override;
0562     bool match(const FilterData &data) override;
0563     // Complex Generic Methods:
0564     void exportToHTML(HTMLExporter *exporter, int indent) override;
0565     QString cssClass() const override;
0566     qreal setWidthAndGetHeight(qreal width) override;
0567     void saveToNode(QXmlStreamWriter &stream) override;
0568     void fontChanged() override;
0569     void linkLookChanged() override;
0570     QString editToolTipText() const override;
0571     QMap<QString, QString> toolTipInfos() override;
0572     // Drag and Drop Content:
0573     void serialize(QDataStream &stream) override;
0574     QPixmap feedbackPixmap(qreal width, qreal height) override;
0575     // Custom Zones:
0576     int zoneAt(const QPointF &pos) override;
0577     QRectF zoneRect(int zone, const QPointF & /*pos*/) override;
0578     QString zoneTip(int zone) override;
0579     Qt::CursorShape cursorFromZone(int zone) const override;
0580     QString statusBarMessage(int zone) override;
0581     // Open Content or File:
0582     QUrl urlToOpen(bool /*with*/) override;
0583     QString messageWhenOpening(OpenMessage where) override;
0584     // Content-Specific Methods:
0585     void setLink(const QUrl &url, const QString &title, const QString &icon, bool autoTitle, bool autoIcon); /// << Change the link and relayout the note.
0586     QUrl url()
0587     {
0588         return m_url;
0589     } /// << @return the URL of the link note-content.
0590     QString title()
0591     {
0592         return m_title;
0593     } /// << @return the displayed title of the link note-content.
0594     QString icon()
0595     {
0596         return m_icon;
0597     } /// << @return the displayed icon of the link note-content.
0598     bool autoTitle()
0599     {
0600         return m_autoTitle;
0601     } /// << @return if the title is auto-computed from the URL.
0602     bool autoIcon()
0603     {
0604         return m_autoIcon;
0605     } /// << @return if the icon is auto-computed from the URL.
0606     void startFetchingLinkTitle();
0607     QGraphicsItem *graphicsItem() override
0608     {
0609         return &m_linkDisplayItem;
0610     }
0612 protected:
0613     QUrl m_url;
0614     QString m_title;
0615     QString m_icon;
0616     bool m_autoTitle;
0617     bool m_autoIcon;
0618     LinkDisplayItem m_linkDisplayItem;
0619     QNetworkAccessManager *m_access_manager;
0620     QNetworkReply *m_reply;
0621     QByteArray m_httpBuff; ///< Accumulator for downloaded HTTP data with yet unknown encoding
0622     bool m_acceptingData;  ///< When false, don't accept any HTTP data
0623     // File Preview Management:
0624 protected Q_SLOTS:
0625     void httpReadyRead();
0626     void httpDone(QNetworkReply *reply);
0627     void newPreview(const KFileItem &, const QPixmap &preview);
0628     void removePreview(const KFileItem &);
0629     void startFetchingUrlPreview();
0631 protected:
0632     KIO::PreviewJob *m_previewJob;
0634 private:
0635     void decodeHtmlTitle();      ///< Detect encoding of \p m_httpBuff and extract the title from HTML
0636     void endFetchingLinkTitle(); ///< Extract title and clear http buffer
0637 };
0639 /** Real implementation of cross reference notes:
0640  * Copied and modified from LinkContent.
0641  * @author Brian C. Milco
0642  */
0643 class BASKET_EXPORT CrossReferenceContent : public QObject, public NoteContent
0644 {
0645     Q_OBJECT
0646 public:
0647     // Constructor and destructor:
0648     CrossReferenceContent(Note *parent, const QUrl &url, const QString &title, const QString &icon);
0649     ~CrossReferenceContent() override;
0650     // Simple Generic Methods:
0651     QString toText(const QString & /*cuttedFullPath*/) override;
0652     QString toHtml(const QString &imageName, const QString &cuttedFullPath) override;
0653     void toLink(QUrl *url, QString *title, const QString &cuttedFullPath) override;
0654     bool useFile() const override;
0655     bool canBeSavedAs() const override;
0656     QString saveAsFilters() const override;
0657     bool match(const FilterData &data) override;
0658     // Complex Generic Methods:
0659     void exportToHTML(HTMLExporter *exporter, int indent) override;
0660     QString cssClass() const override;
0661     qreal setWidthAndGetHeight(qreal) override;
0662     void saveToNode(QXmlStreamWriter &stream) override;
0663     void fontChanged() override;
0664     void linkLookChanged() override;
0665     QString editToolTipText() const override;
0666     QMap<QString, QString> toolTipInfos() override;
0667     // Drag and Drop Content:
0668     void serialize(QDataStream &stream) override;
0669     QPixmap feedbackPixmap(qreal width, qreal height) override;
0670     // Custom Zones:
0671     int zoneAt(const QPointF &pos) override;
0672     QRectF zoneRect(int zone, const QPointF & /*pos*/) override;
0673     QString zoneTip(int zone) override;
0674     Qt::CursorShape cursorFromZone(int zone) const override;
0675     QString statusBarMessage(int zone) override;
0676     // Open Content or File:
0677     QUrl urlToOpen(bool /*with*/) override;
0678     QString messageWhenOpening(OpenMessage where) override;
0679     // Content-Specific Methods:
0680     void setLink(const QUrl &url, const QString &title, const QString &icon); /// << Change the link and relayout the note.
0681     void setCrossReference(const QUrl &url, const QString &title, const QString &icon);
0682     QUrl url()
0683     {
0684         return m_url;
0685     } /// << @return the URL of the link note-content.
0686     QString title()
0687     {
0688         return m_title;
0689     } /// << @return the displayed title of the link note-content.
0690     QString icon()
0691     {
0692         return m_icon;
0693     } /// << @return the displayed icon of the link note-content.
0695     QGraphicsItem *graphicsItem() override
0696     {
0697         return &m_linkDisplayItem;
0698     }
0700 protected:
0701     QUrl m_url;
0702     QString m_title;
0703     QString m_icon;
0704     LinkDisplayItem m_linkDisplayItem;
0705 };
0707 /** Real implementation of launcher notes:
0708  * @author Sébastien Laoût
0709  */
0710 class BASKET_EXPORT LauncherContent : public NoteContent
0711 {
0712 public:
0713     // Constructor and destructor:
0714     LauncherContent(Note *parent, const QString &fileName);
0715     ~LauncherContent() override;
0716     // Simple Generic Methods:
0717     QString toHtml(const QString &imageName, const QString &cuttedFullPath) override;
0718     void toLink(QUrl *url, QString *title, const QString &cuttedFullPath) override;
0719     bool useFile() const override;
0720     bool canBeSavedAs() const override;
0721     QString saveAsFilters() const override;
0722     bool match(const FilterData &data) override;
0723     // Complex Generic Methods:
0724     void exportToHTML(HTMLExporter *exporter, int indent) override;
0725     QString cssClass() const override;
0726     qreal setWidthAndGetHeight(qreal width) override;
0727     bool loadFromFile(bool /*lazyLoad*/) override;
0728     void fontChanged() override;
0729     QString editToolTipText() const override;
0730     QMap<QString, QString> toolTipInfos() override;
0731     // Drag and Drop Content:
0732     QPixmap feedbackPixmap(qreal width, qreal height) override;
0733     // Custom Zones:
0734     int zoneAt(const QPointF &pos) override;
0735     QRectF zoneRect(int zone, const QPointF & /*pos*/) override;
0736     QString zoneTip(int zone) override;
0737     Qt::CursorShape cursorFromZone(int zone) const override;
0738     // Open Content or File:
0739     QUrl urlToOpen(bool with) override;
0740     QString messageWhenOpening(OpenMessage where) override;
0741     // Content-Specific Methods:
0742     void setLauncher(const QString &name, const QString &icon, const QString &exec); /// << Change the launcher note-content and relayout the note. Normally called by loadFromFile (no save done).
0743     QString name()
0744     {
0745         return m_name;
0746     } /// << @return the URL of the launcher note-content.
0747     QString icon()
0748     {
0749         return m_icon;
0750     } /// << @return the displayed icon of the launcher note-content.
0751     QString exec()
0752     {
0753         return m_exec;
0754     } /// << @return the execute command line of the launcher note-content.
0755     // TODO: KService *service() ??? And store everything in thta service ?
0757     QGraphicsItem *graphicsItem() override
0758     {
0759         return &m_linkDisplayItem;
0760     }
0762 protected:
0763     QString m_name; // TODO: Store them in linkDisplay to gain place (idem for Link notes)
0764     QString m_icon;
0765     QString m_exec;
0766     LinkDisplayItem m_linkDisplayItem;
0767 };
0769 /**
0770  *
0771  */
0772 class BASKET_EXPORT ColorItem : public QGraphicsItem
0773 {
0774 public:
0775     ColorItem(Note *parent, const QColor &color);
0776     //   virtual ~ColorItem();
0777     virtual QColor color()
0778     {
0779         return m_color;
0780     }
0781     virtual void setColor(const QColor &color);
0783     QRectF boundingRect() const override;
0784     void paint(QPainter *, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *, QWidget *) override;
0786 private:
0787     Note *m_note;
0788     QColor m_color;
0789     QRectF m_textRect;
0791     static const int RECT_MARGIN;
0792 };
0794 /** Real implementation of color notes:
0795  * @author Sébastien Laoût
0796  */
0797 class BASKET_EXPORT ColorContent : public NoteContent
0798 {
0799 public:
0800     // Constructor and destructor:
0801     ColorContent(Note *parent, const QColor &color);
0802     ~ColorContent() override;
0803     // Simple Generic Methods:
0804     QString toText(const QString & /*cuttedFullPath*/) override;
0805     QString toHtml(const QString &imageName, const QString &cuttedFullPath) override;
0806     bool useFile() const override;
0807     bool canBeSavedAs() const override;
0808     QString saveAsFilters() const override;
0809     bool match(const FilterData &data) override;
0810     // Complex Generic Methods:
0811     void exportToHTML(HTMLExporter *exporter, int indent) override;
0812     QString cssClass() const override;
0813     qreal setWidthAndGetHeight(qreal width) override;
0814     void saveToNode(QXmlStreamWriter &stream) override;
0815     void fontChanged() override;
0816     QString editToolTipText() const override;
0817     QMap<QString, QString> toolTipInfos() override;
0818     // Drag and Drop Content:
0819     void serialize(QDataStream &stream) override;
0820     QPixmap feedbackPixmap(qreal width, qreal height) override;
0821     bool needSpaceForFeedbackPixmap() override
0822     {
0823         return true;
0824     }
0825     void addAlternateDragObjects(QMimeData *dragObject) override;
0826     // Content-Specific Methods:
0827     void setColor(const QColor &color); /// << Change the color note-content and relayout the note.
0828     QColor color()
0829     {
0830         return m_colorItem.color();
0831     } /// << @return the color note-content.
0832     QGraphicsItem *graphicsItem() override
0833     {
0834         return &m_colorItem;
0835     }
0837 protected:
0838     ColorItem m_colorItem;
0839 };
0841 /**
0842  *
0843  */
0844 class BASKET_EXPORT UnknownItem : public QGraphicsItem
0845 {
0846 public:
0847     UnknownItem(Note *parent);
0849     QRectF boundingRect() const override;
0850     void paint(QPainter *, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *, QWidget *) override;
0852     virtual QString mimeTypes()
0853     {
0854         return m_mimeTypes;
0855     }
0856     virtual void setMimeTypes(QString mimeTypes);
0857     virtual void setWidth(qreal width);
0859 private:
0860     Note *m_note;
0861     QString m_mimeTypes;
0862     QRectF m_textRect;
0864     static const qreal DECORATION_MARGIN;
0865 };
0867 /** Real implementation of unknown MIME-types dropped notes:
0868  * @author Sébastien Laoût
0869  */
0870 class BASKET_EXPORT UnknownContent : public NoteContent
0871 {
0872 public:
0873     // Constructor and destructor:
0874     UnknownContent(Note *parent, const QString &fileName);
0875     ~UnknownContent() override;
0876     // Simple Generic Methods:
0877     QString toText(const QString & /*cuttedFullPath*/) override;
0878     QString toHtml(const QString &imageName, const QString &cuttedFullPath) override;
0879     bool useFile() const override;
0880     bool canBeSavedAs() const override;
0881     QString saveAsFilters() const override;
0882     bool match(const FilterData &data) override;
0883     // Complex Generic Methods:
0884     void exportToHTML(HTMLExporter *exporter, int indent) override;
0885     QString cssClass() const override;
0886     qreal setWidthAndGetHeight(qreal width) override;
0887     bool loadFromFile(bool /*lazyLoad*/) override;
0888     void fontChanged() override;
0889     QString editToolTipText() const override;
0890     // Drag and Drop Content:
0891     bool shouldSerializeFile() override
0892     {
0893         return false;
0894     }
0895     void addAlternateDragObjects(QMimeData *dragObject) override;
0896     QPixmap feedbackPixmap(qreal width, qreal height) override;
0897     bool needSpaceForFeedbackPixmap() override
0898     {
0899         return true;
0900     }
0901     // Open Content or File:
0902     QUrl urlToOpen(bool /*with*/) override
0903     {
0904         return QUrl();
0905     }
0907     QGraphicsItem *graphicsItem() override
0908     {
0909         return &m_unknownItem;
0910     }
0912     // Content-Specific Methods:
0913     QString mimeTypes()
0914     {
0915         return m_unknownItem.mimeTypes();
0916     } /// << @return the list of MIME types this note-content contains.
0917 private:
0918     UnknownItem m_unknownItem;
0919 };
0921 #endif // NOTECONTENT_H