File indexing completed on 2024-05-12 05:40:48

0001 #include <QTest>
0003 #include <QSignalSpy>
0005 #include "controller/view_controller/selectconnprofilecontroller.h"
0006 #include "model/profilemodel.h"
0007 #include "network/characterdatamodel.h"
0008 #include "network/connectionprofile.h"
0009 #include "worker/iohelper.h"
0010 #include <QAbstractItemModelTester>
0011 #include <helper.h>
0012 #include <limits>
0014 struct CharacterInfo
0015 {
0016     QString uuid;
0017     QString name;
0018     QColor color;
0019     QByteArray avatar;
0020 };
0022 class ProfileControllerTest : public QObject
0023 {
0024     Q_OBJECT
0025 public:
0026     ProfileControllerTest()= default;
0028 private slots:
0029     void init();
0031     void clone();
0032     void clone_data();
0033     void serialization();
0034     void serialization_data();
0035     void canConnect();
0036     void canConnect_data();
0038     void connectTest();
0040 private:
0041     std::unique_ptr<ProfileModel> m_profileModel;
0042     std::unique_ptr<SelectConnProfileController> m_ctrl;
0043     std::unique_ptr<QUndoStack> m_stack;
0044 };
0045 Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(CharacterInfo)
0046 void ProfileControllerTest::init()
0047 {
0048     m_profileModel.reset(new ProfileModel());
0049     m_ctrl.reset(new SelectConnProfileController(m_profileModel.get(), nullptr));
0050     new QAbstractItemModelTester(m_profileModel.get());
0051 }
0053 void ProfileControllerTest::clone()
0054 {
0056     QFETCH(int, profileCount);
0057     QFETCH(int, characterCount);
0058     QFETCH(bool, avatarSquare);
0059     QFETCH(bool, isGM);
0060     QFETCH(bool, isServer);
0061     QFETCH(bool, expected);
0063     for(int i= 0; i < profileCount; ++i)
0064     {
0065         m_ctrl->addProfile();
0066         QCOMPARE(m_profileModel->rowCount(), i + 1);
0067         m_ctrl->setCurrentProfileIndex(i);
0068         auto profile= m_profileModel->getProfile(i);
0069         QSignalSpy nameSpy(profile, &ConnectionProfile::titleChanged);
0071         auto name= Helper::randomString();
0072         // set player info
0073         m_ctrl->setProfileName(name);
0074         nameSpy.wait(10);
0075         QCOMPARE(nameSpy.count(), 1);
0076         auto playername= Helper::randomString();
0077         QSignalSpy playerNameSpy(profile, &ConnectionProfile::playerNameChanged);
0078         m_ctrl->setPlayerName(playername);
0079         playerNameSpy.wait(10);
0080         QCOMPARE(playerNameSpy.count(), 1);
0082         m_ctrl->setPlayerAvatar(Helper::imageData(avatarSquare));
0084         // set Campaign info
0085         QTemporaryDir dir;
0086         dir.setAutoRemove(false);
0087         dir.isValid();
0088         auto path= dir.path();
0090         if(m_ctrl->isGameMaster() != isGM)
0091         {
0092             QSignalSpy gmSpy(profile, &ConnectionProfile::gmChanged);
0093             m_ctrl->setIsGameMaster(isGM);
0094             gmSpy.wait(10);
0095             QCOMPARE(gmSpy.count(), 1);
0096         }
0098         QSignalSpy campSpy(profile, &ConnectionProfile::campaignPathChanged);
0099         m_ctrl->setCampaignPath(path);
0100         campSpy.wait(10);
0102         QCOMPARE(campSpy.count(), 1);
0104         // set network info
0105         if(m_ctrl->isServer() != isServer)
0106         {
0107             QSignalSpy serverSpy(profile, &ConnectionProfile::serverChanged);
0108             m_ctrl->setIsServer(isServer);
0109             serverSpy.wait(10);
0110             QCOMPARE(serverSpy.count(), 1);
0111         }
0113         {
0114             auto port= Helper::generate(0, 20000);
0115             while(port == m_ctrl->port())
0116                 port= Helper::generate(0, 20000);
0117             QSignalSpy portSpy(profile, &ConnectionProfile::portChanged);
0118             m_ctrl->setPort(port);
0119             portSpy.wait(10);
0120             QCOMPARE(portSpy.count(), 1);
0121         }
0122         if(!isServer)
0123         {
0124             auto address= "";
0125             profile->setAddress(address);
0126             QCOMPARE(m_ctrl->address(), address);
0127         }
0129         for(int j= 0; j < characterCount; ++j)
0130         {
0131             m_ctrl->addCharacter();
0132             m_ctrl->editCharacterName(j, Helper::randomString());
0133             m_ctrl->editCharacterColor(j, Qt::red);
0134             m_ctrl->editCharacterAvatar(j, Helper::imageData(avatarSquare));
0135         }
0136     }
0138     for(int i= 0; i < profileCount; ++i)
0139     {
0140         m_ctrl->setCurrentProfileIndex(i);
0141         QCOMPARE(m_ctrl->canConnect(), expected);
0142     }
0144     for(int i= profileCount - 1; i >= 0; --i)
0145     {
0146         m_ctrl->cloneProfile(i);
0148         auto origin= m_profileModel->getProfile(i);
0149         auto clone= m_profileModel->getProfile(m_ctrl->profileModel()->rowCount() - 1);
0150         QVERIFY(origin->profileTitle() != clone->profileTitle());
0151         QCOMPARE(origin->playerName(), clone->playerName());
0152         QCOMPARE(origin->isGM(), clone->isGM());
0153         QCOMPARE(origin->isServer(), clone->isServer());
0154         QCOMPARE(m_ctrl->canConnect(), expected);
0155     }
0157     for(int i= m_profileModel->rowCount() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
0158     {
0159         m_ctrl->removeProfile(i);
0160     }
0161 }
0163 void ProfileControllerTest::clone_data()
0164 {
0165     QTest::addColumn<int>("profileCount");
0166     QTest::addColumn<int>("characterCount");
0167     QTest::addColumn<bool>("avatarSquare");
0168     QTest::addColumn<bool>("isGM");
0169     QTest::addColumn<bool>("isServer");
0170     QTest::addColumn<bool>("expected");
0172     QTest::addRow("empty") << 0 << 0 << false << false << false << false;
0173     QTest::addRow("empty but gm") << 0 << 0 << false << true << false << false;
0174     QTest::addRow("one profile") << 1 << 0 << false << false << false << false;
0176     QTest::addRow("One profile but gm") << 1 << 0 << false << true << true << false;
0177     QTest::addRow("One profile with square") << 1 << 1 << true << true << true << true;
0178     QTest::addRow("One profile without square") << 1 << 1 << false << true << true << false;
0180     for(int i= 0; i < 5; ++i)
0181     {
0182         QTest::addRow("%d profile but gm", i) << i << 0 << false << true << true << false;
0183         QTest::addRow("%d profile with square", i) << i << i << true << true << true << true;
0184         QTest::addRow("%d profile without square", i) << i << i << false << true << true << false;
0185     }
0186 }
0188 void ProfileControllerTest::serialization()
0189 {
0190     QFETCH(int, profileCount);
0191     QFETCH(int, characterCount);
0192     QFETCH(bool, avatarSquare);
0193     QFETCH(bool, isGM);
0194     QFETCH(bool, isServer);
0195     QFETCH(bool, expected);
0197     m_ctrl.reset(new SelectConnProfileController(nullptr, nullptr));
0199     // should not lead to crash
0200     m_ctrl->addProfile();
0201     m_ctrl->cloneProfile(0);
0202     m_ctrl->removeProfile(0);
0203     m_ctrl->validCharacterAvatar();
0204     m_ctrl->validCharacterColor();
0205     m_ctrl->validCharacterName();
0206     m_ctrl->address();
0207     m_ctrl->campaignPath();
0208     m_ctrl->playerAvatar();
0209     m_ctrl->playerColor();
0210     m_ctrl->playerName();
0212     m_profileModel.reset(new ProfileModel());
0214     for(int i= 0; i < profileCount; ++i)
0215     {
0216         m_profileModel->appendProfile();
0217         QCOMPARE(m_profileModel->rowCount(), i + 1);
0218         auto profile= m_profileModel->getProfile(i);
0219         QSignalSpy nameSpy(profile, &ConnectionProfile::titleChanged);
0221         auto name= Helper::randomString();
0222         // set player info
0223         profile->setProfileTitle(name);
0224         nameSpy.wait(10);
0225         QCOMPARE(nameSpy.count(), 1);
0226         auto playername= Helper::randomString();
0227         QSignalSpy playerNameSpy(profile, &ConnectionProfile::playerNameChanged);
0228         profile->setPlayerName(playername);
0229         playerNameSpy.wait(10);
0230         QCOMPARE(playerNameSpy.count(), 1);
0232         profile->setPlayerAvatar(Helper::imageData(avatarSquare));
0234         // set Campaign info
0235         QTemporaryDir dir;
0236         dir.setAutoRemove(false);
0237         dir.isValid();
0238         auto path= dir.path();
0240         if(profile->isGM() != isGM)
0241         {
0242             QSignalSpy gmSpy(profile, &ConnectionProfile::gmChanged);
0243             profile->setGm(isGM);
0244             gmSpy.wait(10);
0245             QCOMPARE(gmSpy.count(), 1);
0246         }
0248         QSignalSpy campSpy(profile, &ConnectionProfile::campaignPathChanged);
0249         profile->setCampaignPath(path);
0250         campSpy.wait(10);
0252         QCOMPARE(campSpy.count(), 1);
0254         // set network info
0255         if(profile->isServer() != isServer)
0256         {
0257             QSignalSpy serverSpy(profile, &ConnectionProfile::serverChanged);
0258             profile->setServerMode(isServer);
0259             serverSpy.wait(10);
0260             QCOMPARE(serverSpy.count(), 1);
0261         }
0263         {
0264             auto port= Helper::generate(0, 20000);
0265             while(port == profile->port())
0266                 port= Helper::generate(0, 20000);
0267             QSignalSpy portSpy(profile, &ConnectionProfile::portChanged);
0268             profile->setPort(port);
0269             portSpy.wait(10);
0270             QCOMPARE(portSpy.count(), 1);
0271         }
0272         if(!isServer)
0273         {
0274             auto address= "";
0275             profile->setAddress(address);
0276             m_ctrl->address();
0277         }
0279         for(int j= 0; j < characterCount; ++j)
0280         {
0281             profile->addCharacter(connection::CharacterData(
0282                 {Helper::randomString(), Helper::randomString(), Qt::red, Helper::imageData(avatarSquare), {}}));
0283         }
0284     }
0286     m_ctrl.reset(new SelectConnProfileController(m_profileModel.get(), nullptr));
0288     for(int i= 0; i < profileCount; ++i)
0289     {
0290         m_ctrl->setCurrentProfileIndex(i);
0291         // auto prof= m_profileModel->getProfile(i);
0292         //         qDebug() << "characters:" << prof->charactersValid() << "connections" << prof->connectionInfoValid()
0293         //                << "campaignInfoValid" << prof->campaignInfoValid() << "playerInfoValid" <<
0294         //                prof->playerInfoValid();
0296         QCOMPARE(m_ctrl->canConnect(), expected);
0297     }
0299     for(int i= profileCount - 1; i >= 0; --i)
0300     {
0301         m_ctrl->cloneProfile(i);
0303         auto origin= m_profileModel->getProfile(i);
0304         auto clone= m_profileModel->getProfile(m_ctrl->profileModel()->rowCount() - 1);
0305         QVERIFY(origin->profileTitle() != clone->profileTitle());
0306         QCOMPARE(origin->playerName(), clone->playerName());
0307         QCOMPARE(origin->isGM(), clone->isGM());
0308         QCOMPARE(origin->isServer(), clone->isServer());
0309         QCOMPARE(m_ctrl->canConnect(), expected);
0310     }
0311 }
0312 void ProfileControllerTest::serialization_data()
0313 {
0314     QTest::addColumn<int>("profileCount");
0315     QTest::addColumn<int>("characterCount");
0316     QTest::addColumn<bool>("avatarSquare");
0317     QTest::addColumn<bool>("isGM");
0318     QTest::addColumn<bool>("isServer");
0319     QTest::addColumn<bool>("expected");
0321     QTest::addRow("empty") << 0 << 0 << false << false << false << false;
0322     QTest::addRow("empty but gm") << 0 << 0 << false << true << false << false;
0323     QTest::addRow("one profile") << 1 << 0 << false << false << false << false;
0325     QTest::addRow("One profile but gm") << 1 << 0 << false << true << true << false;
0326     QTest::addRow("One profile with square") << 1 << 1 << true << true << true << true;
0327     QTest::addRow("One profile without square") << 1 << 1 << false << true << true << false;
0329     for(int i= 0; i < 5; ++i)
0330     {
0331         QTest::addRow("%d profile but gm", i) << i << 0 << false << true << true << false;
0332         QTest::addRow("%d profile with square", i) << i << i << true << true << true << true;
0333         QTest::addRow("%d profile without square", i) << i << i << false << true << true << false;
0334     }
0335 }
0337 void ProfileControllerTest::connectTest()
0338 {
0339     m_ctrl.reset(new SelectConnProfileController(m_profileModel.get(), nullptr));
0340     m_ctrl->setCurrentProfileIndex(10);
0341     m_ctrl->setCurrentProfileIndex(m_ctrl->currentProfileIndex());
0342     QCOMPARE(m_profileModel->rowCount(), 0);
0344     m_profileModel.reset(new ProfileModel());
0345     auto profil= new ConnectionProfile();
0346     profil->setProfileTitle("Text1");
0347     m_profileModel->appendProfile(profil);
0348     m_ctrl.reset(new SelectConnProfileController(m_profileModel.get(), nullptr));
0350     auto profileModel= m_ctrl->profileModel();
0351     QCOMPARE(profileModel->rowCount(), 1);
0352     QCOMPARE(m_ctrl->profileName(), "Text1");
0354     QVERIFY(!m_ctrl->validCampaignPath());
0356     QTemporaryDir dir;
0357     dir.setAutoRemove(false);
0358     dir.isValid();
0359     auto path= dir.path();
0361     QSignalSpy campSpy(m_ctrl.get(), &SelectConnProfileController::campaignPathChanged);
0362     m_ctrl->setCampaignPath(path);
0363     campSpy.wait(10);
0365     QCOMPARE(campSpy.count(), 1);
0367     QCOMPARE(m_ctrl->connectionState(), SelectConnProfileController::ConnectionState::IDLE);
0369     auto error= Helper::randomString();
0370     m_ctrl->setErrorMsg(error);
0371     QCOMPARE(m_ctrl->errorMsg(), error);
0372     m_ctrl->setErrorMsg(error);
0374     auto info= Helper::randomString();
0375     m_ctrl->setInfoMsg(info);
0376     QCOMPARE(m_ctrl->infoMsg(), info);
0377     m_ctrl->setInfoMsg(info);
0379     m_ctrl->addCharacter();
0380     auto model= m_ctrl->characterModel();
0382     QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(), 1);
0383     auto name= Helper::randomString();
0384     m_ctrl->editCharacterName(0, name);
0385     auto character= model->character(0);
0386     QCOMPARE(character.m_name, name);
0388     m_ctrl->editCharacterColor(0, Qt::darkGray);
0389     character= model->character(0);
0390     QCOMPARE(character.m_color, Qt::darkGray);
0392     auto avatar= Helper::imageData(true);
0393     m_ctrl->editCharacterAvatar(0, avatar);
0394     m_ctrl->editCharacterColor(0, Qt::red);
0395     m_ctrl->editCharacterName(0, Helper::randomString());
0396     character= model->character(0);
0397     QCOMPARE(character.m_avatarData, avatar);
0398     QVERIFY(m_ctrl->validCharacter());
0399     QVERIFY(m_ctrl->validCharacterAvatar());
0400     QVERIFY(m_ctrl->validCharacterColor());
0401     QVERIFY(m_ctrl->validCharacterName());
0403     m_ctrl->removeCharacter(0);
0404     QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(), 0);
0406     auto pw= Helper::randomString();
0407     m_ctrl->setPassword(pw.toUtf8());
0408     QVERIFY(m_ctrl->password() != pw);
0409 }
0411 void ProfileControllerTest::canConnect()
0412 {
0413     QFETCH(QString, profileName);
0414     QFETCH(QString, playerName);
0415     QFETCH(QColor, playerColor);
0416     QFETCH(QByteArray, playerAvatar);
0417     QFETCH(bool, isGameMaster);
0418     QFETCH(bool, isServer);
0419     QFETCH(QString, address);
0420     QFETCH(int, port);
0421     QFETCH(QString, campaignPath);
0422     QFETCH(QList<CharacterInfo>, characters);
0423     QFETCH(bool, canConnectStatus);
0425     QCOMPARE(m_profileModel->rowCount(), 0);
0426     m_ctrl->addProfile();
0427     QCOMPARE(m_profileModel->rowCount(), 1);
0429     m_ctrl->setCurrentProfileIndex(0);
0430     QCOMPARE(m_ctrl->currentProfileIndex(), 0);
0432     QSignalSpy spy(m_ctrl.get(), &SelectConnProfileController::canConnectChanged);
0434     m_ctrl->setProfileName(profileName);
0436     m_ctrl->setPlayerName(playerName);
0437     QCOMPARE(m_ctrl->playerName(), playerName);
0438     m_ctrl->setPlayerColor(playerColor);
0439     QCOMPARE(m_ctrl->playerColor(), playerColor);
0440     m_ctrl->setPlayerAvatar(playerAvatar);
0441     QCOMPARE(m_ctrl->playerAvatar(), playerAvatar);
0443     m_ctrl->setIsGameMaster(isGameMaster);
0444     m_ctrl->setIsServer(isServer);
0446     m_ctrl->setAddress(address);
0447     m_ctrl->setPort(port);
0449     m_ctrl->setCampaignPath(campaignPath);
0450     auto characterModel= m_ctrl->characterModel();
0451     characterModel->removeCharacter(0);
0453     QList<connection::CharacterData> list;
0454     std::transform(std::begin(characters), std::end(characters), std::back_inserter(list),
0455                    [](const CharacterInfo& info) -> connection::CharacterData {
0456                        return {info.uuid,, info.color, info.avatar, {}};
0457                    });
0459     for(auto const& data : qAsConst(list))
0460     {
0461         characterModel->addCharacter(data);
0462     }
0464     spy.wait(10);
0466     QCOMPARE(m_ctrl->canConnect(), canConnectStatus);
0468     if(isGameMaster && !campaignPath.isNull())
0469         QVERIFY2(m_ctrl->validCampaignPath(), QString("campaignPath: %1").arg(campaignPath).toStdString().c_str());
0470 }
0472 void ProfileControllerTest::canConnect_data()
0473 {
0474     QTest::addColumn<QString>("profileName");
0475     QTest::addColumn<QString>("playerName");
0476     QTest::addColumn<QColor>("playerColor");
0477     QTest::addColumn<QByteArray>("playerAvatar");
0478     QTest::addColumn<bool>("isGameMaster");
0479     QTest::addColumn<bool>("isServer");
0480     QTest::addColumn<QString>("address");
0481     QTest::addColumn<int>("port");
0482     QTest::addColumn<QString>("campaignPath");
0483     QTest::addColumn<QList<CharacterInfo>>("characters");
0484     QTest::addColumn<bool>("canConnectStatus");
0486     auto badImg= IOHelper::imageToData(IOHelper::readImageFromFile(":/img/arbre_500.jpg"));
0487     auto goodImg= IOHelper::imageToData(IOHelper::readImageFromFile(":/img/arbre_square_500.jpg"));
0488     QTemporaryDir dir;
0489     dir.setAutoRemove(false);
0490     dir.isValid();
0492     // No valid field
0493     QTest::addRow("connect1") << QString() << QString() << QColor() << QByteArray() << false << false << QString() << 0
0494                               << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0496     // One valid field
0497     QTest::addRow("connect2") << QString("test") << QString() << QColor() << QByteArray() << false << false << QString()
0498                               << 0 << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0500     QTest::addRow("connect3") << QString() << QString("test") << QColor() << QByteArray() << false << false << QString()
0501                               << 0 << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0503     QTest::addRow("connect4") << QString() << QString() << QColor(Qt::blue) << QByteArray() << false << false
0504                               << QString() << 0 << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0506     QTest::addRow("connect5") << QString() << QString() << QColor() << badImg << false << false << QString() << 0
0507                               << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0508     QTest::addRow("connect5") << QString() << QString() << QColor() << goodImg << false << false << QString() << 0
0509                               << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0510     QTest::addRow("connect6") << QString() << QString() << QColor() << QByteArray() << true << false << QString() << 0
0511                               << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0512     QTest::addRow("connect7") << QString() << QString() << QColor() << QByteArray() << false << true << QString() << 0
0513                               << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0514     QTest::addRow("connect8") << QString() << QString() << QColor() << QByteArray() << false << false
0515                               << QString("localhost") << 0 << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0516     QTest::addRow("connect9") << QString() << QString() << QColor() << QByteArray() << false << false << QString()
0517                               << 6660 << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0518     QTest::addRow("connect10") << QString() << QString() << QColor() << QByteArray() << false << false << QString() << 0
0519                                << dir.path() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0521     QTest::addRow("connect11") << QString() << QString() << QColor() << QByteArray() << false << false << QString() << 0
0522                                << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>{{QString(), QString(), QColor(), QByteArray()}}
0523                                << false;
0525     QTest::addRow("connect12") << QString() << QString() << QColor() << QByteArray() << false << false << QString() << 0
0526                                << QString()
0527                                << QList<CharacterInfo>{{QString(), QString("Player"), QColor(), QByteArray()}} << false;
0529     QTest::addRow("connect13") << QString() << QString() << QColor() << QByteArray() << false << false << QString() << 0
0530                                << QString()
0531                                << QList<CharacterInfo>{{QString(), QString(), QColor(Qt::blue), QByteArray()}} << false;
0533     QTest::addRow("connect14") << QString() << QString() << QColor() << QByteArray() << false << false << QString() << 0
0534                                << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>{{QString(), QString(), QColor(), badImg}} << false;
0536     QTest::addRow("connect15") << QString() << QString() << QColor() << QByteArray() << false << false << QString() << 0
0537                                << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>{{QString(), QString(), QColor(), goodImg}} << false;
0539     // two valid fields
0540     QTest::addRow("connect16") << QString("test") << QString("test") << QColor() << QByteArray() << false << false
0541                                << QString() << 0 << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0543     QTest::addRow("connect17") << QString() << QString("test") << QColor(Qt::blue) << QByteArray() << false << false
0544                                << QString() << 0 << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0546     QTest::addRow("connect18") << QString() << QString() << QColor(Qt::blue) << goodImg << false << false << QString()
0547                                << 0 << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0548     QTest::addRow("connect19") << QString() << QString() << QColor(Qt::blue) << badImg << false << false << QString()
0549                                << 0 << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0551     QTest::addRow("connect20") << QString() << QString() << QColor() << badImg << true << false << QString() << 0
0552                                << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0553     QTest::addRow("connect21") << QString() << QString() << QColor() << QByteArray() << true << true << QString() << 0
0554                                << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0556     QTest::addRow("connect22") << QString() << QString() << QColor() << QByteArray() << false << true
0557                                << QString("localhost") << 0 << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0559     QTest::addRow("connect23") << QString() << QString() << QColor() << QByteArray() << false << false
0560                                << QString("localhost") << 6660 << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0562     QTest::addRow("connect24") << QString() << QString() << QColor() << QByteArray() << false << false << QString()
0563                                << 6660 << dir.path() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0565     QTest::addRow("connect25") << QString() << QString() << QColor() << QByteArray() << false << false << QString() << 0
0566                                << dir.path()
0567                                << QList<CharacterInfo>{{QString(), QString("player"), QColor(Qt::blue), QByteArray()}}
0568                                << false;
0569     QTest::addRow("connect26") << QString() << QString() << QColor() << QByteArray() << false << false << QString() << 0
0570                                << dir.path() << QList<CharacterInfo>{{QString(), QString(), QColor(Qt::blue), goodImg}}
0571                                << false;
0572     QTest::addRow("connect27") << QString() << QString() << QColor() << QByteArray() << false << false << QString() << 0
0573                                << dir.path() << QList<CharacterInfo>{{QString(), QString(), QColor(Qt::blue), badImg}}
0574                                << false;
0575     QTest::addRow("connect28") << QString() << QString() << QColor() << QByteArray() << false << false << QString() << 0
0576                                << dir.path() << QList<CharacterInfo>{{QString(), QString("player"), QColor(), goodImg}}
0577                                << false;
0578     QTest::addRow("connect29") << QString() << QString() << QColor() << QByteArray() << false << false << QString() << 0
0579                                << dir.path() << QList<CharacterInfo>{{QString(), QString("player"), QColor(), badImg}}
0580                                << false;
0582     // three valid fields
0583     QTest::addRow("connect30") << QString("test") << QString("test") << QColor(Qt::blue) << QByteArray() << false
0584                                << false << QString() << 0 << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0585     QTest::addRow("connect31") << QString() << QString("test") << QColor(Qt::blue) << goodImg << false << false
0586                                << QString() << 0 << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0587     QTest::addRow("connect32") << QString() << QString("test") << QColor(Qt::blue) << badImg << false << false
0588                                << QString() << 0 << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0589     QTest::addRow("connect33") << QString() << QString() << QColor(Qt::blue) << goodImg << true << false << QString()
0590                                << 0 << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0591     QTest::addRow("connect34") << QString() << QString() << QColor(Qt::blue) << badImg << true << false << QString()
0592                                << 0 << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0593     QTest::addRow("connect35") << QString() << QString() << QColor() << badImg << true << true << QString() << 0
0594                                << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0595     QTest::addRow("connect36") << QString() << QString() << QColor() << goodImg << true << true << QString() << 0
0596                                << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0598     QTest::addRow("connect37") << QString() << QString() << QColor() << QByteArray() << true << true
0599                                << QString("localhost") << 0 << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0600     QTest::addRow("connect38") << QString() << QString() << QColor() << QByteArray() << false << true
0601                                << QString("localhost") << 6660 << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0603     QTest::addRow("connect39") << QString() << QString() << QColor() << QByteArray() << false << false
0604                                << QString("localhost") << 6660 << dir.path() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0605     QTest::addRow("connect40") << QString() << QString() << QColor() << QByteArray() << false << false << QString()
0606                                << 6660 << dir.path()
0607                                << QList<CharacterInfo>{{QString(), QString("player"), QColor(Qt::blue), badImg}}
0608                                << false;
0609     QTest::addRow("connect41") << QString() << QString() << QColor() << QByteArray() << false << false << QString()
0610                                << 6660 << dir.path()
0611                                << QList<CharacterInfo>{{QString(), QString("player"), QColor(Qt::blue), goodImg}}
0612                                << false;
0614     // Four valid fields
0615     QTest::addRow("connect42") << QString("test") << QString("test") << QColor(Qt::blue) << badImg << false << false
0616                                << QString() << 0 << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0617     QTest::addRow("connect43") << QString("test") << QString("test") << QColor(Qt::blue) << goodImg << false << false
0618                                << QString() << 0 << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0619     QTest::addRow("connect44") << QString() << QString("test") << QColor(Qt::blue) << goodImg << true << false
0620                                << QString() << 0 << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0621     QTest::addRow("connect45") << QString() << QString("test") << QColor(Qt::blue) << badImg << true << false
0622                                << QString() << 0 << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0623     QTest::addRow("connect46") << QString() << QString() << QColor(Qt::blue) << badImg << true << true << QString() << 0
0624                                << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0625     QTest::addRow("connect47") << QString() << QString() << QColor(Qt::blue) << goodImg << true << true << QString()
0626                                << 0 << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0628     QTest::addRow("connect48") << QString() << QString() << QColor() << goodImg << true << true << QString("localhost")
0629                                << 0 << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0630     QTest::addRow("connect49") << QString() << QString() << QColor() << badImg << true << true << QString("localhost")
0631                                << 0 << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0632     QTest::addRow("connect50") << QString() << QString() << QColor() << QByteArray() << true << true
0633                                << QString("localhost") << 6660 << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0634     QTest::addRow("connect51") << QString() << QString() << QColor() << QByteArray() << false << true
0635                                << QString("localhost") << 6660 << dir.path() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0636     QTest::addRow("connect52") << QString() << QString() << QColor() << QByteArray() << false << false
0637                                << QString("localhost") << 6660 << dir.path()
0638                                << QList<CharacterInfo>{{QString(), QString("player"), QColor(Qt::blue), goodImg}}
0639                                << false;
0641     // five valid fields
0642     QTest::addRow("connect53") << QString("test") << QString("test") << QColor(Qt::blue) << badImg << true << false
0643                                << QString() << 0 << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0644     QTest::addRow("connect54") << QString("test") << QString("test") << QColor(Qt::blue) << goodImg << true << false
0645                                << QString() << 0 << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0646     QTest::addRow("connect55") << QString() << QString("test") << QColor(Qt::blue) << badImg << true << true
0647                                << QString() << 0 << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0648     QTest::addRow("connect56") << QString() << QString("test") << QColor(Qt::blue) << goodImg << true << true
0649                                << QString() << 0 << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0650     QTest::addRow("connect57") << QString() << QString() << QColor(Qt::blue) << goodImg << true << true
0651                                << QString("localhost") << 0 << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0652     QTest::addRow("connect58") << QString() << QString() << QColor(Qt::blue) << badImg << true << true
0653                                << QString("localhost") << 0 << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0654     QTest::addRow("connect59") << QString() << QString() << QColor() << badImg << true << true << QString("localhost")
0655                                << 6660 << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0656     QTest::addRow("connect60") << QString() << QString() << QColor() << goodImg << true << true << QString("localhost")
0657                                << 6660 << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0658     QTest::addRow("connect61") << QString() << QString() << QColor() << QByteArray() << true << true
0659                                << QString("localhost") << 6660 << dir.path() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0660     QTest::addRow("connect62") << QString() << QString() << QColor() << QByteArray() << false << true
0661                                << QString("localhost") << 6660 << dir.path()
0662                                << QList<CharacterInfo>{{QString(), QString("player"), QColor(Qt::blue), goodImg}}
0663                                << false;
0665     // six valid fields
0666     QTest::addRow("connect63") << QString("test") << QString("test") << QColor(Qt::blue) << badImg << true << true
0667                                << QString() << 0 << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0668     QTest::addRow("connect64") << QString("test") << QString("test") << QColor(Qt::blue) << goodImg << true << true
0669                                << QString() << 0 << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0670     QTest::addRow("connect65") << QString() << QString("test") << QColor(Qt::blue) << goodImg << true << true
0671                                << QString("localhost") << 0 << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0672     QTest::addRow("connect66") << QString() << QString("test") << QColor(Qt::blue) << badImg << true << true
0673                                << QString("localhost") << 0 << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0675     QTest::addRow("connect67") << QString() << QString() << QColor(Qt::blue) << goodImg << true << true
0676                                << QString("localhost") << 6660 << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0677     QTest::addRow("connect68") << QString() << QString() << QColor(Qt::blue) << badImg << true << true
0678                                << QString("localhost") << 6660 << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0680     QTest::addRow("connect69") << QString() << QString() << QColor() << goodImg << true << true << QString("localhost")
0681                                << 6660 << dir.path() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0682     QTest::addRow("connect70") << QString() << QString() << QColor() << badImg << true << true << QString("localhost")
0683                                << 6660 << dir.path() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0685     QTest::addRow("connect71") << QString() << QString() << QColor() << QByteArray() << true << true
0686                                << QString("localhost") << 6660 << dir.path()
0687                                << QList<CharacterInfo>{{QString(), QString("player"), QColor(Qt::blue), goodImg}}
0688                                << false;
0690     // seven valid fields
0691     QTest::addRow("connect72") << QString("test") << QString("test") << QColor(Qt::blue) << badImg << true << true
0692                                << QString("localhost") << 0 << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0693     QTest::addRow("connect73") << QString("test") << QString("test") << QColor(Qt::blue) << goodImg << true << true
0694                                << QString("localhost") << 0 << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0696     QTest::addRow("connect74") << QString() << QString("test") << QColor(Qt::blue) << badImg << true << true
0697                                << QString("localhost") << 6660 << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0698     QTest::addRow("connect75") << QString() << QString("test") << QColor(Qt::blue) << goodImg << true << true
0699                                << QString("localhost") << 6660 << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0701     QTest::addRow("connect76") << QString() << QString() << QColor(Qt::blue) << badImg << true << true
0702                                << QString("localhost") << 6660 << dir.path() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0703     QTest::addRow("connect77") << QString() << QString() << QColor(Qt::blue) << goodImg << true << true
0704                                << QString("localhost") << 6660 << dir.path() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0706     QTest::addRow("connect78") << QString() << QString() << QColor() << badImg << true << true << QString("localhost")
0707                                << 6660 << dir.path()
0708                                << QList<CharacterInfo>{{QString(), QString("player"), QColor(Qt::blue), goodImg}}
0709                                << false;
0710     QTest::addRow("connect79") << QString() << QString() << QColor() << goodImg << true << true << QString("localhost")
0711                                << 6660 << dir.path()
0712                                << QList<CharacterInfo>{{QString(), QString("player"), QColor(Qt::blue), goodImg}}
0713                                << false;
0715     // eight valid fields
0716     QTest::addRow("connect80") << QString("test") << QString("test") << QColor(Qt::blue) << badImg << true << true
0717                                << QString("localhost") << 6660 << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0718     QTest::addRow("connect81") << QString("test") << QString("test") << QColor(Qt::blue) << goodImg << true << true
0719                                << QString("localhost") << 6660 << QString() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0721     QTest::addRow("connect82") << QString() << QString("test") << QColor(Qt::blue) << badImg << true << true
0722                                << QString("localhost") << 6660 << dir.path() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0723     QTest::addRow("connect83") << QString() << QString("test") << QColor(Qt::blue) << goodImg << true << true
0724                                << QString("localhost") << 6660 << dir.path() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0726     QTest::addRow("connect84") << QString() << QString() << QColor(Qt::blue) << badImg << true << true
0727                                << QString("localhost") << 6660 << dir.path()
0728                                << QList<CharacterInfo>{{QString(), QString("player"), QColor(Qt::blue), goodImg}}
0729                                << false;
0730     QTest::addRow("connect85") << QString() << QString() << QColor(Qt::blue) << goodImg << true << true
0731                                << QString("localhost") << 6660 << dir.path()
0732                                << QList<CharacterInfo>{{QString(), QString("player"), QColor(Qt::blue), goodImg}}
0733                                << false;
0735     // nine valid field
0736     QTest::addRow("connect86") << QString("test") << QString("test") << QColor(Qt::blue) << badImg << true << true
0737                                << QString("localhost") << 6660 << dir.path() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << false;
0738     QTest::addRow("connect87") << QString("test") << QString("test") << QColor(Qt::blue) << goodImg << true << true
0739                                << QString("localhost") << 6660 << dir.path() << QList<CharacterInfo>() << true;
0741     QTest::addRow("connect88") << QString() << QString("test") << QColor(Qt::blue) << badImg << true << true
0742                                << QString("localhost") << 6660 << dir.path()
0743                                << QList<CharacterInfo>{{QString(), QString("player"), QColor(Qt::blue), goodImg}}
0744                                << false;
0745     QTest::addRow("connect89") << QString() << QString("test") << QColor(Qt::blue) << goodImg << true << true
0746                                << QString("localhost") << 6660 << dir.path()
0747                                << QList<CharacterInfo>{{QString(), QString("player"), QColor(Qt::blue), goodImg}}
0748                                << false;
0750     // ten valid field
0752     // bad img
0753     QTest::addRow("connect90") << QString("test") << QString("test") << QColor(Qt::blue) << badImg << true << true
0754                                << QString("localhost") << 6660 << dir.path()
0755                                << QList<CharacterInfo>{{QString(), QString("player"), QColor(Qt::blue), goodImg}}
0756                                << false;
0758     // false
0759     QTest::addRow("connect91") << QString("test") << QString("test") << QColor(Qt::blue) << goodImg << true << true
0760                                << QString("localhost") << 6660 << dir.path()
0761                                << QList<CharacterInfo>{{QString("uuid"), QString("player"), QColor(Qt::blue), goodImg}}
0762                                << true; // no player with game master
0764     QTest::addRow("connect92") << QString("test") << QString("test") << QColor(Qt::blue) << goodImg << false << true
0765                                << QString("localhost") << 6660 << dir.path()
0766                                << QList<CharacterInfo>{{QString(), QString("player"), QColor(Qt::blue), badImg}}
0767                                << false;
0769     QTest::addRow("connect93") << QString("test") << QString("test") << QColor(Qt::blue) << goodImg << false << true
0770                                << QString("localhost") << 6660 << QString()
0771                                << QList<CharacterInfo>{{QString("uuid"), QString("player"), QColor(Qt::blue), goodImg}}
0772                                << true;
0773 }
0774 QTEST_MAIN(ProfileControllerTest);
0775 #include "tst_profilecontroller.moc"