File indexing completed on 2024-05-12 05:14:39

0001 /*
0002  *  commandoptions.h  -  extract command line options
0003  *  Program:  kalarm
0004  *  SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2001-2022 David Jarvie <>
0005  *
0006  *  SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0007  */
0009 #pragma once
0011 #include "editdlg.h"
0012 #include "kalarmcalendar/kaevent.h"
0013 #include "kalarmcalendar/karecurrence.h"
0014 #include "kalarmcalendar/kadatetime.h"
0016 #include <QColor>
0017 #include <QStringList>
0018 class QCommandLineParser;
0019 class QCommandLineOption;
0021 using namespace KAlarmCal;
0023 class CommandOptions
0024 {
0025 public:
0026     enum Command
0027     {
0028         CMD_ERROR,        // error in command line options
0029         NONE,             // no command
0030         TRAY,             // --tray
0031         TRIGGER_EVENT,    // --triggerEvent
0032         CANCEL_EVENT,     // --cancelEvent
0033         EDIT,             // --edit
0034         EDIT_NEW_PRESET,  // --edit-new-preset
0035         EDIT_NEW,         // --edit-new-display, --edit-new-command, --edit-new-email
0036         NEW,              // --file, --exec-display, --exec, --mail, message
0037         LIST              // --list
0038     };
0039     QStringList setOptions(QCommandLineParser*, const QStringList& args);
0040     static CommandOptions* firstInstance()        { return mFirstInstance; }
0041     CommandOptions();
0042     CommandOptions(CommandOptions&) = delete;
0043     CommandOptions& operator=(CommandOptions&) = delete;
0044     void                parse();
0045     void                process();
0046     Command             command() const           { return mCommand; }
0047     QString             commandName() const;
0048     QString             eventId() const           { return mEventId; }
0049     QString             resourceId() const        { return mResourceId; }
0050     QString             name() const              { return mName; }
0051     EditAlarmDlg::Type  editType() const          { return mEditType; }
0052     KAEvent::SubAction  editAction() const        { return mEditAction; }
0053     QString             text() const              { return mText; }
0054     KADateTime          alarmTime() const         { return mAlarmTime; }
0055     KARecurrence*       recurrence() const        { return mRecurrence; }
0056     int                 subRepeatCount() const    { return mRepeatCount; }
0057     KCalendarCore::Duration  subRepeatInterval() const { return mRepeatInterval; }
0058     int                 lateCancel() const        { return mLateCancel; }
0059     QColor              bgColour() const          { return mBgColour; }
0060     QColor              fgColour() const          { return mFgColour; }
0061     int                 reminderMinutes() const   { return mReminderMinutes; }
0062     QString             audioFile() const         { return mAudioFile; }
0063     float               audioVolume() const       { return mAudioVolume; }
0064     KCalendarCore::Person::List addressees() const     { return mAddressees; }
0065     QStringList         attachments() const       { return mAttachments; }
0066     QString             subject() const           { return mSubject; }
0067     uint                fromID() const            { return mFromID; }
0068     KAEvent::Flags      flags() const             { return mFlags; }
0069     bool                disableAll() const        { return mDisableAll; }
0070     QString             outputText() const        { return mError; }
0071 #ifndef NDEBUG
0072     KADateTime          simulationTime() const    { return mSimulationTime; }
0073 #endif
0074     static void         printError(const QString& errmsg);
0076 private:
0077     class Private;
0078     friend class Private;
0079     Private* const d;
0080     QString     arg(int n);
0082     static CommandOptions* mFirstInstance;       // the first instance
0083     QCommandLineParser* mParser {nullptr};
0084     QList<QCommandLineOption*> mOptions;         // all possible command line options
0085     QStringList         mNonExecArguments;       // arguments except for --exec or --exec-display parameters
0086     QStringList         mExecArguments;          // arguments for --exec or --exec-display
0087     QString             mError;                  // error message
0088     Command             mCommand {NONE};         // the selected command
0089     QString             mEventId;                // TRIGGER_EVENT, CANCEL_EVENT, EDIT: event ID
0090     QString             mResourceId;             // TRIGGER_EVENT, CANCEL_EVENT, EDIT: optional resource ID
0091     QString             mName;                   // NEW, EDIT_NEW_PRESET: alarm/template name
0092     EditAlarmDlg::Type  mEditType;               // NEW, EDIT_NEW_*: alarm edit type
0093     KAEvent::SubAction  mEditAction;             // NEW: alarm edit sub-type
0094     bool                mEditActionSet {false};  // NEW: mEditAction is valid
0095     QString             mText;                   // NEW: alarm text
0096     KADateTime          mAlarmTime;              // NEW: alarm time
0097     KARecurrence*       mRecurrence {nullptr};   // NEW: recurrence
0098     int                 mRepeatCount {0};        // NEW: sub-repetition count
0099     KCalendarCore::Duration mRepeatInterval {0}; // NEW: sub-repetition interval
0100     int                 mLateCancel {0};         // NEW: late-cancellation interval
0101     QColor              mBgColour;               // NEW: background colour
0102     QColor              mFgColour;               // NEW: foreground colour
0103     int                 mReminderMinutes {0};    // NEW: reminder period
0104     QString             mAudioFile;              // NEW: audio file path
0105     float               mAudioVolume {-1.0f};    // NEW: audio file volume
0106     KCalendarCore::Person::List mAddressees;     // NEW: email addressees
0107     QStringList         mAttachments;            // NEW: email attachment file names
0108     QString             mSubject;                // NEW: email subject
0109     uint                mFromID {0};             // NEW: email sender ID
0110     KAEvent::Flags      mFlags;                  // NEW: event flags
0111     bool                mDisableAll {false};     // disable all alarm monitoring
0112 #ifndef NDEBUG
0113     KADateTime          mSimulationTime;         // system time to be simulated, or invalid if none
0114 #endif
0115 };
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