File indexing completed on 2024-05-12 05:14:42

0001 /*
0002  *  editdlg.h  -  dialog to create or modify an alarm or alarm template
0003  *  Program:  kalarm
0004  *  SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2001-2023 David Jarvie <>
0005  *
0006  *  SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0007  */
0009 #pragma once
0011 #include "resources/resource.h"
0012 #include "kalarmcalendar/alarmtext.h"
0013 #include "kalarmcalendar/datetime.h"
0014 #include "kalarmcalendar/kaevent.h"
0016 #include <QDialog>
0017 #include <QTime>
0019 class QLabel;
0020 class QShowEvent;
0021 class QResizeEvent;
0022 class QAbstractButton;
0023 class QGroupBox;
0024 class QFrame;
0025 class QVBoxLayout;
0026 class QLineEdit;
0027 class QTabWidget;
0028 class ButtonGroup;
0029 class TimeEdit;
0030 class RadioButton;
0031 class CheckBox;
0032 class LateCancelSelector;
0033 class AlarmTimeWidget;
0034 class RecurrenceEdit;
0035 class Reminder;
0036 class StackedScrollGroup;
0037 class TimeSpinBox;
0038 class QDialogButtonBox;
0040 using namespace KAlarmCal;
0043 class EditAlarmDlg : public QDialog
0044 {
0045     Q_OBJECT
0046 public:
0047     enum Type { NO_TYPE, DISPLAY, COMMAND, EMAIL, AUDIO };
0048     enum GetResourceType {
0049         RES_PROMPT,        // prompt for resource
0050         RES_USE_EVENT_ID,  // use resource containing event, or prompt if not found
0051         RES_IGNORE         // don't get resource
0052     };
0054     static EditAlarmDlg* create(bool Template, Type, QWidget* parent = nullptr,
0055                                 GetResourceType = RES_PROMPT);
0056     static EditAlarmDlg* create(bool Template, const KAEvent&, bool newAlarm, QWidget* parent = nullptr,
0057                                 GetResourceType = RES_PROMPT, bool readOnly = false);
0058     ~EditAlarmDlg() override;
0059     bool            getEvent(KAEvent&, Resource&);
0061     // Methods to initialise values in the New Alarm dialogue.
0062     void            setName(const QString&);
0064     /** Set the start date/time for the alarm.
0065      * N.B. setTime() must be called first to set the date-only characteristic,
0066      *      followed by setRecurrence() if applicable.
0067      */
0068     void            setTime(const DateTime&);    // must be called first to set date-only value
0070     /** Return the start date/time for the alarm. */
0071     KADateTime      time() const;
0073     void            setRecurrence(const KARecurrence&, const KCalendarCore::Duration& subRepeatInterval, int subRepeatCount);
0074     void            setRepeatAtLogin();
0075     virtual void    setAction(KAEvent::SubAction, const AlarmText& = AlarmText()) = 0;
0076     void            setLateCancel(int minutes);
0077     void            setWakeFromSuspend(bool);
0078     void            setShowInKOrganizer(bool);
0080     QSize           sizeHint() const override    { return minimumSizeHint(); }
0082     static int      instanceCount();
0083     static QString  i18n_chk_ShowInKOrganizer();   // text of 'Show in KOrganizer' checkbox
0085 protected:
0086     EditAlarmDlg(bool Template, KAEvent::SubAction, QWidget* parent = nullptr,
0087                  GetResourceType = RES_PROMPT);
0088     EditAlarmDlg(bool Template, const KAEvent&, bool newAlarm, QWidget* parent = nullptr,
0089                  GetResourceType = RES_PROMPT, bool readOnly = false);
0090     void            init(const KAEvent& event);
0091     void            resizeEvent(QResizeEvent*) override;
0092     void            showEvent(QShowEvent*) override;
0093     void            closeEvent(QCloseEvent*) override;
0094     bool            eventFilter(QObject*, QEvent*) override;
0095     virtual QString type_caption() const = 0;
0096     virtual void    type_init(QWidget* parent, QVBoxLayout* frameLayout) = 0;
0097     virtual void    type_initValues(const KAEvent&) = 0;
0098     virtual void    type_showOptions(bool more) = 0;
0099     virtual void    setReadOnly(bool readOnly) = 0;
0100     virtual void    saveState(const KAEvent*) = 0;
0101     virtual bool    type_stateChanged() const = 0;
0102     virtual void    type_setEvent(KAEvent&, const KADateTime&, const QString& name, const QString& text, int lateCancel, bool trial) = 0;
0103     virtual KAEvent::Flags getAlarmFlags() const;
0104     virtual bool    type_validate(bool trial) = 0;
0105     virtual void    type_aboutToTry() {}
0106     virtual void    type_executedTry(const QString& text, void* obj) { Q_UNUSED(text); Q_UNUSED(obj); }
0107     virtual Reminder* createReminder(QWidget* parent)  { Q_UNUSED(parent); return nullptr; }
0108     virtual CheckBox* type_createConfirmAckCheckbox(QWidget* parent)  { Q_UNUSED(parent); return nullptr; }
0109     virtual bool    checkText(QString& result, bool showErrorMessage = true) const = 0;
0111     void            showMainPage();
0112     bool            isTemplate() const         { return mTemplate; }
0113     bool            isNewAlarm() const         { return mNewAlarm; }
0114     bool            dateOnly() const;
0115     bool            isTimedRecurrence() const;
0116     bool            showingMore() const        { return mShowingMore; }
0117     Reminder*       reminder() const           { return mReminder; }
0118     LateCancelSelector* lateCancel() const     { return mLateCancel; }
0120 protected Q_SLOTS:
0121     virtual void    slotTry();
0122     virtual void    slotHelp();      // Load Template
0123     virtual void    slotDefault();   // More/Less Options
0124     void            slotButtonClicked(QAbstractButton*);
0125     void            contentsChanged();
0127 private Q_SLOTS:
0128     void            slotRecurTypeChange(int repeatType);
0129     void            slotRecurFrequencyChange();
0130     void            slotEditDeferral();
0131     void            slotShowMainPage();
0132     void            slotShowRecurrenceEdit();
0133     void            slotAnyTimeToggled(bool anyTime);
0134     void            slotTemplateTimeType(QAbstractButton*);
0135     void            slotSetSubRepetition();
0136     void            slotResize();
0137     void            focusFixTimer();
0139 private:
0140     void            init(const KAEvent& event, GetResourceType getResource);
0141     void            initValues(const KAEvent&);
0142     void            setEvent(KAEvent&, const QString& text, bool trial);
0143     bool            validate();
0144     virtual bool    stateChanged() const;
0145     void            showOptions(bool more);
0146     void            setWakeFromSuspendEnabledStatus();
0148 protected:
0149     KAEvent::SubAction  mAlarmType;           // actual alarm type
0151     QDialogButtonBox*   mButtonBox;
0152     QAbstractButton*    mTryButton;
0153     QAbstractButton*    mLoadTemplateButton {nullptr};
0154     QAbstractButton*    mMoreLessButton;
0156 private:
0157     static QList<EditAlarmDlg*> mWindowList;  // list of instances
0158     QTabWidget*         mTabs;                // the tabs in the dialog
0159     StackedScrollGroup* mTabScrollGroup;
0160     int                 mMainPageIndex;
0161     int                 mRecurPageIndex;
0162     bool                mMainPageShown {false};          // true once the main tab has been displayed
0163     bool                mRecurPageShown {false};         // true once the recurrence tab has been displayed
0164     bool                mRecurSetDefaultEndDate {true};  // adjust default end date/time when recurrence tab is displayed
0166     // Templates
0167     ButtonGroup*        mTemplateTimeGroup;
0168     RadioButton*        mTemplateDefaultTime;  // no alarm time is specified
0169     RadioButton*        mTemplateUseTimeAfter; // alarm time is specified as an offset from current
0170     RadioButton*        mTemplateAnyTime;      // alarms have date only, no time
0171     RadioButton*        mTemplateUseTime;      // an alarm time is specified
0172     TimeSpinBox*        mTemplateTimeAfter;    // the specified offset from the current time
0173     TimeEdit*           mTemplateTime;         // the alarm time which is specified
0174     QGroupBox*          mDeferGroup {nullptr};
0175     QLabel*             mDeferTimeLabel;
0176     QPushButton*        mDeferChangeButton {nullptr};
0178     QLineEdit*          mName {nullptr};
0179     AlarmTimeWidget*    mTimeWidget {nullptr};
0180     LateCancelSelector* mLateCancel;
0181     Reminder*           mReminder;             // null except for display alarms
0182     CheckBox*           mWakeFromSuspend {nullptr};
0183     CheckBox*           mShowInKorganizer {nullptr};
0185     QFrame*             mMoreOptions;          // contains options hidden by default
0187     RecurrenceEdit*     mRecurrenceEdit;
0189     QString             mAlarmMessage;         // message text/file name/command/email message
0190     DateTime            mAlarmDateTime;
0191     DateTime            mDeferDateTime;
0192     bool                mUseResourceEventId;   // whether to use mResourceEventId
0193     QString             mResourceEventId;      // if non-null, save alarm in resource containing this event ID
0194     Resource            mResource;             // resource to save event into, or invalid
0195     int                 mDeferGroupHeight {0}; // height added by deferred time widget
0196     int                 mDesktop;              // virtual desktop to display the dialog in
0197     QString             mEventId;              // UID of event being edited, or blank for new event
0198     bool                mTemplate;             // editing an alarm template
0199     bool                mNewAlarm;             // editing a new alarm
0200     bool                mExpiredRecurrence;    // initially a recurrence which has expired
0201     mutable bool        mChanged;              // controls other than deferral have changed since dialog was displayed
0202     mutable bool        mOnlyDeferred;         // the only change made in the dialog was to the existing deferral
0203     bool                mDesiredReadOnly;      // the specified read-only status of the dialog
0204     bool                mReadOnly;             // the actual read-only status of the dialog
0205     bool                mShowingMore {true};   // the More Options button has been clicked
0207     // Initial state of all controls
0208     KAEvent*            mSavedEvent {nullptr};
0209     QString             mSavedName;             // mName value
0210     QAbstractButton*    mSavedTemplateTimeType; // selected button in mTemplateTimeGroup
0211     QTime               mSavedTemplateTime;     // mTemplateTime value
0212     int                 mSavedTemplateAfterTime;// mTemplateAfterTime value
0213     QString             mSavedTextFileCommandMessage;  // mTextMessageEdit/mFileMessageEdit/mCmdCommandEdit/mEmailMessageEdit value
0214     KADateTime          mSavedDateTime;         // mTimeWidget value
0215     KADateTime          mSavedDeferTime;        // mDeferDateTime value
0216     int                 mSavedRecurrenceType;   // RecurrenceEdit::RepeatType value
0217     int                 mSavedLateCancel;       // mLateCancel value
0218     bool                mSavedWakeFromSuspend;  // mWakeFromSuspend status
0219     bool                mSavedShowInKorganizer; // mShowInKorganizer status
0220 };
0222 // vim: et sw=4: