Warning, /office/kmymoney/doc/details-reconciliation.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
0002 <chapter id="details.reconcile">
0003 <chapterinfo>
0004   <authorgroup>
0005     <author> &Michael.T.Edwardes; &Michael.T.Edwardes.mail; </author>
0006     <author>&Jack.H.Ostroff; &Jack.H.Ostroff.mail;</author>
0007   </authorgroup>
0008   <date>2022-08-08</date>
0009   <releaseinfo>4.5</releaseinfo>
0010 </chapterinfo>
0012 <title>Reconciliation</title>
0014 <sect1 id="details.reconcile.whatis">
0015 <title>What is reconciliation?</title>
0017 <para>
0018   Reconciliation is the process of matching the transactions you have entered
0019   into &kmymoney; with the transactions listed for that account by the
0020   institution.  This is most commonly done with the list of transactions in a
0021   statement, be it a bank statement, credit card statement, loan statement, or
0022   any other statement. It can also be done against an on-line listing of the
0023   account, although this is less common.  If any discrepancies are found, then
0024   either you or the person who created the statement have made a mistake.
0025 </para>
0027 <para>
0028   To reconcile an account, display that account in the ledger and click on the
0029   <guiicon><inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="reconcile.png"
0030   format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject></guiicon>Reconcile icon,
0031   select the <menuchoice><guimenu>Account</guimenu>
0032   <guimenuitem>Reconcile...</guimenuitem> </menuchoice> menu item, or use the
0033   <keycombo>&Ctrl;&Shift;<keycap>R</keycap></keycombo> shortcut.  You can also
0034   right click the account in the <guilabel>Accounts</guilabel> View and select
0035   <guimenuitem>Reconcile...</guimenuitem> from the context menu.
0036 </para>
0037 </sect1>
0039 <sect1 id="details.reconcile.wizard">
0040 <title>The reconciliation wizard</title>
0041 <para>
0042   Any of the specified actions will open the reconciliation wizard.  The first
0043   page of the wizard briefly describes the process you will follow.  Click on
0044   <guibutton>Next</guibutton> to actually start the wizard.
0045 </para>
0047 <para>
0048 <screenshot>
0049         <screeninfo>Reconciliation wizard</screeninfo>
0050         <mediaobject>
0051         <imageobject>
0052         <imagedata fileref="reconcile1.png" format="PNG" />
0053         </imageobject>
0054         <textobject>
0055         <phrase>Reconciliation wizard</phrase>
0056         </textobject>
0057         </mediaobject>
0058 </screenshot>
0059 </para>
0061 <sect2 id="details.reconcile.wizard.statement">
0062 <title>Statement details</title>
0063 <para>
0064   The statement date, starting balance, and ending balance can be found in your
0065   statement.  The default values displayed by the wizard are determined by your data.
0066 </para>
0068 <para>
0069 <screenshot>
0070         <screeninfo>Reconciliation wizard</screeninfo>
0071         <mediaobject>
0072         <imageobject>
0073         <imagedata fileref="reconcile2.png" format="PNG" />
0074         </imageobject>
0075         <textobject>
0076         <phrase>Reconciliation wizard</phrase>
0077         </textobject>
0078         </mediaobject>
0079 </screenshot>
0080 </para>
0082 <para>
0083   The default value for the statement date is 30 days after the prior
0084   reconciliation, so you will often need to adjust this by one or two days.  You
0085   may need to adjust it by two months if you only receive quarterly statement
0086   from the Institution for this Account.
0087 </para>
0089 <para>
0090   The starting balance shown is the balance on the date of the previous
0091   reconciliation.  The ending balance is the cleared balance at the end of the
0092   Statement date.  This is the starting balance with the values of all cleared
0093   transactions between the previous reconciliation and the statement date added
0094   or subtracted as appropriate.
0095 </para>
0097 <para>
0098   If the values all match, click on the <guibutton>Next</guibutton> button.
0099 </para>
0101 <para>
0102   If the figures do not match there are two paths you can take.  The first is to
0103   cancel the reconciliation, resolve any discrepancies between your data and the
0104   information shown on the statement, and then start the reconciliation again.
0105   The second is to adjust the ending balance to match the value on the
0106   statement, and then click on the <guibutton>Next</guibutton> button.  You will
0107   have an opportunity to resolve any discrepancies during the next step of the
0108   reconciliation process.
0109 </para>
0111 <para>
0112   Note that you cannot adjust the starting balance.  If the amount displayed
0113   does not match the amount on your statement, it indicates there is a problem
0114   with the previous reconciliation, or maybe even an earlier one.  In this case,
0115   you need to cancel the reconciliation and start again after fixing any
0116   problems with your data.  The most common reason for this situation is that
0117   some time after the prior reconciliation, you have inadvertently edited a
0118   transaction prior to that date.  There are plans to make &kmymoney; more
0119   resistant to this problem, but for now, you need to work your way back to find
0120   the earliest reconciliation which does match as the problem is most likely
0121   with one or more transactions between that date and the prior reconciliation.
0122 </para>
0123 </sect2>
0125 <sect2 id="details.reconcile.wizard.interest">
0126 <title>Interest</title>
0127 <para>
0128   If you are reconciling a bank account or any account which pays interest
0129   and/or charges fees, then enter these values in the appropriate fields.  Note
0130   that both of these fields are optional.  If you do fill in one or both of
0131   them, a category must be assigned, and the appropriate transaction(s) will be
0132   created by &kmymoney; prior to the next step of the wizard.
0133 </para>
0135 <note>
0136 <para>
0137   The interest field is for interest you gained.  If you have to pay interest,
0138   &eg;, for a credit card account, this has to be entered as a charge.
0139 </para>
0140 </note>
0142 <para>
0143 <screenshot>
0144         <screeninfo>Reconciliation wizard</screeninfo>
0145         <mediaobject>
0146         <imageobject>
0147         <imagedata fileref="reconcile3.png" format="PNG" />
0148         </imageobject>
0149         <textobject>
0150         <phrase>Reconciliation wizard</phrase>
0151         </textobject>
0152         </mediaobject>
0153 </screenshot>
0154 </para>
0156 <para>
0157   Click on <guibutton>Continue</guibutton> to start matching your statement to
0158   what you have entered.  Note that this is the last screen of the
0159   Reconciliation Wizard, but it is not the end of the process of reconciliation.
0160   It also changes the ledger display by only showing transactions that have not
0161   already been marked as reconciled.  As described below, you still need to
0162   clear transactions and then tell &kmymoney; that the account is reconciled.
0163 </para>
0164 </sect2>
0166 <sect2 id="details.reconcile.wizard.clearing">
0167 <title>Clearing transactions</title>
0168 <para>
0169   During the reconciliation process, any transaction can be edited to make it
0170   match the statement, and new transactions can be created as usual.  To mark a
0171   transaction as cleared, click on the <guilabel>C</guilabel> column in the
0172   ledger.  A transaction is cleared when it matches the transaction on your
0173   statement.
0174 </para>
0176 <para>
0177   The command frame (just below the transaction list area) displays the
0178   statement amount on the left, the cleared amount in the center, and the
0179   difference on the right.  As you mark transactions cleared, these values
0180   update to show the change.
0181 </para>
0183 <para>
0184   Note, however, that as reconciliation is the process of matching the data in
0185   your account with that on a statement, changes to any transaction with dates
0186   after the statement date you entered in the wizard will be saved, but will not
0187   have any effect on the cleared amount shown in the command frame.
0188 </para>
0190 <screenshot>
0191         <screeninfo>Reconciliation wizard</screeninfo>
0192         <mediaobject>
0193         <imageobject>
0194         <imagedata fileref="reconcile4.png" format="PNG" />
0195         </imageobject>
0196         <textobject>
0197         <phrase>Reconciliation wizard</phrase>
0198         </textobject>
0199         </mediaobject>
0200 </screenshot>
0201 </sect2>
0203 <sect2 id="details.reconcile.complete">
0204 <title>Completing Reconciliation</title>
0206 <sect3 id="details.reconcile.finish">
0207 <title>Finishing Reconciliation</title>
0208 <para>
0209   When the difference between the statement and the cleared balance is zero then
0210   the account is reconciled and you can click the <guibutton>Finish</guibutton>
0211   button.  When you do this, &kmymoney; takes all the transactions which have
0212   been marked as cleared and marks them as reconciled, and the value in the
0213   <guilabel>C</guilabel> column changes from <quote>C</quote> to
0214   <quote>R</quote> to reflect the change. In addition, it saves the changes and
0215   records that the account has been reconciled. (You still need to save the file
0216   to permanently save all the changes.)
0217 </para>
0218 </sect3>
0220 <sect3 id="details.reconcile.postpone">
0221 <title>Postponing Reconciliation</title>
0222 <para>
0223   If you are having trouble completing the reconciliation, or you need to gather
0224   some additional information before you can complete the process, you can
0225   postpone the process to a later time by clicking on the
0226   <guibutton>Postpone</guibutton> button. When you do this, &kmymoney; remembers
0227   the values you entered when you started the wizard, it does not mark cleared
0228   transactions as reconciled, and it returns the ledger to its normal view.  If
0229   you exit &kmymoney; before clicking either <guibutton>Finish</guibutton> or
0230   <guibutton>Postpone</guibutton>, it has the same effect as clicking
0231   <guibutton>Postpone</guibutton>.  Any edits you have made, such as marking
0232   transactions cleared or entering new transactions, are not touched, and you
0233   can still save them before you exit &kmymoney;.  However, you will have to run
0234   the reconciliation wizard again in order to reconcile the account.
0235 </para>
0237 <para>
0238   When you run the reconciliation wizard on this account the next time,
0239   &kmymoney; remembers the values you entered when you previously ran the
0240   wizard, and you will be able to change them, if necessary.  In this case, the
0241   initial screen of the wizard is different, to remind you of this.
0242 </para>
0244 <screenshot>
0245         <screeninfo>Reconciliation wizard</screeninfo>
0246         <mediaobject>
0247         <imageobject>
0248         <imagedata fileref="reconcile-redo.png" format="PNG" />
0249         </imageobject>
0250         <textobject>
0251         <phrase>Reconciliation wizard</phrase>
0252         </textobject>
0253         </mediaobject>
0254 </screenshot>
0256 </sect3>
0257 </sect2>
0259 <sect2 id="reconcile.investments">
0260 <title>Reconciling Investment Accounts</title>
0261 <para>
0262   Although it may change in the future, <link
0263   linkend="details.investments.accounts">Investment Accounts</link> currently
0264   contain securities, but no cash.  Because of this, from &kmymoney;'s
0265   perspective, it makes no sense to reconcile them.  However, some users use the
0266   reconciliation process to indicate that the number of shares of each security
0267   owned matches the Institution's records, whether from a printed statement or
0268   indicated on-line.  Beyond the number of shares, you could also match the
0269   total investment value of each security, which would depend on the last <link
0270   linkend="details.investments.prices">price</link> for that security on or
0271   prior to the date of the reconciliation.
0272 </para>
0274 <para>
0275   If you choose to do this, the process is slightly different from that
0276   described above.  First, the starting and ending balances will always be 0, as
0277   there is no cash in an Investment Account.  Next, when you complete the
0278   wizard, below the ledger, the statement balance will be shown as 0 and the
0279   difference will be the investment value of the account.  Finally, after you
0280   click the <guibutton>Finish</guibutton> button, you will manually need to
0281   change all the transactions marked as Cleared to be Reconciled.
0282 </para>
0283 </sect2>
0284 </sect1>
0286 </chapter>