Warning, /games/lskat/doc/index.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" ?>
0002 <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.5-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdedbx45.dtd" [
0003   <!ENTITY i18n-lskat "Lieutenant Skat">
0004   <!ENTITY lskat "LSkat">
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0008 ]>
0010 <book id="lskat" lang="&language;">
0011 <bookinfo>
0012 <title>The &lskat; Handbook</title>
0013 <authorgroup>
0014 <author>
0015 <firstname>Martin</firstname>
0016 <surname>Heni</surname>
0017 <affiliation><address><email>kde@heni-online.de</email></address></affiliation>
0018 </author>
0019 <author>
0020 <firstname>Eugene</firstname><surname>Trounev</surname>
0021 <affiliation><address><email>eugene.trounev@gmail.com</email></address></affiliation>
0022 </author>
0023 <othercredit role="reviewer">
0024 <firstname>Mike</firstname><surname>McBride</surname>
0025 <contrib>Reviewer</contrib>
0026 <affiliation>
0027 <address>&Mike.McBride.mail;</address></affiliation>
0028 </othercredit>
0030 </authorgroup>
0032 <date>2021-10-05</date>
0033 <releaseinfo>1.50 (KDE Gear 21.08)</releaseinfo>
0035 <legalnotice>&FDLNotice;</legalnotice>
0037 <abstract>
0038 <para>This documentation describes the game of &i18n-lskat; version 1.50</para>
0039 </abstract>
0041 <keywordset>
0042 <keyword>KDE</keyword>
0043 <keyword>kdegames</keyword>
0044 <keyword>game</keyword>
0045 <keyword>playing cards</keyword>
0046 <keyword>card game</keyword>
0047 <keyword>arcade</keyword>
0048 <keyword>card</keyword>
0049 <keyword>skat</keyword>
0050 <keyword>lieutenant</keyword>
0051 <keyword>LsKat</keyword>
0052 <keyword>two players</keyword>
0053 </keywordset>
0054 </bookinfo>
0056 <chapter id="introduction">
0057 <title>Introduction</title>
0058 <note><title>Gametype:</title><para>Card, Arcade</para></note><!-- Game genre. Use as many as necessary. Available game types are: Arcade, Board, Card, Dice, Toys, Logic, Strategy.-->
0059 <note><title>Number of possible players:</title><para>Two</para></note><!--Number of possible players. It can be: One, Two,..., Multiplayer-->
0060 <para>
0061 <literal>Lieutenant Skat</literal> (from German <foreignphrase lang="de">Offiziersskat</foreignphrase>) is a fun and engaging card game for two players, where the second player is either live opponent, or built in artificial intelligence.
0062 </para>
0063 <para>
0064 The game is played using a single deck of cards. Cards are shuffled and distributed amongst the players in such a way that half of them are face down and half of them are open. Each participant plays one of the open cards per turn. As soon as all the cards are played the round ends and points are calculated and awarded.
0065 </para>
0066 </chapter>
0068 <chapter id="howto">
0069 <title>How to Play</title>
0070 <note><title>Objective:</title><para>Score more than 60 points in a single game.</para></note>
0072 <para>Once dealing is finished each player ends up with 16 cards each. Cards are
0073 displayed in two horizontal rows - four cards per row. Half of the cards are face
0074 down and half are face up. As a player you can see the cards of your opponent
0075 as well as your own. You can make a move then by clicking on any of your cards
0076 which are currently face up. The opponent has to reply by choosing a
0077 corresponding card form his/her own stack.</para>
0079 <note><para>If your opponent is artificial intelligence, its cards will be chosen automatically.</para></note>
0081 <para>Once the exchange is finished values of the played cards are evaluated and
0082 either you or your opponent is awarded points. The game is complete in 16
0083 rounds (when all of your and your opponent's cards have been played). After the
0084 game ends your score is being compared to that of your opponent and the player
0085 with the higher score wins the round.</para>
0086 </chapter>
0088 <chapter id="rules_and_tips">
0089 <title>Game Rules, Strategies and Tips</title>
0091 <sect1 id="screen">
0092 <title>Game Screen</title>
0094 <screenshot>
0095 <screeninfo>&i18n-lskat; default game screen.</screeninfo>
0096 <mediaobject>
0097 <imageobject>
0098 <imagedata fileref="lskat_screen_01.png" format="PNG" />
0099 </imageobject>
0100 <textobject>
0101 <phrase>&i18n-lskat; default game reference screen.</phrase>
0102 </textobject>
0103 </mediaobject>
0104 </screenshot>
0106 <segmentedlist>
0107 <segtitle>1</segtitle>
0108 <segtitle>2, 3</segtitle>
0109 <segtitle>4</segtitle>
0110 <segtitle>5</segtitle>
0111 <segtitle>6</segtitle>
0112 <segtitle>7</segtitle>
0113 <segtitle>8</segtitle>
0114 <seglistitem>
0115 <seg>Active player indicator</seg>
0116 <seg>Card stacks for player one and player two</seg>
0117 <seg>Stack of won cards (if any)</seg>
0118 <seg>Gameplay area</seg>
0119 <seg>Score board with player's name, points in the current game, the overall score of the player, and the amount of wins per game</seg>
0120 <seg>Player's controller (Human/PC)</seg>
0121 <seg>The <quote>trump</quote> in the current game</seg>
0122 </seglistitem>
0123 </segmentedlist>
0125 </sect1>
0127 <sect1 id="rules">
0128 <title>Rules</title>
0129 <itemizedlist>
0130 <listitem><para>Every player owns 16 cards. 8 of them are face down 8 of them are face up.</para></listitem>
0131 <listitem><para>A face down card can only be opened after a face up card covering it has been played.</para></listitem>
0132 <listitem><para>Each game has a randomly chosen <quote>trump</quote> card [8].</para></listitem>
0133 <listitem><para>All four Jacks are counted as trumps and do not belong to their suits.</para></listitem>
0134 <listitem><para>If a color (&eg; heart) is selected as <quote>trump</quote> all seven hearts as well as all four Jacks count as trumps, making 11 trump cards.</para></listitem>
0135 <listitem><para>Jacks beat each other in order (greatest to least): Cup->Spade->Heart->Diamond.</para></listitem>
0136 <listitem><para>The sequence of cards for a trump color: Jack of clubs, Jack of spades, Jack of hearts, Jack of diamonds, Ace, Ten, King, Queen, Nine, Eight, Seven.</para></listitem>
0137 <listitem><para>The sequence of cards for a non-trump color: Ace, Ten, King, Queen, Nine, Eight, Seven.</para></listitem>
0138 <listitem id="card-values"><para>The values of the cards (highest to lowest):</para></listitem>
0139 </itemizedlist>
0141 <informaltable>
0142 <tgroup cols="2">
0143 <tbody>
0144 <row><entry>Card</entry><entry>Value</entry></row>
0145 <row><entry>Ace</entry><entry>11</entry></row>
0146 <row><entry>Ten</entry><entry>10</entry></row>
0147 <row><entry>King</entry><entry>4</entry></row>
0148 <row><entry>Queen</entry><entry>3</entry></row>
0149 <row><entry>Jack</entry><entry>2</entry></row>
0150 <row><entry>Nine</entry><entry>0</entry></row>
0151 <row><entry>Eight</entry><entry>0</entry></row>
0152 <row><entry>Seven</entry><entry>0</entry></row>
0153 </tbody>
0154 </tgroup>
0155 </informaltable>
0157 <itemizedlist>
0158 <listitem><para>A special <quote>trump</quote> game is called the Grand. In this game no suit is trump and only the four Jacks count as trump. This game type is indicated by the symbol of a Jack's head [8] on the score board [6].</para></listitem>
0159 <listitem><para>If player starts the round he has a choice of cards to play with, either a card from a suite or a <quote>trump</quote> card.</para></listitem>
0160 <listitem><para>Only the face up cards from the player's own stack can be used to play the round.</para></listitem>
0161 <listitem><para>Player who wins the round starts the next one.</para></listitem>
0162 <listitem><para>The player who wins the round adds values of the cards played in that round to his/her score.</para></listitem>
0163 <listitem><para>Player with more than 60 points wins the game.</para></listitem>
0164 <listitem><para>If both players finish with 60 points each the game ends in a draw.</para></listitem>
0165 <listitem><para>For each game a certain amount of victory points is awarded and added to the overall score.</para></listitem>
0166 </itemizedlist>
0168 <informaltable>
0169 <tgroup cols="2">
0170 <tbody>
0171 <row><entry>Points</entry><entry>Score</entry></row>
0172 <row><entry>60</entry><entry>1</entry></row>
0173 <row><entry>61 to 90</entry><entry>2</entry></row>
0174 <row><entry>91 to 119</entry><entry>3</entry></row>
0175 <row><entry>120</entry><entry>4</entry></row>
0176 </tbody>
0177 </tgroup>
0178 </informaltable>
0180 </sect1>
0182 <sect1 id="strategies">
0183 <title>Strategies and Tips</title>
0184 <para>
0185 When the game starts, the starting player should play any of the face up cards from own stack.
0186 If the second player currently has face up cards that are of the same suit as the card played,
0187 he has to reply with one of those cards. If, however, the second player does not have a card
0188 of the same suit, he can play with any other card including a <quote>trump</quote> card.</para>
0189 <para>If there is at least one <quote>trump</quote> card, the highest <quote>trump</quote> wins both cards.</para>
0190 <para>If there is no <quote>trump</quote> card, the highest card of the suit played by the starting player wins both cards.</para>
0191 <para>If the replying player has no card of the requested suit and no <quote>trump</quote> card, he has to play
0192 any card and the starting player wins both cards.</para>
0194 <para>The player who wins the round leads the next one.</para>
0195 </sect1>
0196 </chapter>
0198 <chapter id="faq">
0199 <title>Frequently asked questions</title>
0201 <qandaset>
0202 <qandaentry>
0203  <question><para>Can I play with a different deck of cards?</para></question>
0204  <answer><para>Yes. Refer to <link linkend="deck_change">this</link> section of 'Interface Overview' for details.</para></answer>
0205 </qandaentry>
0206 <qandaentry>
0207  <question><para>I have made a mistake. Can I undo? </para></question>
0208  <answer><para>No. This game does not have an <quote>Undo</quote> feature.</para></answer>
0209 </qandaentry>
0210 <qandaentry>
0211  <question><para>Can I use the keyboard to play this game? </para></question>
0212  <answer><para>No. This game cannot be played using keyboard.</para></answer>
0213 </qandaentry>
0214 <qandaentry>
0215  <question><para>I cannot figure out what to do here! Are there hints? </para></question>
0216  <answer><para>No. This game does not have a <quote>Hint</quote> feature.</para></answer>
0217 </qandaentry>
0218 <qandaentry>
0219  <question><para>I have to quit the game now, but I am not finished yet. Can I save my progress?</para></question>
0220  <answer><para>No. This game does not have a <quote>Save State</quote> feature.</para></answer>
0221 </qandaentry>
0222 <qandaentry>
0223  <question><para>Can I change players' names?</para></question>
0224  <answer><para>Yes. To change the names displayed on the right hand side of the game screen refer to <link linkend="name_change">this</link> section of 'Interface Overview' for details.</para></answer>
0225 </qandaentry>
0226 </qandaset>
0227 </chapter>
0229 <chapter id="interface">
0230 <title>Interface Overview</title>
0232 <sect1 id="file-menu">
0233 <title>The Game Menu</title>
0235 <variablelist>
0236 <varlistentry>
0237 <term><menuchoice>
0238 <shortcut>
0239 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap><anchor id="new_game"/>N</keycap></keycombo>
0240 </shortcut>
0241 <guimenu>Game</guimenu>
0242 <guimenuitem>New</guimenuitem></menuchoice></term>
0243 <listitem>
0244 <para>
0245 <action>Starts a new game.</action>
0246 </para>
0247 </listitem>
0248 </varlistentry>
0250 <varlistentry>
0251 <term><menuchoice>
0252 <shortcut>
0253 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;&End;</keycombo>
0254 </shortcut>
0255 <guimenu>Game</guimenu>
0256 <guimenuitem>End Game</guimenuitem>
0257 </menuchoice></term>
0258 <listitem><para>
0259 <action>Ends a running game.</action>
0260 </para></listitem>
0261 </varlistentry>
0263 <varlistentry>
0264 <term><menuchoice>
0265 <guimenu>Game</guimenu>
0266 <guimenuitem>Clear Statistics</guimenuitem>
0267 </menuchoice></term>
0268 <listitem><para>
0269 <action>Clears the all time game memory.</action> This statistic is
0270 saved when the game ended and shows the overall score and the amount of
0271 played and won games per player. This is cleared with this menu
0272 item.
0273 </para></listitem>
0274 </varlistentry>
0276 <varlistentry>
0277 <term><menuchoice>
0278 <shortcut>
0279 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>Q</keycap></keycombo>
0280 </shortcut>
0281 <guimenu>Game</guimenu>
0282 <guimenuitem>Quit</guimenuitem>
0283 </menuchoice></term>
0284 <listitem><para><action>
0285 Quits the program.</action>
0286 </para></listitem>
0287 </varlistentry>
0288 </variablelist>
0290 </sect1>
0292 <sect1 id="settings-menu">
0293 <title>The Settings Menu</title>
0295 <variablelist>
0296 <varlistentry>
0297 <term><menuchoice>
0298 <guimenu>Settings</guimenu>
0299 <guisubmenu>Starting Player</guisubmenu></menuchoice></term>
0300 <listitem><para>
0301 Selects whether player 1 (top) or player two (bottom)
0302 begins the next game.
0303 </para></listitem>
0304 </varlistentry>
0306 <varlistentry>
0307 <term><menuchoice>
0308 <guimenu>Settings</guimenu>
0309 <guisubmenu>Player 1 Played By</guisubmenu>
0310 </menuchoice></term>
0311 <listitem>
0312 <para>
0313 Chooses who should play for player 1 (top). The player can
0314 be either controlled by the local player with the mouse or
0315 the computer will control it.
0316 </para></listitem>
0317 </varlistentry>
0319 <varlistentry>
0320 <term><menuchoice>
0321 <guimenu>Settings</guimenu>
0322 <guisubmenu>Player 2 Played By</guisubmenu>
0323 </menuchoice></term>
0324 <listitem>
0325 <para>
0326 Chooses who should play for player 2 (bottom). The player can
0327 be either controlled by the local player with the mouse or
0328 the computer will control it.
0329 </para></listitem>
0330 </varlistentry>
0332 <varlistentry id="theme_change">
0333 <term><menuchoice>
0334 <guimenu>Settings</guimenu>
0335 <guisubmenu>Theme</guisubmenu>
0336 </menuchoice></term>
0337 <listitem>
0338 <para>
0339 Chooses a visual theme. This changes the appearance of the game but not
0340 of the cards. Card decks are selected with their own menu item.
0341 </para></listitem>
0342 </varlistentry>
0344 <varlistentry id="deck_change">
0345 <term><menuchoice>
0346 <guimenu>Settings</guimenu>
0347 <guimenuitem>Select Card Deck...</guimenuitem></menuchoice></term>
0348 <listitem><para>
0349 <action>Choose the face and back of the card deck used for playing.</action> You
0350 can select these in a preview dialog showing all card decks installed.
0351 </para>
0352 <note>
0353 <para>
0354 Some card decks or card sets are marked as scalable graphics (&SVG;) in the dialog.
0355 Choosing them will display better quality of the graphics when the game is
0356 scaled or enlarged. Fixed size graphics will loose quality when resized different
0357 than their original size.
0358 </para>
0359 </note>
0360 </listitem>
0361 </varlistentry>
0363 <varlistentry id="name_change">
0364 <term><menuchoice>
0365 <guimenu>Settings</guimenu>
0366 <guimenuitem>Change Player Names...</guimenuitem>
0367 </menuchoice></term>
0368 <listitem><para>
0369 <action>Change the names of the players.</action>
0370 </para></listitem>
0371 </varlistentry>
0373 </variablelist>
0375 <para>
0376 Additionally &i18n-lskat; has the common &kde; <guimenu>Settings</guimenu> and <guimenu>Help</guimenu>
0377 menu items, for more information read the sections about the
0378 <ulink url="help:/fundamentals/menus.html#menus-settings">Settings Menu</ulink> and
0379 <ulink url="help:/fundamentals/menus.html#menus-help">Help Menu</ulink> of the &kde; Fundamentals.
0380 </para>
0382 </sect1>
0384 </chapter>
0386 <chapter id="credits">
0387 <title>Credits and License</title>
0389 <para>
0390 &lskat;
0391 </para>
0392 <para>
0393 Program copyright 2000-2007 &Martin.Heni; <email>kde@heni-online.de</email>
0394 </para>
0395 <para>
0396 Graphics copyright 2007 Eugene Trounev <email>eugene.trounev@gmail.com</email>
0397 </para>
0398 <para>
0399 Documentation copyright 2000-2007 &Martin.Heni; <email>kde@heni-online.de</email>
0400 </para>
0401 <para>
0402 Documentation converted to &kde; 2.0 by &Mike.McBride;
0403 &Mike.McBride.mail;
0404 </para>
0408 &underFDL;
0409 &underGPL;
0411 </chapter>
0413 &documentation.index;
0414 </book>
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