File indexing completed on 2024-04-28 07:45:38

0001 /*
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-2023 Alexander Lohnau <>
0003     SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
0004 */
0005 #include "abstractrunner.h"
0006 #include "runnersyntax.h"
0007 #include <QReadWriteLock>
0008 #include <QRegularExpression>
0009 #include <optional>
0011 namespace KRunner
0012 {
0013 class AbstractRunnerPrivate
0014 {
0015 public:
0016     explicit AbstractRunnerPrivate(AbstractRunner *r, const KPluginMetaData &data)
0017         : runnerDescription(data)
0018         , translatedName(
0019         , runner(r)
0020         , minLetterCount(data.value(QStringLiteral("X-Plasma-Runner-Min-Letter-Count"), 0))
0021         , hasUniqueResults(data.value(QStringLiteral("X-Plasma-Runner-Unique-Results"), false))
0022         , hasWeakResults(data.value(QStringLiteral("X-Plasma-Runner-Weak-Results"), false))
0023     {
0024         if (const QString regexStr = data.value(QStringLiteral("X-Plasma-Runner-Match-Regex")); !regexStr.isEmpty()) {
0025             matchRegex = QRegularExpression(regexStr);
0026             hasMatchRegex = matchRegex.isValid() && !matchRegex.pattern().isEmpty();
0027         }
0028     }
0030     QReadWriteLock lock;
0031     const KPluginMetaData runnerDescription;
0032     // We can easily call this a few hundred times for a few queries. Thus just reuse the value and not do a lookup of the translated string every time
0033     const QString translatedName;
0034     const AbstractRunner *runner;
0035     QList<RunnerSyntax> syntaxes;
0036     std::optional<bool> suspendMatching;
0037     int minLetterCount = 0;
0038     QRegularExpression matchRegex;
0039     bool hasMatchRegex = false;
0040     const bool hasUniqueResults = false;
0041     const bool hasWeakResults = false;
0042 };
0043 }