File indexing completed on 2024-04-28 07:45:40

0001 /*
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2009 Aaron Seigo <>
0003     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Alexander Lohnau <>
0005     SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
0006 */
0011 #include <QStringList>
0012 #include <memory>
0014 #include "krunner_export.h"
0016 namespace KRunner
0017 {
0018 class RunnerSyntaxPrivate;
0019 /**
0020  * @class RunnerSyntax runnersyntax.h <KRunner/RunnerSyntax>
0021  *
0022  * Represents a query prototype that the runner accepts. These can be
0023  * created and registered with AbstractRunner::addSyntax to
0024  * allow applications to show to the user what the runner is currently capable of doing.
0025  *
0026  * Lets say the runner has a trigger word and then the user can type anything after that. In that case you could use
0027  * ":q:" as a placeholder, which will get expanded to i18n("search term") and be put in brackets.
0028  * @code
0029    KRunner::RunnerSyntax syntax(QStringLiteral("sometriggerword :q:"), i18n("Description for this syntax"));
0030    addSyntax(syntax);
0031  * @endcode
0032  *
0033  * But if the query the user has to enter is sth. specific like a program,
0034  * url or file you should use a custom placeholder to make it easier to understand.
0035  * @code
0036    KRunner::RunnerSyntax syntax(QStringLiteral("sometriggereword <%1>").arg(i18n("program name"))), i18n("Description for this syntax"));
0037    addSyntax(syntax);
0038  * @endcode
0039  */
0040 class KRUNNER_EXPORT RunnerSyntax
0041 {
0042 public:
0043     /**
0044      * Constructs a RunnerSyntax with one example query
0045      *
0046      * @param exampleQuery See the class description for examples and placeholder conventions.
0047      * @param description A description of what the described syntax does from the user's point of view.
0048      */
0049     explicit inline RunnerSyntax(const QString &exampleQuery, const QString &description)
0050         : RunnerSyntax(QStringList(exampleQuery), description)
0051     {
0052     }
0054     /**
0055      * Constructs a RunnerSyntax with multiple example queries
0056      *
0057      * @param exampleQueries See the class description for examples and placeholder conventions.
0058      * @param description A description of what the described syntax does from the user's point of view.
0059      * This description should be true for all example queries. In case they differ, consider using multiple syntaxes.
0060      *
0061      * @since 5.106
0062      */
0063     explicit RunnerSyntax(const QStringList &exampleQueries, const QString &description);
0065     ~RunnerSyntax();
0067     /**
0068      * @return the example queries associated with this Syntax object
0069      */
0070     QStringList exampleQueries() const;
0072     /**
0073      * @return the user visible description of what the syntax does
0074      */
0075     QString description() const;
0077     /// @internal
0078     RunnerSyntax &operator=(const RunnerSyntax &rhs);
0079     /// @internal
0080     explicit RunnerSyntax(const RunnerSyntax &other);
0082 private:
0083     std::unique_ptr<RunnerSyntaxPrivate> d;
0084 };
0086 } // namespace KRunner
0088 #endif // multiple inclusion guard