File indexing completed on 2024-04-14 05:53:07

0001 CREATE TABLE `affiliate_config` (
0002         `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
0003         `percent` DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.15',
0004         `active_from` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '201701',
0005         `active_until` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '209912',
0006         PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
0007 )
0008 COLLATE='latin1_swedish_ci'
0009 ;
0010 INSERT INTO `pling`.`affiliate_config` (`id`) VALUES ('1');
0016 //new support sum = support - affiliate payout
0018 DROP PROCEDURE `generate_section_funding_stats_micro_payout`;
0021 CREATE PROCEDURE `generate_section_funding_stats_micro_payout`(
0022         IN `p_yearmonth` INT
0023 )
0024 BEGIN
0026     delete from section_funding_stats where yearmonth = p_yearmonth;
0028     INSERT INTO section_funding_stats 
0029     SELECT  yearmonth,section_id,section_name
0030                 ,case when sum_affiliate_payout IS NOT NULL then (sum_support-sum_affiliate_payout) ELSE sum_support END AS sum_support
0031                 ,sum_sponsor,sum_dls,sum_amount,sum_dls_payout, sum_amount_payout
0032                 ,case when sum_affiliate_payout IS NOT NULL then ROUND((sum_support-sum_affiliate_payout)/sum_amount_payout,2) ELSE ROUND(sum_support/sum_amount_payout,2) END AS factor 
0033     FROM (        
0034                         SELECT p.yearmonth, p.section_id, AS section_name   
0035                                                                  ,(SELECT ROUND(SUM(ss.tier),2) AS sum_support FROM section_support_paypements ss
0036                                             JOIN support su2 ON = ss.support_id
0037                                             WHERE p.section_id = ss.section_id
0038                                             AND ss.yearmonth = p_yearmonth 
0039                                             GROUP BY p.section_id
0040                                         ) AS sum_support
0041                                         ,affiliate_payout.sum_affiliate_payout
0042                                         ,(SELECT SUM(sp.amount * (ssp.percent_of_sponsoring/100)) AS sum_sponsor FROM sponsor sp
0043                                         LEFT JOIN section_sponsor ssp ON ssp.sponsor_id = sp.sponsor_id
0044                                         WHERE sp.is_active = 1
0045                                         AND ssp.section_id = p.section_id) AS sum_sponsor
0046                                         , SUM(p.num_plings) AS sum_dls
0047                                         , ROUND(SUM(p.credits_plings)/100,2) AS sum_amount
0048                                         , p3.num_downloads AS sum_dls_payout, p3.amount AS sum_amount_payout
0049                                                                  FROM micro_payout p
0050                                         JOIN section se ON se.section_id = p.section_id  
0051                                                                  LEFT JOIN (
0052                                                 SELECT yearmonth, section_id, SUM(num_downloads) AS num_downloads, round(SUM(amount),2) AS amount FROM (
0053                                                         SELECT m.yearmonth, `m`.`member_id`,`m`.`paypal_mail`, `m`.section_id, sum(`m`.`num_plings`) AS `num_downloads`,sum(`m`.`credits_plings`)/100 AS `amount` 
0054                                                         from `micro_payout` `m` 
0055                                                         where ((`m`.`yearmonth` = p_yearmonth) 
0056                                                         and (length(`m`.`paypal_mail`) > 0) and (`m`.`paypal_mail` regexp '^[A-Z0-9._%-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+.[A-Z]{2,4}$') and (`m`.`is_license_missing` = 0) and (`m`.`is_source_missing` = 0) and (`m`.`is_pling_excluded` = 0) and (`m`.`is_member_pling_excluded` = 0)) 
0057                                                         group by m.yearmonth, `m`.`member_id`,`m`.`paypal_mail`, `m`.section_id
0058                                                         #HAVING sum(`m`.`probably_payout_amount`) >= 1
0059                                                 ) A GROUP BY yearmonth, section_id
0060                                         ) p3 ON p3.yearmonth = p.yearmonth AND p3.section_id = p.section_id                                        
0061                                         LEFT JOIN (SELECT yearmonth, section_id, round(sum_donations * affiliate_percent,2) AS sum_affiliate_payout FROM (
0062                                                                                    SELECT yearmonth, section_id, COUNT(supporter_member_id) AS count_supporters, SUM(sum_donations) AS sum_donations, 
0063                                                                                             (SELECT percent FROM affiliate_config WHERE A2.yearmonth >= active_from  AND A2.yearmonth <= active_until) AS affiliate_percent
0064                                                                                         FROM (
0065                                                                                             SELECT 
0066                                                                                                         ssp2.`yearmonth`, ssp2.section_id, su3.member_id AS supporter_member_id
0067                                                                                                         ,SUM(ssp2.tier) AS sum_donations
0068                                                                                             from section_support_paypements ssp2
0069                                                                                                                           JOIN section_support ss2 ON ss2.section_support_id = ssp2.section_support_id
0070                                                                                                                           JOIN support su3 ON = ss2.support_id
0071                                                                                                                           JOIN project pr3 ON pr3.project_id = ss2.project_id
0072                                                                                             WHERE
0073                                                                                                 ssp2.`yearmonth` = p_yearmonth
0074                                                                                             GROUP BY ssp2.`yearmonth`, ssp2.section_id, su3.member_id
0076                                                                                         ) A2
0077                                                                                         GROUP BY A2.yearmonth, A2.section_id
0078                                                                         ) A3) affiliate_payout ON affiliate_payout.yearmonth = p.yearmonth AND affiliate_payout.section_id = p.section_id
0079                           WHERE p.yearmonth = p_yearmonth
0080                 AND p.section_id IS NOT null
0081                 GROUP BY p.section_id
0082         ) AA
0083         ;
0084 END$$