File indexing completed on 2024-05-05 10:25:47

0001 CREATE TABLE `support`
0002 (
0003     `id`                     INT(11)       NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
0004     `member_id`              INT(11)       NOT NULL COMMENT 'Supporter',
0005     `status_id`              INT(11)       NULL     DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Stati der donation: 0 = inactive, 1 = active (donated), 2 = payed successfull, 99 = deleted',
0006     `create_time`            TIMESTAMP     NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT 'Creation-time',
0007     `donation_time`          TIMESTAMP     NULL     DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'When was a project plinged?',
0008     `active_time`            TIMESTAMP     NULL     DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'When did paypal say, that this donation was payed successfull',
0009     `delete_time`            TIMESTAMP     NULL     DEFAULT NULL,
0010     `amount`                 DOUBLE(10, 2) NULL     DEFAULT '0.00' COMMENT 'Amount of money',
0011     `comment`                VARCHAR(140)  NULL     DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Comment from the supporter',
0012     `payment_provider`       VARCHAR(45)   NULL     DEFAULT NULL,
0013     `payment_reference_key`  VARCHAR(255)  NULL     DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'uniquely identifies the request',
0014     `payment_transaction_id` VARCHAR(255)  NULL     DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'uniquely identify caller (developer, facilliator, marketplace) transaction',
0015     `payment_raw_message`    VARCHAR(2000) NULL     DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'the raw text message ',
0016     `payment_raw_error`      VARCHAR(2000) NULL     DEFAULT NULL,
0017     `payment_status`         VARCHAR(45)   NULL     DEFAULT NULL,
0018     PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
0019     INDEX `status_id` (`status_id`),
0020     INDEX `member_id` (`member_id`),
0021     INDEX `DONATION_IX_01` (`status_id`, `member_id`, `active_time`, `amount`)
0022 )
0023     COLLATE = 'latin1_swedish_ci'
0024     ENGINE = InnoDB
0025     AUTO_INCREMENT = 8
0026 ;