File indexing completed on 2024-05-12 06:01:03

0001 window.hpHelpers = function () {
0003   function dechex(number) {
0004     //  discuss at:
0005     // original by: Philippe Baumann
0006     // bugfixed by: Onno Marsman (
0007     // improved by:
0008     //    input by: pilus
0009     //   example 1: dechex(10)
0010     //   returns 1: 'a'
0011     //   example 2: dechex(47)
0012     //   returns 2: '2f'
0013     //   example 3: dechex(-1415723993)
0014     //   returns 3: 'ab9dc427'
0016     if (number < 0) {
0017       number = 0xFFFFFFFF + number + 1;
0018     }
0019     return parseInt(number, 10).toString(16);
0020   }
0022   function calculateScoreColor(score) {
0023     let blue,
0024         red,
0025         green,
0026         defaultColor = 200;
0027     if (score > 50) {
0028       red = defaultColor - (score - 50) * 4;
0029       green = defaultColor;
0030       blue = defaultColor - (score - 50) * 4;
0031     } else if (score < 51) {
0032       red = defaultColor;
0033       green = defaultColor - (score - 50) * 4;
0034       blue = defaultColor - (score - 50) * 4;
0035     }
0037     return "rgb(" + red + "," + green + "," + blue + ")";
0038   }
0040   return {
0041     dechex,
0042     calculateScoreColor
0043   };
0044 }();
0046 class App extends React.Component {
0047   constructor(props) {
0048     super(props);
0049     this.state = {
0050       loading: true,
0051       hpVersion: window.hpVersion
0052     };
0053     this.initHomePage = this.initHomePage.bind(this);
0054     this.updateDimensions = this.updateDimensions.bind(this);
0055   }
0057   componentWillMount() {
0058     this.updateDimensions();
0059   }
0061   componentWillUnmount() {
0062     window.removeEventListener("resize", this.updateDimensions);
0063     window.removeEventListener("orientationchange", this.updateDimensions);
0064   }
0066   componentDidMount() {
0067     this.initHomePage();
0068   }
0070   initHomePage() {
0072     window.addEventListener("resize", this.updateDimensions);
0073     window.addEventListener("orientationchange", this.updateDimensions);
0075     let env = "live";
0076     if (location.hostname.endsWith('cc')) {
0077       env = "test";
0078     } else if (location.hostname.endsWith('localhost')) {
0079       env = "test";
0080     }
0082     this.setState({ env: env });
0083   }
0085   updateDimensions() {
0087     const width = window.innerWidth;
0088     let device;
0089     if (width >= 910) {
0090       device = "large";
0091     } else if (width < 910 && width >= 610) {
0092       device = "mid";
0093     } else if (width < 610) {
0094       device = "tablet";
0095     }
0097     this.setState({ device: device });
0098   }
0100   render() {
0101     const featuredProduct = JSON.parse(['featureProducts']);
0102     return React.createElement(
0103       "main",
0104       { id: "opendesktop-homepage" },
0105       React.createElement(SpotlightProduct, {
0106         env: this.state.env,
0107         device: this.state.device,
0108         featuredProduct: featuredProduct
0109       })
0110     );
0111   }
0112 }
0114 class SpotlightProduct extends React.Component {
0115   constructor(props) {
0116     super(props);
0117     this.state = {
0118       featuredProduct: this.props.featuredProduct,
0119       type: "featured",
0120       featuredPage: 0,
0121       loading: true
0122     };
0123     this.onSpotlightMenuClick = this.onSpotlightMenuClick.bind(this);
0124   }
0126   componentDidMount() {
0127     this.onSpotlightMenuClick('plinged');
0128   }
0130   onSpotlightMenuClick(val) {
0132     this.setState({ type: val, loading: true }, function () {
0134       let url = "/home/showfeaturejson/page/";
0135       let featuredPage = this.state.featuredPage;
0136       if (this.state.type === "plinged") {
0137         url = "/home/getnewactiveplingedproductjson?limit=1&offset=" + this.state.featuredPage;
0138         featuredPage = this.state.featuredPage + 1;
0139       } else if (this.state.type === "random") {
0140         url += "0";
0141       } else {
0142         url += "1";
0143       }
0144       const self = this;
0146       $.ajax({ url: url, cache: false }).done(function (response) {
0148         let featuredProduct = response;
0149         if (self.state.type === "plinged") {
0150           featuredProduct = response[0];
0151         }
0153         console.log(featuredProduct);
0155         self.setState({
0156           featuredProduct: featuredProduct,
0157           featuredPage: featuredPage,
0158           loading: false
0159         });
0160       });
0161     });
0162   }
0164   render() {
0166     let spotlightProductDisplay;
0167     if (this.state.loading) {
0168       spotlightProductDisplay = React.createElement(SpotlightProductDummy, null);
0169     } else {
0171       let productImageUrl;
0172       if (this.state.type === "plinged") {
0173         productImageUrl = this.state.featuredProduct.image_small;
0174       } else {
0175         let imageBaseUrl;
0176         if (this.props.env === 'live') {
0177           imageBaseUrl = '';
0178         } else {
0179           imageBaseUrl = '';
0180         }
0181         productImageUrl = "https://" + imageBaseUrl + "/cache/300x230-1/img/" + this.state.featuredProduct.image_small;
0182       }
0184       let description = this.state.featuredProduct.description;
0185       if (description && description.length > 295) {
0186         description = this.state.featuredProduct.description.substring(0, 295) + "...";
0187       }
0189       let featuredLabelDisplay;
0190       if (this.state.type === "featured") {
0191         featuredLabelDisplay = React.createElement(
0192           "span",
0193           { className: "featured-label" },
0194           "featured"
0195         );
0196       } else if (this.state.type === "plinged") {
0197         featuredLabelDisplay = React.createElement(
0198           "span",
0199           { className: "featured-label plinged" },
0200           "plinged"
0201         );
0202       }
0204       let cDate = new Date(this.state.featuredProduct.created_at);
0205       cDate = cDate.toString();
0206       const createdDate = cDate.split(' ')[1] + " " + cDate.split(' ')[2] + " " + cDate.split(' ')[3];
0207       // const productScoreColor = window.hpHelpers.calculateScoreColor(this.state.featuredProduct.laplace_score);
0209       let commentCount;
0210       if (this.state.featuredProduct.count_comments) {
0211         commentCount = this.state.featuredProduct.count_comments;
0212       } else {
0213         commentCount = "0";
0214       }
0216       let categoryDisplay = this.state.featuredProduct.category;
0217       if (this.state.type === "plinged") {
0218         categoryDisplay = this.state.featuredProduct.cat_title;
0219       }
0221       spotlightProductDisplay = React.createElement(
0222         "div",
0223         { className: "container" },
0224         React.createElement(
0225           "div",
0226           { className: "spotlight-image" },
0227           React.createElement("img", { className: "product-image", src: productImageUrl }),
0228           React.createElement(
0229             "figure",
0230             { className: "user-avatar" },
0231             React.createElement("img", { src: this.state.featuredProduct.profile_image_url })
0232           )
0233         ),
0234         React.createElement(
0235           "div",
0236           { className: "spotlight-info" },
0237           React.createElement(
0238             "div",
0239             { className: "spotlight-info-wrapper" },
0240             featuredLabelDisplay,
0241             React.createElement(
0242               "div",
0243               { className: "info-top" },
0244               React.createElement(
0245                 "h2",
0246                 null,
0247                 React.createElement(
0248                   "a",
0249                   { href: "/p/" + this.state.featuredProduct.project_id },
0250                   this.state.featuredProduct.title
0251                 )
0252               ),
0253               React.createElement(
0254                 "h3",
0255                 null,
0256                 categoryDisplay
0257               ),
0258               React.createElement(
0259                 "div",
0260                 { className: "user-info" },
0261                 React.createElement("img", { src: this.state.featuredProduct.profile_image_url }),
0262                 this.state.featuredProduct.username
0263               ),
0264               React.createElement(
0265                 "span",
0266                 null,
0267                 commentCount,
0268                 " comments"
0269               ),
0270               React.createElement(
0271                 "div",
0272                 { className: "score-info" },
0273                 React.createElement(
0274                   "div",
0275                   { className: "score-number" },
0276                   "score ",
0277                   this.state.featuredProduct.laplace_score + "%"
0278                 ),
0279                 React.createElement(
0280                   "div",
0281                   { className: "score-bar-container" },
0282                   React.createElement("div", { className: "score-bar", style: { "width": this.state.featuredProduct.laplace_score + "%" } })
0283                 ),
0284                 React.createElement(
0285                   "div",
0286                   { className: "score-bar-date" },
0287                   createdDate
0288                 )
0289               )
0290             ),
0291             React.createElement(
0292               "div",
0293               { className: "info-description" },
0294               description
0295             )
0296           ),
0297           React.createElement(
0298             "div",
0299             { className: "spotlight-menu" },
0300             React.createElement(
0301               "a",
0302               { onClick: () => this.onSpotlightMenuClick('random') },
0303               "random"
0304             ),
0305             React.createElement(
0306               "a",
0307               { onClick: () => this.onSpotlightMenuClick('featured') },
0308               "featured"
0309             ),
0310             React.createElement(
0311               "a",
0312               { onClick: () => this.onSpotlightMenuClick('plinged') },
0313               "plinged"
0314             )
0315           )
0316         )
0317       );
0318     }
0320     return React.createElement(
0321       "div",
0322       { id: "spotlight-product" },
0323       React.createElement(
0324         "h2",
0325         null,
0326         "In the Spotlight"
0327       ),
0328       spotlightProductDisplay
0329     );
0330   }
0331 }
0333 class SpotlightProductDummy extends React.Component {
0334   constructor(props) {
0335     super(props);
0336     this.state = {};
0337   }
0339   render() {
0340     return React.createElement(
0341       "div",
0342       { className: "container dummy-product" },
0343       React.createElement(
0344         "div",
0345         { className: "spotlight-image" },
0346         React.createElement(
0347           "figure",
0348           { className: "user-avatar" },
0349           React.createElement("div", { className: "ajax-loader" })
0350         )
0351       ),
0352       React.createElement(
0353         "div",
0354         { className: "spotlight-info" },
0355         React.createElement(
0356           "div",
0357           { className: "spotlight-info-wrapper" },
0358           React.createElement(
0359             "div",
0360             { className: "info-top" },
0361             React.createElement("h2", null),
0362             React.createElement("h3", null),
0363             React.createElement(
0364               "div",
0365               { className: "user-info" },
0366               React.createElement(
0367                 "figure",
0368                 null,
0369                 React.createElement("span", { className: "glyphicon glyphicon-user" })
0370               ),
0371               React.createElement("span", null)
0372             ),
0373             React.createElement("span", { className: "comments-count" }),
0374             React.createElement(
0375               "div",
0376               { className: "score-info" },
0377               React.createElement("div", { className: "score-number" }),
0378               React.createElement(
0379                 "div",
0380                 { className: "score-bar-container" },
0381                 React.createElement("div", { className: "score-bar", style: { "width": "50%" } })
0382               ),
0383               React.createElement("div", { className: "score-bar-date" })
0384             )
0385           ),
0386           React.createElement(
0387             "div",
0388             { className: "info-description" },
0389             React.createElement("span", null),
0390             React.createElement("span", null),
0391             React.createElement("span", null),
0392             React.createElement("span", { className: "half" })
0393           )
0394         )
0395       )
0396     );
0397   }
0398 }
0400 class SpotlightUser extends React.Component {
0401   constructor(props) {
0402     super(props);
0403     this.state = {
0404       loading: true,
0405       version: 2
0406     };
0407     this.updateDimensions = this.updateDimensions.bind(this);
0408     this.getSpotlightUser = this.getSpotlightUser.bind(this);
0409   }
0411   componentWillMount() {
0412     window.addEventListener("resize", this.updateDimensions);
0413   }
0415   componentDidMount() {
0416     this.updateDimensions();
0417     this.getSpotlightUser();
0418   }
0420   updateDimensions() {
0421     const containerWidth = $('#main-content').width();
0422     const userProductsPerRow = 4;
0423     const userProductsDimensions = containerWidth / userProductsPerRow;
0424     this.setState({ itemWidth: userProductsDimensions, itemHeight: userProductsDimensions });
0425   }
0427   getSpotlightUser(page) {
0428     if (!page) {
0429       page = 0;
0430     }
0431     this.setState({ loading: true, page: page }, function () {
0432       let url = "/home/showspotlightjson?page=" +;
0433       const self = this;
0434       $.ajax({ url: url, cache: false }).done(function (response) {
0435         self.setState({ user: response, loading: false }, function () {
0436           const height = $('#user-container').height();
0437           if (height > 0) {
0438             this.setState({ containerHeight: height });
0439           }
0440         });
0441       });
0442     });
0443   }
0445   render() {
0447     let spotlightUserDisplay;
0448     if (this.state.loading) {
0449       let loadingStyle;
0450       if (this.state.containerHeight) {
0451         loadingStyle = {
0452           "height": this.state.containerHeight
0453         };
0454       }
0455       spotlightUserDisplay = React.createElement(
0456         "div",
0457         { className: "loading-container", style: loadingStyle },
0458         React.createElement("div", { className: "ajax-loader" })
0459       );
0460     } else {
0461       let userProducts;
0462       if (this.state.itemWidth) {
0463         userProducts =, index) => React.createElement(SpotlightUserProduct, {
0464           key: index,
0465           itemHeight: this.state.itemHeight,
0466           itemWidth: this.state.itemWidth,
0467           product: p
0468         }));
0469       }
0470       spotlightUserDisplay = React.createElement(
0471         "div",
0472         { id: "spotlight-user" },
0473         React.createElement(
0474           "div",
0475           { className: "user-container" },
0476           React.createElement(
0477             "figure",
0478             null,
0479             React.createElement("img", { src: this.state.user.profile_image_url })
0480           ),
0481           React.createElement(
0482             "h2",
0483             null,
0484             React.createElement(
0485               "a",
0486               { href: "/u/" + this.state.user.username },
0487               this.state.user.username
0488             )
0489           )
0490         ),
0491         React.createElement(
0492           "div",
0493           { className: "products-container" },
0494           userProducts
0495         )
0496       );
0497     }
0499     let prevButtonDisplay;
0500     if ( > 0) {
0501       prevButtonDisplay = React.createElement(
0502         "a",
0503         { onClick: () => this.getSpotlightUser( - 1), className: "spotlight-user-next" },
0504         "< Prev"
0505       );
0506     }
0508     let nextButtonDisplay;
0509     if ( < 8) {
0510       nextButtonDisplay = React.createElement(
0511         "a",
0512         { onClick: () => this.getSpotlightUser( + 1), className: "spotlight-user-next" },
0513         "Next >"
0514       );
0515     }
0517     let versionCssClass;
0518     if (this.state.version === 2) {
0519       versionCssClass = "v-two";
0520     }
0522     return React.createElement(
0523       "div",
0524       { id: "spotlight-user-container", className: versionCssClass },
0525       React.createElement(
0526         "h2",
0527         null,
0528         "In the Spotlight"
0529       ),
0530       spotlightUserDisplay,
0531       React.createElement(
0532         "div",
0533         { className: "spotlight-user-buttons" },
0534         prevButtonDisplay,
0535         nextButtonDisplay
0536       )
0537     );
0538   }
0539 }
0541 class SpotlightUserProduct extends React.Component {
0542   constructor(props) {
0543     super(props);
0544     this.state = {};
0545   }
0547   componentDidMount() {
0548     console.log(this.props);
0549   }
0551   render() {
0552     let userProductStyle;
0553     if (this.props.itemWidth) {
0554       userProductStyle = {
0555         "height": this.props.itemHeight,
0556         "width": this.props.itemWidth
0557       };
0558     }
0559     return React.createElement(
0560       "div",
0561       { style: userProductStyle, className: "spotlight-user-product" },
0562       React.createElement(
0563         "figure",
0564         null,
0565         React.createElement("img", { src: this.props.product.image_small })
0566       ),
0567       React.createElement(
0568         "div",
0569         { className: "product-title-overlay" },
0570         React.createElement(
0571           "div",
0572           { className: "product-title" },
0573           this.props.product.title
0574         )
0575       ),
0576       React.createElement(
0577         "div",
0578         { className: "product-plings-counter" },
0579         React.createElement("img", { src: "/images/system/pling-btn-active.png" }),
0580         React.createElement(
0581           "span",
0582           null,
0583           this.props.product.sum_plings
0584         )
0585       )
0586     );
0587   }
0588 }
0590 ReactDOM.render(React.createElement(App, null), document.getElementById('main-content'));