File indexing completed on 2024-12-29 05:26:12

0001 (function() {
0003         var event = jQuery.event,
0005                 //helper that finds handlers by type and calls back a function, this is basically handle
0006                 // events - the events object
0007                 // types - an array of event types to look for
0008                 // callback(type, handlerFunc, selector) - a callback
0009                 // selector - an optional selector to filter with, if there, matches by selector
0010                 //     if null, matches anything, otherwise, matches with no selector
0011                 findHelper = function( events, types, callback, selector ) {
0012                         var t, type, typeHandlers, all, h, handle, 
0013                                 namespaces, namespace,
0014                                 match;
0015                         for ( t = 0; t < types.length; t++ ) {
0016                                 type = types[t];
0017                                 all = type.indexOf(".") < 0;
0018                                 if (!all ) {
0019                                         namespaces = type.split(".");
0020                                         type = namespaces.shift();
0021                                         namespace = new RegExp("(^|\\.)" + namespaces.slice(0).sort().join("\\.(?:.*\\.)?") + "(\\.|$)");
0022                                 }
0023                                 typeHandlers = (events[type] || []).slice(0);
0025                                 for ( h = 0; h < typeHandlers.length; h++ ) {
0026                                         handle = typeHandlers[h];
0028                                         match = (all || namespace.test(handle.namespace));
0030                                         if(match){
0031                                                 if(selector){
0032                                                         if (handle.selector === selector  ) {
0033                                                                 callback(type, handle.origHandler || handle.handler);
0034                                                         }
0035                                                 } else if (selector === null){
0036                                                         callback(type, handle.origHandler || handle.handler, handle.selector);
0037                                                 }
0038                                                 else if (!handle.selector ) {
0039                                                         callback(type, handle.origHandler || handle.handler);
0041                                                 } 
0042                                         }
0045                                 }
0046                         }
0047                 };
0049         /**
0050          * Finds event handlers of a given type on an element.
0051          * @param {HTMLElement} el
0052          * @param {Array} types an array of event names
0053          * @param {String} [selector] optional selector
0054          * @return {Array} an array of event handlers
0055          */
0056         event.find = function( el, types, selector ) {
0057                 var events = ( $._data(el) || {} ).events,
0058                         handlers = [],
0059                         t, liver, live;
0061                 if (!events ) {
0062                         return handlers;
0063                 }
0064                 findHelper(events, types, function( type, handler ) {
0065                         handlers.push(handler);
0066                 }, selector);
0067                 return handlers;
0068         };
0069         /**
0070          * Finds all events.  Group by selector.
0071          * @param {HTMLElement} el the element
0072          * @param {Array} types event types
0073          */
0074         event.findBySelector = function( el, types ) {
0075                 var events = $._data(el).events,
0076                         selectors = {},
0077                         //adds a handler for a given selector and event
0078                         add = function( selector, event, handler ) {
0079                                 var select = selectors[selector] || (selectors[selector] = {}),
0080                                         events = select[event] || (select[event] = []);
0081                                 events.push(handler);
0082                         };
0084                 if (!events ) {
0085                         return selectors;
0086                 }
0087                 //first check live:
0088                 /*$.each( || [], function( i, live ) {
0089                         if ( $.inArray(live.origType, types) !== -1 ) {
0090                                 add(live.selector, live.origType, live.origHandler || live.handler);
0091                         }
0092                 });*/
0093                 //then check straight binds
0094                 findHelper(events, types, function( type, handler, selector ) {
0095                         add(selector || "", type, handler);
0096                 }, null);
0098                 return selectors;
0099         };
0100         event.supportTouch = "ontouchend" in document;
0102         $.fn.respondsTo = function( events ) {
0103                 if (!this.length ) {
0104                         return false;
0105                 } else {
0106                         //add default ?
0107                         return event.find(this[0], $.isArray(events) ? events : [events]).length > 0;
0108                 }
0109         };
0110         $.fn.triggerHandled = function( event, data ) {
0111                 event = (typeof event == "string" ? $.Event(event) : event);
0112                 this.trigger(event, data);
0113                 return event.handled;
0114         };
0115         /**
0116          * Only attaches one event handler for all types ...
0117          * @param {Array} types llist of types that will delegate here
0118          * @param {Object} startingEvent the first event to start listening to
0119          * @param {Object} onFirst a function to call 
0120          */
0121         event.setupHelper = function( types, startingEvent, onFirst ) {
0122                 if (!onFirst ) {
0123                         onFirst = startingEvent;
0124                         startingEvent = null;
0125                 }
0126                 var add = function( handleObj ) {
0128                         var bySelector, selector = handleObj.selector || "";
0129                         if ( selector ) {
0130                                 bySelector = event.find(this, types, selector);
0131                                 if (!bySelector.length ) {
0132                                         $(this).delegate(selector, startingEvent, onFirst);
0133                                 }
0134                         }
0135                         else {
0136                                 //var bySelector = event.find(this, types, selector);
0137                                 if (!event.find(this, types, selector).length ) {
0138                                         event.add(this, startingEvent, onFirst, {
0139                                                 selector: selector,
0140                                                 delegate: this
0141                                         });
0142                                 }
0144                         }
0146                 },
0147                         remove = function( handleObj ) {
0148                                 var bySelector, selector = handleObj.selector || "";
0149                                 if ( selector ) {
0150                                         bySelector = event.find(this, types, selector);
0151                                         if (!bySelector.length ) {
0152                                                 $(this).undelegate(selector, startingEvent, onFirst);
0153                                         }
0154                                 }
0155                                 else {
0156                                         if (!event.find(this, types, selector).length ) {
0157                                                 event.remove(this, startingEvent, onFirst, {
0158                                                         selector: selector,
0159                                                         delegate: this
0160                                                 });
0161                                         }
0162                                 }
0163                         };
0164                 $.each(types, function() {
0165                         event.special[this] = {
0166                                 add: add,
0167                                 remove: remove,
0168                                 setup: function() {},
0169                                 teardown: function() {}
0170                         };
0171                 });
0172         };
0173 })(jQuery);
0174 (function($){
0175 var isPhantom = /Phantom/.test(navigator.userAgent),
0176         supportTouch = !isPhantom && "ontouchend" in document,
0177         scrollEvent = "touchmove scroll",
0178         // Use touch events or map it to mouse events
0179         touchStartEvent = supportTouch ? "touchstart" : "mousedown",
0180         touchStopEvent = supportTouch ? "touchend" : "mouseup",
0181         touchMoveEvent = supportTouch ? "touchmove" : "mousemove",
0182         data = function(event){
0183                 var d = event.originalEvent.touches ?
0184                         event.originalEvent.touches[ 0 ] :
0185                         event;
0186                 return {
0187                         time: (new Date).getTime(),
0188                         coords: [ d.pageX, d.pageY ],
0189                         origin: $( )
0190                 };
0191         };
0193 /**
0194  * @add jQuery.event.swipe
0195  */
0196 var swipe = $.event.swipe = {
0197         /**
0198          * @attribute delay
0199          * Delay is the upper limit of time the swipe motion can take in milliseconds.  This defaults to 500.
0200          * 
0201          * A user must perform the swipe motion in this much time.
0202          */
0203         delay : 500,
0204         /**
0205          * @attribute max
0206          * The maximum distance the pointer must travel in pixels.  The default is 75 pixels.
0207          */
0208         max : 75,
0209         /**
0210          * @attribute min
0211          * The minimum distance the pointer must travel in pixels.  The default is 30 pixels.
0212          */
0213         min : 30
0214 };
0216 $.event.setupHelper( [
0218 /**
0219  * @hide
0220  * @attribute swipe
0221  */
0222 "swipe",
0223 /**
0224  * @hide
0225  * @attribute swipeleft
0226  */
0227 'swipeleft',
0228 /**
0229  * @hide
0230  * @attribute swiperight
0231  */
0232 'swiperight',
0233 /**
0234  * @hide
0235  * @attribute swipeup
0236  */
0237 'swipeup',
0238 /**
0239  * @hide
0240  * @attribute swipedown
0241  */
0242 'swipedown'], touchStartEvent, function(ev){
0243         var
0244                 // update with data when the event was started
0245                 start = data(ev),
0246                 stop,
0247                 delegate = ev.delegateTarget || ev.currentTarget,
0248                 selector = ev.handleObj.selector,
0249                 entered = this;
0251         function moveHandler(event){
0252                 if ( !start ) {
0253                         return;
0254                 }
0255                 // update stop with the data from the current event
0256                 stop = data(event);
0258                 // prevent scrolling
0259                 if ( Math.abs( start.coords[0] - stop.coords[0] ) > 10 ) {
0260                         event.preventDefault();
0261                 }
0262         };
0264         // Attach to the touch move events
0265         $(document.documentElement).bind(touchMoveEvent, moveHandler)
0266                 .one(touchStopEvent, function(event){
0267                         $(this).unbind( touchMoveEvent, moveHandler);
0268                         // if start and stop contain data figure out if we have a swipe event
0269                         if ( start && stop ) {
0270                                 // calculate the distance between start and stop data
0271                                 var deltaX = Math.abs(start.coords[0] - stop.coords[0]),
0272                                         deltaY = Math.abs(start.coords[1] - stop.coords[1]),
0273                                         distance = Math.sqrt(deltaX*deltaX+deltaY*deltaY);
0275                                 // check if the delay and distance are matched
0276                                 if ( stop.time - start.time < swipe.delay && distance >= swipe.min ) {
0277                                         var events = ['swipe'];
0278                                         // check if we moved horizontally
0279                                         if( deltaX >= swipe.min && deltaY < swipe.min) {
0280                                                 // based on the x coordinate check if we moved left or right
0281                                                 events.push( start.coords[0] > stop.coords[0] ? "swipeleft" : "swiperight" );
0282                                         } else
0283                                         // check if we moved vertically
0284                                         if(deltaY >= swipe.min && deltaX < swipe.min){
0285                                                 // based on the y coordinate check if we moved up or down
0286                                                 events.push( start.coords[1] < stop.coords[1] ? "swipedown" : "swipeup" );
0287                                         }
0289                                         // trigger swipe events on this guy
0290                                         $.each($.event.find(delegate, events, selector), function(){
0291                                       , ev, {start : start, end: stop})
0292                                         })
0294                                 }
0295                         }
0296                         // reset start and stop
0297                         start = stop = undefined;
0298                 })
0299 });
0301 })(jQuery)