File indexing completed on 2025-03-09 05:23:01

0001 <?php
0002 return array(
0003     'startseite'=> 'Start',
0004     'projekteDurchstoebern'  => 'Project browse',
0005     'projektStarten'  => 'Project start',
0006     'wasIstPling' => 'What is pling?',
0007     'blog' => 'Blog',
0008     'FAQ' => 'FAQ',
0009     'search' => 'Search...',
0010         'navSearchSubmit' => 'Search',
0011     'kontakt' => 'about',
0012     'logout' => 'Log Out',
0013     'login' => 'Log In',
0014     'register' =>'Join pling',
0015     'settings'=>'Settings',
0016     'add_product' => 'Add product',
0017     'kategorien' =>'Categories in Pling',
0018     'whatishot' =>'What is hot',
0019     'whatshot' =>'What\'s hot',
0020     'nachProjekt'=>'by project',
0021     'filternNachKategorie' =>'filter per Categories',
0022     'kooperationspartner' => 'cooperationspartner',
0023     'alleProjekte'=>'All Projects',
0024     'Empfehlungen vom Team' => 'Recommended from Team',
0025     'erfolgreich beendet' => 'successful closed',   
0027     /*'Produktdesign' => 'Production Design',
0028     'Comics' => 'cartoons',
0029     'Veranstaltung' => 'events',
0030     'Webisodes' => 'eWebisodes',
0031     'Hörspiel' => 'audio play',
0032     'Schriftstellerei' => 'writting',
0033     'Theater' => 'theater',
0034     'Technologie' => 'technology',
0035     'Journalismus' => 'journal',
0036     'Fotografie' => 'photo',
0037     'Musik' => 'music',
0038     'Games' => 'game',
0039     'Essen&Trinken' => 'food&drink',
0040     'Film/Video' => 'film/Video',
0041     'Kunst' => 'art',
0042     'Community' => 'community',*/
0044     'meinAccount'=>'account',
0045     'meinProfil' =>'profile',
0046     'meineUnterstuetzerHistorie' => 'support history',
0047     'meineNachrichten' => 'messenge',
0048     'einstellungen' => 'settings',
0049     'adminbereich' => 'admin area',
0050     'meineProjekte' => 'my projects',
0051     'projektUnterstuetzen' => 'project to support',
0052     'starteEinProjekt' => 'add content',
0053     'buyPlings' => 'buy plings',
0054     'deineProjekte' => 'my page',
0055     'vorteile' => 'advantages',
0056     'index.welcome' => 'Welcome to!',
0057     'index.text' => 'Hello world. Hello world. Hello world. Hello world. Hello world. Hello world. Hello world. Hello world. Hello world. Hello world. Hello world. Hello world.  ',
0058     'index.garantie' => 'We guarantee:',
0059     'index.garantie.text' => '<ul><li>no ads</li><li>we don\'t sell your privacy</li><li>absolute transparency</li><li>on-time payouts</li></ul>',
0060     'ProjectReportOwner'=>'Project belongs to another person',
0061     'ProjectReportRacist'=>'Project is racist',
0062     'ProjectReportPorno'=>'Project-content is pornographic',
0063     'ProjectAdminHeader'=>'Project-Administration',
0064     'ProjectAdminLinkEdit'=>'Edit',
0065     'ProjectAdminLinkPreferences'=>'Preferences',
0066     'ProjectAdminLinkStop'=>'Stop',
0067     'ProjectAdminLinkRestart'=>'Restart',
0068     'ProjectAdminLinkDelete'=>'Delete',
0069     'ProjectRestartLable'=>'Do you want to restart this project?',
0070     'ProjectRestartDescription'=> 'If you restart this project, you can earn again plings.',
0071     'ProjectRestartSubmitLabel' => 'Restart Projekt',
0072     'Abort'=>'Abort',
0074     'ProjectPlingSummerySupporters'=>'Supporters',
0075     'ProjectPlingSummeryNow'=>'plings',
0076     'ProjectPlingSummeryAll'=>'total',
0077     'ProjectPlingOwnerHeader'=>'project owner',
0078     'ProjectReport'=>'Report this project',
0080     'ProjectAddHeader'=>'Create new product',
0081     'ProjectAddFormTitleLable'=>'Title:',
0082     'ProjectAddFormTitleInfo'=>'',
0083     'ProjectAddFormTitleErr'=>'Please enter a Product name.',
0084     'ProjectAddFormEmailLabel'=>'PayPal-eMail-Address',
0085     'ProjectAddFormEmailInfo'=>'We will send to this PayPal-account every first of a month your earned plings.',
0086     'ProjectAddFormEmailErrNotValid'=>'This eMail is not valid.',
0087     'ProjectAddFormEmailErrWrongHost'=>"'%hostname%' is not a valid hostname for the eMail '%value%'",
0088     'ProjectAddFormEmailErrWrongHost2'=>"'%value%' is not a valid Hostname",
0089     'ProjectAddFormEmailErrHostLocal'=>"'%value%' seems to be a local hostname. This is not alloud.",
0090     'ProjectAddFormEmailErrEmpty'=>"A eMail-Address is necessary, we will send money to this PayPal-account.",
0091     'ProjectAddFormCatLable'=>'Category?',
0092     'ProjectAddFormCatInfo'=>'',
0093     'ProjectAddFormCatErr'=>'Please shoose a category.',
0094     'ProjectAddFormCatSelect'=>'Choose a category',
0095     'ProjectAddFormPicLable'=>'Big picture (Project-Homepage): ',
0096     'ProjectAddFormPicInfo'=>'',
0097     'ProjectAddFormPicErr'=>'',
0098     'ProjectAddFormPicSmallLable'=>'Picture:',
0099     'ProjectAddFormPicSmallInfo'=>'',
0100     'ProjectAddFormPicSmallErr'=>'',
0101     'ProjectAddFormVideoLable'=>'Video-Embedded-Code',
0102     'ProjectAddFormVideoInfo'=>'Please copy the complete code. The parameters width und height must be allways width=589 and height=442.',
0103     'ProjectAddFormVideoErr'=>'',
0104     'ProjectAddFormFacebookLable'=>'Facebook-Embedded-Code',
0105     'ProjectAddFormFacebookInfo'=>'Please copy the complete code. The parameters width und height must be allways width=325 snd height=827.',
0106     'ProjectAddFormFacebookErr'=>'',
0107     'ProjectAddFormSubmitLable'=>'Save',
0108     'ProjectAddFormSubmitCloseLable'=>'Save and close',
0109     'ProjectAddFormDescLable'=>'Description:',
0110     'ProjectAddFormDescInfo'=>'',
0111     'ProjectAddFormDescErr'=>'Please write a description for your product.',
0112     'ProjectAddFormDescShortLable'=>'The Product:',
0113     'ProjectAddFormDescShortInfo'=>'Needed for overviews and the homepage',
0114     'ProjectAddFormDescShortErr'=>'Please write a short description for your product.',
0116     'ProjectReportFormCatLable'=>'Why do you want to report this project?',
0117     'ProjectReportFormCatInfo'=>'',
0118     'ProjectReportFormCatErr'=>'Please choose a category',
0119     'ProjectReportFormCatSelect'=>'choose a category',
0120     'ProjectReportFormDescLable'=>'Description',
0121     'ProjectReportFormDescInfo'=>'You can help the support-team, if you write a short description of the problem.',
0122     'ProjectReportFormDescErr'=>'Please write a short description',
0123     'ProjectReportFormSubmit'=>'Send',
0125     'ProjectStopHeader'=>'Stop this product',
0126     'ProjectStopFormLable'=>'Do you realy want to stop this product?',
0127     'ProjectStopFormInfo'=> 'If you stop this product, it is still visible, but you can not earn plings. But you can reactivate this project later.',
0128     'ProjectStopFormSubmitLabel' => 'Stop product',
0129     'ProjectStopFormErr'=>'Please click on the checkbox to confirm the stop!',
0131     'ProjectRestartHeader'=>'Start this product again',
0132     'ProjectRestartFormLable'=>'Do you realy want to start this product again?',
0133     'ProjectRestartFormInfo'=> '',
0134     'ProjectRestartFormSubmitLabel' => 'Restart product',
0135     'ProjectRestartFormErr'=>'Please click on the checkbox to confirm the restart!',
0137     'ProjectDeleteHeader'=>'Delete this product',
0138     'ProjectDeleteFormLable'=>'Do you realy want to delete this product?',
0139     'ProjectDeleteFormInfo'=> '',
0140     'ProjectDeleteFormSubmitLabel' => 'Delete product',
0141     'ProjectDeleteFormErr'=>'Please click on the checkbox to confirm the deletion!',
0142         'ProjectDeleteErrOwner'=>'You must be the owner of the project,<br/>to delete it.&nbsp;',
0143         'ProjectDeleteErrLogin'=>'You must be loged in,<br/>to delete your project.&nbsp;',
0145         'ForgotPassFormMailErrNotValid'=>'This eMail is not valid.',
0146     'ForgotPassFormMailErrNoUser'=>'This eMail is not registered.',
0147     'ForgotPassFormMailErrNoEMail'=> 'Please fill out the eMail-Form',
0148     'ForgotPassFormMailLable' => 'Your eMail address',
0149     'ForgotPassFormSubmit'=>'Send',
0151     'RegisterFormHeader'=>'Free Registration',
0152     'RegisterFormUsernameLabel'=>'Username',
0153     'RegisterFormUsernameErr'=>'The username is mandatory',
0154     'RegisterFormEmailLabel'=>'email-address',
0155     'RegisterFormEmailErrNotValid'=>'eMail-address is not valid',
0156     'RegisterFormEmailErrWrongHost'=>"'%hostname%' is not a valid host-name for eMail '%value%'",
0157     'RegisterFormEmailErrWrongHost2'=>"'%value%' is not a valid host",
0158     'RegisterFormEmailErrHostLocal'=>"'%value%' seems to be a local host. Thats not valid.",
0159     'RegisterFormEmailErrAlreadyRegistered'=>'This email-address is already registered',
0160     'RegisterFormEmailErrEmpty'=>'email-address is mandatory',
0161     'RegisterFormPasswordLabel'=>'Password',
0162     'RegisterFormPasswordErr'=>'Password is mandatory',
0163     'RegisterFormPassword2Label'=>'repeat password',
0164     'RegisterFormPassword2Err'=>'Please repeat the password',
0165     'RegisterFormAgbLabel'=>'I have read the <a href="/datenschutz" target="_blank">data protection regulations</a> and <a href="/agb" target="_blank">general business terms</a> and acept them.',
0166     'RegisterFormAgbErr'=>'You must read and accept the BGTs',
0167     'RegisterFormNewsletterLabel'=>'I will receive new per eMail.',
0168     'RegisterFormSubmit'=>'Register',
0170     'ProjectsShowShareFriends' => 'Share this with friends',
0171     'ProjectsShowPlingBtnCreate' => 'Create Pling-Button',
0172     'ProjectsShowPlingBtnCreateClick'=>'Copy this code to your web site.',
0173     'ProjectsShowShareLink' => 'Share the link',
0174     'ProjectsShowTabsOverview' => 'Collection',
0175     'ProjectsShowTabsProjectBlog' => 'News-Items',
0176     'ProjectsShowTabsSupporters' =>'Supporters',
0177     'ProjectsShowTabsComments' => 'Discussion',
0178     'ProjectsShowAdmin'=>'Project-Administration',
0179     'ProjectsShowEdit' => 'Edit',
0180     'ProjectsShowSettings' => 'Settings',
0181     'ProjectsShowDelete'=>'Delete',   
0182     'ProjectsShowProjectFrom'=>'Project from',
0183     'ProjectsShowProjectReport'=>'report abuse',
0184     'ProjectsShowMessage'=>'Messages',
0185     'ProjectsShowStopFollowing'=>'Stop Following project',
0186     'ProjectsShowFollowing'=>'Follow project',
0188     'ProjectsShowStopFollowMe'=>'Stop Following me',
0189     'ProjectsShowFollowMe'=>'Follow me',
0191     'SettingsHeadProfile'=>'Profile',
0192     'SettingsHeadProfileInfo'=>'You have signed up Pling since ',
0193     'SettingsHeadProfileShort'=>'Profile',
0194     'SettingsHeadAccount'=>'Account',
0195     'SettingsHeadPassword'=>'Password',
0196     'SettingsHeadNewsletter'=>'Newsletter & Co.',
0197     'SettingsHeadWeblinks'=>'Weblinks',
0198     'SettingsHeadSupportProjects'=>'Projects Supported',
0199     'SettingsHeadYourProjects'=>'Your Projects',
0200     'SettingsHeadPayPal'=>'Payout',
0201     'SettingsHeadProfilePic' => 'Profile-Picture', 
0203     'MemberHeadTabBlog'=>'Activities',
0204     'MemberHeadTabItems'=>'Product',
0205     'MemberHeadTabProject'=>'Project',
0206     'MemberHeadTabSupporters'=>'Supporters',
0207     'MemberHeadTabComments' =>'Comments',
0208     'MemberHeadTabMyProjects'=>'products',
0209     'MemberHeadTabMyGroups' => 'Groups',
0210     'MemberHeadTabSupportProjects'=>'Activity supported',
0211     'MemberHeadTabFollowProjects'=>'Supports',
0212     'MemberHeadTabAboutme' => 'About',
0214         'UserTitleProjectCreated' => 'Product Created',
0215         'UserTitleProjectUpdated' => 'Product Updated',
0216         'UserTitleProjectDeleted' => 'Product Deleted',
0217         'UserTitleProjectStopped' => 'Product Stopped',
0218         'UserTitleProjectRestarted' => 'Product Restarted',
0219     'UserTitleProjectPlinged' => 'Product Plinged',
0221     'UserTitleProjectItemCreated' => 'Product Update Created',
0222         'UserTitleProjectItemUpdated' => 'Product Update Updated',
0223         'UserTitleProjectItemDeleted' => 'Product Update Deleted',
0224     'UserTitleProjectItemPlinged' => 'Product Update Plinged',
0227         'UserProjectCreated' => ' created a product:',
0228         'UserProjectUpdated' => ' updated a product:',
0229         'UserProjectDeleted' => ' deleted a product:',
0230         'UserProjectStopped' => ' stopped a product:',
0231         'UserProjectRestarted' => ' restarted a product:',
0232     'UserProjectPlinged' => ' plinged a product:',
0234     'UserProjectItemCreated' => ' added a new product update',
0235         'UserProjectItemUpdated' => ' updated a product update',
0236         'UserProjectItemDeleted' => ' deleted a product update',
0237     'UserProjectItemPlinged' => ' plinged a product update',
0240         'ProjectCreated' => 'User added a new product',
0241     'ProjectUpdated' => 'User updated a product',
0242     'ProjectDeleted' => 'User deleted a product',
0243     'ProjectStopped' => 'User stopped a product',
0244     'ProjectRestarted' => 'User restarted a product',
0246     'ProjectItemCreated' => 'User added a new product update',
0247     'ProjectItemUpdated' => 'User updated a product update',
0248     'ProjectItemDeleted' => 'User deleted a product update',
0249     'ProjectItemStopped' => 'User stopped a product update',
0250     'ProjectItemRestarted' => 'User restarted a product update',
0252     'ProjectPlinged' => 'User plinged a project',
0253     'ProjectDisplinged' => 'User displinged a project',
0254     'ProjectItemPlinged' => 'User plinged a project update',
0255     'ProjectItemDisplinged' => 'User displinged a project update',
0258     'PaymentsHeader' => 'buy plings',
0261     'VSA' => "Visa payments are processed by Moneybookers and work almost everywhere",
0262     'VSE' => "Visa electron payments are processed by Moneybookers and work almost everywhere",
0263     'MSC' => "MasterCard payments are processed by Moneybookers and work almost everywhere",
0264     'MAE' => "Maestro payments work in United Kingdom, Spain &amp; Austria, payments are processed by Moneybookers",
0265     'JCB' => "JCB Card payments are processed by Moneybookers and work almost everywhere",
0266     'DIN' => "Diners Card payments are processed by Moneybookers and work almost everywhere",
0267     'DNK' => "Dankort is a Danish card, payments are handled by Moneybookers",
0268     'GCB' => "Carte Bleue is a French card, payments are processed by Moneybookers",
0269     'DID' => "EC/Electronic Cash (or ELV) is a German debit payment system, payments are processed by Moneybookers",
0270     'IDL' => "iDEAL is a payment method for the Netherlands, payments are processed by Moneybookers",
0271     'GIR' => "Giropay is a German payment method, payments are processed by Moneybookers",
0272     'PSP' => "PostePay is an Italian payment method, payments are processed by Moneybookers",
0273     'SFT' => "Sofort (or Sofortueberweisung) payments work in Germany, Austria, Belgium, Netherlands, Switzerland &amp; United Kingdom, payments are processed by Moneybookers",
0274     'moneybookers' => "Moneybookers is a payment processor that uses a wallet system allowing you to use many local payment options and bank transfers, similar to IBAN",
0275     'PBT' => "Bank transfers work in all EU countries, payments are processed by Moneybookers",
0276     'paypal' => "PayPal is an internet wallet for payments, works almost everywhere",
0278     'label_everyplingcounts' => 'EVERY PLING COUNTS.',
0279     'label_supportGoals'=>'Support people with their dreams, challenges and social commitment with 10 cent microcredits (1 pling) at a time.',
0280     'label_registeredsupporters' =>'registered supporters on Pling',
0281     'label_newestprojects' => 'Newest Projects',
0282     'label_hottestprojects' => 'Hottest Projects',
0285     'RegisterGroupFormUsernameLabel' => 'Screen-name',
0286     'RegisterGroupFormShortTextLabel' => 'Group-product',
0287     'RegisterGroupFormDescriptionLabel' => 'About',
0288     'RegisterGroupFormSubmit' => 'Create group',
0289     'RegisterGroupFormUsernameErr' => 'Please insert a screen-name',
0290     'RegisterGroupFormShortTextErr' => 'Please insert a group-product',
0291     'RegisterGroupFormDescriptionErr' => 'Please tell the users something about this group.',
0293     'GroupHeadTabBlog' => 'Activities',
0294     'GroupHeadTabMyProjects' => 'Our Products',
0295     'GroupHeadTabComments' => 'Comments',
0296     'GroupHeadTabAboutme' => 'About us',
0297     'GroupHeadTabAdmin' => 'Administration',
0299     'CreateGroup' => 'Create a new group',
0302     'navSearchPlaceholder' => 'Suchen...',
0304     'rightcol.plings' => 'plings received',
0305     'rightcol.supporters' => 'supporters',
0306     'rightcol.collected' => 'collected',
0308     'index.index.goalslider' => 'Vorgestellte Goals',
0309     'index.index.goalslider.intro' => 'Hi, my name is',
0310     'index.index.goalslider.goal' => 'the maker of ',
0311     'index.index.newusers.text' => 'registered users on pling',
0312     'index.index.newusers.becomesupporter' => 'Become a supporter!',
0313     '' => 'What\'s hot',
0314     '' => 'made by',
0315     'index.index.activities.header' => 'pling activities worldwide',
0316     'index.index.activities.header2' => 'What\'s happening on pling right now',
0318     'index.registrieren.header' => 'Welcome to pling!',
0319     'index.registrieren.login.header' => 'Log in',
0320     'index.registrieren.login.description' => 'Please log in to continue.',
0321     'index.registrieren.login.username' => 'Username',
0322     'index.registrieren.login.password' => 'Password',
0323     'index.registrieren.login.submit' => 'Log me in!',
0324     'index.registrieren.register.header' => 'First time on pling?',
0325     'index.registrieren.register.description' => 'Please sign up here.',
0326     '' => 'Username',
0327     '' => 'E-Mail',
0328     'index.registrieren.register.password' => 'Create Password',
0329     'index.registrieren.register.password2' => 'Re-enter Password',
0330     'index.registrieren.register.policy' => 'I agree to the terms of use and privacy policy.',
0331     'index.registrieren.register.submit' => 'Sign me up!',
0332     'index.registrieren.sociallogin.header' => 'Log in with facebook or twitter',
0333     'index.registrieren.sociallogin.description' => 'It\'s quick and easy.',
0334     'index.registrieren.sociallogin.policy' => 'We\'ll never post anything without your permission.',
0336     'index.registersave.header' => 'Thank you for registering your account with pling!',
0337     'index.registersave.thanks' => 'Please check your email account and confirm your email address.<br/><br/>Team pling',
0339     'index.login.username' => 'Email',
0340     'index.login.password' => 'Password',
0341     'index.login.error.auth' => 'Unkown email or username or wrong password',
0342     'index.login.error.nodata' => 'Please insert your eMail and password to login',
0343         'index.login.remember_me' => 'Keep me logged in',
0344         'index.login.forgot_password' => 'Forgot your password?',
0346     'index.forget.new_password' => 'We created a new password for you. Please check your E-Mail-Account.',
0347     'index.forget.error.unknown_email' =>'Your EMail address is unknown.',
0349     'projects.head.goalheader.goal' => 'made by',
0350     'projects.head.updates' => 'Product',
0351     'projects.head.supporters' => 'Supporters',
0352         'projects.head.statistics' => 'Statistics',
0353     'projects.head.discuss' => 'Discussion',
0354     'projects.head.follow' => 'Follow',
0355         'projects.head.plings_collected' => 'plings collected',
0356     '' => 'See all',
0358         '' => 'Maker',
0360     '' => 'posted on %s',
0361     '' => 'Please login to comment',
0362     '' => 'Please support to comment',
0363     '' => 'Leave a comment',
0364     '' => 'See more',
0365     '' => 'No comments for now',
0366     '' => 'No updates for now',
0367     '' => 'Next Page',
0368     '' => 'Last Page',
0370     'projects.supporter.noitems' => 'Become the first supporter!',
0372     'projects.backer.header' => 'Supporters',
0374         'projects.statistics.header' => 'Statistics',
0376         '' => 'Product Gallery (max. %s pictures allowed)',
0377         '' => 'The maximum number of allowed gallery pictures was exceeded',
0379     '' => 'Report this product',
0380     '' => 'Please login to report this product',
0382     ''=>'Products you meight also like',
0384     'member.head.intro' => 'Hi, my name is',
0385     'member.head.goal' => 'the maker of',
0386     'member.head.goals' => 'My Products',
0387     'member.head.activities' => 'Activities',
0388     'member.head.supporting' => 'I Support',
0389     'member.head.following' => 'I Follow',
0390     'member.head.about' => 'About Me',
0391     'member.head.newsfeed' => 'Newsfeed',
0392     'member.head.messages' => 'Messages (%s)',
0394     'member.rightcol.goalupdates.header' => 'Maker Updates',
0395     '' => 'See all Updates',
0396     'member.rightcol.activities.header' => 'User Activities',
0397     'member.rightcol.goalssupported.header' => 'I support',
0398     '' => 'see all',
0400     'member.projects.goals.header' => 'I made',
0401     'member.projects.goals.addproduct' => '+add a product',
0402     'member.projects.goals.goal' => 'I want',
0403     'member.projects.groups.header' => 'Group products',
0404     'member.projects.groups.goal' => 'My group-product is',
0406     'member.supportedgoals.header' => 'I support these products',
0407     'member.followedgoals.header' => 'I follow these products',
0408     'member.followedmembers.header' => 'I follow these members',
0410     'member.aboutme.header' => 'About %s',
0411     '' => 'contact me',
0412     '' => 'find me on facebook',
0413     'member.joined' => 'joined %s',
0414     'member.supported' => 'Supported %s makers',
0415         '' => 'E-Mail Validation',
0416         '' => 'Your email address has been confirmed.',
0417         '' => 'Either your e-mail was already verified, or the link was manipulated.',
0420     'member.newsfeed.products.noitems' => 'Follow a product to see any news.',
0421     'member.newsfeed.friends.noitems' => 'Follow a member to see any news.',
0423     'group.head.goal' => 'We want',
0424     'group.head.admin' => 'Administration',
0425     'group.head.goals' => 'Products',
0426     'group.head.members' => 'Members',
0427         'group.head.supporters' => 'Supporters',
0428         'group.head.statistics' => 'Statistics',
0429         'group.head.about' => 'About',
0430     'group.goals.goal' => '%s\'s product is',
0433     'group.rightcol.founder.header' => 'Founder of this group',
0434     'group.rightcol.membersteaser.header' => 'Members of this group',
0435     '' => 'See all',
0436     'group.rightcol.activities.header' => 'last activities',
0440     'messages.head.welcome' => 'Your messages',
0441     'messages.head.sended' => 'Sended messages',
0442     'messages.head.recieved' => 'Recieved messages',
0443     'messages.from' => 'Sender:',
0444     '' => 'Date:',
0445     '' => 'Reciever:',
0448     'index.activities.messages.ProjectCreated' => '%s created the new product %s',
0449     'index.activities.messages.ProjectUpdated' => '%s updated the product %s',
0450     'index.activities.messages.ProjectDeleted' => '%s deleted the product %s',
0451     'index.activities.messages.ProjectStopped' => '%s stopped the product %s',
0452     'index.activities.messages.ProjectRestarted' => '%s restarted the product %s',
0453     'index.activities.messages.ProjectItemCreated' => '%s wrote a new update for product %s',
0454     'index.activities.messages.ProjectItemUpdated' => '%s rewrote a new update for product %s',
0455     'index.activities.messages.ProjectItemDeleted' => '%s deleted a update for product %s',
0456     'index.activities.messages.ProjectItemStopped' => '%s stopped a update for product %s',
0457     'index.activities.messages.ProjectItemRestarted' => '%s restarted a update for product %s',
0458     'index.activities.messages.ProjectPlinged' => '%s plinged on product %s',
0459     'index.activities.messages.ProjectDisplinged' => '',
0460     'index.activities.messages.ProjectItemPlinged' => '%s plinged on product %s',
0461     'index.activities.messages.ProjectItemDisplinged' => '',
0462     'index.activities.messages.ProjectCommentCreated' => '%s commented on product',
0463     'index.activities.messages.ProjectCommentUpdated' => '',
0464     'index.activities.messages.ProjectCommentDeleted' => '',
0468     'pling.button.no_paypal' => 'no paypal, no pling',
0470         'supporterbox.numSupporters' => '%s people support my product',
0471         'supporterbox.beFirstSupporter' => 'Be the first supporter',
0473         'product.no_comments' => 'No comments yet',
0474         'product.error.button_code' => 'No button code could be generated',
0476 );