File indexing completed on 2024-05-12 05:59:09

0001 <?php
0003 /**
0004  *  ocs-webserver
0005  *
0006  *  Copyright 2016 by pling GmbH.
0007  *
0008  *    This file is part of ocs-webserver.
0009  *
0010  *    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
0011  *    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
0012  *    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
0013  *    License, or (at your option) any later version.
0014  *
0015  *    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
0016  *    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0018  *    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
0019  *
0020  *    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
0021  *    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
0022  *
0023  * Created: 31.07.2017
0024  */
0026 class Statistics_Model_Data
0027 {
0029     const DEFAULT_STORE_ID = 22; //opendesktop
0031     /** @var Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Abstract */
0032     protected $_db;
0034     public  function __construct($options)
0035     {
0036         if (isset($options['db'])) {
0037             $this->initDbAdapter($options['db']);
0038         } else {
0039             throw new Exception('configuration parameter for database connection needed');
0040         }
0041     }
0043     private function initDbAdapter($db)
0044     {
0045         $adapter = $db['adapter'];
0046         $params = $db['params'];
0047         //$default = (int)(isset($params['isDefaultTableAdapter']) && $params['isDefaultTableAdapter']
0048         //    || isset($params['default']) && $params['default']);
0049         unset($params['adapter'], $params['default'], $params['isDefaultTableAdapter']);
0050         $adapter = Zend_Db::factory($adapter, $params);
0051         $this->_db = $adapter;
0052     }
0057     public function getPayoutgroupbyamountProduct()
0058     {
0059         $sql = "select gm as x
0060             , count(1) as y
0061             from
0062             (
0063             select 
0064             m.project_id,
0065             round(sum(m.credits_plings)/100,2) AS probably_payout_amount,
0066             floor(sum(m.credits_plings/100)/10)*10 gm
0067             from micro_payout m
0068             where m.paypal_mail is not null and m.paypal_mail <> '' and (m.paypal_mail regexp '^[A-Z0-9._%-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+.[A-Z]{2,4}$')            
0069             and m.yearmonth = DATE_FORMAT(CURRENT_DATE() - INTERVAL 4 MONTH, '%Y%m')  and m.is_license_missing = 0 and m.is_source_missing=0 and m.is_pling_excluded = 0 
0070             and m.is_member_pling_excluded=0
0071             GROUP BY m.project_id
0072             ) t
0073             where t.probably_payout_amount >1
0074             group by gm
0075             order by gm asc
0076             ";
0077         $result = $this->_db->fetchAll($sql);
0078         return $result;
0079     }
0082     public function getPayoutgroupbyamountMember()
0083     {
0084         $sql = "select gm as x
0085             , count(1) as y
0086             from
0087             (
0088               select 
0089               m.member_id,
0090               round(sum(m.credits_plings)/100,2) AS probably_payout_amount,
0091               floor(sum(m.credits_plings/100)/10)*10 gm
0092               from micro_payout m
0093               where m.paypal_mail is not null and m.paypal_mail <> '' and (m.paypal_mail regexp '^[A-Z0-9._%-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+.[A-Z]{2,4}$')            
0094               and m.yearmonth = DATE_FORMAT(CURRENT_DATE() - INTERVAL 4 MONTH, '%Y%m')  and m.is_license_missing = 0 and m.is_source_missing=0 and m.is_pling_excluded = 0 
0095               and m.is_member_pling_excluded=0
0096               GROUP BY m.member_id
0097             ) t
0098             where t.probably_payout_amount >1
0099             group by gm
0100             order by gm asc
0101             ";
0102         $result = $this->_db->fetchAll($sql);
0103         return $result;
0104     }
0106     public function getNewmemberstats()
0107     {
0108         $sql = "SELECT DATE(`created_at`) as memberdate , count(*) as daycount FROM dwh.ods_member_v  group by  memberdate    order by memberdate desc limit 30";
0109         $result = $this->_db->fetchAll($sql);
0110         return $result;
0111     }
0113     public function getNewprojectstats()
0114     {
0115         $sql = "SELECT DATE(`created_at`) as projectdate , count(*) as daycount  FROM dwh.ods_project_v   where status>=40 group by  projectdate    order by projectdate desc limit 30";
0116         $result = $this->_db->fetchAll($sql);
0117         return $result;
0118     }
0120     public function getNewprojectWeeklystats()
0121     {
0122         $sql = "SELECT YEARWEEK(`created_at`) as yyyykw , count(*) as amount  
0123                   FROM project p
0124                   join stat_cat_tree t on p.project_category_id = t.project_category_id                
0125                   where status=100 and type_id = 1 
0126                   group by  yyyykw    
0127                   order by yyyykw 
0128                   desc limit 60";
0129         $result = $this->_db->fetchAll($sql);
0130         return $result;
0131     }
0132     public function getNewprojectWeeklystatsWithoutWallpapers()
0133     {
0135         $tmpsql = "select lft, rgt from stat_cat_tree where project_category_id=295";
0136         $wal = $this->_db->fetchRow($tmpsql);
0137         $lft = $wal['lft'];
0138         $rgt = $wal['rgt'];
0140         $sql = "SELECT YEARWEEK(`created_at`) as yyyykw , count(*) as amount  
0141                   FROM project p
0142                   join stat_cat_tree t on p.project_category_id = t.project_category_id                
0143                   where status=100 and type_id = 1                                     
0144                   and (t.lft<" . $lft . " or t.rgt>" . $rgt . " )
0145                   group by  yyyykw    
0146                   order by yyyykw 
0147                   desc limit 60";
0148         $result = $this->_db->fetchAll($sql);
0149         return $result;
0150     }
0152     public function getNewprojectWeeklystatsWallpapers()
0153     {
0155         $tmpsql = "select lft, rgt from stat_cat_tree where project_category_id=295";
0156         $wal = $this->_db->fetchRow($tmpsql);
0157         $lft = $wal['lft'];
0158         $rgt = $wal['rgt'];
0160         $sql = "SELECT YEARWEEK(`created_at`) as yyyykw , count(*) as amount  
0161                   FROM project p
0162                   join stat_cat_tree t on p.project_category_id = t.project_category_id                
0163                   where status=100 and type_id = 1                                     
0164                   and (t.lft>" . $lft . " and t.rgt<" . $rgt . " )
0165                   group by  yyyykw    
0166                   order by yyyykw 
0167                   desc limit 60";
0168         $result = $this->_db->fetchAll($sql);
0169         return $result;
0170     }
0172     public function getPayout($yyyymm)
0173     {
0175         $sql = "SELECT * ,
0176           (select username from member m where m.member_id = p.member_id) username
0177         FROM dwh.member_payout p where yearmonth = :yyyymm order by amount desc";
0178         $result = $this->_db->fetchAll($sql, array("yyyymm" => $yyyymm));
0179         return $result;
0180     }
0182     public function getPayoutMemberPerCategory($yyyymm, $catid)
0183     {
0185         $modelProjectCategories = new Default_Model_DbTable_ProjectCategory();
0186         $ids = $modelProjectCategories->fetchChildIds($catid);
0187         array_push($ids, $catid);
0188         $idstring = implode(',', $ids);
0190         $sql = "
0191            select * from
0192                                 (
0193                                      select
0194                                        member_id    
0195                                       ,(select username from member m where m.member_id = v.member_id) username
0196                                       ,round(sum(probably_payout_amount)) as amount                            
0197                                      from member_dl_plings_v as v
0198                                     where project_category_id IN (" . $idstring . ") and v.yearmonth= :yyyymm
0199                                     group by v.member_id
0200                                     order by amount desc
0201                                 ) tmp where amount>0
0202         ";
0203         $result = $this->_db->fetchAll($sql, array("yyyymm" => $yyyymm));
0204         return $result;
0205     }
0207     public function getNewcomer($yyyymm)
0208     {
0209         $yyyymm_vor = $this->getLastYearMonth($yyyymm);
0210         $sql = "SELECT member_id
0211                     , (select username from member m where m.member_id = member_payout.member_id) as username
0212                     , paypal_mail,round(amount,2) as amount FROM member_payout WHERE yearmonth =:yyyymm
0213                     and member_id not in (select member_id from member_payout where yearmonth =:yyyymm_vor)
0214                     order by amount desc
0215                     ";
0216         $result = $this->_db->fetchAll($sql, array("yyyymm" => $yyyymm, "yyyymm_vor" => $yyyymm_vor));
0217         return $result;
0218     }
0220     public function getNewloser($yyyymm)
0221     {
0222         $yyyymm_vor = $this->getLastYearMonth($yyyymm);
0223         $sql = "SELECT member_id
0224                     , (select username from member m where m.member_id = member_payout.member_id) as username
0225                     , paypal_mail,round(amount,2) as amount FROM member_payout WHERE yearmonth =:yyyymm_vor
0226                     and member_id not in (select member_id from member_payout where yearmonth =:yyyymm)
0227                     order by amount desc
0228                     ";
0229         $result = $this->_db->fetchAll($sql, array("yyyymm" => $yyyymm, "yyyymm_vor" => $yyyymm_vor));
0230         return $result;
0231     }
0233     public function getMonthDiff($yyyymm)
0234     {
0235         $yyyymm_vor = $this->getLastYearMonth($yyyymm);
0236         $sql = "
0237                         select akt.member_id          
0238                              , (select username from member m where m.member_id = akt.member_id) as username
0239                              , akt.amount as am_akt
0240                              , let.amount as am_let
0241                              , round(akt.amount-let.amount) as am_diff
0242                              , akt.yearmonth ym_akt
0243                              , let.yearmonth ym_let
0244                         from
0245                         (select member_id, amount,yearmonth from  member_payout where yearmonth = :yyyymm) akt,
0246                         (select member_id, amount,yearmonth from  member_payout where yearmonth = :yyyymm_vor) let
0247                         where akt.member_id = let.member_id
0248                         order by am_diff desc
0249                     ";
0250         $result = $this->_db->fetchAll($sql, array("yyyymm" => $yyyymm, "yyyymm_vor" => $yyyymm_vor));
0252         return $result;
0253     }
0255     /*
0256     public function getDownloadsDaily($numofmonthback){
0257         $sql = "
0258                    select 
0259                                       SUBSTR(d.date_yyyymmdd,1,6) as symbol
0260                                       ,SUBSTR(d.date_yyyymmdd,7,8)*1 as date 
0261                                       ,d.count as price
0262                                       from dwh.files_downloads_daily as d
0263                                       where STR_TO_DATE(date_yyyymmdd,'%Y%m%d' ) >= (DATE_FORMAT(CURDATE(), '%Y-%m-01')- INTERVAL :numofmonthback MONTH)
0264                                       and STR_TO_DATE(date_yyyymmdd,'%Y%m%d' )< CURDATE()
0265                                       order by date_yyyymmdd asc
0266             ";
0267         $result = $this->_db->fetchAll($sql,array("numofmonthback"=>$numofmonthback));
0268         return $result;  
0269     }
0270 */
0272     public function getDownloadsDaily($numofmonthback)
0273     {
0274         $sql = "
0275                    select 
0276                                       SUBSTR(d.date_yyyymmdd,1,6) as symbol
0277                                       ,SUBSTR(d.date_yyyymmdd,7,8)*1 as date 
0278                                       ,d.count as price
0279                                       from dwh.files_downloads_daily as d
0280                                       where STR_TO_DATE(date_yyyymmdd,'%Y%m%d' ) >= (DATE_FORMAT(CURDATE(), '%Y-%m-01')- INTERVAL :numofmonthback MONTH)
0281                                       and STR_TO_DATE(date_yyyymmdd,'%Y%m%d' )< CURDATE()
0282                     union
0284                     select 
0285                      concat(SUBSTR(d.date_yyyymmdd,1,6),' payout') as symbol
0286                      ,SUBSTR(d.date_yyyymmdd,7,8)*1 as date 
0287                      ,d.count as price
0288                      from dwh.payout_daily as d
0289                      where STR_TO_DATE(date_yyyymmdd,'%Y%m%d' ) >= (DATE_FORMAT(CURDATE(), '%Y-%m-01')- INTERVAL :numofmonthback MONTH)
0290                       and STR_TO_DATE(date_yyyymmdd,'%Y%m%d' )< CURDATE()
0292             ";
0293         $result = $this->_db->fetchAll($sql, array("numofmonthback" => $numofmonthback));
0294         return $result;
0295     }
0297     public function getDownloadsUndPayoutsDaily($yyyymm)
0298     {
0299         $sql = "
0300                    select 
0301                    concat(SUBSTR(d.date_yyyymmdd,1,6),' downloads') as symbol
0302                    ,SUBSTR(d.date_yyyymmdd,7,8)*1 as date 
0303                    ,d.count as price
0304                    from dwh.files_downloads_daily as d
0305                    where SUBSTR(d.date_yyyymmdd,1,6)=:yyyymm
0306                    union 
0307                    select 
0308                    concat(SUBSTR(d.date_yyyymmdd,1,6),' payouts') as symbol
0309                    ,SUBSTR(d.date_yyyymmdd,7,8)*1 as date 
0310                    ,d.count as price
0311                    from dwh.payout_daily as d
0312                    where SUBSTR(d.date_yyyymmdd,1,6)=:yyyymm
0314             ";
0315         $result = $this->_db->fetchAll($sql, array("yyyymm" => $yyyymm));
0316         return $result;
0317     }
0320     /**
0321                   ,(select count(1) from dwh.files_downloads dd where dd.project_id = d.project_id 
0322               and dd.downloaded_timestamp between  :date_start and :date_end
0323               and dd.referer like '') as cntGoogle
0324      */
0326     public function getTopDownloadsPerDate($date)
0327     {
0328         $date_start = $date . ' 00:00:00';
0329         $date_end = $date . ' 23:59:59';
0330         $sql = "
0331                   select d.project_id
0332                   , count(1) as cnt 
0333                   ,(select p.title from project p where p.project_id = d.project_id) as ptitle
0334                   ,(select p.created_at from project p where p.project_id = d.project_id) as pcreated_at
0335                   ,(select c.title from category c, project p where p.project_id = d.project_id and p.project_category_id=c.project_category_id) as ctitle
0336                   ,(select username from member m , project p where m.member_id = p.member_id and p.project_id = d.project_id) as username                  
0337                   from dwh.files_downloads d
0338                   where d.downloaded_timestamp between :date_start and :date_end
0339                   group by d.project_id
0340                   order by cnt desc
0341                   limit 50
0342             ";
0344         $result = $this->_db->fetchAll($sql, array("date_start" => $date_start, "date_end" => $date_end));
0345         return $result;
0346     }
0348     public function getTopDownloadsPerMonth($month, $catid)
0349     {
0351         $sd = $month . '-01';
0352         $date_start = date('Y-m-01', strtotime($sd)) . ' 00:00:00';
0353         $date_end = date('Y-m-t', strtotime($sd)) . ' 23:59:59';
0355         if ($catid == 0) {
0357             // $sql = "
0358             //         select d.project_id
0359             //           , count(1) as cnt 
0360             //           ,(select p.title from project p where p.project_id = d.project_id) as ptitle
0361             //           ,(select p.created_at from project p where p.project_id = d.project_id) as pcreated_at
0362             //           ,(select c.title from category c where d.project_category_id=c.project_category_id) as ctitle
0363             //           ,(select username from member m where m.member_id = d.member_id) as username                  
0364             //           from dwh.files_downloads d
0365             //           where d.yyyymm = :month
0366             //           group by d.project_id,project_category_id,member_id
0367             //           order by cnt desc
0368             //           limit 50
0369             // ";
0370             $sql = "select d.project_id
0371                       , sum(d.count) as cnt 
0372                       ,p.title  as ptitle
0373                       ,p.created_at as pcreated_at
0374                       ,(select c.title from category c where d.project_category_id=c.project_category_id) as ctitle
0375                       ,(select username from member m where m.member_id = p.member_id) as username                  
0376                       from dwh.files_downloads_project_daily d
0377                         join project p on d.project_id = p.project_id
0378                       where d.yyyymm = :month
0379                       group by d.project_id,d.project_category_id,p.member_id
0380                       order by cnt desc
0381                       limit 50";
0382         } else {
0383             $modelProjectCategories = new Default_Model_DbTable_ProjectCategory();
0384             $ids = $modelProjectCategories->fetchChildIds($catid);
0385             array_push($ids, $catid);
0386             $idstring = implode(',', $ids);
0387             // $sql = '
0388             //         select d.project_id
0389             //         , count(1) as cnt 
0390             //         ,(select p.title from project p where p.project_id = d.project_id) as ptitle
0391             //         ,(select p.created_at from project p where p.project_id = d.project_id) as pcreated_at
0392             //         ,(select c.title from category c where d.project_category_id=c.project_category_id) as ctitle
0393             //         ,(select username from member m where m.member_id = d.member_id) as username                  
0394             //         from dwh.files_downloads d
0395             //         where d.yyyymm = :month
0396             //         and d.project_category_id in ('.$idstring.')
0397             //         group by d.project_id,project_category_id,member_id
0398             //         order by cnt desc
0399             //         limit 50
0400             // ';       
0401             $sql = 'select d.project_id
0402                         , sum(d.count) as cnt 
0403                         ,p.title  as ptitle
0404                         ,p.created_at as pcreated_at
0405                         ,(select c.title from category c where d.project_category_id=c.project_category_id) as ctitle
0406                         ,(select username from member m where m.member_id = p.member_id) as username                  
0407                         from dwh.files_downloads_project_daily d
0408                           join project p on d.project_id = p.project_id
0409                         where d.yyyymm = :month
0410                         and d.project_category_id in (' . $idstring . ')
0411                         group by d.project_id,d.project_category_id,p.member_id
0412                         order by cnt desc
0413                         limit 50';
0414         }
0416         $result = $this->_db->fetchAll($sql, array("month" => $month));
0417         return $result;
0418     }
0420     public function getProductMonthly($project_id)
0421     {
0422         $sql = "
0423                 select 
0424                 yyyymm as yearmonth
0425                ,sum(count) as amount
0426                from dwh.files_downloads_project_daily
0427                where project_id = :project_id
0428                group by yyyymm
0429                limit 100
0430         ";
0431         $result = $this->_db->fetchAll($sql, array("project_id" => $project_id));
0432         return $result;
0433     }
0435     public function getProductDayly($project_id)
0436     {
0437         $sql = "
0438               select yyyymmdd as yearmonth,count as amount 
0439               from dwh.files_downloads_project_daily
0440               where project_id = :project_id
0441               order by yyyymmdd desc
0442               limit 1000
0443         ";
0444         $result = $this->_db->fetchAll($sql, array("project_id" => $project_id));
0445         return  array_reverse($result);
0446     }
0449     public function getDownloadsDomainStati($begin, $end)
0450     {
0451         $date_start = $begin . ' 00:00:00';
0452         $date_end = $end . ' 23:59:59';
0453         $sql = "
0454                   select count(1) as cnt 
0455                       ,d.referer_domain   
0456                         ,is_from_own_domain
0457                       from dwh.files_downloads d
0458                       where d.downloaded_timestamp  between :date_start and :date_end  
0459                        group by d.referer_domain,is_from_own_domain   
0460                       order by is_from_own_domain desc, cnt desc
0461             ";
0462         $result = $this->_db->fetchAll($sql, array("date_start" => $date_start, "date_end" => $date_end));
0463         return $result;
0464     }
0467     public function getPayoutCategoryMonthly($yyyymm)
0468     {
0469         $sql = "
0470                           select * from
0471                           (
0472                             select project_category_id
0473                                 ,(select title from category as c where c.project_category_id = v.project_category_id) as title
0474                                 ,round(sum(probably_payout_amount)) as amount                                
0475                                 ,sum(v.num_downloads) as num_downloads
0476                              from member_dl_plings_v as v
0477                             where yearmonth =:yyyymm
0478                             group by v.project_category_id
0479                             order by amount desc
0480                           ) tmp where amount>0
0481                         ";
0482         $result = $this->_db->fetchAll($sql, array("yyyymm" => $yyyymm));
0483         return $result;
0484     }
0488     private function getPayoutCategorySingle($catid)
0489     {
0491         $modelProjectCategories = new Default_Model_DbTable_ProjectCategory();
0492         $ids = $modelProjectCategories->fetchChildIds($catid);
0493         array_push($ids, $catid);
0494         $idstring = implode(',', $ids);
0495         // Zend_Registry::get('logger')->info(__METHOD__ . ' - ===================================' );
0496         // Zend_Registry::get('logger')->info(__METHOD__ . ' - ' . $idstring);
0497         $sql = "
0498                       select * from
0499                       (
0500                            select
0501                              yearmonth
0502                               ,(select title from category as c where c.project_category_id = " . $catid . ") as symbol                            
0503                             ,round(sum(probably_payout_amount)) as amount                            
0504                            from member_dl_plings_v as v
0505                           where project_category_id IN (" . $idstring . ")
0506                           group by v.yearmonth
0507                           order by yearmonth asc
0508                       ) tmp where amount>0
0509                     ";
0510         $result = $this->_db->fetchAll($sql);
0511         return $result;
0512     }
0514     public function getPayoutCategory_($catid)
0515     {
0517         if ($catid == 0) {
0518             $pids = array(152, 233, 158, 148, 491, 445, 295);
0519             $sql = "
0520                             select * from
0521                             (
0522                                  select
0523                                   'All' as symbol
0524                                   ,yearmonth
0525                                   ,round(sum(probably_payout_amount)) as amount                                  
0526                                  from member_dl_plings_v as v                          
0527                                 group by v.yearmonth
0528                                 order by yearmonth asc
0529                             ) tmp where amount>0
0530                           ";
0531             $result = $this->_db->fetchAll($sql);
0532             foreach ($pids as $catid) {
0533                 $t = self::getPayoutCategorySingle($catid);
0534                 $result = array_merge($result, $t);
0535             }
0536         } else {
0537             $result = self::getPayoutCategorySingle($catid);
0538         }
0540         return $result;
0541     }
0543     public function getPayoutCategory($catid)
0544     {
0546         if ($catid == 0) {
0547             // $pids = array(152, 233,158,404, 148,491,445,295);
0548             $modelCategoryStore = new Default_Model_DbTable_ConfigStoreCategory();
0549             $pids = $modelCategoryStore->fetchCatIdsForStore(self::DEFAULT_STORE_ID);
0550             $sql = "
0551                             select * from
0552                             (
0553                                  select
0554                                   'All' as symbol
0555                                   ,yearmonth
0556                                   ,round(sum(probably_payout_amount)) as amount                                  
0557                                  from member_dl_plings_v as v                          
0558                                 group by v.yearmonth
0559                                 order by yearmonth asc
0560                             ) tmp where amount>0
0561                           ";
0562             $result = $this->_db->fetchAll($sql);
0563             foreach ($pids as $c) {
0564                 $tmp = self::getPayoutCategorySingle($c);
0565                 foreach ($result as &$row) {
0566                     $row['amount' . $c] = 0;
0567                     foreach ($tmp as $t) {
0568                         if ($t['yearmonth'] == $row['yearmonth']) {
0569                             $row['amount' . $c] = $t['amount'];
0570                             break;
0571                         }
0572                     }
0573                 }
0574             }
0575         } else {
0576             $result = self::getPayoutCategorySingle($catid);
0577             $modelCategoriesTable = new Default_Model_DbTable_ProjectCategory();
0578             $pids = $modelCategoriesTable->fetchImmediateChildrenIds($catid);
0579             foreach ($pids as $c) {
0580                 $tmp = self::getPayoutCategorySingle($c);
0581                 foreach ($result as &$row) {
0582                     $row['amount' . $c] = 0;
0583                     foreach ($tmp as $t) {
0584                         if ($t['yearmonth'] == $row['yearmonth']) {
0585                             $row['amount' . $c] = $t['amount'];
0586                             break;
0587                         }
0588                     }
0589                 }
0590             }
0591         }
0593         return $result;
0594     }
0596     public function _getPayoutCategory($catid)
0597     {
0599         if ($catid == 0) {
0600             $pids = array(152, 233, 158, 404, 148, 491, 445, 295);
0601             $sql = "
0602                             select * from
0603                             (
0604                                  select
0605                                   'All' as symbol
0606                                   ,yearmonth
0607                                   ,round(sum(probably_payout_amount)) as amount                                  
0608                                  from member_dl_plings_v as v                          
0609                                 group by v.yearmonth
0610                                 order by yearmonth asc
0611                             ) tmp where amount>0
0612                           ";
0613             $result = $this->_db->fetchAll($sql);
0614             foreach ($pids as $c) {
0615                 $tmp = self::getPayoutCategorySingle($c);
0616                 foreach ($result as &$row) {
0617                     $row['amount' . $c] = 0;
0618                     foreach ($tmp as $t) {
0619                         if ($t['yearmonth'] == $row['yearmonth']) {
0620                             $row['amount' . $c] = $t['amount'];
0621                             break;
0622                         }
0623                     }
0624                 }
0625             }
0626         } else {
0627             $result = self::getPayoutCategorySingle($catid);
0628         }
0630         return $result;
0631     }
0634     public function getLastYearMonth($yyyymm)
0635     {
0636         $aktdate = strval($yyyymm) . '01';
0637         $fmt = 'Ymd';
0638         $d = DateTime::createFromFormat($fmt,  $aktdate);
0639         $d->modify('last day of previous month');
0640         return $d->format('Ym');
0641     }
0643     public function getPayoutyear()
0644     {
0645         $sql = "select round(sum(amount)) amount,yearmonth from dwh.member_payout group by yearmonth order by yearmonth";
0646         $result = $this->_db->fetchAll($sql);
0647         return $result;
0648     }
0651     public function getPayoutOfMember($member_id)
0652     {
0653         //$sql = "select yearmonth, amount from dwh.member_payout where member_id = :member_id order by yearmonth asc";
0654         $sql = "select yearmonth, amount from dwh.member_payout where member_id = :member_id order by yearmonth asc";
0655         $result = $this->_db->fetchAll($sql, array("member_id" => $member_id));
0656         return $result;
0657     }
0659     public function getProject($project_id)
0660     {
0661         $sql = "SELECT * FROM ods_project_v WHERE project_id = :projectId";
0662         $result = $this->_db->fetchAll($sql, array('projectId' => $project_id));
0663         return $result;
0664     }
0666     public function getProjects($limit = 50)
0667     {
0668         $limit = (int) $limit;
0669         $sql = "SELECT * FROM ods_project_v LIMIT {$limit}";
0670         $result = $this->_db->fetchAll($sql);
0671         return $result;
0672     }
0674     public function getMember($member_id)
0675     {
0676         $sql = "SELECT * FROM ods_member_v WHERE member_id = :memberId";
0677         $result = $this->_db->fetchAll($sql, array('memberId' => (int) $member_id));
0678         return $result;
0679     }
0682     public function getMembers($limit = 50)
0683     {
0684         $sql = "SELECT * FROM ods_member_v";
0685         $sql = $this->_db->limit($sql, (int) $limit);
0686         $result = $this->_db->fetchAll($sql);
0687         return $result;
0688     }
0689 }