File indexing completed on 2024-12-29 05:24:41
0001 <?php 0002 $filterScore = $this->ls ? 'laplace_score:['.$this->ls.' TO '.($this->ls+9).']':null; 0003 $filterCat = $this->pci ? 'project_category_id:('.$this->pci.')' : null; 0004 $filterTags = $this->t ? 'tags:('.$this->t.')' : null; 0005 $filterPkg = $this->pkg ? 'package_names:('.$this->pkg.')' : null; 0006 $filterArch = $this->arch ? 'arch_names:('.$this->arch.')' : null; 0007 $filterLic = $this->lic ? 'license_names:('.$this->lic.')' : null; 0008 $store = $this->store; 0009 $param = array('q' => $this->searchText ,'store'=>$store,'page' => $this->page, 'count' => 10, 'qf' => $this->searchField, 'fq' => array($filterCat, $filterScore, $filterTags,$filterPkg,$filterArch,$filterLic)); 0010 0011 $modelSearch = new Default_Model_Solr(); 0012 try { 0013 $this->result = $modelSearch->search($param); 0014 } catch (Exception $e) { 0015 Zend_Registry::get('logger')->err(__FILE__.'('.__LINE__.') -- params: '.print_r($param, true)."\n".' message: '."\n".$e->getMessage()); 0016 0017 $this->result = array('hits' => array(), 'highlighting' =>array(),'response' => array('numFound' => 0)); 0018 } 0019 $this->pagination = $pagination = $modelSearch->getPagination(); 0020 $this->products = $this->result['hits']; 0021 0022 $this->highlighting = $this->result['highlighting']; 0023 0024 $this->headTitle('Search: '.$this->searchText, 'SET'); 0025 0026 $helperBuildExploreUrl = new Default_View_Helper_BuildExploreUrl(); 0027 $modelInfo = new Default_Model_Info(); 0028 $this->headLink()->appendStylesheet('/theme/flatui/css/explore_index.css'); 0029 $this->countSupporters = $modelInfo->getCountAllSupporters(); 0030 $this->supporters = $modelInfo->getNewActiveSupporters(18); 0031 0032 ?> 0033 <main id="explore-content" class="searchresults"> 0034 <section class="wrapper" id="products-wrapper"> 0035 <span class="glyphicon togglesidebar" id="btnTogglesidebar" ></span> 0036 <div class="GridFlex"> 0037 <div class="GridFlex-cell sidebar-left" > 0038 <?php $time_start = microtime(true);echo $this->render('product/partials/searchFilter.phtml'); $time_elapsed = microtime(true) - $time_start; ?> 0039 <?php if(Zend_Auth::getInstance()->hasIdentity() AND Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getIdentity()->roleName == 'admin') { 0040 echo '<div class="alert alert-warning" role="alert"><strong>Rendering Time: </strong>'.$time_elapsed.' s</div>'; 0041 }?> 0042 </div> 0043 <div class="GridFlex-cell content"> 0044 <section class="explore-products" id="explore-products"> 0045 0046 <h1 class="search-heading">Search results for "<?= $this->searchText; ?>"</h1> 0047 0048 <ul id="sort" class="nav nav-tabs"> 0049 <li class="text-right" style="text-align: right; width: 50%; float: right;"> 0050 <small><?=$this->result['response']['numFound']?> hit(s)</small> 0051 </li> 0052 </ul> 0053 0054 <div class="product-list"> 0055 <?php 0056 if (count($this->products) == 0) { ?> 0057 <p>Your search - <?=$this->searchText?> - did not match any documents.</p> 0058 0059 <p>Suggestions: 0060 <ul> 0061 <li>Make sure all words are spelled correctly.</li> 0062 <li>Try keywords which are min 3 characters long.</li> 0063 <li>Try different keywords.</li> 0064 <li>Try more general keywords.</li> 0065 <li>Try fewer keywords.</li> 0066 <li>Use key words which start without wildcard symbols like "*" or "?".</li> 0067 </ul> 0068 <?php 0069 } else { 0070 $time_start = microtime(true); 0071 echo $this->render('product/partials/listProducts.phtml'); 0072 $time_elapsed = microtime(true) - $time_start; 0073 } 0074 ?> 0075 <?php if(Zend_Auth::getInstance()->hasIdentity() AND Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getIdentity()->roleName == 'admin') { 0076 echo '<div class="explore-product col-lg-12 col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">'; 0077 echo '<div class="alert alert-warning" role="alert"><strong>Rendering Time: </strong>'.$time_elapsed.' s</div>'; 0078 echo '</div>'; 0079 }?> 0080 </div> 0081 0082 0083 <section class="explore-footer"> 0084 <?php echo $this->paginationControl($this->pagination, 'Sliding', 'partials/paginationControl.phtml', array('params' => array('projectSearchText' => $this->searchText,'domain_store_id'=>$this->store), 'dom_target' => 'section.explore-products')); ?> 0085 </section> 0086 </section> 0087 </div> 0088 0089 0090 0091 </div> 0092 </section> 0093 <div class="tooltip_templates" style="display: none"> 0094 <span id="tooltip_content"> 0095 <i class="fa fa-spinner"></i> 0096 </span> 0097 </div> 0098 </main> 0099 0100 <?php $this->inlineScript()->appendScript( 0101 ' $(document).ready(function(){ 0102 0103 TooltipUser.setup("tooltipuser","right"); 0104 TooltipUser.setup("tooltipuserleft","left"); 0105 }); 0106 ');