File indexing completed on 2024-05-12 05:58:47

0001 <?php
0003 /**
0004  *  ocs-webserver
0005  *
0006  *  Copyright 2016 by pling GmbH.
0007  *
0008  *    This file is part of ocs-webserver.
0009  *
0010  *    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
0011  *    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
0012  *    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
0013  *    License, or (at your option) any later version.
0014  *
0015  *    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
0016  *    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0018  *    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
0019  *
0020  *    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
0021  *    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
0022  **/
0023 class Default_Model_ProjectClone extends Default_Model_DbTable_ProjectClone
0024 {
0025      public function fetchOrigins($project_id)
0026     {            
0027             $sql = "
0028                         SELECT 
0029                         c.project_id as project_id_clone
0030                         ,c.project_id_parent as project_id
0031                         ,c.external_link
0032                         ,c.member_id
0033                         ,c.text
0034                         ,' ' as catTitle
0035                         ,p.project_category_id
0036                         ,p.title
0037                         ,p.image_small
0038                         ,p.changed_at
0039                         FROM project_clone c
0040                         JOIN project p ON p.project_id = c.project_id_parent
0041                         WHERE c.is_deleted = 0 and c.is_valid = 1 and c.project_id = :project_id
0042                         AND p.`status` = 100
0043                         order by c.created_at desc
0044              ";
0045             $resultSet = $this->_db->fetchAll($sql, array('project_id' => $project_id));
0046              return $this->generateRowSet($resultSet);
0047             // return $resultSet;     
0048     }
0050      public function fetchClones($project_id)
0051     {            
0052             $sql = "
0053                          SELECT 
0054                             c.project_id as project_id
0055                             ,c.project_id_parent as project_id_origin
0056                             ,c.external_link
0057                             ,c.member_id
0058                             ,c.text
0059                             ,' ' as catTitle
0060                             ,(select project_category_id from project p where p.project_id = c.project_id_parent) project_category_id
0061                             ,p.title
0062                             ,p.image_small
0063                             ,p.changed_at
0064                             FROM project_clone c
0065                             JOIN project p ON p.project_id = c.project_id
0066                             WHERE c.is_deleted = 0 and c.is_valid = 1 and  c.project_id_parent = :project_id
0067                             AND p.`status` = 100
0068                             order by c.created_at desc
0069              ";
0070             $resultSet = $this->_db->fetchAll($sql, array('project_id' => $project_id));
0071              return $this->generateRowSet($resultSet);
0072             // return $resultSet;     
0073     }
0075     public function fetchParent($project_id)
0076     {
0077             $sql = "
0078                         SELECT 
0079                         *
0080                         FROM project_clone c
0081                         WHERE c.is_deleted = 0 and c.is_valid = 1 and  c.project_id = :project_id
0082              ";
0083             $resultSet = $this->_db->fetchRow($sql, array('project_id' => $project_id));
0084              return $this->generateRowSet($resultSet);
0085     }
0087     public function fetchRelatedProducts($project_id)
0088     {
0089             $sql = "  
0090                               select distinct * from 
0091                               (
0092                                     SELECT 
0093                                        c.project_id as project_id
0095                                        ,c.external_link
0096                                        ,c.member_id
0097                                        ,c.text
0098                                        ,' ' as catTitle
0099                                        ,(select project_category_id from project p where p.project_id = c.project_id_parent) project_category_id
0100                                        ,p.title
0101                                       ,p.image_small
0102                                       ,p.changed_at
0103                                        FROM project_clone c
0104                                        JOIN project p on p.project_id = c.project_id
0105                                        WHERE c.is_deleted = 0 and c.is_valid = 1 and  c.project_id_parent =  :project_id 
0106                                        AND p.`status` = 100
0108                                    union
0110                                       SELECT 
0111                                        c.project_id as project_id
0113                                        ,c.external_link
0114                                        ,c.member_id
0115                                        ,c.text
0116                                        ,' ' as catTitle
0117                                        ,(select project_category_id from project p where p.project_id = c.project_id_parent) project_category_id
0118                                        ,p.title
0119                                        ,p.image_small
0120                                        ,p.changed_at
0121                                        FROM project_clone c
0122                                        JOIN project p on p.project_id = c.project_id
0123                                        WHERE  c.project_id<> :project_id and  c.is_deleted = 0 and c.is_valid = 1 AND p.`status` = 100 and  c.project_id_parent in (
0124                                             select project_id_parent from project_clone c 
0125                                                 where c.project_id = :project_id and c.is_valid = 1 and c.is_deleted = 0
0126                                           )
0127                               ) a
0128                               where a.catTitle is not null
0129                               order by changed_at desc
0130                         ";
0131              $resultSet = $this->_db->fetchAll($sql, array('project_id' => $project_id));         
0132               return $this->generateRowSet($resultSet);             
0133     }
0135     public function fetchMods()
0136     {
0137           $sql = "
0139           SELECT 
0140           c.project_clone_id
0141          ,c.project_id 
0142          ,c.project_id_parent
0143          ,c.external_link
0144          ,c.text
0145          ,c.member_id as reported_by
0146          ,m.username as reporter_username
0147          ,m.profile_image_url  as reporter_profile_image_url
0148          ,p.cat_title catTitle
0149          ,p.title
0150          ,p.image_small
0151          ,p.changed_at
0152          ,p.laplace_score
0153          ,p.member_id
0154          ,p.username
0156          FROM project_clone c                      
0157          join member m on m.member_id = c.member_id
0158          JOIN stat_projects p on p.project_id = c.project_id                                            
0159          WHERE c.is_deleted = 0 and c.is_valid = 0  and c.project_clone_type=1
0160          order by c.created_at desc
0162           ";
0164           $resultSet = $this->_db->fetchAll($sql);         
0165           return $this->generateRowSet($resultSet);            
0166     }
0168     public function fetchCredits()
0169     {
0170           $sql = "
0172                       SELECT 
0173                        c.project_clone_id
0174                       ,c.project_id 
0175                       ,c.project_id_parent
0176                       ,c.external_link
0177                       ,c.text
0178                       ,c.member_id as reported_by
0179                       ,m.username as reporter_username
0180                       ,m.profile_image_url  as reporter_profile_image_url
0181                       ,p.cat_title catTitle
0182                       ,p.title
0183                       ,p.image_small
0184                       ,p.changed_at
0185                       ,p.laplace_score
0186                       ,p.member_id
0187                       ,p.username
0188                       ,pp.cat_title parent_catTitle
0189                       ,pp.title parent_title
0190                       ,pp.image_small parent_image_small
0191                       ,pp.changed_at parent_changed_at
0192                       ,pp.laplace_score parent_laplace_score
0193                       ,pp.member_id parent_member_id
0194                       ,pp.username parent_username
0195                       FROM project_clone c
0196                       join stat_projects pp on  pp.project_id =c.project_id_parent 
0197                       join member m on m.member_id = c.member_id
0198                       left JOIN stat_projects p on p.project_id = c.project_id                                            
0199                       WHERE c.is_deleted = 0 and c.is_valid = 0  AND pp.status = 100 and c.project_clone_type=0
0200                       order by c.created_at desc
0202           ";
0204           $resultSet = $this->_db->fetchAll($sql);         
0205           return $this->generateRowSet($resultSet);            
0206     }
0208     /**
0209      * @return string comma seperated ids
0210      */
0211     function fetchChildrensIds($project_id){
0212         $sql = "
0213         select GROUP_CONCAT(project_id) as ids from project_clone c where c.project_id_parent = :project_id and is_valid=1
0214         ";
0215         $resultSet = $this->_db->fetchRow($sql, array('project_id' => $project_id));
0216         return $resultSet['ids'];
0217     }
0219     /**
0220      * @return string comma seperated ids
0221      */
0222     function fetchChildrensChildrenIds($ids){
0223         $sql = "
0224         select GROUP_CONCAT(project_id) as ids from project_clone c where c.project_id_parent in (".$ids.") and is_valid=1
0225         ";
0226         $resultSet = $this->_db->fetchRow($sql);
0227         return $resultSet['ids'];
0228     }
0230     /**
0231      * @return string comma seperated ids
0232      */
0233     function fetchParentIds($project_id){
0234         $sql = "
0235         select GROUP_CONCAT(distinct project_id_parent) as ids from project_clone c where c.project_id = :project_id and c.is_valid=1 and c.is_deleted=0
0236         and c.project_id_parent >0
0237         ";
0238         $resultSet = $this->_db->fetchRow($sql, array('project_id' => $project_id));
0239         return $resultSet['ids'];
0240     }
0242     /**
0243      * @return string siblings project ids without itself
0244      */
0245     function fetchSiblings($project_id){
0246             $sql = "
0247                 select GROUP_CONCAT(distinct project_id) as ids from project_clone c where c.project_id_parent in (
0248                         select project_id_parent from project_clone c where c.project_id = :project_id and  c.is_valid=1
0249                 ) and c.project_id <> :project_id and c.is_valid=1
0250             ";
0251             $resultSet = $this->_db->fetchRow($sql, array('project_id' => $project_id));     
0252             return $resultSet['ids'];
0253     }
0255     /**
0256      * @return string comma seperated ids
0257      */
0258     function fetchAncestersIds($project_id,$level=5){
0260         $parentIds = self::fetchParentIds($project_id);
0261         $ids='';        
0262         while ($level>0 && strlen($parentIds)>0) {
0263               $sql = "select GROUP_CONCAT(distinct project_id_parent) as ids from project_clone c where c.project_id in(".$parentIds.") and c.is_valid=1 and c.project_id_parent>0";
0264               $resultSet = $this->_db->fetchRow($sql);     
0265               if($resultSet['ids'])
0266               {
0267                       $ids.=','.$resultSet['ids'];
0268               }
0269               else{
0270                       break;
0271               }
0272               $parentIds = $resultSet['ids'];              
0273               $level--;
0274         }    
0275         if(substr($ids, 0, 1)==','){ $ids=substr($ids,1);};    
0276         return $ids;
0277     }
0279     function fetchParentLevelRelatives($project_id){
0280         $ancesters = self::fetchAncestersIds($project_id);
0281         $sql = "
0282                 select GROUP_CONCAT(project_id) as ids from project_clone c where c.project_id_parent in (".$ancesters.") and is_valid=1
0283         ";
0284         $resultSet = $this->_db->fetchRow($sql);
0285         return $resultSet['ids'];
0286     }
0287     function fetchSiblingsLevelRelatives($parentids,$project_id){        
0288         $sql = "
0289                 select GROUP_CONCAT(project_id) as ids from project_clone c where c.project_id_parent in (".$parentids.") and is_valid=1
0290                         and c.project_id <> :project_id
0291         ";
0292         $resultSet = $this->_db->fetchRow($sql,array('project_id' =>$project_id));
0293         return $resultSet['ids'];
0294     }
0296     function fetchParentsLevel($ids)
0297     {
0298         $sql = "select GROUP_CONCAT(distinct project_id_parent) as ids from project_clone c where c.project_id in(".$ids.") and c.is_valid=1 and c.project_id_parent>0 and c.is_deleted=0";
0299         $resultSet = $this->_db->fetchRow($sql);     
0300         return $resultSet['ids'];
0301     }
0302     function fetchChildrensLevel($ids)
0303     {
0304         $sql = "select GROUP_CONCAT(distinct project_id) as ids from project_clone c where c.project_id_parent in(".$ids.") and c.is_valid=1 and c.project_id_parent>0 and c.is_deleted=0";
0305         $resultSet = $this->_db->fetchRow($sql);   
0306         return $resultSet['ids'];  
0307     }
0308 }