File indexing completed on 2024-12-22 05:33:20

0001 /************************************************************************
0002 *************************************************************************
0003 @Name :         jRating - jQuery Plugin
0004 @Revison :      2.2
0005 @Date :                 26/01/2011
0006 @Author:         ALPIXEL - ( - 
0007 @License :               Open Source - MIT License :
0009 **************************************************************************
0010 *************************************************************************/
0011 (function($) {
0012         $.fn.jRating = function(op) {
0013                 var defaults = {
0014                         /** String vars **/
0015                         bigStarsPath : '/template/jRating/jquery/icons/stars.png', // path of the icon stars.png
0016                         smallStarsPath : '/template/jRating/jquery/icons/small.png', // path of the icon small.png
0017                         phpPath : '/addScore.php', // path of the php file jRating.php
0018                         type : 'big', // can be set to 'small' or 'big'
0020                         /** Boolean vars **/
0021                         step:false, // if true,  mouseover binded star by star,
0022                         isDisabled:false,
0023                         showRateInfo: true,
0025                         /** Integer vars **/
0026                         length:5, // number of star to display
0027                         decimalLength : 0, // number of decimals.. Max 3, but you can complete the function 'getNote'
0028                         rateMax : 20, // maximal rate - integer from 0 to 9999 (or more)
0029                         rateInfosX : -45, // relative position in X axis of the info box when mouseover
0030                         rateInfosY : 5, // relative position in Y axis of the info box when mouseover
0032                         /** Functions **/
0033                         onSuccess : null,
0034                         onError : null
0035                 }; 
0037                 if(this.length>0)
0038                 return this.each(function() {
0039                         var opts = $.extend(defaults, op),    
0040                         newWidth = 0,
0041                         starWidth = 0,
0042                         starHeight = 0,
0043                         bgPath = '';
0045                         if($(this).hasClass('jDisabled') || opts.isDisabled)
0046                                 var jDisabled = true;
0047                         else
0048                                 var jDisabled = false;
0050                         getStarWidth();
0051                         $(this).height(starHeight);
0053                         var average = parseFloat($(this).attr('id').split('_')[0]),
0054                         idBox = parseInt($(this).attr('id').split('_')[1]), // get the id of the box
0055                         widthRatingContainer = starWidth*opts.length, // Width of the Container
0056                         widthColor = average/opts.rateMax*widthRatingContainer, // Width of the color Container
0058                         quotient = 
0059                         $('<div>', 
0060                         {
0061                                 'class' : 'jRatingColor',
0062                                 css:{
0063                                         width:widthColor
0064                                 }
0065                         }).appendTo($(this)),
0067                         average = 
0068                         $('<div>', 
0069                         {
0070                                 'class' : 'jRatingAverage',
0071                                 css:{
0072                                         width:0,
0073                                         top:- starHeight
0074                                 }
0075                         }).appendTo($(this)),
0077                          jstar =
0078                         $('<div>', 
0079                         {
0080                                 'class' : 'jStar',
0081                                 css:{
0082                                         width:widthRatingContainer,
0083                                         height:starHeight,
0084                                         top:- (starHeight*2),
0085                                         background: 'url('+bgPath+') repeat-x'
0086                                 }
0087                         }).appendTo($(this));
0089                         $(this).css({width: widthRatingContainer,overflow:'hidden',zIndex:1,position:'relative'});
0091                         if(!jDisabled)
0092                         $(this).bind({
0093                                 mouseenter : function(e){
0094                                         var realOffsetLeft = findRealLeft(this);
0095                                         var relativeX = e.pageX - realOffsetLeft;
0096                                         if (opts.showRateInfo)
0097                                         var tooltip = 
0098                                         $('<p>',{
0099                                                 'class' : 'jRatingInfos',
0100                                                 html : getNote(relativeX)+' <span class="maxRate">/ '+opts.rateMax+'</span>',
0101                                                 css : {
0102                                                         top: (e.pageY + opts.rateInfosY),
0103                                                         left: (e.pageX + opts.rateInfosX)
0104                                                 }
0105                                         }).appendTo('body').show();
0106                                 },
0107                                 mouseover : function(e){
0108                                         $(this).css('cursor','pointer');        
0109                                 },
0110                                 mouseout : function(){
0111                                         $(this).css('cursor','default');
0112                                         average.width(0);
0113                                 },
0114                                 mousemove : function(e){
0115                                         var realOffsetLeft = findRealLeft(this);
0116                                         var relativeX = e.pageX - realOffsetLeft;
0117                                         if(opts.step) newWidth = Math.floor(relativeX/starWidth)*starWidth + starWidth;
0118                                         else newWidth = relativeX;
0119                                         average.width(newWidth);                                        
0120                                         if (opts.showRateInfo)
0121                                         $("p.jRatingInfos")
0122                                         .css({
0123                                                 left: (e.pageX + opts.rateInfosX)
0124                                         })
0125                                         .html(getNote(newWidth) +' <span class="maxRate">/ '+opts.rateMax+'</span>');
0126                                 },
0127                                 mouseleave : function(){
0128                                         $("p.jRatingInfos").remove();
0129                                 },
0130                                 click : function(e){
0131                                         $(this).unbind().css('cursor','default').addClass('jDisabled');
0132                                         if (opts.showRateInfo) $("p.jRatingInfos").fadeOut('fast',function(){$(this).remove();});
0133                                         e.preventDefault();
0134                                         var rate = getNote(newWidth);
0135                                         average.width(newWidth);
0137                                         /** ONLY FOR THE DEMO, YOU CAN REMOVE THIS CODE **/
0138                                                 $('.datasSent p').html('<strong>idBox : </strong>'+idBox+'<br /><strong>rate : </strong>'+rate+'<br /><strong>action :</strong> rating');
0139                                                 $('.serverResponse p').html('<strong>Loading...</strong>');
0140                                         /** END ONLY FOR THE DEMO **/
0142                                         $.post(opts.phpPath,{
0143                                                         idBox : idBox,
0144                                                         rate : rate,
0145                                                         action : 'rating'
0146                                                 },
0147                                                 function(data) {
0148                                                         if(!data.error)
0149                                                         {
0150                                                                 /** ONLY FOR THE DEMO, YOU CAN REMOVE THIS CODE **/
0151                                                                         $('.serverResponse p').html(data.server);
0152                                                                 /** END ONLY FOR THE DEMO **/
0155                                                                 /** Here you can display an alert box, 
0156                                                                         or use the jNotify Plugin :)
0157                                                                         exemple :       */
0158                                                                 if(opts.onSuccess) opts.onSuccess();
0159                                                         }
0160                                                         else
0161                                                         {
0163                                                                 /** ONLY FOR THE DEMO, YOU CAN REMOVE THIS CODE **/
0164                                                                         $('.serverResponse p').html(data.server);
0165                                                                 /** END ONLY FOR THE DEMO **/
0167                                                                 /** Here you can display an alert box, 
0168                                                                         or use the jNotify Plugin :)
0169                                                                         exemple :       */
0170                                                                 if(opts.onError) opts.onError();
0171                                                         }
0172                                                 },
0173                                                 'json'
0174                                         );
0175                                 }
0176                         });
0178                         function getNote(relativeX) {
0179                                 var noteBrut = parseFloat((relativeX*100/widthRatingContainer)*opts.rateMax/100);
0180                                 switch(opts.decimalLength) {
0181                                         case 1 :
0182                                                 var note = Math.round(noteBrut*10)/10;
0183                                                 break;
0184                                         case 2 :
0185                                                 var note = Math.round(noteBrut*100)/100;
0186                                                 break;
0187                                         case 3 :
0188                                                 var note = Math.round(noteBrut*1000)/1000;
0189                                                 break;
0190                                         default :
0191                                                 var note = Math.round(noteBrut*1)/1;
0192                                 }
0193                                 return note;
0194                         };
0196                         function getStarWidth(){
0197                                 switch(opts.type) {
0198                                         case 'small' :
0199                                                 starWidth = 12; // width of the picture small.png
0200                                                 starHeight = 10; // height of the picture small.png
0201                                                 bgPath = opts.smallStarsPath;
0202                                         break;
0203                                         default :
0204                                                 starWidth = 23; // width of the picture stars.png
0205                                                 starHeight = 20; // height of the picture stars.png
0206                                                 bgPath = opts.bigStarsPath;
0207                                 }
0208                         };
0210                         function findRealLeft(obj) {
0211                           if( !obj ) return 0;
0212                           return obj.offsetLeft + findRealLeft( obj.offsetParent );
0213                         };
0214                 });
0216         }
0217 })(jQuery);