File indexing completed on 2025-03-02 05:29:57

0001 <?php
0002 /**
0003  * Zend Framework
0004  *
0005  * LICENSE
0006  *
0007  * This source file is subject to the new BSD license that is bundled
0008  * with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
0009  * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
0010  *
0011  * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
0012  * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
0013  * to so we can send you a copy immediately.
0014  *
0015  * @category   Zend
0016  * @package    Zend_Validate
0017  * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2005-2015 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
0018  * @license     New BSD License
0019  * @version    $Id$
0020  */
0022 /**
0023  * @see Zend_Validate_Abstract
0024  */
0025 // require_once 'Zend/Validate/Abstract.php';
0027 /**
0028  * @see Zend_Validate_Ip
0029  */
0030 // require_once 'Zend/Validate/Ip.php';
0032 /**
0033  * Please note there are two standalone test scripts for testing IDN characters due to problems
0034  * with file encoding.
0035  *
0036  * The first is tests/Zend/Validate/HostnameTestStandalone.php which is designed to be run on
0037  * the command line.
0038  *
0039  * The second is tests/Zend/Validate/HostnameTestForm.php which is designed to be run via HTML
0040  * to allow users to test entering UTF-8 characters in a form.
0041  *
0042  * @category   Zend
0043  * @package    Zend_Validate
0044  * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2005-2015 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
0045  * @license     New BSD License
0046  */
0047 class Zend_Validate_Hostname extends Zend_Validate_Abstract
0048 {
0049     const CANNOT_DECODE_PUNYCODE  = 'hostnameCannotDecodePunycode';
0050     const INVALID                 = 'hostnameInvalid';
0051     const INVALID_DASH            = 'hostnameDashCharacter';
0052     const INVALID_HOSTNAME        = 'hostnameInvalidHostname';
0053     const INVALID_HOSTNAME_SCHEMA = 'hostnameInvalidHostnameSchema';
0054     const INVALID_LOCAL_NAME      = 'hostnameInvalidLocalName';
0055     const INVALID_URI             = 'hostnameInvalidUri';
0056     const IP_ADDRESS_NOT_ALLOWED  = 'hostnameIpAddressNotAllowed';
0057     const LOCAL_NAME_NOT_ALLOWED  = 'hostnameLocalNameNotAllowed';
0058     const UNDECIPHERABLE_TLD      = 'hostnameUndecipherableTld';
0059     const UNKNOWN_TLD             = 'hostnameUnknownTld';
0061     /**
0062      * @var array
0063      */
0064     protected $_messageTemplates = array(
0065         self::CANNOT_DECODE_PUNYCODE  => "'%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but the given punycode notation cannot be decoded",
0066         self::INVALID                 => "Invalid type given. String expected",
0067         self::INVALID_DASH            => "'%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but contains a dash in an invalid position",
0068         self::INVALID_HOSTNAME        => "'%value%' does not match the expected structure for a DNS hostname",
0069         self::INVALID_HOSTNAME_SCHEMA => "'%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match against hostname schema for TLD '%tld%'",
0070         self::INVALID_LOCAL_NAME      => "'%value%' does not appear to be a valid local network name",
0071         self::INVALID_URI             => "'%value%' does not appear to be a valid URI hostname",
0072         self::IP_ADDRESS_NOT_ALLOWED  => "'%value%' appears to be an IP address, but IP addresses are not allowed",
0073         self::LOCAL_NAME_NOT_ALLOWED  => "'%value%' appears to be a local network name but local network names are not allowed",
0074         self::UNDECIPHERABLE_TLD      => "'%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot extract TLD part",
0075         self::UNKNOWN_TLD             => "'%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match TLD against known list",
0076     );
0078     /**
0079      * @var array
0080      */
0081     protected $_messageVariables = array(
0082         'tld' => '_tld'
0083     );
0085     /**
0086      * Allows Internet domain names (e.g.,
0087      */
0088     const ALLOW_DNS   = 1;
0090     /**
0091      * Allows IP addresses
0092      */
0093     const ALLOW_IP    = 2;
0095     /**
0096      * Allows local network names (e.g., localhost, www.localdomain)
0097      */
0098     const ALLOW_LOCAL = 4;
0100     /**
0101      * Allows all types of hostnames
0102      */
0103     const ALLOW_URI = 8;
0105     /**
0106      * Allows all types of hostnames
0107      */
0108     const ALLOW_ALL = 15;
0110     /**
0111      * Array of valid top-level-domains
0112      *
0113      * Version 2015091800, Last Updated Fri Sep 18 07:07:01 2015 UTC
0114      *
0115      * @see  List of all TLDs by domain
0116      * @see Official list of supported TLDs
0117      * @var array
0118      */
0119     protected $_validTlds = array(
0120         'aaa',
0121         'abb',
0122         'abbott',
0123         'abogado',
0124         'ac',
0125         'academy',
0126         'accenture',
0127         'accountant',
0128         'accountants',
0129         'aco',
0130         'active',
0131         'actor',
0132         'ad',
0133         'ads',
0134         'adult',
0135         'ae',
0136         'aeg',
0137         'aero',
0138         'af',
0139         'afl',
0140         'ag',
0141         'agency',
0142         'ai',
0143         'aig',
0144         'airforce',
0145         'airtel',
0146         'al',
0147         'allfinanz',
0148         'alsace',
0149         'am',
0150         'amica',
0151         'amsterdam',
0152         'android',
0153         'ao',
0154         'apartments',
0155         'app',
0156         'aq',
0157         'aquarelle',
0158         'ar',
0159         'aramco',
0160         'archi',
0161         'army',
0162         'arpa',
0163         'arte',
0164         'as',
0165         'asia',
0166         'associates',
0167         'at',
0168         'attorney',
0169         'au',
0170         'auction',
0171         'audio',
0172         'auto',
0173         'autos',
0174         'aw',
0175         'ax',
0176         'axa',
0177         'az',
0178         'azure',
0179         'ba',
0180         'band',
0181         'bank',
0182         'bar',
0183         'barcelona',
0184         'barclaycard',
0185         'barclays',
0186         'bargains',
0187         'bauhaus',
0188         'bayern',
0189         'bb',
0190         'bbc',
0191         'bbva',
0192         'bcn',
0193         'bd',
0194         'be',
0195         'beer',
0196         'bentley',
0197         'berlin',
0198         'best',
0199         'bet',
0200         'bf',
0201         'bg',
0202         'bh',
0203         'bharti',
0204         'bi',
0205         'bible',
0206         'bid',
0207         'bike',
0208         'bing',
0209         'bingo',
0210         'bio',
0211         'biz',
0212         'bj',
0213         'black',
0214         'blackfriday',
0215         'bloomberg',
0216         'blue',
0217         'bm',
0218         'bms',
0219         'bmw',
0220         'bn',
0221         'bnl',
0222         'bnpparibas',
0223         'bo',
0224         'boats',
0225         'bom',
0226         'bond',
0227         'boo',
0228         'boots',
0229         'boutique',
0230         'br',
0231         'bradesco',
0232         'bridgestone',
0233         'broker',
0234         'brother',
0235         'brussels',
0236         'bs',
0237         'bt',
0238         'budapest',
0239         'build',
0240         'builders',
0241         'business',
0242         'buzz',
0243         'bv',
0244         'bw',
0245         'by',
0246         'bz',
0247         'bzh',
0248         'ca',
0249         'cab',
0250         'cafe',
0251         'cal',
0252         'camera',
0253         'camp',
0254         'cancerresearch',
0255         'canon',
0256         'capetown',
0257         'capital',
0258         'car',
0259         'caravan',
0260         'cards',
0261         'care',
0262         'career',
0263         'careers',
0264         'cars',
0265         'cartier',
0266         'casa',
0267         'cash',
0268         'casino',
0269         'cat',
0270         'catering',
0271         'cba',
0272         'cbn',
0273         'cc',
0274         'cd',
0275         'ceb',
0276         'center',
0277         'ceo',
0278         'cern',
0279         'cf',
0280         'cfa',
0281         'cfd',
0282         'cg',
0283         'ch',
0284         'chanel',
0285         'channel',
0286         'chat',
0287         'cheap',
0288         'chloe',
0289         'christmas',
0290         'chrome',
0291         'church',
0292         'ci',
0293         'cipriani',
0294         'cisco',
0295         'citic',
0296         'city',
0297         'ck',
0298         'cl',
0299         'claims',
0300         'cleaning',
0301         'click',
0302         'clinic',
0303         'clothing',
0304         'cloud',
0305         'club',
0306         'clubmed',
0307         'cm',
0308         'cn',
0309         'co',
0310         'coach',
0311         'codes',
0312         'coffee',
0313         'college',
0314         'cologne',
0315         'com',
0316         'commbank',
0317         'community',
0318         'company',
0319         'computer',
0320         'condos',
0321         'construction',
0322         'consulting',
0323         'contractors',
0324         'cooking',
0325         'cool',
0326         'coop',
0327         'corsica',
0328         'country',
0329         'coupons',
0330         'courses',
0331         'cr',
0332         'credit',
0333         'creditcard',
0334         'cricket',
0335         'crown',
0336         'crs',
0337         'cruises',
0338         'csc',
0339         'cu',
0340         'cuisinella',
0341         'cv',
0342         'cw',
0343         'cx',
0344         'cy',
0345         'cymru',
0346         'cyou',
0347         'cz',
0348         'dabur',
0349         'dad',
0350         'dance',
0351         'date',
0352         'dating',
0353         'datsun',
0354         'day',
0355         'dclk',
0356         'de',
0357         'deals',
0358         'degree',
0359         'delivery',
0360         'dell',
0361         'delta',
0362         'democrat',
0363         'dental',
0364         'dentist',
0365         'desi',
0366         'design',
0367         'dev',
0368         'diamonds',
0369         'diet',
0370         'digital',
0371         'direct',
0372         'directory',
0373         'discount',
0374         'dj',
0375         'dk',
0376         'dm',
0377         'dnp',
0378         'do',
0379         'docs',
0380         'dog',
0381         'doha',
0382         'domains',
0383         'doosan',
0384         'download',
0385         'drive',
0386         'durban',
0387         'dvag',
0388         'dz',
0389         'earth',
0390         'eat',
0391         'ec',
0392         'edu',
0393         'education',
0394         'ee',
0395         'eg',
0396         'email',
0397         'emerck',
0398         'energy',
0399         'engineer',
0400         'engineering',
0401         'enterprises',
0402         'epson',
0403         'equipment',
0404         'er',
0405         'erni',
0406         'es',
0407         'esq',
0408         'estate',
0409         'et',
0410         'eu',
0411         'eurovision',
0412         'eus',
0413         'events',
0414         'everbank',
0415         'exchange',
0416         'expert',
0417         'exposed',
0418         'express',
0419         'fage',
0420         'fail',
0421         'faith',
0422         'family',
0423         'fan',
0424         'fans',
0425         'farm',
0426         'fashion',
0427         'feedback',
0428         'fi',
0429         'film',
0430         'final',
0431         'finance',
0432         'financial',
0433         'firmdale',
0434         'fish',
0435         'fishing',
0436         'fit',
0437         'fitness',
0438         'fj',
0439         'fk',
0440         'flights',
0441         'florist',
0442         'flowers',
0443         'flsmidth',
0444         'fly',
0445         'fm',
0446         'fo',
0447         'foo',
0448         'football',
0449         'forex',
0450         'forsale',
0451         'forum',
0452         'foundation',
0453         'fr',
0454         'frl',
0455         'frogans',
0456         'fund',
0457         'furniture',
0458         'futbol',
0459         'fyi',
0460         'ga',
0461         'gal',
0462         'gallery',
0463         'game',
0464         'garden',
0465         'gb',
0466         'gbiz',
0467         'gd',
0468         'gdn',
0469         'ge',
0470         'gea',
0471         'gent',
0472         'genting',
0473         'gf',
0474         'gg',
0475         'ggee',
0476         'gh',
0477         'gi',
0478         'gift',
0479         'gifts',
0480         'gives',
0481         'giving',
0482         'gl',
0483         'glass',
0484         'gle',
0485         'global',
0486         'globo',
0487         'gm',
0488         'gmail',
0489         'gmo',
0490         'gmx',
0491         'gn',
0492         'gold',
0493         'goldpoint',
0494         'golf',
0495         'goo',
0496         'goog',
0497         'google',
0498         'gop',
0499         'gov',
0500         'gp',
0501         'gq',
0502         'gr',
0503         'graphics',
0504         'gratis',
0505         'green',
0506         'gripe',
0507         'group',
0508         'gs',
0509         'gt',
0510         'gu',
0511         'gucci',
0512         'guge',
0513         'guide',
0514         'guitars',
0515         'guru',
0516         'gw',
0517         'gy',
0518         'hamburg',
0519         'hangout',
0520         'haus',
0521         'healthcare',
0522         'help',
0523         'here',
0524         'hermes',
0525         'hiphop',
0526         'hitachi',
0527         'hiv',
0528         'hk',
0529         'hm',
0530         'hn',
0531         'hockey',
0532         'holdings',
0533         'holiday',
0534         'homedepot',
0535         'homes',
0536         'honda',
0537         'horse',
0538         'host',
0539         'hosting',
0540         'hoteles',
0541         'hotmail',
0542         'house',
0543         'how',
0544         'hr',
0545         'hsbc',
0546         'ht',
0547         'hu',
0548         'hyundai',
0549         'ibm',
0550         'icbc',
0551         'ice',
0552         'icu',
0553         'id',
0554         'ie',
0555         'ifm',
0556         'iinet',
0557         'il',
0558         'im',
0559         'immo',
0560         'immobilien',
0561         'in',
0562         'industries',
0563         'infiniti',
0564         'info',
0565         'ing',
0566         'ink',
0567         'institute',
0568         'insure',
0569         'int',
0570         'international',
0571         'investments',
0572         'io',
0573         'ipiranga',
0574         'iq',
0575         'ir',
0576         'irish',
0577         'is',
0578         'ist',
0579         'istanbul',
0580         'it',
0581         'itau',
0582         'iwc',
0583         'jaguar',
0584         'java',
0585         'jcb',
0586         'je',
0587         'jetzt',
0588         'jewelry',
0589         'jlc',
0590         'jll',
0591         'jm',
0592         'jo',
0593         'jobs',
0594         'joburg',
0595         'jp',
0596         'jprs',
0597         'juegos',
0598         'kaufen',
0599         'kddi',
0600         'ke',
0601         'kg',
0602         'kh',
0603         'ki',
0604         'kia',
0605         'kim',
0606         'kinder',
0607         'kitchen',
0608         'kiwi',
0609         'km',
0610         'kn',
0611         'koeln',
0612         'komatsu',
0613         'kp',
0614         'kr',
0615         'krd',
0616         'kred',
0617         'kw',
0618         'ky',
0619         'kyoto',
0620         'kz',
0621         'la',
0622         'lacaixa',
0623         'lancaster',
0624         'land',
0625         'landrover',
0626         'lasalle',
0627         'lat',
0628         'latrobe',
0629         'law',
0630         'lawyer',
0631         'lb',
0632         'lc',
0633         'lds',
0634         'lease',
0635         'leclerc',
0636         'legal',
0637         'lexus',
0638         'lgbt',
0639         'li',
0640         'liaison',
0641         'lidl',
0642         'life',
0643         'lighting',
0644         'limited',
0645         'limo',
0646         'linde',
0647         'link',
0648         'live',
0649         'lixil',
0650         'lk',
0651         'loan',
0652         'loans',
0653         'lol',
0654         'london',
0655         'lotte',
0656         'lotto',
0657         'love',
0658         'lr',
0659         'ls',
0660         'lt',
0661         'ltd',
0662         'ltda',
0663         'lu',
0664         'lupin',
0665         'luxe',
0666         'luxury',
0667         'lv',
0668         'ly',
0669         'ma',
0670         'madrid',
0671         'maif',
0672         'maison',
0673         'man',
0674         'management',
0675         'mango',
0676         'market',
0677         'marketing',
0678         'markets',
0679         'marriott',
0680         'mba',
0681         'mc',
0682         'md',
0683         'me',
0684         'media',
0685         'meet',
0686         'melbourne',
0687         'meme',
0688         'memorial',
0689         'men',
0690         'menu',
0691         'mg',
0692         'mh',
0693         'miami',
0694         'microsoft',
0695         'mil',
0696         'mini',
0697         'mk',
0698         'ml',
0699         'mm',
0700         'mma',
0701         'mn',
0702         'mo',
0703         'mobi',
0704         'moda',
0705         'moe',
0706         'moi',
0707         'mom',
0708         'monash',
0709         'money',
0710         'montblanc',
0711         'mormon',
0712         'mortgage',
0713         'moscow',
0714         'motorcycles',
0715         'mov',
0716         'movie',
0717         'movistar',
0718         'mp',
0719         'mq',
0720         'mr',
0721         'ms',
0722         'mt',
0723         'mtn',
0724         'mtpc',
0725         'mtr',
0726         'mu',
0727         'museum',
0728         'mutuelle',
0729         'mv',
0730         'mw',
0731         'mx',
0732         'my',
0733         'mz',
0734         'na',
0735         'nadex',
0736         'nagoya',
0737         'name',
0738         'navy',
0739         'nc',
0740         'ne',
0741         'nec',
0742         'net',
0743         'netbank',
0744         'network',
0745         'neustar',
0746         'new',
0747         'news',
0748         'nexus',
0749         'nf',
0750         'ng',
0751         'ngo',
0752         'nhk',
0753         'ni',
0754         'nico',
0755         'ninja',
0756         'nissan',
0757         'nl',
0758         'no',
0759         'nokia',
0760         'np',
0761         'nr',
0762         'nra',
0763         'nrw',
0764         'ntt',
0765         'nu',
0766         'nyc',
0767         'nz',
0768         'obi',
0769         'office',
0770         'okinawa',
0771         'om',
0772         'omega',
0773         'one',
0774         'ong',
0775         'onl',
0776         'online',
0777         'ooo',
0778         'oracle',
0779         'orange',
0780         'org',
0781         'organic',
0782         'osaka',
0783         'otsuka',
0784         'ovh',
0785         'pa',
0786         'page',
0787         'panerai',
0788         'paris',
0789         'partners',
0790         'parts',
0791         'party',
0792         'pe',
0793         'pet',
0794         'pf',
0795         'pg',
0796         'ph',
0797         'pharmacy',
0798         'philips',
0799         'photo',
0800         'photography',
0801         'photos',
0802         'physio',
0803         'piaget',
0804         'pics',
0805         'pictet',
0806         'pictures',
0807         'pink',
0808         'pizza',
0809         'pk',
0810         'pl',
0811         'place',
0812         'play',
0813         'plumbing',
0814         'plus',
0815         'pm',
0816         'pn',
0817         'pohl',
0818         'poker',
0819         'porn',
0820         'post',
0821         'pr',
0822         'praxi',
0823         'press',
0824         'pro',
0825         'prod',
0826         'productions',
0827         'prof',
0828         'properties',
0829         'property',
0830         'protection',
0831         'ps',
0832         'pt',
0833         'pub',
0834         'pw',
0835         'py',
0836         'qa',
0837         'qpon',
0838         'quebec',
0839         'racing',
0840         're',
0841         'realtor',
0842         'realty',
0843         'recipes',
0844         'red',
0845         'redstone',
0846         'rehab',
0847         'reise',
0848         'reisen',
0849         'reit',
0850         'ren',
0851         'rent',
0852         'rentals',
0853         'repair',
0854         'report',
0855         'republican',
0856         'rest',
0857         'restaurant',
0858         'review',
0859         'reviews',
0860         'rich',
0861         'ricoh',
0862         'rio',
0863         'rip',
0864         'ro',
0865         'rocks',
0866         'rodeo',
0867         'rs',
0868         'rsvp',
0869         'ru',
0870         'ruhr',
0871         'run',
0872         'rw',
0873         'rwe',
0874         'ryukyu',
0875         'sa',
0876         'saarland',
0877         'sakura',
0878         'sale',
0879         'samsung',
0880         'sandvik',
0881         'sandvikcoromant',
0882         'sanofi',
0883         'sap',
0884         'sarl',
0885         'saxo',
0886         'sb',
0887         'sc',
0888         'sca',
0889         'scb',
0890         'schmidt',
0891         'scholarships',
0892         'school',
0893         'schule',
0894         'schwarz',
0895         'science',
0896         'scor',
0897         'scot',
0898         'sd',
0899         'se',
0900         'seat',
0901         'security',
0902         'seek',
0903         'sener',
0904         'services',
0905         'seven',
0906         'sew',
0907         'sex',
0908         'sexy',
0909         'sg',
0910         'sh',
0911         'shiksha',
0912         'shoes',
0913         'show',
0914         'shriram',
0915         'si',
0916         'singles',
0917         'site',
0918         'sj',
0919         'sk',
0920         'ski',
0921         'sky',
0922         'skype',
0923         'sl',
0924         'sm',
0925         'sn',
0926         'sncf',
0927         'so',
0928         'soccer',
0929         'social',
0930         'software',
0931         'sohu',
0932         'solar',
0933         'solutions',
0934         'sony',
0935         'soy',
0936         'space',
0937         'spiegel',
0938         'spreadbetting',
0939         'sr',
0940         'srl',
0941         'st',
0942         'stada',
0943         'starhub',
0944         'statoil',
0945         'stc',
0946         'stcgroup',
0947         'stockholm',
0948         'studio',
0949         'study',
0950         'style',
0951         'su',
0952         'sucks',
0953         'supplies',
0954         'supply',
0955         'support',
0956         'surf',
0957         'surgery',
0958         'suzuki',
0959         'sv',
0960         'swatch',
0961         'swiss',
0962         'sx',
0963         'sy',
0964         'sydney',
0965         'systems',
0966         'sz',
0967         'taipei',
0968         'tatamotors',
0969         'tatar',
0970         'tattoo',
0971         'tax',
0972         'taxi',
0973         'tc',
0974         'td',
0975         'team',
0976         'tech',
0977         'technology',
0978         'tel',
0979         'telefonica',
0980         'temasek',
0981         'tennis',
0982         'tf',
0983         'tg',
0984         'th',
0985         'thd',
0986         'theater',
0987         'theatre',
0988         'tickets',
0989         'tienda',
0990         'tips',
0991         'tires',
0992         'tirol',
0993         'tj',
0994         'tk',
0995         'tl',
0996         'tm',
0997         'tn',
0998         'to',
0999         'today',
1000         'tokyo',
1001         'tools',
1002         'top',
1003         'toray',
1004         'toshiba',
1005         'tours',
1006         'town',
1007         'toyota',
1008         'toys',
1009         'tr',
1010         'trade',
1011         'trading',
1012         'training',
1013         'travel',
1014         'trust',
1015         'tt',
1016         'tui',
1017         'tv',
1018         'tw',
1019         'tz',
1020         'ua',
1021         'ubs',
1022         'ug',
1023         'uk',
1024         'university',
1025         'uno',
1026         'uol',
1027         'us',
1028         'uy',
1029         'uz',
1030         'va',
1031         'vacations',
1032         'vc',
1033         've',
1034         'vegas',
1035         'ventures',
1036         'versicherung',
1037         'vet',
1038         'vg',
1039         'vi',
1040         'viajes',
1041         'video',
1042         'villas',
1043         'vin',
1044         'virgin',
1045         'vision',
1046         'vista',
1047         'vistaprint',
1048         'viva',
1049         'vlaanderen',
1050         'vn',
1051         'vodka',
1052         'vote',
1053         'voting',
1054         'voto',
1055         'voyage',
1056         'vu',
1057         'wales',
1058         'walter',
1059         'wang',
1060         'watch',
1061         'webcam',
1062         'website',
1063         'wed',
1064         'wedding',
1065         'weir',
1066         'wf',
1067         'whoswho',
1068         'wien',
1069         'wiki',
1070         'williamhill',
1071         'win',
1072         'windows',
1073         'wine',
1074         'wme',
1075         'work',
1076         'works',
1077         'world',
1078         'ws',
1079         'wtc',
1080         'wtf',
1081         'xbox',
1082         'xerox',
1083         'xin',
1084         'xn--11b4c3d',
1085         'xn--1qqw23a',
1086         'xn--30rr7y',
1087         'xn--3bst00m',
1088         'xn--3ds443g',
1089         'xn--3e0b707e',
1090         'xn--3pxu8k',
1091         'xn--42c2d9a',
1092         'xn--45brj9c',
1093         'xn--45q11c',
1094         'xn--4gbrim',
1095         'xn--55qw42g',
1096         'xn--55qx5d',
1097         'xn--6frz82g',
1098         'xn--6qq986b3xl',
1099         'xn--80adxhks',
1100         'xn--80ao21a',
1101         'xn--80asehdb',
1102         'xn--80aswg',
1103         'xn--90a3ac',
1104         'xn--90ais',
1105         'xn--9dbq2a',
1106         'xn--9et52u',
1107         'xn--b4w605ferd',
1108         'xn--c1avg',
1109         'xn--c2br7g',
1110         'xn--cg4bki',
1111         'xn--clchc0ea0b2g2a9gcd',
1112         'xn--czr694b',
1113         'xn--czrs0t',
1114         'xn--czru2d',
1115         'xn--d1acj3b',
1116         'xn--d1alf',
1117         'xn--efvy88h',
1118         'xn--estv75g',
1119         'xn--fhbei',
1120         'xn--fiq228c5hs',
1121         'xn--fiq64b',
1122         'xn--fiqs8s',
1123         'xn--fiqz9s',
1124         'xn--fjq720a',
1125         'xn--flw351e',
1126         'xn--fpcrj9c3d',
1127         'xn--fzc2c9e2c',
1128         'xn--gecrj9c',
1129         'xn--h2brj9c',
1130         'xn--hxt814e',
1131         'xn--i1b6b1a6a2e',
1132         'xn--imr513n',
1133         'xn--io0a7i',
1134         'xn--j1aef',
1135         'xn--j1amh',
1136         'xn--j6w193g',
1137         'xn--kcrx77d1x4a',
1138         'xn--kprw13d',
1139         'xn--kpry57d',
1140         'xn--kput3i',
1141         'xn--l1acc',
1142         'xn--lgbbat1ad8j',
1143         'xn--mgb9awbf',
1144         'xn--mgba3a3ejt',
1145         'xn--mgba3a4f16a',
1146         'xn--mgbaam7a8h',
1147         'xn--mgbab2bd',
1148         'xn--mgbayh7gpa',
1149         'xn--mgbbh1a71e',
1150         'xn--mgbc0a9azcg',
1151         'xn--mgberp4a5d4ar',
1152         'xn--mgbpl2fh',
1153         'xn--mgbx4cd0ab',
1154         'xn--mk1bu44c',
1155         'xn--mxtq1m',
1156         'xn--ngbc5azd',
1157         'xn--node',
1158         'xn--nqv7f',
1159         'xn--nqv7fs00ema',
1160         'xn--nyqy26a',
1161         'xn--o3cw4h',
1162         'xn--ogbpf8fl',
1163         'xn--p1acf',
1164         'xn--p1ai',
1165         'xn--pgbs0dh',
1166         'xn--pssy2u',
1167         'xn--q9jyb4c',
1168         'xn--qcka1pmc',
1169         'xn--rhqv96g',
1170         'xn--s9brj9c',
1171         'xn--ses554g',
1172         'xn--t60b56a',
1173         'xn--tckwe',
1174         'xn--unup4y',
1175         'xn--vermgensberater-ctb',
1176         'xn--vermgensberatung-pwb',
1177         'xn--vhquv',
1178         'xn--vuq861b',
1179         'xn--wgbh1c',
1180         'xn--wgbl6a',
1181         'xn--xhq521b',
1182         'xn--xkc2al3hye2a',
1183         'xn--xkc2dl3a5ee0h',
1184         'xn--y9a3aq',
1185         'xn--yfro4i67o',
1186         'xn--ygbi2ammx',
1187         'xn--zfr164b',
1188         'xperia',
1189         'xxx',
1190         'xyz',
1191         'yachts',
1192         'yamaxun',
1193         'yandex',
1194         'ye',
1195         'yodobashi',
1196         'yoga',
1197         'yokohama',
1198         'youtube',
1199         'yt',
1200         'za',
1201         'zara',
1202         'zip',
1203         'zm',
1204         'zone',
1205         'zuerich',
1206         'zw',
1207         '测试',
1208         'परीक्षा',
1209         '佛山',
1210         '集团',
1211         '在线',
1212         '한국',
1213         'ভারত',
1214         '八卦',
1215         'موقع',
1216         'বাংলা',
1217         '公益',
1218         '公司',
1219         '移动',
1220         '我爱你',
1221         'москва',
1222         'испытание',
1223         'қаз',
1224         'онлайн',
1225         'сайт',
1226         'срб',
1227         'бел',
1228         '테스트',
1229         'орг',
1230         '삼성',
1231         'சிங்கப்பூர்',
1232         '商标',
1233         '商城',
1234         'дети',
1235         'мкд',
1236         'טעסט',
1237         '中文网',
1238         '中信',
1239         '中国',
1240         '中國',
1241         '谷歌',
1242         'భారత్',
1243         'ලංකා',
1244         '測試',
1245         'ભારત',
1246         'भारत',
1247         'آزمایشی',
1248         'பரிட்சை',
1249         'संगठन',
1250         '网络',
1251         'укр',
1252         '香港',
1253         'δοκιμή',
1254         'إختبار',
1255         '台湾',
1256         '台灣',
1257         '手机',
1258         'мон',
1259         'الجزائر',
1260         'عمان',
1261         'ایران',
1262         'امارات',
1263         'بازار',
1264         'پاکستان',
1265         'الاردن',
1266         'بھارت',
1267         'المغرب',
1268         'السعودية',
1269         'سودان',
1270         'عراق',
1271         'مليسيا',
1272         'شبكة',
1273         'გე',
1274         '机构',
1275         '组织机构',
1276         'ไทย',
1277         'سورية',
1278         'рус',
1279         'рф',
1280         'تونس',
1281         'みんな',
1282         'グーグル',
1283         '世界',
1284         'ਭਾਰਤ',
1285         '网址',
1286         '游戏',
1287         'vermögensberater',
1288         'vermögensberatung',
1289         '企业',
1290         'مصر',
1291         'قطر',
1292         '广东',
1293         'இலங்கை',
1294         'இந்தியா',
1295         'հայ',
1296         '新加坡',
1297         'فلسطين',
1298         'テスト',
1299         '政务',
1300     );
1302     /**
1303      * @var string
1304      */
1305     protected $_tld;
1307     /**
1308      * Array for valid Idns
1309      * @see Official list of supported IDN Chars
1310      * (.AC) Ascension Island
1311      * (.AR) Argentinia
1312      * (.AS) American Samoa
1313      * (.AT) Austria
1314      * (.BIZ) International
1315      * (.BR) Brazil
1316      * (.BV) Bouvett Island
1317      * (.CA) Canada
1318      * (.CAT) Catalan
1319      * (.CH) Switzerland
1320      * (.CL) Chile
1321      * (.COM) International
1322      * (.DE) Germany
1323      * (.DK) Danmark
1324      * (.ES) Spain
1325      * (.FI) Finland
1326      * (.GR) Greece
1327      * (.HU) Hungary
1328      * (.INFO) International
1329      * (.IO) British Indian Ocean Territory
1330      * (.IR) Iran
1331      * (.IS) Iceland
1332      * (.KR) Korea
1333      * (.LI) Liechtenstein
1334      * (.LT) Lithuania
1335      * (.MD) Moldova
1336      * (.MUSEUM) International
1337      * (.NET) International
1338      * (.NO) Norway
1339      * (.NU) Niue
1340      * (.ORG) International
1341      * (.PE) Peru
1342      * (.PL) Poland
1343      * (.PR) Puerto Rico
1344      * (.PT) Portugal;8216320233;111;+PAGE(4000058)+K-CAT-CODIGO(C.125)+RCNT(100);
1345      * (.RU) Russia
1346      * (.RS) Serbia
1347      * (.SA) Saudi Arabia
1348      * (.SE) Sweden
1349      * (.SH) Saint Helena
1350      * (.SJ) Svalbard and Jan Mayen
1351      * (.TH) Thailand
1352      * (.TM) Turkmenistan
1353      * (.TR) Turkey
1354      * (.UA) Ukraine
1355      * (.VE) Venice
1356      * (.VN) Vietnam
1357      *
1358      * @var array
1359      */
1360     protected $_validIdns = array(
1361         'AC'  => array(1 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿāăąćĉċčďđēėęěĝġģĥħīįĵķĺļľŀłńņňŋőœŕŗřśŝşšţťŧūŭůűųŵŷźżž]{1,63}$/iu'),
1362         'AR'  => array(1 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-ãç-êìíñ-õü]{1,63}$/iu'),
1363         'AS'  => array(1 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿāăąćĉċčďđēĕėęěĝğġģĥħĩīĭįıĵķĸĺļľłńņňŋōŏőœŕŗřśŝşšţťŧũūŭůűųŵŷźż]{1,63}$/iu'),
1364         'AT'  => array(1 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿœšž]{1,63}$/iu'),
1365         'BIZ' => 'Hostname/Biz.php',
1366         'BR'  => array(1 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-ãçéíó-õúü]{1,63}$/iu'),
1367         'BV'  => array(1 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáä-éêñ-ôöøüčđńŋšŧž]{1,63}$/iu'),
1368         'CA'  => array(1 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàâæçéèêëîïôœùûüÿ\x{00E0}\x{00E2}\x{00E7}\x{00E8}\x{00E9}\x{00EA}\x{00EB}\x{00EE}\x{00EF}\x{00F4}\x{00F9}\x{00FB}\x{00FC}\x{00E6}\x{0153}\x{00FF}]{1,63}$/iu'),
1369         'CAT' => array(1 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-z·àç-éíïòóúü]{1,63}$/iu'),
1370         'CH'  => array(1 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿœ]{1,63}$/iu'),
1371         'CL'  => array(1 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíñóúü]{1,63}$/iu'),
1372         'CN'  => 'Hostname/Cn.php',
1373         'COM' => 'Hostname/Com.php',
1374         'DE'  => array(1 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿăąāćĉčċďđĕěėęēğĝġģĥħĭĩįīıĵķĺľļłńňņŋŏőōœĸŕřŗśŝšşťßţŧŭůűũųūŵŷźžż]{1,63}$/iu'),
1375         'DK'  => array(1 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zäéöüæøå]{1,63}$/iu'),
1376         'ES'  => array(1 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáçèéíïñòóúü·]{1,63}$/iu'),
1377         'EU'  => array(1 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿ]{1,63}$/iu',
1378             2 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zāăąćĉċčďđēĕėęěĝğġģĥħĩīĭįıĵķĺļľŀłńņňʼnŋōŏőœŕŗřśŝšťŧũūŭůűųŵŷźżž]{1,63}$/iu',
1379             3 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zșț]{1,63}$/iu',
1380             4 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zΐάέήίΰαβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρςστυφχψωϊϋόύώ]{1,63}$/iu',
1381             5 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя]{1,63}$/iu',
1382             6 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zἀ-ἇἐ-ἕἠ-ἧἰ-ἷὀ-ὅὐ-ὗὠ-ὧὰ-ὼώᾀ-ᾇᾐ-ᾗᾠ-ᾧᾰ-ᾴᾶᾷῂῃῄῆῇῐ-ῒΐῖῗῠ-ῧῲῳῴῶῷ]{1,63}$/iu'),
1383         'FI'  => array(1 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zäåö]{1,63}$/iu'),
1384         'GR'  => array(1 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zΆΈΉΊΌΎ-ΡΣ-ώἀ-ἕἘ-Ἕἠ-ὅὈ-Ὅὐ-ὗὙὛὝὟ-ώᾀ-ᾴᾶ-ᾼῂῃῄῆ-ῌῐ-ΐῖ-Ίῠ-Ῥῲῳῴῶ-ῼ]{1,63}$/iu'),
1385         'HK'  => 'Hostname/Cn.php',
1386         'HU'  => array(1 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíóöúüőű]{1,63}$/iu'),
1387         'IL'  => array(1 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9\x{05D0}-\x{05EA}]{1,63}$/iu',
1388             2 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-z]{1,63}$/i'),
1389         'INFO'=> array(1 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zäåæéöøü]{1,63}$/iu',
1390             2 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíóöúüőű]{1,63}$/iu',
1391             3 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-záæéíðóöúýþ]{1,63}$/iu',
1392             4 => '/^[\x{AC00}-\x{D7A3}]{1,17}$/iu',
1393             5 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zāčēģīķļņōŗšūž]{1,63}$/iu',
1394             6 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-ząčėęįšūųž]{1,63}$/iu',
1395             7 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zóąćęłńśźż]{1,63}$/iu',
1396             8 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíñóúü]{1,63}$/iu'),
1397         'IO'  => array(1 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿăąāćĉčċďđĕěėęēğĝġģĥħĭĩįīıĵķĺľļłńňņŋŏőōœĸŕřŗśŝšşťţŧŭůűũųūŵŷźžż]{1,63}$/iu'),
1398         'IS'  => array(1 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéýúíóþæöð]{1,63}$/iu'),
1399         'IT'  => array(1 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàâäèéêëìîïòôöùûüæœçÿß-]{1,63}$/iu'),
1400         'JP'  => 'Hostname/Jp.php',
1401         'KR'  => array(1 => '/^[\x{AC00}-\x{D7A3}]{1,17}$/iu'),
1402         'LI'  => array(1 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿœ]{1,63}$/iu'),
1403         'LT'  => array(1 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9ąčęėįšųūž]{1,63}$/iu'),
1404         'MD'  => array(1 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9ăâîşţ]{1,63}$/iu'),
1405         'MUSEUM' => array(1 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿāăąćċčďđēėęěğġģħīįıķĺļľłńņňŋōőœŕŗřśşšţťŧūůűųŵŷźżžǎǐǒǔ\x{01E5}\x{01E7}\x{01E9}\x{01EF}ə\x{0292}ẁẃẅỳ]{1,63}$/iu'),
1406         'NET' => 'Hostname/Com.php',
1407         'NO'  => array(1 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáä-éêñ-ôöøüčđńŋšŧž]{1,63}$/iu'),
1408         'NU'  => 'Hostname/Com.php',
1409         'ORG' => array(1 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíñóúü]{1,63}$/iu',
1410             2 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zóąćęłńśźż]{1,63}$/iu',
1411             3 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-záäåæéëíðóöøúüýþ]{1,63}$/iu',
1412             4 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíóöúüőű]{1,63}$/iu',
1413             5 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-ząčėęįšūųž]{1,63}$/iu',
1414             6 => '/^[\x{AC00}-\x{D7A3}]{1,17}$/iu',
1415             7 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zāčēģīķļņōŗšūž]{1,63}$/iu'),
1416         'PE'  => array(1 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zñáéíóúü]{1,63}$/iu'),
1417         'PL'  => array(1 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zāčēģīķļņōŗšūž]{1,63}$/iu',
1418             2 => '/^[\x{002d}а-ик-ш\x{0450}ѓѕјљњќџ]{1,63}$/iu',
1419             3 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zâîăşţ]{1,63}$/iu',
1420             4 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9а-яё\x{04C2}]{1,63}$/iu',
1421             5 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáâèéêìíîòóôùúûċġħż]{1,63}$/iu',
1422             6 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàäåæéêòóôöøü]{1,63}$/iu',
1423             7 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zóąćęłńśźż]{1,63}$/iu',
1424             8 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáâãçéêíòóôõúü]{1,63}$/iu',
1425             9 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zâîăşţ]{1,63}$/iu',
1426             10=> '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-záäéíóôúýčďĺľňŕšťž]{1,63}$/iu',
1427             11=> '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zçë]{1,63}$/iu',
1428             12=> '/^[\x{002d}0-9а-ик-шђјљњћџ]{1,63}$/iu',
1429             13=> '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zćčđšž]{1,63}$/iu',
1430             14=> '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zâçöûüğış]{1,63}$/iu',
1431             15=> '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíñóúü]{1,63}$/iu',
1432             16=> '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zäõöüšž]{1,63}$/iu',
1433             17=> '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zĉĝĥĵŝŭ]{1,63}$/iu',
1434             18=> '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zâäéëîô]{1,63}$/iu',
1435             19=> '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáâäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòôöøùúûüýćčłńřśš]{1,63}$/iu',
1436             20=> '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zäåæõöøüšž]{1,63}$/iu',
1437             21=> '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáçèéìíòóùú]{1,63}$/iu',
1438             22=> '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáéíóöúüőű]{1,63}$/iu',
1439             23=> '/^[\x{002d}0-9ΐά-ώ]{1,63}$/iu',
1440             24=> '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáâåæçèéêëðóôöøüþœ]{1,63}$/iu',
1441             25=> '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-záäéíóöúüýčďěňřšťůž]{1,63}$/iu',
1442             26=> '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-z·àçèéíïòóúü]{1,63}$/iu',
1443             27=> '/^[\x{002d}0-9а-ъьюя\x{0450}\x{045D}]{1,63}$/iu',
1444             28=> '/^[\x{002d}0-9а-яёіў]{1,63}$/iu',
1445             29=> '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-ząčėęįšūųž]{1,63}$/iu',
1446             30=> '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-záäåæéëíðóöøúüýþ]{1,63}$/iu',
1447             31=> '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàâæçèéêëîïñôùûüÿœ]{1,63}$/iu',
1448             32=> '/^[\x{002d}0-9а-щъыьэюяёєіїґ]{1,63}$/iu',
1449             33=> '/^[\x{002d}0-9א-ת]{1,63}$/iu'),
1450         'PR'  => array(1 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíóúñäëïüöâêîôûàèùæçœãõ]{1,63}$/iu'),
1451         'PT'  => array(1 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-záàâãçéêíóôõú]{1,63}$/iu'),
1452         'RS'  => array(1 => '/^[\x{002D}\x{0030}-\x{0039}\x{0061}-\x{007A}\x{0107}\x{010D}\x{0111}\x{0161}\x{017E}]{1,63}$/iu)'),
1453         'RU'  => array(1 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9а-яё]{1,63}$/iu'),
1454         'SA'  => array(1 => '/^[\x{002d}.0-9\x{0621}-\x{063A}\x{0641}-\x{064A}\x{0660}-\x{0669}]{1,63}$/iu'),
1455         'SE'  => array(1 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zäåéöü]{1,63}$/iu'),
1456         'SH'  => array(1 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿăąāćĉčċďđĕěėęēğĝġģĥħĭĩįīıĵķĺľļłńňņŋŏőōœĸŕřŗśŝšşťţŧŭůűũųūŵŷźžż]{1,63}$/iu'),
1457         'SI'  => array(
1458             1 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿ]{1,63}$/iu',
1459             2 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zāăąćĉċčďđēĕėęěĝğġģĥħĩīĭįıĵķĺļľŀłńņňʼnŋōŏőœŕŗřśŝšťŧũūŭůűųŵŷźżž]{1,63}$/iu',
1460             3 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zșț]{1,63}$/iu'),
1461         'SJ'  => array(1 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáä-éêñ-ôöøüčđńŋšŧž]{1,63}$/iu'),
1462         'TH'  => array(1 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-z\x{0E01}-\x{0E3A}\x{0E40}-\x{0E4D}\x{0E50}-\x{0E59}]{1,63}$/iu'),
1463         'TM'  => array(1 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿāăąćĉċčďđēėęěĝġģĥħīįĵķĺļľŀłńņňŋőœŕŗřśŝşšţťŧūŭůűųŵŷźżž]{1,63}$/iu'),
1464         'TW'  => 'Hostname/Cn.php',
1465         'TR'  => array(1 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zğıüşöç]{1,63}$/iu'),
1466         'UA'  => array(1 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюяѐёђѓєѕіїјљњћќѝўџґӂʼ]{1,63}$/iu'),
1467         'VE'  => array(1 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíóúüñ]{1,63}$/iu'),
1468         'VN'  => array(1 => '/^[ÀÁÂÃÈÉÊÌÍÒÓÔÕÙÚÝàáâãèéêìíòóôõùúýĂăĐđĨĩŨũƠơƯư\x{1EA0}-\x{1EF9}]{1,63}$/iu'),
1469         'мон' => array(1 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9\x{0430}-\x{044F}]{1,63}$/iu'),
1470         'срб' => array(1 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9а-ик-шђјљњћџ]{1,63}$/iu'),
1471         'сайт' => array(1 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9а-яёіїѝйўґг]{1,63}$/iu'),
1472         'онлайн' => array(1 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9а-яёіїѝйўґг]{1,63}$/iu'),
1473         '中国' => 'Hostname/Cn.php',
1474         '中國' => 'Hostname/Cn.php',
1475         'ලංකා' => array(1 => '/^[\x{0d80}-\x{0dff}]{1,63}$/iu'),
1476         '香港' => 'Hostname/Cn.php',
1477         '台湾' => 'Hostname/Cn.php',
1478         '台灣' => 'Hostname/Cn.php',
1479         'امارات'   => array(1 => '/^[\x{0621}-\x{0624}\x{0626}-\x{063A}\x{0641}\x{0642}\x{0644}-\x{0648}\x{067E}\x{0686}\x{0698}\x{06A9}\x{06AF}\x{06CC}\x{06F0}-\x{06F9}]{1,30}$/iu'),
1480         'الاردن'    => array(1 => '/^[\x{0621}-\x{0624}\x{0626}-\x{063A}\x{0641}\x{0642}\x{0644}-\x{0648}\x{067E}\x{0686}\x{0698}\x{06A9}\x{06AF}\x{06CC}\x{06F0}-\x{06F9}]{1,30}$/iu'),
1481         'السعودية' => array(1 => '/^[\x{0621}-\x{0624}\x{0626}-\x{063A}\x{0641}\x{0642}\x{0644}-\x{0648}\x{067E}\x{0686}\x{0698}\x{06A9}\x{06AF}\x{06CC}\x{06F0}-\x{06F9}]{1,30}$/iu'),
1482         'ไทย' => array(1 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9a-z\x{0E01}-\x{0E3A}\x{0E40}-\x{0E4D}\x{0E50}-\x{0E59}]{1,63}$/iu'),
1483         'рф' => array(1 => '/^[\x{002d}0-9а-яё]{1,63}$/iu'),
1484         'تونس' => array(1 => '/^[\x{0621}-\x{0624}\x{0626}-\x{063A}\x{0641}\x{0642}\x{0644}-\x{0648}\x{067E}\x{0686}\x{0698}\x{06A9}\x{06AF}\x{06CC}\x{06F0}-\x{06F9}]{1,30}$/iu'),
1485         'مصر' => array(1 => '/^[\x{0621}-\x{0624}\x{0626}-\x{063A}\x{0641}\x{0642}\x{0644}-\x{0648}\x{067E}\x{0686}\x{0698}\x{06A9}\x{06AF}\x{06CC}\x{06F0}-\x{06F9}]{1,30}$/iu'),
1486         'இலங்கை' => array(1 => '/^[\x{0b80}-\x{0bff}]{1,63}$/iu'),
1487         'فلسطين' => array(1 => '/^[\x{0621}-\x{0624}\x{0626}-\x{063A}\x{0641}\x{0642}\x{0644}-\x{0648}\x{067E}\x{0686}\x{0698}\x{06A9}\x{06AF}\x{06CC}\x{06F0}-\x{06F9}]{1,30}$/iu'),
1488         'شبكة'  => array(1 => '/^[\x{0621}-\x{0624}\x{0626}-\x{063A}\x{0641}\x{0642}\x{0644}-\x{0648}\x{067E}\x{0686}\x{0698}\x{06A9}\x{06AF}\x{06CC}\x{06F0}-\x{06F9}]{1,30}$/iu'),
1489     );
1491     protected $_idnLength = array(
1492         'BIZ' => array(5 => 17, 11 => 15, 12 => 20),
1493         'CN'  => array(1 => 20),
1494         'COM' => array(3 => 17, 5 => 20),
1495         'HK'  => array(1 => 15),
1496         'INFO'=> array(4 => 17),
1497         'KR'  => array(1 => 17),
1498         'NET' => array(3 => 17, 5 => 20),
1499         'ORG' => array(6 => 17),
1500         'TW'  => array(1 => 20),
1501         'ایران' => array(1 => 30),
1502         '中国' => array(1 => 20),
1503         '公司' => array(1 => 20),
1504         '网络' => array(1 => 20),
1505     );
1507     protected $_options = array(
1508         'allow' => self::ALLOW_DNS,
1509         'idn'   => true,
1510         'tld'   => true,
1511         'ip'    => null
1512     );
1514     /**
1515      * Sets validator options
1516      *
1517      * @see  Technical Specifications for ccTLDs
1518      * @param array $options Validator options
1519      */
1520     public function __construct($options = array())
1521     {
1522         if ($options instanceof Zend_Config) {
1523             $options = $options->toArray();
1524         } else if (!is_array($options)) {
1525             $options = func_get_args();
1526             $temp['allow'] = array_shift($options);
1527             if (!empty($options)) {
1528                 $temp['idn'] = array_shift($options);
1529             }
1531             if (!empty($options)) {
1532                 $temp['tld'] = array_shift($options);
1533             }
1535             if (!empty($options)) {
1536                 $temp['ip'] = array_shift($options);
1537             }
1539             $options = $temp;
1540         }
1542         $options += $this->_options;
1543         $this->setOptions($options);
1544     }
1546     /**
1547      * Returns all set options
1548      *
1549      * @return array
1550      */
1551     public function getOptions()
1552     {
1553         return $this->_options;
1554     }
1556     /**
1557      * Sets the options for this validator
1558      *
1559      * @param array $options
1560      * @return Zend_Validate_Hostname
1561      */
1562     public function setOptions($options)
1563     {
1564         if (array_key_exists('allow', $options)) {
1565             $this->setAllow($options['allow']);
1566         }
1568         if (array_key_exists('idn', $options)) {
1569             $this->setValidateIdn($options['idn']);
1570         }
1572         if (array_key_exists('tld', $options)) {
1573             $this->setValidateTld($options['tld']);
1574         }
1576         if (array_key_exists('ip', $options)) {
1577             $this->setIpValidator($options['ip']);
1578         }
1580         return $this;
1581     }
1583     /**
1584      * Returns the set ip validator
1585      *
1586      * @return Zend_Validate_Ip
1587      */
1588     public function getIpValidator()
1589     {
1590         return $this->_options['ip'];
1591     }
1593     /**
1594      * @param Zend_Validate_Ip $ipValidator OPTIONAL
1595      * @return Zend_Validate_Hostname
1596      */
1597     public function setIpValidator(Zend_Validate_Ip $ipValidator = null)
1598     {
1599         if ($ipValidator === null) {
1600             $ipValidator = new Zend_Validate_Ip();
1601         }
1603         $this->_options['ip'] = $ipValidator;
1604         return $this;
1605     }
1607     /**
1608      * Returns the allow option
1609      *
1610      * @return integer
1611      */
1612     public function getAllow()
1613     {
1614         return $this->_options['allow'];
1615     }
1617     /**
1618      * Sets the allow option
1619      *
1620      * @param  integer $allow
1621      * @return Zend_Validate_Hostname Provides a fluent interface
1622      */
1623     public function setAllow($allow)
1624     {
1625         $this->_options['allow'] = $allow;
1626         return $this;
1627     }
1629     /**
1630      * Returns the set idn option
1631      *
1632      * @return boolean
1633      */
1634     public function getValidateIdn()
1635     {
1636         return $this->_options['idn'];
1637     }
1639     /**
1640      * Set whether IDN domains are validated
1641      *
1642      * This only applies when DNS hostnames are validated
1643      *
1644      * @param boolean $allowed Set allowed to true to validate IDNs, and false to not validate them
1645      * @return $this
1646      */
1647     public function setValidateIdn ($allowed)
1648     {
1649         $this->_options['idn'] = (bool) $allowed;
1650         return $this;
1651     }
1653     /**
1654      * Returns the set tld option
1655      *
1656      * @return boolean
1657      */
1658     public function getValidateTld()
1659     {
1660         return $this->_options['tld'];
1661     }
1663     /**
1664      * Set whether the TLD element of a hostname is validated
1665      *
1666      * This only applies when DNS hostnames are validated
1667      *
1668      * @param boolean $allowed Set allowed to true to validate TLDs, and false to not validate them
1669      * @return $this
1670      */
1671     public function setValidateTld ($allowed)
1672     {
1673         $this->_options['tld'] = (bool) $allowed;
1674         return $this;
1675     }
1677     /**
1678      * Defined by Zend_Validate_Interface
1679      *
1680      * Returns true if and only if the $value is a valid hostname with respect to the current allow option
1681      *
1682      * @param  string $value
1683      * @throws Zend_Validate_Exception if a fatal error occurs for validation process
1684      * @return boolean
1685      */
1686     public function isValid($value)
1687     {
1688         if (!is_string($value)) {
1689             $this->_error(self::INVALID);
1690             return false;
1691         }
1693         $this->_setValue($value);
1694         // Check input against IP address schema
1695         if (preg_match('/^[0-9a-f:.]*$/i', $value) &&
1696             $this->_options['ip']->setTranslator($this->getTranslator())->isValid($value)) {
1697             if (!($this->_options['allow'] & self::ALLOW_IP)) {
1698                 $this->_error(self::IP_ADDRESS_NOT_ALLOWED);
1699                 return false;
1700             } else {
1701                 return true;
1702             }
1703         }
1705         // RFC3986 3.2.2 states:
1706         //
1707         //     The rightmost domain label of a fully qualified domain name
1708         //     in DNS may be followed by a single "." and should be if it is
1709         //     necessary to distinguish between the complete domain name and
1710         //     some local domain.
1711         //
1712         // (see ZF-6363)
1714         // Local hostnames are allowed to be partitial (ending '.')
1715         if ($this->_options['allow'] & self::ALLOW_LOCAL) {
1716             if (substr($value, -1) === '.') {
1717                 $value = substr($value, 0, -1);
1718                 if (substr($value, -1) === '.') {
1719                     // Empty hostnames (ending '..') are not allowed
1720                     $this->_error(self::INVALID_LOCAL_NAME);
1721                     return false;
1722                 }
1723             }
1724         }
1726         $domainParts = explode('.', $value);
1728         // Prevent partitial IP V4 adresses (ending '.')
1729         if ((count($domainParts) == 4) && preg_match('/^[0-9.a-e:.]*$/i', $value) &&
1730             $this->_options['ip']->setTranslator($this->getTranslator())->isValid($value)) {
1731             $this->_error(self::INVALID_LOCAL_NAME);
1732         }
1734         // Check input against DNS hostname schema
1735         if ((count($domainParts) > 1) && (strlen($value) >= 4) && (strlen($value) <= 254)) {
1736             $status = false;
1738             $origenc = PHP_VERSION_ID < 50600
1739                         ? iconv_get_encoding('internal_encoding')
1740                         : ini_get('default_charset');
1741             if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 50600) {
1742                 iconv_set_encoding('internal_encoding', 'UTF-8');
1743             } else {
1744                 ini_set('default_charset', 'UTF-8');
1745             }
1746             do {
1747                 // First check TLD
1748                 $matches = array();
1749                 if (preg_match('/([^.]{2,63})$/iu', end($domainParts), $matches)
1750                     || (array_key_exists(end($domainParts), $this->_validIdns))) {
1751                     reset($domainParts);
1753                     // Hostname characters are: *(label dot)(label dot label); max 254 chars
1754                     // label: id-prefix [*ldh{61} id-prefix]; max 63 chars
1755                     // id-prefix: alpha / digit
1756                     // ldh: alpha / digit / dash
1758                     // Match TLD against known list
1759                     $this->_tld = $matches[1];
1760                     if ($this->_options['tld']) {
1761                         if (!in_array(strtolower($this->_tld), $this->_validTlds)
1762                             && !in_array($this->_tld, $this->_validTlds)) {
1763                             $this->_error(self::UNKNOWN_TLD);
1764                             $status = false;
1765                             break;
1766                         }
1767                         // We have already validated that the TLD is fine. We don't want it to go through the below
1768                         // checks as new UTF-8 TLDs will incorrectly fail if there is no IDN regex for it.
1769                         array_pop($domainParts);
1770                     }
1772                     /**
1773                      * Match against IDN hostnames
1774                      * Note: Keep label regex short to avoid issues with long patterns when matching IDN hostnames
1775                      * @see Zend_Validate_Hostname_Interface
1776                      */
1777                     $regexChars = array(0 => '/^[a-z0-9\x2d]{1,63}$/i');
1778                     if ($this->_options['idn'] &&  isset($this->_validIdns[strtoupper($this->_tld)])) {
1779                         if (is_string($this->_validIdns[strtoupper($this->_tld)])) {
1780                             $regexChars += include($this->_validIdns[strtoupper($this->_tld)]);
1781                         } else {
1782                             $regexChars += $this->_validIdns[strtoupper($this->_tld)];
1783                         }
1784                     }
1786                     // Check each hostname part
1787                     $check = 0;
1788                     foreach ($domainParts as $domainPart) {
1789                         // If some domain part is empty (i.e., it's invalid
1790                         if (empty($domainPart) && $domainPart !== '0') {
1791                             $this->_error(self::INVALID_HOSTNAME);
1792                             return false;
1793                         }
1795                         // Decode Punycode domainnames to IDN
1796                         if (strpos($domainPart, 'xn--') === 0) {
1797                             $domainPart = $this->decodePunycode(substr($domainPart, 4));
1798                             if ($domainPart === false) {
1799                                 return false;
1800                             }
1801                         }
1803                         // Check dash (-) does not start, end or appear in 3rd and 4th positions
1804                         if ((strpos($domainPart, '-') === 0)
1805                             || ((strlen($domainPart) > 2) && (strpos($domainPart, '-', 2) == 2) && (strpos($domainPart, '-', 3) == 3))
1806                             || (strpos($domainPart, '-') === (strlen($domainPart) - 1))) {
1807                                 $this->_error(self::INVALID_DASH);
1808                             $status = false;
1809                             break 2;
1810                         }
1812                         // Check each domain part
1813                         $checked = false;
1814                         foreach($regexChars as $regexKey => $regexChar) {
1815                             $status = preg_match($regexChar, $domainPart);
1816                             if ($status > 0) {
1817                                 $length = 63;
1818                                 if (array_key_exists(strtoupper($this->_tld), $this->_idnLength)
1819                                     && (array_key_exists($regexKey, $this->_idnLength[strtoupper($this->_tld)]))) {
1820                                     $length = $this->_idnLength[strtoupper($this->_tld)];
1821                                 }
1823                                 if (iconv_strlen($domainPart, 'UTF-8') > $length) {
1824                                     $this->_error(self::INVALID_HOSTNAME);
1825                                 } else {
1826                                     $checked = true;
1827                                     break;
1828                                 }
1829                             }
1830                         }
1832                         if ($checked) {
1833                             ++$check;
1834                         }
1835                     }
1837                     // If one of the labels doesn't match, the hostname is invalid
1838                     if ($check !== count($domainParts)) {
1839                         $this->_error(self::INVALID_HOSTNAME_SCHEMA);
1840                         $status = false;
1841                     }
1842                 } else {
1843                     // Hostname not long enough
1844                     $this->_error(self::UNDECIPHERABLE_TLD);
1845                     $status = false;
1846                 }
1847             } while (false);
1849             if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 50600) {
1850                 iconv_set_encoding('internal_encoding', $origenc);
1851             } else {
1852                 ini_set('default_charset', $origenc);
1853             }
1854             // If the input passes as an Internet domain name, and domain names are allowed, then the hostname
1855             // passes validation
1856             if ($status && ($this->_options['allow'] & self::ALLOW_DNS)) {
1857                 return true;
1858             }
1859         } else if ($this->_options['allow'] & self::ALLOW_DNS) {
1860             $this->_error(self::INVALID_HOSTNAME);
1861         }
1863         // Check for URI Syntax (RFC3986)
1864         if ($this->_options['allow'] & self::ALLOW_URI) {
1865             if (preg_match("/^([a-zA-Z0-9-._~!$&\'()*+,;=]|%[[:xdigit:]]{2}){1,254}$/i", $value)) {
1866                 return true;
1867             } else {
1868                 $this->_error(self::INVALID_URI);
1869             }
1870         }
1872         // Check input against local network name schema; last chance to pass validation
1873         $regexLocal = '/^(([a-zA-Z0-9\x2d]{1,63}\x2e)*[a-zA-Z0-9\x2d]{1,63}[\x2e]{0,1}){1,254}$/';
1874         $status = @preg_match($regexLocal, $value);
1876         // If the input passes as a local network name, and local network names are allowed, then the
1877         // hostname passes validation
1878         $allowLocal = $this->_options['allow'] & self::ALLOW_LOCAL;
1879         if ($status && $allowLocal) {
1880             return true;
1881         }
1883         // If the input does not pass as a local network name, add a message
1884         if (!$status) {
1885             $this->_error(self::INVALID_LOCAL_NAME);
1886         }
1888         // If local network names are not allowed, add a message
1889         if ($status && !$allowLocal) {
1890             $this->_error(self::LOCAL_NAME_NOT_ALLOWED);
1891         }
1893         return false;
1894     }
1896     /**
1897      * Decodes a punycode encoded string to it's original utf8 string
1898      * In case of a decoding failure the original string is returned
1899      *
1900      * @param  string $encoded Punycode encoded string to decode
1901      * @return string
1902      */
1903     protected function decodePunycode($encoded)
1904     {
1905         if (!preg_match('/^[a-z0-9-]+$/i', $encoded)) {
1906             // no punycode encoded string
1907             $this->_error(self::CANNOT_DECODE_PUNYCODE);
1908             return false;
1909         }
1911         $decoded = array();
1912         $separator = strrpos($encoded, '-');
1913         if ($separator > 0) {
1914             for ($x = 0; $x < $separator; ++$x) {
1915                 // prepare decoding matrix
1916                 $decoded[] = ord($encoded[$x]);
1917             }
1918         }
1920         $lengthd = count($decoded);
1921         $lengthe = strlen($encoded);
1923         // decoding
1924         $init  = true;
1925         $base  = 72;
1926         $index = 0;
1927         $char  = 0x80;
1929         for ($indexe = ($separator) ? ($separator + 1) : 0; $indexe < $lengthe; ++$lengthd) {
1930             for ($old_index = $index, $pos = 1, $key = 36; 1 ; $key += 36) {
1931                 $hex   = ord($encoded[$indexe++]);
1932                 $digit = ($hex - 48 < 10) ? $hex - 22
1933                        : (($hex - 65 < 26) ? $hex - 65
1934                        : (($hex - 97 < 26) ? $hex - 97
1935                        : 36));
1937                 $index += $digit * $pos;
1938                 $tag    = ($key <= $base) ? 1 : (($key >= $base + 26) ? 26 : ($key - $base));
1939                 if ($digit < $tag) {
1940                     break;
1941                 }
1943                 $pos = (int) ($pos * (36 - $tag));
1944             }
1946             $delta   = intval($init ? (($index - $old_index) / 700) : (($index - $old_index) / 2));
1947             $delta  += intval($delta / ($lengthd + 1));
1948             for ($key = 0; $delta > 910 / 2; $key += 36) {
1949                 $delta = intval($delta / 35);
1950             }
1952             $base   = intval($key + 36 * $delta / ($delta + 38));
1953             $init   = false;
1954             $char  += (int) ($index / ($lengthd + 1));
1955             $index %= ($lengthd + 1);
1956             if ($lengthd > 0) {
1957                 for ($i = $lengthd; $i > $index; $i--) {
1958                     $decoded[$i] = $decoded[($i - 1)];
1959                 }
1960             }
1962             $decoded[$index++] = $char;
1963         }
1965         // convert decoded ucs4 to utf8 string
1966         foreach ($decoded as $key => $value) {
1967             if ($value < 128) {
1968                 $decoded[$key] = chr($value);
1969             } elseif ($value < (1 << 11)) {
1970                 $decoded[$key]  = chr(192 + ($value >> 6));
1971                 $decoded[$key] .= chr(128 + ($value & 63));
1972             } elseif ($value < (1 << 16)) {
1973                 $decoded[$key]  = chr(224 + ($value >> 12));
1974                 $decoded[$key] .= chr(128 + (($value >> 6) & 63));
1975                 $decoded[$key] .= chr(128 + ($value & 63));
1976             } elseif ($value < (1 << 21)) {
1977                 $decoded[$key]  = chr(240 + ($value >> 18));
1978                 $decoded[$key] .= chr(128 + (($value >> 12) & 63));
1979                 $decoded[$key] .= chr(128 + (($value >> 6) & 63));
1980                 $decoded[$key] .= chr(128 + ($value & 63));
1981             } else {
1982                 $this->_error(self::CANNOT_DECODE_PUNYCODE);
1983                 return false;
1984             }
1985         }
1987         return implode($decoded);
1988     }
1989 }