Warning, /webapps/ocs-apiserver/library/Zend/Locale/Data/nso.xml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> 0002 <!DOCTYPE ldml SYSTEM "../../common/dtd/ldml.dtd"> 0003 <!-- Copyright © 1991-2013 Unicode, Inc. 0004 CLDR data files are interpreted according to the LDML specification (http://unicode.org/reports/tr35/) 0005 For terms of use, see http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html 0006 --> 0007 <ldml> 0008 <identity> 0009 <version number="$Revision: 9287 $"/> 0010 <generation date="$Date: 2013-08-28 21:32:04 -0500 (Wed, 28 Aug 2013) $"/> 0011 <language type="nso"/> 0012 </identity> 0013 <localeDisplayNames> 0014 <languages> 0015 <language type="nso" draft="provisional">Sesotho sa Leboa</language> 0016 </languages> 0017 </localeDisplayNames> 0018 <characters> 0019 <exemplarCharacters>[a b d e ê f g h i j k l m n o ô p r s š t u w x y]</exemplarCharacters> 0020 <exemplarCharacters type="auxiliary">[c q v z]</exemplarCharacters> 0021 <exemplarCharacters type="index" draft="unconfirmed">[A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z]</exemplarCharacters> 0022 </characters> 0023 <delimiters> 0024 <quotationStart draft="unconfirmed">‘</quotationStart> 0025 <quotationEnd draft="unconfirmed">’</quotationEnd> 0026 <alternateQuotationStart draft="unconfirmed">“</alternateQuotationStart> 0027 <alternateQuotationEnd draft="unconfirmed">”</alternateQuotationEnd> 0028 </delimiters> 0029 <dates> 0030 <calendars> 0031 <calendar type="gregorian"> 0032 <months> 0033 <monthContext type="format"> 0034 <monthWidth type="abbreviated"> 0035 <month type="1" draft="unconfirmed">Jan</month> 0036 <month type="2" draft="unconfirmed">Feb</month> 0037 <month type="3" draft="unconfirmed">Mat</month> 0038 <month type="4" draft="unconfirmed">Apo</month> 0039 <month type="5" draft="unconfirmed">Mei</month> 0040 <month type="6" draft="unconfirmed">Jun</month> 0041 <month type="7" draft="unconfirmed">Jul</month> 0042 <month type="8" draft="unconfirmed">Ago</month> 0043 <month type="9" draft="unconfirmed">Set</month> 0044 <month type="10" draft="unconfirmed">Okt</month> 0045 <month type="11" draft="unconfirmed">Nof</month> 0046 <month type="12" draft="unconfirmed">Dis</month> 0047 </monthWidth> 0048 <monthWidth type="wide"> 0049 <month type="1" draft="unconfirmed">Janaware</month> 0050 <month type="2" draft="unconfirmed">Feberware</month> 0051 <month type="3" draft="unconfirmed">Matšhe</month> 0052 <month type="4" draft="unconfirmed">Aporele</month> 0053 <month type="5" draft="unconfirmed">Mei</month> 0054 <month type="6" draft="unconfirmed">June</month> 0055 <month type="7" draft="unconfirmed">Julae</month> 0056 <month type="8" draft="unconfirmed">Agostose</month> 0057 <month type="9" draft="unconfirmed">Setemere</month> 0058 <month type="10" draft="unconfirmed">Oktobore</month> 0059 <month type="11" draft="unconfirmed">Nofemere</month> 0060 <month type="12" draft="unconfirmed">Disemere</month> 0061 </monthWidth> 0062 </monthContext> 0063 </months> 0064 <days> 0065 <dayContext type="format"> 0066 <dayWidth type="abbreviated"> 0067 <day type="sun" draft="unconfirmed">Son</day> 0068 <day type="mon" draft="unconfirmed">Mos</day> 0069 <day type="tue" draft="unconfirmed">Bed</day> 0070 <day type="wed" draft="unconfirmed">Rar</day> 0071 <day type="thu" draft="unconfirmed">Ne</day> 0072 <day type="fri" draft="unconfirmed">Hla</day> 0073 <day type="sat" draft="unconfirmed">Mok</day> 0074 </dayWidth> 0075 <dayWidth type="wide"> 0076 <day type="sun" draft="unconfirmed">Sontaga</day> 0077 <day type="mon" draft="unconfirmed">Mosupalogo</day> 0078 <day type="tue" draft="unconfirmed">Labobedi</day> 0079 <day type="wed" draft="unconfirmed">Laboraro</day> 0080 <day type="thu" draft="unconfirmed">Labone</day> 0081 <day type="fri" draft="unconfirmed">Labohlano</day> 0082 <day type="sat" draft="unconfirmed">Mokibelo</day> 0083 </dayWidth> 0084 </dayContext> 0085 </days> 0086 </calendar> 0087 </calendars> 0088 </dates> 0089 <numbers> 0090 <symbols numberSystem="latn"> 0091 <decimal>,</decimal> 0092 <group> </group> 0093 </symbols> 0094 <decimalFormats numberSystem="latn"> 0095 <decimalFormatLength> 0096 <decimalFormat> 0097 <pattern>#,##0.###</pattern> 0098 </decimalFormat> 0099 </decimalFormatLength> 0100 </decimalFormats> 0101 <scientificFormats numberSystem="latn"> 0102 <scientificFormatLength> 0103 <scientificFormat> 0104 <pattern>#E0</pattern> 0105 </scientificFormat> 0106 </scientificFormatLength> 0107 </scientificFormats> 0108 <percentFormats numberSystem="latn"> 0109 <percentFormatLength> 0110 <percentFormat> 0111 <pattern>#,##0%</pattern> 0112 </percentFormat> 0113 </percentFormatLength> 0114 </percentFormats> 0115 <currencyFormats numberSystem="latn"> 0116 <currencyFormatLength> 0117 <currencyFormat type="standard"> 0118 <pattern>¤#,##0.00</pattern> 0119 </currencyFormat> 0120 </currencyFormatLength> 0121 </currencyFormats> 0122 <currencies> 0123 <currency type="ZAR"> 0124 <symbol>R</symbol> 0125 </currency> 0126 </currencies> 0127 </numbers> 0128 </ldml> 0129