File indexing completed on 2024-05-12 05:55:13

0001 /* floatincgamma.h: incomplete gamma function */
0002 /*
0003     Copyright (C) 2009 Wolf Lammen.
0005     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
0006     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
0007     the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License , or
0008     (at your option) any later version.
0010     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
0011     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0013     GNU General Public License for more details.
0015     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
0016     along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to:
0018       The Free Software Foundation, Inc.
0019       59 Temple Place, Suite 330
0020       Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
0023     You may contact the author by:
0024        e-mail:  ookami1 <at> gmx <dot> de
0025        mail:  Wolf Lammen
0026               Oertzweg 45
0027               22307 Hamburg
0028               Germany
0030 *************************************************************************/
0032 #include "floatincgamma.h"
0033 #include "floatconst.h"
0034 #include "floatcommon.h"
0035 #include "floathmath.h"
0037 /* many ideas are from a paper of Serge Winitzki,
0038 "Computing the incomplete Gamma function to arbitrary precision"
0039 */
0041 /* The critical line of the lower incomplete gamma function lowgamma(a, z)
0042    is composed of all non-positive real 'a' along with z == 0. It cannot be
0043    continued on this line. Near this line lowgamma behaves approximately as
0044    1. z^a/a, a not close to a negative integer
0045    2. (z^a/a) + (-1)^k*z^h/h/k!, where -k is a negative integer very close to a
0046                                  and h = a + k very small
0047    If h << z the second summand in 2. becomes dominant, otherwise z^a/a is
0048    a rough estimate of lowgamma(a, z), diverging for fixed non-positive 'a*
0049    and z -> 0.
0050    Since z^a is true complex for real z < 0, lowgamma cannot be continued
0051    in the real number domain accross the critical line, except for 'a' a
0052    negative integer.
0054    reglowgammanearpole computes
0055      f(x, k, h) = x^(k-h) * [lowgamma(-k+h, x) - (-1)^k * x^h / h / k!]
0056    where k is an integer >= 0. It should only be used for |h| <= 0.5 and |x|
0057    not much bigger than 2.
0058    f is useful for computing both the lower and upper incomplete gamma
0059    function for values a, x close to the critical line. The term
0060    (-1)^k * x^h/(k!*h) subtracts the pole Gamma(-k), and, in addition,
0061    lowgamma(a, x) is regularized by the factor x^(k-h), in order to eliminate
0062    the singularity introduced by the factor z^a/a.
0063    f is real-valued even for negative x, where lowgamma is true complex.
0064    f is not continuous at a = (-2k-1)/2, k integer > 0, where the subtracted
0065    pole changes */
0066 static void
0067 reglowgammanearpole(floatnum x, int k, cfloatnum h, int digits){
0068   floatstruct tmp;
0069   float_create(&tmp);
0070   if (float_iszero(x) || float_getexponent(x) < -digits-3){
0071     // tiny x, return the first element of the series: k > 0? 1/(h-k) : -x/(1+h)
0072     if (k > 0){
0073       float_addi(x, h, -k, digits+2);
0074       float_reciprocal(x, digits+1);
0075     }
0076     else{
0077       float_sub(&tmp, &cMinus1, h, digits+2);
0078       float_div(x, x, &tmp, digits+1);
0079     }
0080   }
0081   else{
0082     // evaluate the series
0083     int workprec = digits+5;
0084     int i = 0;
0085     int expx = float_getexponent(x);
0086     floatstruct summand;
0087     floatstruct sum;
0088     float_create(&summand);
0089     float_create(&sum);
0091     float_copy(&tmp, &c1, EXACT);
0092     float_setzero(&sum);
0093     while (workprec > 0){
0094       if (i != k){
0095         float_addi(&summand, h, i-k, workprec);
0096         float_div(&summand, &tmp, &summand, workprec);
0097         float_add(&sum, &sum, &summand, digits+5);
0098       }
0099       workprec = digits - float_getexponent(&sum)
0100                  + float_getexponent(&summand) + expx+5;
0101       if (workprec > 0){
0102         float_mul(&tmp, &tmp, x, workprec);
0103         float_divi(&tmp, &tmp, -++i, workprec);
0104       }
0105     }
0106     float_move(x, &sum); // frees sum as a side-effect
0107     // float_free(&sum);
0108     float_free(&summand);
0109   }
0110   float_free(&tmp);
0111 }
0113 /* computes x^a (withExp = 0) or exp(-x)*x^a (withExp = 1)
0114    x^a[*exp(-x)] is the regulizing factor of the lower incomplete gamma function */
0115 static char
0116 regulizingfactor(floatnum x, cfloatnum a, int digits, char withExp){
0117   char result;
0118   floatstruct tmp;
0119   float_create(&tmp);
0120   result = float_raise(&tmp, x, a, digits);
0121   if (result && withExp){
0122     float_neg(x);
0123     result = float_exp(x, digits)
0124              && float_mul(&tmp, &tmp, x, digits);
0125   }
0126   float_move(x, &tmp); // frees tmp as a side-effect
0127   // float_free(&tmp);
0128   return result;
0129 }
0131 /* adds (-1)^k * x^h / (h * k!) to lowgamma, accounting for the
0132    pole of the gamma function, h!= 0 */
0133 static char
0134 addgammapole(floatnum lowgamma, cfloatnum x, int k, cfloatnum h, int digits){
0135   // estimate the size of this summand, often it will not contribute
0136   // to the result
0137   char result = 1;
0138   float fh = float_getexponent(h) >= -37? float_asfloat(h) : 0;
0139   float xx;
0140   float fexp = aprxlog10fn(x);
0141   fexp *= fh;
0142   fexp -= aprxlog10fn(h);
0143   xx = aprxlngamma(k+1);
0144   xx *= 0.434294481903f;
0145   fexp += xx;
0146   fexp +=1;
0147 /*  float fexp = (aprxlog2fn(x)*fh - aprxlog2fn(h)) * 0.301029995663981f
0148                - aprxlngamma(k+1) * 0.434294481903f + 1;*/
0149   if (fexp > EXPMIN){
0150     int exp = fexp;
0151     int explowgamma = float_getexponent(lowgamma);
0152     int workprec = digits + 3;
0153     if (exp < explowgamma-3)
0154       workprec = digits - explowgamma - exp -3;
0155     if (workprec > 0){
0156       floatstruct pwr;
0157       floatstruct fct;
0158       float_create(&pwr);
0159       float_create(&fct);
0160       float_setinteger(&fct, k);
0161       result = float_raise(&pwr, x, h, workprec)
0162                && float_factorial(&fct, workprec)
0163                && float_div(&pwr, &pwr, &fct, workprec)
0164                && float_div(&pwr, &pwr, h, workprec);
0165       if ((k & 1) != 0)
0166         float_neg(&pwr);
0167       result = result && float_add(lowgamma, lowgamma, &pwr, digits+2);
0168       float_free(&fct);
0169       float_free(&pwr);
0170     }
0171   }
0172   return result;
0173 }
0175 /* for 0.5 > a and ln Gamma(-a) / ln 10 < 2 * digits */
0176 static char
0177 lowgammanearpole(floatnum x, cfloatnum a, int digits){
0178   int k = float_getexponent(a);
0179   char result;
0180   floatstruct h;
0181   floatstruct lowgamma;
0182   floatstruct factor;
0183   float_create(&h);
0184   float_create(&lowgamma);
0185   float_create(&factor);
0186   float_sub(&h, a, &c1Div2, k < -1? 2 : k+3);
0187   k = -float_asinteger(&h);
0188   float_addi(&h, a, k, digits+2);
0189   float_copy(&lowgamma, x, digits+2);
0190   float_copy(&factor, x, digits+3);
0191   reglowgammanearpole(&lowgamma, k, &h, digits);
0192   result = regulizingfactor(&factor, a, digits, 0)
0193            && float_mul(&lowgamma, &lowgamma, &factor, digits+2)
0194            && addgammapole(&lowgamma, x, k, &h, digits);
0195   float_move(x, &lowgamma); // frees lowgamma
0196   float_free(&lowgamma);
0197   float_free(&h);
0198   return result;
0199 }
0201 void
0202 testincgamma(floatnum x, cfloatnum a, int digits){
0203   lowgammanearpole(x, a, digits);
0204 }