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0001 <!-- 0002 - Copyright 2020 Han Young <hanyoung@protonmail.com> 0003 - Copyright 2020-2021 Devin Lin <devin@kde.org> 0004 - SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later 0005 --> 0006 0007 # <img src="org.kde.kweather.svg" width="40"/> KWeather 0008 0009 A convergent weather application for Plasma. 0010 0011 <a href='https://flathub.org/apps/details/org.kde.kweather'><img width='190px' alt='Download on Flathub' src='https://flathub.org/assets/badges/flathub-badge-i-en.png'/></a> 0012 0013  0014 0015 ## Features 0016 * Daily and hourly weather data that can be viewed in flat and dynamic views 0017 * Plasmoid that can be used on desktop and mobile 0018 0019 ## Links 0020 * Project page: https://invent.kde.org/plasma-mobile/kweather 0021 * Issues: https://bugs.kde.org/describecomponents.cgi?product=kweather 0022 * Development channel: https://matrix.to/#/#plasmamobile:matrix.org 0023 0024 ## Dependencies 0025 * KWeatherCore (https://invent.kde.org/libraries/kweathercore) 0026 * Kirigami 0027 * Kirigami Addons 0028 * Qt Quick Controls 0029 * Qt Quick Shapes 0030 0031 ## Installing 0032 ``` 0033 mkdir build 0034 cd build 0035 cmake .. # add -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release to compile for release 0036 make 0037 sudo make install 0038 ``` 0039 0040 ## Online APIs used 0041 * api.met.no - Weather data 0042 * geonames.org - Coordinates -> Timezone 0043 * geoip.ubuntu.com - IP -> Coordinates 0044 0045 ## Gallery 0046 0047 <img src="screenshots/kweather-mobile-dynamic.png" width="200px"> 0048 <img src="screenshots/kweather-mobile-dynamic2.png" width="200px"> 0049 <img src="screenshots/kweather-mobile-flat.png" width="200px"> 0050 <img src="screenshots/kweather-desktop-dynamic.png" width="500px">