Warning, /utilities/ktimer/doc/index.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 <?xml version="1.0" ?> 0002 <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.5-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdedbx45.dtd" [ 0003 <!ENTITY A.L.Spehr "<personname><firstname>A. L.</firstname><surname>Spehr</surname></personname>"> 0004 <!ENTITY A.L.Spehr.email "<email>zahl+kde@transbay.net</email>"> 0005 <!ENTITY Stefan.Schimanski "<personname><firstname>Stefan</firstname><surname>Schimanski</surname></personname>"> 0006 <!ENTITY Stefan.Schimanski.email "<email>1Stein@gmx.de</email>"> 0007 <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE"> 0008 <!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE"> 0009 ]> 0010 0011 <book id="ktimer" lang="&language;"> 0012 0013 <bookinfo> 0014 <title>The &ktimer; Handbook</title> 0015 0016 <authorgroup> 0017 <author> 0018 <firstname>A. L.</firstname> 0019 <othername></othername> 0020 <surname>Spehr</surname> 0021 <affiliation> 0022 <address>&A.L.Spehr.email;</address> 0023 </affiliation> 0024 </author> 0025 <!-- TRANS:ROLES_OF_TRANSLATORS --> 0026 </authorgroup> 0027 0028 <legalnotice>&FDLNotice;</legalnotice> 0029 0030 <date>2018-03-04</date> 0031 <releaseinfo>Applications 18.04</releaseinfo> 0032 0033 <abstract> 0034 <para> 0035 &ktimer; is an application that lets you start an application after a certain amount of time has passed. 0036 </para> 0037 </abstract> 0038 0039 0040 <keywordset> 0041 <keyword>KDE</keyword> 0042 <keyword>kdeutils</keyword> 0043 <keyword>ktimer</keyword> 0044 <keyword>countdown</keyword> 0045 </keywordset> 0046 0047 </bookinfo> 0048 0049 <chapter id="introduction"> 0050 <title>Introduction</title> 0051 <para>&ktimer; allows you to enter several tasks and to set a timer for each of them. When the timer reaches zero, the task is executed. The timers for each task can be started, stopped, changed, or looped.</para> 0052 0053 </chapter> 0054 0055 <chapter id="using-ktimer"> 0056 <title>Using &ktimer;</title> 0057 0058 <screenshot> 0059 <screeninfo>Here's a screenshot of &ktimer; when you start it for the first 0060 time</screeninfo> 0061 <mediaobject> 0062 <imageobject> 0063 <imagedata fileref="main.png" format="PNG"/> 0064 </imageobject> 0065 <textobject> 0066 <phrase>&ktimer; main window</phrase> 0067 </textobject> 0068 </mediaobject> 0069 </screenshot> 0070 0071 <para>To start, first add a task by selecting <guibutton>New</guibutton>. Then type the command you wish to execute into the <guilabel>Command line:</guilabel> box. You can then adjust the settings, or start the timer countdown. When the time is up, the command will be run.</para> 0072 0073 <screenshot> 0074 <screeninfo>Here's a screenshot of &ktimer; after you have told it to run &konqueror;.</screeninfo> 0075 <mediaobject> 0076 <imageobject> 0077 <imagedata fileref="first.png" format="PNG"/> 0078 </imageobject> 0079 <textobject> 0080 <phrase>add a task</phrase> 0081 </textobject> 0082 </mediaobject> 0083 </screenshot> 0084 0085 <para>Let's use &konqueror; as an example. By default, it will start in 100 seconds once the timer countdown is started.</para> 0086 0087 <screenshot> 0088 <screeninfo>Here it is counting down: in 56 seconds &konqueror; will be run.</screeninfo> 0089 <mediaobject> 0090 <imageobject> 0091 <imagedata fileref="running.png" format="PNG"/> 0092 </imageobject> 0093 <textobject> 0094 <phrase>56 seconds to go</phrase> 0095 </textobject> 0096 </mediaobject> 0097 </screenshot> 0098 0099 <para>Now let's start the task. Here it has been running for a bit and is partway through the countdown. In 56 seconds, &konqueror; will be started.</para> 0100 0101 <para>See that sliding bar? You can use it to quickly increase or decrease the amount of time on a task.</para> 0102 0103 <screenshot> 0104 <screeninfo>Let's add a second task.</screeninfo> 0105 <mediaobject> 0106 <imageobject> 0107 <imagedata fileref="two_at_once.png" format="PNG"/> 0108 </imageobject> 0109 <textobject> 0110 <phrase>start another &konqueror;, you can never have too many!</phrase> 0111 </textobject> 0112 </mediaobject> 0113 </screenshot> 0114 0115 <para>Now two &konqueror;s are scheduled to be run. The top one will be run in 20 seconds, and the bottom one is currently stopped. You can add more commands. While you can never have too many &konqueror;s, you probably want to use other executables. Your own shell script, perhaps.</para> 0116 0117 <para>If you want to start a new task with a certain delay after the previous task 0118 in the list is finished check the option <guilabel>Consecutive task</guilabel> 0119 and adjust the time specified in the column <guilabel>Delay</guilabel>. 0120 </para> 0121 0122 <sect1 id="settings"> 0123 <title>Settings</title> 0124 <para> 0125 0126 <variablelist> 0127 <varlistentry> 0128 <term><guibutton>New</guibutton></term> 0129 <listitem><para><action>Adds a new task.</action></para></listitem> 0130 </varlistentry> 0131 0132 <varlistentry> 0133 <term><guibutton>Remove</guibutton></term> 0134 <listitem><para><action>Removes the current task.</action></para></listitem> 0135 </varlistentry> 0136 0137 <varlistentry> 0138 <term><guibutton>Help</guibutton></term> 0139 <listitem><para><action>Opens the Handbook.</action></para></listitem> 0140 </varlistentry> 0141 </variablelist> 0142 0143 0144 </para> 0145 </sect1> 0146 </chapter> 0147 0148 0149 0150 0151 <chapter id="credits"> 0152 0153 <title>Credits and License</title> 0154 0155 <para> 0156 &ktimer; 0157 </para> 0158 0159 0160 <!--List all the copyright holders here--> 0161 <para>Program Copyright 2001 &Stefan.Schimanski; &Stefan.Schimanski.email;</para> 0162 0163 <para>Documentation Copyright 2008 &A.L.Spehr; &A.L.Spehr.email;</para> 0164 0165 <!-- TRANS:CREDIT_FOR_TRANSLATORS --> 0166 &underFDL; <!-- FDL: do not remove --> 0167 &underGPL; <!-- GPL License --> 0168 0169 </chapter> 0170 0171 &documentation.index; 0172 </book> 0173 <!-- 0174 Local Variables: 0175 mode: sgml 0176 sgml-minimize-attributes: nil 0177 sgml-general-insert-case: lower 0178 sgml-indent-step:0 0179 sgml-indent-data:nil 0180 End: 0181 --> 0182