Warning, /utilities/krusader/doc/handbook/index.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

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0003 <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.5-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdedbx45.dtd"
0004 [
0006 <!--
0007     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2000-2003 Shie Erlich <erlich@users.sourceforge.net>
0008     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2000-2003 Rafi Yanai <yanai@users.sourceforge.net>
0009     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2004-2010 Frank Schoolmeesters <codeknight@users.sourceforge.net>
0010     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2000-2022 Krusader Krew <https://krusader.org>
0011 -->
0013 <!ENTITY krusader 'Krusader'>
0014 <!ENTITY kapp "&krusader;">
0015 <!ENTITY kappname "&krusader;">
0017 <!-- In order to build Krusader using Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, related ones like Kubuntu, and in docs.kde.org -->
0018 <!ENTITY NFS   "<acronym>NFS</acronym>">
0019 <!ENTITY USB   "<acronym>USB</acronym>">
0020 <!ENTITY Samba "<application>Samba</application>">
0022 <!-- In order to build Krusader using Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and related ones like Kubuntu, etc. -->
0023 <!ENTITY Left "<keycap>Left</keycap>">
0024 <!ENTITY Right "<keycap>Right</keycap>">
0025 <!ENTITY Up "<keycap>Up</keycap>">
0026 <!ENTITY Down "<keycap>Down</keycap>">
0027 <!ENTITY Ins "<keycap>Ins</keycap>">
0028 <!ENTITY Space "<keycap>Space</keycap>">
0029 <!ENTITY Home "<keycap>Home</keycap>">
0030 <!ENTITY End "<keycap>End</keycap>">
0031 <!ENTITY Meta "<keycap>Meta</keycap>">
0032 <!ENTITY PgUp "<keycap>PgUp</keycap>">
0033 <!ENTITY PgDn "<keycap>PgDn</keycap>">
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0037 <!-- <!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE"> -->
0038 <!ENTITY % addindex "INCLUDE">
0040 <!-- ONLY If you are writing non-English original documentation, change the language here -->
0041 <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE">
0044 <!-- kdebase, kdeadmin, etc. Leave this unchanged if your application is not maintained in KDE CVS -->
0045 <!ENTITY package "extragear-utils">
0048 <!-- chapters in separate docbook files -->
0049   <!ENTITY help SYSTEM "help.docbook">
0050   <!ENTITY editors-note SYSTEM "editors-note.docbook">
0051   <!ENTITY introduction SYSTEM "introduction.docbook">
0052   <!ENTITY features SYSTEM "features.docbook">
0053   <!ENTITY user-interface SYSTEM "user-interface.docbook">
0055   <!ENTITY basic-functions SYSTEM "basic-functions.docbook">  <!-- OLD: using-krusader.docbook  NEW: basic-functions.docbook -->
0056   <!-- The next ENTITY belongs to the basic-functions chapter -->
0057   <!ENTITY archives SYSTEM "archives.docbook">   
0059   <!ENTITY advanced-functions SYSTEM "advanced-functions.docbook">         <!-- OLD: more.docbook  NEW: advanced-functions.docbook -->
0060   <!-- The next 6 ENTITIES do belong to the advanced-functions chapter -->
0061   <!ENTITY vfs SYSTEM "vfs.docbook">
0062   <!ENTITY compare SYSTEM "compare.docbook">
0063   <!ENTITY occupied-space SYSTEM "occupied-space.docbook"> 
0064   <!ENTITY splitter SYSTEM "splitter.docbook">
0065   <!ENTITY checksum SYSTEM "checksum.docbook">
0066   <!ENTITY profiles SYSTEM "profiles.docbook">
0068   <!ENTITY menu-commands SYSTEM "menu-commands.docbook">          <!-- OLD: commands.docbook  NEW: menu-commands.docbook -->
0069   <!ENTITY keyboard-commands SYSTEM "keyboard-commands.docbook">      <!-- OLD: keyboard.docbook  NEW: keyboard-commands.docbook -->
0070   <!ENTITY mouse-commands SYSTEM "mouse-commands.docbook">            <!-- OLD: mouse.docbook  NEW: mouse-commands.docbook -->
0072   <!ENTITY krusader-tools SYSTEM "krusader-tools.docbook">
0073   <!-- The next 10 ENTITIES do belong to the krusader-tools chapter -->
0074   <!ENTITY bookmarks SYSTEM "bookmarks.docbook">
0075   <!ENTITY diskusage SYSTEM "diskusage.docbook">
0076   <!ENTITY search SYSTEM "search.docbook">
0077   <!ENTITY viewer-editor SYSTEM "viewer-editor.docbook">
0078   <!ENTITY locate SYSTEM "locate.docbook">
0079   <!ENTITY mount SYSTEM "mount.docbook"> 
0080   <!ENTITY remote-connections SYSTEM "remote-connections.docbook">
0081   <!ENTITY synchronizer SYSTEM "synchronizer.docbook">
0082   <!ENTITY krusader-useractions SYSTEM "useractions.docbook">
0084   <!ENTITY konfigurator SYSTEM "konfigurator.docbook">
0085   <!ENTITY faq SYSTEM "faq.docbook">
0086   <!ENTITY credits-and-license SYSTEM "credits-and-license.docbook">      <!-- OLD: credits.docbook  NEW: credits-and-license.docbook -->
0087   <!ENTITY glossary SYSTEM "glossary.docbook">
0089 <!-- appendices in separate docbook files -->
0090  <!ENTITY configuration-files SYSTEM "configuration-files.docbook">
0091  <!ENTITY useraction-xml SYSTEM "useraction-xml.docbook">
0092  <!ENTITY release-overview SYSTEM "release-overview.docbook">
0095 ]>
0096 <book id="krusader" lang="&language;">
0097   <bookinfo id="index">
0098     <title>The &krusader; Handbook</title>
0099     <authorgroup>
0100       <othercredit role="developer">
0101         <firstname>Davide</firstname>
0102         <surname>Gianforte</surname>
0103         <contrib>Developer</contrib>
0104         <affiliation>
0105           <address>
0106             <email>davide@gengisdave.org</email>
0107           </address>
0108         </affiliation>
0109       </othercredit>
0110       <othercredit role="developer">
0111         <firstname>Toni Asensi</firstname>
0112         <surname>Esteve</surname>
0113         <contrib>Developer</contrib>
0114         <affiliation>
0115           <address>
0116             <email>toni.asensi@kdemail.net</email>
0117           </address>
0118         </affiliation>
0119       </othercredit>
0120       <othercredit role="developer">
0121         <firstname>Nikita</firstname>
0122         <surname>Melnichenko</surname>
0123         <contrib>Developer</contrib>
0124         <affiliation>
0125           <address>
0126             <email>nikita+kde@melnichenko.name</email>
0127           </address>
0128         </affiliation>
0129       </othercredit>
0130       <othercredit role="reviewer">
0131         <firstname>Yuri</firstname>
0132         <surname>Chornoivan</surname>
0133         <contrib>Documentation</contrib>
0134         <affiliation>
0135           <address>
0136             <email>yurchor@ukr.net</email>
0137           </address>
0138         </affiliation>
0139       </othercredit>
0140       <othercredit role="developer">
0141         <firstname>Shie</firstname>
0142         <surname>Erlich</surname>
0143         <contrib>Author and initial Handbook author (retired)</contrib>
0144         <affiliation>
0145           <address>
0146             <email>erlich@users.sourceforge.net</email>
0147           </address>
0148         </affiliation>
0149       </othercredit>
0150       <othercredit role="developer">
0151         <firstname>Rafi</firstname>
0152         <surname>Yanai</surname>
0153         <contrib>Author and initial Handbook author (retired)</contrib>
0154         <affiliation>
0155           <address>
0156             <email>yanai@users.sourceforge.net</email>
0157           </address>
0158         </affiliation>
0159       </othercredit>
0160       <othercredit role="developer">
0161         <firstname>Csaba</firstname>
0162         <surname>Karai</surname>
0163         <contrib>Developer (retired)</contrib>
0164         <affiliation>
0165           <address>
0166             <email>ckarai@users.sourceforge.net</email>
0167           </address>
0168         </affiliation>
0169       </othercredit>
0170       <othercredit role="developer">
0171         <firstname>Heiner</firstname>
0172         <surname>Eichmann</surname>
0173         <contrib>Developer (retired)</contrib>
0174         <affiliation>
0175           <address>
0176             <email>h.eichmann@gmx.de</email>
0177           </address>
0178         </affiliation>
0179       </othercredit>
0180       <othercredit role="developer">
0181         <firstname>Jonas</firstname>
0182         <surname>B&auml;hr</surname>
0183         <contrib>Developer (retired)</contrib>
0184         <affiliation>
0185           <address>
0186             <email>jonas.baehr@web.de</email>
0187           </address>
0188         </affiliation>
0189       </othercredit>
0190       <othercredit role="developer">
0191         <firstname>V&aacute;clav</firstname>
0192         <surname>J&uring;za</surname>
0193         <contrib>Developer (retired)</contrib>
0194         <affiliation>
0195           <address>
0196             <email>vaclavjuza@seznam.cz</email>
0197           </address>
0198         </affiliation>
0199       </othercredit>
0200       <othercredit role="developer">
0201         <firstname>Simon</firstname>
0202         <surname>Persson</surname>
0203         <contrib>Developer (retired)</contrib>
0204         <affiliation>
0205           <address>
0206             <email>simon.persson@mykolab.com</email>
0207           </address>
0208         </affiliation>
0209       </othercredit>
0210       <othercredit role="developer">
0211         <firstname>Jan</firstname>
0212         <surname>Lepper</surname>
0213         <contrib>Developer (retired)</contrib>
0214         <affiliation>
0215           <address>
0216             <email>jan_lepper@gmx.de</email>
0217           </address>
0218         </affiliation>
0219       </othercredit>
0220       <othercredit role="developer">
0221         <firstname>Andrey</firstname>
0222         <surname>Matveyakin</surname>
0223         <contrib>Developer (retired)</contrib>
0224         <affiliation>
0225           <address>
0226             <email>a.matveyakin@gmail.com</email>
0227           </address>
0228         </affiliation>
0229       </othercredit>
0230       <othercredit role="developer">
0231         <firstname>Alexander</firstname>
0232         <surname>Bikadorov</surname>
0233         <contrib>Developer (retired)</contrib>
0234         <affiliation>
0235           <address>
0236             <email>alex.bikadorov@kdemail.net</email>
0237           </address>
0238         </affiliation>
0239       </othercredit>
0240       <othercredit role="developer">
0241         <firstname>Martin</firstname>
0242         <surname>Kostolný</surname>
0243         <contrib>Developer (retired)</contrib>
0244         <affiliation>
0245           <address>
0246             <email>clearmartin@gmail.com</email>
0247           </address>
0248         </affiliation>
0249       </othercredit>
0250       <othercredit role="developer">
0251         <firstname>Dirk</firstname>
0252         <surname>Eschler</surname>
0253         <contrib>Webmaster (retired)</contrib>
0254         <affiliation>
0255           <address>
0256             <email>deschler@users.sourceforge.net</email>
0257           </address>
0258         </affiliation>
0259       </othercredit>
0260       <othercredit role="developer">
0261         <firstname>Frank</firstname>
0262         <surname>Schoolmeesters</surname>
0263         <contrib>Documentation and Marketing coordinator (retired)</contrib>
0264         <affiliation>
0265           <address>
0266             <email>frank_schoolmeesters@yahoo.com</email>
0267           </address>
0268         </affiliation>
0269       </othercredit>
0270       <othercredit role="reviewer">
0271         <firstname>Richard</firstname>
0272         <surname>Holt</surname>
0273         <contrib>Documentation and Proofing (retired)</contrib>
0274         <affiliation>
0275           <address>
0276             <email>richard.holt@gmail.com</email>
0277           </address>
0278         </affiliation>
0279       </othercredit>
0280       <othercredit role="reviewer">
0281         <firstname>Matej</firstname>
0282         <surname>Urban&ccaron;i&ccaron;</surname>
0283         <contrib>Marketing and Product Research (retired)</contrib>
0284         <affiliation>
0285           <address>
0286             <email>matej.urban@gmail.com</email>
0287           </address>
0288         </affiliation>
0289       </othercredit>
0290       <!-- TRANS:ROLES_OF_TRANSLATORS -->
0291     </authorgroup>
0292     <copyright>
0293       <year>2000</year>
0294       <year>2001</year>
0295       <year>2002</year>
0296       <year>2003</year>
0297       <holder>Rafi Yanai</holder>
0298       <holder>Shie Erlich</holder>
0299     </copyright>
0300     <copyright>
0301       <year>2004</year>
0302       <year>2005</year>
0303       <year>2006</year>
0304       <year>2007</year>
0305       <year>2008</year>
0306       <year>2009</year>
0307       <year>2010</year>
0308       <year>2011</year>
0309       <year>2012</year>
0310       <year>2013</year>
0311       <year>2014</year>
0312       <year>2015</year>
0313       <year>2016</year>
0314       <year>2017</year>
0315       <year>2018</year>
0316       <year>2019</year>
0317       <year>2020</year>
0318       <year>2021</year>
0319       <year>2022</year>
0320       <holder>Krusader Krew</holder>
0321     </copyright>
0322     <legalnotice>
0323       <para>Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify
0324       this document under the terms of the 
0325       <ulink url="https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html">&GNU; Free
0326       Documentation License</ulink>, Version 1.1 or any later
0327       version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no
0328       Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts, and with no
0329       Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the
0330       &krusader; sources.</para>
0331     </legalnotice>
0332     <date>2022-11-20</date>
0333     <releaseinfo>2.8.0</releaseinfo>
0334     <abstract>
0335       <para>&krusader; is an advanced, twin-panel
0336       (commander-style) file-manager for Plasma and other desktops in
0337       the *nix world</para>
0338     </abstract>
0339     <keywordset>
0340       <keyword>KDE</keyword>
0341       <keyword>krusader</keyword>
0342       <keyword>commander</keyword>
0343       <keyword>filemanager</keyword>
0344       <keyword>twinpanel</keyword>
0345       <keyword>linux</keyword>
0346       <keyword>file</keyword>
0347       <keyword>manager</keyword>
0348       <keyword>dual pane</keyword>
0349       <keyword>linux-commander</keyword>
0350       <keyword>kde-commander</keyword>
0351     </keywordset>
0352   </bookinfo>
0353 <!-- preface -->
0354   &help;
0355   &editors-note;
0357 <!-- chapters -->  
0358   &introduction;
0359   &features;
0360   &user-interface;
0361   &basic-functions;
0362   &advanced-functions;
0363   &menu-commands;
0364   &keyboard-commands;
0365   &mouse-commands;
0366   &krusader-tools;
0367   &konfigurator;
0368   &faq;
0369   &credits-and-license;
0371 <!-- appendices -->
0372   &configuration-files;
0373   &useraction-xml;
0374   &release-overview;
0376 <!-- glossary -->    
0377   &glossary;
0379 <!-- index (automagically generated) -->
0380   &documentation.index;
0381 </book>