File indexing completed on 2024-04-28 05:52:03

0001 /*
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2002 Shie Erlich <>
0003     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2002 Rafi Yanai <>
0004     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2004-2022 Krusader Krew <>
0006     SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0007 */
0009 #ifndef PANELMANAGER_H
0010 #define PANELMANAGER_H
0012 #include "abstractpanelmanager.h"
0014 // QtWidgets
0015 #include <QGridLayout>
0016 #include <QHBoxLayout>
0017 #include <QLayout>
0018 #include <QWidget>
0020 #include <KConfigCore/KConfigGroup>
0022 #include "paneltabbar.h"
0024 class QStackedWidget;
0025 class QToolButton;
0026 class ListPanel;
0027 class KrMainWindow;
0028 class TabActions;
0030 /**
0031  * Implements tabbed-browsing by managing a list of tabs and corresponding panels.
0032  */
0033 class PanelManager : public QWidget, public AbstractPanelManager
0034 {
0035     Q_OBJECT
0036     Q_CLASSINFO("D-Bus Interface", "org.krusader.PanelManager")
0038 public:
0039     /**
0040      * PanelManager is created where once panels were created. It accepts three references to pointers
0041      * (self, other, active), which enables it to manage pointers held by the panels transparently.
0042      * It also receives a bool (left) which is true if the manager is the left one, or false otherwise.
0043      */
0044     PanelManager(QWidget *parent, KrMainWindow *mainWindow, bool left);
0046     void saveSettings(KConfigGroup config, bool saveHistory);
0047     void loadSettings(KConfigGroup config);
0048     int findTab(QUrl url);
0049     int tabCount()
0050     {
0051         return _tabbar->count();
0052     }
0053     int activeTab();
0054     void setActiveTab(int index);
0055     void moveTabToOtherSide();
0056     void moveTabToLeft();
0057     void moveTabToRight();
0058     /** Refresh all tabs after config changes. */
0059     void reloadConfig();
0060     void layoutTabs();
0061     void setLeft(bool left)
0062     {
0063         _left = left;
0064     }
0065     void setOtherManager(PanelManager *other)
0066     {
0067         _otherManager = other;
0068     }
0070     // AbstractPanelManager implementation
0071     bool isLeft() const override
0072     {
0073         return _left;
0074     }
0075     AbstractPanelManager *otherManager() const override
0076     {
0077         return _otherManager;
0078     }
0079     KrPanel *currentPanel() const override;
0080     void newTab(const QUrl &url, int insertIndex) override
0081     {
0082         slotNewTab(url, true, insertIndex);
0083     }
0084     void duplicateTab(const QUrl &url, KrPanel *nextTo) override
0085     {
0086         slotDuplicateTab(url, nextTo);
0087     }
0088     /**
0089      * Undo the closing of a tab. The `action` argument is utilized to
0090      * retrieve information about the previously closed tab.
0091      */
0092     void undoCloseTab(const QAction *action);
0093     /**
0094      * Delete what is stored about all the closed tabs.
0095      */
0096     void delAllClosedTabs();
0097     /**
0098      * Delete what is stored about a closed tab.
0099      */
0100     void delClosedTab(QAction *action);
0102 signals:
0103     void draggingTab(PanelManager *from, QMouseEvent *);
0104     void draggingTabFinished(PanelManager *from, QMouseEvent *);
0105     void setActiveManager(PanelManager *manager);
0106     void pathChanged(ListPanel *panel);
0108 public slots:
0109     /**
0110      * Called externally to start a new tab. Example of usage would be the "open in a new tab"
0111      * action, from the context-menu.
0112      */
0114     Q_SCRIPTABLE void newTab(const QString &url)
0115     {
0116         slotNewTab(QUrl::fromUserInput(url, QString(), QUrl::AssumeLocalFile));
0117     }
0118     Q_SCRIPTABLE void newTabs(const QStringList &urls);
0120     void slotNewTab(const QUrl &url, bool setCurrent = true, int insertIndex = -1);
0121     void slotNewTabButton();
0122     void slotNewTab(int insertIndex = -1);
0123     void slotDuplicateTab(const QUrl &url, KrPanel *nextTo, int insertIndex = -1);
0124     void slotDuplicateTabLMB();
0125     void slotLockTab();
0126     void slotPinTab();
0127     void slotNextTab();
0128     void slotPreviousTab();
0129     void slotCloseTab();
0130     void slotCloseTab(int index);
0131     void slotUndoCloseTab(); //! Undo the last tab closing
0132     void slotRecreatePanels();
0133     void slotCloseInactiveTabs();
0134     void slotCloseDuplicatedTabs();
0136 protected slots:
0137     void slotCurrentTabChanged(int index);
0138     void activate();
0139     void slotDraggingTab(QMouseEvent *e)
0140     {
0141         emit draggingTab(this, e);
0142     }
0143     void slotDraggingTabFinished(QMouseEvent *e)
0144     {
0145         emit draggingTabFinished(this, e);
0146     }
0148 private:
0149     void deletePanel(ListPanel *p);
0150     void updateTabbarPos();
0151     void tabsCountChanged();
0152     ListPanel *addPanel(bool setCurrent = true, const KConfigGroup &cfg = KConfigGroup(), int insertIndex = -1);
0153     ListPanel *duplicatePanel(const KConfigGroup &cfg, KrPanel *nextTo, int insertIndex = -1);
0154     ListPanel *createPanel(const KConfigGroup &cfg);
0155     void connectPanel(ListPanel *p);
0156     void disconnectPanel(ListPanel *p);
0158     PanelManager *_otherManager;
0159     TabActions *_actions;
0160     QGridLayout *_layout;
0161     QHBoxLayout *_barLayout;
0162     bool _left;
0163     PanelTabBar *_tabbar;
0164     QStackedWidget *_stack;
0165     QToolButton *_newTab;
0166     ListPanel *_currentPanel;
0167 };
0169 #endif // _PANEL_MANAGER_H