File indexing completed on 2024-04-14 15:52:15

0001 /*
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2000 Shie Erlich <>
0003     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2000 Rafi Yanai <>
0004     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2004-2022 Krusader Krew <>
0006     SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0007 */
0009 #ifndef DEFAULTS_H
0010 #define DEFAULTS_H
0012 // QtGui
0013 #include <QFontDatabase>
0015 ///////////////////////   [Startup]
0016 // UI Save component Settings
0017 #define _UiSave true
0018 // Show Cmd Line
0019 #define _ShowCmdline false
0020 // Show status bar
0021 #define _ShowStatusBar true
0022 // Show actions tool bar
0023 #define _ShowActionsToolBar true
0024 // Show tool bar
0025 #define _ShowToolBar true
0026 // Show FN Keys
0027 #define _ShowFNkeys true
0028 // Show Terminal Emulator
0029 #define _ShowTerminalEmulator false
0030 // Remember Position
0031 #define _RememberPos true
0032 // Start to tray
0033 #define _StartToTray false
0034 // Left Tab Bar
0035 // Right Tab Bar
0036 // Size where lister is the default viewer
0037 #define _ListerLimit 10
0039 ////////////////////////[Look&Feel]
0040 // Filelist Font ///////
0041 #define _FilelistFont QFontDatabase::systemFont(QFontDatabase::GeneralFont)
0042 // Warn On Exit ////////
0043 #define _WarnOnExit false
0044 // Minimize To Tray ////
0045 #define _ShowTrayIcon false
0046 // Mark Dirs ///////////
0047 #define _MarkDirs false
0048 // Show Hidden /////////
0049 #define _ShowHidden true
0050 // Sort By Extension ///
0051 #define _SortByExt false
0052 // Case Sensative Sort /
0053 #define _CaseSensativeSort false
0054 // Html Min Font Size //
0055 #define _HtmlMinFontSize 12
0056 // Filelist Icon Size //
0057 #define _FilelistIconSize QString("22")
0058 // Mouse Selection /////
0059 #define _MouseSelection 0 // 0 - normal (shift+click, ctrl+click), 1 - left click, 2 - right click
0060 // Use fullpath tab names /////
0061 #define _FullPathTabNames false
0062 // User defined folder icons
0063 #define _UserDefinedFolderIcons true
0064 // Always show current item decoration in panel
0065 #define _AlwaysShowCurrentItem true
0066 // Unslect files before copy/move
0067 #define _UnselectBeforeOperation false
0068 // Filter dialog remembers settings
0069 #define _FilterDialogRemembersSettings false
0071 // Panel Toolbar Checkboxes
0072 // Panel Toolbar Visible checkbox turned off
0073 #define _PanelToolBar true
0074 // cd / is turned on
0075 #define _cdRoot true
0076 // cd ~ is turned on
0077 #define _cdHome false
0078 // cd .. is turned on
0079 #define _cdUp true
0080 // cd other panel is turned on
0081 #define _cdOther false
0082 // syncBrowseButton is turned on
0083 #define _syncBrowseButton false
0084 // Use the default colors of KDE
0085 #define _KDEDefaultColors true
0086 // Enable Alternate Background colors
0087 #define _AlternateBackground true
0088 // Show current item even if not focused
0089 #define _ShowCurrentItemAlways false
0090 // Dim the colors of the inactive panel
0091 #define _DimInactiveColors false
0092 // Human Readable Size
0093 #define _HumanReadableSize true
0094 // With Icons
0095 #define _WithIcons true
0096 // Single Click Selects
0097 #define _SingleClickSelects false
0098 // Numeric Permissions
0099 #define _NumericPermissions false
0100 // Number of Columns in the Brief View
0101 #define _NumberOfBriefColumns 3
0102 // Default Sort Method
0103 #define _DefaultSortMethod KrViewProperties::Krusader
0104 // Show splashscreen
0105 #define _ShowSplashScreen false
0106 // Single instance mode
0107 #define _SingleInstanceMode false
0109 /////////////////////// [General]
0110 // Move To Trash //////
0111 #define _MoveToTrash true
0112 // Terminal ///////////
0113 #define _Terminal "konsole --separate"
0114 // Send CDs ///////////
0115 #define _SendCDs true
0116 // Follow Terminal CD ///////////
0117 #define _FollowTerminalCD true
0118 // Editor /////////////
0119 #define _Editor "internal editor"
0120 // Use Okteta as Hex viewer ///////
0121 #define _UseOktetaViewer false
0122 // Temp Directory /////
0123 #define _TempDirectory "/tmp/krusader.tmp"
0124 // Classic Quicksearch
0125 #define _NewStyleQuicksearch true
0126 // Case Sensitive quick search, if _NewStyleQuicksearch is true
0127 #define _CaseSensitiveQuicksearch false
0128 // Special handling of Right Arrow in Quicksearch
0129 #define _NavigationWithRightArrowQuicksearch true
0130 // View In Separate Window
0131 #define _ViewInSeparateWindow false
0132 // Hide Single Tab in Viewer
0133 #define _ViewerHideSingleTab false
0135 /////////////////////// [Advanced]
0136 // Permission Check ///
0137 // #define _PermCheck     true
0138 // AutoMount //////////
0139 #define _AutoMount false
0140 // Preserving date //////////
0141 #define _PreserveAttributes false
0142 // Nonmount Points ////
0143 #define _NonMountPoints "/, "
0144 // Confirm Unempty Dir //     (for delete)
0145 #define _ConfirmUnemptyDir true
0146 // Confirm Delete /////       (for deleting files)
0147 #define _ConfirmDelete true
0148 // Confirm Copy ///////       (for copying files)
0149 #define _ConfirmCopy true
0150 // Confirm Move ///////       (for moving files)
0151 #define _ConfirmMove true
0152 // Icon Cache Size ////
0153 #define _IconCacheSize 2048
0155 /////////////////////// [Archives]
0156 // Do Tar /////////////
0157 #define _DoTar true
0158 // Do GZip ////////////
0159 #define _DoGZip true
0160 // Do Zip /////////////
0161 #define _DoZip true
0162 // Do UnZip ///////////
0163 #define _DoUnZip true
0164 // Do BZip2 ///////////
0165 #define _DoBZip2 true
0166 // Do LZMA ///////////
0167 #define _DoLZMA true
0168 // Do XZ ///////////
0169 #define _DoXZ true
0170 // Do Rar /////////////
0171 #define _DoRar true
0172 // Do UnRar ///////////
0173 #define _DoUnRar true
0174 // Do UnAce ///////////
0175 #define _DoUnAce true
0176 // Do Arj /////////////
0177 #define _DoArj true
0178 // Do UnArj ///////////
0179 #define _DoUnarj true
0180 // Do RPM /////////////
0181 #define _DoRPM true
0182 // Do DEB /////////////          ====> new
0183 #define _DoDEB true
0184 // Do Lha /////////////
0185 #define _DoLha true
0186 // Do 7z /////////////          ====> new
0187 #define _Do7z true
0188 // Allow Move Into Archive //
0189 #define _MoveIntoArchive false
0190 // Test Archives //////
0191 #define _TestArchives false
0192 // Test Before Unpack ////
0193 #define _TestBeforeUnpack true
0194 // Supported Packers // ====> a QStringList of SYSTEM supported archives ( also new )
0195 // default compression level
0196 #define _defaultCompressionLevel 5
0197 // treat Archives as Directories
0198 #define _ArchivesAsDirectories true
0200 /////////////////////// [UserActions]
0201 // Terminal for UserActions ///////////
0202 #define _UserActions_Terminal "konsole --noclose --workdir %d --title %t -e"
0203 // Normal font for output collection ///////
0204 #define _UserActions_NormalFont QFontDatabase::systemFont(QFontDatabase::GeneralFont)
0205 // Font for output collection with fixed width ///////
0206 #define _UserActions_FixedFont QFontDatabase::systemFont(QFontDatabase::FixedFont)
0207 // Use for output collection  fixed width font as default ///////
0208 #define _UserActions_UseFixedFont false
0210 /////////////////////// [Private]
0211 // Start Position /////
0212 #define _StartPosition QPoint(QApplication::desktop()->width() / 2 - MAIN_VIEW->sizeHint().width() / 2, QApplication::desktop()->height() / 2 - 250)
0213 // Start Size /////////
0214 #define _StartSize QSize(MAIN_VIEW->sizeHint().width(), 500)
0215 // Panel Size /////////
0216 #define _PanelSize 0
0217 // Terminal Size //////
0218 #define _TerminalSize 0
0219 // Left Name Size  - size of the left panel's name column
0220 // Left Size Size  - size of the left panel's size column
0221 // Left Date Size  - size of the left panel's date column
0222 // Right Name Size - size of the right panel's name column
0223 // Right Size Size - size of the left panel's size column
0224 // Right Date Size - size of the left panel's date column
0225 // Splitter Sizes - sizes of the splitter
0227 /////////////////////// [RemoteMan]
0228 // Connections ////////
0229 // the basic connections are defined internally
0231 /////////////////////// [Search]
0232 // Saved Searches /////
0233 // holds an index of saved searches
0234 // Confirm Feed to Listbox ///// (costum-name on feed ti listbox)
0235 #define _ConfirmFeedToListbox true
0237 /////////// here are additional variables used internally by Krusader ////////////
0238 // BookmarkArchives   - The infobox about not allowing bookmarks inside archives
0239 // BackArchiveWarning - The infobox about not allowing to back up into archives
0240 // SupermountWarning  - Warning about mounting/unmounting supermount filesystems
0241 // lastHomeRight      - Save the last place the right list panel was showing
0242 // lastHomeLeft       - Save the last place the left list panel was showing
0243 // lastUsedPacker     - used by packGUI to remember the last used packer
0245 /////////////////////// [Popular Urls]
0246 // PopularUrls     - a string list containing the top urls
0247 // PopularUrlsRank - an int list contains the urls' ranking
0249 /////////////////////// [Synchronize directories]
0250 // Don't overwrite automatically /////////////
0251 #define _ConfirmOverWrites false
0252 // Recursive search in the subdirectories /////////////
0253 #define _RecurseSubdirs true
0254 // The searcher follows symlinks /////////////
0255 #define _FollowSymlinks false
0256 // Files with similar size are compared by content /////////////
0257 #define _CompareByContent false
0258 // The date information is ignored at synchronization /////////////
0259 #define _IgnoreDate false
0260 // Asymmetric Client-File Server compare mode /////////////
0261 #define _Asymmetric false
0262 // Case insensitive compare in synchronizer /////////////
0263 #define _IgnoreCase false
0264 // Scrolls the results of the synchronization /////////////
0265 #define _ScrollResults false
0266 // The right arrow button is turned on /////////////
0267 #define _BtnLeftToRight true
0268 // The equals button is turned on /////////////
0269 #define _BtnEquals true
0270 // The not equals button is turned on /////////////
0271 #define _BtnDifferents true
0272 // The left arrow button is turned on /////////////
0273 #define _BtnRightToLeft true
0274 // The trash button is turned on /////////////
0275 #define _BtnDeletable true
0276 // The duplicates button is turned on /////////////
0277 #define _BtnDuplicates true
0278 // The singles button is turned on /////////////
0279 #define _BtnSingles true
0281 /////////////////////// [Custom Selection Mode]
0282 // QT Selection
0283 #define _QtSelection false
0284 // Left Selects
0285 #define _LeftSelects true
0286 // Left Preserves
0287 #define _LeftPreserves false
0288 // ShiftCtrl Left Selects
0289 #define _ShiftCtrlLeft false
0290 // Right Selects
0291 #define _RightSelects true
0292 // Right Preserves
0293 #define _RightPreserves false
0294 // ShiftCtrl Right Selects
0295 #define _ShiftCtrlRight false
0296 // Space Moves Down
0297 #define _SpaceMovesDown true
0298 // Space Calc Space
0299 #define _SpaceCalcSpace true
0300 // Insert Moves Down
0301 #define _InsertMovesDown true
0302 // Immediate Context Menu
0303 #define _ImmediateContextMenu true
0304 // Reset selection items
0305 #define _ResetSelectionItems false
0307 // Root directory
0308 #ifdef Q_OS_WIN
0309 #define DIR_SEPARATOR "/"
0310 #define DIR_SEPARATOR2 "\\"
0311 #define DIR_SEPARATOR_CHAR '/'
0312 #define DIR_SEPARATOR_CHAR2 '\\'
0313 #define REPLACE_DIR_SEP2(x) x = x.replace(DIR_SEPARATOR2, DIR_SEPARATOR);
0314 #define ROOT_DIR "C:\\"
0315 #define EXEC_SUFFIX ".exe"
0316 #else
0317 #define DIR_SEPARATOR "/"
0318 #define DIR_SEPARATOR2 "/"
0319 #define DIR_SEPARATOR_CHAR '/'
0320 #define DIR_SEPARATOR_CHAR2 '/'
0321 #define REPLACE_DIR_SEP2(x)
0322 #define ROOT_DIR "/"
0323 #define EXEC_SUFFIX ""
0324 #endif
0326 #endif