File indexing completed on 2024-05-12 17:22:02

0001 /*
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2002 Shie Erlich <>
0003     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2002 Rafi Yanai <>
0004     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2004-2022 Krusader Krew <>
0006     SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0007 */
0009 #include "krsort.h"
0011 #include <utility>
0013 #include "../FileSystem/fileitem.h"
0014 #include "krview.h"
0016 namespace KrSort
0017 {
0019 void SortProps::init(FileItem *fileitem, int col, const KrViewProperties *props, bool isDummy, bool asc, int origNdx, QVariant customData)
0020 {
0021     _col = col;
0022     _prop = props;
0023     _isdummy = isDummy;
0024     _ascending = asc;
0025     _fileItem = fileitem;
0026     _index = origNdx;
0027     _name = fileitem->getName();
0028     _customData = std::move(customData);
0030     if (_prop->sortOptions & KrViewProperties::IgnoreCase)
0031         _name = _name.toLower();
0033     switch (_col) {
0034     case KrViewProperties::Ext: {
0035         if (fileitem->isDir()) {
0036             _ext = "";
0037         } else {
0038             // check if the file has an extension
0039             const QString &fileitemName = fileitem->getName();
0040             int loc = fileitemName.lastIndexOf('.');
0041             if (loc > 0) { // avoid mishandling of .bashrc and friend
0042                 // check if it has one of the predefined 'atomic extensions'
0043                 for (const auto &atomicExtension : props->atomicExtensions) {
0044                     if (fileitemName.endsWith(atomicExtension) && fileitemName != atomicExtension) {
0045                         loc = fileitemName.length() - atomicExtension.length();
0046                         break;
0047                     }
0048                 }
0049                 _ext = _name.mid(loc);
0050             } else
0051                 _ext = "";
0052         }
0053         break;
0054     }
0055     case KrViewProperties::Type:
0056         _data = isDummy ? "" : KrView::mimeTypeText(fileitem);
0057         break;
0058     case KrViewProperties::Permissions:
0059         _data = isDummy ? "" : KrView::permissionsText(properties(), fileitem);
0060         break;
0061     case KrViewProperties::KrPermissions:
0062         _data = isDummy ? "" : KrView::krPermissionText(fileitem);
0063         break;
0064     case KrViewProperties::Owner:
0065         _data = isDummy ? "" : fileitem->getOwner();
0066         break;
0067     case KrViewProperties::Group:
0068         _data = isDummy ? "" : fileitem->getGroup();
0069         break;
0070     default:
0071         break;
0072     }
0073 }
0075 // compares numbers within two strings
0076 int compareNumbers(QString &aS1, int &aPos1, QString &aS2, int &aPos2)
0077 {
0078     int res = 0;
0079     int start1 = aPos1;
0080     int start2 = aPos2;
0081     while (aPos1 < aS1.length() &&
0082         aPos1++;
0083     while (aPos2 < aS2.length() &&
0084         aPos2++;
0085     // the left-most difference determines what's bigger
0086     int i1 = aPos1 - 1;
0087     int i2 = aPos2 - 1;
0088     for (; i1 >= start1 || i2 >= start2; i1--, i2--) {
0089         int c1 = 0;
0090         int c2 = 0;
0091         if (i1 >= start1)
0092             c1 =;
0093         if (i2 >= start2)
0094             c2 =;
0095         if (c1 < c2)
0096             res = -1;
0097         else if (c1 > c2)
0098             res = 1;
0099     }
0100     return res;
0101 }
0103 bool compareTextsAlphabetical(QString &aS1, QString &aS2, const KrViewProperties *_viewProperties, bool aNumbers)
0104 {
0105     int lPositionS1 = 0;
0106     int lPositionS2 = 0;
0107     // sometimes, localeAwareCompare is not case sensitive. in that case, we need to fallback to a simple string compare (KDE bug #40131)
0108     bool lUseLocaleAware = ((_viewProperties->sortOptions & KrViewProperties::IgnoreCase) || _viewProperties->localeAwareCompareIsCaseSensitive)
0109         && (_viewProperties->sortOptions & KrViewProperties::LocaleAwareSort);
0110     int j = 0;
0111     QChar lchar1;
0112     QChar lchar2;
0113     while (true) {
0114         lchar1 = aS1[lPositionS1];
0115         lchar2 = aS2[lPositionS2];
0116         // detect numbers
0117         if (aNumbers && lchar1.isDigit() && lchar2.isDigit()) {
0118             int j = compareNumbers(aS1, lPositionS1, aS2, lPositionS2);
0119             if (j != 0)
0120                 return j < 0;
0121         } else if (lUseLocaleAware
0122                    && ((lchar1 >= 128 && ((lchar2 >= 'A' && lchar2 <= 'Z') || (lchar2 >= 'a' && lchar2 <= 'z') || lchar2 >= 128))
0123                        || (lchar2 >= 128 && ((lchar1 >= 'A' && lchar1 <= 'Z') || (lchar1 >= 'a' && lchar1 <= 'z') || lchar1 >= 128)))) {
0124             // use localeAwareCompare when a unicode character is encountered
0125             j = QString::localeAwareCompare(lchar1, lchar2);
0126             if (j != 0)
0127                 return j < 0;
0128             lPositionS1++;
0129             lPositionS2++;
0130         } else {
0131             // if characters are latin or localeAwareCompare is not case sensitive then use simple characters compare is enough
0132             if (lchar1 < lchar2)
0133                 return true;
0134             if (lchar1 > lchar2)
0135                 return false;
0136             lPositionS1++;
0137             lPositionS2++;
0138         }
0139         // at this point strings are equal, check if ends of strings are reached
0140         if (lPositionS1 == aS1.length() && lPositionS2 == aS2.length())
0141             return false;
0142         if (lPositionS1 == aS1.length() && lPositionS2 < aS2.length())
0143             return true;
0144         if (lPositionS1 < aS1.length() && lPositionS2 == aS2.length())
0145             return false;
0146     }
0147 }
0149 bool compareTextsCharacterCode(QString &aS1, QString &aS2, const KrViewProperties *_viewProperties, bool aNumbers)
0150 {
0151     Q_UNUSED(_viewProperties);
0153     int lPositionS1 = 0;
0154     int lPositionS2 = 0;
0155     while (true) {
0156         // detect numbers
0157         if (aNumbers && aS1[lPositionS1].isDigit() && aS2[lPositionS2].isDigit()) {
0158             int j = compareNumbers(aS1, lPositionS1, aS2, lPositionS2);
0159             if (j != 0)
0160                 return j < 0;
0161         } else {
0162             if (aS1[lPositionS1] < aS2[lPositionS2])
0163                 return true;
0164             if (aS1[lPositionS1] > aS2[lPositionS2])
0165                 return false;
0166             lPositionS1++;
0167             lPositionS2++;
0168         }
0169         // at this point strings are equal, check if ends of strings are reached
0170         if (lPositionS1 == aS1.length() && lPositionS2 == aS2.length())
0171             return false;
0172         if (lPositionS1 == aS1.length() && lPositionS2 < aS2.length())
0173             return true;
0174         if (lPositionS1 < aS1.length() && lPositionS2 == aS2.length())
0175             return false;
0176     }
0177 }
0179 bool compareTextsKrusader(const QString &aS1, const QString &aS2, const KrViewProperties *_viewProperties)
0180 {
0181     // sometimes, localeAwareCompare is not case sensitive. in that case, we need to fallback to a simple string compare (KDE bug #40131)
0182     if (((_viewProperties->sortOptions & KrViewProperties::IgnoreCase) || _viewProperties->localeAwareCompareIsCaseSensitive)
0183         && (_viewProperties->sortOptions & KrViewProperties::LocaleAwareSort))
0184         return QString::localeAwareCompare(aS1, aS2) < 0;
0185     else
0186         // if localeAwareCompare is not case sensitive then use simple compare is enough
0187         return QString::compare(aS1, aS2) < 0;
0188 }
0190 bool compareTexts(QString aS1, QString aS2, const KrViewProperties *_viewProperties, bool asc, bool isName)
0191 {
0192     // check empty strings
0193     if (aS1.length() == 0 && aS2.length() == 0) {
0194         return false;
0195     } else if (aS1.length() == 0) {
0196         return true;
0197     } else if (aS2.length() == 0) {
0198         return false;
0199     }
0201     if (isName) {
0202         if (aS1 == "..") {
0203             return !asc;
0204         } else {
0205             if (aS2 == "..")
0206                 return asc;
0207         }
0208     }
0210     switch (_viewProperties->sortMethod) {
0211     case KrViewProperties::Alphabetical:
0212         return compareTextsAlphabetical(aS1, aS2, _viewProperties, false);
0213     case KrViewProperties::AlphabeticalNumbers:
0214         return compareTextsAlphabetical(aS1, aS2, _viewProperties, true);
0215     case KrViewProperties::CharacterCode:
0216         return compareTextsCharacterCode(aS1, aS2, _viewProperties, false);
0217     case KrViewProperties::CharacterCodeNumbers:
0218         return compareTextsCharacterCode(aS1, aS2, _viewProperties, true);
0219     case KrViewProperties::Krusader:
0220     default:
0221         return compareTextsKrusader(aS1, aS2, _viewProperties);
0222     }
0223 }
0225 bool itemLessThan(SortProps *sp, SortProps *sp2)
0226 {
0227     FileItem *file1 = sp->fileitem();
0228     FileItem *file2 = sp2->fileitem();
0229     bool isdir1 = file1->isDir();
0230     bool isdir2 = file2->isDir();
0231     bool dirsFirst = sp->properties()->sortOptions & KrViewProperties::DirsFirst;
0232     bool alwaysSortDirsByName = sp->properties()->sortOptions & KrViewProperties::AlwaysSortDirsByName && dirsFirst && isdir1 && isdir2;
0234     if (dirsFirst) {
0235         if (isdir1 && !isdir2)
0236             return sp->isAscending();
0237         if (isdir2 && !isdir1)
0238             return !sp->isAscending();
0239     }
0241     if (sp->isDummy())
0242         return sp->isAscending();
0243     if (sp2->isDummy())
0244         return !sp->isAscending();
0246     int column = sp->column();
0248     if (dirsFirst && isdir1 && isdir2 && alwaysSortDirsByName) {
0249         alwaysSortDirsByName = !sp->isAscending();
0250         column = KrViewProperties::Name;
0251     }
0253     switch (column) {
0254     case KrViewProperties::Name:
0255         return compareTexts(sp->name(), sp2->name(), sp->properties(), sp->isAscending(), true) ^ alwaysSortDirsByName;
0256     case KrViewProperties::Ext:
0257         if (sp->extension() == sp2->extension())
0258             return compareTexts(sp->name(), sp2->name(), sp->properties(), sp->isAscending(), true);
0259         return compareTexts(sp->extension(), sp2->extension(), sp->properties(), sp->isAscending(), true);
0260     case KrViewProperties::Size:
0261         if (file1->getSize() == file2->getSize())
0262             return compareTexts(sp->name(), sp2->name(), sp->properties(), sp->isAscending(), true);
0263         return file1->getSize() < file2->getSize();
0264     case KrViewProperties::Modified:
0265         return compareTime(file1->getModificationTime(), file2->getModificationTime(), sp, sp2);
0266     case KrViewProperties::Changed:
0267         return compareTime(file1->getChangeTime(), file2->getChangeTime(), sp, sp2);
0268     case KrViewProperties::Accessed:
0269         return compareTime(file1->getAccessTime(), file2->getAccessTime(), sp, sp2);
0270     case KrViewProperties::Type:
0271     case KrViewProperties::Permissions:
0272     case KrViewProperties::KrPermissions:
0273     case KrViewProperties::Owner:
0274     case KrViewProperties::Group:
0275         if (sp->data() == sp2->data())
0276             return compareTexts(sp->name(), sp2->name(), sp->properties(), sp->isAscending(), true);
0277         return compareTexts(sp->data(), sp2->data(), sp->properties(), sp->isAscending(), true);
0278     }
0279     return sp->name() < sp2->name();
0280 }
0282 bool compareTime(time_t time1, time_t time2, SortProps *sp, SortProps *sp2)
0283 {
0284     return time1 != time2 ? time1 < time2 : compareTexts(sp->name(), sp2->name(), sp->properties(), sp->isAscending(), true);
0285 }
0287 bool itemGreaterThan(SortProps *sp, SortProps *sp2)
0288 {
0289     return !itemLessThan(sp, sp2);
0290 }
0292 Sorter::Sorter(int reserveItems, const KrViewProperties *viewProperties, LessThanFunc lessThanFunc, LessThanFunc greaterThanFunc)
0293     : _viewProperties(viewProperties)
0294     , _lessThanFunc(lessThanFunc)
0295     , _greaterThanFunc(greaterThanFunc)
0296 {
0297     _items.reserve(reserveItems);
0298     _itemStore.reserve(reserveItems);
0299 }
0301 void Sorter::addItem(FileItem *fileitem, bool isDummy, int idx, QVariant customData)
0302 {
0303     _itemStore << SortProps(fileitem, _viewProperties->sortColumn, _viewProperties, isDummy, !descending(), idx, std::move(customData));
0304     _items << &_itemStore.last();
0305 }
0307 void Sorter::sort()
0308 {
0309     std::stable_sort(_items.begin(), _items.end(), descending() ? _greaterThanFunc : _lessThanFunc);
0310 }
0312 int Sorter::insertIndex(FileItem *fileitem, bool isDummy, QVariant customData)
0313 {
0314     SortProps props(fileitem, _viewProperties->sortColumn, _viewProperties, isDummy, !descending(), -1, std::move(customData));
0315     const QVector<SortProps *>::iterator it = std::lower_bound(_items.begin(), _items.end(), &props, descending() ? _greaterThanFunc : _lessThanFunc);
0317     if (it != _items.end())
0318         return _items.indexOf((*it));
0319     else
0320         return _items.count();
0321 }
0323 bool Sorter::descending() const
0324 {
0325     return _viewProperties->sortOptions & KrViewProperties::Descending;
0326 }
0328 } // namespace KrSort