Warning, /utilities/kronometer/doc/man-kronometer.1.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" ?>
0002 <!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.5-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdedbx45.dtd" [
0003 <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE">
0004 ]>
0006 <refentry lang="&language;">
0007 <refentryinfo>
0008     <date>2016-04-10</date>
0009     <releaseinfo>kronometer 2.0</releaseinfo>
0010 </refentryinfo>
0011 <!-- lifted from man+troff by doclifter -->
0012 <refmeta>
0013 <refentrytitle>kronometer</refentrytitle>
0014 <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
0015 <refmiscinfo class='source'>April 2016</refmiscinfo>
0016 <refmiscinfo class='manual'>KRONOMETER 2.1.0</refmiscinfo>
0017 </refmeta>
0018 <refnamediv>
0019 <refname>kronometer</refname>
0020 <refpurpose>stopwatch application</refpurpose>
0021 </refnamediv>
0022 <!-- body begins here -->
0023 <refsynopsisdiv id='synopsis'>
0024 <cmdsynopsis>
0025   <command>kronometer</command>
0026 </cmdsynopsis>
0027 </refsynopsisdiv>
0029 <refsect1 id='description'><title>DESCRIPTION</title>
0030 <para>Kronometer is a stopwatch (timer/chronometer) application.</para>
0032 <para>Kronometer’s main features are the following:</para>
0033   <blockquote>
0034   <itemizedlist>
0035     <listitem override='bullet'>
0036 <para>Start/pause/resume the stopwatch widget;</para>
0037     </listitem>
0038     <listitem override='bullet'>
0039 <para>Laps recording: you can capture the stopwatch time when you want;</para>
0040     </listitem>
0041     <listitem override='bullet'>
0042 <para>Lap times sorting: you can easily find the shortest lap time or the
0043 longest one;</para>
0044     </listitem>
0045     <listitem override='bullet'>
0046 <para>Reset the stopwatch widget and the lap times;</para>
0047     </listitem>
0048     <listitem override='bullet'>
0049 <para>Time format settings: you can choose the stopwatch granularity;</para>
0050     </listitem>
0051     <listitem override='bullet'>
0052 <para>Times saving and resuming: you can save the stopwatch status and
0053 resume it later;</para>
0054     </listitem>
0055     <listitem override='bullet'>
0056 <para>Font customization: you can choose the fonts for each of the stopwatch
0057 digits;</para>
0058     </listitem>
0059     <listitem override='bullet'>
0060 <para>Color customization: you can choose the color for the stopwatch digits
0061 and the stopwatch background;</para>
0062     </listitem>
0063     <listitem override='bullet'>
0064 <para>Lap times export: you can export the lap times on a file using the JSON
0065 or CSV format.</para>
0066     </listitem>
0067   </itemizedlist>
0068   </blockquote>
0069 </refsect1>
0071 <refsect1 id='author'><title>AUTHOR</title>
0072 <para>The KRONOMETER was written by Elvis Angelaccio &lt;elvis.angelaccio@kde.org&gt;.</para>
0074 <para>This manual page was written by Joao Eriberto Mota Filho &lt;eriberto@debian.org&gt;
0075 for the Debian project (but may be used by others).</para>
0076 </refsect1>
0077 </refentry>