Warning, /utilities/kronometer/doc/index.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 <?xml version="1.0" ?> 0002 <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.5-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdedbx45.dtd" [ 0003 <!ENTITY kronometer "<application>Kronometer</application>"> 0004 <!ENTITY kappname "&kronometer;"> 0005 <!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE"> 0006 <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE"> 0007 ]> 0008 0009 <book id="kronometer" lang="&language;"> 0010 0011 <bookinfo> 0012 <title>The &kronometer; Handbook</title> 0013 0014 <authorgroup> 0015 <author><firstname>Elvis</firstname><surname>Angelaccio</surname> 0016 <affiliation> 0017 <address> 0018 <email>elvis.angelaccio@kde.org</email> 0019 </address> 0020 </affiliation> 0021 </author> 0022 <!-- TRANS:ROLES_OF_TRANSLATORS --> 0023 </authorgroup> 0024 0025 <copyright> 0026 <year>2014-2016</year> 0027 <holder>Elvis Angelaccio</holder> 0028 </copyright> 0029 0030 <date>2016-04-10</date> 0031 <releaseinfo>&kronometer; 2.1</releaseinfo> 0032 0033 <legalnotice> 0034 &FDLNotice; 0035 </legalnotice> 0036 0037 <abstract> 0038 <para> 0039 &kronometer; is a stopwatch application. It can be used for basic tasks like timer start/pause/resume, as well as lap times recording. 0040 </para> 0041 <para> 0042 &kronometer; is able to save a complete session (timer and lap times) and to restore it later. 0043 </para> 0044 </abstract> 0045 0046 <keywordset> 0047 <keyword>KDE</keyword> 0048 <keyword>Kronometer</keyword> 0049 <keyword>stopwatch</keyword> 0050 </keywordset> 0051 0052 </bookinfo> 0053 0054 <chapter id="introduction"> 0055 <title>Introduction</title> 0056 <para> 0057 &kronometer; is a simple stopwatch application. It is meant to be simple and pleasant to use, thanks to a use cases driven development. 0058 </para> 0059 <para> 0060 &kronometer; main features are the following: 0061 </para> 0062 <itemizedlist> 0063 <listitem> 0064 <para> 0065 &kronometer; provides a timer that can be started, paused, resumed and reset. 0066 </para> 0067 </listitem> 0068 <listitem> 0069 <para> 0070 &kronometer; allows you to record lap times and export them to a file. 0071 </para> 0072 </listitem> 0073 <listitem> 0074 <para> 0075 &kronometer; allows you to save a session and restore it later. 0076 </para> 0077 </listitem> 0078 <listitem> 0079 <para> 0080 &kronometer; allows you to copy the timer numbers from its display. 0081 </para> 0082 </listitem> 0083 </itemizedlist> 0084 </chapter> 0085 0086 <chapter id="usage"> 0087 <title>Usage</title> 0088 <sect1 id="general_usage"> 0089 <title>General Usage</title> 0090 <para> 0091 &kronometer; main use case is of course the interaction with the timer. You can start/pause/resume the timer by clicking on the proper actions in the toolbar or in the &kronometer; menu. 0092 </para> 0093 <para> 0094 Even simpler, you can use the keyboard instead of the mouse: you start the timer with the keyboard's <keycap>Space</keycap> and you pause the timer with <keycap>Space</keycap> too. You might recognize this behavior from many media player applications. 0095 </para> 0096 <para> 0097 By pressing the &Enter; key when the timer is running, you freeze that particular time and you create a new <emphasis>lap</emphasis> time. These times are always visible in the table on the left of the application, where you can sort them by clicking the <emphasis>Lap time</emphasis> column's header. 0098 You can also add a custom text annotation to each lap, by double-clicking the cells within the <emphasis>Note</emphasis> column. 0099 </para> 0100 <para> 0101 The menubar (hidden by default) provides access to all commands and configuration options. 0102 The menubar can be toggled with <guimenuitem>Show Menubar</guimenuitem> (<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>M</keycap></keycombo>) 0103 from the <guimenu>Settings</guimenu> menu or the menu button in the toolbar. 0104 </para> 0105 <sect2 id="save_and_restore"> 0106 <title>Save and Restore Sessions</title> 0107 <para> 0108 When you pause a running stopwatch you create a session: a stopwatch time and zero or more lap times. 0109 You can save a session and you can restore it later. 0110 </para> 0111 </sect2> 0112 <sect2 id="save_a_session"> 0113 <title>Save a Session</title> 0114 <para> 0115 Pause a running stopwatch, then click on the <guibutton>Save As</guibutton> button in the <guimenu>File</guimenu> menu. 0116 You can choose a name for the session that you are going to save. 0117 </para> 0118 </sect2> 0119 <sect2 id="restore_a_session"> 0120 <title>Restore a Session</title> 0121 <para> 0122 Click the <guibutton>Open</guibutton> button on the toolbar or in the <guimenu>File</guimenu> menu. 0123 Then choose an existing session to be loaded from the session's dialog. 0124 </para> 0125 </sect2> 0126 <sect2 id="update_a_session"> 0127 <title>Update a Session</title> 0128 <para> 0129 When the session is restored, you can resume the stopwatch and you can record new lap times. 0130 If you want to save the updated session, you can simply click the <guibutton>Save</guibutton> button in the <guimenu>File</guimenu> menu. 0131 </para> 0132 </sect2> 0133 <sect2 id="edit_a_session"> 0134 <title>Edit a Session</title> 0135 <para> 0136 Click the <guibutton>Open</guibutton> button on the toolbar or in the <guimenu>File</guimenu> menu. 0137 If you select an existing session in the session's dialog, you will be able to: 0138 <itemizedlist> 0139 <listitem> 0140 <para>Rename the session, by double-clicking on its name.</para> 0141 </listitem> 0142 <listitem> 0143 <para>Delete the session, by pressing <keycap>Del</keycap>.</para> 0144 </listitem> 0145 <listitem> 0146 <para>Add a note to the session or edit it.</para> 0147 </listitem> 0148 </itemizedlist> 0149 </para> 0150 </sect2> 0151 </sect1> 0152 <sect1 id="additional_features"> 0153 <title>Additional Features</title> 0154 <sect2 id="export_lap_times"> 0155 <title>Export Lap Times</title> 0156 <para> 0157 When you record one or more lap times, the export features in the <guimenu>File</guimenu> menu is made available, under the entry <guimenuitem>Export laps as</guimenuitem>. 0158 Click on it and then choose a name for the exported file. 0159 You can export in the Comma Separated Values (CSV) format or in the JSON one. 0160 </para> 0161 </sect2> 0162 <sect2 id="clipboard_support"> 0163 <title>Clipboard Support</title> 0164 <para> 0165 &kronometer; is able to copy the current stopwatch time to the system clipboard. 0166 Use the <keycombo>&Ctrl;<keycap>C</keycap></keycombo> key combination or the <guimenuitem>Copy</guimenuitem> entry in the <guimenu>Edit</guimenu> menu. 0167 </para> 0168 </sect2> 0169 </sect1> 0170 </chapter> 0171 0172 <chapter id="configuration"> 0173 <title>Configuration</title> 0174 <sect1 id="settings_dialog"> 0175 <title>Settings Dialog</title> 0176 <para> 0177 &kronometer; is customizable in many aspects. 0178 You can open the settings dialog clicking on the <guimenuitem>Configure &kronometer;</guimenuitem> entry in the <guimenu>Settings</guimenu> menu. 0179 The settings dialog is organized in the following categories. 0180 </para> 0181 <sect2 id="general_settings"> 0182 <title>General Settings</title> 0183 <para> 0184 In the general settings page you can find the settings for the stopwatch and for the laps. 0185 Under the stopwatch tab you can set your preferred time format for the stopwatch display. 0186 You can choose whether to show hours, minutes or second fractions (while seconds are always shown). 0187 &kronometer; supports time granularity up to millisecond, although this requires high CPU usage due to the high refresh rate of the User Interface. 0188 </para> 0189 <para> 0190 Within the laps tab you can enable or disable the laps recording feature. 0191 If the laps are enabled, you can choose their time format, whether to show their notes and whether to show their absolute times, which are the stopwatch times when they were recorded. 0192 </para> 0193 </sect2> 0194 <sect2 id="font_settings"> 0195 <title>Font Settings</title> 0196 <para> 0197 In the font settings page you can customize the font of the stopwatch display. 0198 You can choose different font families, styles and sizes for each timer component (hours, minutes, &etc;). 0199 By default every timer component will use the same font, according the current default font in the system. 0200 </para> 0201 </sect2> 0202 <sect2 id="color_settings"> 0203 <title>Color Settings</title> 0204 <para> 0205 In the color settings page you can customize the default color of the stopwatch display. 0206 You can change the background color and the text color. 0207 The default colors will respect the currently selected system's theme. 0208 </para> 0209 </sect2> 0210 <sect2 id="kde_built_in_settings"> 0211 <title>&kde; Built-in Settings</title> 0212 <para> 0213 &kronometer; makes use of the standard &kde; configuration tools. 0214 You find them in the <guimenu>Settings</guimenu> menu, under the <guimenuitem>Configure shortcuts</guimenuitem> and <guimenuitem>Configure Toolbars</guimenuitem> entries. 0215 They allow you to change the shortcuts of the &kronometer;'s actions, and to change the position of the toolbar and its content. 0216 </para> 0217 </sect2> 0218 </sect1> 0219 </chapter> 0220 0221 <chapter id="credits"> 0222 <title>Credits and License</title> 0223 <para> 0224 &kronometer; 0225 </para> 0226 <para> 0227 Program copyright © 2014-2016 Elvis Angelaccio 0228 <email>elvis.angelaccio@kde.org</email> 0229 </para> 0230 <para> 0231 Documentation copyright © 2014-2016 Elvis Angelaccio 0232 <email>elvis.angelaccio@kde.org</email> 0233 </para> 0234 <!-- TRANS:CREDIT_FOR_TRANSLATORS --> 0235 &underFDL; 0236 &underGPL; 0237 </chapter> 0238 0239 &documentation.index; 0240 0241 </book> 0242 0243 <!-- 0244 Local Variables: 0245 mode: xml 0246 sgml-minimize-attributes:nil 0247 sgml-general-insert-case:lower 0248 sgml-indent-step:0 0249 sgml-indent-data:nil 0250 End: 0251 0252 vim:tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:expandtab 0253 -->