Warning, /utilities/konsole/src/settings/konsole.kcfg is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
0002 <kcfg xmlns="http://www.kde.org/standards/kcfg/1.0"
0003       xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
0004       xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.kde.org/standards/kcfg/1.0
0005       http://www.kde.org/standards/kcfg/1.0/kcfg.xsd" >
0006   <kcfgfile name="konsolerc" />
0007   <group name="KonsoleWindow">
0008     <entry name="RemoveWindowTitleBarAndFrame" type="Bool">
0009       <label>Remove window titlebar and frame</label>
0010       <default>false</default>
0011     </entry>
0012     <entry name="FocusFollowsMouse" type="Bool">
0013       <label>Focus terminals when the mouse pointer is moved over them</label>
0014       <default>false</default>
0015     </entry>
0016     <entry name="ShowWindowTitleOnTitleBar" type="Bool">
0017       <label>Show window title on the titlebar</label>
0018       <tooltip>Show window title set by escape sequence on the titlebar</tooltip>
0019       <default>false</default>
0020     </entry>
0021     <entry name="AllowMenuAccelerators" type="Bool">
0022       <label>Enable menu accelerators</label>
0023       <tooltip>Allow users to access top menu through Alt+Key combination</tooltip>
0024       <default>false</default>
0025     </entry>
0026     <entry name="RememberWindowSize" type="Bool">
0027       <label>Use current window size on next startup</label>
0028       <tooltip>The window size will be saved upon exiting Konsole</tooltip>
0029       <default>true</default>
0030     </entry>
0031     <entry name="UseSingleInstance" type="Bool">
0032       <label>Run all Konsole windows in a single process</label>
0033       <tooltip>When launching Konsole re-use existing process if possible</tooltip>
0034       <default>false</default>
0035     </entry>
0036   </group>
0037   <group name="ThumbnailsSettings">
0038      <entry name="EnableThumbnails" type="Bool">
0039         <default>true</default>
0040       </entry>
0041       <entry name="ThumbnailSize" type="Int">
0042         <label>Thumbnail Width</label>
0043         <tooltip>Sets the width of the thumbnail</tooltip>
0044         <default>250</default>
0045       </entry>
0046      <entry name="ThumbnailShift" type="Bool">
0047         <label>Use Shift to display a thumbnail</label>
0048         <tooltip>Use Shift to display a thumbnail</tooltip>
0049         <default>false</default>
0050       </entry>
0051      <entry name="ThumbnailAlt" type="Bool">
0052         <label>Use Alt to display a thumbnail</label>
0053         <tooltip>Use Alt to display a thumbnail</tooltip>
0054         <default>false</default>
0055       </entry>
0056      <entry name="ThumbnailCtrl" type="Bool">
0057         <label>Use Ctrl to display a thumbnail</label>
0058         <tooltip>Use Ctrl to display a thumbnail</tooltip>
0059         <default>false</default>
0060       </entry>
0061   </group>
0062   <group name="SearchSettings">
0063     <entry name="SearchCaseSensitive" type="Bool">
0064       <label>Search is case sensitive</label>
0065       <tooltip>Sets whether the search is case sensitive</tooltip>
0066       <default>false</default>
0067     </entry>
0068     <entry name="SearchRegExpression" type="Bool">
0069       <label>Match using regular expressions</label>
0070       <default>false</default>
0071     </entry>
0072     <entry name="SearchHighlightMatches" type="Bool">
0073       <label>Highlight all search matches</label>
0074       <tooltip>Sets whether matching text should be highlighted</tooltip>
0075       <default>true</default>
0076     </entry>
0077     <entry name="SearchReverseSearch" type="Bool">
0078       <label>Search backwards</label>
0079       <tooltip>Sets whether search should start from the bottom</tooltip>
0080       <default>true</default>
0081     </entry>
0082   </group>
0083   <group name="MemorySettings">
0084     <entry name="EnableMemoryMonitoring" type="Bool">
0085       <label>Control whether child cgroups are created for individual tabs</label>
0086       <default>false</default>
0087     </entry>
0088     <entry name="MemoryLimitValue" type="Int">
0089       <label>Determines the memory consumption level above which throttling will start</label>
0090       <default>192</default>
0091     </entry>
0092   </group>
0093   <group name="SplitView">
0094     <entry name="SplitViewVisibility" type="Enum">
0095       <label>Control the visibility of the whole tab bar</label>
0096       <choices>
0097         <choice name="AlwaysShowSplitHeader" />
0098         <choice name="ShowSplitHeaderWhenNeeded" />
0099         <choice name="AlwaysHideSplitHeader" />
0100       </choices>
0101       <default>ShowTabBarWhenNeeded</default>
0102     </entry>
0103     <entry name="SplitDragHandleSize" type="Enum">
0104         <label>Control the size of the handle between panels</label>
0105         <choices>
0106             <choice name="SplitDragHandleSmall"/>
0107             <choice name="SplitDragHandleMedium"/>
0108             <choice name="SplitDragHandleLarge"/>
0109         </choices>
0110         <default>SplitDragHandleSmall</default>
0111     </entry>
0112   </group>
0113   <group name="TabBar">
0114     <entry name="TabBarVisibility" type="Enum">
0115       <label>Control the visibility of the whole tab bar</label>
0116       <choices>
0117         <choice name="AlwaysShowTabBar" />
0118         <choice name="ShowTabBarWhenNeeded" />
0119         <choice name="AlwaysHideTabBar" />
0120       </choices>
0121       <default>ShowTabBarWhenNeeded</default>
0122     </entry>
0123     <entry name="TabBarPosition" type="Enum">
0124       <label>Control the position of the tab bar</label>
0125       <choices>
0126         <choice name="Top" />
0127         <choice name="Bottom" />
0128       </choices>
0129       <default>Top</default>
0130     </entry>
0131     <entry name="TabBarStyleSheet" type="String">
0132       <label>Control the visual style of the tab bar</label>
0133       <default>QTabBar::tab { min-width: 2em ; max-width: 25em }</default>
0134     </entry>
0135     <entry name="TabBarUseUserStyleSheet" type="Bool">
0136       <label>Use a user-defined .css file for the tab bar</label>
0137       <default>false</default>
0138     </entry>
0139     <entry name="TabBarUserStyleSheetFile" type="Url">
0140       <label>The .css file to use for the tab bar style</label>
0141       <default></default>
0142     </entry>
0143     <entry name="CloseTabOnMiddleMouseButton" type="Bool">
0144       <label>Allow middle-clicking on open tabs to close them</label>
0145       <default>false</default>
0146     </entry>
0147     <entry name="NewTabButton" type="Bool">
0148       <label>Control the visibility of 'New Tab' button on the tab bar</label>
0149       <default>false</default>
0150     </entry>
0151     <entry name="CloseTabButton" type="Enum">
0152       <label>Control where the "Close tab" button will be displayed</label>
0153       <choices>
0154         <choice name="OnEachTab" />
0155         <choice name="OnTabBar" />
0156         <choice name="None" />
0157       </choices>
0158       <default>OnEachTab</default>
0159     </entry>
0160     <entry name="NewTabBehavior" type="Enum">
0161       <label>Control where to put the new tab</label>
0162       <choices>
0163         <choice name="PutNewTabAtTheEnd" />
0164         <choice name="PutNewTabAfterCurrentTab" />
0165       </choices>
0166       <default>PutNewTabAtTheEnd</default>
0167     </entry>
0168     <entry name="ExpandTabWidth" type="Bool">
0169       <label>Expand the tab widths</label>
0170       <default>false</default>
0171     </entry>
0172   </group>
0173   <group name="PrintOptions">
0174     <entry name="PrinterFriendly" type="Bool">
0175       <label>Printer &amp;friendly mode (black text, no background)</label>
0176       <default>true</default>
0177     </entry>
0178     <entry name="ScaleOutput" type="Bool">
0179       <label>&amp;Scale output</label>
0180       <default>true</default>
0181     </entry>
0182   </group>
0183   <group name="FileLocation">
0184     <entry name="scrollbackUseSystemLocation" type="Bool">
0185       <label>For scrollback files, use system-wide folder location</label>
0186       <default>true</default>
0187     </entry>
0188     <entry name="scrollbackUseCacheLocation" type="Bool">
0189       <label>For scrollback files, use user's specific folder location</label>
0190       <default>false</default>
0191     </entry>
0192     <entry name="scrollbackUseSpecifiedLocation" type="Bool">
0193       <label>For scrollback files, use specified folder location</label>
0194       <default>false</default>
0195     </entry>
0196     <entry name="scrollbackUseSpecifiedLocationDirectory" type="Url">
0197       <label>For scrollback files, use this folder</label>
0198       <default></default>
0199     </entry>
0200   </group>
0201 </kcfg>