Warning, /utilities/kgpg/kgpg.kcfg is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
0002 <kcfg xmlns="http://www.kde.org/standards/kcfg/1.0"
0003       xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
0004       xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.kde.org/standards/kcfg/1.0
0005       http://www.kde.org/standards/kcfg/1.0/kcfg.xsd" >
0007     <include>QFontDatabase</include>
0008     <include>kgpg.h</include>
0009     <kcfgfile name="kgpgrc"/>
0011     <group name="Decryption">
0012         <entry name="CustomDecrypt" type="String" key="custom_decrypt">
0013             <label>Custom decryption command.</label>
0014         </entry>
0015     </group>
0017     <group name="Encryption">
0018         <entry name="CustomEncryptionOptions" type="String" key="custom_option">
0019             <label>Custom encryption options</label>
0020         </entry>
0021         <entry name="AllowCustomEncryptionOptions" type="Bool" key="allow_custom_option">
0022             <label>Allow custom encryption options</label>
0023             <default>false</default>
0024         </entry>
0025         <entry name="FileEncryptionKey" type="String" key="file key">
0026             <label>File encryption key.</label>
0027         </entry>
0028         <entry name="EncryptFilesTo" type="Bool" key="encrypt_files_to">
0029             <label>Encrypt files</label>
0030             <default>false</default>
0031         </entry>
0032         <entry name="AsciiArmor" type="Bool" key="Ascii_armor">
0033             <label>Use ASCII armored encryption.</label>
0034             <default>true</default>
0035         </entry>
0036         <entry name="AllowUntrustedKeys" type="Bool" key="Allow_untrusted_keys">
0037             <label>Allow encryption with untrusted keys.</label>
0038             <default>false</default>
0039         </entry>
0040         <entry name="AllowUntrustedGroupMembers" type="Bool" key="Allow_untrusted_group_members">
0041             <label>Allow untrusted keys to become members of key groups.</label>
0042             <default>false</default>
0043         </entry>
0044         <entry name="HideUserID" type="Bool" key="Hide_user_ID">
0045             <label>Hide the user ID.</label>
0046             <default>false</default>
0047         </entry>
0048         <entry name="PgpCompatibility" type="Bool" key="PGP_compatibility">
0049             <label>Enable PGP 6 compatibility.</label>
0050             <default>false</default>
0051         </entry>
0052         <entry name="PgpExtension" type="Bool" key="Pgp_extension">
0053             <label>Use *.pgp extension for encrypted files.</label>
0054             <default>false</default>
0055         </entry>
0056     </group>
0058     <group name="GPG Settings">
0059         <entry name="GpgConfigPath" type="Path" key="gpg_config_path">
0060             <label>The path of the gpg configuration file.</label>
0061         </entry>
0062         <entry name="GpgBinaryPath" type="Path" key="gpg_bin_path">
0063             <label>The path of the gpg binary used by KGpg.</label>
0064             <default>gpg</default>
0065         </entry>
0066     </group>
0068     <group name="General Options">
0069         <entry name="PhotoProperties" type="Enum" key="photo properties">
0070             <choices>
0071                 <choice name="Disable"/>
0072                 <choice name="Small"/>
0073                 <choice name="Medium"/>
0074                 <choice name="Big"/>
0075             </choices>
0076             <default>Disable</default>
0077         </entry>
0078         <entry name="FirstRun" type="Bool" key="First run">
0079             <label>Is the first time the application runs.</label>
0080             <default>true</default>
0081         </entry>
0082         <entry name="EditorGeometry" type="Size" key="Geometry">
0083             <label>The size of the editor window.</label>
0084         </entry>
0085         <entry name="ShowTrust" type="Bool" key="show_trust">
0086             <label>Show the trust value in key manager.</label>
0087             <default>true</default>
0088         </entry>
0089         <entry name="ShowExpi" type="Bool" key="show_expi">
0090             <label>Show the expiration value in key manager.</label>
0091             <default>true</default>
0092         </entry>
0093         <entry name="ShowSize" type="Bool" key="show_size">
0094             <label>Show the size value in key manager.</label>
0095             <default>true</default>
0096         </entry>
0097         <entry name="ShowCreat" type="Bool" key="show_creat">
0098             <label>Show the creation value in key manager.</label>
0099             <default>true</default>
0100         </entry>
0101         <entry name="ShowSecret" type="Bool" key="show_secret">
0102             <label>Show only secret keys in key manager.</label>
0103             <default>false</default>
0104         </entry>
0105         <entry name="ShowLongKeyId" type="Bool" key="show_long_keyid">
0106                 <label>Show long key id in key manager.</label>
0107                 <default>true</default>
0108         </entry>
0109         <entry name="TrustLevel" type="Enum" key="trust filter">
0110             <label>Show only keys with at least that trust level in key manager.</label>
0111             <choices>
0112                     <choice name="Unknown"/>
0113                     <choice name="Undefined"/>
0114                     <choice name="Marginal"/>
0115                     <choice name="Full"/>
0116                     <choice name="Ultimate"/>
0117             </choices>
0118             <default>Undefined</default>
0119         </entry>
0120     </group>
0122     <group name="User Interface">
0123         <entry name="UseMouseSelection" type="Bool" key="selection_clipboard">
0124             <label>Use the mouse selection instead of the clipboard.</label>
0125             <default>false</default>
0126         </entry>
0127         <entry name="AutoStart" type="Bool">
0128             <label>Start KGpg automatically at KDE startup.</label>
0129             <default>false</default>
0130         </entry>
0131         <entry name="RemoteFileWarn" type="Bool" key="remote_file_warn">
0132             <label>Display a warning before creating temporary files during remote file operations.</label>
0133             <default>false</default>
0134         </entry>
0135         <entry name="LeftClick" type="Enum" key="left_click">
0136             <label>Choose default left-click behavior</label>
0137             <choices>
0138                 <choice name="KeyManager"/>
0139                 <choice name="Editor"/>
0140             </choices>
0141         </entry>
0142         <entry name="EncryptedDropEvent" type="Enum" key="encrypted_drop_event">
0143             <label>Handle encrypted drops</label>
0144             <choices>
0145                 <choice name="DecryptAndSave"/>
0146                 <choice name="DecryptAndOpen"/>
0147                 <choice name="Ask"/>
0148             </choices>
0149         </entry>
0150         <entry name="UnencryptedDropEvent" type="Enum" key="unencrypted_drop_event">
0151             <label>Handle unencrypted drops</label>
0152             <choices>
0153                 <choice name="Encrypt"/>
0154                 <choice name="Sign"/>
0155                 <choice name="Ask"/>
0156             </choices>
0157         </entry>
0158         <entry name="SignMenu" type="Enum" key="sign_menu">
0159             <label>Show the "sign file" service menu.</label>
0160             <choices>
0161                 <choice name="Disabled"/>
0162                 <choice name="AllFiles"/>
0163             </choices>
0164             <default>Disabled</default>
0165         </entry>
0166         <entry name="DecryptMenu" type="Enum" key="decrypt_menu">
0167             <label>Show the "decrypt file" service menu.</label>
0168             <choices>
0169                 <choice name="Disabled"/>
0170                 <choice name="AllFiles"/>
0171                 <choice name="EncryptedFiles"/>
0172             </choices>
0173             <default>Disabled</default>
0174         </entry>
0175         <entry name="ShowSystray" type="Bool" key="systray_icon">
0176             <label>Show the systray icon</label>
0177             <default>true</default>
0178         </entry>
0179         <entry name="RecentFiles" type="UInt" key="recent_files">
0180             <label>The number of recently opened files shown in the editor menu.</label>
0181             <default>10</default>
0182         </entry>
0183     </group>
0185     <group name="Key Colors">
0186         <entry name="ColorGood" type="Color" key="color_good">
0187             <label>Color used for trusted keys.</label>
0188             <default>144,255,0</default>
0189         </entry>
0190         <entry name="ColorRev" type="Color" key="color_revoked">
0191             <label>Color used for revoked keys.</label>
0192             <default>30,30,30</default>
0193         </entry>
0194         <entry name="ColorUnknown" type="Color" key="color_unknown">
0195             <label>Color used for unknown keys.</label>
0196             <default>255,255,255</default>
0197         </entry>
0198         <entry name="ColorBad" type="Color" key="color_bad">
0199             <label>Color used for untrusted keys.</label>
0200             <default>172,0,0</default>
0201         </entry>
0202         <entry name="ColorUltimate" type="Color" key="color_ultimate">
0203             <label>Color used for ultimately trusted keys.</label>
0204             <default>68,0,255</default>
0205         </entry>
0206         <entry name="ColorMarginal" type="Color" key="color_marginal">
0207             <label>Color used for marginally trusted keys.</label>
0208             <default>255,255,0</default>
0209         </entry>
0210         <entry name="ColorExpired" type="Color" key="color_expired">
0211             <label>Color used for expired keys.</label>
0212             <default>150,150,150</default>
0213         </entry>
0214     </group>
0216     <group name="Text Font">
0217         <entry name="Font" type="Font" key="KEditFont">
0218             <label>Font</label>
0219             <default code="true">QFontDatabase::systemFont(QFontDatabase::FixedFont)</default>
0220         </entry>
0221     </group>
0223         <group name="Key List">
0224                 <entry name="EmailSorting" type="Enum" key="EmailSorting">
0225                         <choices>
0226                                 <choice name="Alphabetical"/>
0227                                 <choice name="TLDfirst"/>
0228                                 <choice name="DomainFirst"/>
0229                                 <choice name="FQDNFirst"/>
0230                         </choices>
0231                         <default>Alphabetical</default>
0232                 </entry>
0233         </group>
0235         <!-- 
0236                 Should in future be merged with Key Servers, for compatibility reasons
0237                 with kde 3.5 it is now in a separate group.
0238         -->
0239         <group name="Servers">
0240                 <entry name="KeyServers" type="StringList" key="Server_List">
0241                         <label>Key servers used by KGpg. The first server in the list is the default server.</label>
0242                         <default>hkp://pool.sks-keyservers.net,hkp://subkeys.pgp.net,hkp://search.keyserver.net,hkp://pgp.dtype.org,hkp://wwwkeys.pgp.net</default>
0243                 </entry>
0244                 <entry name="InfoServers" type="StringList" key="Info_Server_List">
0245                         <label>List of URLs that show details and analysis of the given key. The first server in the list is the default server.</label>
0246                         <default>https://pgp.cs.uu.nl/stats/$$id16$$.html,http://pgp.surfnet.nl:11371/pks/lookup?op=vindex&amp;fingerprint=on&amp;search=0x$$ID8$$;http://biglumber.com/x/web?pk=$$FPR$$</default>
0247                 </entry>
0248         </group>
0250     <group name="Key Servers">
0251         <entry name="UseProxy" type="Bool" key="use_proxy">
0252             <label>Use HTTP proxy when available.</label>
0253             <default>false</default>
0254         </entry>
0255     </group>
0257         <group name="Key Signing">
0258                 <entry name="EmailTemplate" type="String" key="Email_Template">
0259                         <label>This is the text of the email sent by the "Sign and Mail User ID" action.</label>
0260                         <default code="true">EMailTemplateText.toString()</default>
0261                 </entry>
0262                 <entry name="MailUats" type="Enum" key="Mail_Uats">
0263                         <choices>
0264                                 <choice name="All"/>
0265                                 <choice name="First"/>
0266                                 <choice name="None"/>
0267                         </choices>
0268                         <default>All</default>
0269                 </entry>
0270         </group>
0271 </kcfg>