File indexing completed on 2024-04-21 05:50:47

0001 /*
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2002 Jean-Baptiste Mardelle <>
0003     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2007-2022 Rolf Eike Beer <>
0004     SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0005 */
0007 #ifndef KEYSMANAGER_H
0008 #define KEYSMANAGER_H
0010 #include "ui_adduid.h"
0012 #include "core/kgpgkey.h"
0013 #include "model/kgpgitemmodel.h"
0014 #include "model/kgpgitemnode.h"
0016 #include <KToggleAction>
0017 #include <KXmlGuiWindow>
0019 #include <QClipboard>
0020 #include <QSet>
0021 #include <QUrl>
0023 class KJob;
0025 class KSelectAction;
0027 class QAction;
0028 class QEvent;
0029 class QKeySequence;
0030 class QLineEdit;
0031 class QMenu;
0033 class KeyServer;
0034 class KgpgEditor;
0035 class KeyServer;
0036 class KeyListProxyModel;
0037 class KeyTreeView;
0038 class KGpgAddUid;
0039 class KGpgDelKey;
0040 class KGpgImport;
0041 class KGpgTransactionJob;
0043 class KStatusNotifierItem;
0046 class AddUid : public QWidget, public Ui::AddUid
0047 {
0048 public:
0049   explicit AddUid( QWidget *parent )
0050     : QWidget( parent )
0051   {
0052     setupUi( this );
0053   }
0054 };
0056 class KeysManager : public KXmlGuiWindow
0057 {
0058     Q_OBJECT
0060 public:
0061     explicit KeysManager(QWidget *parent = nullptr);
0062     ~KeysManager() override = default;
0064     KGpgItemModel *getModel();
0066     KgpgEditor *s_kgpgEditor;
0068     void saveToggleOpts(void);
0069     void showTrayMessage(const QString &message);
0071     /**
0072      * @brief returns the shortcut to go to the default key in a key selection
0073      */
0074     QKeySequence goDefaultShortcut() const;
0076 private:
0077     KToggleAction *sTrust;
0078     KToggleAction *sCreat;
0079     KToggleAction *sExpi;
0080     KToggleAction *sSize;
0081     KToggleAction *hPublic;
0082     KToggleAction *longId;
0083     KSelectAction *photoProps;
0084     KSelectAction *trustProps;
0087     void readAgainOptions();
0088     void certificate(QString);
0089     void closeAsked();
0090     void fontChanged(QFont);
0092 public Q_SLOTS:
0093     void slotGenerateKey();
0094     void refreshkey();
0095     void readAllOptions();
0096     void showKeyInfo(const QString &keyID);
0097     void slotSetDefaultKey(const QString &newID);
0098     void showKeyManager();
0099     bool importRemoteKey(const QString &keyIDs);
0100     bool importRemoteKeys(const QStringList &keyIDs, const bool dialog = true);
0101     void showKeyServer();
0102     void showOptions();
0103     void slotOpenEditor();
0104     void slotImport(const QString &text);
0105     void slotImport(const QList<QUrl> &files);
0106     /**
0107      * When you click on "encrypt the clipboard" in the systray,
0108      * this slot will open the dialog to choose a key and encrypt the
0109      * clipboard.
0110      */
0111     void clipEncrypt();
0112     void clipDecrypt();
0113     void clipSign();
0114     void slotImportDone(int ret);
0116 protected:
0117     void removeFromGroups(KGpgKeyNode *nd);
0118     void setDefaultKeyNode(KGpgKeyNode *key);
0120 private Q_SLOTS:
0121     void slotGenerateKeyDone(KJob *job);
0123     void slotShowTrust();
0124     void slotShowSize();
0125     void slotShowCreation();
0126     void slotShowExpiration();
0128     void slotAddUidFin(int res);
0129     void slotDelPhotoFinished(int res);
0130     void quitApp();
0131     void slotShowLongId(bool);
0132     void slotSetTrustFilter(int);
0133     void slotGotoDefaultKey();
0134     void slotDelUid();
0135     void slotDelUidDone(int);
0136     void slotPrimUid();
0137     void slotPrimUidDone(int result);
0138     void slotAddUid();
0139     void slotAddUidEnable(const QString &name);
0140     void slotUpdatePhoto();
0141     void slotDeletePhoto();
0142     void slotAddPhoto();
0143     void slotAddPhotoFinished(int res);
0144     void slotSetPhotoSize(int size);
0145     void slotShowPhoto();
0146     void revokeWidget();
0147     void slotRevokeDialogFinished(int result);
0148     void slotRevokeGenerated(int result);
0149     void doPrint(const QString &txt);
0150     void checkList();
0151     void slotManpage();
0152     void slotExportFinished(int result);
0153     void slotProcessExportMail(int result);
0154     void slotProcessExportClip(int result);
0155     void readOptions();
0156     void slotSetDefKey();
0157     void confirmdeletekey();
0158     void deleteseckey();
0159     void signkey();
0160     void signuid();
0161     void caff();
0162     void slotCaffDone();
0163     void delsignkey();
0164     void preimportsignkey();
0165     void importallsignkey();
0166     void signatureResult(int success);
0167     void delsignatureResult(int success);
0168     void defaultAction(const QModelIndex &);
0169     void defaultAction(KGpgNode *);
0170     void slotDefaultAction();
0171     void showProperties(KGpgNode *);
0172     void keyproperties();
0173     void slotexport();
0174     void slotexportsec();
0175     void slotExportSecFinished(int result);
0177     void slotMenu(const QPoint &);
0179     void slotPreImportKey();
0180     void slotSendEmail();
0181     void slotedit();
0183     /**
0184      * @brief start an "add to addressbook" operation
0185      *
0186      * This searches if given id already exists in the addressbook.
0187      * The search result is handled in slotAddressbookSearchResult()
0188      */
0189     void addToKAB();
0191     /**
0192      * @brief add or change the addressbook entry
0193      * @param job the search job
0194      *
0195      * This handles the result of the search started in addToKAB().
0196      */
0197     void slotAddressbookSearchResult(KJob *job);
0199     void editGroup();
0200     void createNewGroup();
0201     void deleteGroup();
0202     void renameGroup();
0203     void slotImportRevokeTxt(const QString &revokeText);
0204     void refreshKeyFromServer();
0205     void slotKeyRefreshDone(int result);
0206     void slotregenerate();
0207     void secretKeyDeleted(int);
0208     void getMissingSigs(QSet<QString> &missingKeys, const KGpgExpandableNode *nd);
0209     void slotEditDone(int exitcode);
0210     void importRemoteFinished(int result);
0211     void slotDelKeyDone(int ret);
0212     void slotSetClip(int result);
0213     void slotOpenKeyUrl();
0215 private:
0216     KGpgItemModel *imodel;
0217     KeyListProxyModel *iproxy;
0218     KeyTreeView *iview;
0220     KGpgAddUid *m_adduid;
0221     KGpgTransactionJob *m_genkey;
0222     KGpgDelKey *m_delkey;
0224     QString globalkeyID;
0225     QString searchString;
0227     QList<KGpgSignableNode *> signList;
0228     QList<KGpgKeyNode *> refreshList;
0229     QHash<KJob *, KGpgNode *> m_addIds; ///< user ids to add to addressbook
0231     QClipboard::Mode m_clipboardmode;
0233     QMenu *m_popuppub;          // popup on a public key
0234     QMenu *m_popupsec;          // popup on a secret key
0235     QMenu *m_popupgroup;        // popup on a group
0236     QMenu *m_popupout;          // popup there is no key or when the user don't right-click on a key
0237     QMenu *m_popupsig;          // popup on a signature
0238     QMenu *m_popupphoto;        // popup on a photo
0239     QMenu *m_popupuid;          // popup on an user id
0240     QMenu *m_popuporphan;       // popup on an orphan key
0242     QLineEdit *m_listviewsearch;
0243     QDialog *addUidWidget;
0244     AddUid *keyUid;
0246     QLabel m_statusBarLabel;
0248     QAction *importSignatureKey;
0249     QAction *importAllSignKeys;
0250     QAction *signKey;
0251     QAction *signUid;
0252     QAction *signMailUid;
0253     QAction *refreshKey;
0254     QAction *editKey;
0255     QAction *setPrimUid;
0256     QAction *delUid;
0257     QAction *delSignKey;
0258     QAction *deleteKey;
0259     QAction *editCurrentGroup;
0260     QAction *delGroup;
0261     QAction *setDefaultKey;
0262     QAction *kserver;
0263     QAction *openEditor;
0264     QAction *goToDefaultKey;
0265     QAction *exportPublicKey;
0266     QAction *m_sendEmail;
0267     QAction *createGroup;
0268     QAction *m_groupRename;
0269     QAction *m_revokeKey;
0271     bool m_signuids;
0273     int keyCount;
0275     KGpgKeyNode *terminalkey; // the key currently edited in a terminal
0277     void startImport(KGpgImport *import);
0279     // react to network status changes
0280     bool m_online;
0281     void toggleNetworkActions(bool online);
0283     KStatusNotifierItem *m_trayicon;
0284     void setupTrayIcon();
0286     void setActionDescriptions(int cnt);
0287     /**
0288      * @brief show a message in the status bar
0289      * @param msg the text to show
0290      * @param keep if the text should stay visible or may be hidden after a while
0291      */
0292     void changeMessage(const QString &msg, const bool keep = false);
0293     /**
0294      * @brief update the key and group counter in the status bar
0295      */
0296     void updateStatusCounter();
0297     /**
0298      * @brief sign the next key from signList
0299      * @param localsign if signature should be a local (not exportable) one
0300      * @param checklevel how careful the identity of the key was checked
0301      */
0302     void signLoop(const bool localsign, const int checklevel);
0303     /**
0304      * @brief Opens the console when the user want to sign a key manually.
0305      * @param signer key to sign with
0306      * @param keyid key to sign
0307      * @param checking how careful the identify was checked
0308      * @param local if signature should be local (not exportable)
0309      */
0310     void signKeyOpenConsole(const QString &signer, const QString &keyid, const int checking, const bool local);
0311 };
0313 #endif // KEYSMANAGER_H