File indexing completed on 2024-04-28 09:45:57

0001 /*
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013 Rolf Eike Beer <>
0004     SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
0005 */
0007 #ifndef KGPGKEYNODE_H
0008 #define KGPGKEYNODE_H
0010 #include "KGpgSignableNode.h"
0011 #include "KGpgSignNode.h"
0013 #include "kgpgkey.h"
0015 class KGpgRefNode;
0017 /**
0018  * @brief A public key with or without corresponding secret key
0019  */
0020 class KGpgKeyNode : public KGpgSignableNode
0021 {
0022     Q_OBJECT
0024     friend class KGpgGroupMemberNode;
0026 private:
0027     KgpgCore::KgpgKey *m_key;
0028     int m_signs;
0030 protected:
0031         void readChildren() override;
0033     QList<KGpgRefNode *> m_refs;
0034     QList<KGpgRefNode *> getRefsOfType(const KgpgCore::KgpgItemType &type) const;
0036 public:
0037     typedef QList<KGpgKeyNode *> List;
0038     typedef QList<const KGpgKeyNode *> ConstList;
0040     explicit KGpgKeyNode(KGpgRootNode *parent, const KgpgCore::KgpgKey &k);
0041         ~KGpgKeyNode() override;
0043         bool hasChildren() const override;
0045     static KgpgCore::KgpgItemType getType(const KgpgCore::KgpgKey *k);
0047         KgpgCore::KgpgItemType getType() const override;
0048         KgpgCore::KgpgKeyTrust getTrust() const override;
0049     const QString &getFingerprint() const;
0050         QString getSize() const override;
0051         QString getName() const override;
0052         QString getEmail() const override;
0053         QDateTime getExpiration() const override;
0054         QDateTime getCreation() const override;
0055         QString getId() const override;
0056         KGpgKeyNode *getKeyNode(void) override;
0057         const KGpgKeyNode *getKeyNode(void) const override;
0058     /**
0059      * @brief Return if this key has a private key
0060      */
0061     bool isSecret() const;
0062     /**
0063      * @brief Print the full key fingerprint with spaces inserted
0064      *
0065      * For display purposes you normally don't want to print the full
0066      * fingerprint as is because it's too many hex characters at once.
0067      * This function returns the fingerprint in the format usually used
0068      * for printing this out, i.e. with a space after each fourth hex
0069      * character.
0070      *
0071      * @return the full fingerprint with spaces inserted
0072      */
0073     QString getBeautifiedFingerprint() const;
0074         QString getComment() const override;
0075     /**
0076      * @brief Return the number of signatures of the primary user id
0077      *
0078      * This is different from the number of children of this node as there
0079      * is usually at least one subkey and there may also be additional
0080      * user ids or attributes. This does not count the signatures to those
0081      * slave objects, only the ones that are direct children of this node.
0082      *
0083      * @return the number of signatures to the primary user id
0084      */
0085         QString getSignCount() const override;
0086     /**
0087      * @brief Creates a copy of the KgpgKey that belongs to this class
0088      */
0089     virtual KgpgCore::KgpgKey *copyKey() const;
0090     /**
0091      * @brief Replaces the current key information with the new one.
0092      * All sub-items (i.e. signatures, user ids ...) will be deleted. This must
0093      * only be used when the id of both new and old key is the same.
0094      */
0095     void setKey(const KgpgCore::KgpgKey &key);
0096     /**
0097      * @brief Returns a reference to the key used in this object.
0098      * This allows direct access to the values of the key e.g. for KgpgKeyInfo.
0099      */
0100     const KgpgCore::KgpgKey *getKey() const;
0102     /**
0103      * @brief Returns the size of the signing key.
0104      * @return signing key size in bits
0105      */
0106     virtual unsigned int getSignKeySize() const;
0107     /**
0108      * @brief Returns the size of the first encryption subkey.
0109      * @return encryption key size in bits
0110      */
0111     virtual unsigned int getEncryptionKeySize() const;
0112     /**
0113      * @brief Notify this key that a KGpgRefNode now references this key.
0114      * @param node object that takes the reference
0115      */
0116     void addRef(KGpgRefNode *node);
0117     /**
0118      * @brief Remove a reference to this object
0119      * @param node node that no longer has the reference
0120      *
0121      * Note that this must not be called as reply when this object
0122      * emits updated(nullptr)
0123      */
0124     void delRef(KGpgRefNode *node);
0125     /**
0126      * @brief returns a list of all groups this key is member of
0127      */
0128     QList<KGpgGroupNode *> getGroups(void) const;
0129     /**
0130      * @brief returns a list of all group member nodes that reference this key
0131      */
0132     QList<KGpgGroupMemberNode *> getGroupRefs(void) const;
0133     /**
0134      * @brief returns a list of all sign nodes that reference this key
0135      */
0136     KGpgSignNode::List getSignRefs(void) const;
0137     /**
0138      * @brief returns a list of signatures to this key
0139      * @param subkeys if signatures on subkeys should be included
0140      */
0141     KGpgSignNode::List getSignatures(const bool subkeys) const;
0142     /**
0143      * @brief get the user id or user attribute with the given number
0144      * @param index the index of the user id to return
0145      * @return the requested subitem or nullptr if that is not present
0146      *
0147      * User ids indexes are 1-based, so 0 is not a valid index. Passing
0148      * 1 as index will return the object itself, representing the primary
0149      * user id.
0150      */
0151     const KGpgSignableNode *getUid(const unsigned int index) const;
0153     /**
0154      * @brief compare the id of this node to the given other node
0155      * @param other key id to compare to
0156      * @return if ids are identical
0157      *
0158      * This handles different length of the id string.
0159      */
0160     bool compareId(const QString &other) const;
0162     /**
0163      * @brief return if this key can be used for encryption
0164      */
0165     bool canEncrypt() const;
0168     void expanded();
0170 public Q_SLOTS:
0171     /**
0172      * @brief read all subitems
0173      *
0174      * This will read in all subitems (e.g. subkeys, signatures). When
0175      * this is done the expanded() signal is emitted. The signal is emitted
0176      * immediately if the key has been expanded before.
0177      *
0178      * This will not update the child items in case they are already present.
0179      * Use KGpgItemModel::refreshKey() instead.
0180      */
0181     void expand();
0182 };
0184 #endif /* KGPGKEYNODE_H */