Warning, /utilities/keurocalc/doc/index.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" ?>
0002 <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.5-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdedbx45.dtd" [
0003   <!ENTITY keurocalc '<application>KEuroCalc</application>'>
0004   <!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE">
0005   <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE"><!-- change language only here -->
0006 ]>
0008 <book id="keurocalc" lang="&language;">
0010 <bookinfo>
0011 <title>The &keurocalc; Handbook</title>
0013 <authorgroup>
0014 <author>
0015 <firstname>Éric</firstname>
0016 <surname>Bischoff</surname>
0017 <affiliation>
0018 <address><email>bischoff@_NOSPAM_kde.org</email></address>
0019 </affiliation>
0020 </author>
0021 </authorgroup>
0025 <copyright>
0026 <year>2001-2022</year>
0027 <holder>Éric Bischoff</holder>
0028 </copyright>
0029 <legalnotice>&FDLNotice;</legalnotice>
0031 <date>2022-12-10</date>
0032 <releaseinfo>1.3.2</releaseinfo>
0034 <abstract>
0035 <para>
0036 &keurocalc; is an universal pocket currency converter and calculator.
0037 This documentation describes &keurocalc; version 1.3.2.
0038 </para>
0039 </abstract>
0041 <keywordset>
0042 <keyword>KDE</keyword>
0043 <keyword>extragear</keyword>
0044 <keyword>KEuroCalc</keyword>
0045 <keyword>currency</keyword>
0046 <keyword>converter</keyword>
0047 <keyword>calculator</keyword>
0048 </keywordset>
0050 </bookinfo>
0052 <chapter id="introduction">
0053 <title>Introduction</title>
0055 <para>
0056 &keurocalc; is an universal pocket currency converter and calculator.
0057 </para>
0059 <para>
0060 On the 1st of January, 2002, 12 European countries united their national
0061 currencies into a single one, the euro (€). The same happens from time to
0062 time on a smaller scale with new European countries. &keurocalc; helps:
0064 <variablelist>
0065 <varlistentry>
0066 <term>During the transition periods</term>
0067 <listitem>
0068 <para><itemizedlist>
0069 <listitem><para>To verify one's bank account, when paying both in euros and
0070 in the old currency (Italian liras, for example).</para></listitem>
0071 <listitem><para>To verify one's shopping, and compute the change if paying
0072 with a banknote labeled in the old currency.</para></listitem>
0073 </itemizedlist></para>
0074 </listitem>
0075 </varlistentry>
0077 <varlistentry>
0078 <term>Many years after the transition periods</term>
0079 <listitem><para>To get an idea of the value of the things in the old
0080 currency at any stage of calculations.</para></listitem>
0081 </varlistentry>
0083 <varlistentry>
0084 <term>At any time</term>
0085 <listitem>
0086 <para><itemizedlist>
0087 <listitem><para>To do conversions between the euro and other currencies,
0088 like the British Pound, according to the daily exchange rate published by the
0089 <ulink url="http://www.ecb.int/stats/eurofxref/">European Central Bank (ECB)</ulink>.</para></listitem>
0090 <listitem><para>To do conversions between any two currencies that are part of the list
0091 published by the ECB.</para></listitem>
0092 <!--listitem><para>To do conversions between the US dollar and other currencies
0093 according to the daily exchange rate published by the
0094 <ulink url="http://www.ny.frb.org/markets/fxrates/noon.cfm">New York
0095 Federal Reserve Bank (NY FRB)</ulink>.</para></listitem>
0096 <listitem><para>To do conversions between any two currencies that are part of the list
0097 published by the NY FRB.</para></listitem-->
0098 <listitem><para>To do conversions between the euro and other currencies,
0099 like the British Pound, according to the daily exchange rate published by the
0100 <ulink url="http://rss.timegenie.com/foreign_exchange_rates_forex">Time Genie</ulink>
0101 foreign exchange (TG).</para></listitem>
0102 <listitem><para>To do conversions between any two currencies that are part of the list
0103 published by the TG.</para></listitem>
0104 </itemizedlist></para>
0105 </listitem>
0106 </varlistentry>
0108 </variablelist>
0109 </para>
0111 <para>&keurocalc; has the following advantages in term of comfort and
0112 usability:
0114 <itemizedlist>
0115 <listitem><para>You see every intermediate value and the result
0116 in both the reference currency (euro<!-- or dollar -->)
0117 and in the other currency.</para></listitem>
0118 <listitem><para>There is a separate input area where you can
0119 type a new value while still having the previous result visible.</para></listitem>
0120 <listitem><para>The ergonomy is very close to usual pocket calculators,
0121 despite the fact that any value you type can be a value in the reference currency
0122 (euro<!-- or dollar -->), a value in the other currency,
0123 a percentage or an unit-less quantity.</para></listitem>
0124 <listitem><para>You press the keys in the order you would speak
0125 aloud what you're doing.</para></listitem>
0126 <listitem><para>If you make mistakes, a special correction button enables you
0127 to correct your last input data, as long as you didn't validate.</para></listitem>
0128 <listitem><para>The numbers are displayed according to your locale settings:
0129 with either a comma or a dot as a decimal point, according to your &systemsettings;
0130 settings.</para></listitem>
0131 <listitem><para>You can decide where &keurocalc; should download the conversion
0132 rates from, which currency to start with when you launch &keurocalc;, and
0133 which rounding method to use.</para></listitem>
0134 </itemizedlist>
0135 </para>
0137 <para>&keurocalc; allows the following operations:
0139 <itemizedlist>
0140 <listitem><para>Conversions from and to the reference currency
0141 (euro<!-- or dollar -->).</para></listitem>
0142 <listitem><para>Systematic rounding of the displayed result, but
0143 computations done internally with the precision of the mathematical libraries.</para></listitem>
0144 <listitem><para>Usual additions, subtractions, multiplications and divisions.</para></listitem>
0145 <listitem><para>Apply a percentage, add a percentage,
0146 or subtract a percentage.</para></listitem>
0147 <listitem><para>Possibility to store values in an intermediate memory,
0148 or use that memory as a running total.</para></listitem>
0149 </itemizedlist>
0150 </para>
0152 <para>Here are some limitations of &keurocalc;:
0154 <itemizedlist>
0155 <listitem><para>No parenthesized or complex expressions.</para></listitem>
0156 <listitem><para>Some roundings go wrong due to the limitations
0157 of the mathematical library.</para></listitem>
0158 <listitem><para>Inflationist currencies cannot be handled due to limited
0159 display size. However, with the change to the new Turkish lira
0160 and the removal of six zeroes in that currency, it is not a practical
0161 problem anymore.</para></listitem>
0162 <!-- listitem><para>New York Federal Reserve Bank rates are not available
0163 during the non-working days (Christmas, Easter, etc.).</para></listitem-->
0164 </itemizedlist>
0165 </para>
0167 <warning><para>&keurocalc; never guarantees the exactness of the exchange rates
0168 nor the accuracy of the result. You are always invited to verify your
0169 computations by some other means. As the <link linkend="credits">license</link>
0170 agreement states, there's no liability of the authors if the results are not
0171 correct or as expected. Also, please notice that the variable exchange rates
0172 are downloaded in an unencrypted and therefore insecure manner from the data
0173 sources (European Central Bank and <!-- New York Federal Reserve Bank --> Time Genie).
0174 Some <quote>man-in-the-middle</quote> attacker may confuse &keurocalc; by forging
0175 exchange rates. More simply, a transmission error is always possible.</para></warning>
0177 </chapter>
0179 <chapter id="usage">
0180 <title>Using &keurocalc;</title>
0182 <mediaobject>
0183 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="screenshot.png" format="PNG" /></imageobject>
0184 </mediaobject>
0186 <sect1 id="usage-conversions">
0187 <title>Performing Conversions</title>
0190 <procedure>
0191 <title>To convert 1000 Belgian francs into euros</title>
0192 <step><para>Select the <guilabel>BEF - Belgian franc</guilabel> (<foreignphrase>francs
0193 belges</foreignphrase>) item in the currencies
0194 drop down list on the bottom. If that choice is not available, press the
0195 <guibutton>Settings...</guibutton> button and select 
0196 <guilabel>Euro, no network access (fixed rates only)</guilabel> to make the
0197 correct rates list appear.</para></step>
0198 <step><para>Type <userinput>1000</userinput> on the keyboard or use the
0199 corresponding numerical buttons. The digits appear while you are typing them in
0200 the <guilabel>Input</guilabel> display. If you make a mistake while typing the digits
0201 use the &Backspace; key or the <guibutton>&lt;-</guibutton> button.</para></step>
0202 <step><para>Press the <guibutton>FB</guibutton> button or the <keycap>F</keycap>
0203 key. In fact, any key that is not already reserved for some other usage
0204 will validate the input as a number expressed in the currency, so <keycap>B</keycap>
0205 or <keycap>X</keycap> would have worked as well.</para></step>
0206 <step><para>Read the result in the <guilabel>Result</guilabel> display on the right:
0207 24.79 € or 24,79 € according to our locale settings.</para></step> 
0208 </procedure>
0210 <procedure>
0211 <title>To convert 25 euros into Belgian francs</title>
0212 <step><para>If the fixed rates currencies are available, select the
0213 <guilabel>BEF - Belgian franc</guilabel> item in the
0214 currencies drop down list on the bottom.
0215 You can skip this step if it's already the selected currency.</para></step>
0216 <step><para>Type <userinput>25</userinput>.</para></step>
0217 <step><para>Press the <guibutton>€</guibutton> button or the <keycap>E</keycap>
0218 key.</para></step>
0219 <step><para>Read the result in the <guilabel>Result</guilabel> display on the right:
0220 1008.50 FB or 1008,50 FB. The exact value is 1008.4975, but it's rounded
0221 to the closest hundredth of a Belgian franc. The rounding unit depends on
0222 the currency and on the rounding method: with the official rounding rules,
0223 for Belgian francs it's 0.01 FB, for Italian liras it's 1 L for example.</para></step>
0224 </procedure>
0226 <para>You could also have typed: <userinput>25 Enter E</userinput>.</para>
0228 <procedure>
0229 <title>To convert 120 German marks into Spanish pesetas</title>
0230 <step><para>If the fixed rates currencies are available, select the
0231 <guilabel>DEM - German deutschmark</guilabel> item in
0232 the currencies drop down list.</para></step>
0233 <step><para>Type <userinput>120</userinput>.</para></step>
0234 <step><para>Press the <guibutton>DM</guibutton> button or the <keycap>D</keycap>
0235 or <keycap>M</keycap> keys.</para></step>
0236 <step><para>Just select the <guilabel>ESP - Spanish peseta</guilabel> item
0237 to see the same amount of 61.36 € converted into pesetas in the
0238 <guilabel>Result</guilabel> area.</para></step>
0239 </procedure>
0241 </sect1>
0243 <sect1 id="usage-additions">
0244 <title>Adding and Subtracting</title>
0246 <procedure>
0247 <title>How much is 3 + 5?</title>
0248 <step><para>Type <userinput>3</userinput> and then press <guibutton>+</guibutton>.
0249 Notice that in the result field, <computeroutput>3</computeroutput>
0250 is a simple value displayed on just one line, with no monetary unit.</para></step>
0251 <step><para>Type <userinput>5</userinput> and then press the
0252 <guibutton>Enter</guibutton> button or the &Enter; key. The
0253 result <computeroutput>8</computeroutput> appears on the right.</para></step>
0254 </procedure>
0256 <procedure>
0257 <title>You received 100 US dollars and paid 32.50 euros for a book,
0258 how much do you have left in your bank account?</title>
0259 <step><para>Make sure that the variable exchange rates are available. If not, press
0260 the <guibutton>Settings...</guibutton> to select either 
0261 <guilabel>Euro, European Central Bank</guilabel> or
0262 <guilabel><!-- Dollar, New York Federal Reserve Bank -->Euro, Time Genie</guilabel>.
0263 Now select the <guilabel>USD - US dollar</guilabel>
0264 <!-- or the <guilabel>EUR - EU euro</guilabel> -->
0265 item in the scroll down list on the bottom.
0266 If you have no Internet access, that item won't be available as the latest variable
0267 rates between the euro and the dollar cannot be determined.</para></step>
0268 <step><para>Type <userinput>100</userinput> and then press <guibutton>$</guibutton>.</para></step>
0269 <step><para>Press the <guibutton>-</guibutton> button or the <keycap>-</keycap> key. Notice
0270 the <computeroutput>-</computeroutput> sign in the leftmost part of the
0271 <guilabel>Input</guilabel> display.</para></step>
0272 <step><para>Type <userinput>32,50</userinput> or <userinput>32.50</userinput>
0273 and then press <guibutton>€</guibutton>.</para></step>
0274 <step><para>Read the result in the <guilabel>Result</guilabel> display on the right.
0275 The exact value might depend on latest exchange rates. Notice that during the whole computation
0276 you've been able to read the values both in euro and in US dollars. Pay attention to the fact
0277 that different data sources (ECB or <!-- NY FRB --> TG) might not provide
0278 the same conversion rate between the euro and the dollar.</para></step>
0279 </procedure>
0281 <procedure>
0282 <title>You pay a 32.50 € book with a 500 FF banknote. How much was the
0283 clerk supposed to give you back, in euro notes and coins?</title>
0284 <step><para>Select the <guilabel>FRF - French francs</guilabel> item in the
0285 currencies drop down list if not already selected.</para></step>
0286 <step><para>Type <userinput>32.50</userinput> or <userinput>32,50</userinput>
0287 and then press <guibutton>€</guibutton>. You can also type <userinput>32.5</userinput>
0288 without the trailing <userinput>0</userinput>.</para></step>
0289 <step><para>Press the <guibutton>-</guibutton> button or the <keycap>-</keycap> key.</para></step>
0290 <step><para>Type <userinput>500</userinput> and press the <guibutton>FF</guibutton>
0291 button or the <keycap>F</keycap> key.</para></step>
0292 <step><para>The result <computeroutput>-43.72 €</computeroutput> is negative, indicating that
0293 change money has to be given back to the customer. The <guibutton>+/-</guibutton>
0294 button or the <keycap>S</keycap> key permit you to change the sign of the result.</para></step>
0295 </procedure>
0297 <note><para>Do not try to add euros to simple values (with no currency unit): it won't work, for
0298 the same reason you cannot add 5 meters to 3 kilograms.</para></note>
0300 </sect1>
0302 <sect1 id="usage-multiplications">
0303 <title>Multiplying and Dividing</title>
0305 <procedure>
0306 <title>You buy 3.2 kilograms of apples at 2 € per kilogram. How much does
0307 the whole cost in Australian dollars?</title>
0308 <step><para>Select the <guilabel>AUD - Australian dollar</guilabel> item if
0309 available and if not already selected.</para></step>
0310 <step><para>Type <userinput>2</userinput> and press <guibutton>€</guibutton>.</para></step>
0311 <step><para>Press the <guibutton>X</guibutton> button or the <keycap>*</keycap>
0312 key. Notice the <computeroutput>X</computeroutput> sign at the left of
0313 the <guilabel>Input</guilabel> display.</para></step>
0314 <step><para>Now type <userinput>3.2</userinput> followed by the <guibutton>Enter</guibutton> button
0315 or the &Enter; key: this means <quote>3.2 units</quote> at
0316 2 € each.</para></step>
0317 <step><para>The result in Australian dollars matches <computeroutput>6.4 €</computeroutput>.</para></step>
0318 </procedure>
0320 <para>You could also have used the following order:
0321 <userinput>3.2 = * 2 €</userinput> or even <userinput>3.2 * 2 €</userinput>.</para>
0323 <note><para>It's not possible to multiply X euros by Y dollars,
0324 just as you don't multiply 10 fingers by 2 ears.
0325 </para></note>
0327 </sect1>
0329 <sect1 id="usage-percentage">
0330 <title>Using Percentages</title>
0332 <procedure>
0333 <title>How much is 20% of 3000 yen?</title>
0334 <step><para>Select the <guilabel>JPY - Japanese yen</guilabel> item if available and
0335 if not already selected.</para></step>
0336 <step><para>Type <userinput>3000</userinput> and press the <guibutton>¥</guibutton>
0337 button or the <keycap>Y</keycap> key.</para></step>
0338 <step><para>Enter <userinput>20</userinput> and press the <guibutton>%</guibutton>
0339 button or the <keycap>%</keycap> key. As with multiplications, the
0340 value had to be typed <emphasis>before</emphasis> the percentage.</para></step>
0341 <step><para>Look at the result: it is equivalent to 600 yen.</para></step>
0342 </procedure>
0344 <procedure>
0345 <title>How much is 3000 yen plus 20%?</title>
0346 <step><para>Select the <guilabel>JPY - Japanese yen</guilabel> item if available and
0347 if not already selected.</para></step>
0348 <step><para>Type <userinput>3000</userinput> and press the <guibutton>¥</guibutton>
0349 button or the <keycap>Y</keycap> key.</para></step>
0350 <step><para>Press the <guibutton>+</guibutton> button or the <keycap>+</keycap> key.</para></step>
0351 <step><para>Enter <userinput>20</userinput> and press the <guibutton>%</guibutton>
0352 button or the <keycap>%</keycap> key. As with multiplications, the
0353 value had to be typed <emphasis>before</emphasis> the percentage.</para></step>
0354 <step><para>Look at the result: 26.96 € or 3600 ¥ at
0355 the time of writing.</para></step>
0356 </procedure>
0358 <procedure>
0359 <title>How much is 3000 yen minus 20%?</title>
0360 <step><para>Select the <guilabel>JPY - Japanese yen</guilabel> item if available and
0361 if not already selected.</para></step>
0362 <step><para>Type <userinput>3000</userinput> and press the <guibutton>¥</guibutton>
0363 button or the <keycap>Y</keycap> key.</para></step>
0364 <step><para>Press the <guibutton>-</guibutton> button or <keycap>-</keycap> key.</para></step>
0365 <step><para>Enter <userinput>20</userinput> and press the <guibutton>%</guibutton>
0366 button or the <keycap>%</keycap> key. As with multiplications, the
0367 value had to be typed <emphasis>before</emphasis> the percentage.</para></step>
0368 <step><para>Look at the result: 17.97 € or 2400 ¥ at the date of writing these
0369 lines.</para></step>
0370 </procedure>
0372 </sect1>
0374 <sect1 id="usage-memory">
0375 <title>Using Intermediate Memory</title>
0377 <procedure>
0378 <title>How do I store now and recall later some value?</title>
0379 <step><para>Do your computations.</para></step>
0380 <step><para>Press <guibutton>Min</guibutton> (Memory in) button to store the
0381 value in the <guilabel>Result</guilabel> area. Please notice that the
0382 other memory keys now become available.</para></step>
0383 <step><para>Do some other work with the calculator.</para></step>
0384 <step><para>Recall the value from the memory by pressing the <guibutton>MR</guibutton>
0385 (Memory Recall) button.</para></step>
0386 </procedure>
0388 <para>Internally, the values are recalled with no unit or in the reference currency
0389 (euro<!-- or dollar -->) with
0390 the maximum precision allowed by the mathematical library. In some rare cases,
0391 this might lead to rounding problems if the stored value is a rounded value in a
0392 non-reference currency.</para>
0394 <procedure>
0395 <title>How do I clear the memory?</title>
0396 <step><para>Press the <guibutton>Reset</guibutton> button. Please notice that
0397 the <guibutton>Reset</guibutton> clears everything: the input, the result and
0398 the memory.</para></step>
0399 </procedure>
0401 <procedure>
0402 <title>How do I compute 3.1 * 5.2 € + 2.7 * 8.9 €?</title>
0403 <step><para>First compute the first half: <userinput>3.1 * 5.2 €</userinput>.</para></step>
0404 <step><para>Store the result in memory with <guibutton>Min</guibutton> button.</para></step>
0405 <step><para>Now compute the other half: <userinput>2.7 * 8.9 €</userinput>.</para></step>
0406 <step><para>Add the result to the memory with <guibutton>M+</guibutton> button.</para></step>
0407 <step><para>Recall the sum with <guibutton>MR</guibutton> button.</para></step>
0408 </procedure>
0410 <para>There are other solutions like <userinput>3.1 * 5.2 € Min
0411 2.7 * 8.9 € + MR</userinput>.</para>
0413 <procedure>
0414 <title>How do I compute 3.1 * 5.2 € - 2.7 * 8.9 €?</title>
0415 <step><para>First compute the first half: <userinput>3.1 * 5.2 €</userinput>.</para></step>
0416 <step><para>Store the result in memory with <guibutton>Min</guibutton> button.</para></step>
0417 <step><para>Now compute the other half: <userinput>2.7 * 8.9 €</userinput>.</para></step>
0418 <step><para>Subtract the result from the memory with <guibutton>M-</guibutton> button.</para></step>
0419 <step><para>Recall the sum with <guibutton>MR</guibutton> button.</para></step>
0420 </procedure>
0422 <para>The sequence <userinput>3.1 * 5.2 € Min 2.7 * 8.9 € - MR</userinput>
0423 computes the difference in the reverse order.</para>
0425 </sect1>
0426 </chapter>
0428 <chapter id="reference">
0429 <title>Command Reference</title>
0431 <sect1 id="reference-keys">
0432 <title>Default Shortcuts</title>
0434 <simplelist type="horiz" columns="2">
0435 <member><keycombo action="simul">&Alt; <keycap>F4</keycap></keycombo></member>
0436 <member>Exits from &keurocalc;</member>
0438 <!--This is changed at runtime by DrClash 
0439 <member><keycombo action="simul">&Alt; <keycap>H</keycap></keycombo></member>
0440 <member>Displays these help pages</member>
0442 <member><keycombo action="simul">&Alt; <keycap>C</keycap></keycombo></member>
0443 <member>Goes to the currency selection area</member>
0445 <member><keycombo action="simul">&Alt; <keycap>A</keycap></keycombo></member>
0446 <member>Displays the <guilabel>About</guilabel> box</member>
0447 -->
0448 <member><keycap>0</keycap> - <keycap>9</keycap></member>
0449 <member>Input digits</member>
0451 <member><keycap>.</keycap> or <keycap>,</keycap></member>
0452 <member>Decimal separator</member>
0454 <member><keycap>+</keycap>, <keycap>-</keycap>, <keycap>*</keycap> and <keycap>/</keycap></member>
0455 <member>Operators: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division</member>
0457 <member>&Enter; and <keycap>Return</keycap></member>
0458 <member>Validation of input number considered as a simple, unitless, value</member>
0460 <member><keycap>%</keycap></member>
0461 <member>Validation of input number considered as a percentage</member>
0463 <member>&Backspace;</member>
0464 <member>Removal of last input: digits, decimal separator or operator</member>
0466 <member>&Tab; and <keycombo action="simul">&Shift; &Tab;</keycombo> keys</member>
0467 <member>Moves from one button to the next or previous one</member>
0469 <member>Arrow keys</member>
0470 <member>In the currency selection area, moves from one currency to the other</member>
0472 <member>Space bar</member>
0473 <member>When focus is on a push button, presses this button</member>
0475 <member><keycap>E</keycap> or <keycap>$</keycap></member>
0476 <member>Validation of input number considered as a value expressed in the reference currency
0477 (euro<!-- or dollar -->)</member>
0479 <member><keycap>S</keycap></member>
0480 <member>Change sign of the result</member>
0482 <member>Any other key</member>
0483 <member>Validation of input number considered as a number in the other currency</member>
0484 </simplelist>
0486 </sect1>
0488 <sect1 id="reference-buttons">
0489 <title>The buttons</title>
0491 <simplelist type="horiz" columns="2">
0492 <member><guibutton>0</guibutton> to <guibutton>9</guibutton></member>
0493 <member>Input digits</member>
0495 <member><guibutton>.</guibutton> or <guibutton>,</guibutton></member>
0496 <member>Decimal separator</member>
0498 <member><guibutton>&lt;-</guibutton></member>
0499 <member>Removal of last input: digits, decimal separator or operator</member>
0501 <member><guibutton>AC</guibutton></member>
0502 <member>Clear all: both input and result area</member>
0504 <member><guibutton>€</guibutton> or <guibutton>$</guibutton></member>
0505 <member>Validation of input number considered as a value expressed in the reference currency
0506 (euro<!-- or dollar -->)</member>
0508 <member>The button labeled with the name of an other currency</member>
0509 <member>Validation of input number considered as a number in the other currency</member>
0511 <member><guibutton>Enter</guibutton></member>
0512 <member>Validation of input number considered as a simple, unitless, value</member>
0514 <member><guibutton>%</guibutton></member>
0515 <member>Validation of input number considered as a percentage</member>
0517 <member><guibutton>+/-</guibutton></member>
0518 <member>Change sign of the result</member>
0520 <member><guibutton>Min</guibutton>, <guibutton>MR</guibutton>, <guibutton>M+</guibutton> and <guibutton>-</guibutton></member>
0521 <member>Store result in memory, recall memory into result, add result to memory and subtract result from memory</member>
0523 <member><guibutton>/</guibutton>, <guibutton>X</guibutton>, <guibutton>-</guibutton> and <guibutton>+</guibutton></member>
0524 <member>Operators: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division</member>
0526 <member><guibutton>Reset</guibutton></member>
0527 <member>Reset both input, result and memory</member>
0529 <member><guibutton>About</guibutton></member>
0530 <member>Displays the <guilabel>About</guilabel> box</member>
0532 <member><guibutton>Help</guibutton></member>
0533 <member>Displays these help pages</member>
0535 <member>The drop down list with currency codes and names</member>
0536 <member>Selects an other currency to work with</member>
0537 </simplelist>
0539 </sect1>
0541 <sect1 id="settings">
0542 <title>The Settings Dialog</title>
0544 <mediaobject>
0545 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="settings.png" format="PNG" /></imageobject>
0546 </mediaobject>
0548 <sect2 id="settings-reference">
0549 <title>Reference currency, rates origin</title>
0551 <para>This setting defines <!-- the reference currency (euro or dollar),
0552 and --> from where 
0553 &keurocalc; should download the exchange rates between the reference currency and
0554 other currencies. The following choices are available:</para>
0556 <variablelist>
0557 <varlistentry>
0558 <term><guilabel>Euro, no network access (fixed rates only)</guilabel></term>
0559 <listitem>
0560 <para>Euro is the reference currency. No variable rate is downloaded or used.
0561 The only available currencies are the ones that have a fixed conversion
0562 rate with the euro.</para>
0563 <para>This setting is adapted to computers with no network access.</para>
0564 </listitem>
0565 </varlistentry>
0567 <varlistentry>
0568 <term><guilabel>Euro, European Central Bank</guilabel></term>
0569 <listitem>
0570 <para>Euro is the reference currency. The fixed exchange rates are available.
0571 &keurocalc; attempts to download the variable rates from the
0572 <ulink url="http://www.ecb.int/stats/eurofxref/">European Central Bank (ECB)</ulink>.</para>
0573 </listitem>
0574 </varlistentry>
0576 <!--varlistentry>
0577 <term><guilabel>Dollar, New York Federal Reserve Bank</guilabel></term>
0578 <listitem>
0579 <para>Dollar is the reference currency. There are no fixed exchange rates.
0580 &keurocalc; attempts to download the variable rates from the
0581 <ulink url="http://www.ny.frb.org/markets/fxrates/noon.cfm">New York
0582 Federal Reserve Bank (NY FRB)</ulink>.</para>
0583 <para>Currently, &keurocalc; has a problem determining the date of the latest
0584 exchange rates published by that bank, because of time zone offsets and non-working
0585 days. For safety, &keurocalc; always asks for yesterday's rates, which is of course
0586 not optimal.</para>
0587 </listitem>
0588 </varlistentry-->
0590 <varlistentry>
0591 <term><guilabel>Euro, Time Genie</guilabel></term>
0592 <listitem>
0593 <para>Euro is the reference currency. The fixed exchange rates are available.
0594 &keurocalc; attempts to download the variable rates from the
0595 <ulink url="http://rss.timegenie.com/foreign_exchange_rates_forex">Time Genie (TG)</ulink>.</para>
0596 </listitem>
0597 </varlistentry>
0599 </variablelist>
0601 </sect2>
0603 <sect2 id="settings-default">
0604 <title>Default currency</title>
0606 <para>This setting defines the other currency that is used when &keurocalc; starts up or when the
0607 user validates the new settings.</para>
0609 <para>Notice that the selected currency might not be provided by the selected
0610 rates source. In that case, the first available currency in the list is used.</para>
0612 </sect2>
0614 <sect2 id="settings-rounding">
0615 <title>Rounding</title>
0617 <para>This setting defines how the results should be presented in the display area. Internally,
0618 all computations are done with the precision offered by the mathematical library, but it
0619 usually makes no sense presenting tenths of cents. The following rounding methods are
0620 available:</para>
0622 <variablelist>
0623 <varlistentry>
0624 <term><guilabel>Official rounding rules</guilabel></term>
0625 <listitem>
0626 <para>The EU conversion rules or other official conversion rules are used. It
0627 means that the result is rounded to the next unit for currencies like the
0628 Japanese yen or the Italian lira, and rounded to the next hundredth of unit
0629 (<quote>cents</quote>) for currencies like the euro or the dollar.</para>
0630 <para>For example, 158.323 yen would be rounded to 158 yen. 12.537 euro
0631 would be rounded to 12.54 euro.</para>
0632 </listitem>
0633 </varlistentry>
0635 <varlistentry>
0636 <term><guilabel>Smallest coin method</guilabel></term>
0637 <listitem>
0638 <para>The result is rounded to the next value of the smallest coin that
0639 circulates in the country that uses that currency. For disappeared currencies
0640 like the Italian lira, it uses the smallest coin that used to circulate before
0641 the currency has been withdrawn: in the case of the Italian lira, it was the
0642 50 liras coin.</para>
0643 <para>For example, 1235.9 Italian liras would be rounded to 1250 liras. 39.45 Norwegian
0644 crowns would be rounded to 39.50 crowns.</para>
0645 <para>We lack information about the smallest coins that exist in every country.
0646 Please send a bug report if &keurocalc; uses an incorrect value for the smallest
0647 available coin in your country, and we will enter that information.</para>
0648 </listitem>
0649 </varlistentry>
0651 <varlistentry>
0652 <term><guilabel>No rounding at all</guilabel></term>
0653 <listitem>
0654 <para>The computed value is displayed unchanged, as a floating point number.</para>
0655 </listitem>
0656 </varlistentry>
0658 </variablelist>
0660 </sect2>
0662 <sect2 id="settings-look-and-feel">
0663 <title>Look and feel</title>
0665 <para>This setting defines the appearance and behavior of &keurocalc;.
0666 The following options are available:</para>
0668 <variablelist>
0669 <varlistentry>
0670 <term><guilabel>Display color</guilabel></term>
0671 <listitem>
0672 <para>The background color of the display areas (both input and result).
0673 To change the background color, click on <guibutton>Change...</guibutton>.
0674 This opens the standard &kde; color selection dialog. Choose a new color,
0675 then press <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to validate the new choice.</para>
0676 </listitem>
0677 </varlistentry>
0679 <varlistentry>
0680 <term><guilabel>Enable splash screen</guilabel></term>
0681 <listitem>
0682 <para>Uncheck this box if you do not want to initial picture to appear
0683 when &keurocalc; starts.</para>
0684 </listitem>
0685 </varlistentry>
0686 </variablelist>
0688 </sect2>
0689 </sect1>
0690 </chapter>
0692 <chapter id="credits">
0694 <title>Credits and License</title>
0696 <para>&keurocalc;</para>
0698 <para>Program copyright 2001-2022 the &keurocalc; developers:
0700 <itemizedlist>
0701 <listitem><para>Éric Bischoff <email>bischoff@_NOSPAM_kde.org</email> - design and implementation</para></listitem>
0702 <listitem><para>Gil Gross <email>ptit.ours@_NOSPAM_gmail.com</email> - additional functionality</para></listitem>
0703 <listitem><para>Melchior Franz <email>a8603365@_NOSPAM_unet.univie.ac.at</email> - design and testing</para></listitem>
0704 <listitem><para>Bas Willems <email>cybersurfer@_NOSPAM_euronet.nl</email> - graphical artwork</para></listitem>
0705 </itemizedlist></para>
0707 <para>Documentation copyright 2001-2022 Éric Bischoff
0708 <email>bischoff@_NOSPAM_kde.org</email>.</para>
0710 <para>Documentation reviewed by &Philip.Rodrigues; &Philip.Rodrigues.mail;.</para>
0713 &underFDL;
0714 &underGPL;
0716 </chapter>
0718 &documentation.index;
0719 </book>
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