Warning, /utilities/kate/doc/kate/man-kate.1.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" ?>
0002 <!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.5-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdedbx45.dtd" [
0003 <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE">
0004 ]>
0006 <refentry lang="&language;">
0007 <refentryinfo>
0008 <title>&kate; User's Manual</title>
0009 <author>&Lauri.Watts; &Lauri.Watts.mail;</author>
0010 <date>2021-07-12</date>
0011 <releaseinfo>KDE Gear 21.08</releaseinfo>
0012 <productname>KDE Gear</productname>
0013 </refentryinfo>
0015 <refmeta>
0016 <refentrytitle><command>kate</command></refentrytitle>
0017 <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
0018 </refmeta>
0020 <refnamediv>
0021 <refname><command>kate</command></refname>
0022 <refpurpose>Advanced text editor by &kde;</refpurpose>
0023 </refnamediv>
0025 <refsynopsisdiv>
0026 <cmdsynopsis>
0027 <command>kate</command>
0028 <group choice="opt"><option>-s, --start</option> <replaceable>
0029 name</replaceable> </group>
0030 <group choice="opt"><option>--startanon</option></group>
0031 <group choice="opt"><option>-n, --new</option></group>
0032 <group choice="opt"><option>-b, --block</option></group>
0033 <group choice="opt"><option>-p, --pid</option><replaceable>
0034 pid</replaceable></group>
0035 <group choice="opt"><option>-e, --encoding</option> <replaceable>
0036 name</replaceable></group>
0037 <group choice="opt"><option>-l, --line</option> <replaceable>
0038 line</replaceable></group>
0039 <group choice="opt"><option>-c, --column</option>
0040 <replaceable> column</replaceable></group>
0041 <group choice="opt"><option>-i, --stdin</option></group>
0042 <group choice="opt"><option>--tempfile</option></group>
0043 <group choice="opt"><option><replaceable>file</replaceable></option></group>
0044 </cmdsynopsis>
0045 </refsynopsisdiv>
0047 <refsect1>
0048 <title>Description</title>
0049 <para>&kate; is the &kde; Advanced Text Editor. </para>
0050 <para>&kate; also provides the editor part for various applications, under
0051 the name &kwrite;.</para>
0052 <para>Some of &kate;'s many features include configurable syntax
0053 highlighting for languages ranging from C and C++ to
0054 &HTML; to bash scripts, the ability to create and
0055 maintain projects, a multiple document interface
0056 (<acronym>MDI</acronym>), and a self-contained terminal emulator.
0057 </para>
0059 <para>
0060 But &kate; is more than a programmer's editor. Its ability to open
0061 several files at once makes it ideal for editing &UNIX;'s many
0062 configuration files.  This document was written in &kate;.
0063 </para>
0066 </refsect1>
0068 <refsect1>
0069 <title>Options</title>
0071 <variablelist>
0072 <varlistentry>
0073 <term><option>-s</option>, <option>--start</option> <replaceable>name</replaceable></term>
0074 <listitem><para>Start &kate; with a given session.</para></listitem>
0075 </varlistentry>
0076 <varlistentry>
0077 <term><option>--startanon</option></term>
0078 <listitem><para>Start &kate; with a new anonymous session, implies <option>-n</option>.</para></listitem>
0079 </varlistentry>
0080 <varlistentry>
0081 <term><option>-n</option>, <option>--new</option></term>
0082 <listitem><para>Force start of a new &kate; instance (is ignored if <option>start</option> is used and another
0083 &kate; instance already has the given session opened), forced if no parameters and no URLs
0084 are given at all.</para></listitem>
0085 </varlistentry>
0086 <varlistentry>
0087 <term><option>-b</option>, <option>--block</option></term>
0088 <listitem><para>If using an already running &kate; instance, block until it exits,
0089 if URLs given to open.</para></listitem>
0090 </varlistentry>
0091 <varlistentry>
0092 <term><option>-p, --pid</option> <replaceable>
0093 pid</replaceable></term>
0094 <listitem><para>Only try to reuse kate instance with this
0095 <replaceable>pid</replaceable> (is ignored if <option>start</option> is used and another
0096 &kate; instance already has the given session opened).</para></listitem>
0097 </varlistentry>
0098 <varlistentry>
0099 <term><option>-e, --encoding</option> <replaceable>
0100 name</replaceable></term>
0101 <listitem><para>Set encoding for the file to open.</para><para>You can use
0102 this to force a file opened in utf-8 format, for instance.  (The command
0103 <command>iconv -l</command> provides a list of encodings, which may be
0104 helpful to you.)</para></listitem>
0105 </varlistentry>
0106 <varlistentry>
0107 <term><option>-l, --line</option> <replaceable> line</replaceable></term>
0108 <listitem><para>Navigate to this line.</para></listitem>
0109 </varlistentry>
0110 <varlistentry>
0111 <term><option>-c, --column</option> <replaceable>
0112 column</replaceable></term>
0113 <listitem><para>Navigate to this column.</para></listitem>
0114 </varlistentry>
0115 <varlistentry>
0116 <term><option>-i, --stdin</option></term>
0117 <listitem><para>Read the contents of
0118 <filename>stdin</filename>.</para></listitem>
0119 </varlistentry>
0120 <varlistentry>
0121 <term><option>--tempfile</option></term>
0122 <listitem><para>The files/&URL;s opened by the application will be
0123 deleted after use.</para></listitem>
0124 </varlistentry>
0125 <varlistentry>
0126 <term><option><replaceable>file</replaceable></option></term>
0127 <listitem><para>File to open.</para></listitem>
0128 </varlistentry>
0129 </variablelist>
0131 </refsect1>
0133 <refsect1>
0134 <title>See Also</title>
0136 <simplelist><member>More detailed user documentation is available from <ulink
0137 url="help:/kate">help:/kate</ulink>
0138 (either enter this &URL; into &konqueror;, or run
0139 <userinput><command>khelpcenter</command>
0140 <parameter>help:/kate</parameter></userinput>).</member>
0141 <member>kf5options(7)</member>
0142 <member>qt5options(7)</member>
0143 <member>There is also further information available at the <ulink
0144 url="https://kate-editor.org/">&kate; website</ulink>.</member>
0145 </simplelist>
0146 </refsect1>
0148 <refsect1>
0149 <title>Examples</title>
0151 <para>To open a file named <filename>source.cpp</filename> at column 15,
0152 line 25, in an existing &kate; window, you could use:</para>
0153 <screen>
0154 <userinput><command>kate</command> <option>-c 15</option> <option>-l 25</option> <filename>source.cpp</filename></userinput>
0155 </screen>
0157 <para>If you have an active internet connection, you can take advantage of
0158 &kde;'s network transparency to open a file from an &FTP; site. If you do not
0159 have write permission on the remote server, the file will be opened read
0160 only and you will be prompted for a local filename to save to if you make
0161 changes.  If you do have write permission, changes will be saved
0162 transparently over the network.</para>
0163 <screen><userinput><command>kate</command> <option><replaceable>&kde-ftp;README</replaceable></option></userinput></screen>
0165 <!-- FIXME: Some more useful examples would be cool, how about this snagged -->
0166 <!-- from a mail of anders (slightly edited /line/l to remove the double -->
0167 <!-- dashes:
0169 > /some/file/path/file.name:lineno
0170 > it would rock if Kate could understand that and not only open up file.name,
0171 > but jump to lineno after the file is opened.
0173 How bad is it to have to convert that into
0174 -l lineno /some/file/path/file.name
0176 sed s,([^:]*):(\d+),-l \2 \1,
0178 will do that, for example.-->
0180 </refsect1>
0182 <refsect1>
0183 <title>Authors</title>
0184 <para>The maintainer of &kate; is &Christoph.Cullmann;
0185 &Christoph.Cullmann.mail;.  A comprehensive list of authors and contributors
0186 is available in the complete user manual mentioned above.</para>
0187 </refsect1>
0189 </refentry>