File indexing completed on 2024-04-14 05:41:26

0001 /*
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016 ROSA, 2023 Jonathan Esk-Riddell <>
0003     SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
0004 */
0006 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0007 // Implementation of ImageWriter
0009 #include "imagewriter.h"
0011 #include <KLocalizedString>
0013 #include <QtDBus/QtDBus>
0014 #include <QFile>
0015 #include <KCompressionDevice>
0017 #include <fcntl.h>
0019 typedef QHash<QString, QVariant> Properties;
0020 typedef QHash<QString, Properties> InterfacesAndProperties;
0021 typedef QHash<QDBusObjectPath, InterfacesAndProperties> DBusIntrospection;
0022 Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(Properties)
0023 Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(InterfacesAndProperties)
0024 Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(DBusIntrospection)
0026 #include "common.h"
0027 #include "physicaldevice.h"
0029 ImageWriter::ImageWriter(const QString& ImageFile, UsbDevice* Device, QObject *parent) :
0030     QObject(parent),
0031     m_Device(Device),
0032     m_ImageFile(ImageFile),
0033     m_CancelWriting(false)
0034 {
0035 }
0037 // The main method that writes the image
0038 void ImageWriter::writeImage()
0039 {
0040     const qint64 TRANSFER_BLOCK_SIZE = 1024 * 1024;
0041     void* buffer = NULL;
0043     bool isError = false;
0044     bool cancelRequested = false;
0045     bool zeroing = (m_ImageFile == "");
0047     // Using try-catch for processing errors
0048     // Invalid values are used for indication non-initialized objects;
0049     // after the try-catch block all the initialized objects are freed
0050     try
0051     {
0052 #if defined(Q_OS_WIN32)
0053         // Using VirtualAlloc so that the buffer was properly aligned (required for
0054         // direct access to devices and for unbuffered reading/writing)
0056         if (buffer == NULL)
0057             throw formatErrorMessageFromCode(i18n("Failed to allocate memory for buffer:"));
0058 #elif defined(Q_OS_LINUX) || defined(Q_OS_MAC) || defined(Q_OS_FREEBSD)
0059         buffer = malloc(TRANSFER_BLOCK_SIZE);
0060         if (buffer == NULL)
0061             throw i18n("Failed to allocate memory for buffer.");
0062 #endif
0064         QFile imageFile;
0065         if (zeroing)
0066         {
0067             // Prepare zero-filled buffer
0068             memset(buffer, 0, TRANSFER_BLOCK_SIZE);
0069         }
0070         else
0071         {
0072             // Open the source image file for reading
0073             imageFile.setFileName(m_ImageFile);
0074             if (!
0075                 throw i18n("Failed to open the image file: %1", imageFile.errorString());
0076         }
0078         QIODevice* device;
0079         if (imageFile.fileName().endsWith(".gz")) {
0080             device = new KCompressionDevice(&imageFile, true, KCompressionDevice::GZip);
0081             if (!device->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
0082                 throw i18n("Failed to open compression device: %1", device->errorString());
0083             }
0084         } else if (imageFile.fileName().endsWith(".xz")) {
0085             device = new KCompressionDevice(&imageFile, true, KCompressionDevice::Xz);
0086             if (!device->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
0087                 throw i18n("Failed to open compression device: %1", device->errorString());
0088             }
0089         } else if (imageFile.fileName().endsWith(".zstd")) {
0090             device = new KCompressionDevice(&imageFile, true, KCompressionDevice::Zstd);
0091             if (!device->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
0092                 throw i18n("Failed to open compression device: %1", device->errorString());
0093             }
0094         } else {
0095             device = &imageFile;
0096         }
0098         // Unmount volumes that belong to the selected target device
0099         // TODO: Check first if they are used and show warning
0100         // (problem: have to show request in the GUI thread and return reply back here)
0101         QStringList errMessages;
0103 #if defined(Q_OS_WIN32)
0104         for (int i = 0; i < m_Device->m_Volumes.size(); ++i)
0105         {
0106             DWORD bret;
0107             HANDLE volume = CreateFile(
0108                 reinterpret_cast<const wchar_t*>(("\\\\.\\" + m_Device->m_Volumes[i]).utf16()),
0109                 GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE,
0110                 FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE,
0111                 NULL,
0112                 OPEN_EXISTING,
0113                 0,
0114                 NULL
0115             );
0116             if (volume == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
0117             {
0118                 errMessages << formatErrorMessageFromCode(i18n("Failed to open the drive %1", m_Device->m_Volumes[i]));
0119                 continue;
0120             }
0121             // Trying to lock the volume but ignore if we failed (such call seems to be required for
0122             // dismounting the volume on WinXP)
0123             DeviceIoControl(volume, FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &bret, NULL);
0124             if (!DeviceIoControl(volume, FSCTL_DISMOUNT_VOLUME, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &bret, NULL))
0125                 errMessages << formatErrorMessageFromCode(i18n("Failed to unmount the drive %1", m_Device->m_Volumes[i]));
0126             CloseHandle(volume);
0127             volume = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
0128         }
0129 #elif defined(Q_OS_MAC)
0130         struct statfs* mntEntries = NULL;
0131         int mntEntriesNum = getmntinfo(&mntEntries, MNT_WAIT);
0132         for (int i = 0; i < mntEntriesNum; ++i)
0133         {
0134             for (int j = 0; j < m_Device->m_Volumes.size(); ++j)
0135             {
0136                 // Check that the mount point is either our target device itself or a partition on it
0137                 if ((mntEntries[i].f_mntfromname == m_Device->m_Volumes[j]) ||
0138                     QString(mntEntries[i].f_mntfromname).startsWith(m_Device->m_Volumes[j] + 's'))
0139                 {
0140                     // Mount point is the selected device or one of its partitions - try to unmount it
0141                     if (unmount(mntEntries[i].f_mntonname, MNT_FORCE) != 0)
0142                         errMessages << i18n("Failed to unmount the volume %1\n%2", m_Device->m_Volumes[i], strerror(errno));
0143                 }
0144             }
0145         }
0146 #endif
0147         if (errMessages.size() > 0)
0148             throw errMessages.join("\n\n");
0150 #if defined(Q_OS_WIN32) || defined(Q_OS_MAC)
0151         // Open the target USB device for writing and lock it
0152         PhysicalDevice deviceFile(m_Device->m_PhysicalDevice);
0153         if (!
0154             throw i18n("Failed to open the target device:\n%1", deviceFile.errorString());
0155 #endif
0156 #if defined(Q_OS_LINUX) || defined(Q_OS_FREEBSD)
0157         QDBusInterface deviceDBus("org.freedesktop.UDisks2", m_Device->m_PhysicalDevice, "org.freedesktop.UDisks2.Block", QDBusConnection::systemBus(), this);
0158         QDBusReply<QDBusUnixFileDescriptor> reply =, "OpenDevice", "rw", Properties{{"flags", O_EXCL | O_SYNC | O_CLOEXEC}} );
0159         QDBusUnixFileDescriptor fd = reply.value();
0160         QFile deviceFile;
0161, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
0162 #endif
0164         qint64 readBytes;
0165         qint64 writtenBytes;
0166         // Start reading/writing cycle
0167         for (;;)
0168         {
0169             if (zeroing)
0170             {
0171                 readBytes = TRANSFER_BLOCK_SIZE;
0172             }
0173             else
0174             {
0175                 if ((readBytes = device->read(static_cast<char*>(buffer), TRANSFER_BLOCK_SIZE)) <= 0) {
0176                     break;
0177                 }
0178             }
0179             // Align the number of bytes to the sector size
0180             readBytes = alignNumber(readBytes, (qint64)m_Device->m_SectorSize);
0181             writtenBytes = deviceFile.write(static_cast<char*>(buffer), readBytes);
0182             if (writtenBytes < 0) {
0183                 qDebug() << "write writtenBytes: " << writtenBytes;
0184                 //throw i18n("Failed to write to the device:\n%1"); //, "ook"); //deviceFile.errorString());
0185             }
0186             if (writtenBytes != readBytes)
0187                 throw i18n("The last block was not fully written (%1 of %2 bytes)!\nAborting.", writtenBytes, readBytes);
0188 #if defined(Q_OS_LINUX) || defined(Q_OS_MAC) || defined(Q_OS_FREEBSD)
0189             // In Linux/MacOS the USB device is opened with buffering. Using forced sync to validate progress bar.
0190             // For unknown reason, deviceFile.flush() does not work as intended here.
0191             fsync(deviceFile.handle());
0192 #endif
0193             const int percent = (100 * imageFile.pos()) / imageFile.size();
0194             // Inform the GUI thread that next block was written
0195             // TODO: Make sure that when TRANSFER_BLOCK_SIZE is not a multiple of DEFAULT_UNIT
0196             // this still works or at least fails compilation
0197             emit progressChanged(percent);
0199             // Check for the cancel request (using temporary variable to avoid multiple unlock calls in the code)
0200             m_Mutex.lock();
0201             cancelRequested = m_CancelWriting;
0202             m_Mutex.unlock();
0204             if (cancelRequested)
0205             {
0206                 // The cancel request was issued
0207                 emit cancelled();
0208                 break;
0209             }
0210             if (zeroing)
0211             {
0212                 // In zeroing mode only write 1 block - 1 MB is enough to clear both MBR and GPT
0213                 break;
0214             }
0215         }
0216         if (!zeroing)
0217         {
0218             if (readBytes < 0) {
0219                 throw i18n("Failed to read the image file:\n%1", device->errorString());
0220             }
0221             imageFile.close();
0222         }
0223         deviceFile.close();
0224     }
0225     catch (QString msg)
0226     {
0227         // Something went wrong :-(
0228         emit error(msg);
0229         isError = true;
0230     }
0232     if (buffer != NULL)
0233 #if defined(Q_OS_WIN32)
0234         VirtualFree(buffer, TRANSFER_BLOCK_SIZE, MEM_DECOMMIT | MEM_RELEASE);
0235 #elif defined(Q_OS_LINUX) || defined(Q_OS_MAC)
0236         free(buffer);
0237 #endif
0239     // If no errors occurred and user did not stop the operation, it means everything went fine
0240     if (!isError && !cancelRequested) {
0241         QString message = i18n("The operation completed successfully.") +
0242             "<br><br>" +
0243             (zeroing ? i18n("Now you need to format your device.") : i18n("To be able to store data on this device again, please, use the button \"Wipe USB Disk\"."));
0244         emit success(message);
0245     }
0247     // In any case the operation is finished
0248     emit finished();
0249 }
0251 // Implements reaction to the cancel request from user
0252 void ImageWriter::cancelWriting()
0253 {
0254     m_Mutex.lock();
0255     m_CancelWriting = true;
0256     m_Mutex.unlock();
0257 }
0259 #include "moc_imagewriter.cpp"