File indexing completed on 2024-05-05 10:11:19

0001 /**
0002  * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: (C) 2005 Sébastien Laoût <>
0003  *
0004  * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0005  */
0007 #ifndef TAGEDIT_H
0008 #define TAGEDIT_H
0010 #include <QDialog>
0011 #include <QItemDelegate>
0012 #include <QTreeWidgetItem>
0013 #include <QtCore/QList>
0015 #include "tag.h"
0017 class QCheckBox;
0018 class QFontComboBox;
0019 class QGroupBox;
0020 class QHBoxLayout;
0021 class QLabel;
0022 class QLineEdit;
0023 class QTreeWidget;
0025 class QKeyEvent;
0026 class QMouseEvent;
0028 class KIconButton;
0029 class QPushButton;
0030 class QKeySequence;
0031 class KShortcutWidget;
0033 class FontSizeCombo;
0034 class KColorCombo2;
0036 class StateCopy
0037 {
0038 public:
0039     typedef QList<StateCopy *> List;
0040     explicit StateCopy(State *old = nullptr);
0041     ~StateCopy();
0042     State *oldState;
0043     State *newState;
0044     void copyBack();
0045 };
0047 class TagCopy
0048 {
0049 public:
0050     typedef QList<TagCopy *> List;
0051     explicit TagCopy(Tag *old = nullptr);
0052     ~TagCopy();
0053     Tag *oldTag;
0054     Tag *newTag;
0055     StateCopy::List stateCopies;
0056     void copyBack();
0057     bool isMultiState();
0058 };
0060 class TagListViewItem : public QTreeWidgetItem
0061 {
0062     friend class TagListDelegate;
0064 public:
0065     TagListViewItem(QTreeWidget *parent, TagCopy *tagCopy);
0066     TagListViewItem(QTreeWidgetItem *parent, TagCopy *tagCopy);
0067     TagListViewItem(QTreeWidget *parent, QTreeWidgetItem *after, TagCopy *tagCopy);
0068     TagListViewItem(QTreeWidgetItem *parent, QTreeWidgetItem *after, TagCopy *tagCopy);
0069     TagListViewItem(QTreeWidget *parent, StateCopy *stateCopy);
0070     TagListViewItem(QTreeWidgetItem *parent, StateCopy *stateCopy);
0071     TagListViewItem(QTreeWidget *parent, QTreeWidgetItem *after, StateCopy *stateCopy);
0072     TagListViewItem(QTreeWidgetItem *parent, QTreeWidgetItem *after, StateCopy *stateCopy);
0073     ~TagListViewItem() override;
0074     TagCopy *tagCopy()
0075     {
0076         return m_tagCopy;
0077     }
0078     StateCopy *stateCopy()
0079     {
0080         return m_stateCopy;
0081     }
0082     bool isEmblemObligatory();
0083     TagListViewItem *lastChild();
0084     TagListViewItem *prevSibling();
0085     TagListViewItem *nextSibling();
0086     TagListViewItem *parent() const; // Reimplemented to cast the return value
0087     int width(const QFontMetrics &fontMetrics, const QTreeWidget *listView, int column) const;
0088     void setup();
0090 private:
0091     TagCopy *m_tagCopy;
0092     StateCopy *m_stateCopy;
0093 };
0095 Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(TagListViewItem *);
0097 class TagListView : public QTreeWidget
0098 {
0099     Q_OBJECT
0100 public:
0101     explicit TagListView(QWidget *parent = nullptr);
0102     ~TagListView() override;
0103     void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) override;
0104     void mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override;
0105     void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override;
0106     void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override;
0107     TagListViewItem *currentItem() const; // Reimplemented to cast the return value
0108     TagListViewItem *firstChild() const;  // Reimplemented to cast the return value
0109     TagListViewItem *lastItem() const;    // Reimplemented to cast the return value
0111     void deletePressed();
0112     void doubleClickedItem();
0113 };
0115 /**
0116  * @author Sébastien Laoût
0117  */
0118 class TagsEditDialog : public QDialog
0119 {
0120     Q_OBJECT
0121 public:
0122     explicit TagsEditDialog(QWidget *parent = nullptr, State *stateToEdit = nullptr, bool addNewTag = false);
0123     ~TagsEditDialog() override;
0124     State::List deletedStates()
0125     {
0126         return m_deletedStates;
0127     }
0128     State::List addedStates()
0129     {
0130         return m_addedStates;
0131     }
0132     TagListViewItem *itemForState(State *state);
0134     void accept() override;
0135     void reject() override;
0137 private Q_SLOTS:
0138     void newTag();
0139     void newState();
0140     void moveUp();
0141     void moveDown();
0142     void deleteTag();
0143     void renameIt();
0144     void capturedShortcut(const QKeySequence &shortcut);
0145     void removeShortcut();
0146     void removeEmblem();
0147     void modified();
0148     void currentItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem *item, QTreeWidgetItem *next = nullptr);
0149     void selectUp();
0150     void selectDown();
0151     void selectLeft();
0152     void selectRight();
0153     void resetTreeSizeHint();
0155 private:
0156     void loadBlankState();
0157     void loadStateFrom(State *state);
0158     void loadTagFrom(Tag *tag);
0159     void saveStateTo(State *state);
0160     void saveTagTo(Tag *tag);
0161     void ensureCurrentItemVisible();
0162     TagListView *m_tags;
0163     QPushButton *m_moveUp;
0164     QPushButton *m_moveDown;
0165     QPushButton *m_deleteTag;
0166     QLineEdit *m_tagName;
0167     KShortcutWidget *m_shortcut;
0168     QPushButton *m_removeShortcut;
0169     QCheckBox *m_inherit;
0170     QGroupBox *m_tagBox;
0171     QHBoxLayout *m_tagBoxLayout;
0172     QGroupBox *m_stateBox;
0173     QHBoxLayout *m_stateBoxLayout;
0174     QLabel *m_stateNameLabel;
0175     QLineEdit *m_stateName;
0176     KIconButton *m_emblem;
0177     QPushButton *m_removeEmblem;
0178     QPushButton *m_bold;
0179     QPushButton *m_underline;
0180     QPushButton *m_italic;
0181     QPushButton *m_strike;
0182     KColorCombo2 *m_textColor;
0183     QFontComboBox *m_font;
0184     FontSizeCombo *m_fontSize;
0185     KColorCombo2 *m_backgroundColor;
0186     QLineEdit *m_textEquivalent;
0187     QCheckBox *m_onEveryLines;
0188     QCheckBox *m_allowCrossRefernce;
0190     TagCopy::List m_tagCopies;
0191     State::List m_deletedStates;
0192     State::List m_addedStates;
0194     bool m_loading;
0195 };
0197 class TagListDelegate : public QItemDelegate
0198 {
0199     Q_OBJECT
0201 public:
0202     explicit TagListDelegate(QWidget *parent = nullptr)
0203         : QItemDelegate(parent)
0204     {
0205     }
0206     void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const override;
0207 };
0209 #endif // TAGEDIT_H