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0002 | CI Job        | Status                                                                                                                                                                                                  |
0003 |---------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
0004 | Gitlab Builds | [![Gitlab Builds Status](https://invent.kde.org/utilities/ark/badges/master/pipeline.svg)](https://invent.kde.org/utilities/ark/-/pipelines)                                                            |
0005 | Flatpak Build | [![FlatPak Build Status](https://binary-factory.kde.org/view/Flatpak/job/Ark_x86_64_flatpak/badge/icon)](https://binary-factory.kde.org/view/Flatpak/job/Ark_x86_64_flatpak/)                           |
0007 ## What is it
0009 Ark is a graphical file compression/decompression utility with support for multiple formats.
0010 Ark can be used to browse, extract, create, and modify archives.
0012 ## Supported read-write formats
0014 | Format                | Supported Mimetype                         | Notes                                                                                         |
0015 |-----------------------|--------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
0016 | 7-Zip                 | `application/x-7z-compressed`              |                                                                                               |
0017 | Zip                   | `application/zip`                          |                                                                                               |
0018 | JAR                   | `application/x-java-archive`               |                                                                                               |
0019 | ARJ                   | `application/x-arj`, `application/arj`     | requires the `arj` binary                                                                     |
0020 | RAR                   | `application/vnd.rar`                      | can only create RAR archives with the proprietary `rar` binary                                |
0021 | TAR                   | `application/x-tar`                        |                                                                                               |
0022 | GZip-compressed TAR   | `application/x-compressed-tar`             |                                                                                               |
0023 | BZip2-compressed TAR  | `application/x-bzip2-compressed-tar`       | (`application/x-bzip-compressed-tar` with shared-mime-info < 2.3)                             |
0024 | UNIX-compressed TAR   | `application/x-tarz`                       |                                                                                               |
0025 | XZ-compressed TAR     | `application/x-xz-compressed-tar`          |                                                                                               |
0026 | LZMA-compressed TAR   | `application/x-lzma-compressed-tar`        |                                                                                               |
0027 | LZIP-compressed TAR   | `application/x-lzip-compressed-tar`        |                                                                                               |
0028 | LRZIP-compressed TAR  | `application/x-lrzip-compressed-tar`       | requires the `lrzip` binary                                                                   |
0029 | LZO-compressed TAR    | `application/x-tzo`                        | requires the `lzop` binary if libarchive >= 3.3 has been compiled without liblzo2 support     |
0030 | LZ4-compressed TAR    | `application/x-lz4-compressed-tar`         |                                                                                               |
0031 | ZSTD-compressed TAR   | `application/x-zstd-compressed-tar`        | requires the `zstd` binary if libarchive >= 3.3 has been compiled without libzstd support     |
0034 ## Supported read-only formats
0036 | Format                    | Supported Mimetype                                                                                                             |
0037 |---------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
0038 | RAR                       | `application/vnd.rar`                                                                                                          |
0039 | XAR                       | `application/x-xar`                                                                                                            |
0040 | LHA                       | `application/x-lha`                                                                                                            |
0041 | AppImage                  | `application/x-iso9660-appimage`                                                                                               |
0042 | DEB package               | `application/vnd.debian.binary-package`, `application/x-deb`                                                                   |
0043 | Raw CD image              | `application/vnd.efi.img`, `application/x-cd-image`                                                                            |
0044 | CPIO variants             | `application/x-cpio`, `application/x-bcpio`, `application/x-cpio-compressed`, `application/x-sv4cpio`, `application/x-sv4crc`  |
0045 | RPM (source) package      | `application/x-rpm`, `application/x-source-rpm`                                                                                |
0046 | UNIX-compressed TAR       | `application/x-compress`                                                                                                       |
0047 | GZip-compressed file      | `application/gzip`                                                                                                             |
0048 | BZip2-compressed file     | `application/x-bzip2` (`application/x-bzip` with shared-mime-info < 2.3)                                                       |
0049 | LZMA-compressed file      | `application/x-lzma`                                                                                                           |
0050 | XZ-compressed file        | `application/x-xz`                                                                                                             |
0051 | Zlib-compressed file      | `application/zlib`                                                                                                             |
0052 | Zstd-compressed file      | `application/zstd`                                                                                                             |
0053 | LZ4-compressed file       | `application/x-lz4`                                                                                                            |
0054 | LZIP-compressed file      | `application/x-lzip`                                                                                                           |
0055 | LRZIP-compressed file     | `application/x-lrzip`                                                                                                          |
0056 | LZOP-compressed file      | `application/x-lzop`                                                                                                           |
0057 | Windows theme pack        | `application/vnd.ms-cab-compressed`                                                                                            |
0058 | AR                        | `application/x-archive`                                                                                                        |
0059 | Stuffit                   | `application/x-stuffit`                                                                                                        |
0061 The notes about `lrzip`, `lzop` and `zstd` binaries apply also here.
0063 ## Plugins
0065 The support for all the above formats in Ark is implemented in a number of plugins that can be enabled/disabled by the user.
0066 More than one plugin can support the same format. An archive whose format is supported by more than one plugin, will be open using the enabled plugin with higher priority.
0068 The plugins currently available in ark are the following:
0070 * Libzip plugin: supports the Zip format by using the libzip library.
0071 * 7-Zip plugin: supports the 7-Zip format by using the `7z` binary.
0072     * Supports both the upstream 7-Zip binary and the binary from a p7zip fork shipped by Archlinux et al.
0073 * Unarchiver plugin: supports the RAR, LHA and Stuffit formats in read-only mode. Requires the `lsar` and `unar` binaries from the unarchiver project.
0074 * RAR plugin: supports the RAR format by using the unrar binary. Requires the proprietary `rar` binary to enable read-write mode support to create RAR archives.
0075 * Info-zip plugin (legacy): supports the Zip format by using the `zip` binary.
0076 * ARJ plugin: supports the ARJ format by using the `arj` binary.
0077 * Libarchive plugin: supports everything else by using the libarchive library and optionally the `lrzip`, `lzop` and `zstd` binaries.
0080 ## Contributing to ARK
0082 Please refer to the [contributing document](CONTRIBUTING.md) for everything you need to know to get started contributing to ARK.