Warning, /system/qtcurve/gtk2/style/kdeglobals is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 # Edit this file to change the default KDE4 settings of QtCurve 0002 [ColorEffects:Disabled] 0003 Color=112,111,110 0004 ColorAmount=0 0005 ColorEffect=0 0006 ContrastAmount=0.65 0007 ContrastEffect=1 0008 IntensityAmount=0.1 0009 IntensityEffect=2 0010 0011 [ColorEffects:Inactive] 0012 Color=112,111,110 0013 ColorAmount=0.025 0014 ColorEffect=-2 0015 ContrastAmount=0.1 0016 ContrastEffect=-2 0017 Enable=false 0018 IntensityAmount=0 0019 IntensityEffect=0 0020 0021 [Colors:Button] 0022 BackgroundNormal=232,231,230 0023 DecorationFocus=43,116,199 0024 DecorationHover=119,183,255 0025 ForegroundNormal=20,19,18 0026 0027 [Colors:Selection] 0028 BackgroundNormal=65,139,212 0029 ForegroundNormal=255,255,255 0030 0031 [Colors:Tooltip] 0032 BackgroundNormal=192,218,255 0033 ForegroundNormal=20,19,18 0034 0035 [Colors:View] 0036 BackgroundAlternate=248,247,246 0037 BackgroundNormal=255,255,255 0038 ForegroundNormal=20,19,18 0039 0040 [Colors:Window] 0041 BackgroundNormal=224,223,222 0042 ForegroundNormal=20,19,18 0043 0044 [General] 0045 font=Sans Serif,10,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0 0046 menuFont=Sans Serif,10,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0 0047 toolBarFont=Sans Serif,8,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0 0048 shadeSortColumn=false 0049 0050 [Icons] 0051 Theme=oxygen 0052 0053 [KDE] 0054 ShowIconsOnPushButtons=true 0055 contrast=7 0056 0057 [MainToolbarIcons] 0058 Size=22 0059 0060 [SmallIcons] 0061 Size=16 0062 0063 [Toolbar style] 0064 ToolButtonStyle=TextUnderIcon