File indexing completed on 2024-04-28 05:45:25

0001 /*
0002  * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006-2009 Peter Penz <>
0003  * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006 Gregor Kališnik <>
0004  *
0005  * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0006  */
0008 #ifndef DOLPHINVIEW_H
0009 #define DOLPHINVIEW_H
0011 #include "dolphin_export.h"
0012 #include "dolphintabwidget.h"
0013 #include "tooltips/tooltipmanager.h"
0015 #include "config-dolphin.h"
0016 #include <KFileItem>
0017 #include <KIO/StatJob>
0018 #include <kio/fileundomanager.h>
0019 #include <kparts/part.h>
0021 #include <QMimeData>
0022 #include <QPointer>
0023 #include <QUrl>
0024 #include <QWidget>
0026 #include <memory>
0028 typedef KIO::FileUndoManager::CommandType CommandType;
0029 class QVBoxLayout;
0030 class DolphinItemListView;
0031 class KFileItemModel;
0032 class KItemListContainer;
0033 class KItemModelBase;
0034 class KItemSet;
0035 class ToolTipManager;
0036 class VersionControlObserver;
0037 class ViewProperties;
0038 class QLabel;
0039 class QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent;
0040 class QHelpEvent;
0041 class QProxyStyle;
0042 class QRegularExpression;
0044 /**
0045  * @short Represents a view for the directory content.
0046  *
0047  * View modes for icons, compact and details are supported. It's
0048  * possible to adjust:
0049  * - sort order
0050  * - sort type
0051  * - show hidden files
0052  * - show previews
0053  * - enable grouping
0054  */
0055 class DOLPHIN_EXPORT DolphinView : public QWidget
0056 {
0057     Q_OBJECT
0059 public:
0060     /**
0061      * Defines the view mode for a directory. The
0062      * view mode is automatically updated if the directory itself
0063      * defines a view mode (see class ViewProperties for details).
0064      */
0065     enum Mode {
0066         /**
0067          * The items are shown as icons with a name-label below.
0068          */
0069         IconsView = 0,
0071         /**
0072          * The icon, the name and the size of the items are
0073          * shown per default as a table.
0074          */
0075         DetailsView,
0077         /**
0078          * The items are shown as icons with the name-label aligned
0079          * to the right side.
0080          */
0081         CompactView
0082     };
0084     /**
0085      * @param url              Specifies the content which should be shown.
0086      * @param parent           Parent widget of the view.
0087      */
0088     DolphinView(const QUrl &url, QWidget *parent);
0090     ~DolphinView() override;
0092     /**
0093      * Returns the current active URL, where all actions are applied.
0094      * The URL navigator is synchronized with this URL.
0095      */
0096     QUrl url() const;
0098     /**
0099      * If \a active is true, the view will marked as active. The active
0100      * view is defined as view where all actions are applied to.
0101      */
0102     void setActive(bool active);
0103     bool isActive() const;
0105     /**
0106      * Changes the view mode for the current directory to \a mode.
0107      * If the view properties should be remembered for each directory
0108      * (GeneralSettings::globalViewProps() returns false), then the
0109      * changed view mode will be stored automatically.
0110      */
0111     void setViewMode(Mode mode);
0112     Mode viewMode() const;
0114     /**
0115      * Enables or disables a mode for quick and easy selection of items.
0116      */
0117     void setSelectionModeEnabled(bool enabled);
0118     bool selectionMode() const;
0120     /**
0121      * Turns on the file preview for the all files of the current directory,
0122      * if \a show is true.
0123      * If the view properties should be remembered for each directory
0124      * (GeneralSettings::globalViewProps() returns false), then the
0125      * preview setting will be stored automatically.
0126      */
0127     void setPreviewsShown(bool show);
0128     bool previewsShown() const;
0130     /**
0131      * Shows all hidden files of the current directory,
0132      * if \a show is true.
0133      * If the view properties should be remembered for each directory
0134      * (GeneralSettings::globalViewProps() returns false), then the
0135      * show hidden file setting will be stored automatically.
0136      */
0137     void setHiddenFilesShown(bool show);
0138     bool hiddenFilesShown() const;
0140     /**
0141      * Turns on sorting by groups if \a enable is true.
0142      */
0143     void setGroupedSorting(bool grouped);
0144     bool groupedSorting() const;
0146     /**
0147      * Returns the items of the view.
0148      */
0149     KFileItemList items() const;
0151     /**
0152      * @return The number of items. itemsCount() is faster in comparison
0153      *         to items().count().
0154      */
0155     int itemsCount() const;
0157     /**
0158      * Returns the selected items. The list is empty if no item has been
0159      * selected.
0160      */
0161     KFileItemList selectedItems() const;
0163     /**
0164      * Returns the number of selected items (this is faster than
0165      * invoking selectedItems().count()).
0166      */
0167     int selectedItemsCount() const;
0169     /**
0170      * Marks the items indicated by \p urls to get selected after the
0171      * directory DolphinView::url() has been loaded. Note that nothing
0172      * gets selected if no loading of a directory has been triggered
0173      * by DolphinView::setUrl() or DolphinView::reload().
0174      */
0175     void markUrlsAsSelected(const QList<QUrl> &urls);
0177     /**
0178      * Marks the item indicated by \p url to be scrolled to and as the
0179      * current item after directory DolphinView::url() has been loaded.
0180      */
0181     void markUrlAsCurrent(const QUrl &url);
0183     /**
0184      * All items that match the regular expression \a regexp will get selected
0185      * if \a enabled is true and deselected if \a enabled is false.
0186      *
0187      * Note that to match the whole string the pattern should be anchored:
0188      * - you can anchor the pattern with QRegularExpression::anchoredPattern()
0189      * - if you use QRegularExpresssion::wildcardToRegularExpression(), don't use
0190      *   QRegularExpression::anchoredPattern() as the former already returns an
0191      *   anchored pattern
0192      */
0193     void selectItems(const QRegularExpression &regexp, bool enabled);
0195     /**
0196      * Sets the zoom level to \a level. It is assured that the used
0197      * level is adjusted to be inside the range ZoomLevelInfo::minimumLevel() and
0198      * ZoomLevelInfo::maximumLevel().
0199      */
0200     void setZoomLevel(int level);
0201     int zoomLevel() const;
0203     /**
0204      * Resets the view's icon size to the default value
0205      */
0206     void resetZoomLevel();
0208     /**
0209      * Updates the view properties of the current URL to the
0210      * sorting given by \a role.
0211      */
0212     void setSortRole(const QByteArray &role);
0213     QByteArray sortRole() const;
0215     /**
0216      * Updates the view properties of the current URL to the
0217      * sort order given by \a order.
0218      */
0219     void setSortOrder(Qt::SortOrder order);
0220     Qt::SortOrder sortOrder() const;
0222     /** Sets a separate sorting with folders first (true) or a mixed sorting of files and folders (false). */
0223     void setSortFoldersFirst(bool foldersFirst);
0224     bool sortFoldersFirst() const;
0226     /** Sets a separate sorting with hidden files and folders last (true) or not (false). */
0227     void setSortHiddenLast(bool hiddenLast);
0228     bool sortHiddenLast() const;
0230     /** Sets the additional information which should be shown for the items. */
0231     void setVisibleRoles(const QList<QByteArray> &roles);
0233     /** Returns the additional information which should be shown for the items. */
0234     QList<QByteArray> visibleRoles() const;
0236     /**
0237      * Refreshes the view to get synchronized with the settings (e.g. icons size,
0238      * font, ...).
0239      */
0240     void readSettings();
0242     /**
0243      * Saves the current settings (e.g. icons size, font, ..).
0244      */
0245     void writeSettings();
0247     /**
0248      * Filters the currently shown items by \a nameFilter. All items
0249      * which contain the given filter string will be shown.
0250      */
0251     void setNameFilter(const QString &nameFilter);
0252     QString nameFilter() const;
0254     /**
0255      * Filters the currently shown items by \a filters. All items
0256      * whose content-type matches those given by the list of filters
0257      * will be shown.
0258      */
0259     void setMimeTypeFilters(const QStringList &filters);
0260     QStringList mimeTypeFilters() const;
0262     /**
0263      * Tells the view to generate an updated status bar text. The result
0264      * is returned through the statusBarTextChanged(QString statusBarText) signal.
0265      * It will carry a textual representation of the state of the current
0266      * folder or selected items, suitable for use in the status bar.
0267      * Any pending requests of status bar text are killed.
0268      */
0269     void requestStatusBarText();
0271     /**
0272      * Returns the version control actions that are provided for the items \p items.
0273      * Usually the actions are presented in the context menu.
0274      */
0275     QList<QAction *> versionControlActions(const KFileItemList &items) const;
0277     /**
0278      * Returns the state of the paste action:
0279      * first is whether the action should be enabled
0280      * second is the text for the action
0281      */
0282     QPair<bool, QString> pasteInfo() const;
0284     /**
0285      * If \a tabsForFiles is true, the signal tabRequested() will also
0286      * emitted also for files. Per default tabs for files is disabled
0287      * and hence the signal tabRequested() will only be emitted for
0288      * directories.
0289      */
0290     void setTabsForFilesEnabled(bool tabsForFiles);
0291     bool isTabsForFilesEnabled() const;
0293     /**
0294      * Returns true if the current view allows folders to be expanded,
0295      * i.e. presents a hierarchical view to the user.
0296      */
0297     bool itemsExpandable() const;
0299     /**
0300      * @returns true if the @p item is one of the items() of this view and
0301      * is currently expanded. false otherwise.
0302      * Only directories in view modes that allow expanding can ever be expanded.
0303      */
0304     bool isExpanded(const KFileItem &item) const;
0306     /**
0307      * Restores the view state (current item, contents position, details view expansion state)
0308      */
0309     void restoreState(QDataStream &stream);
0311     /**
0312      * Saves the view state (current item, contents position, details view expansion state)
0313      */
0314     void saveState(QDataStream &stream);
0316     /**
0317      * Returns the root item which represents the current URL.
0318      */
0319     KFileItem rootItem() const;
0321     /**
0322      * Sets a context that is used for remembering the view-properties.
0323      * Per default the context is empty and the path of the currently set URL
0324      * is used for remembering the view-properties. Setting a custom context
0325      * makes sense if specific types of URLs (e.g. search-URLs) should
0326      * share common view-properties.
0327      */
0328     void setViewPropertiesContext(const QString &context);
0329     QString viewPropertiesContext() const;
0331     /**
0332      * Checks if the given \a item can be opened as folder (e.g. archives).
0333      * This function will also adjust the \a url (e.g. change the protocol).
0334      * @return a valid and adjusted url if the item can be opened as folder,
0335      * otherwise return an empty url.
0336      */
0337     static QUrl openItemAsFolderUrl(const KFileItem &item, const bool browseThroughArchives = true);
0339     /**
0340      * Hides tooltip displayed over element.
0341      */
0342     void hideToolTip(const ToolTipManager::HideBehavior behavior = ToolTipManager::HideBehavior::Later);
0344     /**
0345      * Check if the space key should be handled as a normal key, even if it's
0346      * used as a keyboard shortcut.
0347      *
0348      * See BUG 465489
0349      */
0350     bool handleSpaceAsNormalKey() const;
0352     /** Activates the view if the item list container gets focus. */
0353     bool eventFilter(QObject *watched, QEvent *event) override;
0355     /**
0356      * Returns whether the folder represented by the current URL is writable.
0357      */
0358     bool isFolderWritable() const;
0360 public Q_SLOTS:
0362     void reload();
0364     /**
0365      * Changes the directory to \a url. If the current directory is equal to
0366      * \a url, nothing will be done (use DolphinView::reload() instead).
0367      */
0368     void setUrl(const QUrl &url);
0370     /**
0371      * Selects all items.
0372      * @see DolphinView::selectedItems()
0373      */
0374     void selectAll();
0376     /**
0377      * Inverts the current selection: selected items get unselected,
0378      * unselected items get selected.
0379      * @see DolphinView::selectedItems()
0380      */
0381     void invertSelection();
0383     void clearSelection();
0385     /**
0386      * Triggers the renaming of the currently selected items, where
0387      * the user must input a new name for the items.
0388      */
0389     void renameSelectedItems();
0391     /**
0392      * Moves all selected items to the trash.
0393      */
0394     void trashSelectedItems();
0396     /**
0397      * Deletes all selected items.
0398      */
0399     void deleteSelectedItems();
0401     /**
0402      * Copies all selected items to the clipboard and marks
0403      * the items as cut.
0404      */
0405     void cutSelectedItemsToClipboard();
0407     /** Copies all selected items to the clipboard. */
0408     void copySelectedItemsToClipboard();
0410     /**
0411      * Copies all selected items to @p destinationUrl.
0412      */
0413     void copySelectedItems(const KFileItemList &selection, const QUrl &destinationUrl);
0415     /**
0416      * Moves all selected items to @p destinationUrl.
0417      */
0418     void moveSelectedItems(const KFileItemList &selection, const QUrl &destinationUrl);
0420     /** Pastes the clipboard data to this view. */
0421     void paste();
0423     /**
0424      * Pastes the clipboard data into the currently selected
0425      * folder. If the current selection is not exactly one folder, no
0426      * paste operation is done.
0427      */
0428     void pasteIntoFolder();
0430     /**
0431      * Copies the path of the first selected KFileItem into Clipboard.
0432      */
0433     void copyPathToClipboard();
0435     /**
0436      * Creates duplicates of selected items, appending "copy"
0437      * to the end.
0438      */
0439     void duplicateSelectedItems();
0441     /**
0442      * Handles a drop of @p dropEvent onto widget @p dropWidget and destination @p destUrl
0443      */
0444     void dropUrls(const QUrl &destUrl, QDropEvent *dropEvent, QWidget *dropWidget);
0446     void stopLoading();
0448     /**
0449      * Applies the state that has been restored by restoreViewState()
0450      * to the view.
0451      */
0452     void updateViewState();
0455     /**
0456      * Is emitted if the view has been activated by e. g. a mouse click.
0457      */
0458     void activated();
0460     /** Is emitted if the URL of the view has been changed to \a url. */
0461     void urlChanged(const QUrl &url);
0463     /**
0464      * Is emitted when clicking on an item with the left mouse button.
0465      */
0466     void itemActivated(const KFileItem &item);
0468     /**
0469      * Is emitted when clicking on a file with the middle mouse button.
0470      * @note: This will not be emitted for folders or file archives that will/can be opened like folders.
0471      */
0472     void fileMiddleClickActivated(const KFileItem &item);
0474     /**
0475      * Is emitted when multiple items have been activated by e. g.
0476      * context menu open with.
0477      */
0478     void itemsActivated(const KFileItemList &items);
0480     /**
0481      * Is emitted if items have been added or deleted.
0482      */
0483     void itemCountChanged();
0485     /**
0486      * Is emitted if a new tab should be opened for the URL \a url.
0487      */
0488     void tabRequested(const QUrl &url);
0490     /**
0491      * Is emitted if a new tab should be opened for the URL \a url and set as active.
0492      */
0493     void activeTabRequested(const QUrl &url);
0495     /**
0496      * Is emitted if a new window should be opened for the URL \a url.
0497      */
0498     void windowRequested(const QUrl &url);
0500     /**
0501      * Is emitted if the view mode (IconsView, DetailsView,
0502      * PreviewsView) has been changed.
0503      */
0504     void modeChanged(DolphinView::Mode current, DolphinView::Mode previous);
0506     /** Is emitted if the 'show preview' property has been changed. */
0507     void previewsShownChanged(bool shown);
0509     /** Is emitted if the 'show hidden files' property has been changed. */
0510     void hiddenFilesShownChanged(bool shown);
0512     /** Is emitted if the 'grouped sorting' property has been changed. */
0513     void groupedSortingChanged(bool groupedSorting);
0515     /** Is emitted in reaction to a requestStatusBarText() call.
0516      * @see requestStatusBarText() */
0517     void statusBarTextChanged(QString statusBarText);
0519     /** Is emitted if the sorting by name, size or date has been changed. */
0520     void sortRoleChanged(const QByteArray &role);
0522     /** Is emitted if the sort order (ascending or descending) has been changed. */
0523     void sortOrderChanged(Qt::SortOrder order);
0525     /**
0526      * Is emitted if the sorting of files and folders (separate with folders
0527      * first or mixed) has been changed.
0528      */
0529     void sortFoldersFirstChanged(bool foldersFirst);
0531     /**
0532      * Is emitted if the sorting of hidden files has been changed.
0533      */
0534     void sortHiddenLastChanged(bool hiddenLast);
0536     /** Is emitted if the additional information shown for this view has been changed. */
0537     void visibleRolesChanged(const QList<QByteArray> &current, const QList<QByteArray> &previous);
0539     /** Is emitted if the zoom level has been changed by zooming in or out. */
0540     void zoomLevelChanged(int current, int previous);
0542     /**
0543      * Is emitted if information of an item is requested to be shown e. g. in the panel.
0544      * If item is null, no item information request is pending.
0545      */
0546     void requestItemInfo(const KFileItem &item);
0548     /**
0549      * Is emitted whenever the selection has been changed.
0550      */
0551     void selectionChanged(const KFileItemList &selection);
0553     /**
0554      * Is emitted if a context menu is requested for the item \a item,
0555      * which is part of \a url. If the item is null, the context menu
0556      * for the URL should be shown.
0557      */
0558     void requestContextMenu(const QPoint &pos, const KFileItem &item, const KFileItemList &selectedItems, const QUrl &url);
0560     /**
0561      * Is emitted if an information message with the content \a msg
0562      * should be shown.
0563      */
0564     void infoMessage(const QString &msg);
0566     /**
0567      * Is emitted if an error message with the content \a msg
0568      * should be shown.
0569      */
0570     void errorMessage(const QString &msg);
0572     /**
0573      * Is emitted if an "operation completed" message with the content \a msg
0574      * should be shown.
0575      */
0576     void operationCompletedMessage(const QString &msg);
0578     /**
0579      * Is emitted after DolphinView::setUrl() has been invoked and
0580      * the current directory is loaded. If this signal is emitted,
0581      * it is assured that the view contains already the correct root
0582      * URL and property settings.
0583      */
0584     void directoryLoadingStarted();
0586     /**
0587      * Is emitted after the directory triggered by DolphinView::setUrl()
0588      * has been loaded.
0589      */
0590     void directoryLoadingCompleted();
0592     /**
0593      * Is emitted after the directory loading triggered by DolphinView::setUrl()
0594      * has been canceled.
0595      */
0596     void directoryLoadingCanceled();
0598     /**
0599      * Is emitted after DolphinView::setUrl() has been invoked and provides
0600      * the information how much percent of the current directory have been loaded.
0601      */
0602     void directoryLoadingProgress(int percent);
0604     /**
0605      * Is emitted if the sorting is done asynchronously and provides the
0606      * progress information of the sorting.
0607      */
0608     void directorySortingProgress(int percent);
0610     /**
0611      * Emitted when the file-item-model emits redirection.
0612      * Testcase: fish://localhost
0613      */
0614     void redirection(const QUrl &oldUrl, const QUrl &newUrl);
0616     /**
0617      * Is emitted when the URL set by DolphinView::setUrl() represents a file.
0618      * In this case no signal errorMessage() will be emitted.
0619      */
0620     void urlIsFileError(const QUrl &url);
0622     /**
0623      * Is emitted when the write state of the folder has been changed. The application
0624      * should disable all actions like "Create New..." that depend on the write
0625      * state.
0626      */
0627     void writeStateChanged(bool isFolderWritable);
0629     /**
0630      * Is emitted if the URL should be changed to the previous URL of the
0631      * history (e.g. because the "back"-mousebutton has been pressed).
0632      */
0633     void goBackRequested();
0635     /**
0636      * Is emitted if the URL should be changed to the next URL of the
0637      * history (e.g. because the "next"-mousebutton has been pressed).
0638      */
0639     void goForwardRequested();
0641     /**
0642      * Used to request either entering or leaving of selection mode
0643      * Entering is typically requested on press and hold.
0644      * Leaving by pressing Escape when no item is selected.
0645      */
0646     void selectionModeChangeRequested(bool enabled);
0648     /**
0649      * Is emitted when the user wants to move the focus to another view.
0650      */
0651     void toggleActiveViewRequested();
0653     /**
0654      * Is emitted when the user clicks a tag or a link
0655      * in the metadata widget of a tooltip.
0656      */
0657     void urlActivated(const QUrl &url);
0659     void goUpRequested();
0661     void fileItemsChanged(const KFileItemList &changedFileItems);
0663     /**
0664      * Emitted when the current directory of the model was removed.
0665      */
0666     void currentDirectoryRemoved();
0668 protected:
0669     /** Changes the zoom level if Control is pressed during a wheel event. */
0670     void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event) override;
0672     void hideEvent(QHideEvent *event) override;
0673     bool event(QEvent *event) override;
0675 private Q_SLOTS:
0676     /**
0677      * Marks the view as active (DolphinView:isActive() will return true)
0678      * and emits the 'activated' signal if it is not already active.
0679      */
0680     void activate();
0682     void slotItemActivated(int index);
0683     void slotItemsActivated(const KItemSet &indexes);
0684     void slotItemMiddleClicked(int index);
0685     void slotItemContextMenuRequested(int index, const QPointF &pos);
0686     void slotViewContextMenuRequested(const QPointF &pos);
0687     void slotHeaderContextMenuRequested(const QPointF &pos);
0688     void slotHeaderColumnWidthChangeFinished(const QByteArray &role, qreal current);
0689     void slotSidePaddingWidthChanged(qreal width);
0690     void slotItemHovered(int index);
0691     void slotItemUnhovered(int index);
0692     void slotItemDropEvent(int index, QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent *event);
0693     void slotModelChanged(KItemModelBase *current, KItemModelBase *previous);
0694     void slotMouseButtonPressed(int itemIndex, Qt::MouseButtons buttons);
0695     void slotRenameDialogRenamingFinished(const QList<QUrl> &urls);
0696     void slotSelectedItemTextPressed(int index);
0697     void slotItemCreatedFromJob(KIO::Job *, const QUrl &, const QUrl &to);
0698     void slotItemLinkCreatedFromJob(KIO::Job *, const QUrl &, const QString &, const QUrl &to);
0699     void slotIncreaseZoom();
0700     void slotDecreaseZoom();
0701     void slotSwipeUp();
0703     /*
0704      * Is called when new items get pasted or dropped.
0705      */
0706     void slotItemCreated(const QUrl &url);
0707     /*
0708      * Is called after all pasted or dropped items have been copied to destination.
0709      */
0710     void slotJobResult(KJob *job);
0712     /**
0713      * Emits the signal \a selectionChanged() with a small delay. This is
0714      * because getting all file items for the selection can be an expensive
0715      * operation. Fast selection changes are collected in this case and
0716      * the signal is emitted only after no selection change has been done
0717      * within a small delay.
0718      */
0719     void slotSelectionChanged(const KItemSet &current, const KItemSet &previous);
0721     /**
0722      * Is called by emitDelayedSelectionChangedSignal() and emits the
0723      * signal \a selectionChanged() with all selected file items as parameter.
0724      */
0725     void emitSelectionChangedSignal();
0727     /**
0728      * Helper method for DolphinView::requestStatusBarText().
0729      * Calculates the amount of folders and files and their total size in
0730      * response to a KStatJob::result(), then calls emitStatusBarText().
0731      * @see requestStatusBarText()
0732      * @see emitStatusBarText()
0733      */
0734     void slotStatJobResult(KJob *job);
0736     /**
0737      * Updates the view properties of the current URL to the
0738      * sorting of files and folders (separate with folders first or mixed) given by \a foldersFirst.
0739      */
0740     void updateSortFoldersFirst(bool foldersFirst);
0742     /**
0743      * Updates the view properties of the current URL to the
0744      * sorting of hidden files given by \a hiddenLast.
0745      */
0746     void updateSortHiddenLast(bool hiddenLast);
0748     /**
0749      * Indicates in the status bar that the delete operation
0750      * of the job \a job has been finished.
0751      */
0752     void slotDeleteFileFinished(KJob *job);
0754     /**
0755      * Indicates in the status bar that the trash operation
0756      * of the job \a job has been finished.
0757      */
0758     void slotTrashFileFinished(KJob *job);
0760     /**
0761      * Invoked when the rename job is done, for error handling.
0762      */
0763     void slotRenamingResult(KJob *job);
0765     /**
0766      * Invoked when the file item model has started the loading
0767      * of the directory specified by DolphinView::url().
0768      */
0769     void slotDirectoryLoadingStarted();
0771     /**
0772      * Invoked when the file item model indicates that the loading of a directory has
0773      * been completed. Assures that pasted items and renamed items get selected.
0774      */
0775     void slotDirectoryLoadingCompleted();
0777     /**
0778      * Invoked when the file item model indicates that the loading of a directory has
0779      * been canceled.
0780      */
0781     void slotDirectoryLoadingCanceled();
0783     /**
0784      * Is invoked when items of KFileItemModel have been changed.
0785      */
0786     void slotItemsChanged();
0788     /**
0789      * Is invoked when the sort order has been changed by the user by clicking
0790      * on a header item. The view properties of the directory will get updated.
0791      */
0792     void slotSortOrderChangedByHeader(Qt::SortOrder current, Qt::SortOrder previous);
0794     /**
0795      * Is invoked when the sort role has been changed by the user by clicking
0796      * on a header item. The view properties of the directory will get updated.
0797      */
0798     void slotSortRoleChangedByHeader(const QByteArray &current, const QByteArray &previous);
0800     /**
0801      * Is invoked when the visible roles have been changed by the user by dragging
0802      * a header item. The view properties of the directory will get updated.
0803      */
0804     void slotVisibleRolesChangedByHeader(const QList<QByteArray> &current, const QList<QByteArray> &previous);
0806     void slotRoleEditingCanceled();
0807     void slotRoleEditingFinished(int index, const QByteArray &role, const QVariant &value);
0809     /**
0810      * Observes the item with the URL \a url. As soon as the directory
0811      * model indicates that the item is available, the item will
0812      * get selected and it is assured that the item stays visible.
0813      */
0814     void observeCreatedItem(const QUrl &url);
0816     /**
0817      * Selects the next item after prev selection deleted/trashed
0818      */
0819     void selectNextItem();
0821     /**
0822      * Called when a redirection happens.
0823      * Testcase: fish://localhost
0824      */
0825     void slotDirectoryRedirection(const QUrl &oldUrl, const QUrl &newUrl);
0827     void slotTwoClicksRenamingTimerTimeout();
0829     void onDirectoryLoadingCompletedAfterJob();
0831 private:
0832     void loadDirectory(const QUrl &url, bool reload = false);
0834     /**
0835      * Applies the view properties which are defined by the current URL
0836      * to the DolphinView properties. The view properties are read from a
0837      * .directory file either in the current directory, or in the
0838      * share/apps/dolphin/view_properties/ subfolder of the user's .kde folder.
0839      */
0840     void applyViewProperties();
0842     /**
0843      * Applies the given view properties to the DolphinView.
0844      */
0845     void applyViewProperties(const ViewProperties &props);
0847     /**
0848      * Applies the m_mode property to the corresponding
0849      * itemlayout-property of the KItemListView.
0850      */
0851     void applyModeToView();
0853     enum Selection { HasSelection, NoSelection };
0854     /**
0855      * Helper method for DolphinView::requestStatusBarText().
0856      * Generates the status bar text from the parameters and
0857      * then emits statusBarTextChanged().
0858      * @param totalFileSize the sum of the sizes of the files
0859      * @param selection     if HasSelection is passed, the emitted status bar text will say
0860      *                      that the folders and files which are counted here are selected.
0861      */
0862     void emitStatusBarText(const int folderCount, const int fileCount, KIO::filesize_t totalFileSize, const Selection selection);
0864     /**
0865      * Helper method for DolphinView::paste() and DolphinView::pasteIntoFolder().
0866      * Pastes the clipboard data into the URL \a url.
0867      */
0868     void pasteToUrl(const QUrl &url);
0870     /**
0871      * Returns a list of URLs for all selected items. The list is
0872      * simplified, so that when the URLs are part of different tree
0873      * levels, only the parent is returned.
0874      */
0875     QList<QUrl> simplifiedSelectedUrls() const;
0877     /**
0878      * Returns the MIME data for all selected items.
0879      */
0880     QMimeData *selectionMimeData() const;
0882     /**
0883      * Updates m_isFolderWritable dependent on whether the folder represented by
0884      * the current URL is writable. If the state has changed, the signal
0885      * writeStateChanged() will be emitted.
0886      */
0887     void updateWritableState();
0889     /**
0890      * @return The current URL if no viewproperties-context is given (see
0891      *         DolphinView::viewPropertiesContext(), otherwise the context
0892      *         is returned.
0893      */
0894     QUrl viewPropertiesUrl() const;
0896     /**
0897      * Clears the selection and updates current item and selection according to the parameters
0898      *
0899      * @param current URL to be set as current
0900      * @param selected list of selected items
0901      */
0902     void forceUrlsSelection(const QUrl &current, const QList<QUrl> &selected);
0904     void abortTwoClicksRenaming();
0906     void updatePlaceholderLabel();
0908     bool tryShowNameToolTip(QHelpEvent *event);
0910 private:
0911     void updatePalette();
0912     void showLoadingPlaceholder();
0914     bool m_active;
0915     bool m_tabsForFiles;
0916     bool m_assureVisibleCurrentIndex;
0917     bool m_isFolderWritable;
0918     bool m_dragging; // True if a dragging is done. Required to be able to decide whether a
0919                      // tooltip may be shown when hovering an item.
0920     bool m_selectNextItem;
0922     enum class LoadingState { Idle, Loading, Canceled, Completed };
0923     LoadingState m_loadingState = LoadingState::Idle;
0925     QUrl m_url;
0926     QString m_viewPropertiesContext;
0927     Mode m_mode;
0928     QList<QByteArray> m_visibleRoles;
0930     QPointer<KIO::StatJob> m_statJobForStatusBarText;
0932     QVBoxLayout *m_topLayout;
0934     KFileItemModel *m_model;
0935     DolphinItemListView *m_view;
0936     KItemListContainer *m_container;
0938     ToolTipManager *m_toolTipManager;
0940     QTimer *m_selectionChangedTimer;
0942     QUrl m_currentItemUrl; // Used for making the view to remember the current URL after F5
0943     bool m_scrollToCurrentItem; // Used for marking we need to scroll to current item or not
0944     QPoint m_restoredContentsPosition;
0946     // Used for tracking the accumulated scroll amount (for zooming with high
0947     // resolution scroll wheels)
0948     int m_controlWheelAccumulatedDelta;
0950     QList<QUrl> m_selectedUrls; // Used for making the view to remember selections after F5 and file operations
0951     bool m_clearSelectionBeforeSelectingNewItems;
0952     bool m_markFirstNewlySelectedItemAsCurrent;
0953     /// Decides whether items created by jobs should automatically be selected.
0954     bool m_selectJobCreatedItems;
0956     VersionControlObserver *m_versionControlObserver;
0958     QTimer *m_twoClicksRenamingTimer;
0959     QUrl m_twoClicksRenamingItemUrl;
0960     QLabel *m_placeholderLabel;
0961     QTimer *m_showLoadingPlaceholderTimer;
0963     /// The information roleIndex of the list column header currently hovered
0964     std::optional<int> m_hoveredColumnHeaderIndex;
0966     /// Used for selection mode. @see setSelectionMode()
0967     std::unique_ptr<QProxyStyle> m_proxyStyle;
0969     // For unit tests
0970     friend class TestBase;
0971     friend class DolphinDetailsViewTest;
0972     friend class DolphinMainWindowTest;
0973     friend class DolphinPart; // Accesses m_model
0974     void updateSelectionState();
0975 };
0977 /// Allow using DolphinView::Mode in QVariant
0978 Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(DolphinView::Mode)
0980 #endif // DOLPHINVIEW_H