File indexing completed on 2024-05-12 13:51:51

0001 /*
0002  * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2012 Frank Reininghaus <>
0003  *
0004  * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0005  */
0007 #include "kitemviews/kitemlistcontroller.h"
0008 #include "kitemviews/kfileitemlistview.h"
0009 #include "kitemviews/kfileitemmodel.h"
0010 #include "kitemviews/kitemlistcontainer.h"
0011 #include "kitemviews/kitemlistselectionmanager.h"
0012 #include "kitemviews/private/kitemlistviewlayouter.h"
0013 #include "testdir.h"
0015 #include <QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent>
0016 #include <QProxyStyle>
0017 #include <QSignalSpy>
0018 #include <QStandardPaths>
0019 #include <QTest>
0021 /**
0022  * \class KItemListControllerTestStyle is a proxy style for testing the
0023  * KItemListController with different style hint options, e.g. single/double
0024  * click activation.
0025  */
0026 class KItemListControllerTestStyle : public QProxyStyle
0027 {
0028     Q_OBJECT
0029 public:
0030     KItemListControllerTestStyle(QStyle *style)
0031         : QProxyStyle(style)
0032         , m_activateItemOnSingleClick((bool)style->styleHint(SH_ItemView_ActivateItemOnSingleClick))
0033     {
0034     }
0036     void setActivateItemOnSingleClick(bool activateItemOnSingleClick)
0037     {
0038         m_activateItemOnSingleClick = activateItemOnSingleClick;
0039     }
0041     bool activateItemOnSingleClick() const
0042     {
0043         return m_activateItemOnSingleClick;
0044     }
0046     int styleHint(StyleHint hint, const QStyleOption *option = nullptr, const QWidget *widget = nullptr, QStyleHintReturn *returnData = nullptr) const override
0047     {
0048         switch (hint) {
0049         case QStyle::SH_ItemView_ActivateItemOnSingleClick:
0050             return (int)activateItemOnSingleClick();
0051         default:
0052             return QProxyStyle::styleHint(hint, option, widget, returnData);
0053         }
0054     }
0056 private:
0057     bool m_activateItemOnSingleClick;
0058 };
0060 Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(KFileItemListView::ItemLayout)
0061 Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(Qt::Orientation)
0062 Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(KItemListController::SelectionBehavior)
0065 class KItemListControllerTest : public QObject
0066 {
0067     Q_OBJECT
0069 private Q_SLOTS:
0070     void initTestCase();
0071     void cleanupTestCase();
0073     void init();
0074     void cleanup();
0076     void testKeyboardNavigation_data();
0077     void testKeyboardNavigation();
0078     void testMouseClickActivation();
0080 private:
0081     /**
0082      * Make sure that the number of columns in the view is equal to \a count
0083      * by changing the geometry of the container.
0084      */
0085     void adjustGeometryForColumnCount(int count);
0087 private:
0088     KFileItemListView *m_view;
0089     KItemListController *m_controller;
0090     KItemListSelectionManager *m_selectionManager;
0091     KFileItemModel *m_model;
0092     TestDir *m_testDir;
0093     KItemListContainer *m_container;
0094     KItemListControllerTestStyle *m_testStyle;
0095 };
0097 /**
0098  * This function initializes the member objects, creates the temporary files, and
0099  * shows the view on the screen on startup. This could also be done before every
0100  * single test, but this would make the time needed to run the test much larger.
0101  */
0102 void KItemListControllerTest::initTestCase()
0103 {
0104     QStandardPaths::setTestModeEnabled(true);
0105     qRegisterMetaType<KItemSet>("KItemSet");
0107     m_testDir = new TestDir();
0108     m_model = new KFileItemModel();
0109     m_view = new KFileItemListView();
0110     m_controller = new KItemListController(m_model, m_view, this);
0111     m_container = new KItemListContainer(m_controller);
0113     m_view->setAccessibleParentsObject(m_container);
0114 #endif
0115     m_controller = m_container->controller();
0116     m_controller->setSelectionBehavior(KItemListController::MultiSelection);
0117     m_selectionManager = m_controller->selectionManager();
0118     m_testStyle = new KItemListControllerTestStyle(m_view->style());
0119     m_view->setStyle(m_testStyle);
0121     QStringList files;
0122     files << "a1"
0123           << "a2"
0124           << "a3"
0125           << "b1"
0126           << "c1"
0127           << "c2"
0128           << "c3"
0129           << "c4"
0130           << "c5"
0131           << "d1"
0132           << "d2"
0133           << "d3"
0134           << "d4"
0135           << "e"
0136           << "e 2"
0137           << "e 3"
0138           << "e 4"
0139           << "e 5"
0140           << "e 6"
0141           << "e 7";
0143     m_testDir->createFiles(files);
0144     m_model->loadDirectory(m_testDir->url());
0145     QSignalSpy spyDirectoryLoadingCompleted(m_model, &KFileItemModel::directoryLoadingCompleted);
0146     QVERIFY(spyDirectoryLoadingCompleted.wait());
0148     m_container->show();
0149     QVERIFY(QTest::qWaitForWindowExposed(m_container));
0150 }
0152 void KItemListControllerTest::cleanupTestCase()
0153 {
0154     delete m_container;
0155     m_container = nullptr;
0157     delete m_testDir;
0158     m_testDir = nullptr;
0159 }
0161 /** Before each test, the current item, selection, and item size are reset to the defaults. */
0162 void KItemListControllerTest::init()
0163 {
0164     m_selectionManager->setCurrentItem(0);
0165     QCOMPARE(m_selectionManager->currentItem(), 0);
0167     m_selectionManager->clearSelection();
0168     QVERIFY(!m_selectionManager->hasSelection());
0170     const QSizeF itemSize(50, 50);
0171     m_view->setItemSize(itemSize);
0172     QCOMPARE(m_view->itemSize(), itemSize);
0173 }
0175 void KItemListControllerTest::cleanup()
0176 {
0177 }
0179 /**
0180  * \class KeyPress is a small helper struct that represents a key press event,
0181  * including the key and the keyboard modifiers.
0182  */
0183 struct KeyPress {
0184     KeyPress(Qt::Key key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifier = Qt::NoModifier)
0185         : m_key(key)
0186         , m_modifier(modifier)
0187     {
0188     }
0190     Qt::Key m_key;
0191     Qt::KeyboardModifiers m_modifier;
0192 };
0194 /**
0195  * \class ViewState is a small helper struct that represents a certain state
0196  * of the view, including the current item, the selected items in MultiSelection
0197  * mode (in the other modes, the selection is either empty or equal to the
0198  * current item), and the information whether items were activated by the last
0199  * key press.
0200  */
0201 struct ViewState {
0202     ViewState(int current, const KItemSet &selection, bool activated = false)
0203         : m_current(current)
0204         , m_selection(selection)
0205         , m_activated(activated)
0206     {
0207     }
0209     int m_current;
0210     KItemSet m_selection;
0211     bool m_activated;
0212 };
0214 // We have to define a typedef for the pair in order to make the test compile.
0215 typedef QPair<KeyPress, ViewState> keyPressViewStatePair;
0216 Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(QList<keyPressViewStatePair>)
0218 /**
0219  * This function provides the data for the actual test function
0220  * KItemListControllerTest::testKeyboardNavigation().
0221  * It tests all possible combinations of view layouts, selection behaviors,
0222  * and enabled/disabled groupings for different column counts, and
0223  * provides a list of key presses and the states that the view should be in
0224  * after the key press event.
0225  */
0226 void KItemListControllerTest::testKeyboardNavigation_data()
0227 {
0228     QTest::addColumn<KFileItemListView::ItemLayout>("layout");
0229     QTest::addColumn<Qt::Orientation>("scrollOrientation");
0230     QTest::addColumn<int>("columnCount");
0231     QTest::addColumn<KItemListController::SelectionBehavior>("selectionBehavior");
0232     QTest::addColumn<bool>("groupingEnabled");
0233     QTest::addColumn<Qt::LayoutDirection>("layoutDirection");
0234     QTest::addColumn<QList<QPair<KeyPress, ViewState>>>("testList");
0236     QList<KFileItemListView::ItemLayout> layoutList;
0237     QHash<KFileItemListView::ItemLayout, QString> layoutNames;
0238     layoutList.append(KFileItemListView::IconsLayout);
0239     layoutNames[KFileItemListView::IconsLayout] = "Icons";
0240     layoutList.append(KFileItemListView::CompactLayout);
0241     layoutNames[KFileItemListView::CompactLayout] = "Compact";
0242     layoutList.append(KFileItemListView::DetailsLayout);
0243     layoutNames[KFileItemListView::DetailsLayout] = "Details";
0245     QList<KItemListController::SelectionBehavior> selectionBehaviorList;
0246     QHash<KItemListController::SelectionBehavior, QString> selectionBehaviorNames;
0247     selectionBehaviorList.append(KItemListController::NoSelection);
0248     selectionBehaviorNames[KItemListController::NoSelection] = "NoSelection";
0249     selectionBehaviorList.append(KItemListController::SingleSelection);
0250     selectionBehaviorNames[KItemListController::SingleSelection] = "SingleSelection";
0251     selectionBehaviorList.append(KItemListController::MultiSelection);
0252     selectionBehaviorNames[KItemListController::MultiSelection] = "MultiSelection";
0254     QList<bool> groupingEnabledList;
0255     QHash<bool, QString> groupingEnabledNames;
0256     groupingEnabledList.append(false);
0257     groupingEnabledNames[false] = "ungrouped";
0258     groupingEnabledList.append(true);
0259     groupingEnabledNames[true] = "grouping enabled";
0261     QList<Qt::LayoutDirection> layoutDirectionList;
0262     QHash<Qt::LayoutDirection, QString> layoutDirectionNames;
0263     layoutDirectionList.append(Qt::LeftToRight);
0264     layoutDirectionNames[Qt::LeftToRight] = "Left-to-Right LayoutDirection";
0265     layoutDirectionList.append(Qt::RightToLeft);
0266     layoutDirectionNames[Qt::RightToLeft] = "Right-to-Left LayoutDirection";
0268     for (const KFileItemListView::ItemLayout &layout : layoutList) {
0269         // The following settings depend on the layout.
0270         // Note that 'columns' are actually 'rows' in
0271         // Compact layout.
0272         Qt::Orientation scrollOrientation;
0273         QList<int> columnCountList;
0274         Qt::Key nextItemKey;
0275         Qt::Key previousItemKey;
0276         Qt::Key nextRowKey;
0277         Qt::Key previousRowKey;
0279         switch (layout) {
0280         case KFileItemListView::IconsLayout:
0281             scrollOrientation = Qt::Vertical;
0282             columnCountList << 1 << 3 << 5;
0283             nextItemKey = Qt::Key_Right;
0284             previousItemKey = Qt::Key_Left;
0285             nextRowKey = Qt::Key_Down;
0286             previousRowKey = Qt::Key_Up;
0287             break;
0288         case KFileItemListView::CompactLayout:
0289             scrollOrientation = Qt::Horizontal;
0290             columnCountList << 1 << 3 << 5;
0291             nextItemKey = Qt::Key_Down;
0292             previousItemKey = Qt::Key_Up;
0293             nextRowKey = Qt::Key_Right;
0294             previousRowKey = Qt::Key_Left;
0295             break;
0296         case KFileItemListView::DetailsLayout:
0297             scrollOrientation = Qt::Vertical;
0298             columnCountList << 1;
0299             nextItemKey = Qt::Key_Down;
0300             previousItemKey = Qt::Key_Up;
0301             nextRowKey = Qt::Key_Down;
0302             previousRowKey = Qt::Key_Up;
0303             break;
0304         }
0305         for (auto layoutDirection : std::as_const(layoutDirectionList)) {
0306             if (layoutDirection == Qt::RightToLeft) {
0307                 switch (layout) {
0308                 case KFileItemListView::IconsLayout:
0309                     std::swap(nextItemKey, previousItemKey);
0310                     break;
0311                 case KFileItemListView::CompactLayout:
0312                     std::swap(nextItemKey, previousItemKey);
0313                     break;
0314                 default:
0315                     break;
0316                 }
0317             }
0318             for (int columnCount : std::as_const(columnCountList)) {
0319                 for (const KItemListController::SelectionBehavior &selectionBehavior : std::as_const(selectionBehaviorList)) {
0320                     for (bool groupingEnabled : std::as_const(groupingEnabledList)) {
0321                         QList<QPair<KeyPress, ViewState>> testList;
0323                         // First, key presses which should have the same effect
0324                         // for any layout and any number of columns.
0325                         testList << qMakePair(KeyPress(nextItemKey), ViewState(1, KItemSet() << 1))
0326                                  << qMakePair(KeyPress(Qt::Key_Return), ViewState(1, KItemSet() << 1, true))
0327                                  << qMakePair(KeyPress(Qt::Key_Enter), ViewState(1, KItemSet() << 1, true))
0328                                  << qMakePair(KeyPress(nextItemKey), ViewState(2, KItemSet() << 2))
0329                                  << qMakePair(KeyPress(nextItemKey, Qt::ShiftModifier), ViewState(3, KItemSet() << 2 << 3))
0330                                  << qMakePair(KeyPress(Qt::Key_Return), ViewState(3, KItemSet() << 2 << 3, true))
0331                                  << qMakePair(KeyPress(previousItemKey, Qt::ShiftModifier), ViewState(2, KItemSet() << 2))
0332                                  << qMakePair(KeyPress(nextItemKey, Qt::ShiftModifier), ViewState(3, KItemSet() << 2 << 3))
0333                                  << qMakePair(KeyPress(nextItemKey, Qt::ControlModifier), ViewState(4, KItemSet() << 2 << 3))
0334                                  << qMakePair(KeyPress(Qt::Key_Return), ViewState(4, KItemSet() << 2 << 3, true))
0335                                  << qMakePair(KeyPress(previousItemKey), ViewState(3, KItemSet() << 3))
0336                                  << qMakePair(KeyPress(Qt::Key_Home, Qt::ShiftModifier), ViewState(0, KItemSet() << 0 << 1 << 2 << 3))
0337                                  << qMakePair(KeyPress(nextItemKey, Qt::ControlModifier), ViewState(1, KItemSet() << 0 << 1 << 2 << 3))
0338                                  << qMakePair(KeyPress(Qt::Key_Space, Qt::ControlModifier), ViewState(1, KItemSet() << 0 << 2 << 3))
0339                                  << qMakePair(KeyPress(Qt::Key_Space, Qt::ControlModifier), ViewState(1, KItemSet() << 0 << 1 << 2 << 3))
0340                                  << qMakePair(KeyPress(Qt::Key_End), ViewState(19, KItemSet() << 19))
0341                                  << qMakePair(KeyPress(previousItemKey, Qt::ShiftModifier), ViewState(18, KItemSet() << 18 << 19))
0342                                  << qMakePair(KeyPress(Qt::Key_Home), ViewState(0, KItemSet() << 0))
0343                                  << qMakePair(KeyPress(Qt::Key_Space, Qt::ControlModifier), ViewState(0, KItemSet()))
0344                                  << qMakePair(KeyPress(Qt::Key_Enter), ViewState(0, KItemSet(), true))
0345                                  << qMakePair(KeyPress(Qt::Key_Space, Qt::ControlModifier), ViewState(0, KItemSet() << 0))
0346                                  << qMakePair(KeyPress(Qt::Key_Space, Qt::ControlModifier), ViewState(0, KItemSet()))
0347                                  << qMakePair(KeyPress(Qt::Key_Space), ViewState(0, KItemSet() << 0))
0348                                  << qMakePair(KeyPress(Qt::Key_E), ViewState(13, KItemSet() << 13))
0349                                  << qMakePair(KeyPress(Qt::Key_Space), ViewState(14, KItemSet() << 14))
0350                                  << qMakePair(KeyPress(Qt::Key_3), ViewState(15, KItemSet() << 15))
0351                                  << qMakePair(KeyPress(Qt::Key_Escape), ViewState(15, KItemSet()))
0352                                  << qMakePair(KeyPress(Qt::Key_E), ViewState(13, KItemSet() << 13))
0353                                  << qMakePair(KeyPress(Qt::Key_E), ViewState(14, KItemSet() << 14))
0354                                  << qMakePair(KeyPress(Qt::Key_E), ViewState(15, KItemSet() << 15))
0355                                  << qMakePair(KeyPress(Qt::Key_Escape), ViewState(15, KItemSet()))
0356                                  << qMakePair(KeyPress(Qt::Key_E), ViewState(13, KItemSet() << 13))
0357                                  << qMakePair(KeyPress(Qt::Key_Home), ViewState(0, KItemSet() << 0))
0358                                  << qMakePair(KeyPress(Qt::Key_Escape), ViewState(0, KItemSet()));
0360                         // Next, we test combinations of key presses which only work for a
0361                         // particular number of columns and either enabled or disabled grouping.
0363                         // One column.
0364                         if (columnCount == 1) {
0365                             testList << qMakePair(KeyPress(nextRowKey), ViewState(1, KItemSet() << 1))
0366                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(nextRowKey, Qt::ShiftModifier), ViewState(2, KItemSet() << 1 << 2))
0367                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(nextRowKey, Qt::ControlModifier), ViewState(3, KItemSet() << 1 << 2))
0368                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(previousRowKey), ViewState(2, KItemSet() << 2))
0369                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(previousItemKey), ViewState(1, KItemSet() << 1))
0370                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(Qt::Key_Home), ViewState(0, KItemSet() << 0));
0371                         }
0373                         // Multiple columns: we test both 3 and 5 columns with grouping
0374                         // enabled or disabled. For each case, the layout of the items
0375                         // in the view is shown (both using file names and indices) to
0376                         // make it easier to understand what the tests do.
0378                         if (columnCount == 3 && !groupingEnabled) {
0379                             // 3 columns, no grouping:
0380                             //
0381                             // a1 a2 a3 |  0  1  2
0382                             // b1 c1 c2 |  3  4  5
0383                             // c3 c4 c5 |  6  7  8
0384                             // d1 d2 d3 |  9 10 11
0385                             // d4 e1 e2 | 12 13 14
0386                             // e3 e4 e5 | 15 16 17
0387                             // e6 e7    | 18 19
0388                             testList << qMakePair(KeyPress(nextRowKey), ViewState(3, KItemSet() << 3))
0389                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(nextItemKey, Qt::ControlModifier), ViewState(4, KItemSet() << 3))
0390                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(nextRowKey), ViewState(7, KItemSet() << 7))
0391                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(nextItemKey, Qt::ShiftModifier), ViewState(8, KItemSet() << 7 << 8))
0392                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(nextItemKey, Qt::ShiftModifier), ViewState(9, KItemSet() << 7 << 8 << 9))
0393                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(previousItemKey, Qt::ShiftModifier), ViewState(8, KItemSet() << 7 << 8))
0394                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(previousItemKey, Qt::ShiftModifier), ViewState(7, KItemSet() << 7))
0395                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(previousItemKey, Qt::ShiftModifier), ViewState(6, KItemSet() << 6 << 7))
0396                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(previousItemKey, Qt::ShiftModifier), ViewState(5, KItemSet() << 5 << 6 << 7))
0397                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(nextItemKey, Qt::ShiftModifier), ViewState(6, KItemSet() << 6 << 7))
0398                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(nextItemKey, Qt::ShiftModifier), ViewState(7, KItemSet() << 7))
0399                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(nextRowKey), ViewState(10, KItemSet() << 10))
0400                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(nextItemKey), ViewState(11, KItemSet() << 11))
0401                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(nextRowKey), ViewState(14, KItemSet() << 14))
0402                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(nextRowKey), ViewState(17, KItemSet() << 17))
0403                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(nextRowKey), ViewState(19, KItemSet() << 19))
0404                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(previousRowKey), ViewState(17, KItemSet() << 17))
0405                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(Qt::Key_End), ViewState(19, KItemSet() << 19))
0406                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(previousRowKey), ViewState(16, KItemSet() << 16))
0407                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(Qt::Key_Home), ViewState(0, KItemSet() << 0));
0408                         }
0410                         if (columnCount == 5 && !groupingEnabled) {
0411                             // 5 columns, no grouping:
0412                             //
0413                             // a1 a2 a3 b1 c1 |  0  1  2  3  4
0414                             // c2 c3 c4 c5 d1 |  5  6  7  8  9
0415                             // d2 d3 d4 e1 e2 | 10 11 12 13 14
0416                             // e3 e4 e5 e6 e7 | 15 16 17 18 19
0417                             testList << qMakePair(KeyPress(nextRowKey), ViewState(5, KItemSet() << 5))
0418                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(nextItemKey, Qt::ControlModifier), ViewState(6, KItemSet() << 5))
0419                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(nextRowKey), ViewState(11, KItemSet() << 11))
0420                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(nextItemKey), ViewState(12, KItemSet() << 12))
0421                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(nextRowKey, Qt::ShiftModifier), ViewState(17, KItemSet() << 12 << 13 << 14 << 15 << 16 << 17))
0422                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(previousRowKey, Qt::ShiftModifier), ViewState(12, KItemSet() << 12))
0423                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(previousRowKey, Qt::ShiftModifier), ViewState(7, KItemSet() << 7 << 8 << 9 << 10 << 11 << 12))
0424                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(nextRowKey, Qt::ShiftModifier), ViewState(12, KItemSet() << 12))
0425                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(Qt::Key_End, Qt::ControlModifier), ViewState(19, KItemSet() << 12))
0426                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(previousRowKey), ViewState(14, KItemSet() << 14))
0427                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(Qt::Key_Home), ViewState(0, KItemSet() << 0));
0428                         }
0430                         if (columnCount == 3 && groupingEnabled) {
0431                             // 3 columns, with grouping:
0432                             //
0433                             // a1 a2 a3 |  0  1  2
0434                             // b1       |  3
0435                             // c1 c2 c3 |  4  5  6
0436                             // c4 c5    |  7  8
0437                             // d1 d2 d3 |  9 10 11
0438                             // d4       | 12
0439                             // e1 e2 e3 | 13 14 15
0440                             // e4 e5 e6 | 16 17 18
0441                             // e7       | 19
0442                             testList << qMakePair(KeyPress(nextItemKey), ViewState(1, KItemSet() << 1))
0443                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(nextItemKey), ViewState(2, KItemSet() << 2))
0444                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(nextRowKey, Qt::ShiftModifier), ViewState(3, KItemSet() << 2 << 3))
0445                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(nextRowKey, Qt::ShiftModifier), ViewState(6, KItemSet() << 2 << 3 << 4 << 5 << 6))
0446                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(nextRowKey), ViewState(8, KItemSet() << 8))
0447                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(nextRowKey), ViewState(11, KItemSet() << 11))
0448                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(nextItemKey, Qt::ControlModifier), ViewState(12, KItemSet() << 11))
0449                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(nextRowKey), ViewState(13, KItemSet() << 13))
0450                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(nextRowKey), ViewState(16, KItemSet() << 16))
0451                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(nextItemKey), ViewState(17, KItemSet() << 17))
0452                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(nextRowKey), ViewState(19, KItemSet() << 19))
0453                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(previousRowKey), ViewState(17, KItemSet() << 17))
0454                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(Qt::Key_Home), ViewState(0, KItemSet() << 0));
0455                         }
0457                         if (columnCount == 5 && groupingEnabled) {
0458                             // 5 columns, with grouping:
0459                             //
0460                             // a1 a2 a3       |  0  1  2
0461                             // b1             |  3
0462                             // c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 |  4  5  6  7  8
0463                             // d1 d2 d3 d4    |  9 10 11 12
0464                             // e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 | 13 14 15 16 17
0465                             // e6 e7          | 18 19
0466                             testList << qMakePair(KeyPress(nextItemKey), ViewState(1, KItemSet() << 1))
0467                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(nextRowKey, Qt::ShiftModifier), ViewState(3, KItemSet() << 1 << 2 << 3))
0468                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(nextRowKey, Qt::ShiftModifier), ViewState(5, KItemSet() << 1 << 2 << 3 << 4 << 5))
0469                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(nextItemKey), ViewState(6, KItemSet() << 6))
0470                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(nextItemKey, Qt::ControlModifier), ViewState(7, KItemSet() << 6))
0471                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(nextItemKey, Qt::ControlModifier), ViewState(8, KItemSet() << 6))
0472                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(nextRowKey), ViewState(12, KItemSet() << 12))
0473                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(nextRowKey), ViewState(17, KItemSet() << 17))
0474                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(nextRowKey), ViewState(19, KItemSet() << 19))
0475                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(previousRowKey), ViewState(17, KItemSet() << 17))
0476                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(Qt::Key_End, Qt::ShiftModifier), ViewState(19, KItemSet() << 17 << 18 << 19))
0477                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(previousRowKey, Qt::ShiftModifier), ViewState(14, KItemSet() << 14 << 15 << 16 << 17))
0478                                      << qMakePair(KeyPress(Qt::Key_Home), ViewState(0, KItemSet() << 0));
0479                         }
0481                         const QString testName = layoutNames[layout] + ", " + QString("%1 columns, ").arg(columnCount)
0482                             + selectionBehaviorNames[selectionBehavior] + ", " + groupingEnabledNames[groupingEnabled] + ", "
0483                             + layoutDirectionNames[layoutDirection];
0485                         const QByteArray testNameAscii = testName.toLatin1();
0487                         QTest::newRow(
0488                             << layout << scrollOrientation << columnCount << selectionBehavior << groupingEnabled << layoutDirection << testList;
0489                     }
0490                 }
0491             }
0492         }
0493     }
0494 }
0496 /**
0497  * This function sets the view's properties according to the data provided by
0498  * KItemListControllerTest::testKeyboardNavigation_data().
0499  *
0500  * The list \a testList contains pairs of key presses, which are sent to the
0501  * container, and expected view states, which are verified then.
0502  */
0503 void KItemListControllerTest::testKeyboardNavigation()
0504 {
0505     QFETCH(KFileItemListView::ItemLayout, layout);
0506     QFETCH(Qt::Orientation, scrollOrientation);
0507     QFETCH(int, columnCount);
0508     QFETCH(KItemListController::SelectionBehavior, selectionBehavior);
0509     QFETCH(bool, groupingEnabled);
0510     QFETCH(Qt::LayoutDirection, layoutDirection);
0511     QFETCH(QList<keyPressViewStatePair>, testList);
0513     QApplication::setLayoutDirection(layoutDirection);
0514     m_view->setLayoutDirection(layoutDirection);
0516     m_view->setItemLayout(layout);
0517     QCOMPARE(m_view->itemLayout(), layout);
0519     m_view->setScrollOrientation(scrollOrientation);
0520     QCOMPARE(m_view->scrollOrientation(), scrollOrientation);
0522     m_controller->setSelectionBehavior(selectionBehavior);
0523     QCOMPARE(m_controller->selectionBehavior(), selectionBehavior);
0525     m_model->setGroupedSorting(groupingEnabled);
0526     QCOMPARE(m_model->groupedSorting(), groupingEnabled);
0528     adjustGeometryForColumnCount(columnCount);
0529     QCOMPARE(m_view->m_layouter->m_columnCount, columnCount);
0531     QSignalSpy spySingleItemActivated(m_controller, &KItemListController::itemActivated);
0532     QSignalSpy spyMultipleItemsActivated(m_controller, &KItemListController::itemsActivated);
0534     int rowCount = 0;
0535     while (!testList.isEmpty()) {
0536         ++rowCount;
0537         const QPair<KeyPress, ViewState> test = testList.takeFirst();
0538         const Qt::Key key = test.first.m_key;
0539         const Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifier = test.first.m_modifier;
0540         const int current = test.second.m_current;
0541         const KItemSet selection = test.second.m_selection;
0542         const bool activated = test.second.m_activated;
0544         QTest::keyClick(m_container, key, modifier);
0546         QVERIFY2(m_selectionManager->currentItem() == current,
0547                  qPrintable(QString("currentItem() returns index %1 but %2 would be expected. Before this, key \"%3\" was pressed. This test case is defined "
0548                                     "in row %4 of the testList from KItemListControllerTest::testKeyboardNavigation_data().")
0549                                 .arg(m_selectionManager->currentItem())
0550                                 .arg(current)
0551                                 .arg(QKeySequence(key).toString())
0552                                 .arg(rowCount)));
0553         switch (selectionBehavior) {
0554         case KItemListController::NoSelection:
0555             QVERIFY(m_selectionManager->selectedItems().isEmpty());
0556             break;
0557         case KItemListController::SingleSelection:
0558             QCOMPARE(m_selectionManager->selectedItems(), KItemSet() << current);
0559             break;
0560         case KItemListController::MultiSelection:
0561             QCOMPARE(m_selectionManager->selectedItems(), selection);
0562             break;
0563         }
0565         if (activated) {
0566             switch (selectionBehavior) {
0567             case KItemListController::MultiSelection:
0568                 if (!selection.isEmpty()) {
0569                     // The selected items should be activated.
0570                     if (selection.count() == 1) {
0571                         QVERIFY(!spySingleItemActivated.isEmpty());
0572                         QCOMPARE(qvariant_cast<int>(spySingleItemActivated.takeFirst().at(0)), selection.first());
0573                         QVERIFY(spyMultipleItemsActivated.isEmpty());
0574                     } else {
0575                         QVERIFY(spySingleItemActivated.isEmpty());
0576                         QVERIFY(!spyMultipleItemsActivated.isEmpty());
0577                         QCOMPARE(qvariant_cast<KItemSet>(spyMultipleItemsActivated.takeFirst().at(0)), selection);
0578                     }
0579                     break;
0580                 }
0581                 // No items are selected. Therefore, the current item should be activated.
0582                 // This is handled by falling through to the NoSelection/SingleSelection case.
0583                 Q_FALLTHROUGH();
0584             case KItemListController::NoSelection:
0585             case KItemListController::SingleSelection:
0586                 // In NoSelection and SingleSelection mode, the current item should be activated.
0587                 QVERIFY(!spySingleItemActivated.isEmpty());
0588                 QCOMPARE(qvariant_cast<int>(spySingleItemActivated.takeFirst().at(0)), current);
0589                 QVERIFY(spyMultipleItemsActivated.isEmpty());
0590                 break;
0591             }
0592         }
0593     }
0594 }
0596 void KItemListControllerTest::testMouseClickActivation()
0597 {
0598     m_view->setItemLayout(KFileItemListView::IconsLayout);
0600     // Make sure that we have a large window, such that
0601     // the items are visible and clickable.
0602     adjustGeometryForColumnCount(5);
0604     // Make sure that the first item is visible in the view.
0605     m_view->setScrollOffset(0);
0606     QCOMPARE(m_view->firstVisibleIndex(), 0);
0608     const QPointF pos = m_view->itemContextRect(0).center();
0610     // Save the "single click" setting.
0611     const bool restoreSettingsSingleClick = m_testStyle->activateItemOnSingleClick();
0613     QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent mousePressEvent(QEvent::GraphicsSceneMousePress);
0614     mousePressEvent.setPos(pos);
0615     mousePressEvent.setButton(Qt::LeftButton);
0616     mousePressEvent.setButtons(Qt::LeftButton);
0618     QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent mouseReleaseEvent(QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseRelease);
0619     mouseReleaseEvent.setPos(pos);
0620     mouseReleaseEvent.setButton(Qt::LeftButton);
0621     mouseReleaseEvent.setButtons(Qt::NoButton);
0623     QSignalSpy spyItemActivated(m_controller, &KItemListController::itemActivated);
0625     // Default setting: single click activation.
0626     m_testStyle->setActivateItemOnSingleClick(true);
0627     m_view->event(&mousePressEvent);
0628     m_view->event(&mouseReleaseEvent);
0629     QCOMPARE(spyItemActivated.count(), 1);
0630     spyItemActivated.clear();
0632     // Set the global setting to "double click activation".
0633     m_testStyle->setActivateItemOnSingleClick(false);
0634     m_view->event(&mousePressEvent);
0635     m_view->event(&mouseReleaseEvent);
0636     QCOMPARE(spyItemActivated.count(), 0);
0637     spyItemActivated.clear();
0639     // Enforce single click activation in the controller.
0640     m_controller->setSingleClickActivationEnforced(true);
0641     m_view->event(&mousePressEvent);
0642     m_view->event(&mouseReleaseEvent);
0643     QCOMPARE(spyItemActivated.count(), 1);
0644     spyItemActivated.clear();
0646     // Do not enforce single click activation in the controller.
0647     m_controller->setSingleClickActivationEnforced(false);
0648     m_view->event(&mousePressEvent);
0649     m_view->event(&mouseReleaseEvent);
0650     QCOMPARE(spyItemActivated.count(), 0);
0651     spyItemActivated.clear();
0653     // Set the global setting back to "single click activation".
0654     m_testStyle->setActivateItemOnSingleClick(true);
0655     m_view->event(&mousePressEvent);
0656     m_view->event(&mouseReleaseEvent);
0657     QCOMPARE(spyItemActivated.count(), 1);
0658     spyItemActivated.clear();
0660     // Enforce single click activation in the controller.
0661     m_controller->setSingleClickActivationEnforced(true);
0662     m_view->event(&mousePressEvent);
0663     m_view->event(&mouseReleaseEvent);
0664     QCOMPARE(spyItemActivated.count(), 1);
0665     spyItemActivated.clear();
0667     // Restore previous settings.
0668     m_controller->setSingleClickActivationEnforced(true);
0669     m_testStyle->setActivateItemOnSingleClick(restoreSettingsSingleClick);
0670 }
0672 void KItemListControllerTest::adjustGeometryForColumnCount(int count)
0673 {
0674     const QSize size = m_view->itemSize().toSize();
0676     QRect rect = m_container->geometry();
0677     rect.setSize(size * count);
0678     m_container->setGeometry(rect);
0680     // Increase the size of the container until the correct column count is reached.
0681     while (m_view->m_layouter->m_columnCount < count) {
0682         rect = m_container->geometry();
0683         rect.setSize(rect.size() + size);
0684         m_container->setGeometry(rect);
0685     }
0686 }
0688 QTEST_MAIN(KItemListControllerTest)
0690 #include "kitemlistcontrollertest.moc"