Warning, /system/dolphin/src/settings/dolphin_generalsettings.kcfg is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
0002 <!DOCTYPE kcfg SYSTEM "http://www.kde.org/standards/kcfg/1.0/kcfg.dtd">
0003 <kcfg xmlns="http://www.kde.org/standards/kcfg/1.0"
0004       xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
0005       xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.kde.org/standards/kcfg/1.0
0006       http://www.kde.org/standards/kcfg/1.0/kcfg.xsd">
0007     <include>QDir</include>
0008     <include>QUrl</include>
0009     <include>KCompletion</include>
0010     <kcfgfile name="dolphinrc"/>
0011     <signal name="sortingChoiceChanged" />
0012     <signal name="splitViewChanged" />
0013     <signal name="showStatusBarChanged">
0014         <argument type="Bool">showStatusBar</argument>
0015     </signal>
0016     <group name="General">
0017         <entry name="EditableUrl" type="Bool">
0018             <label>Should the URL be editable for the user</label>
0019             <default>false</default>
0020         </entry>
0021         <entry name="UrlCompletionMode" type="Enum">
0022             <label>Text completion mode of the URL Navigator</label>
0023             <default>KCompletion::CompletionPopupAuto</default>
0024         </entry>
0025         <entry name="ShowFullPath" type="Bool">
0026             <label>Should the full path be shown inside the location bar</label>
0027             <default>false</default>
0028         </entry>
0029         <entry name="ShowFullPathInTitlebar" type="Bool">
0030             <label>Should the full path be shown in the title bar</label>
0031             <default>false</default>
0032         </entry>
0033         <entry name="OpenExternallyCalledFolderInNewTab" type="Bool">
0034             <label>Should an externally called folder open in a new tab in an existing Dolphin instance</label>
0035             <default>false</default>
0036         </entry>
0037         <entry name="Version" type="Int">
0038             <label>Internal config version of Dolphin, mainly Used to determine whether an updated version of Dolphin is running, so as to migrate config entries that were removed/renamed ...etc</label>
0039             <default>0</default>
0040         </entry>
0041         <entry name="ModifiedStartupSettings" type="Bool">
0042             <label>Have the startup settings been modified (internal setting not shown in the UI)</label>
0043             <default>false</default>
0044         </entry>
0045         <entry name="HomeUrl" type="String">
0046             <label>Home URL</label>
0047             <default code="true">QUrl::fromLocalFile(QDir::homePath()).toDisplayString(QUrl::PreferLocalFile)</default>
0048         </entry>
0049         <entry name="RememberOpenedTabs" type="Bool">
0050             <label>Remember open folders and tabs</label>
0051             <default>true</default>
0052         </entry>
0053         <entry name="SplitView" type="Bool">
0054             <label>Split the view into two panes</label>
0055             <default>false</default>
0056             <emit signal="splitViewChanged" />
0057         </entry>
0058         <entry name="FilterBar" type="Bool">
0059             <label>Should the filter bar be shown</label>
0060             <default>false</default>
0061         </entry>
0062         <entry name="GlobalViewProps" type="Bool">
0063             <label>Should the view properties be used for all folders</label>
0064             <default>true</default>
0065         </entry>
0066         <entry name="BrowseThroughArchives" type="Bool">
0067             <label>Browse through archives</label>
0068             <default>false</default>
0069         </entry>
0070         <entry name="ConfirmClosingMultipleTabs" type="Bool">
0071             <label>Ask for confirmation when closing windows with multiple tabs.</label>
0072             <default>true</default>
0073         </entry>
0074         <entry name="ConfirmClosingTerminalRunningProgram" type="Bool">
0075             <label>Ask for confirmation when closing windows with a program that is still running in the Terminal panel.</label>
0076             <default>true</default>
0077         </entry>
0078         <entry name="RenameInline" type="Bool">
0079             <label>Rename inline</label>
0080             <default>true</default>
0081         </entry>
0082         <entry name="ShowSelectionToggle" type="Bool">
0083             <label>Show selection toggle</label>
0084             <default>true</default>
0085         </entry>
0086         <entry name="ShowPasteBarAfterCopying" type="Bool">
0087             <label>Show a bar for easy pasting after a cut or copy was done using the selection mode bottom bar.</label>
0088             <default>true</default>
0089         </entry>
0090         <entry name="UseTabForSwitchingSplitView" type="Bool">
0091             <label>Use tab for switching between right and left split</label>
0092             <default>false</default>
0093         </entry>
0094         <entry name="CloseActiveSplitView" type="Bool">
0095             <label>Close active pane when toggling off split view</label>
0096             <default>true</default>
0097         </entry>
0098         <entry name="OpenNewTabAfterLastTab" type="Bool">
0099             <label>New tab will be open after last one</label>
0100             <default>false</default>
0101         </entry>
0102         <entry name="ShowToolTips" type="Bool">
0103             <label>Show tooltips</label>
0104             <default>false</default>
0105         </entry>
0106         <entry name="ViewPropsTimestamp" type="DateTime" >
0107             <label>Timestamp since when the view properties are valid</label>
0108         </entry>
0109         <entry name="AutoExpandFolders" type="Bool">
0110             <label>Use auto-expanding folders for all view types</label>
0111             <default>false</default>
0112         </entry>
0113         <entry name="ShowStatusBar" type="Bool">
0114             <label>Show the statusbar</label>
0115             <default>true</default>
0116             <emit signal="showStatusBarChanged" />
0117         </entry>
0118         <entry name="ShowZoomSlider" type="Bool">
0119             <label>Show zoom slider in the statusbar</label>
0120             <default>true</default>
0121         </entry>
0122         <entry name="ShowSpaceInfo" type="Bool">
0123             <label>Show the space information in the statusbar</label>
0124             <default>true</default>
0125         </entry>
0126         <entry name="LockPanels" type="Bool">
0127             <label>Lock the layout of the panels</label>
0128             <default>true</default>
0129         </entry>
0130         <entry name="EnlargeSmallPreviews" type="Bool">
0131             <label>Enlarge Small Previews</label>
0132             <default>true</default>
0133         </entry>
0134         <entry name="SortingChoice" type="Enum">
0135             <choices>
0136                 <choice name="NaturalSorting" />
0137                 <choice name="CaseInsensitiveSorting" />
0138                 <choice name="CaseSensitiveSorting" />
0139             </choices>
0140             <label>Choose Natural, Case Sensitive, or Case Insensitive order of sorting the items</label>
0141             <default>0</default>
0142             <emit signal="sortingChoiceChanged" />
0143         </entry>
0144         <entry name="HideXTrashFile" type="Bool">
0145             <label>Also hide files with application/x-trash mimetype</label>
0146             <default>false</default>
0147         </entry>
0148     </group>
0149     <group name="Notification Messages">
0150         <entry name="ConfirmOpenManyFolders" type="Bool">
0151             <label>Ask for confirmation when opening many folders at once.</label>
0152             <default>true</default>
0153         </entry>
0154         <entry name="ConfirmOpenManyTerminals" type="Bool">
0155             <label>Ask for confirmation when opening many terminals at once.</label>
0156             <default>true</default>
0157         </entry>
0158     </group>
0159 </kcfg>