File indexing completed on 2024-05-12 09:50:53

0001 /*
0002  * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2011 Peter Penz <>
0003  * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013 Frank Reininghaus <>
0004  * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013 Emmanuel Pescosta <>
0005  *
0006  * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0007  */
0009 #include "kfileitemmodel.h"
0011 #include "dolphin_contentdisplaysettings.h"
0012 #include "dolphin_generalsettings.h"
0013 #include "dolphindebug.h"
0014 #include "private/kfileitemmodelsortalgorithm.h"
0016 #include <KDirLister>
0017 #include <KIO/Job>
0018 #include <KIO/ListJob>
0019 #include <KLocalizedString>
0020 #include <KUrlMimeData>
0022 #include <QElapsedTimer>
0023 #include <QIcon>
0024 #include <QMimeData>
0025 #include <QMimeDatabase>
0026 #include <QRecursiveMutex>
0027 #include <QTimer>
0028 #include <QWidget>
0029 #include <klazylocalizedstring.h>
0031 Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QRecursiveMutex, s_collatorMutex)
0035 KFileItemModel::KFileItemModel(QObject *parent)
0036     : KItemModelBase("text", parent)
0037     , m_dirLister(nullptr)
0038     , m_sortDirsFirst(true)
0039     , m_sortHiddenLast(false)
0040     , m_sortRole(NameRole)
0041     , m_sortingProgressPercent(-1)
0042     , m_roles()
0043     , m_itemData()
0044     , m_items()
0045     , m_filter()
0046     , m_filteredItems()
0047     , m_requestRole()
0048     , m_maximumUpdateIntervalTimer(nullptr)
0049     , m_resortAllItemsTimer(nullptr)
0050     , m_pendingItemsToInsert()
0051     , m_groups()
0052     , m_expandedDirs()
0053     , m_urlsToExpand()
0054 {
0055     m_collator.setNumericMode(true);
0057     loadSortingSettings();
0059     m_dirLister = new KDirLister(this);
0060     m_dirLister->setAutoErrorHandlingEnabled(false);
0061     m_dirLister->setDelayedMimeTypes(true);
0063     const QWidget *parentWidget = qobject_cast<QWidget *>(parent);
0064     if (parentWidget) {
0065         m_dirLister->setMainWindow(parentWidget->window());
0066     }
0068     connect(m_dirLister, &KCoreDirLister::started, this, &KFileItemModel::directoryLoadingStarted);
0069     connect(m_dirLister, &KCoreDirLister::canceled, this, &KFileItemModel::slotCanceled);
0070     connect(m_dirLister, &KCoreDirLister::itemsAdded, this, &KFileItemModel::slotItemsAdded);
0071     connect(m_dirLister, &KCoreDirLister::itemsDeleted, this, &KFileItemModel::slotItemsDeleted);
0072     connect(m_dirLister, &KCoreDirLister::refreshItems, this, &KFileItemModel::slotRefreshItems);
0073     connect(m_dirLister, &KCoreDirLister::clear, this, &KFileItemModel::slotClear);
0074     connect(m_dirLister, &KCoreDirLister::infoMessage, this, &KFileItemModel::infoMessage);
0075     connect(m_dirLister, &KCoreDirLister::jobError, this, &KFileItemModel::slotListerError);
0076     connect(m_dirLister, &KCoreDirLister::percent, this, &KFileItemModel::directoryLoadingProgress);
0077     connect(m_dirLister, &KCoreDirLister::redirection, this, &KFileItemModel::directoryRedirection);
0078     connect(m_dirLister, &KCoreDirLister::listingDirCompleted, this, &KFileItemModel::slotCompleted);
0080     // Apply default roles that should be determined
0081     resetRoles();
0082     m_requestRole[NameRole] = true;
0083     m_requestRole[IsDirRole] = true;
0084     m_requestRole[IsLinkRole] = true;
0085     m_roles.insert("text");
0086     m_roles.insert("isDir");
0087     m_roles.insert("isLink");
0088     m_roles.insert("isHidden");
0090     // For slow KIO-slaves like used for searching it makes sense to show results periodically even
0091     // before the completed() or canceled() signal has been emitted.
0092     m_maximumUpdateIntervalTimer = new QTimer(this);
0093     m_maximumUpdateIntervalTimer->setInterval(2000);
0094     m_maximumUpdateIntervalTimer->setSingleShot(true);
0095     connect(m_maximumUpdateIntervalTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &KFileItemModel::dispatchPendingItemsToInsert);
0097     // When changing the value of an item which represents the sort-role a resorting must be
0098     // triggered. Especially in combination with KFileItemModelRolesUpdater this might be done
0099     // for a lot of items within a quite small timeslot. To prevent expensive resortings the
0100     // resorting is postponed until the timer has been exceeded.
0101     m_resortAllItemsTimer = new QTimer(this);
0102     m_resortAllItemsTimer->setInterval(100); // 100 is a middle ground between sorting too frequently which makes the view unreadable
0103                                              // and sorting too infrequently which leads to users seeing an outdated sort order.
0104     m_resortAllItemsTimer->setSingleShot(true);
0105     connect(m_resortAllItemsTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &KFileItemModel::resortAllItems);
0107     connect(GeneralSettings::self(), &GeneralSettings::sortingChoiceChanged, this, &KFileItemModel::slotSortingChoiceChanged);
0109     setShowTrashMime(m_dirLister->showHiddenFiles());
0110 }
0112 KFileItemModel::~KFileItemModel()
0113 {
0114     qDeleteAll(m_itemData);
0115     qDeleteAll(m_filteredItems);
0116     qDeleteAll(m_pendingItemsToInsert);
0117 }
0119 void KFileItemModel::loadDirectory(const QUrl &url)
0120 {
0121     m_dirLister->openUrl(url);
0122 }
0124 void KFileItemModel::refreshDirectory(const QUrl &url)
0125 {
0126     // Refresh all expanded directories first (Bug 295300)
0127     QHashIterator<QUrl, QUrl> expandedDirs(m_expandedDirs);
0128     while (expandedDirs.hasNext()) {
0130         m_dirLister->openUrl(expandedDirs.value(), KDirLister::Reload);
0131     }
0133     m_dirLister->openUrl(url, KDirLister::Reload);
0135     Q_EMIT directoryRefreshing();
0136 }
0138 QUrl KFileItemModel::directory() const
0139 {
0140     return m_dirLister->url();
0141 }
0143 void KFileItemModel::cancelDirectoryLoading()
0144 {
0145     m_dirLister->stop();
0146 }
0148 int KFileItemModel::count() const
0149 {
0150     return m_itemData.count();
0151 }
0153 QHash<QByteArray, QVariant> KFileItemModel::data(int index) const
0154 {
0155     if (index >= 0 && index < count()) {
0156         ItemData *data =;
0157         if (data->values.isEmpty()) {
0158             data->values = retrieveData(data->item, data->parent);
0159         } else if (data->values.count() <= 2 && data->values.value("isExpanded").toBool()) {
0160             // Special case dealt by slotRefreshItems(), avoid losing the "isExpanded" and "expandedParentsCount" state when refreshing
0161             // slotRefreshItems() makes sure folders keep the "isExpanded" and "expandedParentsCount" while clearing the remaining values
0162             // so this special request of different behavior can be identified here.
0163             bool hasExpandedParentsCount = false;
0164             const int expandedParentsCount = data->values.value("expandedParentsCount").toInt(&hasExpandedParentsCount);
0166             data->values = retrieveData(data->item, data->parent);
0167             data->values.insert("isExpanded", true);
0168             if (hasExpandedParentsCount) {
0169                 data->values.insert("expandedParentsCount", expandedParentsCount);
0170             }
0171         }
0173         return data->values;
0174     }
0175     return QHash<QByteArray, QVariant>();
0176 }
0178 bool KFileItemModel::setData(int index, const QHash<QByteArray, QVariant> &values)
0179 {
0180     if (index < 0 || index >= count()) {
0181         return false;
0182     }
0184     QHash<QByteArray, QVariant> currentValues = data(index);
0186     // Determine which roles have been changed
0187     QSet<QByteArray> changedRoles;
0188     QHashIterator<QByteArray, QVariant> it(values);
0189     while (it.hasNext()) {
0191         const QByteArray role = sharedValue(it.key());
0192         const QVariant value = it.value();
0194         if (currentValues[role] != value) {
0195             currentValues[role] = value;
0196             changedRoles.insert(role);
0197         }
0198     }
0200     if (changedRoles.isEmpty()) {
0201         return false;
0202     }
0204     m_itemData[index]->values = currentValues;
0205     if (changedRoles.contains("text")) {
0206         QUrl url = m_itemData[index]->item.url();
0207         url = url.adjusted(QUrl::RemoveFilename);
0208         url.setPath(url.path() + currentValues["text"].toString());
0209         m_itemData[index]->item.setUrl(url);
0210     }
0212     emitItemsChangedAndTriggerResorting(KItemRangeList() << KItemRange(index, 1), changedRoles);
0214     return true;
0215 }
0217 void KFileItemModel::setSortDirectoriesFirst(bool dirsFirst)
0218 {
0219     if (dirsFirst != m_sortDirsFirst) {
0220         m_sortDirsFirst = dirsFirst;
0221         resortAllItems();
0222     }
0223 }
0225 bool KFileItemModel::sortDirectoriesFirst() const
0226 {
0227     return m_sortDirsFirst;
0228 }
0230 void KFileItemModel::setSortHiddenLast(bool hiddenLast)
0231 {
0232     if (hiddenLast != m_sortHiddenLast) {
0233         m_sortHiddenLast = hiddenLast;
0234         resortAllItems();
0235     }
0236 }
0238 bool KFileItemModel::sortHiddenLast() const
0239 {
0240     return m_sortHiddenLast;
0241 }
0243 void KFileItemModel::setShowTrashMime(bool show)
0244 {
0245     const auto trashMime = QStringLiteral("application/x-trash");
0246     QStringList excludeFilter = m_filter.excludeMimeTypes();
0247     bool wasShown = !excludeFilter.contains(trashMime);
0249     if (show) {
0250         if (!wasShown) {
0251             excludeFilter.removeAll(trashMime);
0252         }
0253     } else {
0254         if (wasShown) {
0255             excludeFilter.append(trashMime);
0256         }
0257     }
0259     if (wasShown != show) {
0260         setExcludeMimeTypeFilter(excludeFilter);
0261     }
0262 }
0264 void KFileItemModel::scheduleResortAllItems()
0265 {
0266     if (!m_resortAllItemsTimer->isActive()) {
0267         m_resortAllItemsTimer->start();
0268     }
0269 }
0271 void KFileItemModel::setShowHiddenFiles(bool show)
0272 {
0273     m_dirLister->setShowHiddenFiles(show);
0274     setShowTrashMime(show);
0275     m_dirLister->emitChanges();
0276     if (show) {
0277         dispatchPendingItemsToInsert();
0278     }
0279 }
0281 bool KFileItemModel::showHiddenFiles() const
0282 {
0283     return m_dirLister->showHiddenFiles();
0284 }
0286 void KFileItemModel::setShowDirectoriesOnly(bool enabled)
0287 {
0288     m_dirLister->setDirOnlyMode(enabled);
0289 }
0291 bool KFileItemModel::showDirectoriesOnly() const
0292 {
0293     return m_dirLister->dirOnlyMode();
0294 }
0296 QMimeData *KFileItemModel::createMimeData(const KItemSet &indexes) const
0297 {
0298     QMimeData *data = new QMimeData();
0300     // The following code has been taken from KDirModel::mimeData()
0301     // (kdelibs/kio/kio/kdirmodel.cpp)
0302     // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006 David Faure <>
0303     QList<QUrl> urls;
0304     QList<QUrl> mostLocalUrls;
0305     const ItemData *lastAddedItem = nullptr;
0307     for (int index : indexes) {
0308         const ItemData *itemData =;
0309         const ItemData *parent = itemData->parent;
0311         while (parent && parent != lastAddedItem) {
0312             parent = parent->parent;
0313         }
0315         if (parent && parent == lastAddedItem) {
0316             // A parent of 'itemData' has been added already.
0317             continue;
0318         }
0320         lastAddedItem = itemData;
0321         const KFileItem &item = itemData->item;
0322         if (!item.isNull()) {
0323             urls << item.url();
0325             bool isLocal;
0326             mostLocalUrls << item.mostLocalUrl(&isLocal);
0327         }
0328     }
0330     KUrlMimeData::setUrls(urls, mostLocalUrls, data);
0331     return data;
0332 }
0334 int KFileItemModel::indexForKeyboardSearch(const QString &text, int startFromIndex) const
0335 {
0336     startFromIndex = qMax(0, startFromIndex);
0337     for (int i = startFromIndex; i < count(); ++i) {
0338         if (fileItem(i).text().startsWith(text, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
0339             return i;
0340         }
0341     }
0342     for (int i = 0; i < startFromIndex; ++i) {
0343         if (fileItem(i).text().startsWith(text, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
0344             return i;
0345         }
0346     }
0347     return -1;
0348 }
0350 bool KFileItemModel::supportsDropping(int index) const
0351 {
0352     KFileItem item;
0353     if (index == -1) {
0354         item = rootItem();
0355     } else {
0356         item = fileItem(index);
0357     }
0358     return !item.isNull() && ((item.isDir() && item.isWritable()) || item.isDesktopFile());
0359 }
0361 QString KFileItemModel::roleDescription(const QByteArray &role) const
0362 {
0363     static QHash<QByteArray, QString> description;
0364     if (description.isEmpty()) {
0365         int count = 0;
0366         const RoleInfoMap *map = rolesInfoMap(count);
0367         for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
0368             if (map[i].roleTranslation.isEmpty()) {
0369                 continue;
0370             }
0371             description.insert(map[i].role, map[i].roleTranslation.toString());
0372         }
0373     }
0375     return description.value(role);
0376 }
0378 QList<QPair<int, QVariant>> KFileItemModel::groups() const
0379 {
0380     if (!m_itemData.isEmpty() && m_groups.isEmpty()) {
0382         QElapsedTimer timer;
0383         timer.start();
0384 #endif
0385         switch (typeForRole(sortRole())) {
0386         case NameRole:
0387             m_groups = nameRoleGroups();
0388             break;
0389         case SizeRole:
0390             m_groups = sizeRoleGroups();
0391             break;
0392         case ModificationTimeRole:
0393             m_groups = timeRoleGroups([](const ItemData *item) {
0394                 return item->item.time(KFileItem::ModificationTime);
0395             });
0396             break;
0397         case CreationTimeRole:
0398             m_groups = timeRoleGroups([](const ItemData *item) {
0399                 return item->item.time(KFileItem::CreationTime);
0400             });
0401             break;
0402         case AccessTimeRole:
0403             m_groups = timeRoleGroups([](const ItemData *item) {
0404                 return item->item.time(KFileItem::AccessTime);
0405             });
0406             break;
0407         case DeletionTimeRole:
0408             m_groups = timeRoleGroups([](const ItemData *item) {
0409                 return item->values.value("deletiontime").toDateTime();
0410             });
0411             break;
0412         case PermissionsRole:
0413             m_groups = permissionRoleGroups();
0414             break;
0415         case RatingRole:
0416             m_groups = ratingRoleGroups();
0417             break;
0418         default:
0419             m_groups = genericStringRoleGroups(sortRole());
0420             break;
0421         }
0424         qCDebug(DolphinDebug) << "[TIME] Calculating groups for" << count() << "items:" << timer.elapsed();
0425 #endif
0426     }
0428     return m_groups;
0429 }
0431 KFileItem KFileItemModel::fileItem(int index) const
0432 {
0433     if (index >= 0 && index < count()) {
0434         return>item;
0435     }
0437     return KFileItem();
0438 }
0440 KFileItem KFileItemModel::fileItem(const QUrl &url) const
0441 {
0442     const int indexForUrl = index(url);
0443     if (indexForUrl >= 0) {
0444         return>item;
0445     }
0446     return KFileItem();
0447 }
0449 int KFileItemModel::index(const KFileItem &item) const
0450 {
0451     return index(item.url());
0452 }
0454 int KFileItemModel::index(const QUrl &url) const
0455 {
0456     const QUrl urlToFind = url.adjusted(QUrl::StripTrailingSlash);
0458     const int itemCount = m_itemData.count();
0459     int itemsInHash = m_items.count();
0461     int index = m_items.value(urlToFind, -1);
0462     while (index < 0 && itemsInHash < itemCount) {
0463         // Not all URLs are stored yet in m_items. We grow m_items until either
0464         // urlToFind is found, or all URLs have been stored in m_items.
0465         // Note that we do not add the URLs to m_items one by one, but in
0466         // larger blocks. After each block, we check if urlToFind is in
0467         // m_items. We could in principle compare urlToFind with each URL while
0468         // we are going through m_itemData, but comparing two QUrls will,
0469         // unlike calling qHash for the URLs, trigger a parsing of the URLs
0470         // which costs both CPU cycles and memory.
0471         const int blockSize = 1000;
0472         const int currentBlockEnd = qMin(itemsInHash + blockSize, itemCount);
0473         for (int i = itemsInHash; i < currentBlockEnd; ++i) {
0474             const QUrl nextUrl =>item.url();
0475             m_items.insert(nextUrl, i);
0476         }
0478         itemsInHash = currentBlockEnd;
0479         index = m_items.value(urlToFind, -1);
0480     }
0482     if (index < 0) {
0483         // The item could not be found, even though all items from m_itemData
0484         // should be in m_items now. We print some diagnostic information which
0485         // might help to find the cause of the problem, but only once. This
0486         // prevents that obtaining and printing the debugging information
0487         // wastes CPU cycles and floods the shell or .xsession-errors.
0488         static bool printDebugInfo = true;
0490         if (m_items.count() != m_itemData.count() && printDebugInfo) {
0491             printDebugInfo = false;
0493             qCWarning(DolphinDebug) << "The model is in an inconsistent state.";
0494             qCWarning(DolphinDebug) << "m_items.count()    ==" << m_items.count();
0495             qCWarning(DolphinDebug) << "m_itemData.count() ==" << m_itemData.count();
0497             // Check if there are multiple items with the same URL.
0498             QMultiHash<QUrl, int> indexesForUrl;
0499             for (int i = 0; i < m_itemData.count(); ++i) {
0500                 indexesForUrl.insert(>item.url(), i);
0501             }
0503             const auto uniqueKeys = indexesForUrl.uniqueKeys();
0504             for (const QUrl &url : uniqueKeys) {
0505                 if (indexesForUrl.count(url) > 1) {
0506                     qCWarning(DolphinDebug) << "Multiple items found with the URL" << url;
0508                     auto it = indexesForUrl.find(url);
0509                     while (it != indexesForUrl.end() && it.key() == url) {
0510                         const ItemData *data =;
0511                         qCWarning(DolphinDebug) << "index" << it.value() << ":" << data->item;
0512                         if (data->parent) {
0513                             qCWarning(DolphinDebug) << "parent" << data->parent->item;
0514                         }
0515                         ++it;
0516                     }
0517                 }
0518             }
0519         }
0520     }
0522     return index;
0523 }
0525 KFileItem KFileItemModel::rootItem() const
0526 {
0527     return m_dirLister->rootItem();
0528 }
0530 void KFileItemModel::clear()
0531 {
0532     slotClear();
0533 }
0535 void KFileItemModel::setRoles(const QSet<QByteArray> &roles)
0536 {
0537     if (m_roles == roles) {
0538         return;
0539     }
0541     const QSet<QByteArray> changedRoles = (roles - m_roles) + (m_roles - roles);
0542     m_roles = roles;
0544     if (count() > 0) {
0545         const bool supportedExpanding = m_requestRole[ExpandedParentsCountRole];
0546         const bool willSupportExpanding = roles.contains("expandedParentsCount");
0547         if (supportedExpanding && !willSupportExpanding) {
0548             // No expanding is supported anymore. Take care to delete all items that have an expansion level
0549             // that is not 0 (and hence are part of an expanded item).
0550             removeExpandedItems();
0551         }
0552     }
0554     m_groups.clear();
0555     resetRoles();
0557     QSetIterator<QByteArray> it(roles);
0558     while (it.hasNext()) {
0559         const QByteArray &role =;
0560         m_requestRole[typeForRole(role)] = true;
0561     }
0563     if (count() > 0) {
0564         // Update m_data with the changed requested roles
0565         const int maxIndex = count() - 1;
0566         for (int i = 0; i <= maxIndex; ++i) {
0567             m_itemData[i]->values = retrieveData(>item,>parent);
0568         }
0570         Q_EMIT itemsChanged(KItemRangeList() << KItemRange(0, count()), changedRoles);
0571     }
0573     // Clear the 'values' of all filtered items. They will be re-populated with the
0574     // correct roles the next time 'values' will be accessed via data(int).
0575     QHash<KFileItem, ItemData *>::iterator filteredIt = m_filteredItems.begin();
0576     const QHash<KFileItem, ItemData *>::iterator filteredEnd = m_filteredItems.end();
0577     while (filteredIt != filteredEnd) {
0578         (*filteredIt)->values.clear();
0579         ++filteredIt;
0580     }
0581 }
0583 QSet<QByteArray> KFileItemModel::roles() const
0584 {
0585     return m_roles;
0586 }
0588 bool KFileItemModel::setExpanded(int index, bool expanded)
0589 {
0590     if (!isExpandable(index) || isExpanded(index) == expanded) {
0591         return false;
0592     }
0594     QHash<QByteArray, QVariant> values;
0595     values.insert(sharedValue("isExpanded"), expanded);
0596     if (!setData(index, values)) {
0597         return false;
0598     }
0600     const KFileItem item =>item;
0601     const QUrl url = item.url();
0602     const QUrl targetUrl = item.targetUrl();
0603     if (expanded) {
0604         m_expandedDirs.insert(targetUrl, url);
0605         m_dirLister->openUrl(url, KDirLister::Keep);
0607         const QVariantList previouslyExpandedChildren =>values.value("previouslyExpandedChildren").value<QVariantList>();
0608         for (const QVariant &var : previouslyExpandedChildren) {
0609             m_urlsToExpand.insert(var.toUrl());
0610         }
0611     } else {
0612         // Note that there might be (indirect) children of the folder which is to be collapsed in
0613         // m_pendingItemsToInsert. To prevent that they will be inserted into the model later,
0614         // possibly without a parent, which might result in a crash, we insert all pending items
0615         // right now. All new items which would be without a parent will then be removed.
0616         dispatchPendingItemsToInsert();
0618         // Check if the index of the collapsed folder has changed. If that is the case, then items
0619         // were inserted before the collapsed folder, and its index needs to be updated.
0620         if (>item != item) {
0621             index = this->index(item);
0622         }
0624         m_expandedDirs.remove(targetUrl);
0625         m_dirLister->stop(url);
0626         m_dirLister->forgetDirs(url);
0628         const int parentLevel = expandedParentsCount(index);
0629         const int itemCount = m_itemData.count();
0630         const int firstChildIndex = index + 1;
0632         QVariantList expandedChildren;
0634         int childIndex = firstChildIndex;
0635         while (childIndex < itemCount && expandedParentsCount(childIndex) > parentLevel) {
0636             ItemData *itemData =;
0637             if (itemData->values.value("isExpanded").toBool()) {
0638                 const QUrl targetUrl = itemData->item.targetUrl();
0639                 const QUrl url = itemData->item.url();
0640                 m_expandedDirs.remove(targetUrl);
0641                 m_dirLister->stop(url); // TODO: try to unit-test this, see
0642                 m_dirLister->forgetDirs(url);
0643                 expandedChildren.append(targetUrl);
0644             }
0645             ++childIndex;
0646         }
0647         const int childrenCount = childIndex - firstChildIndex;
0649         removeFilteredChildren(KItemRangeList() << KItemRange(index, 1 + childrenCount));
0650         removeItems(KItemRangeList() << KItemRange(firstChildIndex, childrenCount), DeleteItemData);
0652>values.insert("previouslyExpandedChildren", expandedChildren);
0653     }
0655     return true;
0656 }
0658 bool KFileItemModel::isExpanded(int index) const
0659 {
0660     if (index >= 0 && index < count()) {
0661         return>values.value("isExpanded").toBool();
0662     }
0663     return false;
0664 }
0666 bool KFileItemModel::isExpandable(int index) const
0667 {
0668     if (index >= 0 && index < count()) {
0669         // Call data (instead of accessing m_itemData directly)
0670         // to ensure that the value is initialized.
0671         return data(index).value("isExpandable").toBool();
0672     }
0673     return false;
0674 }
0676 int KFileItemModel::expandedParentsCount(int index) const
0677 {
0678     if (index >= 0 && index < count()) {
0679         return expandedParentsCount(;
0680     }
0681     return 0;
0682 }
0684 QSet<QUrl> KFileItemModel::expandedDirectories() const
0685 {
0686     QSet<QUrl> result;
0687     const auto dirs = m_expandedDirs;
0688     for (const auto &dir : dirs) {
0689         result.insert(dir);
0690     }
0691     return result;
0692 }
0694 void KFileItemModel::restoreExpandedDirectories(const QSet<QUrl> &urls)
0695 {
0696     m_urlsToExpand = urls;
0697 }
0699 void KFileItemModel::expandParentDirectories(const QUrl &url)
0700 {
0701     // Assure that each sub-path of the URL that should be
0702     // expanded is added to m_urlsToExpand. KDirLister
0703     // does not care whether the parent-URL has already been
0704     // expanded.
0705     QUrl urlToExpand = m_dirLister->url();
0706     const int pos = urlToExpand.path().length();
0708     // first subdir can be empty, if m_dirLister->url().path() does not end with '/'
0709     // this happens if baseUrl is not root but a home directory, see FoldersPanel,
0710     // so using QString::SkipEmptyParts
0711     const QStringList subDirs = url.path().mid(pos).split(QDir::separator(), Qt::SkipEmptyParts);
0712     for (int i = 0; i < subDirs.count() - 1; ++i) {
0713         QString path = urlToExpand.path();
0714         if (!path.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/'))) {
0715             path.append(QLatin1Char('/'));
0716         }
0717         urlToExpand.setPath(path +;
0718         m_urlsToExpand.insert(urlToExpand);
0719     }
0721     // KDirLister::open() must called at least once to trigger an initial
0722     // loading. The pending URLs that must be restored are handled
0723     // in slotCompleted().
0724     QSetIterator<QUrl> it2(m_urlsToExpand);
0725     while (it2.hasNext()) {
0726         const int idx = index(;
0727         if (idx >= 0 && !isExpanded(idx)) {
0728             setExpanded(idx, true);
0729             break;
0730         }
0731     }
0732 }
0734 void KFileItemModel::setNameFilter(const QString &nameFilter)
0735 {
0736     if (m_filter.pattern() != nameFilter) {
0737         dispatchPendingItemsToInsert();
0738         m_filter.setPattern(nameFilter);
0739         applyFilters();
0740     }
0741 }
0743 QString KFileItemModel::nameFilter() const
0744 {
0745     return m_filter.pattern();
0746 }
0748 void KFileItemModel::setMimeTypeFilters(const QStringList &filters)
0749 {
0750     if (m_filter.mimeTypes() != filters) {
0751         dispatchPendingItemsToInsert();
0752         m_filter.setMimeTypes(filters);
0753         applyFilters();
0754     }
0755 }
0757 QStringList KFileItemModel::mimeTypeFilters() const
0758 {
0759     return m_filter.mimeTypes();
0760 }
0762 void KFileItemModel::setExcludeMimeTypeFilter(const QStringList &filters)
0763 {
0764     if (m_filter.excludeMimeTypes() != filters) {
0765         dispatchPendingItemsToInsert();
0766         m_filter.setExcludeMimeTypes(filters);
0767         applyFilters();
0768     }
0769 }
0771 QStringList KFileItemModel::excludeMimeTypeFilter() const
0772 {
0773     return m_filter.excludeMimeTypes();
0774 }
0776 void KFileItemModel::applyFilters()
0777 {
0778     // ===STEP 1===
0779     // Check which previously shown items from m_itemData must now get
0780     // hidden and hence moved from m_itemData into m_filteredItems.
0782     QList<int> newFilteredIndexes; // This structure is good for prepending. We will want an ascending sorted Container at the end, this will do fine.
0784     // This pointer will refer to the next confirmed shown item from the point of
0785     // view of the current "itemData" in the upcoming "for" loop.
0786     ItemData *itemShownBelow = nullptr;
0788     // We will iterate backwards because it's convenient to know beforehand if the item just below is its child or not.
0789     for (int index = m_itemData.count() - 1; index >= 0; --index) {
0790         ItemData *itemData =;
0792         if (m_filter.matches(itemData->item) || (itemShownBelow && itemShownBelow->parent == itemData)) {
0793             // We could've entered here for two reasons:
0794             // 1. This item passes the filter itself
0795             // 2. This is an expanded folder that doesn't pass the filter but sees a filter-passing child just below
0797             // So this item must remain shown.
0798             // Lets register this item as the next shown item from the point of view of the next iteration of this for loop
0799             itemShownBelow = itemData;
0800         } else {
0801             // We hide this item for now, however, for expanded folders this is not final:
0802             // if after the next "for" loop we discover that its children must now be shown with the newly applied fliter, we shall re-insert it
0803             newFilteredIndexes.prepend(index);
0804             m_filteredItems.insert(itemData->item, itemData);
0805             // indexShownBelow doesn't get updated since this item will be hidden
0806         }
0807     }
0809     // This will remove the newly filtered items from m_itemData
0810     removeItems(KItemRangeList::fromSortedContainer(newFilteredIndexes), KeepItemData);
0812     // ===STEP 2===
0813     // Check which hidden items from m_filteredItems should
0814     // become visible again and hence moved from m_filteredItems back into m_itemData.
0816     QList<ItemData *> newVisibleItems;
0818     QHash<KFileItem, ItemData *> ancestorsOfNewVisibleItems; // We will make sure these also become visible in step 3.
0820     QHash<KFileItem, ItemData *>::iterator it = m_filteredItems.begin();
0821     while (it != m_filteredItems.end()) {
0822         if (m_filter.matches(it.key())) {
0823             newVisibleItems.append(it.value());
0825             // If this is a child of an expanded folder, we must make sure that its whole parental chain will also be shown.
0826             // We will go up through its parental chain until we either:
0827             // 1 - reach the "root item" of the current view, i.e the currently opened folder on Dolphin. Their children have their ItemData::parent set to
0828             // nullptr. or 2 - we reach an unfiltered parent or a previously discovered ancestor.
0829             for (ItemData *parent = it.value()->parent; parent && !ancestorsOfNewVisibleItems.contains(parent->item) && m_filteredItems.contains(parent->item);
0830                  parent = parent->parent) {
0831                 // We wish we could remove this parent from m_filteredItems right now, but we are iterating over it
0832                 // and it would mess up the iteration. We will mark it to be removed in step 3.
0833                 ancestorsOfNewVisibleItems.insert(parent->item, parent);
0834             }
0836             it = m_filteredItems.erase(it);
0837         } else {
0838             // Item remains filtered for now
0839             // However, for expanded folders this is not final, we may discover later that it has unfiltered descendants.
0840             ++it;
0841         }
0842     }
0844     // ===STEP 3===
0845     // Handles the ancestorsOfNewVisibleItems.
0846     // Now that we are done iterating through m_filteredItems we can safely move the ancestorsOfNewVisibleItems from m_filteredItems to newVisibleItems.
0847     for (it = ancestorsOfNewVisibleItems.begin(); it != ancestorsOfNewVisibleItems.end(); it++) {
0848         if (m_filteredItems.remove(it.key())) {
0849             // m_filteredItems still contained this ancestor until now so we can be sure that we aren't adding a duplicate ancestor to newVisibleItems.
0850             newVisibleItems.append(it.value());
0851         }
0852     }
0854     // This will insert the newly discovered unfiltered items into m_itemData
0855     insertItems(newVisibleItems);
0856 }
0858 void KFileItemModel::removeFilteredChildren(const KItemRangeList &itemRanges)
0859 {
0860     if (m_filteredItems.isEmpty() || !m_requestRole[ExpandedParentsCountRole]) {
0861         // There are either no filtered items, or it is not possible to expand
0862         // folders -> there cannot be any filtered children.
0863         return;
0864     }
0866     QSet<ItemData *> parents;
0867     for (const KItemRange &range : itemRanges) {
0868         for (int index = range.index; index < range.index + range.count; ++index) {
0869             parents.insert(;
0870         }
0871     }
0873     QHash<KFileItem, ItemData *>::iterator it = m_filteredItems.begin();
0874     while (it != m_filteredItems.end()) {
0875         if (parents.contains(it.value()->parent)) {
0876             delete it.value();
0877             it = m_filteredItems.erase(it);
0878         } else {
0879             ++it;
0880         }
0881     }
0882 }
0884 QList<KFileItemModel::RoleInfo> KFileItemModel::rolesInformation()
0885 {
0886     static QList<RoleInfo> rolesInfo;
0887     if (rolesInfo.isEmpty()) {
0888         int count = 0;
0889         const RoleInfoMap *map = rolesInfoMap(count);
0890         for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
0891             if (map[i].roleType != NoRole) {
0892                 RoleInfo info;
0893                 info.role = map[i].role;
0894                 info.translation = map[i].roleTranslation.toString();
0895                 if (!map[i].groupTranslation.isEmpty()) {
0896            = map[i].groupTranslation.toString();
0897                 } else {
0898                     // For top level roles, groupTranslation is 0. We must make sure that
0899                     // is an empty string then because the code that generates
0900                     // menus tries to put the actions into sub menus otherwise.
0901            = QString();
0902                 }
0903                 info.requiresBaloo = map[i].requiresBaloo;
0904                 info.requiresIndexer = map[i].requiresIndexer;
0905                 if (!map[i].tooltipTranslation.isEmpty()) {
0906                     info.tooltip = map[i].tooltipTranslation.toString();
0907                 } else {
0908                     info.tooltip = QString();
0909                 }
0910                 rolesInfo.append(info);
0911             }
0912         }
0913     }
0915     return rolesInfo;
0916 }
0918 void KFileItemModel::onGroupedSortingChanged(bool current)
0919 {
0920     Q_UNUSED(current)
0921     m_groups.clear();
0922 }
0924 void KFileItemModel::onSortRoleChanged(const QByteArray &current, const QByteArray &previous, bool resortItems)
0925 {
0926     Q_UNUSED(previous)
0927     m_sortRole = typeForRole(current);
0929     if (!m_requestRole[m_sortRole]) {
0930         QSet<QByteArray> newRoles = m_roles;
0931         newRoles << current;
0932         setRoles(newRoles);
0933     }
0935     if (resortItems) {
0936         resortAllItems();
0937     }
0938 }
0940 void KFileItemModel::onSortOrderChanged(Qt::SortOrder current, Qt::SortOrder previous)
0941 {
0942     Q_UNUSED(current)
0943     Q_UNUSED(previous)
0944     resortAllItems();
0945 }
0947 void KFileItemModel::loadSortingSettings()
0948 {
0949     using Choice = GeneralSettings::EnumSortingChoice;
0950     switch (GeneralSettings::sortingChoice()) {
0951     case Choice::NaturalSorting:
0952         m_naturalSorting = true;
0953         m_collator.setCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseInsensitive);
0954         break;
0955     case Choice::CaseSensitiveSorting:
0956         m_naturalSorting = false;
0957         m_collator.setCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseSensitive);
0958         break;
0959     case Choice::CaseInsensitiveSorting:
0960         m_naturalSorting = false;
0961         m_collator.setCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseInsensitive);
0962         break;
0963     default:
0964         Q_UNREACHABLE();
0965     }
0966     // Workaround for bug
0967     // Force the clean state of QCollator in single thread to avoid thread safety problems in sort
0968, QString());
0969 }
0971 void KFileItemModel::resortAllItems()
0972 {
0973     m_resortAllItemsTimer->stop();
0975     const int itemCount = count();
0976     if (itemCount <= 0) {
0977         return;
0978     }
0981     QElapsedTimer timer;
0982     timer.start();
0983     qCDebug(DolphinDebug) << "===========================================================";
0984     qCDebug(DolphinDebug) << "Resorting" << itemCount << "items";
0985 #endif
0987     // Remember the order of the current URLs so
0988     // that it can be determined which indexes have
0989     // been moved because of the resorting.
0990     QList<QUrl> oldUrls;
0991     oldUrls.reserve(itemCount);
0992     for (const ItemData *itemData : std::as_const(m_itemData)) {
0993         oldUrls.append(itemData->item.url());
0994     }
0996     m_items.clear();
0997     m_items.reserve(itemCount);
0999     // Resort the items
1000     sort(m_itemData.begin(), m_itemData.end());
1001     for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; ++i) {
1002         m_items.insert(>item.url(), i);
1003     }
1005     // Determine the first index that has been moved.
1006     int firstMovedIndex = 0;
1007     while (firstMovedIndex < itemCount && firstMovedIndex == m_items.value( {
1008         ++firstMovedIndex;
1009     }
1011     const bool itemsHaveMoved = firstMovedIndex < itemCount;
1012     if (itemsHaveMoved) {
1013         m_groups.clear();
1015         int lastMovedIndex = itemCount - 1;
1016         while (lastMovedIndex > firstMovedIndex && lastMovedIndex == m_items.value( {
1017             --lastMovedIndex;
1018         }
1020         Q_ASSERT(firstMovedIndex <= lastMovedIndex);
1022         // Create a list movedToIndexes, which has the property that
1023         // movedToIndexes[i] is the new index of the item with the old index
1024         // firstMovedIndex + i.
1025         const int movedItemsCount = lastMovedIndex - firstMovedIndex + 1;
1026         QList<int> movedToIndexes;
1027         movedToIndexes.reserve(movedItemsCount);
1028         for (int i = firstMovedIndex; i <= lastMovedIndex; ++i) {
1029             const int newIndex = m_items.value(;
1030             movedToIndexes.append(newIndex);
1031         }
1033         Q_EMIT itemsMoved(KItemRange(firstMovedIndex, movedItemsCount), movedToIndexes);
1034     } else if (groupedSorting()) {
1035         // The groups might have changed even if the order of the items has not.
1036         const QList<QPair<int, QVariant>> oldGroups = m_groups;
1037         m_groups.clear();
1038         if (groups() != oldGroups) {
1039             Q_EMIT groupsChanged();
1040         }
1041     }
1044     qCDebug(DolphinDebug) << "[TIME] Resorting of" << itemCount << "items:" << timer.elapsed();
1045 #endif
1046 }
1048 void KFileItemModel::slotCompleted()
1049 {
1050     m_maximumUpdateIntervalTimer->stop();
1051     dispatchPendingItemsToInsert();
1053     if (!m_urlsToExpand.isEmpty()) {
1054         // Try to find a URL that can be expanded.
1055         // Note that the parent folder must be expanded before any of its subfolders become visible.
1056         // Therefore, some URLs in m_restoredExpandedUrls might not be visible yet
1057         // -> we expand the first visible URL we find in m_restoredExpandedUrls.
1058         // Iterate over a const copy because items are deleted and inserted within the loop
1059         const auto urlsToExpand = m_urlsToExpand;
1060         for (const QUrl &url : urlsToExpand) {
1061             const int indexForUrl = index(url);
1062             if (indexForUrl >= 0) {
1063                 m_urlsToExpand.remove(url);
1064                 if (setExpanded(indexForUrl, true)) {
1065                     // The dir lister has been triggered. This slot will be called
1066                     // again after the directory has been expanded.
1067                     return;
1068                 }
1069             }
1070         }
1072         // None of the URLs in m_restoredExpandedUrls could be found in the model. This can happen
1073         // if these URLs have been deleted in the meantime.
1074         m_urlsToExpand.clear();
1075     }
1077     Q_EMIT directoryLoadingCompleted();
1078 }
1080 void KFileItemModel::slotCanceled()
1081 {
1082     m_maximumUpdateIntervalTimer->stop();
1083     dispatchPendingItemsToInsert();
1085     Q_EMIT directoryLoadingCanceled();
1086 }
1088 void KFileItemModel::slotItemsAdded(const QUrl &directoryUrl, const KFileItemList &items)
1089 {
1090     Q_ASSERT(!items.isEmpty());
1092     const QUrl parentUrl = m_expandedDirs.value(directoryUrl, directoryUrl.adjusted(QUrl::StripTrailingSlash));
1094     if (m_requestRole[ExpandedParentsCountRole]) {
1095         // If the expanding of items is enabled, the call
1096         // dirLister->openUrl(url, KDirLister::Keep) in KFileItemModel::setExpanded()
1097         // might result in emitting the same items twice due to the Keep-parameter.
1098         // This case happens if an item gets expanded, collapsed and expanded again
1099         // before the items could be loaded for the first expansion.
1100         if (index(items.first().url()) >= 0) {
1101             // The items are already part of the model.
1102             return;
1103         }
1105         if (directoryUrl != directory()) {
1106             // To be able to compare whether the new items may be inserted as children
1107             // of a parent item the pending items must be added to the model first.
1108             dispatchPendingItemsToInsert();
1109         }
1111         // KDirLister keeps the children of items that got expanded once even if
1112         // they got collapsed again with KFileItemModel::setExpanded(false). So it must be
1113         // checked whether the parent for new items is still expanded.
1114         const int parentIndex = index(parentUrl);
1115         if (parentIndex >= 0 && !m_itemData[parentIndex]->values.value("isExpanded").toBool()) {
1116             // The parent is not expanded.
1117             return;
1118         }
1119     }
1121     const QList<ItemData *> itemDataList = createItemDataList(parentUrl, items);
1123     if (!m_filter.hasSetFilters()) {
1124         m_pendingItemsToInsert.append(itemDataList);
1125     } else {
1126         QSet<ItemData *> parentsToEnsureVisible;
1128         // The name or type filter is active. Hide filtered items
1129         // before inserting them into the model and remember
1130         // the filtered items in m_filteredItems.
1131         for (ItemData *itemData : itemDataList) {
1132             if (m_filter.matches(itemData->item)) {
1133                 m_pendingItemsToInsert.append(itemData);
1134                 if (itemData->parent) {
1135                     parentsToEnsureVisible.insert(itemData->parent);
1136                 }
1137             } else {
1138                 m_filteredItems.insert(itemData->item, itemData);
1139             }
1140         }
1142         // Entire parental chains must be shown
1143         for (ItemData *parent : parentsToEnsureVisible) {
1144             for (; parent && m_filteredItems.remove(parent->item); parent = parent->parent) {
1145                 m_pendingItemsToInsert.append(parent);
1146             }
1147         }
1148     }
1150     if (!m_maximumUpdateIntervalTimer->isActive()) {
1151         // Assure that items get dispatched if no completed() or canceled() signal is
1152         // emitted during the maximum update interval.
1153         m_maximumUpdateIntervalTimer->start();
1154     }
1156     Q_EMIT fileItemsChanged({KFileItem(directoryUrl)});
1157 }
1159 int KFileItemModel::filterChildlessParents(KItemRangeList &removedItemRanges, const QSet<ItemData *> &parentsToEnsureVisible)
1160 {
1161     int filteredParentsCount = 0;
1162     // The childless parents not yet removed will always be right above the start of a removed range.
1163     // We iterate backwards to ensure the deepest folders are processed before their parents
1164     for (int i = removedItemRanges.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
1165         KItemRange itemRange =;
1166         const ItemData *const firstInRange =;
1167         ItemData *itemAbove = itemRange.index - 1 >= 0 ? - 1) : nullptr;
1168         const ItemData *const itemBelow = itemRange.index + itemRange.count < m_itemData.count() ? + itemRange.count) : nullptr;
1170         if (itemAbove && firstInRange->parent == itemAbove && !m_filter.matches(itemAbove->item) && (!itemBelow || itemBelow->parent != itemAbove)
1171             && !parentsToEnsureVisible.contains(itemAbove)) {
1172             // The item above exists, is the parent, doesn't pass the filter, does not belong to parentsToEnsureVisible
1173             // and this deleted range covers all of its descendents, so none will be left.
1174             m_filteredItems.insert(itemAbove->item, itemAbove);
1175             // This range's starting index will be extended to include the parent above:
1176             --itemRange.index;
1177             ++itemRange.count;
1178             ++filteredParentsCount;
1179             KItemRange previousRange = i > 0 ? - 1) : KItemRange();
1180             // We must check if this caused the range to touch the previous range, if that's the case they shall be merged
1181             if (i > 0 && previousRange.index + previousRange.count == itemRange.index) {
1182                 previousRange.count += itemRange.count;
1183                 removedItemRanges.replace(i - 1, previousRange);
1184                 removedItemRanges.removeAt(i);
1185             } else {
1186                 removedItemRanges.replace(i, itemRange);
1187                 // We must revisit this range in the next iteration since its starting index changed
1188                 ++i;
1189             }
1190         }
1191     }
1192     return filteredParentsCount;
1193 }
1195 void KFileItemModel::slotItemsDeleted(const KFileItemList &items)
1196 {
1197     dispatchPendingItemsToInsert();
1199     QVector<int> indexesToRemove;
1200     indexesToRemove.reserve(items.count());
1201     KFileItemList dirsChanged;
1203     const auto currentDir = directory();
1205     for (const KFileItem &item : items) {
1206         if (item.url() == currentDir) {
1207             // #473377: Delay emitting currentDirectoryRemoved() to avoid modifying KCoreDirLister
1208             // before KCoreDirListerCache::deleteDir() returns.
1209             QTimer::singleShot(0, this, [this] {
1210                 Q_EMIT currentDirectoryRemoved();
1211             });
1213             return;
1214         }
1216         const int indexForItem = index(item);
1217         if (indexForItem >= 0) {
1218             indexesToRemove.append(indexForItem);
1219         } else {
1220             // Probably the item has been filtered.
1221             QHash<KFileItem, ItemData *>::iterator it = m_filteredItems.find(item);
1222             if (it != m_filteredItems.end()) {
1223                 delete it.value();
1224                 m_filteredItems.erase(it);
1225             }
1226         }
1228         QUrl parentUrl = item.url().adjusted(QUrl::RemoveFilename | QUrl::StripTrailingSlash);
1229         if (dirsChanged.findByUrl(parentUrl).isNull()) {
1230             dirsChanged << KFileItem(parentUrl);
1231         }
1232     }
1234     std::sort(indexesToRemove.begin(), indexesToRemove.end());
1236     if (m_requestRole[ExpandedParentsCountRole] && !m_expandedDirs.isEmpty()) {
1237         // Assure that removing a parent item also results in removing all children
1238         QVector<int> indexesToRemoveWithChildren;
1239         indexesToRemoveWithChildren.reserve(m_itemData.count());
1241         const int itemCount = m_itemData.count();
1242         for (int index : std::as_const(indexesToRemove)) {
1243             indexesToRemoveWithChildren.append(index);
1245             const int parentLevel = expandedParentsCount(index);
1246             int childIndex = index + 1;
1247             while (childIndex < itemCount && expandedParentsCount(childIndex) > parentLevel) {
1248                 indexesToRemoveWithChildren.append(childIndex);
1249                 ++childIndex;
1250             }
1251         }
1253         indexesToRemove = indexesToRemoveWithChildren;
1254     }
1256     KItemRangeList itemRanges = KItemRangeList::fromSortedContainer(indexesToRemove);
1257     removeFilteredChildren(itemRanges);
1259     // This call will update itemRanges to include the childless parents that have been filtered.
1260     const int filteredParentsCount = filterChildlessParents(itemRanges);
1262     // If any childless parents were filtered, then itemRanges got updated and now contains items that were really deleted
1263     // mixed with expanded folders that are just being filtered out.
1264     // If that's the case, we pass 'DeleteItemDataIfUnfiltered' as a hint
1265     // so removeItems() will check m_filteredItems to differentiate which is which.
1266     removeItems(itemRanges, filteredParentsCount > 0 ? DeleteItemDataIfUnfiltered : DeleteItemData);
1268     Q_EMIT fileItemsChanged(dirsChanged);
1269 }
1271 void KFileItemModel::slotRefreshItems(const QList<QPair<KFileItem, KFileItem>> &items)
1272 {
1273     Q_ASSERT(!items.isEmpty());
1275     qCDebug(DolphinDebug) << "Refreshing" << items.count() << "items";
1276 #endif
1278     // Get the indexes of all items that have been refreshed
1279     QList<int> indexes;
1280     indexes.reserve(items.count());
1282     QSet<QByteArray> changedRoles;
1283     KFileItemList changedFiles;
1285     // Contains the indexes of the currently visible items
1286     // that should get hidden and hence moved to m_filteredItems.
1287     QVector<int> newFilteredIndexes;
1289     // Contains currently hidden items that should
1290     // get visible and hence removed from m_filteredItems
1291     QList<ItemData *> newVisibleItems;
1293     QListIterator<QPair<KFileItem, KFileItem>> it(items);
1295     while (it.hasNext()) {
1296         const QPair<KFileItem, KFileItem> &itemPair =;
1297         const KFileItem &oldItem = itemPair.first;
1298         const KFileItem &newItem = itemPair.second;
1299         const int indexForItem = index(oldItem);
1300         const bool newItemMatchesFilter = m_filter.matches(newItem);
1301         if (indexForItem >= 0) {
1302             m_itemData[indexForItem]->item = newItem;
1304             // Keep old values as long as possible if they could not retrieved synchronously yet.
1305             // The update of the values will be done asynchronously by KFileItemModelRolesUpdater.
1306             ItemData *const itemData =;
1307             QHashIterator<QByteArray, QVariant> it(retrieveData(newItem, itemData->parent));
1308             while (it.hasNext()) {
1309       ;
1310                 const QByteArray &role = it.key();
1311                 if (itemData->values.value(role) != it.value()) {
1312                     itemData->values.insert(role, it.value());
1313                     changedRoles.insert(role);
1314                 }
1315             }
1317             m_items.remove(oldItem.url());
1318             // We must maintain m_items consistent with m_itemData for now, this very loop is using it.
1319             // We leave it to be cleared by removeItems() later, when m_itemData actually gets updated.
1320             m_items.insert(newItem.url(), indexForItem);
1321             if (newItemMatchesFilter
1322                 || (itemData->values.value("isExpanded").toBool()
1323                     && (indexForItem + 1 < m_itemData.count() && + 1)->parent == itemData))) {
1324                 // We are lenient with expanded folders that originally had visible children.
1325                 // If they become childless now they will be caught by filterChildlessParents()
1326                 changedFiles.append(newItem);
1327                 indexes.append(indexForItem);
1328             } else {
1329                 newFilteredIndexes.append(indexForItem);
1330                 m_filteredItems.insert(newItem, itemData);
1331             }
1332         } else {
1333             // Check if 'oldItem' is one of the filtered items.
1334             QHash<KFileItem, ItemData *>::iterator it = m_filteredItems.find(oldItem);
1335             if (it != m_filteredItems.end()) {
1336                 ItemData *const itemData = it.value();
1337                 itemData->item = newItem;
1339                 // The data stored in 'values' might have changed. Therefore, we clear
1340                 // 'values' and re-populate it the next time it is requested via data(int).
1341                 // Before clearing, we must remember if it was expanded and the expanded parents count,
1342                 // otherwise these states would be lost. The data() method will deal with this special case.
1343                 const bool isExpanded = itemData->values.value("isExpanded").toBool();
1344                 bool hasExpandedParentsCount = false;
1345                 const int expandedParentsCount = itemData->values.value("expandedParentsCount").toInt(&hasExpandedParentsCount);
1346                 itemData->values.clear();
1347                 if (isExpanded) {
1348                     itemData->values.insert("isExpanded", true);
1349                     if (hasExpandedParentsCount) {
1350                         itemData->values.insert("expandedParentsCount", expandedParentsCount);
1351                     }
1352                 }
1354                 m_filteredItems.erase(it);
1355                 if (newItemMatchesFilter) {
1356                     newVisibleItems.append(itemData);
1357                 } else {
1358                     m_filteredItems.insert(newItem, itemData);
1359                 }
1360             }
1361         }
1362     }
1364     std::sort(newFilteredIndexes.begin(), newFilteredIndexes.end());
1366     // We must keep track of parents of new visible items since they must be shown no matter what
1367     // They will be considered "immune" to filterChildlessParents()
1368     QSet<ItemData *> parentsToEnsureVisible;
1370     for (ItemData *item : newVisibleItems) {
1371         for (ItemData *parent = item->parent; parent && !parentsToEnsureVisible.contains(parent); parent = parent->parent) {
1372             parentsToEnsureVisible.insert(parent);
1373         }
1374     }
1375     for (ItemData *parent : parentsToEnsureVisible) {
1376         // We make sure they are all unfiltered.
1377         if (m_filteredItems.remove(parent->item)) {
1378             // If it is being unfiltered now, we mark it to be inserted by appending it to newVisibleItems
1379             newVisibleItems.append(parent);
1380             // It could be in newFilteredIndexes, we must remove it if it's there:
1381             const int parentIndex = index(parent->item);
1382             if (parentIndex >= 0) {
1383                 QVector<int>::iterator it = std::lower_bound(newFilteredIndexes.begin(), newFilteredIndexes.end(), parentIndex);
1384                 if (it != newFilteredIndexes.end() && *it == parentIndex) {
1385                     newFilteredIndexes.erase(it);
1386                 }
1387             }
1388         }
1389     }
1391     KItemRangeList removedRanges = KItemRangeList::fromSortedContainer(newFilteredIndexes);
1393     // This call will update itemRanges to include the childless parents that have been filtered.
1394     filterChildlessParents(removedRanges, parentsToEnsureVisible);
1396     removeItems(removedRanges, KeepItemData);
1398     // Show previously hidden items that should get visible
1399     insertItems(newVisibleItems);
1401     // Final step: we will emit 'itemsChanged' and 'fileItemsChanged' signals and trigger the asynchronous re-sorting logic.
1403     // If the changed items have been created recently, they might not be in m_items yet.
1404     // In that case, the list 'indexes' might be empty.
1405     if (indexes.isEmpty()) {
1406         return;
1407     }
1409     if (newVisibleItems.count() > 0 || removedRanges.count() > 0) {
1410         // The original indexes have changed and are now worthless since items were removed and/or inserted.
1411         indexes.clear();
1412         // m_items is not yet rebuilt at this point, so we use our own means to resolve the new indexes.
1413         const QSet<const KFileItem> changedFilesSet(changedFiles.cbegin(), changedFiles.cend());
1414         for (int i = 0; i < m_itemData.count(); i++) {
1415             if (changedFilesSet.contains(>item)) {
1416                 indexes.append(i);
1417             }
1418         }
1419     } else {
1420         std::sort(indexes.begin(), indexes.end());
1421     }
1423     // Extract the item-ranges out of the changed indexes
1424     const KItemRangeList itemRangeList = KItemRangeList::fromSortedContainer(indexes);
1425     emitItemsChangedAndTriggerResorting(itemRangeList, changedRoles);
1427     Q_EMIT fileItemsChanged(changedFiles);
1428 }
1430 void KFileItemModel::slotClear()
1431 {
1433     qCDebug(DolphinDebug) << "Clearing all items";
1434 #endif
1436     qDeleteAll(m_filteredItems);
1437     m_filteredItems.clear();
1438     m_groups.clear();
1440     m_maximumUpdateIntervalTimer->stop();
1441     m_resortAllItemsTimer->stop();
1443     qDeleteAll(m_pendingItemsToInsert);
1444     m_pendingItemsToInsert.clear();
1446     const int removedCount = m_itemData.count();
1447     if (removedCount > 0) {
1448         qDeleteAll(m_itemData);
1449         m_itemData.clear();
1450         m_items.clear();
1451         Q_EMIT itemsRemoved(KItemRangeList() << KItemRange(0, removedCount));
1452     }
1454     m_expandedDirs.clear();
1455 }
1457 void KFileItemModel::slotSortingChoiceChanged()
1458 {
1459     loadSortingSettings();
1460     resortAllItems();
1461 }
1463 void KFileItemModel::dispatchPendingItemsToInsert()
1464 {
1465     if (!m_pendingItemsToInsert.isEmpty()) {
1466         insertItems(m_pendingItemsToInsert);
1467         m_pendingItemsToInsert.clear();
1468     }
1469 }
1471 void KFileItemModel::insertItems(QList<ItemData *> &newItems)
1472 {
1473     if (newItems.isEmpty()) {
1474         return;
1475     }
1478     QElapsedTimer timer;
1479     timer.start();
1480     qCDebug(DolphinDebug) << "===========================================================";
1481     qCDebug(DolphinDebug) << "Inserting" << newItems.count() << "items";
1482 #endif
1484     m_groups.clear();
1485     prepareItemsForSorting(newItems);
1487     // Natural sorting of items can be very slow. However, it becomes much faster
1488     // if the input sequence is already mostly sorted. Therefore, we first sort
1489     // 'newItems' according to the QStrings using QString::operator<(), which is quite fast.
1490     if (m_naturalSorting) {
1491         if (m_sortRole == NameRole) {
1492             parallelMergeSort(newItems.begin(), newItems.end(), nameLessThan, QThread::idealThreadCount());
1493         } else if (isRoleValueNatural(m_sortRole)) {
1494             auto lambdaLessThan = [&](const KFileItemModel::ItemData *a, const KFileItemModel::ItemData *b) {
1495                 const QByteArray role = roleForType(m_sortRole);
1496                 return a->values.value(role).toString() < b->values.value(role).toString();
1497             };
1498             parallelMergeSort(newItems.begin(), newItems.end(), lambdaLessThan, QThread::idealThreadCount());
1499         }
1500     }
1502     sort(newItems.begin(), newItems.end());
1505     qCDebug(DolphinDebug) << "[TIME] Sorting:" << timer.elapsed();
1506 #endif
1508     KItemRangeList itemRanges;
1509     const int existingItemCount = m_itemData.count();
1510     const int newItemCount = newItems.count();
1511     const int totalItemCount = existingItemCount + newItemCount;
1513     if (existingItemCount == 0) {
1514         // Optimization for the common special case that there are no
1515         // items in the model yet. Happens, e.g., when entering a folder.
1516         m_itemData = newItems;
1517         itemRanges << KItemRange(0, newItemCount);
1518     } else {
1519         m_itemData.reserve(totalItemCount);
1520         for (int i = existingItemCount; i < totalItemCount; ++i) {
1521             m_itemData.append(nullptr);
1522         }
1524         // We build the new list m_itemData in reverse order to minimize
1525         // the number of moves and guarantee O(N) complexity.
1526         int targetIndex = totalItemCount - 1;
1527         int sourceIndexExistingItems = existingItemCount - 1;
1528         int sourceIndexNewItems = newItemCount - 1;
1530         int rangeCount = 0;
1532         while (sourceIndexNewItems >= 0) {
1533             ItemData *newItem =;
1534             if (sourceIndexExistingItems >= 0 && lessThan(newItem,, m_collator)) {
1535                 // Move an existing item to its new position. If any new items
1536                 // are behind it, push the item range to itemRanges.
1537                 if (rangeCount > 0) {
1538                     itemRanges << KItemRange(sourceIndexExistingItems + 1, rangeCount);
1539                     rangeCount = 0;
1540                 }
1542                 m_itemData[targetIndex] =;
1543                 --sourceIndexExistingItems;
1544             } else {
1545                 // Insert a new item into the list.
1546                 ++rangeCount;
1547                 m_itemData[targetIndex] = newItem;
1548                 --sourceIndexNewItems;
1549             }
1550             --targetIndex;
1551         }
1553         // Push the final item range to itemRanges.
1554         if (rangeCount > 0) {
1555             itemRanges << KItemRange(sourceIndexExistingItems + 1, rangeCount);
1556         }
1558         // Note that itemRanges is still sorted in reverse order.
1559         std::reverse(itemRanges.begin(), itemRanges.end());
1560     }
1562     // The indexes in m_items are not correct anymore. Therefore, we clear m_items.
1563     // It will be re-populated with the updated indices if index(const QUrl&) is called.
1564     m_items.clear();
1566     Q_EMIT itemsInserted(itemRanges);
1569     qCDebug(DolphinDebug) << "[TIME] Inserting of" << newItems.count() << "items:" << timer.elapsed();
1570 #endif
1571 }
1573 void KFileItemModel::removeItems(const KItemRangeList &itemRanges, RemoveItemsBehavior behavior)
1574 {
1575     if (itemRanges.isEmpty()) {
1576         return;
1577     }
1579     m_groups.clear();
1581     // Step 1: Remove the items from m_itemData, and free the ItemData.
1582     int removedItemsCount = 0;
1583     for (const KItemRange &range : itemRanges) {
1584         removedItemsCount += range.count;
1586         for (int index = range.index; index < range.index + range.count; ++index) {
1587             if (behavior == DeleteItemData || (behavior == DeleteItemDataIfUnfiltered && !m_filteredItems.contains(>item))) {
1588                 delete;
1589             }
1591             m_itemData[index] = nullptr;
1592         }
1593     }
1595     // Step 2: Remove the ItemData pointers from the list m_itemData.
1596     int target =;
1597     int source = +;
1598     int nextRange = 1;
1600     const int oldItemDataCount = m_itemData.count();
1601     while (source < oldItemDataCount) {
1602         m_itemData[target] = m_itemData[source];
1603         ++target;
1604         ++source;
1606         if (nextRange < itemRanges.count() && source == {
1607             // Skip the items in the next removed range.
1608             source +=;
1609             ++nextRange;
1610         }
1611     }
1613     m_itemData.erase(m_itemData.end() - removedItemsCount, m_itemData.end());
1615     // The indexes in m_items are not correct anymore. Therefore, we clear m_items.
1616     // It will be re-populated with the updated indices if index(const QUrl&) is called.
1617     m_items.clear();
1619     Q_EMIT itemsRemoved(itemRanges);
1620 }
1622 QList<KFileItemModel::ItemData *> KFileItemModel::createItemDataList(const QUrl &parentUrl, const KFileItemList &items) const
1623 {
1624     if (m_sortRole == TypeRole) {
1625         // Try to resolve the MIME-types synchronously to prevent a reordering of
1626         // the items when sorting by type (per default MIME-types are resolved
1627         // asynchronously by KFileItemModelRolesUpdater).
1628         determineMimeTypes(items, 200);
1629     }
1631     // We search for the parent in m_itemData and then in m_filteredItems if necessary
1632     const int parentIndex = index(parentUrl);
1633     ItemData *parentItem = parentIndex < 0 ? m_filteredItems.value(KFileItem(parentUrl), nullptr) :;
1635     QList<ItemData *> itemDataList;
1636     itemDataList.reserve(items.count());
1638     for (const KFileItem &item : items) {
1639         ItemData *itemData = new ItemData();
1640         itemData->item = item;
1641         itemData->parent = parentItem;
1642         itemDataList.append(itemData);
1643     }
1645     return itemDataList;
1646 }
1648 void KFileItemModel::prepareItemsForSorting(QList<ItemData *> &itemDataList)
1649 {
1650     switch (m_sortRole) {
1651     case ExtensionRole:
1652     case PermissionsRole:
1653     case OwnerRole:
1654     case GroupRole:
1655     case DestinationRole:
1656     case PathRole:
1657     case DeletionTimeRole:
1658         // These roles can be determined with retrieveData, and they have to be stored
1659         // in the QHash "values" for the sorting.
1660         for (ItemData *itemData : std::as_const(itemDataList)) {
1661             if (itemData->values.isEmpty()) {
1662                 itemData->values = retrieveData(itemData->item, itemData->parent);
1663             }
1664         }
1665         break;
1667     case TypeRole:
1668         // At least store the data including the file type for items with known MIME type.
1669         for (ItemData *itemData : std::as_const(itemDataList)) {
1670             if (itemData->values.isEmpty()) {
1671                 const KFileItem item = itemData->item;
1672                 if (item.isDir() || item.isMimeTypeKnown()) {
1673                     itemData->values = retrieveData(itemData->item, itemData->parent);
1674                 }
1675             }
1676         }
1677         break;
1679     default:
1680         // The other roles are either resolved by KFileItemModelRolesUpdater
1681         // (this includes the SizeRole for directories), or they do not need
1682         // to be stored in the QHash "values" for sorting because the data can
1683         // be retrieved directly from the KFileItem (NameRole, SizeRole for files,
1684         // DateRole).
1685         break;
1686     }
1687 }
1689 int KFileItemModel::expandedParentsCount(const ItemData *data)
1690 {
1691     // The hash 'values' is only guaranteed to contain the key "expandedParentsCount"
1692     // if the corresponding item is expanded, and it is not a top-level item.
1693     const ItemData *parent = data->parent;
1694     if (parent) {
1695         if (parent->parent) {
1696             Q_ASSERT(parent->values.contains("expandedParentsCount"));
1697             return parent->values.value("expandedParentsCount").toInt() + 1;
1698         } else {
1699             return 1;
1700         }
1701     } else {
1702         return 0;
1703     }
1704 }
1706 void KFileItemModel::removeExpandedItems()
1707 {
1708     QVector<int> indexesToRemove;
1710     const int maxIndex = m_itemData.count() - 1;
1711     for (int i = 0; i <= maxIndex; ++i) {
1712         const ItemData *itemData =;
1713         if (itemData->parent) {
1714             indexesToRemove.append(i);
1715         }
1716     }
1718     removeItems(KItemRangeList::fromSortedContainer(indexesToRemove), DeleteItemData);
1719     m_expandedDirs.clear();
1721     // Also remove all filtered items which have a parent.
1722     QHash<KFileItem, ItemData *>::iterator it = m_filteredItems.begin();
1723     const QHash<KFileItem, ItemData *>::iterator end = m_filteredItems.end();
1725     while (it != end) {
1726         if (it.value()->parent) {
1727             delete it.value();
1728             it = m_filteredItems.erase(it);
1729         } else {
1730             ++it;
1731         }
1732     }
1733 }
1735 void KFileItemModel::emitItemsChangedAndTriggerResorting(const KItemRangeList &itemRanges, const QSet<QByteArray> &changedRoles)
1736 {
1737     Q_EMIT itemsChanged(itemRanges, changedRoles);
1739     // Trigger a resorting if necessary. Note that this can happen even if the sort
1740     // role has not changed at all because the file name can be used as a fallback.
1741     if (changedRoles.contains(sortRole()) || changedRoles.contains(roleForType(NameRole))) {
1742         for (const KItemRange &range : itemRanges) {
1743             bool needsResorting = false;
1745             const int first = range.index;
1746             const int last = range.index + range.count - 1;
1748             // Resorting the model is necessary if
1749             // (a)  The first item in the range is "lessThan" its predecessor,
1750             // (b)  the successor of the last item is "lessThan" the last item, or
1751             // (c)  the internal order of the items in the range is incorrect.
1752             if (first > 0 && lessThan(, - 1), m_collator)) {
1753                 needsResorting = true;
1754             } else if (last < count() - 1 && lessThan( + 1),, m_collator)) {
1755                 needsResorting = true;
1756             } else {
1757                 for (int index = first; index < last; ++index) {
1758                     if (lessThan( + 1),, m_collator)) {
1759                         needsResorting = true;
1760                         break;
1761                     }
1762                 }
1763             }
1765             if (needsResorting) {
1766                 m_resortAllItemsTimer->start();
1767                 return;
1768             }
1769         }
1770     }
1772     if (groupedSorting() && changedRoles.contains(sortRole())) {
1773         // The position is still correct, but the groups might have changed
1774         // if the changed item is either the first or the last item in a
1775         // group.
1776         // In principle, we could try to find out if the item really is the
1777         // first or last one in its group and then update the groups
1778         // (possibly with a delayed timer to make sure that we don't
1779         // re-calculate the groups very often if items are updated one by
1780         // one), but starting m_resortAllItemsTimer is easier.
1781         m_resortAllItemsTimer->start();
1782     }
1783 }
1785 void KFileItemModel::resetRoles()
1786 {
1787     for (int i = 0; i < RolesCount; ++i) {
1788         m_requestRole[i] = false;
1789     }
1790 }
1792 KFileItemModel::RoleType KFileItemModel::typeForRole(const QByteArray &role) const
1793 {
1794     static QHash<QByteArray, RoleType> roles;
1795     if (roles.isEmpty()) {
1796         // Insert user visible roles that can be accessed with
1797         // KFileItemModel::roleInformation()
1798         int count = 0;
1799         const RoleInfoMap *map = rolesInfoMap(count);
1800         for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
1801             roles.insert(map[i].role, map[i].roleType);
1802         }
1804         // Insert internal roles (take care to synchronize the implementation
1805         // with KFileItemModel::roleForType() in case if a change is done).
1806         roles.insert("isDir", IsDirRole);
1807         roles.insert("isLink", IsLinkRole);
1808         roles.insert("isHidden", IsHiddenRole);
1809         roles.insert("isExpanded", IsExpandedRole);
1810         roles.insert("isExpandable", IsExpandableRole);
1811         roles.insert("expandedParentsCount", ExpandedParentsCountRole);
1813         Q_ASSERT(roles.count() == RolesCount);
1814     }
1816     return roles.value(role, NoRole);
1817 }
1819 QByteArray KFileItemModel::roleForType(RoleType roleType) const
1820 {
1821     static QHash<RoleType, QByteArray> roles;
1822     if (roles.isEmpty()) {
1823         // Insert user visible roles that can be accessed with
1824         // KFileItemModel::roleInformation()
1825         int count = 0;
1826         const RoleInfoMap *map = rolesInfoMap(count);
1827         for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
1828             roles.insert(map[i].roleType, map[i].role);
1829         }
1831         // Insert internal roles (take care to synchronize the implementation
1832         // with KFileItemModel::typeForRole() in case if a change is done).
1833         roles.insert(IsDirRole, "isDir");
1834         roles.insert(IsLinkRole, "isLink");
1835         roles.insert(IsHiddenRole, "isHidden");
1836         roles.insert(IsExpandedRole, "isExpanded");
1837         roles.insert(IsExpandableRole, "isExpandable");
1838         roles.insert(ExpandedParentsCountRole, "expandedParentsCount");
1840         Q_ASSERT(roles.count() == RolesCount);
1841     };
1843     return roles.value(roleType);
1844 }
1846 QHash<QByteArray, QVariant> KFileItemModel::retrieveData(const KFileItem &item, const ItemData *parent) const
1847 {
1848     // It is important to insert only roles that are fast to retrieve. E.g.
1849     // KFileItem::iconName() can be very expensive if the MIME-type is unknown
1850     // and hence will be retrieved asynchronously by KFileItemModelRolesUpdater.
1851     QHash<QByteArray, QVariant> data;
1852     data.insert(sharedValue("url"), item.url());
1854     const bool isDir = item.isDir();
1855     if (m_requestRole[IsDirRole] && isDir) {
1856         data.insert(sharedValue("isDir"), true);
1857     }
1859     if (m_requestRole[IsLinkRole] && item.isLink()) {
1860         data.insert(sharedValue("isLink"), true);
1861     }
1863     if (m_requestRole[IsHiddenRole]) {
1864         data.insert(sharedValue("isHidden"), item.isHidden() || item.mimetype() == QStringLiteral("application/x-trash"));
1865     }
1867     if (m_requestRole[NameRole]) {
1868         data.insert(sharedValue("text"), item.text());
1869     }
1871     if (m_requestRole[ExtensionRole] && !isDir) {
1872         // TODO KF6 use KFileItem::suffix 464722
1873         data.insert(sharedValue("extension"), QFileInfo(;
1874     }
1876     if (m_requestRole[SizeRole] && !isDir) {
1877         data.insert(sharedValue("size"), item.size());
1878     }
1880     if (m_requestRole[ModificationTimeRole]) {
1881         // Don't use KFileItem::timeString() or KFileItem::time() as this is too expensive when
1882         // having several thousands of items. Instead read the raw number from UDSEntry directly
1883         // and the formatting of the date-time will be done on-demand by the view when the date will be shown.
1884         const long long dateTime = item.entry().numberValue(KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_MODIFICATION_TIME, -1);
1885         data.insert(sharedValue("modificationtime"), dateTime);
1886     }
1888     if (m_requestRole[CreationTimeRole]) {
1889         // Don't use KFileItem::timeString() or KFileItem::time() as this is too expensive when
1890         // having several thousands of items. Instead read the raw number from UDSEntry directly
1891         // and the formatting of the date-time will be done on-demand by the view when the date will be shown.
1892         const long long dateTime = item.entry().numberValue(KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_CREATION_TIME, -1);
1893         data.insert(sharedValue("creationtime"), dateTime);
1894     }
1896     if (m_requestRole[AccessTimeRole]) {
1897         // Don't use KFileItem::timeString() or KFileItem::time() as this is too expensive when
1898         // having several thousands of items. Instead read the raw number from UDSEntry directly
1899         // and the formatting of the date-time will be done on-demand by the view when the date will be shown.
1900         const long long dateTime = item.entry().numberValue(KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_ACCESS_TIME, -1);
1901         data.insert(sharedValue("accesstime"), dateTime);
1902     }
1904     if (m_requestRole[PermissionsRole]) {
1905         data.insert(sharedValue("permissions"), QVariantList() << item.permissionsString() << item.permissions());
1906     }
1908     if (m_requestRole[OwnerRole]) {
1909         data.insert(sharedValue("owner"), item.user());
1910     }
1912     if (m_requestRole[GroupRole]) {
1913         data.insert(sharedValue("group"),;
1914     }
1916     if (m_requestRole[DestinationRole]) {
1917         QString destination = item.linkDest();
1918         if (destination.isEmpty()) {
1919             destination = QLatin1Char('-');
1920         }
1921         data.insert(sharedValue("destination"), destination);
1922     }
1924     if (m_requestRole[PathRole]) {
1925         QString path;
1926         if (item.url().scheme() == QLatin1String("trash")) {
1927             path = item.entry().stringValue(KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_EXTRA);
1928         } else {
1929             // For performance reasons cache the home-path in a static QString
1930             // (see QDir::homePath() for more details)
1931             static QString homePath;
1932             if (homePath.isEmpty()) {
1933                 homePath = QDir::homePath();
1934             }
1936             path = item.localPath();
1937             if (path.startsWith(homePath)) {
1938                 path.replace(0, homePath.length(), QLatin1Char('~'));
1939             }
1940         }
1942         const int index = path.lastIndexOf(item.text());
1943         path = path.mid(0, index - 1);
1944         data.insert(sharedValue("path"), path);
1945     }
1947     if (m_requestRole[DeletionTimeRole]) {
1948         QDateTime deletionTime;
1949         if (item.url().scheme() == QLatin1String("trash")) {
1950             deletionTime = QDateTime::fromString(item.entry().stringValue(KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_EXTRA + 1), Qt::ISODate);
1951         }
1952         data.insert(sharedValue("deletiontime"), deletionTime);
1953     }
1955     if (m_requestRole[IsExpandableRole] && isDir) {
1956         data.insert(sharedValue("isExpandable"), true);
1957     }
1959     if (m_requestRole[ExpandedParentsCountRole]) {
1960         if (parent) {
1961             const int level = expandedParentsCount(parent) + 1;
1962             data.insert(sharedValue("expandedParentsCount"), level);
1963         }
1964     }
1966     if (item.isMimeTypeKnown()) {
1967         QString iconName = item.iconName();
1968         if (!QIcon::hasThemeIcon(iconName)) {
1969             QMimeType mimeType = QMimeDatabase().mimeTypeForName(item.mimetype());
1970             iconName = mimeType.genericIconName();
1971         }
1973         data.insert(sharedValue("iconName"), iconName);
1975         if (m_requestRole[TypeRole]) {
1976             data.insert(sharedValue("type"), item.mimeComment());
1977         }
1978     } else if (m_requestRole[TypeRole] && isDir) {
1979         static const QString folderMimeType = item.mimeComment();
1980         data.insert(sharedValue("type"), folderMimeType);
1981     }
1983     return data;
1984 }
1986 bool KFileItemModel::lessThan(const ItemData *a, const ItemData *b, const QCollator &collator) const
1987 {
1988     int result = 0;
1990     if (a->parent != b->parent) {
1991         const int expansionLevelA = expandedParentsCount(a);
1992         const int expansionLevelB = expandedParentsCount(b);
1994         // If b has a higher expansion level than a, check if a is a parent
1995         // of b, and make sure that both expansion levels are equal otherwise.
1996         for (int i = expansionLevelB; i > expansionLevelA; --i) {
1997             if (b->parent == a) {
1998                 return true;
1999             }
2000             b = b->parent;
2001         }
2003         // If a has a higher expansion level than a, check if b is a parent
2004         // of a, and make sure that both expansion levels are equal otherwise.
2005         for (int i = expansionLevelA; i > expansionLevelB; --i) {
2006             if (a->parent == b) {
2007                 return false;
2008             }
2009             a = a->parent;
2010         }
2012         Q_ASSERT(expandedParentsCount(a) == expandedParentsCount(b));
2014         // Compare the last parents of a and b which are different.
2015         while (a->parent != b->parent) {
2016             a = a->parent;
2017             b = b->parent;
2018         }
2019     }
2021     // Show hidden files and folders last
2022     if (m_sortHiddenLast) {
2023         const bool isHiddenA = a->item.isHidden();
2024         const bool isHiddenB = b->item.isHidden();
2025         if (isHiddenA && !isHiddenB) {
2026             return false;
2027         } else if (!isHiddenA && isHiddenB) {
2028             return true;
2029         }
2030     }
2032     if (m_sortDirsFirst || (ContentDisplaySettings::directorySizeCount() && m_sortRole == SizeRole)) {
2033         const bool isDirA = a->item.isDir();
2034         const bool isDirB = b->item.isDir();
2035         if (isDirA && !isDirB) {
2036             return true;
2037         } else if (!isDirA && isDirB) {
2038             return false;
2039         }
2040     }
2042     result = sortRoleCompare(a, b, collator);
2044     return (sortOrder() == Qt::AscendingOrder) ? result < 0 : result > 0;
2045 }
2047 void KFileItemModel::sort(const QList<KFileItemModel::ItemData *>::iterator &begin, const QList<KFileItemModel::ItemData *>::iterator &end) const
2048 {
2049     auto lambdaLessThan = [&](const KFileItemModel::ItemData *a, const KFileItemModel::ItemData *b) {
2050         return lessThan(a, b, m_collator);
2051     };
2053     if (m_sortRole == NameRole || isRoleValueNatural(m_sortRole)) {
2054         // Sorting by string can be expensive, in particular if natural sorting is
2055         // enabled. Use all CPU cores to speed up the sorting process.
2056         static const int numberOfThreads = QThread::idealThreadCount();
2057         parallelMergeSort(begin, end, lambdaLessThan, numberOfThreads);
2058     } else {
2059         // Sorting by other roles is quite fast. Use only one thread to prevent
2060         // problems caused by non-reentrant comparison functions, see
2061         //
2062         mergeSort(begin, end, lambdaLessThan);
2063     }
2064 }
2066 int KFileItemModel::sortRoleCompare(const ItemData *a, const ItemData *b, const QCollator &collator) const
2067 {
2068     // This function must never return 0, because that would break stable
2069     // sorting, which leads to all kinds of bugs.
2070     // See:
2071     // If two items have equal sort values, let the fallbacks at the bottom of
2072     // the function handle it.
2073     const KFileItem &itemA = a->item;
2074     const KFileItem &itemB = b->item;
2076     int result = 0;
2078     switch (m_sortRole) {
2079     case NameRole:
2080         // The name role is handled as default fallback after the switch
2081         break;
2083     case SizeRole: {
2084         if (ContentDisplaySettings::directorySizeCount() && itemA.isDir()) {
2085             // folders first then
2086             // items A and B are folders thanks to lessThan checks
2087             auto valueA = a->values.value("count");
2088             auto valueB = b->values.value("count");
2089             if (valueA.isNull()) {
2090                 if (!valueB.isNull()) {
2091                     return -1;
2092                 }
2093             } else if (valueB.isNull()) {
2094                 return +1;
2095             } else {
2096                 if (valueA.toLongLong() < valueB.toLongLong()) {
2097                     return -1;
2098                 } else if (valueA.toLongLong() > valueB.toLongLong()) {
2099                     return +1;
2100                 }
2101             }
2102             break;
2103         }
2105         KIO::filesize_t sizeA = 0;
2106         if (itemA.isDir()) {
2107             sizeA = a->values.value("size").toULongLong();
2108         } else {
2109             sizeA = itemA.size();
2110         }
2111         KIO::filesize_t sizeB = 0;
2112         if (itemB.isDir()) {
2113             sizeB = b->values.value("size").toULongLong();
2114         } else {
2115             sizeB = itemB.size();
2116         }
2117         if (sizeA < sizeB) {
2118             return -1;
2119         } else if (sizeA > sizeB) {
2120             return +1;
2121         }
2122         break;
2123     }
2125     case ModificationTimeRole: {
2126         const long long dateTimeA = itemA.entry().numberValue(KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_MODIFICATION_TIME, -1);
2127         const long long dateTimeB = itemB.entry().numberValue(KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_MODIFICATION_TIME, -1);
2128         if (dateTimeA < dateTimeB) {
2129             return -1;
2130         } else if (dateTimeA > dateTimeB) {
2131             return +1;
2132         }
2133         break;
2134     }
2136     case AccessTimeRole: {
2137         const long long dateTimeA = itemA.entry().numberValue(KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_ACCESS_TIME, -1);
2138         const long long dateTimeB = itemB.entry().numberValue(KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_ACCESS_TIME, -1);
2139         if (dateTimeA < dateTimeB) {
2140             return -1;
2141         } else if (dateTimeA > dateTimeB) {
2142             return +1;
2143         }
2144         break;
2145     }
2147     case CreationTimeRole: {
2148         const long long dateTimeA = itemA.entry().numberValue(KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_CREATION_TIME, -1);
2149         const long long dateTimeB = itemB.entry().numberValue(KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_CREATION_TIME, -1);
2150         if (dateTimeA < dateTimeB) {
2151             return -1;
2152         } else if (dateTimeA > dateTimeB) {
2153             return +1;
2154         }
2155         break;
2156     }
2158     case DeletionTimeRole: {
2159         const QDateTime dateTimeA = a->values.value("deletiontime").toDateTime();
2160         const QDateTime dateTimeB = b->values.value("deletiontime").toDateTime();
2161         if (dateTimeA < dateTimeB) {
2162             return -1;
2163         } else if (dateTimeA > dateTimeB) {
2164             return +1;
2165         }
2166         break;
2167     }
2169     case RatingRole:
2170     case WidthRole:
2171     case HeightRole:
2172     case PublisherRole:
2173     case PageCountRole:
2174     case WordCountRole:
2175     case LineCountRole:
2176     case TrackRole:
2177     case ReleaseYearRole: {
2178         result = a->values.value(roleForType(m_sortRole)).toInt() - b->values.value(roleForType(m_sortRole)).toInt();
2179         break;
2180     }
2182     case DimensionsRole: {
2183         const QByteArray role = roleForType(m_sortRole);
2184         const QSize dimensionsA = a->values.value(role).toSize();
2185         const QSize dimensionsB = b->values.value(role).toSize();
2187         if (dimensionsA.width() == dimensionsB.width()) {
2188             result = dimensionsA.height() - dimensionsB.height();
2189         } else {
2190             result = dimensionsA.width() - dimensionsB.width();
2191         }
2192         break;
2193     }
2195     default: {
2196         const QByteArray role = roleForType(m_sortRole);
2197         const QString roleValueA = a->values.value(role).toString();
2198         const QString roleValueB = b->values.value(role).toString();
2199         if (!roleValueA.isEmpty() && roleValueB.isEmpty()) {
2200             return -1;
2201         } else if (roleValueA.isEmpty() && !roleValueB.isEmpty()) {
2202             return +1;
2203         } else if (isRoleValueNatural(m_sortRole)) {
2204             result = stringCompare(roleValueA, roleValueB, collator);
2205         } else {
2206             result = QString::compare(roleValueA, roleValueB);
2207         }
2208         break;
2209     }
2210     }
2212     if (result != 0) {
2213         // The current sort role was sufficient to define an order
2214         return result;
2215     }
2217     // Fallback #1: Compare the text of the items
2218     result = stringCompare(itemA.text(), itemB.text(), collator);
2219     if (result != 0) {
2220         return result;
2221     }
2223     // Fallback #2: KFileItem::text() may not be unique in case UDS_DISPLAY_NAME is used
2224     result = stringCompare(,, collator);
2225     if (result != 0) {
2226         return result;
2227     }
2229     // Fallback #3: It must be assured that the sort order is always unique even if two values have been
2230     // equal. In this case a comparison of the URL is done which is unique in all cases
2231     // within KDirLister.
2232     return QString::compare(itemA.url().url(), itemB.url().url(), Qt::CaseSensitive);
2233 }
2235 int KFileItemModel::stringCompare(const QString &a, const QString &b, const QCollator &collator) const
2236 {
2237     QMutexLocker collatorLock(s_collatorMutex());
2239     if (m_naturalSorting) {
2240         return, b);
2241     }
2243     const int result = QString::compare(a, b, collator.caseSensitivity());
2244     if (result != 0 || collator.caseSensitivity() == Qt::CaseSensitive) {
2245         // Only return the result, if the strings are not equal. If they are equal by a case insensitive
2246         // comparison, still a deterministic sort order is required. A case sensitive
2247         // comparison is done as fallback.
2248         return result;
2249     }
2251     return QString::compare(a, b, Qt::CaseSensitive);
2252 }
2254 QList<QPair<int, QVariant>> KFileItemModel::nameRoleGroups() const
2255 {
2256     Q_ASSERT(!m_itemData.isEmpty());
2258     const int maxIndex = count() - 1;
2259     QList<QPair<int, QVariant>> groups;
2261     QString groupValue;
2262     QChar firstChar;
2263     for (int i = 0; i <= maxIndex; ++i) {
2264         if (isChildItem(i)) {
2265             continue;
2266         }
2268         const QString name =>item.text();
2270         // Use the first character of the name as group indication
2271         QChar newFirstChar =;
2272         if (newFirstChar == QLatin1Char('~') && name.length() > 1) {
2273             newFirstChar =;
2274         }
2276         if (firstChar != newFirstChar) {
2277             QString newGroupValue;
2278             if (newFirstChar.isLetter()) {
2279                 if (, QChar(QLatin1Char('A'))) >= 0 &&, QChar(QLatin1Char('Z'))) <= 0) {
2280                     // WARNING! Symbols based on latin 'Z' like 'Z' with acute are treated wrong as non Latin and put in a new group.
2282                     // Try to find a matching group in the range 'A' to 'Z'.
2283                     static std::vector<QChar> lettersAtoZ;
2284                     lettersAtoZ.reserve('Z' - 'A' + 1);
2285                     if (lettersAtoZ.empty()) {
2286                         for (char c = 'A'; c <= 'Z'; ++c) {
2287                             lettersAtoZ.push_back(QLatin1Char(c));
2288                         }
2289                     }
2291                     auto localeAwareLessThan = [this](QChar c1, QChar c2) -> bool {
2292                         return, c2) < 0;
2293                     };
2295                     std::vector<QChar>::iterator it = std::lower_bound(lettersAtoZ.begin(), lettersAtoZ.end(), newFirstChar, localeAwareLessThan);
2296                     if (it != lettersAtoZ.end()) {
2297                         if (localeAwareLessThan(newFirstChar, *it)) {
2298                             // newFirstChar belongs to the group preceding *it.
2299                             // Example: for an umlaut 'A' in the German locale, *it would be 'B' now.
2300                             --it;
2301                         }
2302                         newGroupValue = *it;
2303                     }
2305                 } else {
2306                     // Symbols from non Latin-based scripts
2307                     newGroupValue = newFirstChar;
2308                 }
2309             } else if (newFirstChar >= QLatin1Char('0') && newFirstChar <= QLatin1Char('9')) {
2310                 // Apply group '0 - 9' for any name that starts with a digit
2311                 newGroupValue = i18nc("@title:group Groups that start with a digit", "0 - 9");
2312             } else {
2313                 newGroupValue = i18nc("@title:group", "Others");
2314             }
2316             if (newGroupValue != groupValue) {
2317                 groupValue = newGroupValue;
2318                 groups.append(QPair<int, QVariant>(i, newGroupValue));
2319             }
2321             firstChar = newFirstChar;
2322         }
2323     }
2324     return groups;
2325 }
2327 QList<QPair<int, QVariant>> KFileItemModel::sizeRoleGroups() const
2328 {
2329     Q_ASSERT(!m_itemData.isEmpty());
2331     const int maxIndex = count() - 1;
2332     QList<QPair<int, QVariant>> groups;
2334     QString groupValue;
2335     for (int i = 0; i <= maxIndex; ++i) {
2336         if (isChildItem(i)) {
2337             continue;
2338         }
2340         const KFileItem &item =>item;
2341         KIO::filesize_t fileSize = !item.isNull() ? item.size() : ~0U;
2342         QString newGroupValue;
2343         if (!item.isNull() && item.isDir()) {
2344             if (ContentDisplaySettings::directorySizeCount() || m_sortDirsFirst) {
2345                 newGroupValue = i18nc("@title:group Size", "Folders");
2346             } else {
2347                 fileSize =>values.value("size").toULongLong();
2348             }
2349         }
2351         if (newGroupValue.isEmpty()) {
2352             if (fileSize < 5 * 1024 * 1024) { // < 5 MB
2353                 newGroupValue = i18nc("@title:group Size", "Small");
2354             } else if (fileSize < 10 * 1024 * 1024) { // < 10 MB
2355                 newGroupValue = i18nc("@title:group Size", "Medium");
2356             } else {
2357                 newGroupValue = i18nc("@title:group Size", "Big");
2358             }
2359         }
2361         if (newGroupValue != groupValue) {
2362             groupValue = newGroupValue;
2363             groups.append(QPair<int, QVariant>(i, newGroupValue));
2364         }
2365     }
2367     return groups;
2368 }
2370 QList<QPair<int, QVariant>> KFileItemModel::timeRoleGroups(const std::function<QDateTime(const ItemData *)> &fileTimeCb) const
2371 {
2372     Q_ASSERT(!m_itemData.isEmpty());
2374     const int maxIndex = count() - 1;
2375     QList<QPair<int, QVariant>> groups;
2377     const QDate currentDate = QDate::currentDate();
2379     QDate previousFileDate;
2380     QString groupValue;
2381     for (int i = 0; i <= maxIndex; ++i) {
2382         if (isChildItem(i)) {
2383             continue;
2384         }
2386         const QDateTime fileTime = fileTimeCb(;
2387         const QDate fileDate =;
2388         if (fileDate == previousFileDate) {
2389             // The current item is in the same group as the previous item
2390             continue;
2391         }
2392         previousFileDate = fileDate;
2394         const int daysDistance = fileDate.daysTo(currentDate);
2396         QString newGroupValue;
2397         if (currentDate.year() == fileDate.year() && currentDate.month() == fileDate.month()) {
2398             switch (daysDistance / 7) {
2399             case 0:
2400                 switch (daysDistance) {
2401                 case 0:
2402                     newGroupValue = i18nc("@title:group Date", "Today");
2403                     break;
2404                 case 1:
2405                     newGroupValue = i18nc("@title:group Date", "Yesterday");
2406                     break;
2407                 default:
2408                     newGroupValue = fileTime.toString(i18nc("@title:group Date: The week day name: dddd", "dddd"));
2409                     newGroupValue = i18nc(
2410                         "Can be used to script translation of \"dddd\""
2411                         "with context @title:group Date",
2412                         "%1",
2413                         newGroupValue);
2414                 }
2415                 break;
2416             case 1:
2417                 newGroupValue = i18nc("@title:group Date", "One Week Ago");
2418                 break;
2419             case 2:
2420                 newGroupValue = i18nc("@title:group Date", "Two Weeks Ago");
2421                 break;
2422             case 3:
2423                 newGroupValue = i18nc("@title:group Date", "Three Weeks Ago");
2424                 break;
2425             case 4:
2426             case 5:
2427                 newGroupValue = i18nc("@title:group Date", "Earlier this Month");
2428                 break;
2429             default:
2430                 Q_ASSERT(false);
2431             }
2432         } else {
2433             const QDate lastMonthDate = currentDate.addMonths(-1);
2434             if (lastMonthDate.year() == fileDate.year() && lastMonthDate.month() == fileDate.month()) {
2435                 if (daysDistance == 1) {
2436                     const KLocalizedString format = ki18nc(
2437                         "@title:group Date: "
2438                         "MMMM is full month name in current locale, and yyyy is "
2439                         "full year number. You must keep the ' don't use any fancy \" or « or similar. The ' is not shown to the user, it's there to mark a "
2440                         "part of the text that should not be formatted as a date",
2441                         "'Yesterday' (MMMM, yyyy)");
2442                     const QString translatedFormat = format.toString();
2443                     if (translatedFormat.count(QLatin1Char('\'')) == 2) {
2444                         newGroupValue = fileTime.toString(translatedFormat);
2445                         newGroupValue = i18nc(
2446                             "Can be used to script translation of "
2447                             "\"'Yesterday' (MMMM, yyyy)\" with context @title:group Date",
2448                             "%1",
2449                             newGroupValue);
2450                     } else {
2451                         qCWarning(DolphinDebug).nospace()
2452                             << "A wrong translation was found: " << translatedFormat << ". Please file a bug report at";
2453                         const QString untranslatedFormat = format.toString({QLatin1String("en_US")});
2454                         newGroupValue = fileTime.toString(untranslatedFormat);
2455                     }
2456                 } else if (daysDistance <= 7) {
2457                     newGroupValue =
2458                         fileTime.toString(i18nc("@title:group Date: "
2459                                                 "The week day name: dddd, MMMM is full month name "
2460                                                 "in current locale, and yyyy is full year number.",
2461                                                 "dddd (MMMM, yyyy)"));
2462                     newGroupValue = i18nc(
2463                         "Can be used to script translation of "
2464                         "\"dddd (MMMM, yyyy)\" with context @title:group Date",
2465                         "%1",
2466                         newGroupValue);
2467                 } else if (daysDistance <= 7 * 2) {
2468                     const KLocalizedString format = ki18nc(
2469                         "@title:group Date: "
2470                         "MMMM is full month name in current locale, and yyyy is "
2471                         "full year number. You must keep the ' don't use any fancy \" or « or similar. The ' is not shown to the user, it's there to mark a "
2472                         "part of the text that should not be formatted as a date",
2473                         "'One Week Ago' (MMMM, yyyy)");
2474                     const QString translatedFormat = format.toString();
2475                     if (translatedFormat.count(QLatin1Char('\'')) == 2) {
2476                         newGroupValue = fileTime.toString(translatedFormat);
2477                         newGroupValue = i18nc(
2478                             "Can be used to script translation of "
2479                             "\"'One Week Ago' (MMMM, yyyy)\" with context @title:group Date",
2480                             "%1",
2481                             newGroupValue);
2482                     } else {
2483                         qCWarning(DolphinDebug).nospace()
2484                             << "A wrong translation was found: " << translatedFormat << ". Please file a bug report at";
2485                         const QString untranslatedFormat = format.toString({QLatin1String("en_US")});
2486                         newGroupValue = fileTime.toString(untranslatedFormat);
2487                     }
2488                 } else if (daysDistance <= 7 * 3) {
2489                     const KLocalizedString format = ki18nc(
2490                         "@title:group Date: "
2491                         "MMMM is full month name in current locale, and yyyy is "
2492                         "full year number. You must keep the ' don't use any fancy \" or « or similar. The ' is not shown to the user, it's there to mark a "
2493                         "part of the text that should not be formatted as a date",
2494                         "'Two Weeks Ago' (MMMM, yyyy)");
2495                     const QString translatedFormat = format.toString();
2496                     if (translatedFormat.count(QLatin1Char('\'')) == 2) {
2497                         newGroupValue = fileTime.toString(translatedFormat);
2498                         newGroupValue = i18nc(
2499                             "Can be used to script translation of "
2500                             "\"'Two Weeks Ago' (MMMM, yyyy)\" with context @title:group Date",
2501                             "%1",
2502                             newGroupValue);
2503                     } else {
2504                         qCWarning(DolphinDebug).nospace()
2505                             << "A wrong translation was found: " << translatedFormat << ". Please file a bug report at";
2506                         const QString untranslatedFormat = format.toString({QLatin1String("en_US")});
2507                         newGroupValue = fileTime.toString(untranslatedFormat);
2508                     }
2509                 } else if (daysDistance <= 7 * 4) {
2510                     const KLocalizedString format = ki18nc(
2511                         "@title:group Date: "
2512                         "MMMM is full month name in current locale, and yyyy is "
2513                         "full year number. You must keep the ' don't use any fancy \" or « or similar. The ' is not shown to the user, it's there to mark a "
2514                         "part of the text that should not be formatted as a date",
2515                         "'Three Weeks Ago' (MMMM, yyyy)");
2516                     const QString translatedFormat = format.toString();
2517                     if (translatedFormat.count(QLatin1Char('\'')) == 2) {
2518                         newGroupValue = fileTime.toString(translatedFormat);
2519                         newGroupValue = i18nc(
2520                             "Can be used to script translation of "
2521                             "\"'Three Weeks Ago' (MMMM, yyyy)\" with context @title:group Date",
2522                             "%1",
2523                             newGroupValue);
2524                     } else {
2525                         qCWarning(DolphinDebug).nospace()
2526                             << "A wrong translation was found: " << translatedFormat << ". Please file a bug report at";
2527                         const QString untranslatedFormat = format.toString({QLatin1String("en_US")});
2528                         newGroupValue = fileTime.toString(untranslatedFormat);
2529                     }
2530                 } else {
2531                     const KLocalizedString format = ki18nc(
2532                         "@title:group Date: "
2533                         "MMMM is full month name in current locale, and yyyy is "
2534                         "full year number. You must keep the ' don't use any fancy \" or « or similar. The ' is not shown to the user, it's there to mark a "
2535                         "part of the text that should not be formatted as a date",
2536                         "'Earlier on' MMMM, yyyy");
2537                     const QString translatedFormat = format.toString();
2538                     if (translatedFormat.count(QLatin1Char('\'')) == 2) {
2539                         newGroupValue = fileTime.toString(translatedFormat);
2540                         newGroupValue = i18nc(
2541                             "Can be used to script translation of "
2542                             "\"'Earlier on' MMMM, yyyy\" with context @title:group Date",
2543                             "%1",
2544                             newGroupValue);
2545                     } else {
2546                         qCWarning(DolphinDebug).nospace()
2547                             << "A wrong translation was found: " << translatedFormat << ". Please file a bug report at";
2548                         const QString untranslatedFormat = format.toString({QLatin1String("en_US")});
2549                         newGroupValue = fileTime.toString(untranslatedFormat);
2550                     }
2551                 }
2552             } else {
2553                 newGroupValue =
2554                     fileTime.toString(i18nc("@title:group "
2555                                             "The month and year: MMMM is full month name in current locale, "
2556                                             "and yyyy is full year number",
2557                                             "MMMM, yyyy"));
2558                 newGroupValue = i18nc(
2559                     "Can be used to script translation of "
2560                     "\"MMMM, yyyy\" with context @title:group Date",
2561                     "%1",
2562                     newGroupValue);
2563             }
2564         }
2566         if (newGroupValue != groupValue) {
2567             groupValue = newGroupValue;
2568             groups.append(QPair<int, QVariant>(i, newGroupValue));
2569         }
2570     }
2572     return groups;
2573 }
2575 QList<QPair<int, QVariant>> KFileItemModel::permissionRoleGroups() const
2576 {
2577     Q_ASSERT(!m_itemData.isEmpty());
2579     const int maxIndex = count() - 1;
2580     QList<QPair<int, QVariant>> groups;
2582     QString permissionsString;
2583     QString groupValue;
2584     for (int i = 0; i <= maxIndex; ++i) {
2585         if (isChildItem(i)) {
2586             continue;
2587         }
2589         const ItemData *itemData =;
2590         const QString newPermissionsString = itemData->values.value("permissions").toString();
2591         if (newPermissionsString == permissionsString) {
2592             continue;
2593         }
2594         permissionsString = newPermissionsString;
2596         const QFileInfo info(itemData->item.url().toLocalFile());
2598         // Set user string
2599         QString user;
2600         if (info.permission(QFile::ReadUser)) {
2601             user = i18nc("@item:intext Access permission, concatenated", "Read, ");
2602         }
2603         if (info.permission(QFile::WriteUser)) {
2604             user += i18nc("@item:intext Access permission, concatenated", "Write, ");
2605         }
2606         if (info.permission(QFile::ExeUser)) {
2607             user += i18nc("@item:intext Access permission, concatenated", "Execute, ");
2608         }
2609         user = user.isEmpty() ? i18nc("@item:intext Access permission, concatenated", "Forbidden") : user.mid(0, user.length() - 2);
2611         // Set group string
2612         QString group;
2613         if (info.permission(QFile::ReadGroup)) {
2614             group = i18nc("@item:intext Access permission, concatenated", "Read, ");
2615         }
2616         if (info.permission(QFile::WriteGroup)) {
2617             group += i18nc("@item:intext Access permission, concatenated", "Write, ");
2618         }
2619         if (info.permission(QFile::ExeGroup)) {
2620             group += i18nc("@item:intext Access permission, concatenated", "Execute, ");
2621         }
2622         group = group.isEmpty() ? i18nc("@item:intext Access permission, concatenated", "Forbidden") : group.mid(0, group.length() - 2);
2624         // Set others string
2625         QString others;
2626         if (info.permission(QFile::ReadOther)) {
2627             others = i18nc("@item:intext Access permission, concatenated", "Read, ");
2628         }
2629         if (info.permission(QFile::WriteOther)) {
2630             others += i18nc("@item:intext Access permission, concatenated", "Write, ");
2631         }
2632         if (info.permission(QFile::ExeOther)) {
2633             others += i18nc("@item:intext Access permission, concatenated", "Execute, ");
2634         }
2635         others = others.isEmpty() ? i18nc("@item:intext Access permission, concatenated", "Forbidden") : others.mid(0, others.length() - 2);
2637         const QString newGroupValue = i18nc("@title:group Files and folders by permissions", "User: %1 | Group: %2 | Others: %3", user, group, others);
2638         if (newGroupValue != groupValue) {
2639             groupValue = newGroupValue;
2640             groups.append(QPair<int, QVariant>(i, newGroupValue));
2641         }
2642     }
2644     return groups;
2645 }
2647 QList<QPair<int, QVariant>> KFileItemModel::ratingRoleGroups() const
2648 {
2649     Q_ASSERT(!m_itemData.isEmpty());
2651     const int maxIndex = count() - 1;
2652     QList<QPair<int, QVariant>> groups;
2654     int groupValue = -1;
2655     for (int i = 0; i <= maxIndex; ++i) {
2656         if (isChildItem(i)) {
2657             continue;
2658         }
2659         const int newGroupValue =>values.value("rating", 0).toInt();
2660         if (newGroupValue != groupValue) {
2661             groupValue = newGroupValue;
2662             groups.append(QPair<int, QVariant>(i, newGroupValue));
2663         }
2664     }
2666     return groups;
2667 }
2669 QList<QPair<int, QVariant>> KFileItemModel::genericStringRoleGroups(const QByteArray &role) const
2670 {
2671     Q_ASSERT(!m_itemData.isEmpty());
2673     const int maxIndex = count() - 1;
2674     QList<QPair<int, QVariant>> groups;
2676     bool isFirstGroupValue = true;
2677     QString groupValue;
2678     for (int i = 0; i <= maxIndex; ++i) {
2679         if (isChildItem(i)) {
2680             continue;
2681         }
2682         const QString newGroupValue =>values.value(role).toString();
2683         if (newGroupValue != groupValue || isFirstGroupValue) {
2684             groupValue = newGroupValue;
2685             groups.append(QPair<int, QVariant>(i, newGroupValue));
2686             isFirstGroupValue = false;
2687         }
2688     }
2690     return groups;
2691 }
2693 void KFileItemModel::emitSortProgress(int resolvedCount)
2694 {
2695     // Be tolerant against a resolvedCount with a wrong range.
2696     // Although there should not be a case where KFileItemModelRolesUpdater
2697     // (= caller) provides a wrong range, it is important to emit
2698     // a useful progress information even if there is an unexpected
2699     // implementation issue.
2701     const int itemCount = count();
2702     if (resolvedCount >= itemCount) {
2703         m_sortingProgressPercent = -1;
2704         if (m_resortAllItemsTimer->isActive()) {
2705             m_resortAllItemsTimer->stop();
2706             resortAllItems();
2707         }
2709         Q_EMIT directorySortingProgress(100);
2710     } else if (itemCount > 0) {
2711         resolvedCount = qBound(0, resolvedCount, itemCount);
2713         const int progress = resolvedCount * 100 / itemCount;
2714         if (m_sortingProgressPercent != progress) {
2715             m_sortingProgressPercent = progress;
2716             Q_EMIT directorySortingProgress(progress);
2717         }
2718     }
2719 }
2721 const KFileItemModel::RoleInfoMap *KFileItemModel::rolesInfoMap(int &count)
2722 {
2723     static const RoleInfoMap rolesInfoMap[] = {
2724         // clang-format off
2725     //  |         role           |        roleType        |                role translation          |         group translation                                        | requires Baloo | requires indexer
2726         { nullptr,               NoRole,                  KLazyLocalizedString(),                    KLazyLocalizedString(),        KLazyLocalizedString(),                    false,           false },
2727         { "text",                NameRole,                kli18nc("@label", "Name"),                 KLazyLocalizedString(),        KLazyLocalizedString(),                    false,           false },
2728         { "size",                SizeRole,                kli18nc("@label", "Size"),                 KLazyLocalizedString(),        KLazyLocalizedString(),                    false,           false },
2729         { "modificationtime",    ModificationTimeRole,    kli18nc("@label", "Modified"),             KLazyLocalizedString(),        kli18nc("@tooltip", "The date format can be selected in settings."),                    false,           false },
2730         { "creationtime",        CreationTimeRole,        kli18nc("@label", "Created"),              KLazyLocalizedString(),        kli18nc("@tooltip", "The date format can be selected in settings."),                    false,           false },
2731         { "accesstime",          AccessTimeRole,          kli18nc("@label", "Accessed"),             KLazyLocalizedString(),        kli18nc("@tooltip", "The date format can be selected in settings."),                    false,           false },
2732         { "type",                TypeRole,                kli18nc("@label", "Type"),                 KLazyLocalizedString(),        KLazyLocalizedString(),                    false,           false },
2733         { "rating",              RatingRole,              kli18nc("@label", "Rating"),               KLazyLocalizedString(),        KLazyLocalizedString(),                    true,            false },
2734         { "tags",                TagsRole,                kli18nc("@label", "Tags"),                 KLazyLocalizedString(),        KLazyLocalizedString(),                    true,            false },
2735         { "comment",             CommentRole,             kli18nc("@label", "Comment"),              KLazyLocalizedString(),        KLazyLocalizedString(),                    true,            false },
2736         { "title",               TitleRole,               kli18nc("@label", "Title"),                kli18nc("@label", "Document"), KLazyLocalizedString(),                    true,            true  },
2737         { "author",              AuthorRole,              kli18nc("@label", "Author"),               kli18nc("@label", "Document"), KLazyLocalizedString(),                    true,            true  },
2738         { "publisher",           PublisherRole,           kli18nc("@label", "Publisher"),            kli18nc("@label", "Document"), KLazyLocalizedString(),                    true,            true  },
2739         { "pageCount",           PageCountRole,           kli18nc("@label", "Page Count"),           kli18nc("@label", "Document"), KLazyLocalizedString(),                    true,            true  },
2740         { "wordCount",           WordCountRole,           kli18nc("@label", "Word Count"),           kli18nc("@label", "Document"), KLazyLocalizedString(),                    true,            true  },
2741         { "lineCount",           LineCountRole,           kli18nc("@label", "Line Count"),           kli18nc("@label", "Document"), KLazyLocalizedString(),                    true,            true  },
2742         { "imageDateTime",       ImageDateTimeRole,       kli18nc("@label", "Date Photographed"),    kli18nc("@label", "Image"),    KLazyLocalizedString(),                    true,            true  },
2743         { "dimensions",          DimensionsRole,          kli18nc("@label width x height", "Dimensions"), kli18nc("@label", "Image"), KLazyLocalizedString(),                  true,            true  },
2744         { "width",               WidthRole,               kli18nc("@label", "Width"),                kli18nc("@label", "Image"),    KLazyLocalizedString(),                    true,            true  },
2745         { "height",              HeightRole,              kli18nc("@label", "Height"),               kli18nc("@label", "Image"),    KLazyLocalizedString(),                    true,            true  },
2746         { "orientation",         OrientationRole,         kli18nc("@label", "Orientation"),          kli18nc("@label", "Image"),    KLazyLocalizedString(),                    true,            true  },
2747         { "artist",              ArtistRole,              kli18nc("@label", "Artist"),               kli18nc("@label", "Audio"),    KLazyLocalizedString(),                    true,            true  },
2748         { "genre",               GenreRole,               kli18nc("@label", "Genre"),                kli18nc("@label", "Audio"),    KLazyLocalizedString(),                    true,            true  },
2749         { "album",               AlbumRole,               kli18nc("@label", "Album"),                kli18nc("@label", "Audio"),    KLazyLocalizedString(),                    true,            true  },
2750         { "duration",            DurationRole,            kli18nc("@label", "Duration"),             kli18nc("@label", "Audio"),    KLazyLocalizedString(),                    true,            true  },
2751         { "bitrate",             BitrateRole,             kli18nc("@label", "Bitrate"),              kli18nc("@label", "Audio"),    KLazyLocalizedString(),                    true,            true  },
2752         { "track",               TrackRole,               kli18nc("@label", "Track"),                kli18nc("@label", "Audio"),    KLazyLocalizedString(),                    true,            true  },
2753         { "releaseYear",         ReleaseYearRole,         kli18nc("@label", "Release Year"),         kli18nc("@label", "Audio"),    KLazyLocalizedString(),                    true,            true  },
2754         { "aspectRatio",         AspectRatioRole,         kli18nc("@label", "Aspect Ratio"),         kli18nc("@label", "Video"),    KLazyLocalizedString(),                    true,            true  },
2755         { "frameRate",           FrameRateRole,           kli18nc("@label", "Frame Rate"),           kli18nc("@label", "Video"),    KLazyLocalizedString(),                    true,            true  },
2756         { "path",                PathRole,                kli18nc("@label", "Path"),                 kli18nc("@label", "Other"),    KLazyLocalizedString(),                    false,           false },
2757         { "extension",           ExtensionRole,           kli18nc("@label", "File Extension"),       kli18nc("@label", "Other"),    KLazyLocalizedString(),                    false,           false },
2758         { "deletiontime",        DeletionTimeRole,        kli18nc("@label", "Deletion Time"),        kli18nc("@label", "Other"),    KLazyLocalizedString(),                    false,           false },
2759         { "destination",         DestinationRole,         kli18nc("@label", "Link Destination"),     kli18nc("@label", "Other"),    KLazyLocalizedString(),                    false,           false },
2760         { "originUrl",           OriginUrlRole,           kli18nc("@label", "Downloaded From"),      kli18nc("@label", "Other"),    KLazyLocalizedString(),                    true,            false },
2761         { "permissions",         PermissionsRole,         kli18nc("@label", "Permissions"),          kli18nc("@label", "Other"),    kli18nc("@tooltip", "The permission format can be changed in settings. Options are Symbolic, Numeric (Octal) or Combined formats"),        false,           false },
2762         { "owner",               OwnerRole,               kli18nc("@label", "Owner"),                kli18nc("@label", "Other"),    KLazyLocalizedString(),                    false,           false },
2763         { "group",               GroupRole,               kli18nc("@label", "User Group"),           kli18nc("@label", "Other"),    KLazyLocalizedString(),                    false,           false },
2764     };
2765     // clang-format on
2767     count = sizeof(rolesInfoMap) / sizeof(RoleInfoMap);
2768     return rolesInfoMap;
2769 }
2771 void KFileItemModel::determineMimeTypes(const KFileItemList &items, int timeout)
2772 {
2773     QElapsedTimer timer;
2774     timer.start();
2775     for (const KFileItem &item : items) {
2776         // Only determine mime types for files here. For directories,
2777         // KFileItem::determineMimeType() reads the .directory file inside to
2778         // load the icon, but this is not necessary at all if we just need the
2779         // type. Some special code for setting the correct mime type for
2780         // directories is in retrieveData().
2781         if (!item.isDir()) {
2782             item.determineMimeType();
2783         }
2785         if (timer.elapsed() > timeout) {
2786             // Don't block the user interface, let the remaining items
2787             // be resolved asynchronously.
2788             return;
2789         }
2790     }
2791 }
2793 QByteArray KFileItemModel::sharedValue(const QByteArray &value)
2794 {
2795     static QSet<QByteArray> pool;
2796     const QSet<QByteArray>::const_iterator it = pool.constFind(value);
2798     if (it != pool.constEnd()) {
2799         return *it;
2800     } else {
2801         pool.insert(value);
2802         return value;
2803     }
2804 }
2806 bool KFileItemModel::isConsistent() const
2807 {
2808     // m_items may contain less items than m_itemData because m_items
2809     // is populated lazily, see KFileItemModel::index(const QUrl& url).
2810     if (m_items.count() > m_itemData.count()) {
2811         return false;
2812     }
2814     for (int i = 0, iMax = count(); i < iMax; ++i) {
2815         // Check if m_items and m_itemData are consistent.
2816         const KFileItem item = fileItem(i);
2817         if (item.isNull()) {
2818             qCWarning(DolphinDebug) << "Item" << i << "is null";
2819             return false;
2820         }
2822         const int itemIndex = index(item);
2823         if (itemIndex != i) {
2824             qCWarning(DolphinDebug) << "Item" << i << "has a wrong index:" << itemIndex;
2825             return false;
2826         }
2828         // Check if the items are sorted correctly.
2829         if (i > 0 && !lessThan( - 1),, m_collator)) {
2830             qCWarning(DolphinDebug) << "The order of items" << i - 1 << "and" << i << "is wrong:" << fileItem(i - 1) << fileItem(i);
2831             return false;
2832         }
2834         // Check if all parent-child relationships are consistent.
2835         const ItemData *data =;
2836         const ItemData *parent = data->parent;
2837         if (parent) {
2838             if (expandedParentsCount(data) != expandedParentsCount(parent) + 1) {
2839                 qCWarning(DolphinDebug) << "expandedParentsCount is inconsistent for parent" << parent->item << "and child" << data->item;
2840                 return false;
2841             }
2843             const int parentIndex = index(parent->item);
2844             if (parentIndex >= i) {
2845                 qCWarning(DolphinDebug) << "Index" << parentIndex << "of parent" << parent->item << "is not smaller than index" << i << "of child"
2846                                         << data->item;
2847                 return false;
2848             }
2849         }
2850     }
2852     return true;
2853 }
2855 void KFileItemModel::slotListerError(KIO::Job *job)
2856 {
2857     if (job->error() == KIO::ERR_IS_FILE) {
2858         if (auto *listJob = qobject_cast<KIO::ListJob *>(job)) {
2859             Q_EMIT urlIsFileError(listJob->url());
2860         }
2861     } else {
2862         const QString errorString = job->errorString();
2863         Q_EMIT errorMessage(!errorString.isEmpty() ? errorString : i18nc("@info:status", "Unknown error."));
2864     }
2865 }
2867 #include "moc_kfileitemmodel.cpp"