File indexing completed on 2024-04-21 05:45:41

0001 /*
0002  * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006 Peter Penz <>
0003  * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006 Stefan Monov <>
0004  * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006 Cvetoslav Ludmiloff <>
0005  *
0006  * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0007  */
0012 #include "config-dolphin.h"
0013 #include "dolphintabwidget.h"
0014 #include "selectionmode/bottombar.h"
0015 #include <KActionMenu>
0016 #include <KFileItemActions>
0017 #include <kio/fileundomanager.h>
0018 #include <kxmlguiwindow.h>
0020 #if HAVE_BALOO
0021 #include "panels/information/informationpanel.h"
0022 #endif
0024 #include <QFutureWatcher>
0025 #include <QIcon>
0026 #include <QList>
0027 #include <QMenu>
0028 #include <QPointer>
0029 #include <QUrl>
0030 #include <QVector>
0032 typedef KIO::FileUndoManager::CommandType CommandType;
0034 class DolphinBookmarkHandler;
0035 class DolphinViewActionHandler;
0036 class DolphinSettingsDialog;
0037 class DolphinViewContainer;
0038 class DolphinRemoteEncoding;
0039 class DolphinTabWidget;
0040 class KFileItem;
0041 class KFileItemList;
0042 class KJob;
0043 class KNewFileMenu;
0044 class KToolBarPopupAction;
0045 class QToolButton;
0046 class PlacesPanel;
0047 class TerminalPanel;
0049 namespace KIO
0050 {
0051 class OpenUrlJob;
0052 }
0053 namespace SelectionMode
0054 {
0055 class ActionTextHelper;
0056 }
0058 /**
0059  * @short Main window for Dolphin.
0060  *
0061  * Handles the menus, toolbars and Dolphin views.
0062  */
0063 class DolphinMainWindow : public KXmlGuiWindow
0064 {
0065     Q_OBJECT
0066     Q_CLASSINFO("D-Bus Interface", "org.kde.dolphin.MainWindow")
0068 public:
0069     DolphinMainWindow();
0070     ~DolphinMainWindow() override;
0072     /**
0073      * Returns the currently active view.
0074      * All menu actions are applied to this view. When
0075      * having a split view setup, the nonactive view
0076      * is usually shown in darker colors.
0077      */
0078     DolphinViewContainer *activeViewContainer() const;
0080     /**
0081      * Returns view container for all tabs
0082      */
0083     QVector<DolphinViewContainer *> viewContainers() const;
0085     /**
0086      * Opens each directory in \p dirs in a separate tab. If \a splitView is set,
0087      * 2 directories are collected within one tab.
0088      * \pre \a dirs must contain at least one url.
0089      */
0090     void openDirectories(const QList<QUrl> &dirs, bool splitView);
0092     /**
0093      * Opens the directories which contain the files \p files and selects all files.
0094      * If \a splitView is set, 2 directories are collected within one tab.
0095      * \pre \a files must contain at least one url.
0096      */
0097     void openFiles(const QList<QUrl> &files, bool splitView);
0099     /**
0100      * Returns the 'Create New...' sub menu which also can be shared
0101      * with other menus (e. g. a context menu).
0102      */
0103     KNewFileMenu *newFileMenu() const;
0105     /**
0106      * Augments Qt's build-in QMainWindow context menu to add
0107      * Dolphin-specific actions, such as "unlock panels".
0108      */
0109     QMenu *createPopupMenu() override;
0111     /**
0112      * Switch the window's view containers' locations to display the home path
0113      * for any which are currently displaying a location corresponding to or
0114      * within mountPath.
0115      *
0116      * This typically done after unmounting a disk at mountPath to ensure that
0117      * the window is not displaying an invalid location.
0118      */
0119     void setViewsToHomeIfMountPathOpen(const QString &mountPath);
0121     /**
0122      * Enables or disables the session autosaving feature.
0123      *
0124      * @param enable If true, saves the session automatically after a fixed
0125      *               time interval from the last state change.
0126      */
0127     void setSessionAutoSaveEnabled(bool enable);
0129     bool isFoldersPanelEnabled() const;
0130     bool isInformationPanelEnabled() const;
0131     bool isSplitViewEnabledInCurrentTab() const;
0133 public Q_SLOTS:
0134     /**
0135      * Opens each directory in \p dirs in a separate tab. If \a splitView is set,
0136      * 2 directories are collected within one tab.
0137      * \pre \a dirs must contain at least one url.
0138      *
0139      * @note this function is overloaded so that it is callable via DBus.
0140      */
0141     void openDirectories(const QStringList &dirs, bool splitView);
0143     /**
0144      * Opens the directories which contain the files \p files and selects all files.
0145      * If \a splitView is set, 2 directories are collected within one tab.
0146      * \pre \a files must contain at least one url.
0147      *
0148      * @note this is overloaded so that this function is callable via DBus.
0149      */
0150     void openFiles(const QStringList &files, bool splitView);
0152     /**
0153      * Tries to raise/activate the Dolphin window.
0154      */
0155     void activateWindow(const QString &activationToken);
0157     bool isActiveWindow();
0159     /**
0160      * Determines if a URL is open in any tab.
0161      * @note Use of QString instead of QUrl is required to be callable via DBus.
0162      *
0163      * @param url URL to look for
0164      * @returns true if url is currently open in a tab, false otherwise.
0165      */
0166     bool isUrlOpen(const QString &url);
0168     /**
0169      * @return Whether the item with @p url can be found in any view only by switching
0170      * between already open tabs and scrolling in their primary or secondary view.
0171      * @note Use of QString instead of QUrl is required to be callable via DBus.
0172      */
0173     bool isItemVisibleInAnyView(const QString &urlOfItem);
0175     /**
0176      * Pastes the clipboard data into the currently selected folder
0177      * of the active view. If not exactly one folder is selected,
0178      * no pasting is done at all.
0179      */
0180     void pasteIntoFolder();
0182     /**
0183      * Implementation of the MainWindowAdaptor/QDBusAbstractAdaptor interface.
0184      * Inform all affected dolphin components (panels, views) of an URL
0185      * change.
0186      */
0187     void changeUrl(const QUrl &url);
0189     /**
0190      * The current directory of the Terminal Panel has changed, probably because
0191      * the user entered a 'cd' command. This slot calls changeUrl(url) and makes
0192      * sure that the panel keeps the keyboard focus.
0193      */
0194     void slotTerminalDirectoryChanged(const QUrl &url);
0196     /** Stores all settings and quits Dolphin. */
0197     void quit();
0199     /**
0200      * Opens a new tab in the background showing the URL \a url.
0201      */
0202     void openNewTab(const QUrl &url);
0204     /**
0205      * Opens a new tab  showing the URL \a url and activate it.
0206      */
0207     void openNewTabAndActivate(const QUrl &url);
0209     /**
0210      * Opens a new window showing the URL \a url.
0211      */
0212     void openNewWindow(const QUrl &url);
0214     /** @see GeneralSettings::splitViewChanged() */
0215     void slotSplitViewChanged();
0218     /**
0219      * Is sent if the selection of the currently active view has
0220      * been changed.
0221      */
0222     void selectionChanged(const KFileItemList &selection);
0224     /**
0225      * Is sent if the url of the currently active view has
0226      * been changed.
0227      */
0228     void urlChanged(const QUrl &url);
0230     /**
0231      * Is emitted if information of an item is requested to be shown e. g. in the panel.
0232      * If item is null, no item information request is pending.
0233      */
0234     void requestItemInfo(const KFileItem &item);
0236     /**
0237      * It is emitted when in the current view, files are changed,
0238      * or dirs have files/removed from them.
0239      */
0240     void fileItemsChanged(const KFileItemList &changedFileItems);
0242     /**
0243      * Is emitted if the settings have been changed.
0244      */
0245     void settingsChanged();
0247 protected:
0248     /** @see QObject::event() */
0249     bool event(QEvent *event) override;
0251     /** @see QWidget::showEvent() */
0252     void showEvent(QShowEvent *event) override;
0254     /** @see QMainWindow::closeEvent() */
0255     void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event) override;
0257     /** @see KMainWindow::saveProperties() */
0258     void saveProperties(KConfigGroup &group) override;
0260     /** @see KMainWindow::readProperties() */
0261     void readProperties(const KConfigGroup &group) override;
0263     /** Sets a sane initial window size **/
0264     QSize sizeHint() const override;
0266 protected Q_SLOTS:
0267     /**
0268      * Calls the base method KXmlGuiWindow::saveNewToolbarConfig().
0269      * Is also used to set toolbar constraints and UrlNavigator position
0270      * based on the newly changed toolbar configuration.
0271      */
0272     void saveNewToolbarConfig() override;
0274 private Q_SLOTS:
0275     /**
0276      * Refreshes the views of the main window by recreating them according to
0277      * the given Dolphin settings.
0278      */
0279     void refreshViews();
0281     void clearStatusBar();
0283     /** Updates the 'Create New...' sub menu. */
0284     void updateNewMenu();
0286     void createDirectory();
0288     /** Shows the error message in the status bar of the active view. */
0289     void showErrorMessage(const QString &message);
0291     /**
0292      * Updates the state of the 'Undo' menu action dependent
0293      * on the parameter \a available.
0294      */
0295     void slotUndoAvailable(bool available);
0297     /** Sets the text of the 'Undo' menu action to \a text. */
0298     void slotUndoTextChanged(const QString &text);
0300     /** Performs the current undo operation. */
0301     void undo();
0303     /**
0304      * Copies all selected items to the clipboard and marks
0305      * the items as cut.
0306      */
0307     void cut();
0309     /** Copies all selected items to the clipboard. */
0310     void copy();
0312     /** Pastes the clipboard data to the active view. */
0313     void paste();
0315     /** Replaces the URL navigator by a search box to find files. */
0316     void find();
0318     /** Updates the state of the search action according to the view container. */
0319     void updateSearchAction();
0321     /**
0322      * Updates the text of the paste action dependent on
0323      * the number of items which are in the clipboard.
0324      */
0325     void updatePasteAction();
0327     /** Calls DolphinViewContainer::setSelectionMode() for m_activeViewContainer. */
0328     void slotSetSelectionMode(bool enabled, SelectionMode::BottomBar::Contents bottomBarContents);
0330     /** Selects all items from the active view. */
0331     void selectAll();
0333     /**
0334      * Inverts the selection of all items of the active view:
0335      * Selected items get nonselected and nonselected items get
0336      * selected.
0337      */
0338     void invertSelection();
0340     /**
0341      * Switches between one and two views:
0342      * If one view is visible, it will get split into two views.
0343      * If already two views are visible, the active view gets closed.
0344      */
0345     void toggleSplitView();
0347     /**
0348      * Pops out a split view.
0349      * The active view will be popped out, unless the view is not split,
0350      * in which case nothing will happen.
0351      */
0352     void popoutSplitView();
0354     /** Dedicated action to open the stash:/ ioslave in split view. */
0355     void toggleSplitStash();
0357     /** Copies all selected items to the inactive view. */
0358     void copyToInactiveSplitView();
0360     /** Moves all selected items to the inactive view. */
0361     void moveToInactiveSplitView();
0363     /** Reloads the currently active view. */
0364     void reloadView();
0366     /** Stops the loading process for the currently active view. */
0367     void stopLoading();
0369     void enableStopAction();
0370     void disableStopAction();
0372     void toggleSelectionMode();
0374     void showFilterBar();
0375     void toggleFilterBar();
0377     /**
0378      * Toggles between edit and browse mode of the navigation bar.
0379      */
0380     void toggleEditLocation();
0382     /**
0383      * Switches to the edit mode of the navigation bar and selects
0384      * the whole URL, so that it can be replaced by the user. If the edit mode is
0385      * already active, it is assured that the navigation bar get focused.
0386      */
0387     void replaceLocation();
0389     /**
0390      * Toggles the state of the panels between a locked and unlocked layout.
0391      */
0392     void togglePanelLockState();
0394     /**
0395      * Is invoked if the Terminal panel got visible/invisible and takes care
0396      * that the active view has the focus if the Terminal panel is invisible.
0397      */
0398     void slotTerminalPanelVisibilityChanged();
0400     /** Goes back one step of the URL history. */
0401     void goBack();
0403     /** Goes forward one step of the URL history. */
0404     void goForward();
0406     /** Goes up one hierarchy of the current URL. */
0407     void goUp();
0409     /** Changes the location to the home URL. */
0410     void goHome();
0412     /** Open the previous URL in the URL history in a new tab. */
0413     void goBackInNewTab();
0415     /** Open the next URL in the URL history in a new tab. */
0416     void goForwardInNewTab();
0418     /** Open the URL one hierarchy above the current URL in a new tab. */
0419     void goUpInNewTab();
0421     /** * Open the home URL in a new tab. */
0422     void goHomeInNewTab();
0424     /** Opens Kompare for 2 selected files. */
0425     void compareFiles();
0427     /**
0428      * Hides the menu bar if it is visible, makes the menu bar
0429      * visible if it is hidden.
0430      */
0431     void toggleShowMenuBar();
0433     /** Updates "Open Preferred Search Tool" action. */
0434     void updateOpenPreferredSearchToolAction();
0436     /** Opens preferred search tool for the current location. */
0437     void openPreferredSearchTool();
0439     /** Opens a terminal window for the current location. */
0440     void openTerminal();
0442     /** Opens terminal windows for the selected items' locations. */
0443     void openTerminalHere();
0445     /** Opens a terminal window for the URL. */
0446     void openTerminalJob(const QUrl &url);
0448     /** Focus a Terminal Panel. */
0449     void focusTerminalPanel();
0451     /** Opens the settings dialog for Dolphin. */
0452     void editSettings();
0454     /** Updates the state of the 'Show Full Location' action. */
0455     void slotEditableStateChanged(bool editable);
0457     /**
0458      * Updates the state of the 'Edit' menu actions and emits
0459      * the signal selectionChanged().
0460      */
0461     void slotSelectionChanged(const KFileItemList &selection);
0463     /**
0464      * Updates the state of the 'Back' and 'Forward' menu
0465      * actions corresponding to the current history.
0466      */
0467     void updateHistory();
0469     /** Updates the state of the 'Show filter bar' menu action. */
0470     void updateFilterBarAction(bool show);
0472     /** Open a new main window. */
0473     void openNewMainWindow();
0475     /**
0476      * Opens a new view with the current URL that is part of a tab and
0477      * activates it.
0478      */
0479     void openNewActivatedTab();
0481     /**
0482      * Adds the current URL as an entry to the Places panel
0483      */
0484     void addToPlaces();
0486     /**
0487      * Opens the selected folder in a new tab.
0488      */
0489     void openInNewTab();
0491     /**
0492      * Opens the selected folder in a new window.
0493      */
0494     void openInNewWindow();
0496     /**
0497      * Opens the selected folder in the other inactive split view, enables split view if necessary.
0498      */
0499     void openInSplitView(const QUrl &url);
0501     /**
0502      * Show the target of the selected symlink
0503      */
0504     void showTarget();
0506     /**
0507      * Indicates in the statusbar that the execution of the command \a command
0508      * has been finished.
0509      */
0510     void showCommand(CommandType command);
0512     /**
0513      * If the URL can be listed, open it in the current view, otherwise
0514      * run it through KRun.
0515      */
0516     void handleUrl(const QUrl &url);
0518     /**
0519      * Is invoked when the write state of a folder has been changed and
0520      * enables/disables the "Create New..." menu entry.
0521      */
0522     void slotWriteStateChanged(bool isFolderWritable);
0524     /**
0525      * Opens the context menu on the current mouse position.
0526      * @pos           Position in screen coordinates.
0527      * @item          File item context. If item is null, the context menu
0528      *                should be applied to \a url.
0529      * @selectedItems The selected items for which the context menu
0530      *                is opened. This list generally includes \a item.
0531      * @url           URL which contains \a item.
0532      */
0533     void openContextMenu(const QPoint &pos, const KFileItem &item, const KFileItemList &selectedItems, const QUrl &url);
0535     /**
0536      * Updates the menu that is by default at the right end of the toolbar.
0537      *
0538      * In true "simple by default" fashion, the menu only contains the most important
0539      * and necessary actions to be able to use Dolphin. This is supposed to hold true even
0540      * if the user does not know how to open a context menu. More advanced actions can be
0541      * discovered through a sub-menu (@see KConfigWidgets::KHamburgerMenu::setMenuBarAdvertised()).
0542      */
0543     void updateHamburgerMenu();
0545     /**
0546      * Is called if the user clicked an item in the Places Panel.
0547      * Reloads the view if \a url is the current URL already, and changes the
0548      * current URL otherwise.
0549      */
0550     void slotPlaceActivated(const QUrl &url);
0552     /**
0553      * Is called if the another view has been activated by changing the current
0554      * tab or activating another view in split-view mode.
0555      *
0556      * Activates the given view, which means that all menu actions are applied
0557      * to this view. When having a split view setup, the nonactive view is
0558      * usually shown in darker colors.
0559      */
0560     void activeViewChanged(DolphinViewContainer *viewContainer);
0562     void closedTabsCountChanged(unsigned int count);
0564     /**
0565      * Is called if a new tab has been opened or a tab has been closed to
0566      * enable/disable the tab actions.
0567      */
0568     void tabCountChanged(int count);
0570     /**
0571      * Updates the Window Title with the caption from the active view container
0572      */
0573     void updateWindowTitle();
0575     /**
0576      * This slot is called when the user requested to unmount a removable media
0577      * from the places menu
0578      */
0579     void slotStorageTearDownFromPlacesRequested(const QString &mountPath);
0581     /**
0582      * This slot is called when the user requested to unmount a removable media
0583      * _not_ from the dolphin's places menu (from the notification area for e.g.)
0584      * This slot is basically connected to each removable device's
0585      * Solid::StorageAccess::teardownRequested(const QString & udi)
0586      * signal through the places panel.
0587      */
0588     void slotStorageTearDownExternallyRequested(const QString &mountPath);
0590     /**
0591      * Is called when the view has finished loading the directory.
0592      */
0593     void slotDirectoryLoadingCompleted();
0595     /**
0596      * Is called when the user middle clicks a toolbar button.
0597      *
0598      * Here middle clicking Back/Forward/Up/Home will open the resulting
0599      * folder in a new tab.
0600      */
0601     void slotToolBarActionMiddleClicked(QAction *action);
0603     /**
0604      * Is called before the Back popup menu is shown. This slot will populate
0605      * the menu with history data
0606      */
0607     void slotAboutToShowBackPopupMenu();
0609     /**
0610       * This slot is used by the Back Popup Menu to go back to a specific
0611       * history index. The QAction::data will carry an int with the index
0612       * to go to.
0613       */
0614     void slotGoBack(QAction *action);
0616     /**
0617      * Middle clicking Back/Forward will open the resulting folder in a new tab.
0618      */
0619     void slotBackForwardActionMiddleClicked(QAction *action);
0621     /**
0622      * Is called before the Forward popup menu is shown. This slot will populate
0623      * the menu with history data
0624      */
0625     void slotAboutToShowForwardPopupMenu();
0627     /**
0628       * This slot is used by the Forward Popup Menu to go forward to a specific
0629       * history index. The QAction::data will carry an int with the index
0630       * to go to.
0631       */
0632     void slotGoForward(QAction *action);
0634     /**
0635      * Is called when configuring the keyboard shortcuts
0636      */
0637     void slotKeyBindings();
0639     /**
0640      * Saves the session.
0641      */
0642     void slotSaveSession();
0644 private:
0645     /**
0646      * Sets up the various menus and actions and connects them.
0647      */
0648     void setupActions();
0650     /**
0651      * Sets up the dock widgets and their panels.
0652      */
0653     void setupDockWidgets();
0655     void updateFileAndEditActions();
0656     void updateViewActions();
0657     void updateGoActions();
0659     /**
0660      * Connects the signals from the created DolphinView with
0661      * the DolphinViewContainer \a container with the corresponding slots of
0662      * the DolphinMainWindow. This method must be invoked each
0663      * time a DolphinView has been created.
0664      */
0665     void connectViewSignals(DolphinViewContainer *container);
0667     /**
0668      * Updates the text of the split action:
0669      * If two views are shown, the text is set to "Split",
0670      * otherwise the text is set to "Join". The icon
0671      * is updated to match with the text and the currently active view.
0672      */
0673     void updateSplitActions();
0675     /**
0676      * Sets the window sides the toolbar may be moved to based on toolbar contents.
0677      */
0678     void updateAllowedToolbarAreas();
0680     bool isKompareInstalled() const;
0682     /**
0683      * Creates an action for showing/hiding a panel, that is accessible
0684      * in "Configure toolbars..." and "Configure shortcuts...".
0685      */
0686     void createPanelAction(const QIcon &icon, const QKeySequence &shortcut, QDockWidget *dockAction, const QString &actionName);
0688     /** Adds "What's This?" texts to many widgets and StandardActions. */
0689     void setupWhatsThis();
0691     /** Returns preferred search tool as configured in "More Search Tools" menu. */
0692     QPointer<QAction> preferredSearchTool();
0694     /**
0695      * Adds this action to the mainWindow's toolbar and saves the change
0696      * in the users ui configuration file.
0697      * This method is only needed for migration and should be removed once we can expect
0698      * that pretty much all users have been migrated. Remove in 2026 because that's when
0699      * even the most risk-averse distros will already have been forced to upgrade.
0700      * @return true if successful. Otherwise false.
0701      */
0702     bool addHamburgerMenuToToolbar();
0704     /** Creates an action representing an item in the URL navigator history */
0705     static QAction *urlNavigatorHistoryAction(const KUrlNavigator *urlNavigator, int historyIndex, QObject *parent = nullptr);
0707 private:
0708     /**
0709      * Implements a custom error handling for the undo manager. This
0710      * assures that all errors are shown in the status bar of Dolphin
0711      * instead as modal error dialog with an OK button.
0712      */
0713     class UndoUiInterface : public KIO::FileUndoManager::UiInterface
0714     {
0715     public:
0716         UndoUiInterface();
0717         ~UndoUiInterface() override;
0718         void jobError(KIO::Job *job) override;
0719     };
0721     KNewFileMenu *m_newFileMenu;
0722     DolphinTabWidget *m_tabWidget;
0723     DolphinViewContainer *m_activeViewContainer;
0725     DolphinViewActionHandler *m_actionHandler;
0726     DolphinRemoteEncoding *m_remoteEncoding;
0727     QPointer<DolphinSettingsDialog> m_settingsDialog;
0728     DolphinBookmarkHandler *m_bookmarkHandler;
0729     SelectionMode::ActionTextHelper *m_actionTextHelper;
0731     KIO::OpenUrlJob *m_lastHandleUrlOpenJob;
0733     TerminalPanel *m_terminalPanel;
0734     PlacesPanel *m_placesPanel;
0735     bool m_tearDownFromPlacesRequested;
0737     KToolBarPopupAction *m_backAction;
0738     KToolBarPopupAction *m_forwardAction;
0739     KActionMenu *m_splitViewAction;
0740     QAction *m_splitViewMenuAction;
0742     QMenu m_searchTools;
0743     KFileItemActions m_fileItemActions;
0745     QTimer *m_sessionSaveTimer;
0746     QFutureWatcher<void> *m_sessionSaveWatcher;
0747     bool m_sessionSaveScheduled;
0749     friend class DolphinMainWindowTest;
0750 };
0752 inline DolphinViewContainer *DolphinMainWindow::activeViewContainer() const
0753 {
0754     return m_activeViewContainer;
0755 }
0757 inline KNewFileMenu *DolphinMainWindow::newFileMenu() const
0758 {
0759     return m_newFileMenu;
0760 }