File indexing completed on 2024-11-10 08:12:43

0001 #!/usr/bin/env python3
0002 # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
0004 import copy
0005 from difflib import SequenceMatcher
0006 import filecmp
0007 import hashlib
0008 import locale
0009 import os
0010 import re
0011 import shutil
0012 import sys
0013 import time
0014 from functools import reduce
0016 try:
0017     import fallback_import_paths
0018 except:
0019     pass
0021 from pology import version, _, n_, t_, PologyError
0022 from pology.ascript import collect_ascription_associations
0023 from pology.ascript import collect_ascription_history
0024 from pology.ascript import make_ascription_selector
0025 from pology.catalog import Catalog
0026 from pology.header import Header, format_datetime
0027 from pology.message import Message, MessageUnsafe
0028 from pology.colors import ColorOptionParser
0029 from pology.fsops import str_to_unicode, unicode_to_str
0030 from pology.fsops import mkdirpath, assert_system, collect_system
0031 from pology.fsops import getucwd, join_ncwd
0032 from pology.fsops import collect_paths_cmdline, build_path_selector
0033 from pology.fsops import exit_on_exception
0034 from pology.merge import merge_pofile
0035 from pology.monitored import Monpair, Monlist
0036 from pology.msgreport import report_on_msg
0037 from import report, error, warning, format_item_list
0038 from import init_file_progress
0039 from pology.stdcmdopt import add_cmdopt_incexc, add_cmdopt_filesfrom
0040 from pology.vcs import make_vcs
0041 from pology.wrap import select_field_wrapping
0044 SUMMIT_ID = "+" # must not start with word-character (\w)
0047 def main ():
0049     locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "")
0051     # Setup options and parse the command line.
0052     usage = _("@info command usage",
0053         "\n"
0054         "  %(cmd)s [OPTIONS] CFGFILE LANG OPMODE [PARTIAL...]\n"
0055         "    (if there is no '%(cfgfile)s' file in a parent directory)\n"
0056         "  %(cmd)s [OPTIONS] OPMODE [PARTIAL...]\n"
0057         "    (if there is a '%(cfgfile)s' file in a parent directory)",
0058         cmd="%prog", cfgfile="summit-config")
0059     desc = _("@info command description",
0060         "Translate PO files spread across different branches "
0061         "in a unified fashion.")
0062     ver = _("@info command version",
0063         "%(cmd)s (Pology) %(version)s\n"
0064         "Copyright © 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 "
0065         "Chusslove Illich (Часлав Илић) <%(email)s>",
0066         cmd="%prog", version=version(), email="")
0068     opars = ColorOptionParser(usage=usage, description=desc, version=ver)
0069     opars.add_option(
0070         "-a", "--asc-filter",
0071         action="store", dest="asc_filter", default=None,
0072         help=_("@info command line option description",
0073                "Apply a non-default ascription filter on scatter."))
0074     opars.add_option(
0075         "--create",
0076         action="store_true", dest="create", default=False,
0077         help=_("@info command line option description",
0078                "Allow creation of new summit catalogs."))
0079     opars.add_option(
0080         "--force",
0081         action="store_true", dest="force", default=False,
0082         help=_("@info command line option description",
0083                "Force some operations that are normally not advised."))
0084     opars.add_option(
0085         "-q", "--quiet",
0086         action="store_true", dest="quiet", default=False,
0087         help=_("@info command line option description",
0088                "Output less detailed progress info."))
0089     opars.add_option(
0090         "-v", "--verbose",
0091         action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False,
0092         help=_("@info command line option description",
0093                "Output more detailed progress info"))
0094     add_cmdopt_filesfrom(opars)
0095     add_cmdopt_incexc(opars)
0097     options, free_args = opars.parse_args(str_to_unicode(sys.argv[1:]))
0099     # Look for the config file through parent directories.
0100     parent = getucwd()
0101     cfgpath = None
0102     while True:
0103         for cfgname in ("summit-config",):
0104             cfgpath1 = os.path.join(parent, cfgname)
0105             if os.path.isfile(cfgpath1):
0106                 cfgpath = cfgpath1
0107                 break
0108         if cfgpath:
0109             break
0110         pparent = parent
0111         parent = os.path.dirname(parent)
0112         if parent == pparent:
0113             break
0115     # If config file not found, expect it and language as arguments.
0116     if not cfgpath:
0117         if len(free_args) < 1:
0118             error(_("@info",
0119                     "Summit configuration file neither found "
0120                     "as '%(cfgfile)s' in parent directories, "
0121                     "nor given in command line.",
0122                     cfgfile="summit-config"))
0123         cfgpath = free_args.pop(0)
0124         if not os.path.isfile(cfgpath):
0125             error(_("@info",
0126                     "Summit configuration file '%(file)s' does not exist.",
0127                     file=cfgpath))
0129         if len(free_args) < 1:
0130             error(_("@info",
0131                     "Language code not given."))
0132         lang = free_args.pop(0)
0133     else:
0134         lang = None
0135         # ...will be read from config file.
0137     if len(free_args) < 1:
0138         error(_("@info", "Operation mode not given."))
0139     opmodes = free_args.pop(0).split(",")
0140     opmodes_uniq = []
0141     for opmode in opmodes:
0142         if opmode not in opmodes_uniq:
0143             if opmode not in ("gather", "scatter", "merge", "deps"):
0144                 error(_("@info",
0145                         "Unknown operation mode '%(mode)s'.",
0146                         mode=opmode))
0147             opmodes_uniq.append(opmode)
0148     opmodes = opmodes_uniq
0150     # Could use some speedup.
0151     try:
0152         import psyco
0153         psyco.full()
0154     except ImportError:
0155         pass
0157     # Read project definition.
0158     project = Project(lang, opmodes, options)
0159     project.include(cfgpath)
0161     # In summit-over-templates mode, determine if templates are dynamic.
0162     project.templates_dynamic = (    project.over_templates
0163                                  and not project.summit.get("topdir_templates"))
0165     # If config file was found in parent directories,
0166     # it should have defined the language itself.
0167     # Otherwise, its language is set to language given in command line.
0168     if not lang:
0169         if not project.lang:
0170             error(_("@info",
0171                     "Language code not set in configuration file."))
0172         lang = project.lang
0173     else:
0174         project.lang = lang
0176     # In summit-over-templates mode, derive special project data
0177     # for implicitly gathering templates on merge.
0178     if project.templates_dynamic and "merge" in project.opmodes:
0179         project.toptions = copy.copy(options)
0180         project.toptions.quiet = True
0181         project.tproject = Project(project.templates_lang, ["gather"],
0182                                    project.toptions)
0183         project.tproject.include(cfgpath)
0184         project.tproject.templates_dynamic = False
0185         project.tproject.summit_version_control = "none"
0186         project.tproject.summit_wrap = False # performance
0187         project.tproject.summit_fine_wrap = False # performance
0188         tpd = project.tproject.summit.get("topdir_templates")
0189         if tpd is None:
0190             # FIXME: Portability.
0191             tpd = "/tmp/summit-templates-%d" % os.getpid()
0192         project.tproject.summit["topdir"] = tpd
0193         for tb in project.tproject.branches:
0194             tbpd = tb.get("topdir_templates")
0195             if tbpd is not None:
0196                 tb["topdir"] = tbpd
0197         project.tproject.lang = project.templates_lang
0198         project.tproject = derive_project_data(project.tproject,
0199                                                project.toptions,
0200                                                project.summit["topdir"])
0201         project.summit["topdir_templates"] = tpd
0203     # Explicit gathering in summit-over-templates mode
0204     # may be useful to check if gathering works.
0205     # Make some adjustments for this to go smoothly.
0206     if (    project.templates_dynamic and "gather" in project.opmodes
0207         and project.lang == project.templates_lang
0208     ):
0209         options.create = True
0210         project.summit["topdir"] = project.summit["topdir_templates"]
0211         project.summit_version_control = "none"
0213     # Derive project data.
0214     project = derive_project_data(project, options)
0216     # Collect partial processing specs and inclusion-exclusion test.
0217     specargs, ffself = collect_paths_cmdline(rawpaths=free_args,
0218                                              filesfrom=options.files_from,
0219                                              getsel=True, abort=True)
0220     options.partspecs, options.partbids = collect_partspecs(project, specargs)
0221     if not options.files_from:
0222         # If there was no from-file input and no partial processing specs
0223         # were collected, indicate operation on the whole summit.
0224         if not options.partspecs:
0225             options.partspecs = None
0226         if not options.partbids:
0227             options.partbids = None
0228     cmdself = build_path_selector(incnames=options.include_names,
0229                                   incpaths=options.include_paths,
0230                                   excnames=options.exclude_names,
0231                                   excpaths=options.exclude_paths)
0232     options.selcatf = lambda x: cmdself(x) and ffself(x)
0234     # Invoke the appropriate operations on collected bundles.
0235     for opmode in opmodes:
0236         if options.verbose:
0237             report(_("@info:progress",
0238                      "-----> Processing mode: %(mode)s",
0239                      mode=opmode))
0240         if opmode == "gather":
0241             summit_gather(project, options)
0242         elif opmode == "scatter":
0243             summit_scatter(project, options)
0244         elif opmode == "merge":
0245             summit_merge(project, options)
0246         elif opmode == "deps":
0247             summit_deps(project, options)
0250 class Project (object):
0252     def __init__ (self, lang, opmodes, options):
0254         self.__dict__.update({
0255             "lang" : lang,
0256             "opmodes" : opmodes,
0257             "options" : options,
0259             "summit" : {},
0260             "branches" : [],
0261             "mappings" : [],
0262             "subdir_mappings" : [],
0263             "subdir_precedence" : [],
0265             "over_templates" : False,
0266             "templates_lang" : "templates",
0268             "summit_wrap" : False,
0269             "summit_fine_wrap" : True,
0270             "summit_fuzzy_merging" : True,
0271             "branches_wrap" : True,
0272             "branches_fine_wrap" : True,
0273             "branches_fuzzy_merging" : True,
0275             "version_control" : "",
0276             "summit_version_control" : "",
0277             "branches_version_control" : "",
0279             "hook_on_scatter_msgstr" : [],
0280             "hook_on_scatter_msg" : [],
0281             "hook_on_scatter_cat" : [],
0282             "hook_on_scatter_file" : [],
0283             "hook_on_scatter_branch": [],
0284             "hook_on_gather_msg" : [],
0285             "hook_on_gather_msg_branch" : [],
0286             "hook_on_gather_cat" : [],
0287             "hook_on_gather_cat_branch" : [],
0288             "hook_on_gather_file" : [],
0289             "hook_on_gather_file_branch" : [],
0290             "hook_on_merge_msg" : [],
0291             "hook_on_merge_head" : [],
0292             "hook_on_merge_cat" : [],
0293             "hook_on_merge_file" : [],
0295             "header_propagate_fields" : [],
0296             "header_skip_fields_on_scatter" : [],
0298             "vivify_on_merge" : False,
0299             "vivify_w_translator" : "Simulacrum",
0300             "vivify_w_langteam" : "Nevernessian",
0301             "vivify_w_language" : "",
0302             "vivify_w_charset" : "UTF-8",
0303             "vivify_w_plurals" : "",
0305             "compendium_on_merge" : "",
0306             "compendium_fuzzy_exact" : False,
0307             "compendium_min_words_exact" : 0,
0309             "merge_min_adjsim_fuzzy" : 0.0,
0310             "merge_rebase_fuzzy" : False,
0312             "scatter_min_completeness" : 0.0,
0313             "scatter_acc_completeness" : 0.0,
0315             "ascription_filters" : [],
0316             "ascription_history_filter" : None,
0317         })
0318         self.__dict__["locked"] = False
0320         self.inclusion_trail = []
0323     def __setattr__ (self, att, val):
0325         # TODO: Do extensive checks.
0326         if self.locked and att not in self.__dict__:
0327             error(_("@info",
0328                     "Unknown summit configuration field '%(field)s'.",
0329                     field=att))
0330         self.__dict__[att] = val
0333     def relpath (self, path):
0335         rootdir = os.path.dirname(self.inclusion_trail[-1])
0336         if not os.path.isabs(path):
0337             path = join_ncwd(rootdir, path)
0339         return path
0342     # FIXME: Temporary for backward compatibility, remove at some point.
0343     def resolve_path_rooted (self, path):
0345         return self.relpath(path)
0348     def include (self, path):
0350         path = os.path.abspath(path)
0351         if path in self.inclusion_trail:
0352             error(_("@info",
0353                     "Circular inclusion of '%(file)s' attempted "
0354                     "in summit configuration.",
0355                     file=path))
0356         self.inclusion_trail.append(path)
0357         self.locked = True
0358         with open(path) as input:
0359             code =
0360             exec(code, {"S" : self})
0361         self.locked = False
0362         self.inclusion_trail.pop()
0365 def derive_project_data (project, options, nwgrefpath=None):
0367     p = project # shortcut
0369     # Create summit object from summit dictionary.
0370     class Summit: pass
0371     s = Summit()
0372     sd = p.summit
0373 = SUMMIT_ID
0374     s.by_lang = False
0375     s.topdir = sd.pop("topdir", None)
0376     s.topdir_templates = sd.pop("topdir_templates", None)
0377     # Assert that there are no misnamed keys in the dictionary.
0378     if sd:
0379         error(_("@info",
0380                 "Unknown keys in summit configuration: %(keylist)s.",
0381                 keylist=format_item_list(list(sd.keys()))))
0382     # Assert that all necessary fields in summit specification exist.
0383     if s.topdir is None:
0384         error(_("@info",
0385                 "Top directory not set in summit configuration."))
0386     s.split_path = None # needed only on some checks later
0387     p.summit = s
0389     # Create branch objects from branch dictionaries.
0390     class Branch: pass
0391     branches = []
0392     for bd in p.branches:
0393         b = Branch()
0394         branches.append(b)
0396 = bd.pop("id", None)
0397         b.topdir = bd.pop("topdir", None)
0398         b.topdir_templates = bd.pop("topdir_templates", None)
0399         # If operation is performed on templates and branch template directory
0400         # is defined, override plain branch directory with it.
0401         if p.lang == p.templates_lang and b.topdir_templates is not None:
0402             b.topdir = b.topdir_templates
0403         b.by_lang = bd.pop("by_lang", False)
0404         if b.by_lang and isinstance(b.by_lang, bool):
0405             b.by_lang = project.lang
0406         # If separate templates directory is not defined in by-language mode,
0407         # set it to same as catalogs directory.
0408         if b.by_lang and b.topdir_templates is None:
0409             b.topdir_templates = b.topdir
0410         b.scatter_create_filter = bd.pop("scatter_create_filter", None)
0411         b.skip_version_control = bd.pop("skip_version_control", False)
0412         # FIXME: merge_locally retained for backward compatibility,
0413         # replace at some point with b.merge = bd.pop("merge", False).
0414         b.merge = bd.pop("merge", None)
0415         if b.merge is None:
0416             b.merge = bd.pop("merge_locally", False)
0417         b.split_path, b.join_path = bd.pop("transform_path", (None, None))
0418         b.insert_nosim = bd.pop("insert_nosim", False)
0420         # Assemble include-exclude functions.
0421         includes = bd.pop("includes", [])
0422         excludes = bd.pop("excludes", [])
0424         def regex_to_func (rxstr):
0425             try:
0426                 rx = re.compile(rxstr, re.U)
0427             except:
0428                 error(_("@info",
0429                         "Invalid regular expression '%(regex)s' "
0430                         "in include-exclude specification "
0431                         "of branch '%(branch)s'.",
0432               , regex=rxstr))
0433             return lambda x: bool(
0435         def chain_tests (tests):
0436             testfs = []
0437             for test in tests:
0438                 if isinstance(test, str):
0439                     testfs.append(regex_to_func(test))
0440                 elif callable(test):
0441                     testfs.append(test)
0442                 else:
0443                     error(_("@info",
0444                             "Invalid test type '%(type)s' "
0445                             "in include-exclude specification "
0446                             "of branch '%(branch)s'.",
0447                   , type=type(test)))
0448             return lambda x: reduce(lambda s, y: s or y(x), testfs, False)
0450         if includes:
0451             includef = chain_tests(includes)
0452         if excludes:
0453             excludef = chain_tests(excludes)
0454         if includes and excludes:
0455             b.ignored = lambda x: not includef(x) or excludef(x)
0456         elif includes:
0457             b.ignored = lambda x: not includef(x)
0458         elif excludes:
0459             b.ignored = lambda x: excludef(x)
0460         else:
0461             b.ignored = lambda x: False
0463         # Assert that there are no misnamed keys in the dictionary.
0464         if bd:
0465             error(_("@info",
0466                     "Unknown keys in specification of branch '%(branch)s': "
0467                     "%(keylist)s.",
0468           , keylist=format_item_list(list(bd.keys()))))
0469     p.branches = branches
0471     # Assert that all necessary fields in branch specifications exist.
0472     p.branch_ids = []
0473     for branch in p.branches:
0474         if is None:
0475             error(_("@info",
0476                     "Branch with undefined ID."))
0477         if in p.branch_ids:
0478             error(_("@info",
0479                     "Non-unique branch ID '%(branch)s'.",
0481         p.branch_ids.append(
0482         if branch.topdir is None:
0483             error(_("@info",
0484                     "Top directory not set for branch '%(branch)s'.",
0487     # Dictionary of branches by branch id.
0488     p.bdict = dict([(, x) for x in p.branches])
0490     # Create version control operators if given.
0491     p.summit_vcs = None
0492     p.branches_vcs = None
0493     if p.summit_version_control:
0494         p.summit_vcs = make_vcs(p.summit_version_control.lower())
0495     if p.branches_version_control:
0496         p.branches_vcs = make_vcs(p.branches_version_control.lower())
0497     if p.version_control:
0498         if p.summit_vcs is None:
0499             p.summit_vcs = make_vcs(p.version_control.lower())
0500         if p.branches_vcs is None:
0501             p.branches_vcs = make_vcs(p.version_control.lower())
0503     # Decide wrapping policies.
0504     class D: pass
0505     dummyopt = D()
0506     dummyopt.do_wrap = p.summit_wrap
0507     dummyopt.do_fine_wrap = p.summit_fine_wrap
0508     p.summit_wrapping = select_field_wrapping(cmlopt=dummyopt)
0509     dummyopt.do_wrap = p.branches_wrap
0510     dummyopt.do_fine_wrap = p.branches_fine_wrap
0511     p.branches_wrapping = select_field_wrapping(cmlopt=dummyopt)
0513     # Decide the extension of catalogs.
0514     if p.over_templates and p.lang == p.templates_lang:
0515         catext = ".pot"
0516     else:
0517         catext = ".po"
0519     # Collect catalogs from branches.
0520     p.catalogs = {}
0521     for b in p.branches:
0522         p.catalogs[] = collect_catalogs(b.topdir, catext,
0523                                             b.by_lang, b.ignored, b.split_path,
0524                                             project, options)
0525     # ...and from the summit.
0526     p.catalogs[SUMMIT_ID] = collect_catalogs(p.summit.topdir, catext,
0527                                              None, None, None,
0528                                              project, options)
0529     if (    p.lang == p.templates_lang and "gather" in p.opmodes
0530         and nwgrefpath is not None
0531     ):
0532         # Also add summit templates which do not actually exist,
0533         # but are going to be created on gather without warnings,
0534         # by reflecting the catalogs found in the given path.
0535         refcats = collect_catalogs(nwgrefpath, ".po",
0536                                    None, None, None, project, options)
0537         for name, spec in refcats.items():
0538             if name not in p.catalogs[SUMMIT_ID]:
0539                 path, subdir = spec[0] # all summit catalogs unique
0540                 tpath = join_ncwd(p.summit.topdir, subdir, name + ".pot")
0541                 p.catalogs[SUMMIT_ID][name] = [(tpath, subdir)]
0543     # Resolve ascription filter.
0544     project.ascription_filter = None
0545     for afname, afspec in project.ascription_filters:
0546         if options.asc_filter is None or afname == options.asc_filter:
0547             if isinstance(afspec, str):
0548                 afcall = make_ascription_selector([afspec])
0549             elif isinstance(afspec, (tuple, list)):
0550                 afcall = make_ascription_selector(afspec)
0551             elif callable(afspec):
0552                 afcall = afspec
0553             else:
0554                 error(_("@info",
0555                         "Unknown type of definition for "
0556                         "ascription filter '%(filt)s'.",
0557                         filt=afname))
0558             project.ascription_filter = afcall
0559             break
0560     if options.asc_filter is not None and project.ascription_filter is None:
0561         error(_("@info",
0562                 "Summit configuration does not define "
0563                 "ascription filter '%(filt)s'.",
0564                 filt=options.asc_filter))
0566     # Link summit and ascription catalogs.
0567     if project.ascription_filter:
0568         tmp0 = [(x, y[0][0]) for x, y in list(p.catalogs[SUMMIT_ID].items())]
0569         tmp1 = [x[0] for x in tmp0]
0570         tmp2 = collect_ascription_associations([x[1] for x in tmp0])
0571         tmp3 = list(zip([tmp2[0][0]] * len(tmp1), [x[1] for x in tmp2[0][1]]))
0572         p.aconfs_acatpaths = dict(list(zip(tmp1, tmp3)))
0574     # Assure that summit catalogs are unique.
0575     for name, spec in list(p.catalogs[SUMMIT_ID].items()):
0576         if len(spec) > 1:
0577             fstr = "\n".join([x[0] for x in spec])
0578             error(_("@info",
0579                     "Non-unique summit catalog '%(name)s', found as:\n"
0580                     "%(filelist)s",
0581                     name=name, filelist=fstr))
0583     # At scatter in summit-over-static-templates mode, add to the collection
0584     # of branch catalogs any that should be newly created.
0585     p.add_on_scatter = {}
0586     if (    p.over_templates and p.lang != p.templates_lang
0587         and "scatter" in p.opmodes):
0589         # Go through all mappings and collect branch names mapped to
0590         # summit catalogs per branch id and summit name, and vice versa.
0591         mapped_summit_names = {}
0592         mapped_branch_names = {}
0593         for mapping in p.mappings:
0594             branch_id = mapping[0]
0595             branch_name = mapping[1]
0596             summit_names = mapping[2:]
0597             if not branch_id in mapped_summit_names:
0598                 mapped_summit_names[branch_id] = {}
0599             if not branch_id in mapped_branch_names:
0600                 mapped_branch_names[branch_id] = {}
0601             for summit_name in summit_names:
0602                 if not summit_name in mapped_summit_names[branch_id]:
0603                     mapped_summit_names[branch_id][summit_name] = []
0604                 mapped_summit_names[branch_id][summit_name].append(branch_name)
0605                 if not branch_name in mapped_branch_names[branch_id]:
0606                     mapped_branch_names[branch_id][branch_name] = []
0607                 mapped_branch_names[branch_id][branch_name].append(summit_name)
0609         # Go through all branches.
0610         bt_cache = {}
0611         for branch in p.branches:
0612             # Skip this branch if no templates.
0613             if not branch.topdir_templates:
0614                 continue
0616             # Collect all templates for this branch.
0617             branch_templates = bt_cache.get(branch.topdir_templates)
0618             if branch_templates is None:
0619                 branch_templates = collect_catalogs(branch.topdir_templates,
0620                                                     ".pot", branch.by_lang,
0621                                                     branch.ignored,
0622                                                     branch.split_path,
0623                                                     project, options)
0624                 bt_cache[branch.topdir_templates] = branch_templates
0626             # Go through all summit catalogs.
0627             for summit_name in p.catalogs[SUMMIT_ID]:
0629                 # Collect names of any catalogs in this branch mapped to
0630                 # the current summit catalog.
0631                 branch_names = []
0632                 if ( in mapped_summit_names
0633                     and summit_name in mapped_summit_names[]):
0634                     branch_names = mapped_summit_names[][summit_name]
0635                 # Unconditionally add summit name as one possible branch name,
0636                 # since otherwise a mapped branch catalog could shadow
0637                 # a direct branch catalog.
0638                 branch_names.append(summit_name)
0640                 # For each collected branch name, check if there are some
0641                 # branch templates for which the corresponding branch path
0642                 # does not exit and (in case of explicit mapping) whether
0643                 # all summit catalogs needed for scattering are available.
0644                 # If this is the case, set missing paths for scattering.
0645                 for branch_name in branch_names:
0647                     if (    branch_name in branch_templates
0648                         and all([x in p.catalogs[SUMMIT_ID] for x in mapped_branch_names.get(, {})
0649                                                        .get(branch_name, [])])
0650                     ):
0651                         # Assemble all branch catalog entries.
0652                         for template in branch_templates[branch_name]:
0653                             # Compose the branch catalog subdir and path.
0654                             subdir = template[1]
0655                             if branch.join_path:
0656                                 subpath = branch.join_path(branch_name, subdir,
0657                                                            branch.by_lang)
0658                             elif branch.by_lang:
0659                                 subpath = os.path.join(subdir, branch_name,
0660                                                        branch.by_lang + ".po")
0661                             else:
0662                                 subpath = os.path.join(subdir,
0663                                                        branch_name + ".po")
0664                             path = join_ncwd(branch.topdir, subpath)
0666                             # Skip this catalog if excluded from creation on
0667                             # scatter, by filter on catalog name and subdir
0668                             # (False -> excluded).
0669                             scf = branch.scatter_create_filter
0670                             if scf and not scf(branch_name, subdir):
0671                                 continue
0673                             # If not there already, add this path
0674                             # to branch catalog entry,
0675                             # and record later initialization from template.
0676                             brcats = p.catalogs[].get(branch_name)
0677                             if brcats is None:
0678                                 brcats = []
0679                                 p.catalogs[][branch_name] = brcats
0680                             if (path, subdir) not in brcats:
0681                                 brcats.append((path, subdir))
0682                                 p.add_on_scatter[path] = template[0]
0684     # In summit-over-dynamic-templates mode,
0685     # automatic vivification of summit catalogs must be active.
0686     if p.templates_dynamic:
0687         p.vivify_on_merge = True
0689     # At merge in summit-over-templates mode,
0690     # if automatic vivification of summit catalogs requested,
0691     # add to the collection of summit catalogs any that should be created.
0692     p.add_on_merge = {}
0693     if (    p.over_templates and p.lang != p.templates_lang
0694         and "merge" in p.opmodes and (p.vivify_on_merge or options.create)
0695     ):
0696         # Collect all summit templates.
0697         if not p.templates_dynamic:
0698             summit_templates = collect_catalogs(p.summit.topdir_templates,
0699                                                 ".pot", None, None, None,
0700                                                 project, options)
0701         else:
0702             summit_templates = p.tproject.catalogs[SUMMIT_ID]
0704         # Go through all summit templates, recording missing summit catalogs.
0705         for name, spec in summit_templates.items():
0706             tpath, tsubdir = spec[0] # all summit catalogs unique
0707             if name not in p.catalogs[SUMMIT_ID]:
0708                 # Compose the summit catalog path.
0709                 spath = join_ncwd(p.summit.topdir, tsubdir, name + ".po")
0710                 # Add this file to summit catalog entries.
0711                 p.catalogs[SUMMIT_ID][name] = [(spath, tsubdir)]
0712                 # Record later initialization from template.
0713                 p.add_on_merge[spath] = tpath
0715     # Convenient dictionary views of mappings.
0716     # - direct: branch_id->branch_name->summit_name
0717     # - part inverse: branch_id->summit_name->branch_name
0718     # - full inverse: summit_name->branch_id->branch_name
0719     p.direct_map = {}
0720     p.part_inverse_map = {}
0721     p.full_inverse_map = {}
0723     # Initialize mappings by branch before the main loop for direct mappings,
0724     # because an explicit mapping may name a branch before it was processed
0725     # in the main loop.
0726     for branch_id in p.branch_ids:
0727         p.direct_map[branch_id] = {}
0728         for branch_name in p.catalogs[branch_id]:
0729             p.direct_map[branch_id][branch_name] = []
0731     # Add direct mappings.
0732     # - explicit
0733     for mapping in p.mappings:
0734         branch_id, branch_name = mapping[:2]
0735         if (    "gather" in p.opmodes
0736             and (   branch_id not in p.catalogs
0737                  or branch_name not in p.catalogs[branch_id])
0738         ):
0739             warning(_("@info",
0740                       "No branch catalog corresponding to mapping %(mapping)s "
0741                       "set by the summit configuration.",
0742                       mapping=("('%s', '%s', ...)" % (branch_id, branch_name))))
0743             continue
0744         summit_names = mapping[2:]
0745         p.direct_map[branch_id][branch_name] = summit_names
0746     # - implicit
0747     for branch_id in p.branch_ids:
0748         for branch_name in p.catalogs[branch_id]:
0749             if p.direct_map[branch_id][branch_name] == []:
0750                 p.direct_map[branch_id][branch_name].append(branch_name)
0752     # Convert subdir mappings into dictionary by branch ID and subdir.
0753     p.subdir_map = {}
0754     for bid, bsubdir, ssubdir in p.subdir_mappings:
0755         p.subdir_map[(bid, bsubdir)] = ssubdir
0757     # Collect missing summit catalogs.
0758     needed_additions = []
0759     for branch_id in p.branch_ids:
0760         for branch_name in p.catalogs[branch_id]:
0761             summit_names = p.direct_map[branch_id][branch_name]
0762             for summit_name in summit_names:
0763                 if summit_name not in p.catalogs[SUMMIT_ID]:
0764                     # Compose the path for the missing summit catalog.
0765                     # Default the subdir to that of the current branch,
0766                     # as it is the primary branch for this catalog.
0767                     # Or use explicit subdir mapping if given.
0768                     branch_path, branch_subdir = \
0769                         p.catalogs[branch_id][branch_name][0]
0770                     dmkey = (branch_id, branch_subdir)
0771                     summit_subdir = p.subdir_map.get(dmkey) or branch_subdir
0772                     summit_path = join_ncwd(p.summit.topdir, summit_subdir,
0773                                             summit_name + catext)
0774                     if "gather" in p.opmodes:
0775                         if options.create:
0776                             # Add summit catalog into list of existing catalogs;
0777                             # it will be created for real on gather.
0778                             p.catalogs[SUMMIT_ID][summit_name] = [
0779                                 (summit_path, summit_subdir)]
0780                         else:
0781                             needed_additions.append((branch_path, summit_path))
0782                     elif "scatter" in p.opmodes:
0783                         needed_additions.append((branch_path, summit_path))
0785     # Initialize inverse mappings.
0786     # - part inverse:
0787     for branch_id in p.branch_ids:
0788         p.part_inverse_map[branch_id] = {}
0789         for summit_name in p.catalogs[SUMMIT_ID]:
0790             p.part_inverse_map[branch_id][summit_name] = []
0791     # - full inverse:
0792     for summit_name in p.catalogs[SUMMIT_ID]:
0793         p.full_inverse_map[summit_name] = {}
0794         for branch_id in p.branch_ids:
0795             p.full_inverse_map[summit_name][branch_id] = []
0797     # Add existing inverse mappings.
0798     for branch_id in p.branch_ids:
0799         for branch_name in sorted(p.catalogs[branch_id]):
0800             for summit_name in p.direct_map[branch_id][branch_name]:
0801                 if summit_name in p.full_inverse_map:
0802                     # - part inverse:
0803                     pinv = p.part_inverse_map[branch_id][summit_name]
0804                     if branch_name not in pinv:
0805                         pinv.append(branch_name)
0806                     # - full inverse:
0807                     finv = p.full_inverse_map[summit_name][branch_id]
0808                     if branch_name not in finv:
0809                         finv.append(branch_name)
0811     # Collect superfluous summit catalogs.
0812     needed_removals = []
0813     for summit_name in p.catalogs[SUMMIT_ID]:
0814         src_branch_ids = []
0815         for branch_id in project.branch_ids:
0816             if project.full_inverse_map[summit_name][branch_id]:
0817                 src_branch_ids.append(branch_id)
0818         if not src_branch_ids:
0819             if "gather" in p.opmodes:
0820                 if not options.create:
0821                     summit_path = p.catalogs[SUMMIT_ID][summit_name][0][0]
0822                     needed_removals.append(summit_path)
0824     # Create function to assign precedence to a subdirectory.
0825     p.subdir_precedence = [os.path.normpath(sd) for sd in p.subdir_precedence]
0826     def calc_subdir_precedence (subdir):
0827         for i, test_subdir in enumerate(p.subdir_precedence):
0828             ltsd = len(test_subdir)
0829             if (    subdir.startswith(test_subdir)
0830                 and subdir[ltsd:ltsd + 1] in ("", os.path.sep)
0831             ):
0832                 return i
0833         return len(p.subdir_precedence)
0834     p.calc_subdir_precedence = calc_subdir_precedence
0836     # Collect summit catalogs that should be moved.
0837     needed_moves = []
0838     for summit_name in p.catalogs[SUMMIT_ID]:
0839         branch_subdirs = []
0840         for branch_id in p.full_inverse_map[summit_name]:
0841             for branch_name in p.full_inverse_map[summit_name][branch_id]:
0842                 branch_subdirs_1 = []
0843                 for bpath, bsubdir in p.catalogs[branch_id][branch_name]:
0844                     dmkey = (branch_id, bsubdir)
0845                     branch_subdirs_1.append(p.subdir_map.get(dmkey) or bsubdir)
0846                 branch_subdirs.extend(branch_subdirs_1)
0847         if branch_subdirs:
0848             branch_subdirs = list(set(branch_subdirs))
0849             subdir_precs = list(map(p.calc_subdir_precedence, branch_subdirs))
0850             precs_subdirs = sorted(zip(subdir_precs, branch_subdirs))
0851             branch_subdirs_sel = [sd for pr, sd in precs_subdirs
0852                                      if pr == precs_subdirs[0][0]]
0853             summit_subdir = p.catalogs[SUMMIT_ID][summit_name][0][1]
0854             if summit_subdir not in branch_subdirs_sel:
0855                 summit_path = p.catalogs[SUMMIT_ID][summit_name][0][0]
0856                 dpaths = []
0857                 for bsubdir in branch_subdirs_sel:
0858                     dpath = join_ncwd(p.summit.topdir, bsubdir,
0859                                       summit_name + catext)
0860                     dpaths.append(dpath)
0861                 if "gather" in p.opmodes:
0862                     if not options.create:
0863                         needed_moves.append((summit_path, dpaths))
0865     # If catalog creation is not allowed,
0866     # complain about needed additions, removals, and moves.
0867     if needed_additions or needed_removals or needed_moves:
0868         if needed_additions:
0869             fmtlist = "\n".join("%s --> %s" % x
0870                                 for x in sorted(needed_additions))
0871             warning(_("@info",
0872                       "Some branch catalogs have no "
0873                       "associated summit catalog "
0874                       "(expected summit path given):\n"
0875                       "%(filelist)s",
0876                       filelist=fmtlist))
0877         if needed_removals:
0878             fmtlist = "\n".join(sorted(needed_removals))
0879             warning(_("@info",
0880                       "Some summit catalogs have no "
0881                       "associated branch catalogs:\n"
0882                       "%(filelist)s",
0883                       filelist=fmtlist))
0884         if needed_moves:
0885             fmtlist = "\n".join("%s --| %s" % (x, " | ".join(y))
0886                                 for x, y in sorted(needed_moves))
0887             warning(_("@info",
0888                       "Some summit catalogs should be "
0889                       "moved to another subdirectory:\n"
0890                       "%(filelist)s",
0891                       filelist=fmtlist))
0892         if "gather" in p.opmodes:
0893             error(_("@info",
0894                     "Halting because catalog creation is not allowed "
0895                     "(consider issuing %(opt)s option).", opt="--create"))
0897     # Fill in defaults for missing fields in hook specs.
0898     for attr in p.__dict__:
0899         if attr.startswith("hook_"):
0900             p.__dict__[attr] = hook_fill_defaults(p.__dict__[attr])
0902     return p
0905 def split_path_in_project (project, path):
0907     if os.path.isfile(path):
0908         if not path.endswith((".po", ".pot")):
0909             error(_("@info",
0910                     "Non-PO file '%(file)s' given as catalog.",
0911                     file=path))
0913     splits = []
0914     for b in [project.summit] + project.branches:
0915         broot = os.path.abspath(b.topdir)
0916         apath = os.path.abspath(path)
0917         if apath.startswith(broot + os.path.sep) or apath == broot:
0918             subpath = apath[len(broot + os.path.sep):]
0919             # Split the path into catalog name and subdirectory.
0920             if os.path.isfile(apath):
0921                 if b.split_path:
0922                     catname, subdir = b.split_path(subpath)
0923                 else:
0924                     subdir = os.path.dirname(subpath)
0925                     basename = os.path.basename(subpath)
0926                     catname = basename[:basename.rfind(".")]
0927                     if b.by_lang:
0928                         # If this is by-language mode,
0929                         # catalog path can be split only if of proper language,
0930                         # and subdirectory and catalog name should backtrack.
0931                         if catname != b.by_lang:
0932                             continue
0933                         catname = os.path.basename(subdir)
0934                         subdir = os.path.dirname(subdir)
0935             elif os.path.isdir(apath):
0936                 if b.split_path:
0937                     catname = None
0938                     dummy_subpath = os.path.join(subpath, "__dummy__.po")
0939                     subdir = b.split_path(dummy_subpath)[1]
0940                 else:
0941                     subdir = subpath
0942                     catname = None
0943                     if b.by_lang:
0944                         # If this is a leaf directory in by-language mode,
0945                         # then actually a catalog has been selected,
0946                         # and subdirectory and catalog name should backtrack.
0947                         apath2 = os.path.join(subdir, b.by_lang + ".po")
0948                         if os.path.isfile(apath2):
0949                             catname = os.path.basename(subdir)
0950                             subdir = os.path.dirname(subdir)
0951             # Collect the splitting.
0952             # Catalog name being None means that a subdirectory is selected,
0953             # and if subdirectory too is None, the whole branch is selected.
0954             if not catname and not subdir:
0955                 subdir = None
0956             splits.append((, subdir, catname))
0957     if not splits:
0958         error(_("@info",
0959                 "Path '%(path)s' is not covered by the summit configuration.",
0960                 path=path))
0962     return splits
0965 def collect_partspecs (project, specargs):
0967     partbids = []
0968     partspecs = {}
0969     for specarg in specargs:
0970         # If the partial specification is a valid path,
0971         # convert it to operation target.
0972         optargets = []
0973         if os.path.exists(specarg):
0974             splits = split_path_in_project(project, specarg)
0975             for bid, breldir, catname in splits:
0976                 if catname:
0977                     optarget = bid + ":" + catname
0978                 elif breldir:
0979                     optarget = bid + ":" + breldir + os.path.sep
0980                 else:
0981                     optarget = bid + ":"
0982                 optargets.append(optarget)
0983         else:
0984             optargets = [specarg]
0986         for optarget in optargets:
0987             lst = optarget.split(":", 1)
0988             if len(lst) < 2:
0989                 fdname, = lst
0990                 bid = None
0991             else:
0992                 bid, fdname = lst
0993                 if bid not in project.branch_ids and bid != SUMMIT_ID:
0994                     error(_("@info",
0995                             "Branch '%(branch)s' is not defined "
0996                             "in the summit configuration.",
0997                             branch=bid))
0998             if bid and bid not in partbids:
0999                 partbids.append(bid)
1000             if fdname:
1001                 bsid = bid or SUMMIT_ID
1002                 if bsid not in partspecs:
1003                     partspecs[bsid] = []
1004                 partspecs[bsid].append(fdname)
1006     return partspecs, partbids
1009 # Fill in defaults for missing fields in hook specs.
1010 def hook_fill_defaults (specs):
1012     new_specs = []
1013     for spec in specs:
1014         call = spec[0]
1015         branch_rx = r""
1016         if len(spec) > 1: branch_rx = spec[1]
1017         name_rx = r""
1018         if len(spec) > 2: name_rx = spec[2]
1019         new_specs.append((call, branch_rx, name_rx))
1021     return new_specs
1024 # Each catalog is represented by a dictionary entry: the key is the catalog
1025 # name, the value is the list of tuples of file path and subdirectory
1026 # relative to top (list in case there are several same-named catalogs in
1027 # different subdirectories).
1028 def collect_catalogs (topdir, catext, by_lang, ignored, split_path,
1029                       project, options):
1031     catalogs = {}
1032     topdir = os.path.normpath(topdir)
1033     for root, dirs, files in os.walk(topdir):
1034         for file in files:
1035             catn = ""
1036             if file.endswith(catext):
1037                 if not by_lang:
1038                     fpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(root, file))
1039                     if split_path:
1040                         catn, spath = split_path(fpath[len(topdir) + 1:])
1041                     else:
1042                         catn = file[0:file.rfind(".")]
1043                         spath = root[len(topdir) + 1:]
1044                 elif file == by_lang + ".po" or catext == ".pot":
1045                     fpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(root, file))
1046                     if split_path:
1047                         catn, spath = split_path(fpath[len(topdir) + 1:])
1048                     else:
1049                         catn = os.path.basename(root)
1050                         spath = os.path.dirname(root)[len(topdir) + 1:]
1052             if catn:
1053                 if not ignored or not ignored(fpath):
1054                     if catn not in catalogs:
1055                         catalogs[catn] = []
1056                     fpath = join_ncwd(fpath)
1057                     spath = os.path.normpath(spath)
1058                     catalogs[catn].append((fpath, spath))
1060     for catpaths in list(catalogs.values()):
1061         catpaths.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
1063     return catalogs
1066 def summit_gather (project, options):
1068     if (    project.over_templates and project.lang != project.templates_lang
1069         and not options.force):
1070         error(_("@info",
1071                 "Gathering catalogs is normally not allowed "
1072                 "in summit-over-static-templates mode. "
1073                 "If this is the initial creation of summit catalogs, "
1074                 "or externally injected branch catalogs need to be gathered, "
1075                 "run with options %(opts)s.",
1076                 opts="--create --force"))
1077     elif (    project.templates_dynamic
1078           and project.lang == project.templates_lang and not options.force):
1079         warning(_("@info",
1080                   "Gathering templates is superfluous in "
1081                   "summit-over-templates mode. "
1082                   "If this is done to check whether gathering works, "
1083                   "to supress this message run with option %(opt)s.",
1084                   opt="--force"))
1086     # Collect names of summit catalogs to gather.
1087     summit_names = select_summit_names(project, options)
1089     # Setup progress indicator.
1090     upprog = lambda x=None: x
1091     if not options.verbose:
1092         catpaths = [project.catalogs[SUMMIT_ID][x][0][0] for x in summit_names]
1093         upprog = init_file_progress(catpaths,
1094                                     addfmt=t_("@info:progress",
1095                                               "Gathering: %(file)s"))
1097     # Gather all selected catalogs.
1098     for name in summit_names:
1099         catpath = project.catalogs[SUMMIT_ID][name][0][0]
1100         if options.verbose:
1101             report(_("@info:progress",
1102                      "Gathering %(file)s...",
1103                      file=catpath))
1104         upprogc = lambda: upprog(catpath)
1105         summit_gather_single(name, project, options, update_progress=upprogc)
1106     upprog()
1109 def summit_scatter (project, options):
1111     if project.over_templates and project.lang == project.templates_lang:
1112         error(_("@info",
1113                 "Scattering not possible on '%(lang)s' "
1114                 "in summit-over-templates mode.",
1115                 lang=project.templates_lang))
1117     scatter_specs = []
1119     # Select branches to scatter to.
1120     if not options.partbids or SUMMIT_ID in options.partbids:
1121         branch_ids = project.branch_ids
1122     else:
1123         branch_ids = options.partbids
1125     # Collect catalogs to scatter through all selected branches.
1126     for branch_id in branch_ids:
1128         branch_catalogs = select_branch_catalogs(branch_id, project, options)
1130         for branch_name, branch_path, branch_subdir in branch_catalogs:
1132             # Collect names of all the summit catalogs which this branch
1133             # catalog supplies messages to.
1134             summit_names = project.direct_map[branch_id][branch_name]
1136             # Collect paths of selected summit catalogs.
1137             summit_paths = []
1138             for summit_name in summit_names:
1139                 if not summit_name in project.catalogs[SUMMIT_ID]:
1140                     # Warning pertinent to this situation will have
1141                     # been issued earlier, so just skip it here.
1142                     #warning(_("@info",
1143                               #"Missing summit catalog "
1144                               #"for branch catalog '%(file)s'.",
1145                               #file=branch_path))
1146                     continue
1147                 summit_paths.append(
1148                     project.catalogs[SUMMIT_ID][summit_name][0][0])
1150             # There may be no summit catalogs for this branch catalog.
1151             # The warning about this condition has been issued earlier,
1152             # just skip the branch catalog here.
1153             if summit_paths:
1154                 scatter_specs.append((branch_id, branch_name, branch_subdir,
1155                                       branch_path, summit_paths))
1157         # Dummy entry to indicate branch switch.
1158         scatter_specs.append((branch_id, None, None, None, None))
1160     # Setup progress indicator.
1161     upprog = lambda x=None: x
1162     if not options.verbose:
1163         catpaths = [x[3] for x in scatter_specs if x[1]]
1164         upprog = init_file_progress(catpaths,
1165                                     addfmt=t_("@info:progress",
1166                                               "Scattering: %(file)s"))
1168     # Scatter to branch catalogs.
1169     for scatter_spec in scatter_specs:
1170         branch_id, catpath = scatter_spec[0], scatter_spec[3]
1171         if catpath is not None:
1172             if options.verbose:
1173                 report(_("@info:progress",
1174                          "Scattering %(file)s...",
1175                          file=catpath))
1176             upprogc = lambda: upprog(catpath)
1177             summit_scatter_single(*(scatter_spec + (project, options, upprogc)))
1178         else:
1179             # Apply post-scatter hooks.
1180             if options.verbose:
1181                 report(_("@info:progress",
1182                          "Applying post-hook to branch %(branch)s...",
1183                          branch=branch_id))
1184             exec_hook_branch(branch_id, project.hook_on_scatter_branch)
1185     upprog()
1188 def summit_merge (project, options):
1190     if project.over_templates and project.lang == project.templates_lang:
1191         error(_("@info",
1192                 "Merging not possible on '%(lang)s' in "
1193                 "summit-over-templates mode.",
1194                 lang=project.templates_lang))
1196     merge_specs = []
1198     # Select branches to merge.
1199     if not options.partbids:
1200         branch_ids = project.branch_ids + [SUMMIT_ID]
1201     else:
1202         branch_ids = options.partbids
1204     # Setup merging in summit.
1205     if SUMMIT_ID in branch_ids and project.summit.topdir_templates:
1206         branch_ids.remove(SUMMIT_ID)
1208         # Collect names of summit catalogs to merge.
1209         summit_names = select_summit_names(project, options)
1211         # Collect template catalogs to use.
1212         if not project.templates_dynamic:
1213             template_catalogs = collect_catalogs(project.summit.topdir_templates,
1214                                                  ".pot", None, None, None,
1215                                                  project, options)
1216         else:
1217             template_catalogs = project.tproject.catalogs[SUMMIT_ID]
1219         # Collect data for summit catalogs to merge.
1220         for name in summit_names:
1221             summit_path, summit_subdir = project.catalogs[SUMMIT_ID][name][0]
1222             if name not in template_catalogs:
1223                 warning(_("@info",
1224                           "No template for summit catalog '%(file)s'.",
1225                           file=summit_path))
1226                 continue
1227             template_path = template_catalogs[name][0][0]
1228             merge_specs.append((SUMMIT_ID, name, summit_subdir,
1229                                 summit_path, template_path,
1230                                 project.summit_wrapping,
1231                                 project.summit_fuzzy_merging))
1233     # Setup merging in branches.
1234     for branch_id in branch_ids:
1235         branch = project.bdict[branch_id]
1237         # Skip branch if local merging not desired, or no templates defined.
1238         if (not branch.merge or branch.topdir_templates is None):
1239             continue
1241         # Collect branch catalogs to merge.
1242         branch_catalogs = select_branch_catalogs(branch_id, project, options)
1244         # Collect template catalogs to use.
1245         template_catalogs = collect_catalogs(branch.topdir_templates, ".pot",
1246                                              branch.by_lang, branch.ignored,
1247                                              branch.split_path,
1248                                              project, options)
1250         # Collect data for branch catalogs to merge.
1251         for name, branch_path, branch_subdir in branch_catalogs:
1252             if not os.path.isfile(branch_path):
1253                 # Catalog has been selected due to another operation mode,
1254                 # which can create catalogs from scratch.
1255                 continue
1256             if not name in template_catalogs:
1257                 warning(_("@info",
1258                           "No template for branch catalog '%(file)s'.",
1259                           file=branch_path))
1260                 continue
1261             exact = False
1262             for template_path, template_subdir in template_catalogs[name]:
1263                 if template_subdir == branch_subdir:
1264                     exact = True
1265                     break
1266             if not exact:
1267                 warning(_("@info",
1268                           "No exact template for branch catalog '%(file)s'.",
1269                           file=branch_path))
1270                 continue
1271             merge_specs.append((branch_id, name, branch_subdir,
1272                                 branch_path, template_path,
1273                                 project.branches_wrapping,
1274                                 project.branches_fuzzy_merging))
1276     # Setup progress indicator.
1277     upprog = lambda x=None: x
1278     if not options.verbose:
1279         catpaths = [x[3] for x in merge_specs]
1280         upprog = init_file_progress(catpaths,
1281                                     addfmt=t_("@info:progress",
1282                                               "Merging: %(file)s"))
1284     # Merge catalogs.
1285     for merge_spec in merge_specs:
1286         catpath = merge_spec[3]
1287         if options.verbose:
1288             report(_("@info:progress",
1289                      "Merging %(file)s...",
1290                      file=catpath))
1291         upprogc = lambda: upprog(catpath)
1292         summit_merge_single(*(merge_spec + (project, options, upprogc)))
1293     upprog()
1295     # Remove template tree in summit-over-dynamic-templates mode.
1296     if project.templates_dynamic:
1297         shutil.rmtree(project.tproject.summit.topdir)
1300 def summit_deps (project, options):
1302     # Collect names of summit catalogs for which to report dependencies.
1303     summit_names = select_summit_names(project, options)
1305     # Report dependencies for all selected catalogs.
1306     for summit_name in summit_names:
1307         if summit_name not in project.catalogs[SUMMIT_ID]:
1308             # May happen if there are some missing summit catalogs
1309             # to current branch catalogs, i.e. gather has not been made.
1310             continue
1311         summit_path = project.catalogs[SUMMIT_ID][summit_name][0][0]
1312         branch_paths = []
1313         for branch_id in project.branch_ids:
1314             for branch_name in project.full_inverse_map[summit_name][branch_id]:
1315                 for branch_path, d1 in project.catalogs[branch_id][branch_name]:
1316                     branch_paths.append(branch_path)
1317         fmtbpaths = " ".join(branch_paths)
1318         if options.verbose:
1319             actype = _("@item:intext action performed on a catalog",
1320                         "depends")
1321             report(":    (%s) %s  %s" % (actype, summit_path, fmtbpaths))
1322         else:
1323             report(":    %s  %s" % (summit_path, fmtbpaths))
1326 def select_branch_catalogs (branch_id, project, options):
1328     # Shortcuts.
1329     pbcats = project.catalogs[branch_id]
1331     # Select either all catalogs in this branch,
1332     # or those mentioned in the command line.
1333     if not options.partspecs:
1334         branch_catalogs = []
1335         for name, spec in list(pbcats.items()):
1336             for path, subdir in spec:
1337                 if options.selcatf(path):
1338                     branch_catalogs.append((name, path, subdir))
1339     else:
1340         # Select branch catalogs by command line specification.
1341         branch_catalogs = []
1343         # Process direct specifications (branch->summit).
1344         if branch_id in options.partspecs:
1345             for part_spec in options.partspecs[branch_id]:
1346                 # If the catalog specification has path separators,
1347                 # then it selects a complete subdir in the branch.
1348                 branch_catalogs_l = []
1349                 if part_spec.find(os.sep) >= 0:
1350                     sel_subdir = os.path.normpath(part_spec)
1351                     one_found = False
1352                     for name, spec in list(pbcats.items()):
1353                         for path, subdir in spec:
1354                             if sel_subdir == subdir:
1355                                 one_found = True
1356                                 if options.selcatf(path):
1357                                     branch_catalogs_l.append(
1358                                         (name, path, subdir))
1359                     if not one_found:
1360                         error(_("@info",
1361                                 "No catalogs in subdirectory '%(dir)s' "
1362                                 "of branch '%(branch)s'.",
1363                                 dir=sel_subdir, branch=branch_id))
1364                 else:
1365                     # Otherwise, specific catalog is selected.
1366                     sel_name = part_spec
1367                     one_found = False
1368                     for name, spec in list(pbcats.items()):
1369                         if sel_name == name:
1370                             for path, subdir in spec:
1371                                 one_found = True
1372                                 if options.selcatf(path):
1373                                     branch_catalogs_l.append(
1374                                         (name, path, subdir))
1375                             break
1376                     if not one_found:
1377                         error(_("@info",
1378                                 "No catalog named '%(name)s' "
1379                                 "in branch '%(branch)s'.",
1380                                 name=sel_name, branch=branch_id))
1382                 # Also select all branch catalogs which contribute to same
1383                 # summit catalogs as the already selected ones.
1384                 branch_catalogs_l2 = []
1385                 dmap = project.direct_map[branch_id]
1386                 pimap = project.part_inverse_map[branch_id]
1387                 for branch_name, d1, d2 in branch_catalogs_l:
1388                     if branch_name in dmap:
1389                         for summit_name in dmap[branch_name]:
1390                             if summit_name in pimap:
1391                                 for name in pimap[summit_name]:
1392                                     for path, subdir in pbcats[name]:
1393                                         if options.selcatf(path):
1394                                             branch_catalogs_l2.append(
1395                                                 (name, path, subdir))
1397                 branch_catalogs.extend(branch_catalogs_l)
1398                 branch_catalogs.extend(branch_catalogs_l2)
1400         # Process inverse specifications (summit->branch).
1401         if SUMMIT_ID in options.partspecs:
1402             for part_spec in options.partspecs[SUMMIT_ID]:
1403                 if part_spec.find(os.sep) >= 0:
1404                     # Complete subdir.
1405                     sel_subdir = os.path.normpath(part_spec)
1406                     cats = []
1407                     for name, spec in list(project.catalogs[SUMMIT_ID].items()):
1408                         path, subdir = spec[0] # all summit catalogs unique
1409                         if sel_subdir == subdir:
1410                             bnames = project.full_inverse_map[name][branch_id]
1411                             for bname in bnames:
1412                                 if bname in pbcats:
1413                                     for bpath, bsubdir in pbcats[bname]:
1414                                         if options.selcatf(bpath):
1415                                             cats.append((bname, bpath, bsubdir))
1416                     branch_catalogs.extend(cats)
1417                 else:
1418                     # Specific catalog.
1419                     sel_name = part_spec
1420                     if not sel_name in project.catalogs[SUMMIT_ID]:
1421                         error(_("@info",
1422                                 "No summit catalog named '%(name)s'.",
1423                                 name=sel_name))
1424                     bnames = project.full_inverse_map[sel_name][branch_id]
1425                     for bname in bnames:
1426                         if bname in pbcats:
1427                             for bpath, bsubdir in pbcats[bname]:
1428                                 if options.selcatf(bpath):
1429                                     branch_catalogs.append(
1430                                         (bname, bpath, bsubdir))
1432     # Same catalogs may have been selected multiple times, remove.
1433     branch_catalogs = list(set(branch_catalogs))
1435     # Sort by path.
1436     branch_catalogs.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
1437         # ...sorting is not only for looks, but to establish priority of
1438         # supplying comments to summit messages.
1440     return branch_catalogs
1443 def select_summit_names (project, options):
1445     # Collect all summit catalogs selected explicitly or implicitly.
1446     summit_names = []
1447     if options.partspecs is None:
1448         for name, spec in list(project.catalogs[SUMMIT_ID].items()):
1449             path, subdir = spec[0] # summit catalogs are unique
1450             if options.selcatf(path):
1451                 summit_names.append(name)
1452     else:
1453         for branch_id in options.partspecs:
1454             for part_spec in options.partspecs[branch_id]:
1456                 if branch_id == SUMMIT_ID: # explicit by summit reference
1457                     if part_spec.find(os.sep) >= 0: # whole subdir
1458                         sel_subdir = os.path.normpath(part_spec)
1459                         one_found = False
1460                         for name, spec in list(project.catalogs[SUMMIT_ID].items()):
1461                             path, subdir = spec[0] # summit catalogs are unique
1462                             if sel_subdir == subdir:
1463                                 one_found = True
1464                                 if options.selcatf(path):
1465                                     summit_names.append(name)
1466                         if not one_found:
1467                             error(_("@info",
1468                                     "No summit directory named '%(name)s'.",
1469                                     name=sel_subdir))
1470                     else: # single name
1471                         sel_name = part_spec
1472                         spec = project.catalogs[SUMMIT_ID].get(sel_name)
1473                         if not spec:
1474                             error(_("@info",
1475                                     "No summit catalog named '%(name)s'.",
1476                                     name=sel_name))
1477                         path, subdir = spec[0] # summit catalogs are unique
1478                         if options.selcatf(path):
1479                             summit_names.append(sel_name)
1481                 else: # implicit by branch reference
1482                     if part_spec.find(os.sep) >= 0: # whole subdir
1483                         sel_subdir = os.path.normpath(part_spec)
1484                         one_found = False
1485                         for name, spec in list(project.catalogs[branch_id].items()):
1486                             for path, subdir in spec:
1487                                 if sel_subdir == subdir:
1488                                     one_found = True
1489                                     if options.selcatf(path):
1490                                         summit_names.extend(
1491                                             project.direct_map[branch_id][name])
1492                                     break
1493                         if not one_found:
1494                             error(_("@info",
1495                                     "No directory named '%(name)s' "
1496                                     "in branch '%(branch)s'.",
1497                                     name=sel_subdir, branch=branch_id))
1498                     else: # single name
1499                         sel_name = part_spec
1500                         spec = project.catalogs[branch_id].get(sel_name)
1501                         if not spec:
1502                             error(_("@info",
1503                                     "No catalog named '%(name)s' "
1504                                     "in branch '%(branch)s'.",
1505                                     name=sel_name, branch=branch_id))
1506                         for path, subdir in spec:
1507                             if options.selcatf(path):
1508                                 summit_names.extend(
1509                                     project.direct_map[branch_id][sel_name])
1510                             break
1512     # Make names unique and sort by path.
1513     summit_names = list(set(summit_names))
1514     summit_names.sort(key=lambda x: project.catalogs[SUMMIT_ID].get(x, [[""]])[0][0])
1516     # Additionaly sort by subdirectory precedence.
1517     # This is necessary so that catalogs can be properly moved when gathering,
1518     # in case a higher precedence subdirectory was not created before.
1519     # Default "~" means that catalogs with no paths will be sorted at end.
1520     summit_names.sort(key=lambda x: project.calc_subdir_precedence(
1521             project.catalogs[SUMMIT_ID].get(x, [["", "~"]])[0][1]))
1523     return summit_names
1526 def summit_gather_single (summit_name, project, options,
1527                           phony=False, pre_summit_names=(), memo_store=None,
1528                           update_progress=(lambda: None)):
1530     if memo_store is not None:
1531         memo_key = (summit_name, tuple(sorted(pre_summit_names)))
1532         if memo_key in memo_store: # value can be None
1533             return memo_store.get(memo_key)
1535     update_progress()
1537     summit_path = project.catalogs[SUMMIT_ID][summit_name][0][0]
1538     summit_subdir = project.catalogs[SUMMIT_ID][summit_name][0][1]
1540     update_from_old = (    os.path.exists(summit_path)
1541                        and not project.templates_dynamic)
1543     # Do not overwrite the old summit catalog here if it exists,
1544     # as it will be needed for comparison later.
1545     monitored = update_from_old
1546     summit_cat = Catalog("", monitored=monitored,
1547                          wrapping=project.summit_wrapping, create=True)
1548     summit_cat.filename = summit_path
1550     # Collect branches in which this summit catalog has corresponding
1551     # branch catalogs, in order of branch priority.
1552     src_branch_ids = []
1553     for branch_id in project.branch_ids:
1554         if project.full_inverse_map[summit_name][branch_id]:
1555             src_branch_ids.append(branch_id)
1557     # If there are no branch catalogs,
1558     # then the current summit catalog is to be removed.
1559     if not src_branch_ids:
1560         if phony: # cannot happen
1561             error(_("@info",
1562                     "Phony gather on summit catalog which is to be removed."))
1564         # Remove by version control, if any.
1565         if project.summit_vcs:
1566             if not project.summit_vcs.remove(summit_path):
1567                 warning(_("@info",
1568                           "Cannot remove '%(path)s' from version control.",
1569                           path=summit_path))
1570         # If not removed by version control, plainly delete.
1571         if os.path.isfile(summit_path):
1572             os.unlink(summit_path)
1573             if os.path.isfile(summit_path):
1574                 warning(_("@info",
1575                           "Cannot remove '%(path)s' from disk.",
1576                           path=summit_path))
1578         if not os.path.isfile(summit_path):
1579             if options.verbose:
1580                 actype = _("@item:intext action performed on a catalog",
1581                            "gathered-removed")
1582                 report("-    (%s) %s" % (actype, summit_path))
1583             elif not options.quiet:
1584                 report("-    %s" % summit_path)
1586         # Skip the rest, nothing to gather.
1587         if memo_store is not None:
1588             memo_store[memo_key] = summit_cat
1589         return summit_cat
1591     # Open all corresponding branch catalogs.
1592     # For each branch catalog, also phony-gather any dependent summit
1593     # catalogs. Phony means not to take into account branch catalogs which
1594     # map to current summit catalog if it is higher in their queue than
1595     # the phony-gathered one, and not to sync phony-gathered catalog;
1596     # this is needed in order that any new messages get inserted
1597     # uniquely and deterministically in case of split-mappings.
1598     bcat_pscats = {}
1599     if phony or memo_store is not None:
1600         sub_memo_store = memo_store
1601     else:
1602         sub_memo_store = {}
1603     for branch_id in src_branch_ids:
1605         branch = project.bdict[branch_id]
1606         if isinstance(branch.insert_nosim, (list, tuple)):
1607             apply_insert_nosim = lambda sn, sd: (
1608                 any(, sn) for rs in branch.insert_nosim))
1609         elif callable(branch.insert_nosim):
1610             apply_insert_nosim = lambda sn, sd: branch.insert_nosim(sn, sd)
1611         else:
1612             apply_insert_nosim = lambda sn, sd: bool(branch.insert_nosim)
1614         bcat_pscats[branch_id] = []
1615         for branch_name in project.full_inverse_map[summit_name][branch_id]:
1617             # In phony-gather, do not use branch catalogs with split-mappings
1618             # which map to one of the summit catalogs among previous.
1619             phony_skip = False
1620             for dep_summit_name in project.direct_map[branch_id][branch_name]:
1621                 if dep_summit_name in pre_summit_names:
1622                     phony_skip = True
1623                     break
1624             if phony_skip:
1625                 continue
1627             # Gather and open dependent summit catalogs.
1628             dep_summit_cats = []
1629             sub_pre_summit_names = list(pre_summit_names)
1630             for dep_summit_name in project.direct_map[branch_id][branch_name]:
1631                 if dep_summit_name == summit_name:
1632                     sub_pre_summit_names.append(summit_name)
1633                     continue
1634                 dep_summit_cat = summit_gather_single(dep_summit_name,
1635                                                       project, options,
1636                                                       True,
1637                                                       sub_pre_summit_names,
1638                                                       sub_memo_store,
1639                                                       update_progress)
1640                 if dep_summit_cat is not None:
1641                     dep_summit_cats.append(dep_summit_cat)
1643             # Open all branch catalogs of this name, ordered by path,
1644             # link them to the same dependent summit catalogs.
1645             for path, subdir in project.catalogs[branch_id][branch_name]:
1646                 update_progress()
1648                 # Apply hooks to branch catalog file, creating temporaries.
1649                 tmp_path = None
1650                 if project.hook_on_gather_file_branch:
1651                     # Temporary path should be such as to not modify the
1652                     # catalog name (e.g. appending ".mod" could make ".po"
1653                     # a part of the name).
1654                     tmp_path = path + "~mod"
1655                     shutil.copyfile(path, tmp_path)
1656                     exec_hook_file(branch_id, branch_name, subdir, tmp_path,
1657                                    project.hook_on_gather_file_branch)
1659                 branch_cat = Catalog(tmp_path or path, monitored=False)
1660                 if tmp_path: # as soon as catalog is opened, no longer needed
1661                     os.unlink(tmp_path)
1663                 # Apply hooks to branch catalog.
1664                 if project.hook_on_gather_cat_branch:
1665                     exec_hook_cat(branch_id, branch_name, subdir, branch_cat,
1666                                   project.hook_on_gather_cat_branch)
1667                     branch_cat.sync_map()
1669                 # Apply hooks to all branch catalog messages here,
1670                 # as they may modify message keys.
1671                 if project.hook_on_gather_msg_branch:
1672                     for msg in branch_cat:
1673                         update_progress()
1674                         exec_hook_msg(branch_id, branch_name, subdir,
1675                                       msg, branch_cat,
1676                                       project.hook_on_gather_msg_branch)
1677                     branch_cat.sync_map()
1679                 insert_nosim = apply_insert_nosim(branch_name, subdir)
1681                 bcat_pscats[branch_id].append((branch_cat, dep_summit_cats,
1682                                                insert_nosim))
1684     # On phony gather, in case of split mappings,
1685     # it may happen that there are no corresponding branch catalogs.
1686     if phony and not any(bcat_pscats.values()):
1687         if memo_store is not None:
1688             memo_store[memo_key] = None
1689         return None
1691     # Select primary branch catalog.
1692     prim_branch_cat = None
1693     for branch_id in src_branch_ids:
1694         if bcat_pscats[branch_id]:
1695             prim_branch_cat = bcat_pscats[branch_id][0][0]
1696             break
1697     assert prim_branch_cat is not None
1699     # Gather messages through branch catalogs.
1700     for branch_id in src_branch_ids:
1701         for branch_cat, dep_summit_cats, insert_nosim in bcat_pscats[branch_id]:
1702             is_primary = branch_cat is prim_branch_cat
1703             summit_gather_single_bcat(branch_id, branch_cat, is_primary,
1704                                       summit_cat, monitored, dep_summit_cats,
1705                                       insert_nosim,
1706                                       project, options, update_progress)
1708     # Gather the summit header according to primary branch.
1709     summit_gather_single_header(summit_cat, prim_branch_cat, project, options)
1711     # Apply hooks to the summit messages.
1712     if project.hook_on_gather_msg:
1713         for msg in summit_cat:
1714             exec_hook_msg(SUMMIT_ID,, summit_subdir,
1715                           msg, summit_cat, project.hook_on_gather_msg)
1717     # Apply hooks to the summit catalog.
1718     exec_hook_cat(SUMMIT_ID,, summit_subdir, summit_cat,
1719                   project.hook_on_gather_cat)
1721     # If phony-gather, stop here and return summit catalog for reference.
1722     if phony:
1723         if memo_store is not None:
1724             memo_store[memo_key] = summit_cat
1725         return summit_cat
1727     # If the old summit catalog exists, compare with the new.
1728     # If there were any modified entries, or their order changed,
1729     # replace the old with the new summit catalog.
1730     # Copy over unmodified entries from the old catalog,
1731     # to avoid line reformatting.
1732     if update_from_old:
1733         old_cat = Catalog(summit_path, monitored=monitored,
1734                           wrapping=project.summit_wrapping)
1735         summit_created = False
1736         replace = False
1737         # Compare headers without some insignificant fields.
1738         if cmpnorm_hdr(summit_cat.header) == cmpnorm_hdr(old_cat.header):
1739             summit_cat.header = old_cat.header
1740         else:
1741             replace = True
1742         # Compare messages and their positions.
1743         for pos in range(len(summit_cat)):
1744             update_progress()
1745             old_pos = old_cat.find(summit_cat[pos])
1746             if pos != old_pos:
1747                 replace = True
1748             if old_pos >= 0:
1749                 if summit_cat[pos] == old_cat[old_pos]:
1750                     summit_cat[pos] = old_cat[old_pos]
1751                 else:
1752                     replace = True
1753         # Compare lengths.
1754         if len(summit_cat) != len(old_cat):
1755             replace = True
1756     else:
1757         summit_created = True
1758         replace = True
1760     # Check if the catalog needs to be moved to another subdirectory.
1761     branch_subdirs = []
1762     for branch_id in project.full_inverse_map[summit_name]:
1763         for branch_name in project.full_inverse_map[summit_name][branch_id]:
1764             branch_subdirs_1 = []
1765             for bpath, bsubdir in project.catalogs[branch_id][branch_name]:
1766                 bsubdir = project.subdir_map.get((branch_id, bsubdir), bsubdir)
1767                 branch_subdirs_1.append(bsubdir)
1768             branch_subdirs_1.sort()
1769             branch_subdirs.extend(branch_subdirs_1)
1770     new_summit_path = summit_path
1771     if branch_subdirs:
1772         branch_subdirs = list(set(branch_subdirs))
1773         subdir_precs = list(map(project.calc_subdir_precedence, branch_subdirs))
1774         precs_subdirs = sorted(zip(subdir_precs, branch_subdirs))
1775         branch_subdirs_sel = [sd for pr, sd in precs_subdirs
1776                                  if pr == precs_subdirs[0][0]]
1777         if summit_subdir not in branch_subdirs_sel:
1778             catext = summit_path[summit_path.rfind("."):]
1779             new_summit_path = join_ncwd(project.summit.topdir,
1780                                         branch_subdirs_sel[0],
1781                                         summit_name + catext)
1783     if replace or summit_cat.filename != new_summit_path:
1784         added = False
1785         moved = False
1787         if replace:
1788             # Set template creation date for the summit catalog
1789             # to the current date.
1790             # Do not try to trust branch template creation dates,
1791             # e.g. by copying the latest one.
1792             summit_cat.header.set_field("POT-Creation-Date", format_datetime(),
1793                                         before="PO-Revision-Date",
1794                                         reorder=True)
1796             # Sync to disk.
1797             summit_cat.sync()
1799             # Apply hooks to summit catalog file.
1800             exec_hook_file(SUMMIT_ID,, summit_subdir,
1801                            summit_cat.filename, project.hook_on_gather_file)
1803             if summit_created:
1804                 added = True
1805             # Add to version control.
1806             if (    project.summit_vcs
1807                 and not project.summit_vcs.is_versioned(summit_cat.filename)
1808             ):
1809                 if not project.summit_vcs.add(summit_cat.filename):
1810                     warning(_("@info",
1811                             "Cannot add '%(file)s' to version control.",
1812                             file=summit_cat.filename))
1813                 else:
1814                     added = True
1816         if summit_cat.filename != new_summit_path:
1817             if project.summit_vcs:
1818                 if not project.summit_vcs.move(summit_cat.filename,
1819                                                new_summit_path):
1820                     warning(_("@info",
1821                               "Cannot move '%(srcfile)s' to '%(dstfile)s'.",
1822                               srcfile=summit_cat.filename,
1823                               dstfile=new_summit_path))
1824                 else:
1825                     summit_cat.filename = new_summit_path
1826                     moved = True
1828         branch_paths = []
1829         for branch_id in src_branch_ids:
1830             for branch_cat, dep_summit_cats, insert_nosim in bcat_pscats[branch_id]:
1831                 branch_paths.append(branch_cat.filename)
1832         paths_str = " ".join(branch_paths)
1833         if options.verbose:
1834             if added:
1835                 actype = _("@item:intext action performed on a catalog",
1836                            "gathered-added")
1837                 report(">+   (%s) %s  %s"
1838                        % (actype, summit_cat.filename, paths_str))
1839             elif moved:
1840                 actype = _("@item:intext action performed on a catalog",
1841                            "gathered-moved")
1842                 report(">|   (%s) %s  %s"
1843                        % (actype, summit_cat.filename, paths_str))
1844             else:
1845                 actype = _("@item:intext action performed on a catalog",
1846                            "gathered")
1847                 report(">    (%s) %s  %s"
1848                        % (actype, summit_cat.filename, paths_str))
1849         elif not options.quiet:
1850             if added:
1851                 report(">+   %s  %s" % (summit_cat.filename, paths_str))
1852             elif moved:
1853                 report(">|   %s  %s" % (summit_cat.filename, paths_str))
1854             else:
1855                 report(">    %s  %s" % (summit_cat.filename, paths_str))
1857     if memo_store is not None:
1858         memo_store[memo_key] = summit_cat
1859     return summit_cat
1862 def cmpnorm_hdr (hdr):
1864     rhdr = Header(hdr)
1865     for field in (
1866         "POT-Creation-Date",
1867     ):
1868         rhdr.remove_field(field)
1869     return rhdr
1872 def extkey_msg (msg):
1874     # NOTE: If computation of context pad is modified,
1875     # padded messages in existing summit catalogs will get fuzzy
1876     # on next merge with newly gathered templates.
1878     msg = MessageUnsafe(msg)
1879     if msg.msgid_plural is not None:
1880         h = hashlib.md5()
1881         h.update(msg.msgid_plural.encode("UTF-8"))
1882         ctxtpad = h.hexdigest()
1883     else:
1884         # Something that looks like a hex digest but slightly shorter,
1885         # so that it does not match any real digest.
1886         ctxtpad = "abcd1234efgh5665hgfe4321dcba"
1887     msg.auto_comment.append("%s msgctxt-pad %s"
1888                             % (_summit_tag_kwprop, ctxtpad))
1889     if msg.msgctxt is None:
1890         msg.msgctxt = "%s" % ctxtpad
1891     else:
1892         msg.msgctxt = "%s|%s" % (msg.msgctxt, ctxtpad)
1894     return msg
1897 def summit_gather_single_bcat (branch_id, branch_cat, is_primary,
1898                                summit_cat, monitored, dep_summit_cats,
1899                                insert_nosim,
1900                                project, options, update_progress):
1902     MessageType = (Message if monitored else MessageUnsafe)
1904     # Go through messages in the branch catalog, merging them with
1905     # existing summit messages, or collecting for later insertion.
1906     # Do not insert new messages immediately, as source references may be
1907     # updated by merging, which reflects on heuristic insertion.
1908     # Ignore messages present in dependent summit catalogs.
1909     msgs_to_merge = []
1910     msgs_to_insert = []
1911     xkpairs = []
1912     for msg in branch_cat:
1913         update_progress()
1915         # Do not gather obsolete messages.
1916         if msg.obsolete:
1917             continue
1919         # Normalizations when gathering templates,
1920         # in case extraction tool needs to have its sanity checked,
1921         # or certain language files stand in for true templates.
1922         if project.lang == project.templates_lang:
1923             msg.manual_comment[:] = []
1924             msg.unfuzzy()
1925             if msg.msgid_plural is None:
1926                 msg.msgstr[:] = [""]
1927             else:
1928                 msg.msgstr[:] = ["", ""]
1930         # Construct branch message with extended key.
1931         xkmsg = extkey_msg(msg)
1933         # Do not gather messages belonging to depending summit catalogs.
1934         in_dep = False
1935         for dep_summit_cat in dep_summit_cats:
1936             if msg in dep_summit_cat or xkmsg in dep_summit_cat:
1937                 in_dep = True
1938                 break
1939         if in_dep:
1940             continue
1942         # If the summit message for the original branch message exists,
1943         # but their extended keys do not match,
1944         # switch to branch message with extended key.
1945         summit_msg = summit_cat.get(msg)
1946         if summit_msg and extkey_msg(summit_msg).key != xkmsg.key:
1947             xkpairs.append((msg, xkmsg))
1948             msg = xkmsg
1949             summit_msg = summit_cat.get(msg)
1951         # Collect the branch message for merging or insertion.
1952         if summit_msg is not None:
1953             msgs_to_merge.append((msg, summit_msg))
1954         else:
1955             msgs_to_insert.append(msg)
1957     # If some messages had to have extended keys, update branch catalog.
1958     if xkpairs:
1959         for msg, xkmsg in xkpairs:
1960             branch_cat.remove_on_sync(msg)
1961             branch_cat.add_last(xkmsg)
1962         branch_cat.sync_map()
1964     # Merge messages already in the summit catalog.
1965     if msgs_to_merge:
1966         for msg, summit_msg in msgs_to_merge:
1967             # Merge the message.
1968             gather_merge_msg(summit_msg, msg)
1969             # Update automatic comments.
1970             summit_override_auto(summit_msg, msg, branch_id, is_primary)
1971             # Equip any new summit tags to the merged message.
1972             summit_set_tags(summit_msg, branch_id, project)
1974     # Insert messages not already in the summit catalog.
1975     if msgs_to_insert:
1976         # Pair messages to insert from branch with summit messages
1977         # having common source files.
1978         # If summit is empty, this is primary branch catalog, so make
1979         # only one dummy pair to preserve original ordering of messages.
1980         summit_msgs_by_src_dict = dict(summit_cat.messages_by_source())
1981         if summit_msgs_by_src_dict:
1982             msgs_by_src = branch_cat.messages_by_source()
1983         else:
1984             msgs_by_src = [("", branch_cat)]
1986         # Collect possible source file synonyms to those in the summit catalog.
1987         fnsyn = branch_cat.detect_renamed_sources(summit_cat)
1989         # Prepare messages for insertion into summit.
1990         summit_msg_by_msg = {}
1991         for msg in msgs_to_insert:
1992             update_progress()
1993             summit_msg = MessageType(msg)
1994             summit_set_tags(summit_msg, branch_id, project)
1995             summit_msg_by_msg[msg] = summit_msg
1997         # Insert branch messages into summit source by source.
1998         for src, msgs in msgs_by_src:
2000             # Assemble collection of summit messages from same source file.
2001             summit_msgs = []
2002             for osrc in [src] + fnsyn.get(src, []):
2003                 summit_msgs.extend(summit_msgs_by_src_dict.get(osrc, []))
2005             # If existing summit messages from same source found,
2006             # insert branch messages around those summit messages.
2007             # Otherwise, just append them at the end.
2008             if summit_msgs:
2010                 # Assemble groups of messages by same msgid and same msgctxt,
2011                 # for insertion by similarity.
2012                 if not insert_nosim:
2013                     smsgs_by_msgid = {}
2014                     smsgs_by_msgctxt = {}
2015                     for smsg in summit_msgs:
2016                         if smsg.msgid not in smsgs_by_msgid:
2017                             smsgs_by_msgid[smsg.msgid] = []
2018                         smsgs_by_msgid[smsg.msgid].append(smsg)
2019                         if smsg.msgctxt is not None:
2020                             if smsg.msgctxt not in smsgs_by_msgctxt:
2021                                 smsgs_by_msgctxt[smsg.msgctxt] = []
2022                             smsgs_by_msgctxt[smsg.msgctxt].append(smsg)
2024                 insertions = []
2025                 for msg in msgs:
2026                     update_progress()
2027                     new_summit_msg = summit_msg_by_msg.get(msg)
2028                     if new_summit_msg is None:
2029                         continue
2031                     # Existing summit message to where (after or before)
2032                     # current message is to be inserted.
2033                     summit_msg_ref = None
2034                     before = False
2036                     # Try to insert message by similarity.
2037                     # Similarity is checked by groups,
2038                     # such that for each group there is a message part
2039                     # which is compared for similarity.
2040                     if not insert_nosim:
2041                         for summit_msgs_group, matt, forceins in (
2042                             (smsgs_by_msgid.get(msg.msgid), "msgctxt", True),
2043                             (smsgs_by_msgctxt.get(msg.msgctxt), "msgid", True),
2044                             (summit_msgs, "key", False),
2045                         ):
2046                             if not summit_msgs_group:
2047                                 continue
2049                             # Shortcut: if only one summit message in the group
2050                             # and insertion forced, insert after it.
2051                             if len(summit_msgs_group) == 1 and forceins:
2052                                 summit_msg_ref = summit_msgs_group[-1]
2053                                 break
2055                             # Does the message have the part to be matched?
2056                             mval = msg.get(matt)
2057                             if mval is None:
2058                                 continue
2060                             # Find existing message with the most similar
2061                             # matching attribute.
2062                             seqm = SequenceMatcher(None, mval, "")
2063                             maxr = 0.0
2064                             for summit_msg in summit_msgs_group:
2065                                 smval = summit_msg.get(matt)
2066                                 if smval is None:
2067                                     continue
2068                                 seqm.set_seq2(smval)
2069                                 r = seqm.ratio()
2070                                 if maxr <= r:
2071                                     maxr = r
2072                                     maxr_summit_msg = summit_msg
2074                             # If similar enough message has been found,
2075                             # set insertion position after it.
2076                             # Otherwise, insert after last summit message
2077                             # in the group if insertion forced.
2078                             if maxr > 0.6:
2079                                 summit_msg_ref = maxr_summit_msg
2080                                 break
2081                             elif forceins:
2082                                 summit_msg_ref = summit_msgs_group[-1]
2083                                 break
2085                     # If no similar existing message, set position before
2086                     # the summit message with first greater source reference
2087                     # line number, if any such.
2088                     if summit_msg_ref is None and src:
2089                         for summit_msg in summit_msgs:
2090                             if msg.source[0][1] < summit_msg.source[0][1]:
2091                                 summit_msg_ref = summit_msg
2092                                 before = True
2093                                 break
2095                     # If not insertion by source references, insert last.
2096                     if summit_msg_ref is None:
2097                         summit_msg_ref = summit_msgs[-1]
2099                     # Record insertion.
2100                     pos = summit_cat.find(summit_msg_ref)
2101                     if not before:
2102                         pos += 1
2103                     insertions.append((new_summit_msg, pos))
2105                 # Insert ordered messages into catalog.
2106                 summit_cat.add_more(insertions)
2108             else:
2109                 for msg in msgs:
2110                     update_progress()
2111                     new_summit_msg = summit_msg_by_msg.get(msg)
2112                     if new_summit_msg is not None:
2113                         summit_cat.add_last(new_summit_msg)
2116 def gather_merge_msg (summit_msg, msg):
2118     if summit_msg.key != msg.key:
2119         error(_("@info",
2120                 "Cannot gather messages with different keys."))
2121     if (summit_msg.msgid_plural is None) != (msg.msgid_plural is None):
2122         error(_("@info",
2123                 "Cannot gather messages with different plurality."))
2125     if (   (summit_msg.translated and msg.translated)
2126         or (summit_msg.fuzzy and msg.fuzzy)
2127         or (summit_msg.untranslated and msg.untranslated)
2128     ):
2129         if not summit_msg.manual_comment:
2130             summit_msg.manual_comment = Monlist(msg.manual_comment)
2131         if msg.msgid_plural is not None:
2132             summit_msg.msgid_plural = msg.msgid_plural
2133         summit_msg.msgstr = Monlist(msg.msgstr)
2135     elif summit_msg.fuzzy and msg.translated:
2136         summit_msg.manual_comment = Monlist(msg.manual_comment)
2137         if summit_msg.msgid_plural is None or msg.msgid_plural is not None:
2138             if msg.msgid_plural is not None:
2139                 summit_msg.msgid_plural = msg.msgid_plural
2140             summit_msg.msgstr = Monlist(msg.msgstr)
2141             if summit_msg.msgid_plural == msg.msgid_plural:
2142                 summit_msg.unfuzzy()
2144     elif summit_msg.untranslated and (msg.translated or msg.fuzzy):
2145         summit_msg.manual_comment = Monlist(msg.manual_comment)
2146         if summit_msg.msgid_plural is None or msg.msgid_plural is not None:
2147             if msg.fuzzy:
2148                 summit_msg.msgctxt_previous = msg.msgctxt_previous
2149                 summit_msg.msgid_previous = msg.msgid_previous
2150                 summit_msg.msgid_plural_previous = msg.msgid_plural_previous
2151             if msg.msgid_plural is not None:
2152                 summit_msg.msgid_plural = msg.msgid_plural
2153             summit_msg.msgstr = Monlist(msg.msgstr)
2154             summit_msg.fuzzy = msg.fuzzy
2157 def summit_gather_single_header (summit_cat, prim_branch_cat,
2158                                  project, options):
2160     # Copy over comments from the primary branch catalog.
2161     hdr = summit_cat.header
2162     bhdr = prim_branch_cat.header
2163     hdr.title = bhdr.title
2164     hdr.copyright = bhdr.copyright
2165     hdr.license = bhdr.license
2166 =
2167     hdr.comment = bhdr.comment
2169     # Copy over standard fields from the primary branch catalog.
2170     for fname in [x[0] for x in Header().field]:
2171         fvalue = prim_branch_cat.header.get_field_value(fname)
2172         if fvalue is not None:
2173             summit_cat.header.set_field(fname, fvalue)
2174         else:
2175             summit_cat.header.remove_field(fname)
2177     # Copy over non-standard fields from the primary branch catalog on request.
2178     bfields = []
2179     for fname in project.header_propagate_fields:
2180         bfields.extend(prim_branch_cat.header.select_fields(fname))
2181     cfields = []
2182     for fname in project.header_propagate_fields:
2183         cfields.extend(summit_cat.header.select_fields(fname))
2184     # Replace old with new set if not equal.
2185     if bfields != cfields:
2186         for cfield in cfields:
2187             summit_cat.header.field.remove(cfield)
2188         for bfield in bfields:
2189             summit_cat.header.field.append(bfield)
2192 _asc_check_cache = {}
2194 def summit_scatter_single (branch_id, branch_name, branch_subdir,
2195                            branch_path, summit_paths,
2196                            project, options, update_progress):
2198     update_progress()
2200     # See if the branch catalog is to be newly created from the template.
2201     new_from_template = False
2202     branch_path_mod = branch_path
2203     if branch_path in project.add_on_scatter:
2204         new_from_template = True
2205         # Initialize new catalog with messages directly from the template.
2206         # Later the catalog file name will be switched to branch path,
2207         # if the catalog satisfies criteria to be created on scatter.
2208         branch_path_mod = project.add_on_scatter[branch_path]
2210     # Open the branch catalog and all summit catalogs.
2211     try:
2212         branch_cat = Catalog(branch_path_mod, wrapping=project.branches_wrapping)
2213     except PologyError as e:
2214         warning(_("@info",
2215                   "Cannot open the branch catalog '%(file)s' "
2216                   "to scatter to. The error was:\n"
2217                   "%(msg)s",
2218                   file=branch_path_mod, msg=str_to_unicode(str(e))))
2219         return
2220     summit_cats = []
2221     for summit_path in summit_paths:
2222         try:
2223             # NOTE: Must be opened monitored to have compatible types
2224             # when copying message parts to branch message.
2225             summit_cat = Catalog(summit_path)
2226         except PologyError as e:
2227             warning(_("@info",
2228                       "Cannot open the summit catalog '%(file)s' "
2229                       "to scatter from. The error was:\n"
2230                       "%(msg)s",
2231                       file=summit_path, msg=str_to_unicode(str(e))))
2232             return
2233         summit_cats.append(summit_cat)
2235     # Collect and link ascription catalogs to summit catalogs.
2236     # (Do not open them here, but only later when a check is not cached.)
2237     if project.ascription_filter:
2238         aconfs_acats = {}
2239         for summit_cat in summit_cats:
2240             aconf, acatpath = project.aconfs_acatpaths[]
2241             aconfs_acats[] = (aconf, None, acatpath)
2242             if acatpath not in _asc_check_cache:
2243                 _asc_check_cache[acatpath] = {}
2245     # Pair branch messages with summit messages.
2246     msgs_total = 0
2247     msgs_translated = 0
2248     msg_links = []
2249     asc_stopped = 0
2250     for branch_msg in branch_cat:
2251         update_progress()
2253         # Skip obsolete messages.
2254         if branch_msg.obsolete:
2255             continue
2256         msgs_total += 1
2258         # If there is a hook on branch messages on gather,
2259         # it must be used here to prepare branch message for lookup
2260         # in summit catalog, as the hook may modify the key.
2261         branch_msg_lkp = branch_msg
2262         if project.hook_on_gather_msg_branch:
2263             branch_msg_lkp = MessageUnsafe(branch_msg)
2264             exec_hook_msg(branch_id, branch_name, branch_subdir,
2265                           branch_msg_lkp, branch_cat,
2266                           project.hook_on_gather_msg_branch)
2268         # Construct branch message for lookup with extended key.
2269         branch_xkmsg_lkp = extkey_msg(branch_msg_lkp)
2271         # Find first summit catalog which has this message translated.
2272         summit_msg = None
2273         for summit_cat in summit_cats:
2274             # Branch message with extended key must be looked up first.
2275             for bmsg_lkp in [branch_xkmsg_lkp, branch_msg_lkp]:
2276                 if bmsg_lkp in summit_cat:
2277                     summit_msg = summit_cat[bmsg_lkp]
2278                     if summit_msg.obsolete:
2279                         summit_msg = None
2280                     else:
2281                         break
2282             if summit_msg is not None:
2283                 break
2285         if summit_msg is None:
2286             report_on_msg(_("@info:progress",
2287                             "Message not in the summit."),
2288                           branch_msg, branch_cat)
2289             continue
2291         if (    project.ascription_filter and not options.force
2292             and do_scatter(summit_msg, branch_msg)
2293         ):
2294             aconf, acat, acatpath = aconfs_acats[]
2295             if summit_msg.key not in _asc_check_cache[acatpath]:
2296                 if acat is None:
2297                     acat = Catalog(acatpath, monitored=False, create=True)
2298                     aconfs_acats[] = (aconf, acat, acatpath)
2299                 hfilter = project.ascription_history_filter
2300                 ahist = collect_ascription_history(summit_msg, acat, aconf,
2301                                                    nomrg=True, hfilter=hfilter)
2302                 afilter = project.ascription_filter
2303                 res = afilter(summit_msg, summit_cat, ahist, aconf)
2304                 _asc_check_cache[acatpath][summit_msg.key] = res
2305             if not _asc_check_cache[acatpath][summit_msg.key]:
2306                 asc_stopped += 1
2307                 continue
2309         if summit_msg.translated:
2310             msgs_translated += 1
2311         msg_links.append((branch_msg, summit_msg, summit_cat))
2313     if asc_stopped > 0:
2314         warning(n_("@info:progress",
2315                    "%(file)s: %(num)d message stopped by ascription filter.",
2316                    "%(file)s: %(num)d messages stopped by ascription filter.",
2317                    file=branch_path, num=asc_stopped))
2319     # If completeness less than minimal acceptable, remove all translations.
2320     if msgs_total > 0:
2321         completeness_ratio = float(msgs_translated) / msgs_total
2322     else:
2323         completeness_ratio = 1.0
2324     if (   completeness_ratio < project.scatter_acc_completeness
2325         and not options.force
2326     ):
2327         for branch_msg in branch_cat:
2328             if branch_msg.obsolete:
2329                 branch_cat.remove_on_sync(branch_msg)
2330             else:
2331                 clear_msg(branch_msg)
2333     # If complete enough, scatter from summit to branch messages.
2334     else:
2335         scattered_branch_msgs = set()
2336         for branch_msg, summit_msg, summit_cat in msg_links:
2337             update_progress()
2339             if do_scatter(summit_msg, branch_msg):
2340                 exec_hook_msg(branch_id, branch_name, branch_subdir,
2341                               summit_msg, summit_cat,
2342                               project.hook_on_scatter_msg)
2344                 # NOTE: Same plurality and equal msgid_plural fields
2345                 # between summit and branch message are enforced,
2346                 # so only assert this for robustness.
2347                 if summit_msg.msgid_plural != branch_msg.msgid_plural:
2348                     error(_("@info",
2349                             "Cannot scatter messages with "
2350                             "different plurality."))
2352                 for i in range(len(summit_msg.msgstr)):
2353                     piped_msgstr = exec_hook_msgstr(
2354                         branch_id, branch_name, branch_subdir,
2355                         summit_msg.msgstr[i], summit_msg, summit_cat,
2356                         project.hook_on_scatter_msgstr)
2357                     if i < len(branch_msg.msgstr):
2358                         branch_msg.msgstr[i] = piped_msgstr
2359                     else:
2360                         branch_msg.msgstr.append(piped_msgstr)
2361                 branch_msg.unfuzzy()
2362                 branch_msg.manual_comment = summit_msg.manual_comment
2363                 scattered_branch_msgs.add(branch_msg)
2365         # Fuzzy all active messages which were not scattered,
2366         # in order to avoid stale translations in branches.
2367         for branch_msg in branch_cat:
2368             if and branch_msg not in scattered_branch_msgs:
2369                 branch_msg.fuzzy = True
2370                 branch_msg.msgctxt_previous = branch_msg.msgctxt
2371                 branch_msg.msgid_previous = branch_msg.msgid
2372                 branch_msg.msgid_plural_previous = branch_msg.msgid_plural
2374     # Update branch header based on primary summit catalog.
2375     # Copy over all header parts from summit to branch,
2376     # except for those copied from template on merging.
2377     hdr = branch_cat.header
2378     shdr = summit_cats[0].header
2379     # Fields to keep due to being copied over on merging.
2380     keep_fields = [
2381         "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To",
2382         "POT-Creation-Date",
2383     ]
2384     # Fields to keep if no branch message was modified.
2385     if not branch_cat.modcount and branch_cat.header.initialized:
2386         keep_fields.extend([
2387             "PO-Revision-Date",
2388             "Last-Translator",
2389         ])
2390     # Fields to keep due to explicitly being told to.
2391     keep_fields.extend(project.header_skip_fields_on_scatter)
2392     # Update comments.
2393     hdr.title = shdr.title
2394     hdr.copyright = shdr.copyright
2395     hdr.license = shdr.license
2396 =
2397     hdr.comment = shdr.comment
2398     # Update fields only if normalized lists of fields do not match.
2399     if normhf(hdr.field, keep_fields) != normhf(shdr.field, keep_fields):
2400         # Collect branch fields to be preserved.
2401         preserved_fs = []
2402         for fnam in keep_fields:
2403             selected_fs = branch_cat.header.select_fields(fnam)
2404             preserved_fs.append(selected_fs[0] if selected_fs else (fnam, None))
2405         # Overwrite branch with summit header fields.
2406         hdr.field = shdr.field
2407         # Put back the preserved branch fields.
2408         for fnam, fval in preserved_fs:
2409             if fval is not None:
2410                 hdr.set_field(fnam, fval)
2411             else:
2412                 hdr.remove_field(fnam)
2414     # Apply hooks to the branch catalog.
2415     exec_hook_cat(branch_id, branch_name, branch_subdir, branch_cat,
2416                   project.hook_on_scatter_cat)
2418     # If the branch catalog has been newly created,
2419     # see if it is translated enough to be really written out.
2420     skip_write = False
2421     if new_from_template and not options.force:
2422         ntrans = 0
2423         for msg in branch_cat:
2424             if msg.translated:
2425                 ntrans += 1
2426         if len(branch_cat) > 0:
2427             skip_write = (  float(ntrans) / len(branch_cat) + 1e-6
2428                           < project.scatter_min_completeness)
2429         else:
2430             skip_write = False
2432     if new_from_template and not skip_write:
2433         # Create any needed subdirectories and set destination branch path.
2434         mkdirpath(os.path.dirname(branch_path))
2435         branch_cat.filename = branch_path
2437     # Commit changes to the branch catalog.
2438     if not skip_write and (branch_cat.sync() or options.force):
2440         # Apply hooks to branch catalog file.
2441         exec_hook_file(branch_id, branch_name, branch_subdir,
2442                        branch_cat.filename, project.hook_on_scatter_file)
2444         # Add to version control.
2445         if (    project.branches_vcs
2446             and not project.bdict[branch_id].skip_version_control
2447         ):
2448             if not project.branches_vcs.add(branch_cat.filename):
2449                 warning(_("@info",
2450                           "Cannot add '%(file)s' to version control.",
2451                           file=branch_cat.filename))
2453         paths_str = " ".join(summit_paths)
2454         if options.verbose:
2455             if new_from_template:
2456                 actype = _("@item:intext action performed on a catalog",
2457                            "scattered-added")
2458                 report("<+   (%s) %s  %s"
2459                        % (actype, branch_cat.filename, paths_str))
2460             else:
2461                 actype = _("@item:intext action performed on a catalog",
2462                            "scattered")
2463                 report("<    (%s) %s  %s"
2464                        % (actype, branch_cat.filename, paths_str))
2465         elif not options.quiet:
2466             if new_from_template:
2467                 report("<+   %s  %s" % (branch_cat.filename, paths_str))
2468             else:
2469                 report("<    %s  %s" % (branch_cat.filename, paths_str))
2472 def do_scatter (smsg, bmsg):
2474     return smsg.translated
2477 def hook_applicable (branch_check, branch_id, name_check, name, subdir):
2479     if branch_check is not None:
2480         if hasattr(branch_check, "__call__"):
2481             if not branch_check(branch_id):
2482                 return False
2483         else:
2484             if not, branch_id):
2485                 return False
2487     if name_check is not None:
2488         if hasattr(name_check, "__call__"):
2489             if not name_check(name, subdir):
2490                 return False
2491         else:
2492             if not, name):
2493                 return False
2495     return True
2498 # Pipe msgstr through hook calls,
2499 # for which branch id and catalog name match hook specification.
2500 def exec_hook_msgstr (branch_id, branch_name, branch_subdir,
2501                       msgstr, msg, cat, hooks):
2503     piped_msgstr = msgstr
2504     for call, branch_ch, name_ch in hooks:
2505         if hook_applicable(branch_ch, branch_id, name_ch,
2506                            branch_name, branch_subdir):
2507             piped_msgstr_tmp = call(piped_msgstr, msg, cat)
2508             if isinstance(piped_msgstr_tmp, str):
2509                 piped_msgstr = piped_msgstr_tmp
2511     return piped_msgstr
2514 # Pipe message through hook calls,
2515 # for which branch id and catalog name match hook specification.
2516 def exec_hook_msg (branch_id, branch_name, branch_subdir, msg, cat, hooks):
2518     # Apply all hooks to the message.
2519     for call, branch_ch, name_ch in hooks:
2520         if hook_applicable(branch_ch, branch_id, name_ch,
2521                            branch_name, branch_subdir):
2522             call(msg, cat)
2525 # Pipe header through hook calls,
2526 # for which branch id and catalog name match hook specification.
2527 def exec_hook_head (branch_id, branch_name, branch_subdir, hdr, cat, hooks):
2529     # Apply all hooks to the header.
2530     for call, branch_ch, name_ch in hooks:
2531         if hook_applicable(branch_ch, branch_id, name_ch,
2532                            branch_name, branch_subdir):
2533             call(hdr, cat)
2536 # Pipe catalog through hook calls,
2537 # for which branch id and catalog name match hook specification.
2538 def exec_hook_cat (branch_id, branch_name, branch_subdir, cat, hooks):
2540     # Apply all hooks to the catalog.
2541     for call, branch_ch, name_ch in hooks:
2542         if hook_applicable(branch_ch, branch_id, name_ch,
2543                            branch_name, branch_subdir):
2544             call(cat)
2547 # Pipe catalog file through hook calls,
2548 # for which branch id and catalog name match hook specification.
2549 def exec_hook_file (branch_id, branch_name, branch_subdir, filepath, hooks):
2551     # Make temporary backup of the file.
2552     # FIXME: Portable construction of temporary file.
2553     bckppath = "/tmp/backup%s-%s" % (os.getpid(), os.path.basename(filepath))
2554     shutil.copyfile(filepath, bckppath)
2556     # Apply all hooks to the file, but stop if one returns non-zero status.
2557     failed = False
2558     for call, branch_ch, name_ch in hooks:
2559         if hook_applicable(branch_ch, branch_id, name_ch,
2560                            branch_name, branch_subdir):
2561             if call(filepath) != 0:
2562                 failed = True
2563                 break
2565     # If any hook failed, retrieve the temporary copy.
2566     if failed:
2567         shutil.move(bckppath, filepath)
2568     else:
2569         os.unlink(bckppath)
2572 # Pipe branch through hook calls,
2573 # for which branch id and matches hook specification.
2574 def exec_hook_branch (branch_id, hooks):
2576     # Apply all hooks to the branch, but stop if one returns non-zero status.
2577     failed = False
2578     for call, branch_ch, d1 in hooks:
2579         if hook_applicable(branch_ch, branch_id, None, None, None):
2580             if call(branch_id) != 0:
2581                 failed = True
2582                 break
2585 def find_summit_comment (msg, summit_tag):
2587     i = 0
2588     for c in msg.auto_comment:
2589         if c.startswith(summit_tag):
2590             return i
2591         i += 1
2592     return -1
2595 def get_summit_comment (msg, summit_tag, default=""):
2597     p = find_summit_comment(msg, summit_tag)
2598     if p >= 0:
2599         return msg.auto_comment[p][len(summit_tag):].strip()
2600     else:
2601         return default
2604 def set_summit_comment (msg, summit_tag, text):
2606     ctext = str(summit_tag + " " + text.strip())
2607     p = find_summit_comment(msg, summit_tag)
2608     if p >= 0:
2609         msg.auto_comment[p] = ctext
2610     else:
2611         msg.auto_comment.append(ctext)
2614 _summit_tag_branchid = "+>"
2615 _summit_tag_kwprop = "+:"
2616 _summit_tags = (
2617     _summit_tag_branchid,
2618     _summit_tag_kwprop,
2619 )
2621 def summit_set_tags (msg, branch_id, project):
2623     # Add branch ID.
2624     branch_ids = get_summit_comment(msg, _summit_tag_branchid, "").split()
2625     if branch_id not in branch_ids:
2626         branch_ids.append(branch_id)
2627     set_summit_comment(msg, _summit_tag_branchid, " ".join(branch_ids))
2630 def summit_override_auto (summit_msg, branch_msg, branch_id, is_primary):
2632     # Copy auto/source/flag comments only if this is the primary branch
2633     # for the current message.
2634     if is_primary:
2636         # Equalize flags, except the fuzzy.
2637         for fl in branch_msg.flag:
2638             if fl != "fuzzy":
2639                 summit_msg.flag.add(fl)
2640         for fl in summit_msg.flag:
2641             if fl != "fuzzy" and fl not in branch_msg.flag:
2642                 summit_msg.flag.remove(fl)
2644         # Equalize source references.
2645         # FIXME: Once there is a way to reliably tell the root directory
2646         # of source references, add missing and remove obsolete source
2647         # references instead.
2648         summit_msg.source = Monlist(list(map(Monpair, branch_msg.source)))
2650         # Split auto comments of the current summit message into
2651         # summit and non-summit tagged comments.
2652         # Also of the branch message, in case it has summit-alike comments.
2653         summit_nscmnts, summit_scmnts = split_summit_comments(summit_msg)
2654         branch_nscmnts, branch_scmnts = split_summit_comments(branch_msg)
2656         # Override auto comments only if different overally
2657         # (which needs not be, due to double fresh/old insertion)
2658         # and non-summit auto comments of the current summit message
2659         # are different to the branch message auto comments.
2660         if (    summit_msg.auto_comment != branch_msg.auto_comment
2661             and summit_nscmnts != branch_nscmnts
2662         ):
2663             summit_msg.auto_comment = Monlist(branch_msg.auto_comment)
2664             summit_msg.auto_comment.extend(summit_scmnts)
2667 def split_summit_comments (msg):
2669     non_summit_comments = []
2670     summit_comments = []
2671     for comment in msg.auto_comment:
2672         wlst = comment.split()
2673         if wlst and wlst[0] in _summit_tags:
2674             summit_comments.append(comment)
2675         else:
2676             non_summit_comments.append(comment)
2678     return non_summit_comments, summit_comments
2681 def summit_merge_single (branch_id, catalog_name, catalog_subdir,
2682                          catalog_path, template_path,
2683                          wrapping, fuzzy_merging,
2684                          project, options, update_progress):
2686     update_progress()
2688     # Gather the summit template in summit-over-dynamic-templates mode.
2689     if project.templates_dynamic and branch_id == SUMMIT_ID:
2690         summit_gather_single(catalog_name, project.tproject, project.toptions,
2691                              update_progress=update_progress)
2693     # FIXME: Portable construction of temporary file.
2694     tmp_path = os.path.join("/tmp", (  os.path.basename(catalog_path)
2695                                      + "~merged-%d" % os.getpid()))
2697     # Whether to create pristine catalog from template.
2698     vivified = catalog_path in project.add_on_merge
2700     # Skip calling msgmerge if template creation dates exist and are equal.
2701     do_msgmerge = True
2702     if not vivified and not project.templates_dynamic and not options.force:
2703         hdr = Catalog(catalog_path, monitored=False, headonly=True).header
2704         thdr = Catalog(template_path, monitored=False, headonly=True).header
2705         pcd = hdr.get_field_value("POT-Creation-Date")
2706         tpcd = thdr.get_field_value("POT-Creation-Date")
2707         do_msgmerge = (not pcd or not tpcd or pcd != tpcd)
2709     header_prop_fields = project.header_propagate_fields
2711     # Should merged catalog be opened, and in what mode?
2712     do_open = False
2713     headonly = False
2714     monitored = False
2715     otherwrap = set(wrapping).difference(["basic"])
2716     if otherwrap or project.hook_on_merge_msg or project.hook_on_merge_cat:
2717         do_open = True
2718     elif header_prop_fields or project.hook_on_merge_head or vivified:
2719         do_open = True
2720         headonly = True
2721     if (   header_prop_fields or vivified
2722         or project.hook_on_merge_head or project.hook_on_merge_msg
2723         or project.hook_on_merge_cat
2724     ):
2725         monitored = True
2727     # Should template catalog be opened too?
2728     do_open_template = False
2729     if header_prop_fields or vivified:
2730         do_open_template = True
2732     cat = None
2733     if do_msgmerge:
2734         # Create the temporary merged catalog.
2735         minasfz, refuzzy = 0.0, False
2736         cmppaths, fuzzex, minwnex = [], False, 0
2737         if branch_id == SUMMIT_ID:
2738             minasfz = project.merge_min_adjsim_fuzzy
2739             refuzzy = project.merge_rebase_fuzzy
2740             if project.compendium_on_merge:
2741                 cmppaths.append(project.compendium_on_merge)
2742                 fuzzex = project.compendium_fuzzy_exact
2743                 minwnex = project.compendium_min_words_exact
2744         catalog_path_mod = catalog_path
2745         if vivified:
2746             if cmppaths:
2747                 catalog_path_mod = "/dev/null"
2748             else:
2749                 catalog_path_mod = tmp_path
2750                 shutil.copyfile(template_path, tmp_path)
2752         getcat = do_open and not headonly
2753         ignpotdate = project.templates_dynamic
2754         cat = merge_pofile(catalog_path_mod, template_path, outpath=tmp_path,
2755                            wrapping=wrapping, fuzzymatch=fuzzy_merging,
2756                            minasfz=minasfz, refuzzy=refuzzy,
2757                            cmppaths=cmppaths, fuzzex=fuzzex, minwnex=minwnex,
2758                            getcat=getcat, monitored=monitored,
2759                            ignpotdate=ignpotdate,
2760                            quiet=True, abort=False)
2761         if cat is None:
2762             warning(_("@info",
2763                       "Catalog '%(file1)s' not merged with "
2764                       "template '%(file2)s' due to errors on merging.",
2765                       file1=catalog_path_mod, file2=template_path))
2766             return
2767         elif not getcat:
2768             # Catalog not requested, so the return value is True
2769             # indicating that the merge succedded.
2770             cat = None
2772     else:
2773         # Copy current to temporary catalog, to be processed by hooks, etc.
2774         shutil.copyfile(catalog_path, tmp_path)
2776     # Save good time by opening the merged catalog only if necessary,
2777     # and only as much as necessary.
2779     # Open catalogs as necessary.
2780     if do_open:
2781         update_progress()
2782         if cat is None:
2783             cat = Catalog(tmp_path, monitored=monitored, wrapping=wrapping,
2784                           headonly=headonly)
2785         if do_open_template:
2786             tcat = Catalog(template_path, monitored=False, headonly=True)
2788     # Initialize header if the catalog has been vivified from template.
2789     if vivified:
2790         hdr = cat.header
2791         hdr.title = Monlist()
2792         hdr.copyright = ""
2793         hdr.license = ""
2794 = Monlist()
2795         hdr.comment = Monlist()
2796         # Get the project ID from template;
2797         # if it gives default value, use catalog name instead.
2798         projid = tcat.header.get_field_value("Project-Id-Version")
2799         if not projid or "PACKAGE" in projid:
2800             projid = catalog_name
2801         hdr.set_field("Project-Id-Version", str(projid))
2802         rdate = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M%z")
2803         hdr.set_field("PO-Revision-Date", str(rdate))
2804         hdr.set_field("Last-Translator", str(project.vivify_w_translator))
2805         hdr.set_field("Language-Team", str(project.vivify_w_langteam))
2806         if project.vivify_w_language:
2807             hdr.set_field("Language", str(project.vivify_w_language),
2808                           after="Language-Team", reorder=True)
2809         hdr.set_field("Content-Type",
2810                       "text/plain; charset=%s" % project.vivify_w_charset)
2811         hdr.set_field("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "8bit")
2812         if project.vivify_w_plurals:
2813             hdr.set_field("Plural-Forms", str(project.vivify_w_plurals))
2814         else:
2815             hdr.remove_field("Plural-Forms")
2817     # Propagate requested header fields.
2818     if header_prop_fields:
2819         # Preserve order of the fields when collecting.
2820         fields = []
2821         for field in cat.header.field:
2822             if field[0] in header_prop_fields:
2823                 fields.append(field)
2824         tfields = []
2825         for tfield in tcat.header.field:
2826             if tfield[0] in header_prop_fields:
2827                 tfields.append(tfield)
2828         # Replace the field sequence if not equal to that of the template.
2829         if fields != tfields:
2830             for field in fields:
2831                 cat.header.field.remove(field)
2832             for tfield in tfields:
2833                 cat.header.field.append(tfield)
2835     # Set original instead of temporary file path -- hooks may expect it.
2836     if cat is not None:
2837         cat.filename = catalog_path
2839     # Execute header hooks.
2840     if project.hook_on_merge_head:
2841         exec_hook_head(branch_id, catalog_name, catalog_subdir,
2842                        cat.header, cat, project.hook_on_merge_head)
2844     # Execute message hooks.
2845     if project.hook_on_merge_msg:
2846         for msg in cat:
2847             exec_hook_msg(branch_id, catalog_name, catalog_subdir,
2848                           msg, cat, project.hook_on_merge_msg)
2850     # Execute catalog hooks.
2851     if project.hook_on_merge_cat:
2852         exec_hook_cat(branch_id, catalog_name, catalog_subdir,
2853                       cat, project.hook_on_merge_cat)
2855     # Synchronize merged catalog if it has been opened.
2856     if cat is not None:
2857         cat.filename = tmp_path # not to overwrite original file
2858         cat.sync(force=otherwrap)
2860     # Execute file hooks.
2861     if project.hook_on_merge_file:
2862         cat_name = os.path.basename(tmp_path)
2863         cat_name = cat_name[:cat_name.rfind(".po")]
2864         exec_hook_file(branch_id, cat_name, catalog_subdir, tmp_path,
2865                        project.hook_on_merge_file)
2867     # If there is any difference between merged and old catalog.
2868     if vivified or not filecmp.cmp(catalog_path, tmp_path):
2869         # Assert correctness of the merged catalog and move over the old.
2870         assert_system("msgfmt -c -o/dev/null %s " % tmp_path)
2871         added = False
2872         if vivified:
2873             added = True
2874             mkdirpath(os.path.dirname(catalog_path))
2875         shutil.move(tmp_path, catalog_path)
2877         # Add to version control if not already added.
2878         vcs = project.summit_vcs if SUMMIT_ID else project.branches_vcs
2879         if (    vcs
2880             and (    branch_id == SUMMIT_ID or
2881                  not project.bdict[branch_id].skip_version_control)
2882             and not vcs.is_versioned(catalog_path)
2883         ):
2884             if not vcs.add(catalog_path):
2885                 warning(_("@info",
2886                           "Cannot add '%(file)s' to version control.",
2887                           file=catalog_path))
2889         if options.verbose:
2890             if added:
2891                 actype = _("@item:intext action performed on a catalog",
2892                            "merged-added")
2893                 report(".+   (%s) %s" % (actype, catalog_path))
2894             else:
2895                 actype = _("@item:intext action performed on a catalog",
2896                            "merged")
2897                 report(".    (%s) %s" % (actype, catalog_path))
2898         elif not options.quiet:
2899             if added:
2900                 report(".+   %s" % catalog_path)
2901             else:
2902                 report(".    %s" % catalog_path)
2904     # Remove the temporary merged catalog.
2905     if os.path.exists(tmp_path):
2906         os.remove(tmp_path)
2909 # Put header fields in canonical form, for equality checking.
2910 # Returns ordered list of (field name, field value).
2911 def normhf (fields, excluded=[]):
2913     nfs = []
2915     for fnam, fval in fields:
2916         if fnam not in excluded:
2917             nfs.append((fnam, fval))
2918     nfs.sort()
2920     return nfs
2923 # Remove all translator-related elements from the message.
2924 def clear_msg (msg):
2926     msg.unfuzzy()
2927     msg.msgstr[:] = [""] * len(msg.msgstr)
2928     msg.manual_comment[:] = []
2930     return msg
2933 if __name__ == '__main__':
2934     exit_on_exception(main)