Warning, /sdk/pology/lang/sr/rules/techne-kde.rules is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 # The arcane for KDE translation into Serbian.
0002 # Chusslove Illich (Часлав Илић) <caslav.ilic@gmx.net>
0003 # License: GPLv3
0005 environment kde
0007 # ----------------------------------------
0008 # Detect Latin segments outside of allowed contexts.
0010 clearFilters
0011 # No filters (e.g. markup designates allowed contexts).
0013 # Allow original UI references (autoresolved when summit is scattered).
0014 *hook name="sr:checks/naked_latin_origui" on="msgstr"
0015 id="x-latin"
0016 hint="латиница ван дозвољеног контекста"
0017 valid cat="libkunitconversion"
0018 valid cat="kunitconversion5"
0020 # ----------------------------------------
0021 # Detect markup errors.
0023 clearFilters
0025 # So that markup checker can properly escape &-accelerators:
0026 # - convert hybridized Ekavian-Yekavian text into Ekavian
0027 addFilterHook name="sr:wconv/hitoe" on="pmsgstr"
0028 # - remove naked Latin wrappings
0029 addFilterRegex match="~!(.)(.*?)\1" repl="\2" on="pmsgid,pmsgstr"
0031 # Strict mode means to request valid translation even if the original is not.
0032 # Catalogs must announce markup in the header, using markup type keyword in
0033 # X-Text-Markup field (see markup= parameters in factories below);
0034 # when the hook and catalog markup types do not match, the check is skipped.
0035 # Whether non-default XML entities are defined is checked separately,
0036 # so that checks can be performed separately.
0038 # Markup in KDE4 UI POs.
0039 *hook name="markup/check-kde4-sp~strict=True, entities=None, mkeyw='kde4'" \
0040       on="msgstr"
0041 id="x-markup-k"
0042 hint="грешка у обележавању"
0044 # Markup in pure Qt UI POs.
0045 *hook name="markup/check-qtrich-sp~\
0046             strict=True, entities=None, mkeyw='qtrich'" \
0047       on="msgstr"
0048 id="x-markup-q"
0049 hint="грешка у обележавању"
0051 # Markup in Docbook POs.
0052 *hook name="markup/check-docbook4-sp~\
0053             strict=True, entities=None, mkeyw='docbook4'" \
0054       on="msgstr"
0055 id="x-markup-db"
0056 hint="грешка у обележавању"
0058 # Remove local entities which are to be left as-is in the message.
0059 addFilterHook name="remove/remove-ignored-entities-msg" on="msg"
0061 # Entities in UI POs with XML-like markup.
0062 *hook name="markup/check-xmlents-sp~\
0063             strict=True, \
0064             entities='sr:trapnakron/trapnakron_ui~', default=True, \
0065             mkeyw=['kde4', 'qtrich']" \
0066       on="msgstr"
0067 id="x-entities-uix"
0068 hint="недефинисани ентитет"
0070 # Entities in UI POs with otherwise plain text.
0071 *hook name="markup/check-xmlents-sp~\
0072             strict=True, \
0073             entities='sr:trapnakron/trapnakron_ui~', \
0074             mkeyw=['xmlents']" \
0075       on="msgstr"
0076 id="x-entities-uit"
0077 hint="недефинисани ентитет"
0079 # Entities in Docbook POs.
0080 *hook name="markup/check-xmlents-sp~\
0081             strict=True, \
0082             entities='sr:trapnakron/trapnakron_docbook4~', default=True, \
0083             mkeyw='docbook4'" \
0084       on="msgstr"
0085 # Remove entities used as-is in KDE documentation.
0086 addFilterRegex match="&\S+\.e?mail;" on="pmsgid,pmsgstr"
0087 addFilterRegex match="&\S+\.documentation;" on="pmsgid,pmsgstr"
0088 addFilterRegex match="&under(FDL|GPL|\w+License);" on="pmsgid,pmsgstr"
0089 addFilterRegex match="&(FDL|GPL)notice;" on="pmsgid,pmsgstr"
0090 addFilterRegex match="&reporting.bugs;" on="pmsgid,pmsgstr"
0091 addFilterRegex match="&kde-(ftp|http);" on="pmsgid,pmsgstr"
0092 id="x-entities-db"
0093 hint="недефинисани ентитет"
0095 # ----------------------------------------
0096 # Detect problems with UI references.
0098 clearFilters
0099 # No filters (e.g. markup designates references automatically).
0101 # ...in KDE4 UI POs.
0102 *hook name="uiref/check-ui-kde4~\
0103             uipathseps=['->', u'→'], uicpathenv='UICATS_KDE4_SR', \
0104             mkeyw='kde4'" \
0105       on="msgstr"
0106 id="x-uiref-k"
0107 hint="неуспело разрешавање ниске сучеља"
0109 # ...in KDE documentation POs.
0110 *hook name="uiref/check-ui-docbook4~\
0111             uicpathenv='UICATS_KDE4_SR', mkeyw='docbook4'" \
0112       on="msgstr"
0113 id="x-uiref-db"
0114 hint="неуспело разрешавање ниске сучеља"
0116 # ...in other catalogs (e.g. pure Qt UI, desktop files).
0117 *hook name="uiref/check-ui~\
0118             uipathseps=['->', u'→'], uicpathenv='UICATS_KDE4_SR', \
0119             mkeyw=['docbook4', 'kde4'], invmkeyw=True" \
0120       on="msgstr"
0121 id="x-uiref-o"
0122 hint="неуспело разрешавање ниске сучеља"
0124 # ----------------------------------------
0125 # Check ekavian-yekavian hybridization.
0127 clearFilters
0128 # No filters, so that to_e filter hook does not spew errors,
0129 # and to be faster if run standalone.
0131 *hook name="sr:wconv/validate_dhyb" on="pmsgstr"
0132 id="x-dhyblint"
0133 hint="непознат рефлекс јата (или лош ек-ијек уметак)"
0135 # ----------------------------------------
0136 # Check for inadvertently left embedded differences.
0138 clearFilters
0140 {\{[+-]|[+-]\}}
0141 id="x-ediff-o"
0142 hint="неуклоњене угнежђене разлике у извору"
0144 [\{[+-]|[+-]\}]
0145 id="x-ediff-t"
0146 hint="неуклоњене угнежђене разлике у преводу"
0148 # ----------------------------------------
0149 # Check for appropriate entity variants.
0151 clearFilters
0153 [&\w+-\w*;]i
0154 id="x-entvar-ot"
0155 hint="ентитет мора бити варијанте обичног текста (_ot-)"
0156 valid !comment="\btag:.*(holder|keyword|gui[a-z]+|releaseinfo|\barg\b|contrib)" \
0157       !after="< *(holder|keyword|gui[a-z]+|releaseinfo|\barg\b|contrib)[^>]*>[^<]*"
0158 valid span="_ot-"
0160 [&\w+-\w*;]i
0161 id="x-entvar-lv"
0162 hint="ентитет мора бити лакше варијанте обележавања (_lv-)"
0163 valid !msgid="< *(firstname|surname|othername)"
0164 valid msgid="< *personname"
0165 valid after="< *(contrib)[^>]*>[^<]*" # на x-entvar-ot
0166 valid span="_lv-"
0168 # ----------------------------------------
0169 # The following rules should be applied on pure text.
0170 clearFilters
0171 include file="puretext.filters"
0172 removeFilter handle="uiref"
0174 # Check spelling.
0175 *hook name="spell/check-spell-ec-sp~" on="msgstr"
0176 # Remove Latin-only words.
0177 # There may also be non-Latin case endings, remove them too.
0178 addFilterRegex match="[a-zđžćčš]+(-\w+)?" on="pmsgid,pmsgstr"
0179 id="x-spell"
0180 hint="непознате или погрешно написане речи"
0181 # Разне транскрипције и измишљотине, прескачемо док нешто не приправимо.
0182 valid cat="kdelibs4support" srcref="kdecore/TIMEZONES"
0183 valid cat="kdelibs4support" ctx="^color$"
0184 valid cat="kdelibs4support" srcref="kcalendarsystem" !srcref="gregorian"
0185 valid cat="kdelibs4support,kwidgetsaddons5_qt" ctx="unicode block name"
0186 valid cat="kdelibs4support.desktop" srcref="all_languages.desktop"
0187 valid cat="kdeqt" ctx="QFontDatabase"
0188 valid cat="kfontinst" srcref="Unicode(Blocks|Scripts)\.h"
0189 valid cat="plasma_applet_org.kde.plasma.digitalclock" ctx="is a city|is a country"
0190 valid cat="korganizer_plugins" srcref="hebrew/"
0191 # Елементи транскрипта.
0192 valid span="^([Аа]ку)$" after="\$\[[^\]]*"