Warning, /sdk/pology/bin/poselfmerge is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 #!/usr/bin/env python3
0002 # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
0004 """
0005 Merge PO file with itself or compendium,
0006 to produce fuzzy matches on similar messages.
0008 Documented in C{doc/user/misctools.docbook#sec-miselfmerge}.
0010 @author: Chusslove Illich (Часлав Илић) <caslav.ilic@gmx.net>
0011 @license: GPLv3
0012 """
0014 import locale
0015 import os
0016 import shutil
0017 import sys
0019 try:
0020     import fallback_import_paths
0021 except:
0022     pass
0024 from pology import version, _, n_
0025 from pology.catalog import Catalog
0026 from pology.message import MessageUnsafe
0027 from pology.colors import ColorOptionParser
0028 import pology.config as pology_config
0029 from pology.fsops import collect_paths_cmdline, collect_catalogs
0030 from pology.fsops import exit_on_exception
0031 from pology.merge import merge_pofile
0032 from pology.report import report, error
0033 from pology.stdcmdopt import add_cmdopt_filesfrom, add_cmdopt_wrapping
0034 from pology.wrap import select_field_wrapping
0037 def main ():
0039     locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "")
0041     # Get defaults for command line options from global config.
0042     cfgsec = pology_config.section("poselfmerge")
0043     def_minwnex = cfgsec.integer("min-words-exact", 0)
0044     def_minasfz = cfgsec.real("min-adjsim-fuzzy", 0.0)
0045     def_fuzzex = cfgsec.boolean("fuzzy-exact", False)
0046     def_refuzz = cfgsec.boolean("rebase-fuzzies", False)
0048     # Setup options and parse the command line.
0049     usage = _("@info command usage",
0050         "%(cmd)s [options] POFILE...",
0051         cmd="%prog")
0052     desc = _("@info command description",
0053         "Merge PO file with itself or compendium, "
0054         "to produce fuzzy matches on similar messages.")
0055     ver = _("@info command version",
0056         "%(cmd)s (Pology) %(version)s\n"
0057         "Copyright © 2009, 2010 "
0058         "Chusslove Illich (Часлав Илић) &lt;%(email)s&gt;",
0059         cmd="%prog", version=version(), email="caslav.ilic@gmx.net")
0061     opars = ColorOptionParser(usage=usage, description=desc, version=ver)
0062     opars.add_option(
0063         "-A", "--min-adjsim-fuzzy",
0064         metavar=_("@info command line value placeholder", "RATIO"),
0065         action="store", dest="min_adjsim_fuzzy", default=def_minasfz,
0066         help=_("@info command line option description",
0067                "On fuzzy matches, the minimum adjusted similarity "
0068                "to accept the match, or else the message is left untranslated. "
0069                "Range is 0.0-1.0, where 0 means always to accept the match, "
0070                "and 1 never to accept; a practical range is 0.6-0.8."))
0071     opars.add_option(
0072         "-b", "--rebase-fuzzies",
0073         action="store_true", dest="rebase_fuzzies", default=def_refuzz,
0074         help=_("@info command line option description",
0075                "Before merging, clear those fuzzy messages whose predecessor "
0076                "(determined by previous fields) is still in the catalog."))
0077     opars.add_option(
0078         "-C", "--compendium",
0079         metavar=_("@info command line value placeholder", "POFILE"),
0080         action="append", dest="compendiums", default=[],
0081         help=_("@info command line option description",
0082                "Catalog with existing translations, to additionally use for "
0083                "direct and fuzzy matches. Can be repeated."))
0084     opars.add_option(
0085         "-v", "--verbose",
0086         action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False,
0087         help=_("@info command line option description",
0088                "More detailed progress information."))
0089     opars.add_option(
0090         "-W", "--min-words-exact",
0091         metavar=_("@info command line value placeholder", "NUMBER"),
0092         action="store", dest="min_words_exact", default=def_minwnex,
0093         help=_("@info command line option description",
0094                "When using compendium, in case of exact match, "
0095                "minimum number of words that original text must have "
0096                "to accept translation without making it fuzzy. "
0097                "Zero means to always accept an exact match."))
0098     opars.add_option(
0099         "-x", "--fuzzy-exact",
0100         action="store_true", dest="fuzzy_exact", default=def_fuzzex,
0101         help=_("@info command line option description",
0102                "When using compendium, make all exact matches fuzzy."))
0103     add_cmdopt_wrapping(opars)
0104     add_cmdopt_filesfrom(opars)
0106     (op, fargs) = opars.parse_args()
0108     if len(fargs) < 1 and not op.files_from:
0109         error(_("@info", "No input files given."))
0111     # Could use some speedup.
0112     try:
0113         import psyco
0114         psyco.full()
0115     except ImportError:
0116         pass
0118     # Convert non-string options to needed types.
0119     try:
0120         op.min_words_exact = int(op.min_words_exact)
0121     except:
0122         error(_("@info",
0123                 "Value to option %(opt)s must be an integer number, "
0124                 "given '%(val)s' instead.",
0125                 opt="--min-words-exact", val=op.min_words_exact))
0126     try:
0127         op.min_adjsim_fuzzy = float(op.min_adjsim_fuzzy)
0128     except:
0129         error(_("@info",
0130                 "Value to option %(opt)s must be a real number, "
0131                 "given '%(val)s' instead.",
0132                 opt="--min-adjsim-fuzzy", val=op.min_ajdsim_fuzzy))
0134     # Assemble list of files.
0135     fnames = collect_paths_cmdline(rawpaths=fargs,
0136                                    filesfrom=op.files_from,
0137                                    respathf=collect_catalogs,
0138                                    abort=True)
0140     # Self-merge all catalogs.
0141     for fname in fnames:
0142         if op.verbose:
0143             report(_("@info:progress", "Self-merging: %(file)s", file=fname))
0144         self_merge_pofile(fname, op.compendiums,
0145                           op.fuzzy_exact, op.min_words_exact,
0146                           op.min_adjsim_fuzzy, op.rebase_fuzzies,
0147                           cfgsec, op)
0150 def self_merge_pofile (catpath, compendiums=[],
0151                        fuzzex=False, minwnex=0, minasfz=0.0, refuzzy=False,
0152                        cfgsec=None, cmlopt=None):
0154     # Create temporary files for merging.
0155     ext = ".tmp-selfmerge"
0156     catpath_mod = catpath + ext
0157     if ".po" in catpath:
0158         potpath = catpath.replace(".po", ".pot") + ext
0159     else:
0160         potpath = catpath + ".pot" + ext
0161     shutil.copyfile(catpath, catpath_mod)
0162     shutil.copyfile(catpath, potpath)
0164     # Open catalog for pre-processing.
0165     cat = Catalog(potpath, monitored=False)
0167     # Decide wrapping policy.
0168     wrapping = select_field_wrapping(cfgsec, cat, cmlopt)
0170     # From the dummy template, clean all active messages and
0171     # remove all obsolete messages.
0172     for msg in cat:
0173         if msg.obsolete:
0174             cat.remove_on_sync(msg)
0175         else:
0176             msg.clear()
0177     cat.sync()
0179     # Merge with dummy template.
0180     merge_pofile(catpath_mod, potpath, update=True, wrapping=wrapping,
0181                  cmppaths=compendiums, fuzzex=fuzzex,
0182                  minwnex=minwnex, minasfz=minasfz, refuzzy=refuzzy,
0183                  abort=True)
0185     # Overwrite original with temporary catalog.
0186     shutil.move(catpath_mod, catpath)
0187     os.unlink(potpath)
0190 if __name__ == '__main__':
0191     exit_on_exception(main)