File indexing completed on 2024-05-12 05:46:41

0001 /**
0002  * Copyright (C) 2002-2003 by Koos Vriezen <>
0003  *
0004  *  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
0005  *  modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
0006  *  License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
0007  *
0008  *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
0009  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0011  *  Library General Public License for more details.
0012  *
0013  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
0014  *  along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
0015  *  the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Steet, Fifth Floor,
0016  *  Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
0017  **/
0019 #include <algorithm>
0020 #include <functional>
0021 #include <assert.h>
0023 #include "config-kmplayer.h"
0024 #include <qcheckbox.h>
0025 #include <qtextedit.h>
0026 #include <qpushbutton.h>
0027 #include <qradiobutton.h>
0028 #include <qtabwidget.h>
0029 #include <qslider.h>
0030 #include <qspinbox.h>
0031 #include <qlabel.h>
0032 #include <qfileinfo.h>
0033 #include <QButtonGroup>
0034 #include <QListWidget>
0036 #include <kurlrequester.h>
0037 #include <klineedit.h>
0038 #include <kstatusbar.h>
0040 #include <kconfig.h>
0041 #include <kconfiggroup.h>
0042 #include <kurl.h>
0043 #include <klocalizedstring.h>
0044 #include <kcombobox.h>
0045 #include <kmessagebox.h>
0046 #include <kglobalsettings.h>
0047 #include <kcolorscheme.h>
0049 #include "kmplayercommon_log.h"
0050 #include "kmplayerconfig.h"
0051 #include "kmplayerpartbase.h"
0052 #include "kmplayerprocess.h"
0053 #include "playlistview.h"
0054 #include "viewarea.h"
0055 #include "pref.h"
0057 using namespace KMPlayer;
0059 static OutputDriver _ads[] = {
0060     { "alsa,oss,sdl,arts", i18n ("Auto") },
0061     { "oss", i18n ("Open Sound System") },
0062     { "sdl", i18n ("Simple DirectMedia Layer") },
0063     { "alsa", i18n ("Advanced Linux Sound Architecture") },
0064     { "arts", i18n ("Analog Real-Time Synthesizer") },
0065     { "jack", i18n ("JACK Audio Connection Kit") },
0066     { "openal", i18n ("OpenAL") },
0067     { "esd", i18n ("Enlightened Sound Daemon") },
0068     { "alsa5", i18n ("Advanced Linux Sound Architecture v0.5") },
0069     { "alsa9", i18n ("Advanced Linux Sound Architecture v0.9") },
0070     { "", i18n ("Use back-end defaults") },
0071     { "pulse", i18n ("PulseAudio") },
0072     { nullptr, QString () }
0073 };
0075 static OutputDriver _vds [] = {
0076     { "xv,sdl,x11", i18n ("Auto") },
0077     { "x11", i18n ("X11Shm") },
0078     { "xvidix", i18n ("XVidix") },
0079     { "xvmc,xv", i18n ("XvMC") },
0080     { "sdl", i18n ("SDL") },
0081     { "gl", i18n ("OpenGL") },
0082     { "gl2", i18n ("OpenGL MT") },
0083     { "xv", i18n ("XVideo") },
0084     { "vdpau", i18n ("Video Decode and Presentation API for Unix") },
0085     { nullptr, QString () }
0086 };
0088 static const int ADRIVER_ARTS_INDEX = 4;
0091 Settings::Settings (PartBase * player, KSharedConfigPtr config)
0092   : pagelist (nullptr), configdialog (nullptr), m_config (config), m_player (player) {
0093     audiodrivers = _ads;
0094     videodrivers = _vds;
0095     colors [ColorSetting::playlist_background].title = i18n ("Playlist background");
0096     colors [ColorSetting::playlist_background].option = "PlaylistBackground";
0097     colors [ColorSetting::playlist_background].color =
0098         KColorScheme(QPalette::Active, KColorScheme::View).background().color();
0099     colors [ColorSetting::playlist_foreground].title = i18n ("Playlist foreground");
0100     colors [ColorSetting::playlist_foreground].option = "PlaylistForeground";
0101     colors [ColorSetting::playlist_foreground].color =
0102         KColorScheme(QPalette::Active, KColorScheme::View).foreground().color();
0103     colors [ColorSetting::console_background].title =i18n("Console background");
0104     colors [ColorSetting::playlist_active].title = i18n("Playlist active item");
0105     colors [ColorSetting::playlist_active].option = "PlaylistActive";
0106     colors [ColorSetting::playlist_active].color =
0107         KColorScheme(QPalette::Active, KColorScheme::Selection).foreground().color();
0108     colors [ColorSetting::console_background].option = "ConsoleBackground";
0109     colors [ColorSetting::console_background].color = QColor (0, 0, 0);
0110     colors [ColorSetting::console_foreground].title = i18n ("Console foreground");
0111     colors [ColorSetting::console_foreground].option = "ConsoleForeground";
0112     colors [ColorSetting::console_foreground].color = QColor (0xB2, 0xB2, 0xB2);
0113     colors [ColorSetting::video_background].title = i18n ("Video background");
0114     colors [ColorSetting::video_background].option = "VideoBackground";
0115     colors [ColorSetting::video_background].color = QColor (0, 0, 0);
0116     colors [ColorSetting::area_background].title = i18n ("Viewing area background");
0117     colors [ColorSetting::area_background].option = "ViewingAreaBackground";
0118     colors [ColorSetting::area_background].color = QColor (0, 0, 0);
0119     colors [ColorSetting::infowindow_background].title = i18n ("Info window background");
0120     colors [ColorSetting::infowindow_background].option ="InfoWindowBackground";
0121     colors [ColorSetting::infowindow_background].color =
0122         KColorScheme(QPalette::Active, KColorScheme::View).background().color();
0123     colors [ColorSetting::infowindow_foreground].title = i18n ("Info window foreground");
0124     colors [ColorSetting::infowindow_foreground].option ="InfoWindowForeground";
0125     colors [ColorSetting::infowindow_foreground].color =
0126         colors [ColorSetting::playlist_foreground].color;
0127     fonts [FontSetting::playlist].title = i18n ("Playlist");
0128     fonts [FontSetting::playlist].option = "PlaylistFont";
0129     fonts [FontSetting::playlist].font = KGlobalSettings::generalFont();
0130     fonts [FontSetting::playlist].font.setItalic (true);
0131     fonts [FontSetting::infowindow].title = i18n ("Info window");
0132     fonts [FontSetting::infowindow].option = "InfoWindowFont";
0133     fonts [FontSetting::infowindow].font = KGlobalSettings::generalFont();
0134 }
0136 Settings::~Settings () {
0137     // configdialog should be destroyed when the view is destroyed
0138     //delete configdialog;
0139 }
0141 KMPLAYERCOMMON_EXPORT const char * strMPlayerGroup = "MPlayer";
0142 const char * strGeneralGroup = "General Options";
0143 static const char * strKeepSizeRatio = "Keep Size Ratio";
0144 static const char * strRememberSize = "Remember Size";
0145 static const char * strAutoResize = "Auto Resize";
0146 static const char * strDockSysTray = "Dock in System Tray";
0147 static const char * strNoIntro = "No Intro";
0148 static const char * strVolume = "Volume";
0149 static const char * strContrast = "Contrast";
0150 static const char * strBrightness = "Brightness";
0151 static const char * strHue = "Hue";
0152 static const char * strSaturation = "Saturation";
0153 static const char * strURLList = "URL List";
0154 static const char * strSubURLList = "URL Sub Title List";
0155 static const char * strPrefBitRate = "Preferred Bitrate";
0156 static const char * strMaxBitRate = "Maximum Bitrate";
0157 //static const char * strUseArts = "Use aRts";
0158 static const char * strVoDriver = "Video Driver";
0159 static const char * strAoDriver = "Audio Driver";
0160 static const char * strLoop = "Loop";
0161 static const char * strFrameDrop = "Frame Drop";
0162 static const char * strAdjustVolume = "Auto Adjust Volume";
0163 static const char * strAdjustColors = "Auto Adjust Colors";
0164 static const char * strAddConfigButton = "Add Configure Button";
0165 static const char * strAddPlaylistButton = "Add Playlist Button";
0166 static const char * strAddRecordButton = "Add Record Button";
0167 static const char * strAddBroadcastButton = "Add Broadcast Button";
0168 //static const char * strAutoHideSlider = "Auto Hide Slider";
0169 static const char * strSeekTime = "Forward/Backward Seek Time";
0170 static const char * strDVDDevice = "DVD Device";
0171 //static const char * strShowDVD = "Show DVD Menu";
0172 //static const char * strShowVCD = "Show VCD Menu";
0173 static const char * strVCDDevice = "VCD Device";
0174 const char * strUrlBackend = "URL Backend";
0175 static const char * strClickToPlay = "Click to Play";
0176 static const char * strAllowHref = "Allow HREF";
0177 // postproc thingies
0178 static const char * strPPGroup = "Post processing options";
0179 static const char * strPostProcessing = "Post processing";
0180 static const char * strDisablePPauto = "Automatically disable post processing";
0181 static const char * strPP_Default = "Default preset";
0182 static const char * strPP_Fast = "Fast preset";
0183 static const char * strPP_Custom = "Custom preset";
0185 static const char * strCustom_Hz = "Horizontal deblocking";
0186 static const char * strCustom_Hz_Aq = "Horizontal deblocking auto quality";
0187 static const char * strCustom_Hz_Ch = "Horizontal deblocking chrominance";
0189 static const char * strCustom_Vt = "Vertical deblocking";
0190 static const char * strCustom_Vt_Aq = "Vertical deblocking auto quality";
0191 static const char * strCustom_Vt_Ch = "Vertical deblocking chrominance";
0193 static const char * strCustom_Dr = "Dering filter";
0194 static const char * strCustom_Dr_Aq = "Dering auto quality";
0195 static const char * strCustom_Dr_Ch = "Dering chrominance";
0197 static const char * strCustom_Al = "Autolevel";
0198 static const char * strCustom_Al_F = "Autolevel full range";
0200 static const char * strCustom_Tn = "Temporal Noise Reducer";
0201 static const char * strCustom_Tn_S = "Temporal Noise Reducer strength";
0203 static const char * strPP_Lin_Blend_Int = "Linear Blend Deinterlacer";
0204 static const char * strPP_Lin_Int = "Linear Interpolating Deinterlacer";
0205 static const char * strPP_Cub_Int = "Cubic Interpolating Deinterlacer";
0206 static const char * strPP_Med_Int = "Median Interpolating Deinterlacer";
0207 static const char * strPP_FFmpeg_Int = "FFmpeg Interpolating Deinterlacer";
0208 // end of postproc
0209 // recording
0210 static const char * strRecordingGroup = "Recording";
0211 static const char * strRecorder = "Recorder";
0212 static const char * strMencoderArgs = "Mencoder Arguments";
0213 static const char * strFFMpegArgs = "FFMpeg Arguments";
0214 static const char * strRecordingFile = "Last Recording Output File";
0215 static const char * strAutoPlayAfterRecording = "Auto Play After Recording";
0216 static const char * strAutoPlayAfterTime = "Auto Play After Recording Time";
0217 static const char * strRecordingCopy = "Recording Is Copy";
0219 void Settings::applyColorSetting (bool only_changed_ones) {
0220     View *view = static_cast <View *> (m_player->view ());
0221     if (!view) return;
0222     for (int i = 0; i < int (ColorSetting::last_target); i++)
0223         if (!only_changed_ones || colors[i].color != colors[i].newcolor) {
0224             colors[i].color = colors[i].newcolor;
0225             QPalette palette;
0226             switch (ColorSetting::Target (i)) {
0227                 case ColorSetting::playlist_background:
0228                    palette.setColor (view->playList()->viewport ()->backgroundRole(), colors[i].color);
0229                    view->playList()->viewport ()->setPalette (palette);
0230                    break;
0231                 case ColorSetting::playlist_foreground:
0232                    palette.setColor (view->playList()->foregroundRole(), colors[i].color);
0233                    view->playList()->setPalette (palette);
0234                    break;
0235                 case ColorSetting::playlist_active:
0236                    view->playList()->setActiveForegroundColor (colors[i].color);
0237                    break;
0238                 case ColorSetting::console_background:
0239                    palette.setColor (view->console()->backgroundRole(), colors[i].color);
0240                    view->console()->setPalette (palette);
0241                    break;
0242                 case ColorSetting::console_foreground:
0243                    palette.setColor (view->console()->foregroundRole(), colors[i].color);
0244                    view->console()->setPalette (palette);
0245                    break;
0246                 case ColorSetting::video_background:
0247                    //palette.setColor (view->viewer()->backgroundRole(), colors[i].color);
0248                    //view->viewer()->setPalette (palette);
0249                    break;
0250                 case ColorSetting::area_background:
0251                    palette.setColor (view->viewArea()->backgroundRole(), colors[i].color);
0252                    view->viewArea()->setPalette (palette);
0253                    break;
0254                 case ColorSetting::infowindow_background:
0255                    palette.setColor(view->infoPanel()->backgroundRole(), colors[i].color);
0256                    view->infoPanel()->setPalette (palette);
0257                    break;
0258                 case ColorSetting::infowindow_foreground:
0259                    palette.setColor(view->infoPanel()->foregroundRole(), colors[i].color);
0260                    view->infoPanel()->setPalette (palette);
0261                    break;
0262                 default:
0263                     ;
0264             }
0265         }
0266     for (int i = 0; i < int (FontSetting::last_target); i++)
0267         if (!only_changed_ones || fonts[i].font != fonts[i].newfont) {
0268             fonts[i].font = fonts[i].newfont;
0269             switch (FontSetting::Target (i)) {
0270                 case FontSetting::playlist:
0271                    view->playList ()->setFont (fonts[i].font);
0272                    break;
0273                 case FontSetting::infowindow:
0274                    view->infoPanel ()->setFont (fonts[i].font);
0275                    break;
0276                 default:
0277                     ;
0278             }
0279         }
0280 }
0282 View * Settings::defaultView () {
0283     return static_cast <View *> (m_player->view ());
0284 }
0286 void Settings::readConfig () {
0287     KConfigGroup general (m_config, strGeneralGroup);
0288     no_intro = general.readEntry (strNoIntro, false);
0289     urllist = general.readEntry (strURLList, QStringList());
0290     sub_urllist = general.readEntry (strSubURLList, QStringList());
0291     prefbitrate = general.readEntry (strPrefBitRate, 512);
0292     maxbitrate = general.readEntry (strMaxBitRate, 1024);
0293     volume = general.readEntry (strVolume, 20);
0294     contrast = general.readEntry (strContrast, 0);
0295     brightness = general.readEntry (strBrightness, 0);
0296     hue = general.readEntry (strHue, 0);
0297     saturation = general.readEntry (strSaturation, 0);
0298     const QMap <QString, Source*>::const_iterator e = m_player->sources ().constEnd ();
0299     QMap <QString, Source *>::const_iterator i = m_player->sources().constBegin ();
0300     for (; i != e; ++i)
0301         backends[i.value()->name ()] = general.readEntry (i.value()->name ());
0302     for (int i = 0; i < int (ColorSetting::last_target); i++)
0303         colors[i].newcolor = colors[i].color = general.readEntry (colors[i].option, colors[i].color);
0304     for (int i = 0; i < int (FontSetting::last_target); i++)
0305         fonts[i].newfont = fonts[i].font = general.readEntry (fonts[i].option, fonts[i].font);
0307     KConfigGroup mplayer (m_config, strMPlayerGroup);
0308     sizeratio = mplayer.readEntry (strKeepSizeRatio, true);
0309     remembersize = mplayer.readEntry (strRememberSize, true);
0310     autoresize = mplayer.readEntry (strAutoResize, true);
0311     docksystray = mplayer.readEntry (strDockSysTray, true);
0312     loop = mplayer.readEntry (strLoop, false);
0313     framedrop = mplayer.readEntry (strFrameDrop, true);
0314     autoadjustvolume = mplayer.readEntry (strAdjustVolume, true);
0315     autoadjustcolors = mplayer.readEntry (strAdjustColors, true);
0316     showcnfbutton = mplayer.readEntry (strAddConfigButton, true);
0317     showrecordbutton = mplayer.readEntry (strAddRecordButton, true);
0318     showbroadcastbutton = mplayer.readEntry (strAddBroadcastButton, true);
0319     showplaylistbutton = mplayer.readEntry (strAddPlaylistButton, true);
0320     seektime = mplayer.readEntry (strSeekTime, 10);
0321     dvddevice = mplayer.readEntry (strDVDDevice, "/dev/dvd");
0322     vcddevice = mplayer.readEntry (strVCDDevice, "/dev/cdrom");
0323     videodriver = mplayer.readEntry (strVoDriver, 0);
0324     audiodriver = mplayer.readEntry (strAoDriver, 0);
0325     clicktoplay = mplayer.readEntry (strClickToPlay, false);
0326     grabhref = mplayer.readEntry (strAllowHref, false);
0328     // recording
0329     KConfigGroup rec_cfg (m_config, strRecordingGroup);
0330     mencoderarguments = rec_cfg.readEntry (strMencoderArgs, QString ("-oac mp3lame -ovc lavc"));
0331     ffmpegarguments = rec_cfg.readEntry (strFFMpegArgs, QString ("-f avi -acodec mp3 -vcodec mpeg4"));
0332     recordfile = rec_cfg.readPathEntry(strRecordingFile, QDir::homePath () + "/record.avi");
0333     recorder = Recorder (rec_cfg.readEntry (strRecorder, int (MEncoder)));
0334     replayoption = ReplayOption (rec_cfg.readEntry (strAutoPlayAfterRecording, int (ReplayFinished)));
0335     replaytime = rec_cfg.readEntry (strAutoPlayAfterTime, 60);
0336     recordcopy = rec_cfg.readEntry(strRecordingCopy, true);
0338     // postproc
0339     KConfigGroup pp_cfg (m_config, strPPGroup);
0340     postprocessing = pp_cfg.readEntry (strPostProcessing, false);
0341     disableppauto = pp_cfg.readEntry (strDisablePPauto, true);
0343     pp_default = pp_cfg.readEntry (strPP_Default, true);
0344     pp_fast = pp_cfg.readEntry (strPP_Fast, false);
0345     pp_custom = pp_cfg.readEntry (strPP_Custom, false);
0346     // default these to default preset
0347     pp_custom_hz = pp_cfg.readEntry (strCustom_Hz, true);
0348     pp_custom_hz_aq = pp_cfg.readEntry (strCustom_Hz_Aq, true);
0349     pp_custom_hz_ch = pp_cfg.readEntry (strCustom_Hz_Ch, false);
0351     pp_custom_vt = pp_cfg.readEntry (strCustom_Vt, true);
0352     pp_custom_vt_aq = pp_cfg.readEntry (strCustom_Vt_Aq, true);
0353     pp_custom_vt_ch = pp_cfg.readEntry (strCustom_Vt_Ch, false);
0355     pp_custom_dr = pp_cfg.readEntry (strCustom_Dr, true);
0356     pp_custom_dr_aq = pp_cfg.readEntry (strCustom_Dr_Aq, true);
0357     pp_custom_dr_ch = pp_cfg.readEntry (strCustom_Dr_Ch, false);
0359     pp_custom_al = pp_cfg.readEntry (strCustom_Al, true);
0360     pp_custom_al_f = pp_cfg.readEntry (strCustom_Al_F, false);
0362     pp_custom_tn = pp_cfg.readEntry (strCustom_Tn, true);
0363     pp_custom_tn_s = pp_cfg.readEntry (strCustom_Tn_S, 0);
0365     pp_lin_blend_int = pp_cfg.readEntry (strPP_Lin_Blend_Int, false);
0366     pp_lin_int = pp_cfg.readEntry (strPP_Lin_Int, false);
0367     pp_cub_int = pp_cfg.readEntry (strPP_Cub_Int, false);
0368     pp_med_int = pp_cfg.readEntry (strPP_Med_Int, false);
0369     pp_ffmpeg_int = pp_cfg.readEntry (strPP_FFmpeg_Int, false);
0371     for (PreferencesPage * p = pagelist; p; p = p->next)
0372         p->read (m_config);
0373     emit configChanged ();
0374 }
0376 bool Settings::createDialog () {
0377     if (configdialog) return false;
0378     configdialog = new Preferences (m_player, this);
0379     const MediaManager::ProcessInfoMap::const_iterator e = m_player->mediaManager()->processInfos ().constEnd ();
0380     for (MediaManager::ProcessInfoMap::const_iterator i = m_player->mediaManager()->processInfos ().constBegin(); i != e; ++i) {
0381         ProcessInfo *p = i.value ();
0382         if (p->supports ("urlsource")) {
0383             QString lbl = p->label.remove (QChar ('&'));
0384             configdialog->m_SourcePageURL->backend->addItem(lbl);
0385         }
0386     }
0387     assert(configdialog->m_SourcePageURL->backend->count() > 0);
0388     connect (configdialog, SIGNAL (accepted ()),
0389             this, SLOT (okPressed ()));
0390     connect (configdialog->button(QDialogButtonBox::Apply), SIGNAL(clicked ()),
0391             this, SLOT (okPressed ()));
0392     /*if (KApplication::kApplication())
0393         connect (configdialog, SIGNAL (helpClicked ()),
0394                 this, SLOT (getHelp ()));*/
0395     return true;
0396 }
0398 void Settings::addPage (PreferencesPage * page) {
0399     for (PreferencesPage * p = pagelist; p; p = p->next)
0400         if (p == page)
0401             return;
0402     page->read (m_config);
0403     if (configdialog) {
0404         configdialog->addPrefPage (page);
0405         page->sync (false);
0406     }
0407     page->next = pagelist;
0408     pagelist = page;
0409 }
0411 void Settings::removePage (PreferencesPage * page) {
0412     if (configdialog)
0413         configdialog->removePrefPage (page);
0414     PreferencesPage * prev = nullptr;
0415     for (PreferencesPage * p = pagelist; p; prev = p, p = p->next)
0416         if (p == page) {
0417             if (prev)
0418                 prev->next = p->next;
0419             else
0420                 pagelist = p->next;
0421             break;
0422         }
0423 }
0425 static void selectItem(QButtonGroup* group, int id) {
0426     const QList<QAbstractButton *> buttons = group->buttons();
0427     for (int i = 0; i < buttons.size(); ++i)
0428         buttons[i]->setChecked(group->id(buttons[i]) == id);
0429 }
0431 void Settings::show (const char * pagename) {
0432     bool created = createDialog ();
0433     configdialog->m_GeneralPageGeneral->keepSizeRatio->setChecked (sizeratio);
0434     configdialog->m_GeneralPageGeneral->autoResize->setChecked (autoresize);
0435     configdialog->m_GeneralPageGeneral->sizesChoice->button(0)->setChecked(!remembersize);
0436     configdialog->m_GeneralPageGeneral->sizesChoice->button(1)->setChecked(remembersize);
0437     configdialog->m_GeneralPageGeneral->dockSysTray->setChecked (docksystray);
0438     configdialog->m_GeneralPageGeneral->loop->setChecked (loop);
0439     configdialog->m_GeneralPageGeneral->framedrop->setChecked (framedrop);
0440     configdialog->m_GeneralPageGeneral->adjustvolume->setChecked (autoadjustvolume);
0441     configdialog->m_GeneralPageGeneral->adjustcolors->setChecked (autoadjustcolors);
0442     //configdialog->m_GeneralPageGeneral->autoHideSlider->setChecked (autohideslider);
0443     configdialog->m_GeneralPageGeneral->showConfigButton->setChecked (showcnfbutton);
0444     configdialog->m_GeneralPageGeneral->showPlaylistButton->setChecked (showplaylistbutton);
0445     configdialog->m_GeneralPageGeneral->showRecordButton->setChecked (showrecordbutton);
0446     configdialog->m_GeneralPageGeneral->showBroadcastButton->setChecked (showbroadcastbutton);
0447     configdialog->m_GeneralPageGeneral->seekTime->setValue(seektime);
0448     for (int i = 0; i < int (ColorSetting::last_target); i++)
0449         colors[i].newcolor = colors[i].color;
0450     for (int i = 0; i < int (FontSetting::last_target); i++)
0451         fonts[i].newfont = fonts[i].font;
0453     QString current = m_player->source()->url().toDisplayString();
0454     if (!current.isEmpty() && !urllist.contains(current))
0455         urllist.push_front(current);
0456     configdialog->m_SourcePageURL->urllist->clear ();
0457     configdialog->m_SourcePageURL->urllist->insertItems (0, urllist);
0458     if (!current.isEmpty())
0459         configdialog->m_SourcePageURL->urllist->setCurrentText(current);
0460     else
0461         configdialog->m_SourcePageURL->urllist->setCurrentIndex(-1);
0462     current = m_player->source()->subUrl().toDisplayString();
0463     if (!current.isEmpty() && !sub_urllist.contains(current))
0464         sub_urllist.push_front(current);
0465     configdialog->m_SourcePageURL->sub_urllist->clear ();
0466     configdialog->m_SourcePageURL->sub_urllist->insertItems (0, sub_urllist);
0467     if (!current.isEmpty())
0468         configdialog->m_SourcePageURL->sub_urllist->setCurrentText(current);
0469     else
0470         configdialog->m_SourcePageURL->sub_urllist->setCurrentIndex(-1);
0471     configdialog->m_SourcePageURL->changed = false;
0473     configdialog->m_SourcePageURL->prefBitRate->setText (QString::number (prefbitrate));
0474     configdialog->m_SourcePageURL->maxBitRate->setText (QString::number (maxbitrate));
0476     configdialog->m_GeneralPageOutput->videoDriver->setCurrentRow(videodriver);
0477     configdialog->m_GeneralPageOutput->audioDriver->setCurrentRow(audiodriver);
0478     configdialog->m_SourcePageURL->backend->setCurrentItem(configdialog->m_SourcePageURL->backend->findItems(backends["urlsource"], Qt::MatchFixedString).first());
0479     int id = 0;
0480     const MediaManager::ProcessInfoMap::const_iterator e = m_player->mediaManager()->processInfos ().constEnd ();
0481     for (MediaManager::ProcessInfoMap::const_iterator i = m_player->mediaManager()->processInfos ().constBegin(); i != e; ++i) {
0482         ProcessInfo *p = i.value ();
0483         if (p->supports ("urlsource")) {
0484             if (backends["urlsource"] == QString (p->name))
0485                 configdialog->m_SourcePageURL->backend->setCurrentRow(id);
0486             id++;
0487         }
0488     }
0489     configdialog->m_SourcePageURL->clicktoplay->setChecked (clicktoplay);
0490     configdialog->m_SourcePageURL->grabhref->setChecked (grabhref);
0492     // postproc
0493     configdialog->m_OPPagePostproc->postProcessing->setChecked (postprocessing);
0494     configdialog->m_OPPagePostproc->disablePPauto->setChecked (disableppauto);
0495     configdialog->m_OPPagePostproc->PostprocessingOptions->setEnabled (postprocessing);
0497     configdialog->m_OPPagePostproc->defaultPreset->setChecked (pp_default);
0498     configdialog->m_OPPagePostproc->fastPreset->setChecked (pp_fast);
0499     configdialog->m_OPPagePostproc->customPreset->setChecked (pp_custom);
0501     configdialog->m_OPPagePostproc->HzDeblockFilter->setChecked (pp_custom_hz);
0502     configdialog->m_OPPagePostproc->HzDeblockAQuality->setChecked (pp_custom_hz_aq);
0503     configdialog->m_OPPagePostproc->HzDeblockCFiltering->setChecked (pp_custom_hz_ch);
0505     configdialog->m_OPPagePostproc->VtDeblockFilter->setChecked (pp_custom_vt);
0506     configdialog->m_OPPagePostproc->VtDeblockAQuality->setChecked (pp_custom_vt_aq);
0507     configdialog->m_OPPagePostproc->VtDeblockCFiltering->setChecked (pp_custom_vt_ch);
0509     configdialog->m_OPPagePostproc->DeringFilter->setChecked (pp_custom_dr);
0510     configdialog->m_OPPagePostproc->DeringAQuality->setChecked (pp_custom_dr_aq);
0511     configdialog->m_OPPagePostproc->DeringCFiltering->setChecked (pp_custom_dr_ch);
0513     configdialog->m_OPPagePostproc->AutolevelsFilter->setChecked (pp_custom_al);
0514     configdialog->m_OPPagePostproc->AutolevelsFullrange->setChecked (pp_custom_al_f);
0515     configdialog->m_OPPagePostproc->TmpNoiseFilter->setChecked (pp_custom_tn);
0516     //configdialog->m_OPPagePostproc->TmpNoiseSlider->setValue (pp_custom_tn_s);
0518     configdialog->m_OPPagePostproc->LinBlendDeinterlacer->setChecked (pp_lin_blend_int);
0519     configdialog->m_OPPagePostproc->LinIntDeinterlacer->setChecked (pp_lin_int);
0520     configdialog->m_OPPagePostproc->CubicIntDeinterlacer->setChecked (pp_cub_int);
0521     configdialog->m_OPPagePostproc->MedianDeinterlacer->setChecked (pp_med_int);
0522     configdialog->m_OPPagePostproc->FfmpegDeinterlacer->setChecked (pp_ffmpeg_int);
0523     // recording
0524     configdialog->m_RecordPage->url->lineEdit()->setText (recordfile);
0525     selectItem(configdialog->m_RecordPage->replay, int (replayoption));
0526     selectItem(configdialog->m_RecordPage->recorder, int (recorder));
0527     configdialog->m_RecordPage->replayClicked (int (replayoption));
0528     configdialog->m_RecordPage->recorderClicked (int (recorder));
0529     configdialog->m_RecordPage->replaytime->setValue (replaytime);
0530     configdialog->m_MEncoderPage->arguments->setText (mencoderarguments);
0531     selectItem(configdialog->m_MEncoderPage->format, recordcopy ? 0 : 1);
0532     configdialog->m_MEncoderPage->formatClicked (recordcopy ? 0 : 1);
0533     configdialog->m_FFMpegPage->arguments->setText (ffmpegarguments);
0535     //dynamic stuff
0536     for (PreferencesPage * p = pagelist; p; p = p->next)
0537         p->sync (false);
0538     //\dynamic stuff
0539     if (pagename)
0540         configDialog ()->setPage (pagename);
0541     if (created)
0542         configdialog->resize (configdialog->minimumSize ());
0543     configdialog->show ();
0544 }
0546 void Settings::writeConfig () {
0547     KConfigGroup gen_cfg (m_config, strGeneralGroup);
0548     gen_cfg.writeEntry (strURLList, urllist);
0549     gen_cfg.writeEntry (strSubURLList, sub_urllist);
0550     gen_cfg.writeEntry (strPrefBitRate, prefbitrate);
0551     gen_cfg.writeEntry (strMaxBitRate, maxbitrate);
0552     gen_cfg.writeEntry (strVolume, volume);
0553     gen_cfg.writeEntry (strContrast, contrast);
0554     gen_cfg.writeEntry (strBrightness, brightness);
0555     gen_cfg.writeEntry (strHue, hue);
0556     gen_cfg.writeEntry (strSaturation, saturation);
0557     const QMap<QString,QString>::ConstIterator b_end = backends.constEnd ();
0558     for (QMap<QString,QString>::ConstIterator i = backends.constBegin(); i != b_end; ++i)
0559         gen_cfg.writeEntry (i.key (), i.value ());
0560     for (int i = 0; i < int (ColorSetting::last_target); i++)
0561         gen_cfg.writeEntry (colors[i].option, colors[i].color);
0562     for (int i = 0; i < int (FontSetting::last_target); i++)
0563         gen_cfg.writeEntry (fonts[i].option, fonts[i].font);
0565     KConfigGroup mplayer_cfg (m_config, strMPlayerGroup);
0566     mplayer_cfg.writeEntry (strKeepSizeRatio, sizeratio);
0567     mplayer_cfg.writeEntry (strAutoResize, autoresize);
0568     mplayer_cfg.writeEntry (strRememberSize, remembersize);
0569     mplayer_cfg.writeEntry (strDockSysTray, docksystray);
0570     mplayer_cfg.writeEntry (strLoop, loop);
0571     mplayer_cfg.writeEntry (strFrameDrop, framedrop);
0572     mplayer_cfg.writeEntry (strAdjustVolume, autoadjustvolume);
0573     mplayer_cfg.writeEntry (strAdjustColors, autoadjustcolors);
0574     mplayer_cfg.writeEntry (strSeekTime, seektime);
0575     mplayer_cfg.writeEntry (strVoDriver, videodriver);
0576     mplayer_cfg.writeEntry (strAoDriver, audiodriver);
0577     mplayer_cfg.writeEntry (strClickToPlay, clicktoplay);
0578     mplayer_cfg.writeEntry (strAllowHref, grabhref);
0579     mplayer_cfg.writeEntry (strAddConfigButton, showcnfbutton);
0580     mplayer_cfg.writeEntry (strAddPlaylistButton, showplaylistbutton);
0581     mplayer_cfg.writeEntry (strAddRecordButton, showrecordbutton);
0582     mplayer_cfg.writeEntry (strAddBroadcastButton, showbroadcastbutton);
0583     mplayer_cfg.writeEntry (strDVDDevice, dvddevice);
0584     mplayer_cfg.writeEntry (strVCDDevice, vcddevice);
0586     //postprocessing stuff
0587     KConfigGroup pp_cfg (m_config, strPPGroup);
0588     pp_cfg.writeEntry (strPostProcessing, postprocessing);
0589     pp_cfg.writeEntry (strDisablePPauto, disableppauto);
0590     pp_cfg.writeEntry (strPP_Default, pp_default);
0591     pp_cfg.writeEntry (strPP_Fast, pp_fast);
0592     pp_cfg.writeEntry (strPP_Custom, pp_custom);
0594     pp_cfg.writeEntry (strCustom_Hz, pp_custom_hz);
0595     pp_cfg.writeEntry (strCustom_Hz_Aq, pp_custom_hz_aq);
0596     pp_cfg.writeEntry (strCustom_Hz_Ch, pp_custom_hz_ch);
0598     pp_cfg.writeEntry (strCustom_Vt, pp_custom_vt);
0599     pp_cfg.writeEntry (strCustom_Vt_Aq, pp_custom_vt_aq);
0600     pp_cfg.writeEntry (strCustom_Vt_Ch, pp_custom_vt_ch);
0602     pp_cfg.writeEntry (strCustom_Dr, pp_custom_dr);
0603     pp_cfg.writeEntry (strCustom_Dr_Aq, pp_custom_vt_aq);
0604     pp_cfg.writeEntry (strCustom_Dr_Ch, pp_custom_vt_ch);
0606     pp_cfg.writeEntry (strCustom_Al, pp_custom_al);
0607     pp_cfg.writeEntry (strCustom_Al_F, pp_custom_al_f);
0609     pp_cfg.writeEntry (strCustom_Tn, pp_custom_tn);
0610     pp_cfg.writeEntry (strCustom_Tn_S, pp_custom_tn_s);
0612     pp_cfg.writeEntry (strPP_Lin_Blend_Int, pp_lin_blend_int);
0613     pp_cfg.writeEntry (strPP_Lin_Int, pp_lin_int);
0614     pp_cfg.writeEntry (strPP_Cub_Int, pp_cub_int);
0615     pp_cfg.writeEntry (strPP_Med_Int, pp_med_int);
0616     pp_cfg.writeEntry (strPP_FFmpeg_Int, pp_ffmpeg_int);
0618     // recording
0619     KConfigGroup rec_cfg (m_config, strRecordingGroup);
0620     rec_cfg.writePathEntry (strRecordingFile, recordfile);
0621     rec_cfg.writeEntry (strAutoPlayAfterRecording, int (replayoption));
0622     rec_cfg.writeEntry (strAutoPlayAfterTime, replaytime);
0623     rec_cfg.writeEntry (strRecorder, int (recorder));
0624     rec_cfg.writeEntry (strRecordingCopy, recordcopy);
0625     rec_cfg.writeEntry (strMencoderArgs, mencoderarguments);
0626     rec_cfg.writeEntry (strFFMpegArgs, ffmpegarguments);
0628     //dynamic stuff
0629     for (PreferencesPage * p = pagelist; p; p = p->next)
0630         p->write (m_config);
0631     //\dynamic stuff
0632     m_config->sync ();
0633 }
0635 void Settings::okPressed () {
0636     bool urlchanged = configdialog->m_SourcePageURL->changed;
0637     bool playerchanged = false;
0638     KUrl url = configdialog->m_SourcePageURL->url->url ();
0639     KUrl sub_url = configdialog->m_SourcePageURL->sub_url->url ();
0640     if (urlchanged) {
0641         if (url.isEmpty ()) {
0642             urlchanged = false;
0643         } else {
0644             if (KUrl (url.url ()).isLocalFile () || KUrl::isRelativeUrl (url.url ())) {
0645                 QFileInfo fi (url.path ());
0646                 int hpos = url.url ().lastIndexOf ('#');
0647                 QString xine_directives ("");
0648                 while (!fi.exists () && hpos > -1) {
0649                     xine_directives = url.url ().mid (hpos);
0650                     fi.setFile (url.url ().left (hpos));
0651                     hpos = url.url ().lastIndexOf ('#', hpos-1);
0652                 }
0653                 if (!fi.exists ()) {
0654                     urlchanged = false;
0655                     KMessageBox::error (m_player->view (), i18n ("File %1 does not exist.",url.url ()), i18n ("Error"));
0656                 } else {
0657                     configdialog->m_SourcePageURL->url->setUrl (QString(fi.absoluteFilePath () + xine_directives));
0658                 }
0659             }
0660             if (urlchanged &&
0661                     !sub_url.url ().isEmpty () &&
0662                     (KUrl (sub_url.url ()).isLocalFile () ||
0663                      KUrl::isRelativeUrl (sub_url.url ()))) {
0664                 QFileInfo sfi (sub_url.path ());
0665                 if (!sfi.exists ()) {
0666                     KMessageBox::error (m_player->view (), i18n ("Sub title file %1 does not exist.",sub_url.url ()), i18n ("Error"));
0667                     configdialog->m_SourcePageURL->sub_url->setUrl (QString ());
0668                 } else
0669                     configdialog->m_SourcePageURL->sub_url->setUrl (sfi.absoluteFilePath ());
0670             }
0671         }
0672     }
0673     if (urlchanged) {
0674         KUrl uri (url.url ());
0675         m_player->setUrl (uri.url ());
0676         if (urllist.indexOf (uri.toDisplayString()) < 0)
0677             configdialog->m_SourcePageURL->urllist->insertItem (0, uri.toDisplayString());
0678         KUrl sub_uri (sub_url.url ());
0679         if (sub_urllist.indexOf (sub_uri.toDisplayString()) < 0)
0680             configdialog->m_SourcePageURL->sub_urllist->insertItem (0, sub_uri.toDisplayString());
0681     }
0682     urllist.clear ();
0683     for (int i = 0; i < configdialog->m_SourcePageURL->urllist->count () && i < 20; ++i)
0684         // damnit why don't maxCount and setDuplicatesEnabled(false) work :(
0685         // and why can I put a qstringlist in it, but cannot get it out of it again..
0686         if (!configdialog->m_SourcePageURL->urllist->itemText (i).isEmpty ())
0687             urllist.push_back (configdialog->m_SourcePageURL->urllist->itemText (i));
0688     sub_urllist.clear ();
0689     for (int i = 0; i < configdialog->m_SourcePageURL->sub_urllist->count () && i < 20; ++i)
0690         if (!configdialog->m_SourcePageURL->sub_urllist->itemText (i).isEmpty ())
0691             sub_urllist.push_back (configdialog->m_SourcePageURL->sub_urllist->itemText (i));
0692     prefbitrate = configdialog->m_SourcePageURL->prefBitRate->text ().toInt ();
0693     maxbitrate = configdialog->m_SourcePageURL->maxBitRate->text ().toInt ();
0694     sizeratio = configdialog->m_GeneralPageGeneral->keepSizeRatio->isChecked ();
0695     autoresize = configdialog->m_GeneralPageGeneral->autoResize->isChecked ();
0696     remembersize= configdialog->m_GeneralPageGeneral->sizesChoice->checkedId();
0697     docksystray = configdialog->m_GeneralPageGeneral->dockSysTray->isChecked ();
0698     loop = configdialog->m_GeneralPageGeneral->loop->isChecked ();
0699     framedrop = configdialog->m_GeneralPageGeneral->framedrop->isChecked ();
0700     autoadjustvolume = configdialog->m_GeneralPageGeneral->adjustvolume->isChecked ();
0701     autoadjustcolors = configdialog->m_GeneralPageGeneral->adjustcolors->isChecked ();
0702     showcnfbutton = configdialog->m_GeneralPageGeneral->showConfigButton->isChecked ();
0703     showplaylistbutton = configdialog->m_GeneralPageGeneral->showPlaylistButton->isChecked ();
0704     showrecordbutton = configdialog->m_GeneralPageGeneral->showRecordButton->isChecked ();
0705     showbroadcastbutton = configdialog->m_GeneralPageGeneral->showBroadcastButton->isChecked ();
0706     seektime = configdialog->m_GeneralPageGeneral->seekTime->value();
0708     videodriver = configdialog->m_GeneralPageOutput->videoDriver->currentRow();
0709     audiodriver = configdialog->m_GeneralPageOutput->audioDriver->currentRow();
0710     QString backend_name = configdialog->m_SourcePageURL->backend->currentItem()->text();
0711     if (!backend_name.isEmpty ()) {
0712         const MediaManager::ProcessInfoMap::const_iterator e = m_player->mediaManager()->processInfos ().constEnd ();
0713         for (MediaManager::ProcessInfoMap::const_iterator i = m_player->mediaManager()->processInfos ().constBegin(); i != e; ++i) {
0714             ProcessInfo *p = i.value ();
0715             if (p->supports ("urlsource") &&
0716                     p->label.remove (QChar ('&')) == backend_name) {
0717                 backends["urlsource"] = p->name;
0718                 break;
0719             }
0720         }
0721     }
0722     clicktoplay = configdialog->m_SourcePageURL->clicktoplay->isChecked ();
0723     grabhref = configdialog->m_SourcePageURL->grabhref->isChecked ();
0724     //postproc
0725     postprocessing = configdialog->m_OPPagePostproc->postProcessing->isChecked();
0726     disableppauto = configdialog->m_OPPagePostproc->disablePPauto->isChecked();
0727     pp_default = configdialog->m_OPPagePostproc->defaultPreset->isChecked();
0728     pp_fast = configdialog->m_OPPagePostproc->fastPreset->isChecked();
0729     pp_custom = configdialog->m_OPPagePostproc->customPreset->isChecked();
0731     pp_custom_hz = configdialog->m_OPPagePostproc->HzDeblockFilter->isChecked();
0732     pp_custom_hz_aq = configdialog->m_OPPagePostproc->HzDeblockAQuality->isChecked();
0733     pp_custom_hz_ch = configdialog->m_OPPagePostproc->HzDeblockCFiltering->isChecked();
0735     pp_custom_vt = configdialog->m_OPPagePostproc->VtDeblockFilter->isChecked();
0736     pp_custom_vt_aq = configdialog->m_OPPagePostproc->VtDeblockAQuality->isChecked();
0737     pp_custom_vt_ch = configdialog->m_OPPagePostproc->VtDeblockCFiltering->isChecked();
0739     pp_custom_dr = configdialog->m_OPPagePostproc->DeringFilter->isChecked();
0740     pp_custom_dr_aq = configdialog->m_OPPagePostproc->DeringAQuality->isChecked();
0741     pp_custom_dr_ch = configdialog->m_OPPagePostproc->DeringCFiltering->isChecked();
0743     pp_custom_al = configdialog->m_OPPagePostproc->AutolevelsFilter->isChecked();
0744     pp_custom_al_f = configdialog->m_OPPagePostproc->AutolevelsFullrange->isChecked();
0746     pp_custom_tn = configdialog->m_OPPagePostproc->TmpNoiseFilter->isChecked();
0747     pp_custom_tn_s = 0; // gotta fix this later
0748     //pp_custom_tn_s = configdialog->m_OPPagePostproc->TmpNoiseSlider->value();
0750     pp_lin_blend_int = configdialog->m_OPPagePostproc->LinBlendDeinterlacer->isChecked();
0751     pp_lin_int = configdialog->m_OPPagePostproc->LinIntDeinterlacer->isChecked();
0752     pp_cub_int = configdialog->m_OPPagePostproc->CubicIntDeinterlacer->isChecked();
0753     pp_med_int = configdialog->m_OPPagePostproc->MedianDeinterlacer->isChecked();
0754     pp_ffmpeg_int = configdialog->m_OPPagePostproc->FfmpegDeinterlacer->isChecked();
0755     // recording
0756     recorder = Recorder (configdialog->m_RecordPage->recorder->checkedId());
0757     replaytime = configdialog->m_RecordPage->replaytime->value ();
0758     recordfile = configdialog->m_RecordPage->url->lineEdit()->text ();
0759     mencoderarguments = configdialog->m_MEncoderPage->arguments->text ();
0760     ffmpegarguments = configdialog->m_FFMpegPage->arguments->text ();
0761     recordcopy = !configdialog->m_MEncoderPage->format->checkedId();
0763     //dynamic stuff
0764     for (PreferencesPage * p = pagelist; p; p = p->next)
0765         p->sync (true);
0766     //\dynamic stuff
0768     writeConfig ();
0769     emit configChanged ();
0771     if (urlchanged || playerchanged) {
0772         m_player->sources () ["urlsource"]->setSubURL
0773             (KUrl(configdialog->m_SourcePageURL->sub_url->url()));
0774         m_player->openUrl (KUrl (configdialog->m_SourcePageURL->url->url ()));
0775         m_player->source ()->setSubURL (KUrl (configdialog->m_SourcePageURL->sub_url->url ()));
0776     }
0777 }
0779 void Settings::getHelp () {
0780    // KApplication::kApplication()->invokeBrowser ("man:/mplayer");
0781 }