File indexing completed on 2025-02-02 09:10:33

0001 /***************************************************************************
0002  *   Copyright (C) 2003-2005 by David Saxton                               *
0003  *                                                    *
0004  *                                                                         *
0005  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
0006  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
0007  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
0008  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
0009  ***************************************************************************/
0011 #ifndef LIBRARYITEM_H
0012 #define LIBRARYITEM_H
0014 #include "item.h"
0016 #include <QIcon>
0018 class QStringList;
0020 /**
0021 This holds details of an item - id, name, category it is displayed in in its
0022 respective item selector, icon, function pointers to creating the item, etc.
0023 Normally each item will only pass one id, but some items have had their IDs
0024 changed during the history of ktl, so passing a stringlist will take the first
0025 ID as the "active" id, and the rest as IDs that will also be recognized, but
0026 never displayed to the user.
0027 @short Details of an Item
0028 @author David Saxton
0029 */
0030 class LibraryItem
0031 {
0032 public:
0033     ~LibraryItem();
0035     enum Type { lit_flowpart, lit_component, lit_mechanical, lit_drawpart, lit_subcircuit, lit_other };
0036     LibraryItem(QStringList idList, const QString &name, const QString &category, QIcon icon, Type type, createItemPtr createItem);
0037     LibraryItem(QStringList idList, const QString &name, const QString &category, const QString &iconName, Type type, createItemPtr createItem);
0038     LibraryItem(QStringList idList, const QString &name, const QString &category, Type type, createItemPtr createItem);
0040     QString activeID() const;
0041     QStringList allIDs() const
0042     {
0043         return m_idList;
0044     }
0045     QString name() const
0046     {
0047         return m_name;
0048     }
0049     QString category() const
0050     {
0051         return m_category;
0052     }
0053     QIcon icon() const
0054     {
0055         return m_icon;
0056     }
0057     createItemPtr createItemFnPtr() const
0058     {
0059         return createItem;
0060     }
0061     int type() const
0062     {
0063         return m_type;
0064     }
0066 private:
0067     QStringList m_idList;
0068     QString m_name;
0069     QString m_category;
0070     QIcon m_icon;
0071     createItemPtr createItem;
0072     int m_type;
0073 };
0074 typedef QList<LibraryItem *> LibraryItemList;
0076 #endif